Driving lessons

Mineral fertilizers, their types and characteristics, presentation. Presentation on the topic "Mineral fertilizers (9th grade)." Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are better absorbed thanks to boron

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Purpose of the lesson: To familiarize students with mineral fertilizers. Find out the principles of locating enterprises producing mineral fertilizers. Trace the impact of these industries on the environment.

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Table 1. Ten countries in the world with the largest population, mid-2009, 2025 and 2050 (million people), 9.2 billion Forecast for 2050 6 billion

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Now the planet's population is more than 6 billion people and it is growing. What should I feed him??? Chemists around the world create various fertilizers to increase the amount of food grown on the earth. In 2000, every third person in the world ate grain and other agricultural products obtained through the use of mineral fertilizers. The world's population is growing, but grain production is not

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To grow a full-fledged crop, cultivated plants must be protected from weeds and diseases. Chemicals used to kill weeds are called herbicides. This word comes from the Latin "coat of arms" - herb, plant and "cide" - to kill. Currently, there is a large range of complex organic compounds with herbicidal properties.

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The chemical industry is a branch of industry that supplies all areas of the economy with chemical materials and produces consumer goods.

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Structure of the chemical industry

Basic chemistry Production of polymeric materials Production of mineral fertilizers Processing of polymeric materials Chemistry of organic synthesis Other industries (photochemistry, paint and varnish) Mining and chemical industry Industries that provide raw materials for the chemical industry (coke chemistry, oil refining, etc.)

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Mineral fertilizers Depending on what nutritional elements are contained in mineral salts, fertilizers are divided into simple and complex. Simple fertilizers contain one nutrient element. These include phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and microfertilizers. Complex fertilizers simultaneously contain two or more basic nutritional elements. Fertilizers are solid (granular, powdery) and liquid (poor up to 40% of the nutrient element and concentrated more than 40%). Mineral fertilizers are inorganic compounds containing nutrients necessary for plants.

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Organic Manure, compost, peat Mineral Fertilizer classification (by origin) Nitrogen Liquid ammonia, NH4CI-ammonium chloride Phosphoric Simple superphosphate, Ca3(PO4)2-phosphorite flour Potassium KCI-potassium chloride Microfertilizers ZnSO4

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The mining and chemical industry is located in mining areas that are used as chemical raw materials (rock and potassium salt, phosphorites)

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Mineral Nitrogen Phosphoric Potash P K N P N

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Production of mineral fertilizers

NITROGEN POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE Near raw material bases Near metallurgical plants and gas pipelines Near raw material bases Apatity Voskresensk Nizhny Novgorod Solikamsk Bereznyaki Lipetsk Cherepovets Novgorod Novokuznetsk P R

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Nitrogen Potassium Phosphorus Lipetsk Cherepovets Novgorod Solikamsk Bereznyaki Apatity Voskresensk Nizhny Novgorod Place signs of mineral fertilizers in their cities Novokuznetsk

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Potassium fertilizers - increase the yield, quality and stability of plants. They contain the nutrient potassium, which has a positive effect on plant resistance to drought, low temperatures, pests, allows plants to use water more economically, enhances the transport of substances in the plant and the development of the root system, and promotes the accumulation of carbohydrates (sugar-beets, starch-potatoes). When it is added, photosynthesis is enhanced, the fruits acquire a brighter color and aroma, and are stored longer. The addition of potassium is necessary especially for root crops.

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Potash fertilizers

KCI-potassium chloride In nature in the form of the mineral sylvinite (KCI + NaCI)

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Potash fertilizers Solikamsk Bereznyaki Kamennayasol

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It was salt - “Permian”, along with valuable furs that constituted the main source of income for “Mr. Veliky Novgorod”. Salt formed the basis of the wealth of the Stroganovs, Golitsyns, and Shakhovskys. Their breweries produced up to seven million pounds of salt per year. Perm salt – “Permyanka” – was traded not only in Russia, but also in other European countries.

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Mines where Perm potassium salt is mined

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Salt dumps in Solikamsk are waste from salt mining, which occupy more than 438 hectares

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Phosphorus fertilizers contain the element phosphorus

water-soluble (ammophos, diammophos, superphosphates), 2. sparingly soluble - very poorly soluble in weak acids, insoluble in water (phosphorite meal, bone meal).

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The importance of phosphate fertilizers

It is part of complex proteins involved in the process of division of the cell nucleus and in the formation of new plant organs. It plays a big role in accelerating the ripening of fruits and berries. Promotes economical consumption of moisture significantly increases the winter hardiness of plants Phosphorus improves taste and enhances the flow of nutrients from leaves to fruits and berries. Phosphorus plays an important role in the life of fruit and berry crops. If there is not enough phosphorus, growth slows down, flowering and ripening are delayed, taste deteriorates, and yields decrease. . Excess phosphorus is harmful.

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Phosphorus fertilizers

Ca (H2PO4) 2 + 2CaSO4 - simple superphosphate Ca (H2PO4) 2 - double superphosphate Ca3 (PO4) 2 - phosphate rock

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Phosphorus fertilizers Apatity Nizhny Novgorod Voskresensk

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Nitrogen fertilizers are nitrogen-containing substances that are applied to the soil to increase crop yields. Nitrogen fertilizers

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Nitrogen is the main nutrient for all plants: without nitrogen, the formation of proteins and many vitamins, especially B vitamins, is impossible. Nitrogen regulates the growth of the vegetative mass, determines the level of crop yields, and increases the protein content in grain. Plants absorb and assimilate nitrogen most intensively during the period of maximum formation and growth of stems and leaves. Nitrogen fertilizers promote the development of the green part of the plant.

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Nitrogen fertilizers: Urea (urea) - CO(NH2)2 Ammonium sulfate - (NH4)2SO4 Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) - NH4 NO3 Potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate) - KNO3 Calcium nitrate (calcium nitrate) - Ca(NO3)2

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FIND A PAIR Urea (urea) Ammonium sulfate Ammonium nitrate Potassium nitrate Calcium nitrate CO(NH2)2 (NH4)2SO4 NH4 NO3 KNO3 Ca(NO3)2

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Nitrogen fertilizers Metallurgical plants, gas pipelines Lipetsk Cherepovets Novokuznetsk Novgorod

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Transportation of mineral fertilizers

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Calculation of nutritional value of fertilizers

Calculation of the mass fraction in fertilizers Nitrogen - N W=nXAr (N) X100% Mr substance Phosphorus oxide -P2O5 W=n X Mr (P2O5) X100% Mr substance Potassium oxide - K2O W=n X Mr (K2O) X100% Mr substance

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Calculation of nutritional value

CO(NH2)2 W=nХAr (N) Х100%/Mr substances 14 16 12 1 2 2 100% 2 + + + W = 14 () =

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CO(NH2)2 W=nХAr (N) Х100%/Mr substances 14 16 12 1 2 2 100% 2 + + + W = 14 () = 47%

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In ancient times, salt was a valuable commodity, much of which was imported into the country from abroad. The first structures in the salt mines were: chests for storing brine, brewhouses, barns, brine-lifting pipes.. By the end of the 17th century, salt mining came to the fore in Solikamsk Solikamsk resident of Solikamsk Solikamsk residents, Let's ethno-bury this name of the inhabitants

During growth and development, plants make certain demands on environmental conditions, as they are in close interaction and interrelation with the external environment. The discrepancy between these conditions and the needs of the plant organism can lead to weakening and even death of the plant, and vice versa; Full satisfaction of these needs ensures good growth and development. Plants require light, heat, air, water and nutrients to live. These factors are required in different quantities and ratios. In field conditions, plants receive light and heat from the sun, and water, nutrients and air from the atmosphere and soil. Using various agricultural techniques, a person can, to one degree or another, regulate these factors, especially water, air and nutrient regimes, adapting them to the requirements of the crops grown.

The main process that provides nutrition to green plants is photosynthesis. However, photosynthesis alone is not enough to power plants. Analyzes have shown that the plant organism includes over 74 chemical elements, 16 of which are absolutely necessary for plant life. Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen are called organogenic elements; phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and sulfur-ash macroelements; boron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum and cobalt trace elements.

Nutrient elements are included in various compounds of a predominantly organic nature and, before their decomposition in the soil, are inaccessible or inaccessible to plants. Some of the elements are in a state absorbed by the soil, and some are in the form of salt solutions, forming a soil solution. Dissolved salts are the most mobile and are used first. However, they can easily be washed out of the soil and lost to plants. The fastest and most effective way to increase the supply of nutrients in the soil is the application of organic and mineral fertilizers. An increase in the amount of nitrogen in the soil is facilitated by sowing legumes in crop rotation and introducing bacterial preparations (rizotorphin). Inaccessible elements and organic matter are transformed into accessible forms and mineralized during soil cultivation, increased aeration and improved water regime. The reaction of the soil environment is of great importance in regulating the nutritional regime. Soil moisture also affects the dynamics of microbiological processes and the accumulation of nutrients in the soil.

Fertilizers that accumulate or are extracted at the places of their use, i.e. in the farms themselves or near them, are called local (manure, slurry, bird droppings, peat, feces, composts, urban waste, calcareous tuffs, ash, green fertilizers ).

Fertilizers that are specially produced in factories or are industrial waste are called factory or industrial (almost all mineral fertilizers and a small part of organic fertilizers, which are mainly waste from the meat, fish, leather and other industries). The very division of fertilizers into organic and mineral indicates the form in which the bulk of the nutrients are located. In organic fertilizers they are in the form of organic substances, and in mineral fertilizers in the form of various mineral salts.

Based on the number of nutrients contained, i.e. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, fertilizers are divided into simple, complex and complex. Simple fertilizers include fertilizers containing one of the specified elements (for example, ammonium nitrate containing nitrogen, or potassium chloride containing potassium), and complex and complex fertilizers containing two or three nutritional elements (for example, potassium nitrate).

The main, or pre-sowing, application of fertilizers is carried out by continuous sieving before sowing the crop being sown with deep incorporation into the soil during plowing or cultivating the field. It is called basic because it provides the main amount of fertilizer intended for a given field. Typically, most mineral fertilizers and completely organic fertilizers are applied. Pre-sowing application is the main method of applying fertilizers, creating the basis for plant nutrition for the entire growing season.

Pre-sowing, or local, application of fertilizers to rows, furrows, holes or nests is carried out when sowing seeds or planting tubers and plant seedlings. Small doses of fertilizers are applied. The main task of this method is to provide plants with nutrients during the first period of growth after seed germination.

Fertilizing is the application of fertilizers during the growing season of plants, for example, in the inter-rows of row crops. Fertilizing should be considered as an important, but still only an additional method to the main and pre-sowing application of fertilizers. The purpose of fertilizing is to add some missing nutrients to the most critical phases of plant growth (for example, early spring fertilizing of winter crops with nitrogen fertilizers). Fertilizing plants during the growing season can also be done by foliar application of fertilizers dissolved in water or crushed onto the leaf surface of plants.

At our summer cottage we prefer to use organic fertilizers: humus; river silt; horse, cow and poultry manure; as well as an infusion of cut herbs. We use ash, humus, silt, manure and sand as pre-sowing fertilizers, since the soil is peaty. For pre-sowing application: ash, humus, silt, manure, and herbal infusion. And they serve as top dressing: ash, silt, manure, and infusion. Sometimes we add mineral fertilizers such as superphosphate, nitrophoska, and ash

In wildlife: Included in animal and vegetable proteins, vitamins, hormones. Sulfur is a non-metal. Continue heating. Sulfur is a solid crystalline substance, odorless. Sulfur oxidation degree: ?2 (oxidizing properties); 0; +2, +4, +6 (restorative properties). For a moment, turn the test tube with thickened sulfur down with a hole - sulfur does not pour out. How does sulfur burn in air? Color – lemon yellow; tmelt \u003d 112.8? C; ? = 2.07g/cm3. Rhombic sulfur.

“Grade 9 Metals” - Liquid metal... ? Metals Black non-ferrous noble Alkaline alkaline earth. The most fusible metal... ? The most refractory metal... ? The lightest metal...? The hardest metal... ? THE MOST, THE MOST, THE MOST. . . The shiniest metal... ? Metal crystal lattice. The most ductile metal... ? +. A metal atom is a metal cation, an electron that moves freely. The heaviest metal... ? Textbook for 9th grade.

“Chemistry courses” - Theatrical makeup. "Chemistry and everyday human life." Reporting forms at the end of the course: Deodorants and the planet’s ozone shield. Course objectives: Examples of students' design work: Protection of individual project work of a practical orientation. Main topics of the course: Polymers in medicine. Decorative cosmetics. Search for chemical substances - drugs against AIDS. The course content will help expand the concepts of:

“Aluminum metal” - From the history of discovery. Natural aluminum compounds. Lesson objectives: Chemical properties. For the first time he produced aluminum industrially (1855). Physical properties. Educational presentation for 9th grade. An aluminum cup has become more expensive than a gold one. Study the properties of group 3 A metals using aluminum as an example. A. Saint-Clair Deville. Application of aluminum. Finding in nature. Aluminum is the metal of the future.

"Mineral fertilizers for plants" - Fortunately, the following record has been preserved: nitrogen 12.2%, hydrogen - 5.5%, phosphorus 27.0%, oxygen 55.6%. Topic “Mineral fertilizers” Chemistry teacher of Nikitovskaya Secondary School Orlova O.D. Nutrient deficiencies: What classes of compounds do these substances belong to? What elements do all the mentioned substances consist of? Conclusion. What organic substances do you know? Goal: to gain knowledge about the composition and classification of mineral fertilizers. Help to the farmer Given: Solution: W(N) = 12.2% The ratio of elements in the substance W(H) = 5.5% N: H: P: O = W(P) = 27.0% 12.2/14 : 5.5/1: 27.0/31: 55.6/16 = W(O) = 55.6% 0.87: 5.5: 0.87: 3.47 = ______________ 1: 6: 1 :4 Formula? Substance X is ammonium sulfate. German chemist, academician.

“Metals in nature” - Gold. The science of industrial methods for obtaining metals from ores. Create an electronic balance. CuS. Halite NaCl. Magnetite Fe3O4. Galena PbS. Copper luster Copper (II) sulfide. Sodium-2.3%. Copper. Pyrometallurgy Hydrometallurgy Electrometallurgy (electrolysis). Methods for obtaining metals. Metallurgy. The art of extracting metals from ores. Year. Fe2O3. Kaolin Al2O3*2SiO2*2H2O.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Objectives: studying the composition of mineral fertilizers and determining their biological role, classification of fertilizers, formation of skills in solving problems, strengthening the skills of recognizing inorganic substances with the help of qualitative reactions to ions, activation of cognitive interest, broadening the general outlook, developing the ability to apply knowledge gained in practice.

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Mineral fertilizers are compounds containing nutrients necessary for plants. Plant cells contain more than 70 chemical elements - almost all that are found in the soil. But for the normal growth, development and fruiting of plants, only 16 of them are needed. These are elements absorbed by plants from air and water - oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, and elements absorbed from the soil, among which there are macroelements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and microelements - molybdenum, copper, zinc, manganese , iron, boron and cobalt.

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Some plants also require other chemical elements for normal growth and development. For example, sugar beets need sodium to produce a high yield of root crops. It also accelerates growth and improves development of fodder beet, barley, chicory and other crops. Silicon, aluminum, nickel, cadmium, iodine, etc. have a positive effect on the metabolism of some plants. The nutritional needs of crops are most fully satisfied by applying fertilizers to the soil. No wonder they are figuratively called field vitamins.

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Organomineral (ammonia + peat) Organic Manure, compost, peat Mineral Classification of fertilizers Nitrogen Liquid ammonia NH4CI Phosphorus Simple superphosphate Potassium KSI Microfertilizers ZnSO4

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Mineral fertilizers are substances of inorganic origin. According to the active nutrient element, mineral fertilizers are divided into macrofertilizers: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microfertilizers (boron, molybdenum, etc.). For the production of mineral fertilizers, natural raw materials are used (phosphorites, nitrate, etc.), as well as by-products and waste from some industries, for example ammonium sulfate, a by-product in coke chemistry and nylon production. Mineral fertilizers are obtained in industry or by mechanical processing of inorganic raw materials, for example by grinding phosphorites, or using chemical reactions. They produce solid and liquid mineral fertilizers.

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Organic fertilizers are substances of plant and animal origin. First of all, it is manure, peat, composts, bird droppings, municipal waste and waste from food production. This also includes green fertilizers (lupine plants, beans). Introduced into the soil, these fertilizers decompose under the action of soil microorganisms with the formation of mineral compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients.

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Organomineral fertilizers contain organic and mineral substances. They are obtained by treating organic substances (peat, shale, brown coal, etc.) with ammonia and phosphoric acid or by mixing manure or peat with phosphate fertilizers.

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Bacterial fertilizers are preparations (azotobacterin, soil nitragin) containing a culture of microorganisms that absorb organic matter from soil and fertilizers and convert them into minerals.

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Based on their agrochemical effects, mineral fertilizers are divided into direct and indirect. Direct fertilizers are intended to directly feed plants. They contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, iron and trace elements (B, Mo, Cu, Zn). They are divided into simple and complex fertilizers. Simple fertilizers contain one nutrient element (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, molybdenum, etc.). These are nitrogen fertilizers, which are distinguished by the form of nitrogen compounds (ammonia, ammonium, amide and their combinations); phosphorus fertilizers, which are divided into water-soluble (double superphosphate) and water-insoluble (phosphate rock, etc., used on acidic soils); potassium fertilizers, which are divided into concentrated (KS1, K2CO3, etc.) and raw salts (sylvinite, kainite, etc.); microfertilizers - substances containing microelements (H3B03, ammonium molybdate, etc.).

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Complex fertilizers contain at least two nutrients. According to the nature of their production, they are divided into the following groups: mixed - obtained by mechanical mixing of various ready-made powdered or granular fertilizers; complexly mixed granular fertilizers - are obtained by mixing powdered ready-made fertilizers with the introduction of liquid fertilizers (liquid ammonia, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, etc.) during the mixing process; complex fertilizers - are obtained by chemical processing of raw materials in a single technological process.

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Indirect fertilizers are used for chemical, physical, microbiological impact on the soil in order to improve the conditions for the use of fertilizers. For example, ground limestone, dolomite, slaked lime are used to neutralize soil acidity, gypsum is used to improve solonetzes, and sodium hydrosulfite is used to acidify soils. It was agreed to express the nutritional value of fertilizers through the mass fraction of nitrogen N, phosphorus (V) oxide P205 or potassium oxide K20 in them.

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How do plants feed on the elements contained in the soil? Let us turn to the theory of electrolytic dissociation. Under the influence of various chemical reactions and with the participation of microorganisms, a gradual transition of nutrients from an indigestible state to an ionic state occurs. But these ions would be washed out with water if they were not retained by soil ion exchangers. The ions retained by ion exchangers make up the bulk of the nutrient materials contained in the soil in a form available to plants. Exchange reactions occur between ion exchangers and dissolved substances.

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Chemical workshop: “Fertilizer recognition.” Materials and equipment: a set of fertilizers, water, solutions of silver nitrate and sodium hydroxide, test tubes, spirit lamp, holder. The following fertilizers are given in three packages under the numbers: 1) ammonium nitrate, 2) phosphate rock, 3) potassium chloride. Experimentally determine which fertilizer is in the bag with the corresponding number. Confirm your answer with reaction equations. Write complete ionic equations and abbreviated ionic equations.

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Production of mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers are produced in factories by combining atmospheric nitrogen with hydrogen. As a result, ammonia is formed, which is then oxidized to nitric acid. By combining ammonia with nitric acid, the most common nitrogen fertilizer is obtained - ammonium nitrate, which contains about 34% nitrogen. An ammonia aqueous solution containing about 20% nitrogen is used as a fertilizer. Its production is much cheaper than the production of ammonium nitrate. Other nitrogen fertilizers include ammonium sulfate, containing up to 20% nitrogen, sodium nitrate (16% nitrogen), potassium nitrate (13.5% nitrogen and 46.5% potassium oxide) and urea, the most nitrogen-rich compound (up to 46% nitrogen). ). Phosphorus flour is also used as a fertilizer, that is, finely ground but not processed chemical phosphorites. The most common potash fertilizer is 40% potassium salt. It occurs naturally as the mineral sylvinite (NaCL*KCL).

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“Mineral fertilizers” - Phosphorus plays an important role in the life of fruit and berry crops. Production of mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers promote the development of the green part of the plant. Calculation of the nutritional value of fertilizers. Phosphorus Superphosphate simple, Ca3(PO4)2-phosphorite flour. Nitrogen. Other industries (photochemistry, paint and varnish).

"Chemical industry" - Natural. Synthetic fibers Resins Plastics Rubber Rubber. Chemistry of organic synthesis. Rayon. Polyethylene. Moscow Voronezh Yaroslavl Tolyatti Krasnoyarsk. Carpets. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium are biogenic (“life-giving”) elements. Rubber. Conventional rubbers are produced in Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Tolyatti, Krasnoyarsk.

“Coloring of plastics” - Repair of plastics. Durability characteristics. Plastics and the environment. Advances in plastic coloring. Fuel economy. Color selection. What is plastic? Why are plastics used in the automotive industry? Removing parts to be repaired from the vehicle. Improved comfort.

“Glass” - Quartz glass has the highest thermal conductivity. Chemical laboratory glass is glass with high chemical and thermal resistance. Optical glass. Sulfur, selenium, arsenic, and phosphorus can be obtained in a glass-like state. Quartz glass. Ordinary window glass has 0.97 W/(m. Thermal conductivity.

“Geography of the chemical industry” - Geography of the chemical industry. Chemical industry. Industry composition. In the era of scientific and technological revolution, production continues to grow in the lower levels of the chemical industry, producing sulfuric acid, mineral fertilizers, and various pesticides. Growth rates of the world chemical industry.

“Ammonia production” - Tasks. The resulting mixture of NH3, N2, H2 passes through the heat exchanger pipes. Raw materials for ammonia production. Classification of installations for ammonia synthesis. Systems operating at high pressures (450-1000 at). Having passed between the heat exchanger pipes, the heated mixture of gases enters the catalyst. The unreacted mixture of N2 and H2 enters the synthesis column using a circular compressor.