
Ideas for goods for children. Original business ideas for the development and entertainment of children

In 2017, the small business portal website published hundreds of amazing stories about entrepreneurs who started their business from scratch and grow it no matter what. During the New Year holidays, we decided to remind readers of some of our heroes. This collection contains seven stories about entrepreneurs who focused their business on children and their parents.

HappyTeepe: how to make money on wigwams for children

Many of us made "houses" from chairs, pillows and bedspreads in childhood. The reason for this is the desire of the child to have “his own” space, hidden from prying eyes. Elena Tkachuk from the Krasnodar Territory came up with an original embodiment of this childhood dream - "houses" made of fabric in the form of wigwams. About how a former employee of the tax service began to sew children's wigwams and learned how to sell them abroad, Elena Tkachuk, founder of the project Happy Teepe , told the portal site.

touching gift:
how to make money on souvenirs with children's drawings

It is always difficult to give something unusual to a person whom you have known for a long time or with whom you have lived for many years. In this case, children can come to the rescue. For any parent, the best artist is their own child. The My Little Rembrandt project transforms children's drawings and handprints into touching gifts for parents and grandparents. Tatyana Yusan, co-founder of My Little Rembrandt, told the site about who is most often given “individual” gifts, and why it is not always necessary to listen to the advice of customers.

Hat analysis:
how to make money on children's hats

A large number of interesting businesses in Russia arose after their founders could not find the thing or service they needed on the market. And then, rolling up their sleeves, they created these things or services themselves - not only for themselves, but also for others. One such company is Jumbi. Alexandra Semenovykh from Izhevsk at some point could not buy her daughter a scarf - and decided to sew it herself. Now Jumbi, joined by many members of Alexandra's family, makes several thousand hats every month. About how to compete with Finnish and Polish manufacturers in terms of price and quality, co-owners of Jumbi Alexandra Semenovykh and Maxim Korzhenko told the site portal.

Let's go!: how to earn
on teaching children foreign languages

How effectively are foreign languages ​​taught in Russian schools? Each of us can answer this question. Everyone who knows English or German well has learned it, as a rule, outside the school walls. Education in children's language centers "Polyglotiki" is based on a different system - the so-called communicative approach. The effectiveness of the methodology is confirmed by the growth of the project: in 2 years, 50 centers have already been opened throughout the country. Elena Ivanova, the founder of the Polyglotiki network, told the website about how to make money teaching children English.

Blind business:
what is touching sand and how to make money on it

At first glance, in order to sell sand, you don’t need a lot of intelligence. But the Tomsk company New Chemistry, which specializes in the production of innovative materials based on it, will not agree with this. The company tries to release new products every three months - and today its assortment includes more than 40 products. And New Chemistry began with simple curiosity: having seen kinetic sand abroad, an entrepreneur from Siberia wanted to figure out how and from what it was produced. About how the company with a staff of 15 people is going to conquer the world market, Anastasia Eremina, co-owner of New Chemistry, told the site portal.

Shop for yourself: how to make money
on the sale of toys through

The social network Instagram allows not only to share photos, but also to make sales. Galina Protsenko from Moscow started developing this network for her family business a year ago. Her @obgonay account was originally conceived as a sales pitch for the three toy stores her mother owned. Today, the account has almost 87 thousand subscribers, foreign suppliers seek to cooperate with it, and offline stores of the project were closed due to their unprofitability. Galina Protsenko told the website about how to turn Instagram into a smoothly running sales channel in a year.

Social entrepreneurship:
how the project "Krok and Zyabra" works

Many business people consider social entrepreneurship to be, at best, a marketing gimmick. It is clear that where money fades into the background, business ends. Meanwhile, dozens of daredevil optimists across the country are trying to prove to skeptics that business does not have to be limited to the goals of personal enrichment. “Who said that a social entrepreneur does not start the process of making money? - Sergei Rebriev is perplexed - Of course, he gets it! The more we earn, the faster we will develop, the more people we will help.” Sergey and his ex-colleague Tatyana Krytor launched the Krok and Zyabra project, which gives a second life to children's things.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The educational sphere can be considered an unplowed field for business. There are many options for earning money, competition is minimal, and public education does not satisfy the need for quality services. In this review, we have not only collected trending business areas for you to start in the educational field, but also provided links to ready-made guides for opening them.

Children's Development Center

Children's developing clubs are one of the most trending areas in the business of additional education. The main source of income is formed by paying for classes by parents who live in large cities of the country and want to give the best to their child. With well-established work, developing centers can earn 500 thousand rubles. per month.

You can open a small studio of children's creativity in the format of an island in a shopping center for an amount of 530 thousand rubles. Such studios allow parents to leave their children under supervision while shopping. At this time, children can practice polymer clay modeling, paint plaster figures, create postcards and much more. Net profit - within 100 thousand rubles.

You can open your own training business for less than 100 thousand rubles. The main task is to arm yourself with effective training methods, decide on a niche and work to attract customers. The income of coaches exceeds 100 thousand rubles. per month.

Early development clubs can be considered a specialized area in the field of child development. The activities of these clubs include classes for babies as young as a few months old and their parents under the guidance of experienced teachers. Those wishing to open such a business will need to take care of mastering one of the recognized international methods and rent a room. The income from conducting such activities ranges from 30 to 250 thousand rubles.

The increase in trade with China and the growth in the number of joint business projects with this country increase the need for the population to learn Chinese. Recently, the Chinese language in Russia has become the 5th most popular language after English, German, French and Spanish. You can open your courses in the format of tutoring from the amount of 40 thousand rubles, and for one lesson a teacher can take an amount of 800 rubles.

business plan for organizing Chinese language courses

General education schools in Russia today are not able to meet the demand for high-quality teaching of foreign languages, so private language schools cover the need. To open a language school on an area of ​​100 sq. meters will require about 635 thousand rubles, which will pay off after six months of work. Net profit will amount to 140 thousand rubles. per month.

In our age of digital technologies, the need to study cryptography is rapidly increasing, the basics of which are beginning to be conveyed in the format of games even to small children. If you understand the topic, consider organizing your lessons in which you can explain to everyone the intricacies of the cryptocurrency economy, the features of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.

cryptography course business ideas

In a large city, you can easily find a company that provides training for hairdressers and stylists, but there is no need to talk about a high level of competition. You can often earn much more in this area than at the hairdressers and beauty salons themselves, and the amount of initial investment in such a business is estimated at less than 1 million rubles. When organizing a school on the basis of an already operating beauty salon, you can open a small educational institution for 100-200 thousand rubles in addition to the main type of investment investment.

Read the guide to opening hairdressing and manicure courses

Ready-made ideas for your business

Abroad, such a type of educational leisure as survival courses is popular. Classes are divided into theoretical and practical parts, the last of which takes place in natural conditions. Course participants are taught first aid, how to build a shelter, make a fire, get water and food away from civilization. You can establish such a business for a former military, firefighter or rescuer. In large cities, for a two-day survival course, the leaders receive from 5-6 thousand rubles. from a person.

A new direction is actively developing in the market of consulting services - the organization of psychological games. Most often, a neutral territory acts as a platform for holding games: a rented hall, an office, meeting rooms, an anti-cafe, classrooms of schools and universities, and training centers. The game itself lasts about 2-3 hours. The cost can vary from 250 to 3000 rubles, depending on the size of the city and the authority of the organizer. An interesting direction for conducting such games and trainings is the format of a psychological salon, which has parallels with the literary and political salons of the 18th-19th centuries. The hostess of the psychological salon is usually a woman who plays the role of leading courses. It is interesting that you can start such a business even without a psychological education and with investments from 60 thousand rubles.

In many new residential high-rise areas, local authorities do not have time to meet the need of the local population for kindergartens. In such places, the organization of a kindergarten at home will become a popular business. The profit of a kindergarten at home will be 50-100 thousand rubles. per month.

guide to opening a kindergarten at home

Voluntarily deprive yourself of sight for several hours, days or even a week - in our time, customers are willing to pay solid money for such a service. Getting into pitch darkness, the participants of the training completely deprive themselves of the sense organ that provides 90% of the information. However, instead, they discover a lot of new things. Habitual visual patterns and stereotypes disappear, speech becomes more confident, people begin to hear and listen to each other.

Graffiti itself usually does not generate income. Another thing is conducting graffiti training courses. You can organize something like a permanent school for children and teenagers, give master classes at all kinds of festivals and earn additional income from the sale of graffiti paint, markers and other things. An interesting way to express yourself and find a new niche is to conduct all kinds of social events, like graffiti courses for the elderly.

Finance and credit, banking, trade - all this is gradually and irrevocably moving online. It has become difficult to prepare specialists for modern realities using obsolete textbooks, so financial literacy lessons have become a popular area. Abroad, teaching children in this direction begins from school age, explaining how to properly start electronic wallets, make secure electronic payments, and so on.

A few years ago, the business of organizing intimate skill courses was considered a curiosity, but today this no longer surprises anyone. You can call yourself a sex school, a training center for “preserving love and harmony in the family,” or a center for sex education, but the essence will be the same - educating people in the field of intimate relationships. You can open such a business with minimal investment, but remember that for ethical reasons, trainings are always divided into male and female, and they are led by a person of the same gender as the trainees.

City walking tours allow sightseers to delve deeper into the history of the streets, explore objects and imagine themselves as participants in past events. An interesting direction in this area is the conduct of excursions with thematic mini-performances. You can launch such a project for less than 50 thousand rubles.

Speed ​​reading courses are a great way to make money for those people who are not only able to quickly read and highlight the essence of the text, but also for mentors. First of all, the speed reading teacher acts as a motivator for his students, who can be both children and adults. The cost of speed reading classes can be different and depend on the duration and authority of the teacher. A course of classes can cost from 8 thousand rubles.

Preparation for the Unified State Examination and the OGE is a profitable business area in the educational field. There are several options for starting your own business here - you can limit yourself to tutoring, or you can open full-fledged group classes by opening a school for preparing for the Unified State Examination on your own or on a franchise basis. A new niche in this area is the organization of online exam preparation services, where the entrepreneur's income is generated by selling paid access to the service. At the same time, the teacher is not needed: the student works with electronic tests.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Mental arithmetic is a method of training the mental abilities of children, which is gaining popularity in recent years. With its help, children not only learn to easily add, subtract, multiply and divide six-digit numbers in their heads, but also develop attention, memory and imagination. A school of mental arithmetic with one class can bring the owner more than 100 thousand rubles. net profit.

The sand painting studio is a mixture of educational, entertaining, cultural and even recreational areas: sand painting is referred to as art therapy. To open a children's sand painting studio, you will need about 330 thousand rubles, which will pay off in six months.

The two essential ingredients for organizing sommelier courses are craftsmanship and marketing. The wine culture in Russia is rapidly developing, so the need for such a service is growing. More and more restaurants are looking for employees whose task will be to conduct tastings and advice on wine selection.

Acting classes are a line of business, the need for which is much higher than it seems at first glance. They are in demand not only among actors and theater-goers, but also among people seeking to improve their skills in managing their psychological state, body and voice. Also, acting courses are suitable for business people and people who often need to communicate and negotiate. 200 thousand rubles will be enough to open a small acting studio.

The business of preparing drivers for passing exams at the traffic police when buying budget cars can be started with an amount of 5 million rubles. Net profit per month will be more than 160 thousand rubles. The payback period for driving schools is on average about 2 years.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Mother nature is increasingly seen by entrepreneurs as a huge room for business training. For six-figure sums, company owners and ordinary managers are taken on extreme tours, taught to work together and reach mountain peaks, drawing parallels with business development. Between ascents, a business coach informs managers about the concepts of the "Blue and Scarlet Oceans", conducts metaphorical business games and helps to build their "Value Curve" or "Success Map".

If you have skill in cooking, think about organizing culinary courses. Before you rent a room and buy some equipment, you need to think about a promotion strategy. To get started, you can give a few workshops in anticafe to gain experience with the audience and feedback, get the first customers and take good photos.

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In times of crisis, purchasing power is significantly reduced, and the level of sales falls. This phenomenon is easier to understand on the example of one family. With a decrease in the level of income, the needs are reviewed, and the money earned is spent only on the most necessary things. But there is a very interesting deviation from this rule - in any circumstances, parents do not save on the needs of their children. They make unthinkable sacrifices, limit themselves in everything for the sake of being able to provide the child with quality products and things, toys that bring joy, education and entertainment to kids.

A business selling goods for children or providing services to young customers is doomed to success, because meeting the needs of the child is the top priority for parents. It doesn’t matter how things are in the economic situation, in what locality you live, what is the situation with competition in your chosen area. The demand for any goods and services related to children is very high and will continue to grow. Even in a small city with low customer demand and high competition among children's stores, you can succeed by creating another one.

In practice, there are very few worthy competitors in the market of children's goods and services. A common stereotype works here: "There are already 2 children's stores in our city, I will not be able to lure customers away." But in this situation, you should not consider possible competitors, but study the needs of potential customers. You will be amazed at how poorly services are provided in this area and how badly there is a shortage of quality goods for children. Parents' complaints about the lack of the most necessary things for the child or terrible service in the provision of services or their banal absence are heard literally at every turn. This is a free niche, and you can start mastering it without the slightest doubt.

It is worth paying close attention to parents. They are also consumers in the children's business category. Now there is a huge demand for "Courses for young parents", any services in the direction of helping mothers. Starting the search for an idea, study the needs of the immediate environment. You will see that even in the circle of your acquaintances, you can create a business that will become a gold mine, because these services or goods are really needed.

We bring to your attention several ideas that are currently not implemented in our country at all, but have great potential.

Tourism for children

Now there is a clear shortage of children's camps, tourist routes for various age groups and companies that organize children's trips, trips to interesting sights, and entertainment complexes. Children spend their holidays either with their grandparents or go to resorts with their parents. But communication with peers, the opportunity to try an independent life and relax in accordance with the interests characteristic of a certain age is very important.

Create an organization specializing in children's tourism. It's a big responsibility, but you can start small. For example, you can offer partnerships to sports clubs where children participate. Think of interesting hiking routes to local attractions or beautiful natural parks.

Children's car rental

This service is very popular in big cities and resorts in the summer. No doubt you have also had the pleasure of seeing how much joy the opportunity gives the little ones to ride an electric car. On weekends, the line for these small cars does not dry out. But this type of business can be developed and earned on it at any time of the year.

You can rent a room, equip a track and offer children the opportunity to ride an electric car at any time. Other attractions can also be organized. If, in combination with entertainment, you teach the kids the rules of the road and other useful knowledge, parents themselves will be happy to bring their child to your center.

Children's beauty salon

There is also a huge shortage here. Children get their hair cut at adult barbershops. For some reason, it is generally accepted that this is enough, and salons that specialize in providing services to children are simply not needed.

In fact, parents would be happy to take their baby to a special salon. If you have ever seen a child's tantrum in a hairdresser's, the answer is obvious. The kid can be frightened of adults, sharp tools, too bright light. The kids refuse to get their hair cut because they don't like an aunt with scissors or a buzzing machine. Many kids just do not like the procedure itself.

That is why it is important to have a special interior design, a master who knows how to work with children. For many kids, the fear goes away when they see how other kids are cutting their hair. If you are related to hairdressing, open a children's salon - this is a very promising direction.

Thematic clubs

Previously, children's leisure could be filled with circles and sports sections, in which each child had the opportunity to develop their talents. There were a lot of directions in which these circles worked: for lovers of nature and technical, various types of art, needlework, sports. With the collapse of the USSR, these organizations lost funding and gradually disappeared. This, no doubt, necessary and interesting tradition can be revived even now by changing the name to thematic clubs.

Modern children have new hobbies - computers, innovative technologies. But their interests can be used, because understanding the basics of programming or creating a real robot under the guidance of an experienced teacher will only bring benefits and help children develop their talents. Do not discount other hobbies. If you are an artist, set up a painting studio, a baking club will arouse the interest of girls and their mothers, football and other sports will also find their ardent fans.

Parents will pay for classes in such a club. If you are a parent yourself, you probably know how difficult it is for your child to find a hobby and an opportunity to fill in free time after school.

baby taxi

Abroad, this idea has already begun to be implemented and immediately became very popular. All parents experience excitement when the child begins to get from school on his own, go to training or visit friends. It is impossible to surround a teenager or an older child with constant care, because he must learn independence. Many parents simply do not have the physical ability to accompany their children, because they are forced to be at work.

If a city has a reliable taxi service that can be trusted to pick up a child from school and take him home, he will gain regular customers very quickly. High-quality service, the ability to work with children, a responsible attitude and guarantees for the safety of young passengers are the main success factors. It is not necessary to create a new firm. This idea can be implemented within an already existing taxi service by creating a special department.

Development programs

Despite the abundance of such programs, the demand for them is very high. Children's hobbies change very quickly, and what was popular and relevant just yesterday, today no longer arouses any interest in kids. Parents often complain that their children are too attached to computer games. Instead of scolding them and banning your favorite entertainment, you should just create new educational games. A person who can offer an innovative approach that can interest children and provide food for their development will be able to earn millions.

Write a story for a child

We are not talking about a full-fledged book, ordeals with publishers and other attributes of the difficult life of a writer. But you can create a small company that will write fairy tales to order. This idea is already being implemented, but has not yet received mass distribution. Imagine how happy the kid will be with the new book, which describes his adventures as the main character. Children, unlike adults, have an extremely developed imagination and constantly imagine themselves as princesses or princes, beloved animals and other characters in fairy tales.

To implement this idea, you need a person who knows how to invent and write fairy tales, an artist and an energetic manager. Printing and binding of books can be ordered from local printers.

Children's theater

This is not about a real theater in which professional actors perform, but about a studio in which children themselves will learn the roles, gain basic acting and stage skills and shine on stage. Interest in such a studio will appear immediately, because children are very fond of performing in various performances and theatrical performances. The enthusiasm of parents is also guaranteed - this is an opportunity to develop a child and keep him busy in his free time.

The benefits of such a hobby for overall development are enormous, but children will also be able to start earning their first money. It is not difficult to organize paid performances in front of the residents of the city, at children's holidays, especially in a small village. Small towns are experiencing constant cultural hunger, and the performance of the theater studio will be a real event here. It is no secret that it was in such studios that future stars of theater and cinema began their career.

Organization of children's holidays

This is not a new business idea, but there is no competition here yet, and the demand for organizing various holidays for children is constantly growing. Your services will be needed at birthdays, New Year's Eve, end-of-school parties and many other pleasant occasions.

You can choose any of the proposed directions or implement other business ideas. The demand for goods and services for children is very high. But it is important to love children, understand and be able to work with them. This is the main secret of success.

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At all times, mothers took care of their children, and someone smart and resourceful made money out of it.

Business on children is relevant to this day. After all, a rare parent can refuse his beloved child what he wants.

Observant minds consider business plans, ideas and implement them. Read about some of them.

Thrift shop for children

The most popular area in the business related to children is the sale of clothing. And with democratic prices, success will be huge.

Therefore, consider opening a thrift store for children. Moreover, during a crisis in the economy, it is in demand.

Children grow up very quickly, therefore, their clothes and shoes need to be updated frequently. Items of use in the same way quickly lose their positions.

For example, if a child has a sled-carriage, and he has already grown up, then you can’t put him in such a “childish thing”.

You'll either have to buy new sleds for the older kids, or a bike, or something else. This is an option for the development of actions if there are no more children in the family.

If they are available, the sled will be inherited by the next child, but he is also growing dynamically, and sooner or later the thing will again become unnecessary.

And where to put her? Of course, sell. Either through special groups and sites on the Internet, or through a newspaper. This is where a thrift store comes in handy.

The thrift store will act as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer.

The owner of this kind of store is legally called a commission agent, and the one who brought the goods is a committent.

An agreement is concluded between these people, which must be registered in writing in the form of a contract.

The first one takes a percentage for the sale of goods, and the committent sets the price. The commission agent can also participate in this process due to sales experience and knowledge of prices.

The commission is usually set, that is, the same for everyone. A variable percentage is also possible - when prices are high, the percentage can be taken a little lower.

Worries about unsold goods exclude the fact of signing the contract. There it is stipulated in writing that if after a few days the goods are not sold, then the consignor takes them and pays a commission for the fact that the item is in the store. In most cases, the price drops and the product is sold.

For moms and the store owner, the benefits are mutual. Moms free themselves from advertising, finding a meeting place, and just come to the store.

There they can buy something for their child at an affordable price.

Commissioner Benefits:

  • the goods are periodically updated without investments and purchases;
  • there are no illiquid things;
  • The consignor can also be a buyer.

Starting this business does not require a lot of money. You will have to invest only in equipment, premises and advertising. You can't save on the latter.

The room can be chosen on the outskirts or in residential areas.

Here, an important factor for attracting customers will be the opportunity to enter with a stroller, a play corner for kids, ottomans for trying on shoes.

For moms, you can offer free sweets.

To keep the store constantly replenished, you will have to make an effort. You can view ads in social networks and newspapers and offer your services.

In stores for children's things, having connections, you can buy illiquid goods cheaper and sell them. And it will be very useful to have your own group in social networks.

Promotions and sales, charity events will help to make advertising.

Children's photographer

Almost all parents want to remember what their child was like as a child. And grown-up children are doubly pleased to admire their children's photographs.

Therefore, providing photography services for mothers and children is a great business. High-quality photos are especially needed by parents of children who dream of a modeling career.

Communications in kindergartens and schools will help to establish the implementation of this service. It is in these places that it is customary to take group pictures of the class or one at a time.

Staff should be aware of and help spread the word about the photographer.

The second step will be a demonstration of work already completed as a guarantee.

It is best to take money for work at the end of work. A photo session with one group of children will bring a profit of three to four thousand rubles.

You don't need to buy special equipment.

The most important thing is to have a professional camera and printer. Their acquisition will pay off when working with several groups of the same institution.

Constant work on yourself and improvement of your professional qualities will bring results in business.

School preparation business

School for a child is an important stage of development. Unfortunately, not all parents have free time to work with a preschool child.

Salvation - special centers for preparing children for school. A few educators and a psychologist would do a better job.

The organization of a school preparation center begins with the search for suitable premises. Based on the number of children in the class, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is selected.

Renting large areas will cost more (from about 20 thousand per month). For different children, it is optimal to choose different methods, because their level is different.

Finding good teachers can take time, but this is the best option. The teacher should not only teach children, but also lead them to knowledge.

And a timetable is drawn up for teachers, taking into account the fact that some children go to kindergarten, some do not.

This means that the center should work in two shifts. The duration of the lesson for preschoolers is up to thirty-five minutes. And 2-3 lessons per day.

Payment can be made both by the lesson and by months.

As you can see, there are a huge number of business options for children and related areas. The main thing is to have a desire and start-up capital.

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Dreaming of a profitable home business? Get 3 profitable and easy home business ideas around services for children 5-7 years old. In response to a blog reader's request: "for children 5-7 years old in the education system?".

Criteria for a profitable home business.

Home business- this is your own business, a small business organized right around your house, apartment or cottage.

Home business means with the participation of your household and your home. (c) Psychologist of Happiness

Maybe you have been dreaming of such a business for a long time?

It is important that your new business, your home business, meets several criteria:

  • Profitability. Your income in any business will be the result of the difference between the turnover and the costs of its maintenance and organization. It is important that the income is greater than zero. Preferably as high as possible with minimal investment on your part.Home business significantly saves your expenses: for rent and purchase of furniture, because you already pay the rent and furniture is already in your house.
  • Resource. The biggest and most irreplaceable investment in any business is time. In addition, it is desirable that resources are always at hand. Business at home saves you time on the way to the place of business and back.
  • Simplicity. It is important that organizational issues do not take up a lot of your time and energy. Children 5-7 years old require work experience (if you are a mother or a teacher, then you have it).

3 home business ideas with children 5-7 years old.

Consider only those ideas that are as close as possible to the 3 above criteria.

Children 5-7 years old are just a Klondike for organizing a home business.

Do you have experience in raising and developing children 5-7 years old?

Services around preschool children are in demand, and parents and grandmothers are the most willing to pay for them.

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN AT THE REQUEST OF THE READER OF THIS BLOG TATIANA, FORMED ON A NEW SERVICE: Happiness Ideas, which appeared recently in the form of a moving green dot on the right side of the blog.

Submit an idea for a new article!

All home business ideas for children of this age will contain the minimum necessary information to assess the possibilities and prospects of these ideas for you.

  • Love for children. This is an additional, but very important criterion for organizing household income and services for children aged 5-7. If one is missing in the bud (rare, but found), then look for people who like to mess with the kids as assistants. True, in this case (attracting outside help) the first criterion (Profitability) will suffer a little, since these people need to be paid, although ...

IDEA 1. Home aftercare - taking care of the child.

I put this idea first, because now my wife and I have organized something similar in a newly purchased apartment. Mortgage payments, you know.

The idea is built around the real need to look after first-graders from the end of the lessons until the end of their parents' work. And it is tenacious right now, when there are no “extensions” in Russian schools at all.

Organize this view, like others, in the area where your house is located. The closer the school where your potential clients study, the better. For example, we took the children from the school, which is located 50 meters from our windows.

  • Set the price according to your conditions. My wife and I do not have our own children, a lot of free time and a passion for needlework (wife), outdoor games (me) and board games (both of us). Monitor how much non-home businesses charge for this job and set your own. For example, we meet a child and work with him 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, feed him homemade food 2 times a day (lunch and afternoon tea), walk, play, do homework, do needlework, read extra, draw and sculpt. Therefore, they asked for as much as 1,500 rubles a month more than a large after-school program (they are fed with custom-made food once a day, in a group of 30 children from different classes, 2 teachers, almost all the time indoors, 2 mugs - chess and drawing).
  • The costs are minimal. Spending on food increased by 10 percent. We already had board games - we also bought a couple. Tools and materials for needlework too - the wife is fond of manual labor.
  • Search for clients. Perhaps during the year, but the best time: August-September. My wife and I met the secretary (accidentally) who kept the records for the school and she referred us to the parents of the first two children. You can look after other students as well. , for example, to meet with circles or take them to a music school. The breadth and depth of business depends on your imagination and opportunities (temporary and energy).

IDEA 2. Need courses? There are some nearby, you know?

The second most important problem (for parents of 5-7 year old children) is the preparation of children for school. I tell you this with full responsibility, because for 4 whole years I worked as a school psychologist in the complex: Kindergarten / Gymnasium / University.

Unlike kindergartens and children's centers with their mass approach, and often inconvenient working hours, you will provide an individual service in every sense.

And again, this business is good in a residential area, because of the convenience for parents (and for you!).

  • Games with value. Again, convenience, small groups, individual approach and variety of forms will allow you to keep the price higher and earn even on a small number of Clients.
  • Attachments. If you prepare children for school yourself, and you also know the technique of English for children, you have no price! You will find many educational games, techniques, didactic materials and audio lessons on the Internet (for free!). If you involve third-party teachers, focus on students of pedagogical and philological faculties and novice psychologists. Their services are cheaper, they have more enthusiasm for activities with children, and they can come to you almost at any time. If your business grows into something more, these students will also grow into ready-made employees of the Development Center who will be tested by time.
  • Search for clients. All year round. Announcements on porches and trees (cardboards on playgrounds) and near educational institutions, presentations in kindergartens at parent meetings, advertising on Internet boards. Self-promotion on

IDEA 3. And in our yard there is one playground ...

Another idea for a home business in close proximity to your home. It will require a little more investment than the first two, but the exhaust can be more.

It is based on the problem of big cities - the absence or high cost of children's entertainment and game centers directly in the area, especially literally in the yard.

If you are a resident of an apartment building and have noticed that there is no supervision at all for walking children or the playground is poorly equipped, then this business will be suitable for you.

  • Income. Will depend on the breadth of services provided. From the usual supervision during walks for 2-3 hours a day, to the rental of equipment and entertainment and sports events or the rental of entertainment equipment (inflatable slides, trampoline, carousels).
  • Attachments. Buy a pair of badminton sets, a flying saucer, balls. Or invest in an inflatable trampoline (stored in the basement of the house or on the balcony). If you attract student strength for active outdoor games - payment for the work of assistants.
  • Search for clients. Your clients are parents of neighbor children in your and nearby houses. Announcements on the site and in elevators. You can make an involving event a competition between the children of neighboring houses with prizes and at the end, at the time of distribution of prizes, present the service.

Write in the comments, what other ideas come to your mind or peeped in your life on the topic of organizing a home business around services for parents of children from 5 to 7 years old?