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Sharon gives advice for life. Health and fitness beauty secrets of sharon stone. How Sharon Stone maintains her beauty

While everyone suspects her of being addicted to Botox and plastic surgery, Sharon Stone thanks her parents for her good genes and accepts herself for who she is. And to stay in shape, she just trusts her basic beauty instincts.

1. Good genes

Even without makeup, Sharon Stone seems to be an unusually young woman. Botox injections have nothing to do with it - the actress has good genes. In addition to excellent heredity, the star of "Basic Instinct" does not smoke, rarely drinks alcohol and coffee. “I was lucky with my physique, because she is naturally thin,” the actress reveals the secret of her toned body, which would be the envy of 30-year-olds, the actress.

2. "Rejuvenating" makeup

For everyday makeup, the actress uses the Visiora base cream as an under-eye concealer, since the usual concealer has a too heavy structure and makes her look older. Sharon uses Sila cream blush, which she applies with a special flat brush. “They make you look like you've been kissed by the sun,” says the actress. She also makes sure to take care of my eyebrows and constantly wears Clinique Superbalm or Dior Kiss lip glosses. For evening make-up, the actress simply glues on false eyelashes and paints her eyes with glittery shades of copper, pink, gold or silver.

3. Flawless skin

To keep her skin looking flawless, Sharon constantly takes care of it. “I use M.A.C. Wipes or Shiseido cleansing water to cleanse my face. Then I apply all of my Dior Capture Totale products. That's all - very quickly and simply, ”Sharon Stone reveals her secret to radiant youthful skin.

4. Permanent hair care

Sharon Stone admits that she was very unhappy with her hair color until she turned to colorist Ron Nepsco. “I spent four hours with him. He made me a hair color that I really loved, ”says the actress. The actress does the styling with the help of Tancho stick styling wax, which gives the hair volume and makes it seem to be disheveled. She sets the wax with dry shampoo or Bumble and Bumble Blondish Hair Powder. Sharon Stone believes it's important to change shampoos and conditioners from time to time and keeps at least 4 different brands in her shower. She doesn't wash her hair every day, only every three or four days.

5. Accept yourself for who you are.

“Yes, I am afraid of getting old. Sometimes I literally have to force myself to sit down, look in the mirror and say, "You're getting older and you look completely different." You realize that you can no longer keep doing the same hair and the same makeup, wearing the same jewelry and still looking the same. You come face to face with the fact that you are getting old. Yes, I'm not that 32-year-old pretty girl from "Basic Instinct" anymore, the 54-year-old actress is not afraid to admit to the whole world that she is getting old. “Okay, now I will wear a little less makeup and more jewelry. I will wear more bold details: huge earrings, bracelets and necklaces,” Sharon Stone decided. She is against plastic surgery because she is able to accept herself for who she is.

“Over the years, I only get better, like an exquisite Bordeaux” - these words belong to the Hollywood star who played the main role in the film “Basic Instinct”, Sharon Stone.

And she does not prevaricate: at 52, the actress looks stunning! And the celebrity does not hide his age.

“Why lie about age, throwing off decades? To me sluggishly said "great"? I'd rather frankly admit, and in response I will hear "Wow"!

Sharon Stone is often asked: how does she manage to look so great? Secret is simple: “I listen to my mother, who has adhered to and still adheres to iron discipline in self-care,” says the actress.

I remember that even after the party ended after midnight, my mother did not go to bed until she took off her makeup, the actress recalls. And on my 16th birthday, she gave me a tube of moisturizer, saying, "Sharon, apply this every morning and evening."

I asked: "Why?" Mom answered: “Do not ask too many questions, just do what I say, then you will thank yourself.” (By the way, thanks to the perseverance of her mother, Sharon took part in a local beauty contest and won, thereby opening her way to Hollywood).

Since then, the actress has not changed her cosmetic habit. Only the composition of her creams changes.

If at the age of 25 a moisturizing cream with a sun protection factor is enough, Sharon Stone shares, then at 50 this number will not work.

In addition to the fact that the cream should have a lifting effect, it should also contain such an important component as retinol (provitamin A): it miraculously moisturizes the skin and also helps fight not only wrinkles, but also age spots.

“If I feel that my skin is“ tired ”and it needs“ dope ”, I always pamper it with masks that I do every other day,” says Sharon Stone. “The main thing is not to keep them longer than the specified time, otherwise you can cause irritation.”

My favorite is the "Instant effect" mask. For its preparation you need:

  1. mix raw egg yolk, 5 drops of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon, a spoonful of olive oil and apply on the face, and then, as soon as the mixture dries, rinse with warm water. The result is amazing!

By the way, Sharon Stone is not averse to pampering her skin with an ice bath. 3-4 times a week in the morning, she immerses her face in icy mineral water with ice cubes floating in it for 30 seconds. Cold water perfectly tightens pores and tones the skin, and the eyes become clear and clean (another option is to wipe the skin with ice cubes).

Kinodiva is sure that the best thing for the skin is to support it "from the inside". And this is, first of all, a healthy diet, in which there is no place for sugar and all refined carbohydrates (sweets, bread, pasta, chips, ketchup), because they accelerate skin aging and are deposited extra centimeters on the sides.

But oatmeal, low-fat milk, cheeses, chicken, fish, olive oil, fruits, vegetables and nuts are regular guests on her table. "Add to that two more liters of water a day and stop eating after 7 p.m.," says Stone, "and the aging process can be significantly slowed down."

Sharon Stone drinks exclusively cleansing herbal tea (according to her, “a real drink of youth”), which improves blood circulation, reduces body fat and cleanses the body, which has the best effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

The recipe is simple:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. teaspoon crushed strawberry leaves
  2. 1 teaspoon mint leaves
  3. 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort leaves
  4. pour the mixture into the teapot and pour 200 ml of boiling water
  5. Let it brew for 10 minutes

The less the face is made up, the less signs of age are read on it, says Sharon Stone.

To the powder, which has the insidious property of clogging into wrinkles, she preferred the tonal foundation a tone lighter than her skin, but does not apply it to the entire face, since excess harms, but locally, only to the T-zone.

The actress considers the presence of blush in makeup an important necessity, since they make the cheekbones embossed and give freshness to the face. The most winning are natural colors (Sharon's choice is peach).

“My makeup artist told me to use the pads of my index and middle fingers to apply lipstick,” Stone continues. “This application technique allows you to accurately repeat the contour of the lips and avoid excess.”

In clothes, Sharon Stone advises to use white or pastel shades: they suit almost everyone, soften facial features and look younger.

But purple and dark green will have to be abandoned (especially for tops - blouses, shirts, pullovers), as these tones betray fatigue to the face, thereby adding age.

“I love life,” admits Sharon Stone. - This is the most expensive thing we have. Therefore, I advise everyone:

Enjoy every day you live, smile, fool around, flirt, live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, and then another birthday will not spoil your mood and add years!

Sharon Stone is known for having the highest IQ in the Hollywood Hills. She is already almost 60, but the brilliant actress has not lost her stock of humor and continues to pour witty pearls, in which there is much more truth and worldly wisdom than in the advice of experienced gurus. At least as far as the modern woman and her place in this world are concerned.

  1. The expression on a woman's face is much more important than her clothes.
  2. Plastic surgery is not mine, but I do not judge women who use the services of a surgeon. If it makes you happy, why not?
  3. I will not hide the fact that I tried Botox. And more than once. But she stopped in time so as not to turn into one of the goldfish that surf the Hollywood expanses. Because of Botox, all the actresses at once became similar to each other. I want to be myself. Let them see me as a woman who has years of interesting life behind her.
  4. There are 400,000 dyed blondes in California with identical noses, giant lips, cheek implants and snow-white teeth. And does anyone find it attractive?
  5. In the first half of your life, your face is what you were born with. In the second half - what you deserve.
  6. A woman changes many faces throughout her life. It's like a hairstyle - we can't be with the same one all the time. Throughout life, we evolve and change. We are learning, we are growing up. We look at life differently, and life looks at us differently.
  7. Even the most expensive cosmetics and the most expensive hairstyle cannot make women beautiful. The brightest, most interesting women are those behind whose shoulders life with ups and downs.
  8. The idea of ​​eternal youth is a myth. I don't want to be an "ageless beauty". I want to be the best looking woman for my age.
  9. Ava Gardner was the most beautiful woman in the world. Why? She never did anything to herself. She looked like a woman and never tried to look like a girl.
  10. Experienced adversity and health problems forced me to stop doing things that made me unhappy and sick.
  11. A truly beautiful woman is always kind to other women and to people in general. She does not accept rivalry, intrigue and meanness.
  12. If you are smart, then you will be beautiful. There are no ugly ones. Someone is beautiful like a rose, someone is like a cactus.
  13. I never seriously thought about whether I was beautiful or not. But I know one magic trick: the ability to create the illusion of attractiveness. When a woman enters a room, those present do not react to her beauty, but to the strength and energy that comes from her.
  14. At 57, I feel more confident and calm than ever. I don’t know if this is related to spirituality or if I just became wiser. But as you age, you become more selective about who you spend your time with and what you devote your life to.
  15. I can be bribed with flowers and an invitation to dinner. I like male gentlemen. But I can't stand it when my intelligence is underestimated. I demand respect for myself - and I want to have respect for my partner.
  16. I can be nice and pleasant, but it's not interesting. Being nice and pleasant is not the main goal in life. I try to be honest - both with myself and with others, and this is not always pleasant. Never tried to be the world's favorite.
  17. People are afraid to change - it seems to them that they will lose something. They forget that they can buy a lot of new things!
  18. In this life, it doesn't matter how you fall. It matters how you get up.
  19. A woman should not take responsibility for everything in the world.
  20. Becoming a Buddhist, I realized that shame was invented by man - there is no shame in nature. This is nothing but a way to manipulate people.
  21. Women can fake orgasm. But men imitate relationships.
  22. It's better to be all alone than to feel lonely next to the wrong person.
  23. In bed, my favorite thing to do is read scripts.
  24. Death repeatedly drummed my door with its bony fingers, but I did not open it. She taught me how to live in a new way. That knock on the door woke me up.
  25. One day, the girls themselves become the men they once dreamed of marrying.
  26. Never go to bed with someone who has more problems than you.
  27. Previously, you had to be famous to afford scandals; now it takes a scandal to become famous.
  28. Men are like mixers. At least one you need, however, it is not entirely clear why.
  29. A woman should know her own worth - but never name it.

Modern Sharon Stone is no less attractive than the one that once appeared to the world in the provocative "Basic Instinct". Recently, the 57-year-old star again surprised everyone by starring in an erotic photo shoot and showing off her naked body in great shape.

Sharon is one of those actresses whose beauty not only does not fade with age, but, on the contrary, becomes more attractive. But this does not mean at all that the topic of age does not disturb her.

After this “shot in the back of the head”, as the actress says about the illness, she understood the main thing: “It is such happiness to know that you will not die, but will only gradually grow old!”

  • On accepting age: “Getting old is not easy,” the actress admits. “When I was in my early forties, there was such a period: I went to the bathroom with a bottle of wine, closed the door and said:“ I will not leave until I can fully accept my current appearance. view".
  • About nutrition: Sharon eats simple food: meat, fish, cheese. I used to love wine, but now I have completely given up alcohol.

Photo in text: RexFeatures/Fotodom

While you are wondering how the actress manages to look so great in her 60s, we share Sharon Stone's top beauty secrets.

About the figure

In a recent interview with The New York Times, Sharon admitted that Pilates and massages help her keep her body in good shape. It also does not do without some food restrictions: Sharon tries to exclude gluten and alcohol from her diet. Her weaknesses are chocolate and meat. These products are always in her house, because they are not only tasty, but also good for the skin.

In addition, the only area of ​​​​the body that Sharon pays attention to every day is the buttocks. She joked about it many times.

Are there any flaws in Sharon Stone? Do you honestly admit? Every day I work hard on my, pardon the bluntness, butt. In the Stone family, this is not the strongest point. Behind, we are all a bit flat, but we perceive this collective lack philosophically.

About youth

I do not hide the fact that I tried Botox, and even more than once. But she was able to stop in time until she turned into one of the goldfish that surf the Hollywood expanses. Botox at once made all the actresses look alike: this frozen expression, eternally surprised eyes, the inability to express emotions and frown corny ... I wanted to remain myself. Let them see me as a woman who has years of interesting life behind her. Plus, Botox isn't sexy at all! A woman with a frozen face is even scary to hug and impossible to make laugh, not to mention something more.

About beauty

Yes, I am often told that women in salons regularly ask for "Sharon Stone haircuts", and in stores they demand creams that I use. But I don't have any special "beauty secrets". I am 100% sure about the benefits of moisturizers. Mom gave me my first cream when I was 12 years old. She said: "Apply it every morning, do not abuse the soap when you wash your face, and in the future you will thank me for this." Well? I really thank my mom every day for this advice.

On a plane, I always take a moisturizer and some kind of oily, oily balm that I put on my lips, cuticles and nose. This habit is from the modeling days. We, nineteen-year-old girls, were constantly told: "Paint your faces so that they shine."

About makeup

You will not see a single photo of Stone with overly catchy makeup - except for frames from films. This is because she considers makeup only a tool that is designed to emphasize natural beauty, and not to draw a new face.

The older I get, the less I need makeup. When the tone or powder is clogged into wrinkles, you look like a hundred years. Going to a party, I can line the inner eyelid with a pencil and add some dark shadows to the corners of the eyes. I rarely wear red lipstick, only on special occasions. Now most often I prefer light pink glosses.