
Gdz in English 2 printed matter

Ready Homework for an English workbook. 2nd grade. Barashkova E.A. 2016 By grade 2, students are clearly aware of the importance of English proficiency. Knowledge of the language is a good start in building a future career at the end of school. But cramming a large volume of material is not always enough time. GDZ in the English language Grade 2 will help to understand independently [...]

Ready Homework for an English workbook. 2nd grade. Azarova S.I., Druzhinina E.N. 2016. English is the language of international communication. In the modern world, a person who speaks English has good chances to get promising, highly paid work. By the 2nd grade, many students in schools understand this and pay special attention to learning English. Some students learn English with [...]

Finished Homework in English. 2nd grade. Afanasyeva O.V., Mikheeva I.V. 2016. Only fully understanding the subject can one completely love it. This also applies to the English language, especially in the early years of school. It is difficult to study a textbook in a foreign language for a student of the second grade, it is better with assistants and a student in English in the 2nd grade. The manual is published [...]

Finished Homework in English. 2nd grade. Spotlight Bykova N.I. 2014 With the start of studies in high school  the workload of students in the main program increases significantly, limiting the time for studying foreign languages. Therefore, you can often get into a situation where the child needs to go to bed, and homework on the subject has not yet been completed. In such a situation will help [...]

Finished Homework in English. 2nd grade. CMD. Kuzovlev V.P. 2016. Learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the lower grades of a comprehensive school is a difficult and responsible work for a student. He barely managed to remember the Russian alphabet, and he already needed to repeat the letters of the English alphabet without hesitation. And then even more difficult: the teacher begins to ask [...]

To children in primary school I like to learn English. Children with great interest discover a new subject. Since schoolchildren at this age still do not realize the value of such knowledge in the future, teachers try to interest the fidget by presenting difficult moments in a creative format. Often used gaming techniques that make it easy to understand necessary material. Second-graders do not have much experience in communication, so conversations with peers in English provide an opportunity not only to learn foreign language, but also to improve communication skills.

A little time will pass and the knowledge gained will allow you to read English books and hear songs in the original, without a speech barrier to communicate with children from other countries while traveling or using the Internet. But for all this to become a reality, you must carefully listen to the teacher in the lesson and consolidate the learned material yourself, using english grade 2 textbookwho will prove to be the best assistant in this matter.

What do children learn in English in second grade?

Children in elementary school will learn the basic rules of reading in the form of simple letter combinations, pronouncing vowels in closed and open syllable. In the second grade, students get acquainted with verbs, the correct use of the article, numerals, included in the top ten. Also, children will learn vocabulary, the verb “to be”, options and forms of its use. All English lessons for second graders are designed so that each child can become a full-fledged participant in the discussion of various subjects and events using foreign words. The children do not lose interest in classes, if every 10-15 minutes the teacher conducts a change in activities, begins to tell new information.

Best Friends and Helpers - English Textbooks

To improve and consolidate the knowledge gained on english language, you need to study not only at school, but also independently at home .. All of them are presented in online format and are suitable for download to a phone, laptop, computer or tablet. A preview of them is also available. Learning a foreign language is easy if you always have it at hand. english grade 2 textbookand the site is the site - your best friends!

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Task 1. Name english letters  and write them in pairs:

A, F, d, B, e, C, f, g, a, b,from , D, E, G.

Task 2. Write the missing letters:

H__, I__, J__, K __, L___, M___, N__, O__, P__

Task 3. Find the error and write the letters correctly:

Aa, Bd, Cc, Db, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hn, Ij, Ji, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nh, Oo, Pp.

Task 4. Write the missing letters:

H, __q, __r, __s, __t, __u, __v, __w, __z, __y

Task 5. Write the letters in alphabetical order. What letters are missing?

Hh, Xx, Kk, Ss, Uu, Cc, Pp, Nn, Aa, Zz, Ee, Dd, Bb, Ff, Jj, Mm, Oo, Rr, Vv, Yy

Task 6. What are the English letters:

W, q, l, Y, G, f, h, D, b, P, R, t, E, x, g, I, L, m, n, r, i, d, j, V, J, y, Q

Task 7. Combine letters and sounds:

Bb Cc Dd Hh Ll Ss Zz Rr Pp Ff Kk

[b] [z] [s] [r] [k] [f] [d] [h] [l] [p]

Task 8. What are the letters that are not in their place:

Aa, Bb, Ss, Dd, Ff, Ee, Gg, Hh, Jj, Ii, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Cc, Tt, Uu, Ww, Vv, Xx, Yy, Zz.

Task 9. Write the missing letters:

F___, ___g, ___ t, R ___, I ___, B ___, ___d, ___h, L ___, ___ m, N ___, J ___

Task 10. Name the letters and say how they are read in words:

Aa - Ii, Bb - Dd, Cc - Ss, Gg - Jj, Ee - Uu, Ff - Tt, Hh - Nn, Pp - Rr, Vv - Ww

Task 11. Circle the vowels:

1) a, r, g, k, u, c, s, q 2) d, t, f, e, x, p, v, i

3) w, z, o, j, v, e, y, h 4) r, p, I, f, a, n, b, r

Task 12. Read the transcription and write the letters:

1) ______ , ________ 6) _____, _________

2) [əu] ______, [es] ________ 7) _____, ________

3) ______, _________ 8) ______, [en] _______

4) ______, ________ 9) [zed] ______, _______

5) ______, ________ 10) ______, ________

Reading vowels in an open syllable

Task 1. Read the rhyme:

B - A - Bay B - E - B

B - I - Bitty - By B - O - Bo

Bitty - By - Bo B - U - Bu

Bitty - By - Bo Bu - Bu

The task 2. Read the words in an absolutely open syllable:

No, hi, we, so, he, my, spy, go, be, by, me, sky, try, fry.

The task 3. Read the words :

Aa   name, take, cake, hate, snake, rain, train, paint, day, may

Ee   he, we, see, need, feed, sweet, green, tree, tea, eat, read, Pete

Ii / yy   I, hi, pie, tie, time, like, fine, five, nine, kite, my, fry, spy, try

Oo   no, so, go, home, coat, open, stone, nose, close

Uu   pupil, student, suit, tune.

After consonants l , r , j   letter Uu   read [ u:]:

blue, fruit, June.

Task 4. Read the words:

may, play, day, name, cake, take, hate, pain, train, rain, eat, tea, see, tree, we, he, need, feed, green, sweet, hi, fine, five, like, pie, tie, pupil, no, coat, home, by.

Task 5.

Snake, nine, green, fine, note, tree, read, five.

Task 6. Write a transcription of words:

Go, name, like, five, he, hi, see, my, nine, no, Mike.

The task 7 . Read offers:

Hi! My name is Ike. Hi, Ike. Hi! My name is Jane. Hi, Jane.

Hi! My name is Jake. Hi, Jake. Hi! My name is Pete. Hi, Pete.

Hi! My name is Sue. Hi, Sue. Hi! My name is Flo.Hi, Flo.

Hello Flo! Hello Joe! Hello Sue! Hello, Hube!Hello, Rube! Hello, Ike!

The task 8 . Read the words

dome rope dose joke hole note hose tie die lie bike ripe hike dike

tide fine wipe mine mice like mite

pipe me be he see fee she mete gene feme tree tune duke dune pule puke dupe puce tule duty pupil

take hate made bane fame tale hake make lade fane tame hale male sale grape mace gave rage vane vale pace pave mage wane wale race rave wage wade lace poke bode bone pose tope

Reading vowels in a closed syllable

The task 1. Read the words :

Aa   bad, bag, hat, cat, can, map, man, sand, flag, sad, dad, fat, rat, jam, ant

Ee rest, text, egg, send, hen, left, ten, pen, red, help, dress, leg, desk, bed

Ii   it, is, bit, dig, slim, did, kid, tip, sit, skip, pink, big, milk, swim, ink

Oo   fox, stop, got, hot, dog, boss, box, not, frog, job, on, cross, fog, lost

Uu   must, trust,us, plus, bus, nut, but, run, jump, fun, mum, cup, jug

Cat, dog, frog, fox, rat, hen, rabbit, ant.

The task 3 . Read the words and underline the vowels in the closed syllable:

Train, plan, plane, no, not, note, Kate, cat,

The task 4 . Read the words

set pep pun cut ten net pup cup

sent pent punt sup hen mum man tan men hum ham pap twin hunt hap pant ton cog pod get hot cot got dug not hot dot sad bis kit mix bed nib bit mist bad bin miss rib rag rob run bred brit brat rod rut prep but brig gram dress flat nest plot plum

1. Acatisbig. 6. Rexisadog.

2. Iamfine. 7. My Daddy is fine.

3. My Mummy is nice.8. A snake is blue.

4. Afrogisgreen. 9. Atreeisgreen.

5. Aflagisred. 10. A table is red.

The task 6. Compare vowel reading in open and closed syllables:

Open syllable take, name, paint, train, may, play, day, plane, hate, we, he, see, eat, read, need, feed, sweet, green, hi, pie, tie, time, fine, nine, like, my, try, fry, no, so, go, home, open, coat, pupil, student, suit, blue, fruit, June

Closed syllable hat, lamp, cat, bad, bag, plan, apple, red, pen, desk, well, nest, help, ten, vest, milk, drink, zip, window, pin, dog, hot, stop, not, on, box, bus, must, trust, bus, cup, puppy

The task 7 . Read the words :

take, can, paint, bad, may, cat, name, plan, plane, hate, hat, play, apple

we, red, eat, pen, see, desk, green, well, sweet, read, ten, tree, help

like, milk, pie, ill, fine, big, nine, little, tie, simple, drink, five, six

go, dog, home, hot, coat, no, not, open, student, must, pupil, bus, cup.

The task 8 . Read the names :

Ann, Pat, Meg, Bess, Jill, Sam, Ken, Bill, Tom, John, Guss, Bob, Jane, Kate, Dave, Dan, Eve, Pete, Ike, Mike, Joe, Hube, Ned, Sue, Jake, Rube

The task 9 . Read the words :

hate-hat, made-mad, glade-glad, meet-met, note-not, cube-cub, hope-hop

wine-win, fine-fin, file-fill, fate-fat, mate-mat, plane-plan, we-wet, weed-wed, tube-tub, reed-red, site-sit, ode-odd, pope- pop

Task 10. Write a transcription of words:

Cat, jump, not, big, ten, hat, run, sing, red, six.

Task 11. Read the phrases and rewrite them in a notebook:

A yellow table, a green tree, a red bed, a big window, a white egg, a blue snake.

Task 12. Read the words and write in the notebook c start numerals and then animal names:

Text, net, frog, ten, nine, cat, red, fine, five, set, fox, six, snake, dog, seven, sun.

The task 1 3. Circle the correct transcription of the selected vowels:

1) pla te ska te, na me [æ ]

2) ba da ndA frica [æ ]

3) fi ve li ke fi ne [i]

4) te n, be d, he n [e]

5) Pe te me et se a [i:] [e]

6) bu s, bu t, cu p [u] [ Λ ]

Task 12. Find the right sound for each word:

1. Milk a) [æ ]

2. Fly b) [Λ ]

3. Nut c)

4. Tree d)

5. Flag e) [ı: ]

6. Plate f) [ı ]

Task 13. Read the sentences:

Sam has got a fat rat and a bad cat.

Ten men have got ten pens and ten desks.

Ben has got a red pen. We have got a test. Ben helps me.

Tom has got a box and a fox.

He has got a bus, but he hasn’t got a gun.

I drink milk. I can swim, sing and swing.

Reading vowels in the third type of syllable

Task 1. Read the words

ar car, far, park, mark, garden, arm, bark

or for, fork, form, storm, sport, morning, horse

After the letter w: work, word, world

er her, herb, verb, person

ir girl, bird, fir, first, birthday, skirt

ur turn, purse, curds, surname

The task 2. Read the words and rewrite them in a notebook:

FROM ar, park, garden, sport, fork, form, work, her, verb, girl, bird, first, turn.

Task 3. Read the words:

take, plane, paint, can, cat, bad, name, play, car, park, garden, far, mark

see, green, eat, read, red, ten, pen, desk, well, her, herb, verb, person, go, no, home, coat, hot, dog, stop, for, form, storm, sport, fork, work word

pupil, suit, student, blue, fruit, June, bus, nut, trust, turn, purse, surname

Task 4. Read and rewrite the sentences in the notebook:

A garden gnome is nice. A park is big. My apple is green. I like cakes.

Task 5. Read the words and write a transcript icon [ ei ], [ a :] or [æ]

Name sad tram arm park star back

Cat bag snake star rabbit bad game

Hat skate apple car man table cake

Jam take farm dark party smart stand

Can and brave date hand stamp late

Task 6. Read the sentences:

Mark has got a car. It is dark. His car is in the park. Margo has got a farm and a garden. Perl has got a lot of herbs in her garden. Perl is a smart girl. I like sport.

Reading the letters from

    Letter from more often total denotes sound [ k]:

can, cat, cup, coast, cake, case, car, cube, cub, uncle, carry, cabbage, cottage, cream, clean, club, cut, cute, strict, coffee, disco, close

    Letter combination ck always read [ k ]:

back, black, socks, clock, luck, pack, packet, jacket

    If after the letter from   followed by vowels e , i , y ,   then she

read   [s]:

face, place, ice, nice, mice, pencil, juice, cinema, city, concert, December

The task 1. Read the words

black, cat, clock, cup, car, pack, clean, sock, case, jacket, cream, luck, club, disco, October, city, nice, face, mice, cinema, ice, place, December, cycle

The task 2. Read offers :

I like coffee. Lucy is in her place. Her place is nice. I can clean the car. I like my cat. My cat is clean. He can run. She can climb. A clown is nice.

Reading letter combinations   sh, ch

The task 1. Read the words

sh [ ʃ ] fishdish, wish, fresh, shelf, she, sheet, shop, shut, brush, sheep, ship

ch   [ʧ] chick, peach, cheap, chips, cheese, chess, bench, check, much, chimp

Task 2. Read the words and rewrite them in a notebook:

Fish, she, shop, sheep, short, chick, chips, cheese.

The task 3 . Read the sentences and rewrite them in a notebook:

Ilikefish. Ilikechips. A chick is yellow. My sandwich is big. A sheep is white.

Task 4. Read the words and write a transcript sign next to each word [ s ], [ ʃ ] or [ʧ]

shallow shed chop chum chill chat send shop shun chip sand sell spot shunt shift smack hack chick pluck check pack stack tick chuck beck shack stash brick chum neck lack back shelf chips rich

Reading vowels in the fourth type of syllable

The task 1. Read the words

are care, share, hare, parents,

ere here, there, where

ire fire, tire, tired

ore   more, bore, store, shore

ure   pure, cure, sure

Task 2. Read the words and rewrite them in a notebook:

Hare, here, where, fire, more, sure.

The task 3. Read the words:

care, hare, share, parents, here, there, where, fire, tire, tired, more, bore, store, shore, pure, cure, sure, car, her, here, there, fir, fire, storm, store, purse

The task 4 . Read the words

Arm, art, ark, bar, mar, part, dark, tarn, mark, barn, nard

Tare, hare, ware, fare, rare, pare, care, mare, bare, air, fair, pair

Or, for, tore, bore, more, pore, sore, wore, tort, lorn, ford, torn, north

[ǝ:] firm, first, skirt, shirt, birth, pirn, wire, hire, mire, dire, entire

[ǝ:] her, fern, tern, perm, term, perk, kern, serve, fur, turn, curl, purse, durst, hurl

Clear, dear, shear, peer, veer, beer, here, mere, beard, fear, hear

Main, tail, paid, mail, pay, say, day, mail, pain, waist, rein, they

Task 5. Read the sentences;

Please speak to me. I don’t like cheap meat. He drinks tea near the sea. She likes to sit on the beach. I look at clean see.

Modal verb   can

The task 1. Read offers

I can play football. I can run like a dog. I can help Sam and Dan. I can paint well. I can see Tom. We can go home. He can ride a bike. She can swim well.

Task 2. Read the sentences.

Canheseewell? Can he go home? Can Tom help you? Can I hope? Can you play football? Can you sing well? Can she swim well? Can the cat jump?

The task 3. Read offers :

I can’t read well. He can’t swim. She can’t sing well. We can’t help you. I can’t jump. He can’t run well. She can’t play chess.

The task 4. Read offers :

Can I see you? Yes, you can. Can Bob help Ann? Yes, he can.

Can you read? No, I can’t. Can I help you? No, you can’t.

Can she swim? Yes, she can. Can dogs fly? No, they can’t.

Task 5. Read and translate sentences:

Dogs can run, but they can’t climb. Birds can fly, but they can’t swim. I can jump, but not very well. Fish can swim, but they can’t fly. Tom can dance, but not very well. Horses can run and jump very well. Ann and Bob can swim very well.She can swing, but not very well. He can play football very well.

The task 6. Read text and write about tom , what you know how do

What i can do

Hi! My name is Slava. I am a big boy. I am ten.

I can run and jump. I can swim and play football but I can’t ski or play tennis. I can run, jump and play football very well. But I can’t swim very well.

I like to run and play football very much. But I don’t like to swim or jump. I run and play football with my friends. We play football in the yard.

The task 7. Read the words and write a transcript sign next to each word [ i :], [ e ] or [ǝ:]

He pen we get bee her herm

Bed girl hen she me bird red

Turn meet text see well best leg

Send egg meat tree chess seven ten

Reading letter combinations oo

The task 1. Read the words :

Kangaroo, look, book, bedroom, good, noon, football, food, too, footprints.

Task 2. Read the phrases and rewrite them in a notebook:

A good book, my nice bedroom, a big room, look at me, a big kangaroo.

Task 3. Read the sentences.

Akangaroocanjump. Mybookisgood. Mybedroomisbig. Myfavoritefoodispizza. Hisfavoritefoodischips. Herfavoritefoodischipstoo. Lookatme! Icanclimbatree.

The task 4. Read the words

been heed need sheet deed keel creep peel keep keen creel meek teem cheek teen wool look took soot good crook boot hoot pool room moon loom proof drool dream mean bean beach creak team weak cheap cheap meat peal

The task 5 . Read the words

Owl, cow, now, down, flower, how, towel, power

Show, low, fellow, sown, bowl, lowly

Oil, soil, spoil, toil, boil, joy, boy, enjoy, toy

All, tall, also, ball, wall, football, call, hall, small

The letter y is a special vowel

    At the beginning of the word, the letter y denotes a consonant sound [ j ]:

yes, you, your, yard, young, yet, yellow

The task 1. Read collocations :

a bad year, a good year, many years, five years, six years, nine years, a young man, a young girl, young people, young children

Task 2. Read the sentences:

Youryardisgreen. Your yard is large. I like to play in the yard. Young people play tennis in the yard. This man is young and strong. Give me a yellow cup. My jacket is yellow. Yegor is five. Yura is six years old. How old is Yasha? He is nine years old. Yana and Yelena play in the yard. Semyon and Tanya live in Yalta. Ilya and Tolya cycle in the yard.

    The letter y in the open syllable is read [ ai ]:

my, sky, fly, try, fry, dry, cry, why, shy, type, style.

    The letter u in the closed syllable is read [ i ]: system, symbol, gym

Task 3. Read the words :

yard, my, Yegor, cry, type, yellow, shy, system, fry, young, year, yet, buy, why, style, symbol, Yulya, dry, try, fly, gym, Olympic.

    Letter combinations ay , ey   mean diphthong [ ei ]:

they, may, day, play, pay, say, way, away, stay, gray

    The letter oy stands for diphthong [ oi ]:

boy, toy, enjoy, Floy, Roy.

The task 5. Read the words :

my, fly, sky, cry, dry, try, why, type, style, buy, guy, may, day, pay, play, say, way, stay, gray, boy, toy, joy, enjoy, Roy, system, Olympic, shy, symbol.

At the end of polysyllabic words, the letter y reads as [ i ]:

carry, happy, berry, sorry, hurry, hungry, baby, lady, lazy, crazy, marry, merry, very, every, duty, story, only

The task 6 . Read offers

The lady lives in a big city. Her baby is very nice. It’s a merry story. We enjoy every happy day. I am not lazy. Only you can help me.

The task 7 . Read the words and put a transcript sign next to each word [ i ], [ ai ] or [ǝ:]

I big bird bike fly six ice

Hi smile his pig drink city by

Time sky ride time slim try baby

Like fix girl pretty film sing lady

The task 8 . Read and translate text

My Toys

Hi! My name is Denis. I am ten. I have got many toys. I’ve got three balls, six cars, two cats and one dog.

My balls are green, red and yellow. They are in the box. The box is in my room. I have got many cars: big and little, black, blue, gray, brown and white. They are on the shelf. My cats are gray. They are nice. They are on my desk. I like to play with my toys.

Reading letter combinations th   (voiced interdental sound)

Letter combination th indicates a loud interdental sound [ð]:

they, them, this, that, mother, father, brother, together, grandmother, grandfather, then, that, clothes, with, weather

The task 1 . Read the words with indefinite article:

a day, a play, a tale, a name, a cake, a train, a tail, a pie, a pupil, a student, a green tree, a fine sweet, a blue sea, a fine tale, a green coat, a blue suit

The task 2 . Read the words with a specific article:

the name, the tale, the day, the play, the tail, the train, the time, the tie, the pie, the tree, the tea, the sea, the home, the coat, the pupil, the student, the suit , the fruit, the fine pie, the sweet tea, the blue coat, the green fruit

The task 3. Read offers :

I have got a mother and a father. My grandmother can sing english songs. I like to play with my brother. My brother likes coffee with milk. My mother drinks tea. My mother can play the piano.

The task 4. Read collocations :

this man, this baby, this lady, this day, that girl, that teacher, that game, that rose, this cat, that bed, this chair, that radio, this ship, that chicken

The task 5. Read offers :

This is a cat. That is a dog. This is my mother. That is my father. This is his brother. That is her sister. The weather is good. The moon is on the sky.

Reading letter combinations   th ( deaf sound )

Letter combination th may indicate a dull interdental sound [ ]:

thick, thin, think, thing, thank, tooth, teeth

The task 1. Read the words and rewrite them in a notebook:

This, that, with, they, there, mother, brother, father, thin, thick, thank.

The task 2. Read offers :

Let me think. Thank you! I see three trees. The bird is in the tree. That girl is my sister. The girl is thin. She is my mother.

Reading letter combinations ng , nk . Suffix - ing

    Letter combination ng reads as one sound [ η ]:

sing, spring, bring, long, song, strong, hang, morning, evening, swing.

Task 1. Read the sentences:

Goodmorning, Ike! Good evening, Eng! We play in the morning. They read in the evening. Spring is a fine season. Birds sing in spring. Spring brings rain. Please bring me a ring. Bring a cup of strong tea. We swing in spring.

Task 2. Read the sentences.

It’ sevening. The evening is fine. The day is long. Eng can’t sing. Bring him strong tea. A king likes to sing a song. He likes swimming and skating too. So he is very fit and strong.

Reading the letters   g

    Letter g more often total denotes sound   [g]:

green, game, glad, gas, go, big, bag, garden, dog, good

II. If the letter g facing vowels e , i , y , then stands for sound [ d 3 ]:

age, page, cage, stage, agent, large, orange

Exceptions : give, girl, get, gift, begin

The task 1. Read the words

game, page, sing, gym, long, age, bring, stage, green, garden, glad, orange, bag, get, gift, give, large, girl, begin, flag

Task 2. Read and translate the text.

My friend

Hello, boys and girls! I am Anton. I am a pupil. I have a friend. His name is Sasha. Sasha is ten. He is a pupil too. He is my classmates.

  Sasha is a tall boy. His hair is dark and short. He has gray eyes. He has blue jeans and brown T-shirt on. He has black boots. He has no cap on. He has a ball in his hands.

  Sasha can sing songs very well. But he can’t ride a bike. He likes to read.

  We like to play football and to play computer games. Wearegoodfriends.

Task 3. Circle the correct transcription of selected consonants

1) c atc owc rocodile [k] [s]

2) black duck clock    [k]

3) ch errych ildren, bench [∫]

4) sh ip fish , sh eep [∫]

5) sing spring song [ η ]

Task 4. Read the text and answer the questions

My name is Alex. I am a pupil. I am nine. I like to read books. I like to play football and volleyball. I do not like to play tennis. I have got a sister. Her name is Sally. Sally likes to sing songs. My sister and I like to paint.

    Who is nine? Alex sally

    Who reads books? Alex sally

    Who likes to sing? Alex sally

    Who likes to paint? Alex sally

The task 5. Read text and choose correct answer

  Hello! My name is Dick. I am five. I do not go to school. I have got many toys. I have got a teddy bear. It is big and brown. I have got four cars. They are white and blue. I have got a robot and two planes. I have not got dolls but I have got three balls. I like my toys.

    Dick has got ____________. many friends/ many toys

    He has got a brown __________. teddy bear /   car

    He has got four ____________. balls/   cars

    Dick has got one ___________. robot / plane

    He has not got a ____________. ball / doll

Task 6 . Read the sentences

I have got a pet. It is a cat. Its name is Fat. It has got a funny nose. My cat likes milk. It cat climb and jump. My cat is clever and cute. I love my cat!

Mike has got a dog.

Dear Friends! Now you can read English well. You know many new English words. You can read English poems and rhymes. I hope you   love English!