Driving lessons

Train driving. Driving school training procedure

The first part ends when a person receives a driver’s license. Many mistakenly begin to think that they have already become a driver. Not at all ... I dare to assure you that you are not a driver yet. You are only a "candidate" for drivers.

A person becomes a real driver, having traveled 10-20 thousand km in the city.

This is the second part of the training. However, a long ride around the city, by itself, does not yet guarantee an increase in skill. Very many, with years of driving experience behind them, remain “dummies” in the worst sense of the word. They are like talking parrots who speak well, a lot, but do not understand at all. Why it happens?

It's all about driving ideology, i.e. The main idea when driving:

What the “KETTLE” is thinking about - I arrived at the place, remained alive and, thank God! And how he got there is already the tenth matter.

What "RACER" is thinking about - Yes, nothing !!! Feet think for him. For him, the main thing is "gas to failure", and then how the curve will output.

What THIS DRIVER thinks - First of all, he thinks about safety !!! Secondly, about comfort.

These two goals should be in the head of the driver. Safety and comfort for yourself, the passengers around you. In other words, driving should be beautiful. And from this beauty you can and should get great pleasure.

When driving around the city, 90% of the work is head work. And all the mechanical work with arms and legs is the remaining 10%. Head work is not only the most voluminous, but also the most important part of driving. Learning to think while driving is an even more important task than learning to step on the pedals and turn the steering wheel. Because a person who knows how to put pressure on gas with an empty head is precisely the one who is called the “monkey with a grenade”.

IN DRIVING EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT. In terms of importance, everything is divided into important and fundamental. The important thing is that you can discuss whether to do it or not. Fundamental things are not subject to discussion. It is sacred. Do you want, do not want, but you must ALWAYS do this, without exception. Because, first of all, your safety depends on them, and more simply, your health and life.

All principles, as a rule, are simple and understandable, akin to axioms. For instance. Where you look - you go there, where you don’t look - what’s there? .. That's right - you don’t go! It would seem, what else is there to explain? After all, everyone knows this. But driving is not enough to know. Driving must be done! After all, it is not the fulfillment of this, in fact, elementary principle that leads to a mass of accidents.

Principle: while driving, you must always think first, then do it. Not a single motion while driving can be allowed to do without thinking. Without thinking you can only breathe. This principle is the basis of all security.

Everything that relates to driving, the driver must do "on the machine."

Driving a car is essentially a dance or playing an instrument. First, the student learns the necessary movements to automatism, and then, on the road, arms and legs do everything as if by themselves. When walking, you don’t think about how to rearrange your legs? ..

  At first glance it seems that the driver makes many movements, at different times in different ways. There is an impression of chaos of movements. But look at the dancer. He also makes a lot of different movements. How does he remember all this?

The bottom line is that both have no chaos. In both cases, the movements consist of proven combinations. Dancers call it "PA." The driving will be called TEMPLATES.

So, all the actions when driving a car consist of templates. The task of training is to learn and work out these patterns to automatism. Any action behind the wheel is a specific pattern.

Starting the engine is a template.

The beginning of the movement is a pattern.

A stop is a pattern, etc.

It may seem strange, but the whole city ride is just one pattern - a rotation pattern. All actions of the driver, no matter what he does, are based on this one template.

The whole charm of this technique is that it saves the student from the need to memorize and memorize a lot of different movements in different situations. It is enough to work out a few templates. In the process of driving around the city, it will be enough only to switch from one template to another. But that is not all. The main task is to work with your head (inspection, assessing the situation, making a decision to maneuver), also must consist of templates, and also must be worked out to automatism!

Starting training, the student keeps the order of actions in his head. With multiple turns, gradually the exercise goes into motor memory (motor skills), freeing the head. Having completely worked out one exercise to automatism, you can move on to another. In the next, new elements are added, which at the beginning are also controlled by the head, the previous ones are performed automatically. As they work out, these new ones also go into monitoring, freeing up the head for other elements.

So, gradually, element by element, all actions fit into motor memory, freeing the head for other works.

  Heading, as already noted, is the main part of the driving process. The way the head works will be greatly influenced by the psychological state of the person. After all, sometimes it happens that an experienced driver in frustrated feelings drives a car worse than a beginner.

The principle follows from this: the driver at the wheel should not have any emotions - Neither positive nor negative. The logic is simple - as long as emotions are raging in the head, a person cannot think, and until he thinks, he has no right to do anything. Therefore, a very important part of driver training is to learn how to manage your emotions! Simply put - do not allow them to yourself. This is especially important in critical situations.

Managing the human emotional sphere is one of the most difficult tasks. It is the most difficult because the driver has to exercise control over himself. After all, if thoughts appear by the will of reason, then emotions pop up absolutely not arbitrarily.

Once behind the wheel, the driver must tune in to driving. First, calm down. Secondly, "include" all the principles and rules of driving. The driver, in fact, is not even a person anymore, this is a function, a “biorobot” performing a task that he has laid down for himself.

The term of study is 3 months, including the final exam.

There are no surcharges for gasoline, for occupation by car in the evening and on weekends. Textbooks are included in the cost of training. After graduation, a certificate of completion of a driving school is issued and an organized exam is held at the traffic police.

We are with you until we get the rights. Is possible interest-free installment payment  for the period of study.

Car driving training takes place on new cars - Kia Rio and Volkswagen Polo. In the school’s fleet there are cars with automatic and mechanical gearbox  gear shifting. Driving School 2000 offers to master all driving skills at a specialized circuit, which is lit for classes in the dark. Our car driving courses pride themselves on being included in the list of driving schools that have passed certification for admission to driving instruction. This means that each of our teachers has a specialized education. Trust the professionals!

How is the training going?




Only in our driving school you will find a wide range of theoretical classes. Classes are held once a week for morning, evening and weekend groups.

Here you will find small cozy groups of 3-10 people! Almost individual lessons with each student!

In our driving school, theory classes go on for 2 months in parallel with driving.

Classes in theory begin within a week after the conclusion of the contract!

For those who do not have enough time to attend theoretical classes, there is a distance program that you can study with at any time convenient for you.

Within a week after the conclusion of the contract, you are attached to your personal instructor, with whom you will master the entire educational program.

Our instructors have a flexible work schedule, which allows you to find the right time for classes (daily from 08:30 to 21:00), including weekends.

At an automated racetrack, you will practice exercises such as a snake, a garage, a U-turn in a limited space, reverse parking, pulling off on a rise (overpass), and turning at an angle of 90 degrees.

These exercises work out the actions that an ordinary driver uses when traveling in real life for real traffic. Understand the various situations on the road.

After mastering the entire course, the student passes final exams: in theory, by car - the site / city.

Only in our driving school is there an exercise in the examination route, which, if desired, can be included in the course, which will significantly increase the chance of passing exams (both internal and in the traffic police) the first time.

In the classroom on the examination route, the instructor thoroughly talks and works with you everything typical mistakes  beginners on this stretch of road.

The examination department is located at ul. Tvardovsky, house 8, building 5.

After successful passing the final exams, the student is issued a certificate of completion of the Driving School and he can either pick up the documents and take the exams on his own in any traffic police throughout Russia, or pass the exams with the assigned driving school.

Online broadcast from the site

To conclude a contract for category "B" you must have:


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Medical certificate (you can go at a driving school in the learning process)

In our qualified automobile school, training lasts only three months, during which you manage to master all the necessary knowledge and acquire the skills of successful and proper driving of a vehicle. You can start training immediately after signing the relevant contract.

Initially, the agreed price already includes all expenses, it will not come as a surprise for the student to pay extra for gasoline or for attending classes at the most comfortable time. At the end of the training course, students receive a specialized certificate. Our team provides organization and support during exam tests in the traffic police. During the training period, interest-free installments for payment are possible.

When a novice driver graduated driving courses for beginners in Moscow, begins an independent driver’s practice, he often faces a painful question: how to optimize time and money when moving around a city? Is it mandatory to drive around the wide streets or can you find a shorter, quieter road? It often happens that an inexperienced beginner makes the wrong choice, although initially he seemed to him the most correct and optimal.

Suppose a new driver recently got a job as a sales representative and he needs to deliver goods from a warehouse to a store in the other end of the city. He seeks to do everything in the most beautiful way and to prove himself from the best side. In this case, there are two options for the path: go along the Moscow Ring Road or "cut" through the center. Which one to choose? An inexperienced person will remember the ninth grade program in geometry and will be able to imagine that the distance to the detour will exceed the distance “directly” by about one and a half times. But his colleague, having already experienced such an approach, will affirmatively declare: it is better according to the Moscow Ring Road! And his arguments will be like this:

  1. Moscow traffic jams are one of the longest in the world. After the introduction of the new parking rules, the city roads unloaded somewhat, but the risk of being in a traffic jam is still great.
  2. Traffic lights: the road “directly” may seem shorter, but it will have to stop at least at intersections. Each traffic light is braking during a stop and a gas during starting. This driving mode has a bad effect on the condition of the car, as a result of which the repair will not take long.
  3. Fuel economy. It is easy to understand that traffic jams and traffic lights dramatically increase fuel consumption: simple with a running engine, acceleration during gas acceleration - all this requires additional grams of gasoline, which will spill tens or even hundreds of rubles throughout the journey. In addition, in the city the car will not be able to move at the optimal speed - about 90 km / h, respectively, the consumption will also increase.

All of the above points lead to one simple conclusion: the road to a detour is more profitable in terms of saving time and financial resources.

Note that often this rule also works when traveling outside the city. One who diligently walked driving school training, knows that driving on the E-class highway is safer than on country roads, no matter what the benefits promised.

For almost a year now, Russian institutions that have been teaching beginners how to fully manage a vehicle have been working under the new rules. The curriculum has been revised, the duration of studies has been extended, each school has its own race track. Nevertheless, many new listeners have a logical question: why did you need to re-certify driving courses in Moscow: it would seem that if the services of a specialized enterprise are in demand, it means that their quality indicators are quite high, and the institution should not be prevented from working.

The whole problem is that until August last year, the market for Russian driving schools was a rather heterogeneous environment where you could meet all sorts of interesting Facts. There were virtually no legal obstacles or strict requirements for starting driving courses. Unfortunately, quite a lot of irresponsible people used this. Along with schools whose curriculum was oriented towards a high level of educational standards, there were many cases where driving school training  It was designed solely to extract maximum financial profit without thinking about the consequences for newly-made drivers.

The level of existing teaching did not always allow the transfer of knowledge and skills to even capable students, the fleet consisted of used cars not in the best technical condition, the equipment in the classes was without computers and, especially, simulators. All this extremely negatively affected the road safety of the country globally and endangered the life and health of each driver in particular.

Our car driving courses  proud of their inclusion in the list of driving schools that have passed certification for admission to the teaching of driving. This means that each of our teachers has a specialized education. Training cars are represented by a wide range of domestic and foreign brands, including those equipped with automatic transmission. Classrooms are equipped with all necessary equipment: graphic stands, visual aids, car models.

In addition, our competent and reputable driving school has a computer class in which students are trained to pass the traffic police exam. Finally, we have our own platform for teaching basic driving skills and maneuvering, equipped in accordance with the most stringent requirements: you can learn not only how to turn and reverse, but also how to ride on an overpass, how to move a snake, "eight" and other tricks. We a priori do our best to educate worthy road users and are confident that most of the graduates are guaranteed to become them.

In the process of driving training, it is advisable to constantly communicate with the instructor and discuss with him different situations on the road (arising from you and not only). During driving lessons, you should learn as much as possible of his taxiing experience. This is one of the most important elements of learning.

Instructors teach driving in very different ways. I will give some examples:

- There are several ways, some of them are universal, some are tied to the dimensions of a particular car. All methods have a right to exist, but you must understand if you will have problems when you get into another car (this is possible at the passing or retake of the exam in the traffic police).

- for example, in traffic jams - you can use the gas pedal, but you can start moving only on the clutch (for many modern cars this is a completely correct situation), it’s correct to use gas, but it’s more complicated, therefore they teach a simpler way (which for real steering the instructor does not care to retrain).

Then you can read on social networks (the author’s edition): “How to get underway in the snow with the wheels turned all the way to the stop? I die out of tin) I never got off with the addition of gas. … Renault Logan’s car, they didn’t learn with gas, it was snowing the first day, and the last day was driving)))) Yes, I stalled at the race track and with straight wheels, it piled up snow, before that it didn’t stall at all)) ”

Beginning drivers often do harm to the car by inept actions, the clutch suffers the most (they “throw it”), instructors, car owners do not like it. And they may try to somehow alleviate the fate of the car, for example, holding the clutch pedal. The car is better, but learning how to drive will not work.

There is also the following psychological moment - you get used to the instructor who teaches you, his manner of communication and commands, another person will be sitting in the car with you in the exam, this is an additional reason to try traveling with someone else.

I would like to draw attention to the screams and cursing of instructors. If swearing is obviously unacceptable, then screaming can be an element of learning. As my instructor told me, “if I don’t scream, then I will drive, not you” (I’m not used to screaming).

A separate aspect is the duration of driving lessons and their number. If the lesson lasts 90 minutes, then the instructor records students with an interval of 90 minutes, that is, if you are late, then the lesson time is reduced, in addition, the instructors are distracted by smoking and so on. So the lesson really takes 70-80 minutes, this is reality. You should carefully monitor the number of classes held, often some are “eaten up” (for unknown reasons).

In conclusion, the most difficult topic - if, starting at some point (it can happen after the fifth lesson, maybe after the fifteenth), the instructor begins to explain (or hint) that you are not successful and you can’t pass the exam yourself in the traffic police, then you need to to understand (further solely my fabrications, value judgments and conjectures, I have never come across such a thing personally) that he is not interested in your training, but in getting through it. The sooner you hear such a hint, the better. You have two options, respectively - to find another instructor within the driving school (in some driving schools this is pointless) or look for an alternative instructor in parallel. The option to “solve the problem” naturally also remains, but I do not advise to follow it. A similar situation usually occurs in driving schools that are involved in "escorting" the exam in the traffic police. “Lubrication” of the process is no less important source of income for them than tuition fees and most likely some instructors are involved in this. So it’s better to look for an alternative instructor while continuing to study at a driving school. The situation with the “lubrication” of the exam process in detail

Jeep driving training is now available to everyone! Here is the fleet of the Msk-City driving school consisting of premium crossovers.

Driving instructors will find an individual approach to each student, regardless of the age and gender of the student. The training program is designed in such a way that you can take both a full course of classes and get driving lessons on a specific topic, such as parking in difficult city conditions.

The advantage of learning to drive crossovers is that with large-sized driving skills, you can easily drive any car from a family minibus to a business class sedan.

As a training vehicle at the Msk-City Driving School, only proven world-renowned SUVs are used. These are premium cars that can act not only in the role of a car for driving training, but also give a lot of positive emotions from their driving.

For the comfort and safety of our students, all cars are equipped with:

  • additional mirrors for the car instructor. Thanks to this technical tool, the driving teacher always keeps control of the situation around the training vehicle.
  • additional pedals for the car instructor, which is a prerequisite for the training machine;
  • modern serviceable fire extinguishers and a medical kit;
  • in the training car, there are charging cords for charging any mobile phone or other gadget. Thanks to this, you always stay in touch;
  • bright and modern traffic cones for performing exercises on the circuit, they are clearly visible in any weather and time of day.

You will always be pleased to be in a training car, the interior of which sparkles with cleanliness, and the climate is controlled by you personally using an air conditioner. The driving instructor always has a neat appearance, is polite and welcoming. Agree, it's nice to learn to drive in such conditions.

Training cars in Msk-City are practically new: 2012-2013 years of release. They undergo regular maintenance in official service centers and are always ready to work. The entire training fleet of our courses, without exception, is equipped with such nice options as:

  • park tronik;
  • seat heating;
  • air conditioning;
  • power steering.

As well as active safety systems and vehicle stability control (ESP), (VSC), (DSC):

  • ASR - traction control;
  • EBD - brake force distribution;
  • ABS - anti-lock brakes;
  • EDS - electronic differential lock.

The cars of our autocourses “MSC-CITY” are designed for positive and safe driving.