English language

Figures according to Zaitsev. We count according to the number column. Tutorial. Kit for home, group, classroom

Hello, dear colleagues and caring parents!

Since September of this year, I started working according to Nikolai Zaitsev’s method. If you also work using this technique or have decided to master it, then feel free to read on.

In September I taught 6 classes. Now I can say with confidence that the method works, the process of teaching children to read in sequences is going well, the results are growing with each lesson. In general, I am simply delighted with Nikolai Zaitsev’s technique!

In addition to the main set of Nikolai Zaitsev, I decided to create additional mini-tables. I think it would be better if parents could also reinforce their child’s skills at home using mini-tables.

Each mother, with a strong desire, will be able to devote 15 minutes a day in order to sing the warehouses according to the tables, and come up with a few words with the child for the given warehouses. You can show and name warehouses randomly, and most importantly, write any words on the table.

Each part of the table is in A4 format.

I printed out my mini-tables on a color printer and laminated them. The result was a benefit for many years. Even if you use the paid services of a printing company, your costs will be recouped, if only because the manual will serve for a very long time.

You can take mini-tables with you on the road. During a long trip by train, train or plane, you can use your free time to benefit your child.

Pictures enlarge when you right-click on them.

Table 1 (1) top part:

Table 1 (2) top part.

My math lover wants to learn new things more and more. And I try to keep up until this interest fades away. Made it to him number column. The numbers are arranged on it in the form of a column, which allows you to increase the speed of addition and subtraction compared to operations on. The table has become a real simulator for addition and subtraction within a hundred, although the authors explain that you can count further, but for now we have stopped there. Dimka quickly figured out how to count on a table and now demands and demands to play on it, or rather to count examples! Imagine, a three-year-old baby can easily cope with examples within a hundred.

First we traveled around the table. We carefully examined that all columns end with the same numbers. And the entire column increases from top to bottom. And each horizontal row begins with 0 and ends with 9. This is important in order to later bring the matter to automaticity when searching for the necessary numbers.

Dimka liked another dating game so much that he demanded more and more. I took the pictures from our previous ones - they were all laminated on one side, stuck a small piece of tape on each and glued them to the table. And Dima had to guess what was hidden behind the dog, bear, hedgehog, apple, orange, etc.

And now the main thing is what we think:

If you need to add 26 to 54, do the following

  1. We move our finger down one cell down and say TEN, another cell down and say TWENTY.
  2. Now follow the table with your finger to the adjacent cells to the right: ONE-TWO THREE FOUR-FIVE (at the end of the row we move to the bottom and continue counting from left to right) SIX.
  3. Call the number from the cell in which 80 stopped.

If you need to subtract 26 from 54, do the following

  1. We find and place our finger on square 54.
  2. We move our finger one cell up and say TEN, another cell up and say TWENTY.
  3. Now we move our finger across the table to the left, saying: ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR (at the end of the row we move to the top and continue counting from right to left) -FIVE-SIX.
  4. We call the number from the cell in which the pointer stopped: 28.

For now we do all the tasks by moving our fingers across the table, but the author of the technique claims that then all this will work automatically, and the child will simply look for answers with his eyes. True, all this is said about five or six year old children, but this does not stop us.

Here's how to act beyond a hundred, but we haven't tried it yet. If you need to add 45 to 78, the pointer will go through the cells 88 - TEN, 98 TWENTY, 8 - THIRTY, 18 - FORTY, 19 - ONE, 20 - TWO, 21 THREE, 22 - FOUR, 23 - FIVE. With the addition of the word HUNDRED, we call the number from the cell in which the pointer stopped: HUNDRED TWENTY THREE.

If you need to subtract 54 from 132, we proceed as follows: moving the pointer from cell 32 to cell 22 we say TEN, 12 TWENTY, 2 - THIRTY, 92 - FORTY, 82 - FIFTY, 81 ONE, 80 - TWO, 79 - THREE, 78 - FOUR. We call the result from the cell in which the pointer stopped: SEVENTY-EIGHT.

The number column is a convenient table with the width of a regular A4 sheet, and a length or more precisely a height of 75 cm. I specially selected the format for ease of printing and use - our table fits on the cabinet door. The document in PDF format has 6 sheets - five are the table itself, and the sixth is a hint diagram for addition and subtraction. Some pages need to be cut so that the numbers appear in a single table without tears on the white sheet of paper. When I cut off the excess, I kept all the sheets, after all, the baby was always crawling over them with his fingers. And I simply hung the diagram on top of the table in the file.

You can download the table for yourself here.

Methodology "A thousand and more"(Zaitsev) is addressed to preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

The set includes a number tape of ten stripes, one hundred cards, tables 1-8, six dice of different sizes and three sheets of cardboard for the “Clock” tape.

What is included in the “A Thousand and More” set (Zaitsev)

Number tape is a set of cardboard strips with numbers from 0 to 99. The number of tens and ones in each number is clearly shown using squares and circles. There are four images of numbers linked on the number tape: sound (pronunciation), quantitative (each number is represented by dots), composite (number of tens and units), and graphic (digital recording). Even and odd numbers are highlighted in color. After a very short time, children will find any number from zero to 100 in the number tape, and will receive a clear understanding of even and odd numbers, their composition (the number of tens, units), and digital notation.

Kids can easily master addition and subtraction within a hundred using the number tape in the Thousand and More set. First graders master these tasks within just a few lessons.

The next stage of training is 100 cards with numbers. There is no zero on them, but there is a hundred. The number of tens and units is also clearly shown: each number is depicted in numbers and in the form of a square of 100 cells - filled and empty. With cards you can conduct lessons on the number tape and without it, master addition, subtraction, and lay the foundation for the perception of multiplication and division. The cards repeat the cells of Table 1.

Transition from number tape to table 1 helps speed up operations of addition and subtraction within a hundred, bring them to automation and move on to mental calculations much earlier than the deadlines provided for by traditional programs.

Six large cardboard cubes And table 2 will help children master writing and reading three-digit numbers, and create figurative ideas about their composition. Cubes of different sizes: large for hundreds, medium for tens, small for units. For each rank there are two dice: with even and odd numbers on the sides. By working with cubes and Table 2, children can clearly see how many are in hundreds, tens and units.

Table 3-4 introduces students to the writing and naming of multi-digit numbers. Large numbers interest many children. They ask: “What is the largest number?”, “What is a million?” Table 3 is designed to answer these questions: it even presents numbers with an incredible number of zeros - up to 10 to the power of 100 (googol).

Table 5 will help to bring addition and subtraction within 20 to automaticity, which will later be useful for adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers in a column.

Table 6 will help you further strengthen your counting skills, as well as master multiplication and division within 100.

Table 7 in the set “A Thousand and More” (Zaitsev) is a large multiplication table. It compares favorably with the one on the back of the notebook in many respects. Firstly, the lines and columns are divided by level of difficulty: what is easy to remember - multiplication by 1, 10 and the first two columns - is printed in blue, and what is more difficult is printed in black, more contrasting and bright, and therefore attracting more attention. Secondly, the multiplicand is indicated in a large number and only once: this makes it much easier to find the desired line in the table. And finally, thirdly, this wonderful table will be visible from afar, which is especially important in group classes.

Table 8 is a visual list of squares and cubes of numbers. Squares are listed up to 32 (322 = 1024), cubes up to 10 (103 = 1000). Hang the table on the wall - and very soon the child will know these “difficult” numbers by heart!

Tape “Clock” in the set “A Thousand and More” (Zaitsev)

To make the “Clock” tape, cut the blanks included in the kit into strips and place them on the wall in one line. If there is not enough space, you can place the strips one below the other.

The tape depicts 60 watches - according to the number of minute divisions. Each dial represents a chart: black shows how many minutes have passed, and yellow shows how many minutes are left until the end of the hour. Under each watch, this ratio is written as a fraction, and also converted into an angle. It turns out that a watch dial can be used instead of a protractor! Each minute division = 6 degrees, which means that in one hour the minute hand “draws” an angle of 360 degrees, in 17 minutes – an angle of 102 degrees, and so on.

Thus, with the help of the “Clock” tape, the young mathematician will not only learn to tell time using a clock, but will also become familiar with angles - acute, obtuse, right - and their degree measures.

Along with the tables, the “A Thousand and More” (Zaitsev) set includes a teaching aid for teachers and parents. It describes in detail and shows how to work with the material. The last chapter is devoted to the arrangement of the chamber of weights and measures in the educational institution. Familiarity with the standards will make classes even more interesting and visual, and children will achieve even greater success in development and learning.

Explore the wonderful world of mathematics with the “A Thousand and More” kit (Zaitsev)!


  • number tape;
  • 100 cards;
  • 8 tables (515x728 mm);
  • three pairs of different-sized cubes;
  • Clock tape;
  • methodological manual (form A4, 40 pages, color printing)

With the declared diversity of methodological schools, the principled directions and even philosophies, the declared freshness and unexpectedness of approaches, the inviolable place of the current elementary mathematical programs, the manuals and textbooks resulting from them, is the general attitude towards one and many, many years of sitting in the heel and, finally, in the ten .

A three-year-old comes to kindergarten. With their fingers spread out, they test him: How much? Five,” he answers. Not five, but a lot! - the aunt is angry, because the program that she is obliged to carry out does not assume such sophistication of the child’s mind.

The great Moscow scientist Wenger buried the column and wrote the inscription: Ten is the limit for a four-year-old child. And don’t go behind the post. What was the basis for such a categorical statement is unknown.

Every child by the age of four has heard the names of different numbers countless times: with his mother, as soon as he was born, he counted his fingers; with his father, he counted steps, carriages, and measured a hundred steps on the road. The child knows the number of the house, apartment, his phone, grandma’s. Adults constantly talk about prices, salaries, pensions, payments for apartments, gas, electricity. On TV, numbers are not only called, but also shown in recordings: time, temperature, telephone numbers. Many four-year-olds can count to a hundred, five-year-olds to a thousand or more: parents, unlike kindergarten and school methodologists, have long understood that counting (as well as reading) is not only possible, but also necessary to be taught before school.

According to the proposed method, three to four year olds immediately become familiar with the first hundred, find any number on a number tape, by the age of five solve problems and examples of addition and subtraction within at least one hundred, become familiar with multiplication and division, learn the multiplication table, learn to read and write multi-digit numbers, know the names of geometric figures, get an idea of ​​​​polyhedra and, naturally, move on.

With ribbon Children's watch Let's learn to tell time using a clock, get acquainted with fractions, acute, right, obtuse angles and their degree measures.

Zaitsev's manual "A Thousand and More" is packaged in a cardboard box 53x39x3 cm.

Weight: 1.5 kg.

Production: NOUDO Methods of N. Zaitsev, St. Petersburg. 2017, Russia.

Zaitsev's Thousand Plus is aimed at developing attention, imagination, fine motor skills, thinking, memory, mathematical concepts, etc.

The number tape is a set of cardboard strips with numbers 0 to 9, 10 to 19... 90 to 99. On black backgrounds - whatwhat hard numbers, on nothing red (orange) – nothingnothing tny.

It may seem surprising that four-year-olds (and even younger children) show interest in such a representation of the number series. It seems that the guys already knew a lot about it, they just needed to figure it out, figure out a few things. And then, just in time, help arrived.

For the teacher, the tape helps to establish the degree of familiarity of children with numbers, their digital images, and counting to one hundred. All this happens in a free environment, not at desks, no one is constrained, on the contrary, he wants to express himself, to show, What he knows.

Many four-year-olds and almost all five-year-olds can already count to one hundred. But behind the audible and named numbers, they still do not have clear ideas about the number of objects denoted by the number, its composition. The guys still don’t understand the digital recording of numbers.

Our task is to show and reveal all this to them on a number tape.

Each cell in the number tape or tables - specific image. Moving along the tape to the left or right, looking for and showing numbers in it, using tables to solve examples and problems, we we act clearly. We develop logic, sequence, and algorithm of actions. Verbal-logical– terms, definitions, rules – we don’t just throw everything out at once, but we gradually inform and consolidate in the process of versatile activities related to the study of an object (curriculum topic, section, subject).

The number tape links four images of numbers: sound, quantitative, composite(number of tens, units), graphic(digital recording). Color And spatiotemporal signs are also important: is the number even or odd? Is it located at the beginning, middle or end of the tape? At what time point did you encounter when listing all the numbers?

After a few lessons, four- to five-year-old children will find any ordered number on the tape. This means that in three years you don’t need to study them little by little for seventy lessons. The ritual study of the composition of a ten and the composition of a two-digit number becomes unnecessary. Why talk for a long time about what is good? shown?


The cardboard included in the set is cut into 100 cards with numbers from 1 to 100. Fifteen types of working with them are described in the methodological manual.