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How to make a Taurus man fall in love with you? Ladies advice. A Taurus man in love: how he behaves and what he dreams of

This man is charming and balanced. His emotionality captivates girls, and they are comfortable with him, because he is really easy to communicate with. His amazing insight helps to guess the desires of the fair sex. And is there at least one who would not like it? The Taurus man is able to win the heart of even the Snow Queen, but! he is very selective, and he is in no hurry to open his heart. Surrounded by girls in love, Taurus feels for them, it seems, only friendly sympathy.

How to fall in love with a Taurus man and become his wife?

It must be done skillfully. He is perceptive, and can determine from the first meeting what a girl is. Like all men, Taurus, of course, pays attention to appearance. The girl should be bright, well-groomed, modern, but not vulgar. Taurus has good taste and appreciates pure natural beauty and charm. However, with such beauty, you cannot be sure that he will fall into your trap. The highest value for him is the spiritual essence of the girl and her intellect. And until he is convinced that you correspond to his ideas about the ideal, you will not be able to fall in love with an unmarried Taurus man, he will not make a choice. Of course, the cautious Taurus also has its weaknesses - gentle, sociable, friendly girls with a good sense of humor. And if you possess these qualities, then you will surely attract the attention of a Taurus man.

But you will immediately face an equally difficult question: how not only to fall in love with him, but also how to marry a Taurus man? Hint: he likes obstinate, proud and self-confident women. Also, he can't stand being ignored. He will do everything to make you understand that the other guys who are next to you are not his rivals at all. Taurus is not used to retreat, and he will begin to seek you with all his might.

How to urgently fall in love with a handsome Taurus man and marry him to yourself

For him to want to give you his heart, you must be:

  1. Reliable life partner
  2. good hostess
  3. Temperamentally suitable mistress

In bed, the Taurus man is demanding, inventive and prefers variety. With age, his temperament only increases, becoming more sophisticated and fiery. You need to be prepared for the fact that at any moment he will demand love in any way, and you will have to give in if you do not want a grandiose scandal.

If you strive to truly fall in love and bind a Taurus man, be calm and balanced. If you are a hot-tempered and exalted girl, if you are a volcano of emotions and passions, he is unlikely to agree to stay with you for a long time, no matter how attracted he is. So, learn to control yourself. The unpredictability of the girl excites him, but he is lost, does not know how to behave and, in the end, begins to get angry. Being his girlfriend, don't give him a reason to be jealous. Taurus is the owner and jealous of a terrible, do not provoke him, the consequences can be sad.

If you can, show him that you are able to obey, to be quiet and submissive. Taurus will not tolerate the power of a woman in the family, not that type. He firmly believes that the head of a marriage should be exclusively a man, no matter how ridiculous it may sound. Do not interfere in his affairs, do not criticize, do not challenge his decisions. To the credit of Taurus, he knows how to make the right decisions, and rarely makes mistakes.

You entered into a relationship with a Taurus man, you feel strong sympathy for him, but it’s too early to talk about love. For many women, the question begins to arise in their heads: “How to fall in love with a Taurus man?”. You can find the answer to it in this article.

Taurus men really like women and this is not at all surprising, because they are very special gentlemen. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by honesty, intelligence, personal charm, gallantry, and these are far from all the characteristics of Taurus that deserve attention.

In the love sphere, one can only dream of a Taurus man! His behavior is very romantic, he is able to appreciate and sincerely admire the fair sex, he looks after and takes care of women very beautifully. Taurus men always make quite original compliments and give valuable gifts to their halves.

The attitude of a Taurus who has fallen in love with his woman is striking in its trepidation and tenderness - such a man will give his beloved affection and romance to the maximum. But at the same time, Taurus men are distinguished by jealousy - if they managed to win a lady, then they consider her their property and are not ready to share her with someone else.

Also, such representatives of the stronger sex are very impressed with the feeling of jealousy towards themselves - they are pleased to feel that they are significant in the life of their woman. Taurus is distinguished by loyalty, honesty and lack of cunning, you can trust such a partner, but keep in mind that he does not tolerate manipulation: games and intrigues are not his, he will not allow anyone to deceive himself.

Intimately, Taurus are gentle and strong lovers, who, however, do not really like to experiment. These men are not interested in adventure, for them bed relations are first of all an exchange of affection and warmth, Taurus is simply crazy about gentle touches and hugs.

Because of their temperament, Taurus in sex act slowly, enjoy every moment, speed and temperament are not their forte.

If you can interest a Taurus man and lure him into your networks, he will become a faithful and enviable husband for you, although this is quite problematic to do. This gentleman is distinguished by the seriousness of his intentions, so he will carefully study his chosen one for a long time before proposing to her.

In family relationships, Taurus men are loyal, conservative, willingly take on the role of a real earner and owner. The Taurus man is an ideal family man, father and husband, it is really possible to create a stable, prosperous and strong family with him.

How to make a Taurus man fall in love with you

At the initial stages of a relationship, in order to attract the attention of a Taurus man, it is important to pay a lot of attention to your appearance. Taurus likes it when a woman is beautifully dressed, but it is worth clearly delimiting the line between good taste, femininity, sexuality and vulgarity and defiant outfits - the latter will definitely not cause positive emotions in Taurus.

If you are dating such a man, make sure that your outfits are stylish, but in no way defiant. This is due to the fact that Taurus is highly susceptible to public opinion, and if at least one person speaks unflatteringly about his girlfriend, this will become a clear reason to think and can lead to conflict situations.

Taurus men are solid. Astrologers do not recommend rushing them - after all, they act according to their own internal rhythm, but at the same time they manage to do everything they need to do. It's just that such men are accustomed to building a slow, but reliable and solid foundation in any area of ​​their life: friendship, work or love. Taurus in each case is distinguished by restraint and patience. He follows his own path, charging his environment and loved ones with reliability and self-confidence.

If you realize that the Taurus man is exactly what you need, subject to mutual sympathy, you should seriously think about your further actions. In most cases, it is very difficult for Taurus men to take the first steps, therefore, initiative is allowed, even if there are no active actions on the part of the fan yet.

Representatives of this constellation are attracted by witty and "light" women, lively and bright. Taurus will not appreciate subtle humor, preferring somewhat rude and even "black". In no case is it unacceptable to make fun of the Taurus themselves.

Taurus very carefully study the appearance of their chosen one, in particular, the figure - it is important for them that it be chiseled, and if by nature God did not reward you with ideal shapes and correct proportions, then at least it is important that you keep yourself in shape. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, which is responsible for beauty, which is why they are so fixated on the appearance of their partner and are very good at noticing any flaws and changes in him.

How to behave so that a Taurus man falls in love with you

Tauruses are very susceptible to showing attention and care towards themselves. However, they cannot stand threats and demands. At the initial stages of the relationship, it is necessary to convince such a man that he is in complete control of the situation and everything will happen exactly as he wishes.

The attention of Taurus will be able to attract such girls and women:

  • ambitious;
  • attractive in appearance;
  • strong morally;
  • those that cause admiration from others;
  • sensitive;
  • attentive;
  • natural;
  • economic;
  • kind;
  • educated.

How to behave is strictly not allowed

In the case when Taurus is in full swing, try not to make mistakes, because they can very quickly make such a man decide to part.

Therefore, if you dream of falling in love with a Taurus man and want to captivate him for a long time (or even forever), do not do the following:

  • do not insult him in front of relatives or strangers;
  • do not show excessive obsession;
  • do not abuse kindness;
  • it is unacceptable to behave disrespectfully and inattentively;
  • his ambition should not be underestimated;
  • you can’t compare him and your ex;
  • it is also impossible to completely agree with him, Taurus likes it when a woman has her own opinion;
  • it is impossible not to take care of him;
  • you can not be disrespectful to his close circle.

And remember that constant surprises in bed are very important for Taurus men. Sex plays a huge role for them, and if a lady can satisfy him intimately, plus listen to his wishes, it is unlikely that he will be able to leave her.

Compatibility of Taurus men with zodiac signs

Aries Compatibility

Serious and strict Taurus strive to find their opposite. And Aries women - energetic, light and cheerful, will perfectly complement such a man. But for harmony in relationships, you still have to work hard.

Taurus Compatibility

In a pair of Taurus women and Taurus men, calmness and equanimity will reign. People around will never discuss such a couple, as they simply do not give reasons for this and look like an exemplary and happy family.

Gemini Compatibility

The union promises to be very "hot", but, unfortunately, only at the beginning. While Gemini is interested in a partner and generously gives him their love, and the Taurus man comes to terms with the partner’s changeable mood, her frivolity and sometimes crazy actions. And then - it all depends on the lovers themselves.

Compatibility with Cancer

This is a variant of an ideal couple, where both partners are distinguished by thriftiness, commitment to comfortable living conditions, a passion for cleanliness and comfort, and there are also common interests.

Leo Compatibility

Lioness women are distinguished by arrogance, exactingness towards others, stubbornness, lack of patience and pride, which makes relationships in such a pair quite difficult.

Virgo Compatibility

We can talk about a fairly successful alliance and high compatibility in such an alliance. Tauruses are quite rational in life and everyday matters, they are distinguished by thriftiness and economy, and Virgos correspond to them, trying to make their home nest as cozy and comfortable as possible for life.

Libra Compatibility

Stubborn Taurus women are attracted to Libra women. Although this is a rather difficult union, in which both partners look at life in completely different ways, relationships in such a pair are still possible.

Compatibility with Scorpio

We can say about this meeting that it is like a lightning strike. Such a strong love can flare up between a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman, which will certainly provoke interest among others. Their relationship promises to be passionate, as well as filled with love and tenderness.

Sagittarius Compatibility

In this case, you can talk about love at first sight. Taurus is so fascinated by the Sagittarius woman that they begin to literally dream about her, dream about her and think over a plan to conquer her.

Capricorn Compatibility

The somewhat tough Taurus men appreciate the softness, calmness, and trustfulness of Capricorn women. And attentive, consistent and sober-minded Capricorns make Taurus more self-confident.

Aquarius Compatibility

In a pair of Taurus men and Aquarius women, we can talk about a rather difficult relationship. Due to the different approach to life and the complete opposite of each other to others, this couple seems completely unequal. But even so, thanks to the patience of Taurus and the sound mind of Aquarius, the creation of love is quite possible.

Pisces Compatibility

The somewhat naive Pisces women are in search of a prince on a white horse. They strive for a cozy arrangement of their nest, which in general is very attractive to Taurus. Relationships in such a couple will develop according to the classic version, when behind a husband, like behind a stone wall.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Addiction to all kinds of horoscopes and astrology is now very popular, especially among women. Very many of them, meeting with men, are interested in their zodiac signs, after which they draw their own generalized conclusions regarding each of them. And, I must say, quite a lot of love among the ladies is used by men born under Nothing surprising in

this is not the case, since representatives of this sign are most often reliable, self-confident, gentle, gallant, able to earn money and spend it with pleasure on their beloved women. In addition, despite their somewhat wild life in their youth, Taurus men are able to remain faithful to a single woman if they really love her. for these men are far from last.

First of all, you need to remain yourself, do not build yourself a "glamorous bitch" and do not claim his finances. Believe me, Taurus is quite generous, and if the relationship starts really serious, they will give you gifts without any reminders and requests. These men are very fond of gentle, feminine, graceful women, perhaps a little conservative views. Therefore, if you do not know how, take note of this. Representatives of this sign do not tolerate rudeness and vulgarity from a woman. By nature

they are leaders, so give him the opportunity to be the "first violin" in the relationship. If you have at least a little wisdom, then you will surely be able to invisibly guide his actions in the direction you need.

How to make a Taurus man fall in love with you? An important factor is your ability to cook deliciously. So something, but the representatives of this sign are very fond of eating well. The saying that the way to a man's heart runs through his stomach is one hundred percent true in relation to Taurus. Of course, all this will be appropriate only if you are seriously interested in a relationship with this man. For a short affair, you just need to dress sexier, “shoot” your eyes - and you will be provided with a divine night. Think carefully before these guys are very touchy. They will never forgive betrayal, especially if they were deceived by a girl with whom they were already ready to start a family. Such treachery they remember for a long time. Having burned once, the next potential partner (which may not appear soon), representatives of Taurus will look closely

for a long time. They need to make sure that this time they are really loved and will not be betrayed.

Therefore, if you are thinking about it, you better forget about it, especially if it was your fault that he received a "knife in the back." If you just had a fight, give him some time to be alone. If he is guilty of a quarrel, he will definitely come and ask for forgiveness. If you, then he will wait for your apologies. At this moment, it is very important to be extremely gentle and delicate with him, to repeat how much you love him, and that you have no one in the world more precious than him. You can accompany your words with delicious pies, cake, borscht or another dish that he loves the most. He will forgive you anyway, but, having eaten something tasty prepared by your hands, he will do it much faster.

If all your thoughts are aimed at how to fall in love with a Taurus man, and you sincerely want this relationship, use these recommendations, and soon an engagement ring will flaunt on your finger.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 - June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 - 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 - 20.03

Taurus man, how to please and win his heart?

Despite the fact that Taurus cannot be called initiators in a love relationship, they choose their partners exclusively for themselves. They value freedom very much and will part with it only because of the one that can truly charm them. It is impossible to conquer the Taurus man with banal female tricks and tricks; for this, you should know what kind of women Taurus men like and how to behave with them correctly.

Taurus attaches great importance to the future of the family and will definitely pay attention to the origin of a woman, to what foundations and traditions she adopted from her parents. The Taurus man will like it if the girl was born in a prosperous family and received a good upbringing. He will be even more pleased if she belongs to the highest circles of society, and her family is wealthy.

Taurus needs a smart, intellectually developed woman, preferably a higher education. He will not like it if the contender for the title of future wife is constantly dissatisfied with something or someone in life, for example, with a work team or boss.

To wonder how to win a Taurus man, it makes sense only for an ambitious, purposeful, successful lady - he does not recognize others. In addition to all this, she must be a good housewife, be able to cook deliciously and must love children.

It should also be noted that men who subtly appreciate the beauty of this sign of the Zodiac are unlikely to pay attention to the ugly woman, they need beauty, but certainly combined with elegance, intelligence and dignity. Taurus is not against sexuality in the appearance of the chosen one, but this quality should not be deliberate, flaunted, but only guessed, exciting. Taurus men will most likely not like a tattoo or piercing on a woman's body. Perhaps this detail alone will be enough for this man to decide to pick another candidate for himself. Taurus is very independent in his judgments about the chosen one, but at the same time, it is important for him that the closest relatives approve of his choice.

Those for whom the question of how to fall in love with a Taurus man is relevant should keep in mind that the process of conquest is complicated by his secrecy and unwillingness to quickly take important steps. This mission will have to be taken on by a woman, but it is very important not to overdo it here: Taurus can not stand when they are rushed. And the patience and restraint of a woman will certainly be noted and appreciated by them.

Taurus likes to be entertained, but it should be noted that they are more attracted to juicy, rude, "folk" humor. A man who has spoken of this sign is difficult to appease, while a woman needs to continue listening to him with unflagging attention. In dealing with Taurus, one should not skimp on compliments and flattery, and attention should be paid not only to his personal merits, but also to his things: car, watch, clothes, etc. By the way, it is material wealth, money that is a good topic for communicating with Taurus. It never hurts to take an interest in his work, new business projects, and also unobtrusively talk about his own achievements, demonstrating the seriousness of his plans for life.

Another answer to the question - how to win his heart and win the love of a Taurus man, can be a well-known expression about the way to a man's heart, which, as you know, lies through his stomach: in relation to people of this sign, it is 100% true. A woman will certainly arouse interest in him if she manages to show off her culinary talents, and the chosen one should be fed not only tasty, but also plentifully.

Thinking over the tactics of conquering a man's Taurus, you need to remember that in no case should you demonstrate an indifferent and even more disdainful attitude towards your or his work and money. He will not tolerate insulting statements about members of his family or too frank attempts to impose his society, as well as an unwillingness to have children in the future. It is not recommended to mention previous love affairs in communication with him, and even more so to brag about them.

The love of a Taurus man is not a quickly flashing fire, but a slowly flaring flame, into which firewood must constantly be thrown. The period of courtship can be very long, from the point of view of a woman, because a man of this sign needs time to take a closer look, to draw reasonable conclusions for himself. How does a Taurus man in love behave? Just as restrained and secretive as before, but if he decided everything for himself, then the woman will certainly find out about his feelings from his actions. And, as soon as this man chose someone (even if he was competently brought to him), then no one will be able to influence him.

How to win over men of other zodiac signs

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 - June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 - 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 - 20.03

You met an extraordinary man. He is a Taurus. Representatives of this zodiac sign are quite reserved in communication. And they prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words. But in general, Taurus men respect the female sex and are friendly with all women. How, then, to understand that the man of this zodiac sign is interested in you?

How to understand that a Taurus man is in love?

There are at least 4 signs by which you can guess that Taurus is breathing unevenly towards you.

  1. Appearance. Taurus men always look attractive, pay a lot of attention to their wardrobe. When they are in love, they begin to take care of their appearance even more carefully. If Taurus appears “dressed to the nines” on every date with you, this is a good sign. And if he suddenly changed his image, then there can be no doubt about his feelings.
  2. Facial expressions and gestures. If a normally restrained man actively gesticulates when communicating with you, then you make his heart flutter. And yet, they say, if Taurus is in love, then he often blinks in the presence of the object of adoration.
  3. Romantic gestures. Previously, a cold man arranges pleasant surprises for you, gives you gifts, literally showers you with flowers? Diagnosis: in love!
  4. Sea of ​​attention. If Taurus is not indifferent to you, he will be actively interested in your life and devote a lot of time to you. And also - to try to make you laugh literally at every step.

How to fall in love with a Taurus man forever?

Taurus have clear ideas about what their life partner should be. A bright, spectacular appearance for such a man is not the main thing in a woman. Of course, he likes attractive and well-groomed ladies. But the inner world is much more important. To fall in love with a Taurus, you need to be

  • educated;
  • an excellent versatile interlocutor who knows how to listen;
  • cheerful;
  • unique (such men respect women who have their own opinion on any occasion);
  • kind;
  • friendly;
  • charismatic.

It is not only the inner world that matters. It is important for Taurus that their chosen one is

  • a passionate sexual partner who anticipates the desires of a man;
  • wonderful hostess;
  • an excellent potential mother (if you do not want children - this zodiac sign is not for you).

Taurus needs to feel like a male hunter. In the initial stages of communication, do not show that you are too interested in it. Let him conquer you!