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L-cysteine ​​(l-cysteine). role and benefits for human health. Cysteine ​​is an assistant in the fight for beauty in women, as well as muscle mass and men's health in the stronger sex Lee cysteine

Often people do not pay attention to such changes in the body as dryness and irritation of the skin, brittle hair, digestive disorders, weak immunity, fatigue and many others. These seemingly unrelated symptoms can be caused by a single cause - a lack of cysteine.

Cysteine ​​is an aliphatic sulfur-containing amino acid. This means that the structural formula of the molecule contains no aromatic bonds and contains one sulfur atom.

It is referred to as non-essential amino acids, i.e. Cysteine ​​can be synthesized in the human body. However, in some situations, the body needs its additional intake. Therefore, it would be more correct to classify this amino acid as conditionally replaceable. The chemical formula of cysteine ​​is C3H7NO2S. This is one of the few substances that replenish sulfur reserves in the body.

The bulk of cysteine ​​is spent on the formation of taurine and glutathione. Taurine is a substance that supports the healthy activity of the human nervous system and brain. It also promotes eye health and helps to increase muscle volume and lose weight, if present.

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that supports human immunity. It has been proven that the aging process is largely associated with the appearance of a lack of glutathione. Moreover, its level can be restored to the required level only by increasing the consumption of cysteine.

The functions of cysteine ​​are also varied. It is used in the treatment of many diseases, in sports and the beauty industry. We'll talk more about this later.

California Gold Nutrition, L-Cysteine, AjiPure, 500 mg, 60 Capsules

How is cysteine ​​different from L-cysteine?

Often on the packaging of medicines you can see the inscription L-cysteine. How does it differ from "ordinary" cysteine? The fact is that cysteine ​​is the general name for a chemical that can take the form of two isomers: L-cysteine ​​and D-cysteine. Living organisms contain only L-isomers of amino acids, therefore it is L-cysteine ​​that is used for oral administration.

How best to take?

Cysteine ​​is contained in preparations in various forms: L-cysteine, N-acetylcysteine, cysteine ​​hydrochloride, cysteine ​​dipeptide, acestine. The use of one form or another of this substance depends on the purpose of the drug. Cysteine ​​is also found in foods in the form of a registered additive E920, but this additive, although completely harmless, does not have any beneficial properties for the body. In addition, the amino acid is destroyed by heating, so the use of the supplement in this form becomes absolutely useless.

Indications for use

In medicine, cysteine ​​​​is used to treat cataracts in the early stages, as well as to treat pathologies caused by a lack of vitamins. Its use facilitates the recovery of patients after various operations or severe injuries. Being a strong antioxidant, cysteine ​​allows cancer patients to tolerate chemical therapy with less negative consequences, and also helps to remove various toxins that pollute the body, which is useful in the treatment of alcohol dependence and related diseases of the liver and other organs.

Cysteine ​​favorably affects the health of hair and nails, so it has found wide application in cosmetology. It increases the regeneration of skin cells and helps slow down aging.

This amino acid is most actively used in sports. L-cysteine ​​is a popular sports nutrition supplement. It promotes increased muscle growth, allows you to recover faster after heavy loads.

How quickly does the effect of taking cysteine ​​appear?

L-cysteine ​​is an amino acid that is easily absorbed by the body. It is easily absorbed by the stomach when taken orally, after which the biochemical decomposition of cysteine ​​into various derivatives occurs: taurine, glutathione, chondroitinsulfuric acid and some other substances. For these processes to occur in the body, cysteine ​​is oxidized. The benefits of taking the amino acid are clinically proven, and the action begins immediately after entering the stomach. The appearance of the effect of taking accelerates the additional intake of selenium and vitamin C.

What role does it play in sports and bodybuilding?

Cysteine ​​is essential for maintaining the shape of athletes and weightlifters. In the process of training, the consumption of cysteine ​​significantly exceeds its production by the body itself, therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of training and build muscle, it is necessary to use cysteine ​​in foods and preparations.

Food sources of L-cysteine:

  • soy protein;
  • poultry meat, pork;
  • eggs;
  • milk and products of its processing;
  • vegetables (onions, garlic, broccoli);
  • peas and other legumes.

Cysteine ​​catabolism releases taurine and glutathione, which allow the athlete to easily recover from exercise, stabilize blood pressure, accelerate muscle growth and fat loss. The antioxidant effect of the amino acid normalizes the digestive system, which prevents the accumulation of excess in the body and promotes fat burning.

Bluebonnet Nutrition, L-Cysteine, 500 mg, 60 Veggie Caps

How to take when playing sports?

Athletes are recommended to consume up to 3000 mg of pure cysteine ​​per day. It should be consumed during a meal or an hour and a half after a meal. When taking cysteine ​​supplements, increase your usual water intake.

Action on the human body

Cysteine ​​is used not only in the treatment of diseases, but also to maintain the general state of human health. At the same time, it affects the body of men and women differently. Let's discuss this in more detail.

Impact on men's health

Eating supplements containing N-acetylcysteine ​​increases sperm motility, which improves male fertility. The use of L-cysteine ​​together with selenium increases the viscosity of the seminal fluid, which contributes to an easier fertilization of the egg and the onset of the partner's pregnancy. In some cases, we can even talk about the complete cure of some types of infertility in men.

The use of cysteine ​​can also solve problems with potency. The amino acid affects the erectile function of men by participating in the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide has a relaxing effect on the walls of blood vessels, which contributes to the emergence of a stable erection in a man.

Should women take it?

Eating supplements containing L-cysteine ​​will not be superfluous for women either. In addition to its use in medicine, the amino acid is actively used in cosmetology. It will improve the condition and appearance of the skin, nails and hair. The decay products of cysteine ​​can slow down the aging process and prolong the youthfulness of the female body.

For hair and skin

L-cysteine ​​is a constituent of keratin, the protein that makes up our skin, hair and nails. The lack of amino acids can adversely affect their condition and appearance. Taking preparations containing this amino acid will strengthen the hair, make it less brittle, and give it a beautiful and healthy appearance.

The use of cysteine ​​will help restore and strengthen hair after perm, dyeing and other negative effects of chemistry. The transformation of your skin will also not go unnoticed - it will become more elastic and elastic, dryness will decrease, wrinkles will be reduced. As a result, you will experience a significant effect of skin rejuvenation.

Source Naturals, L-Cysteine ​​100 g

Side effects

Side effects when taking cysteine ​​are extremely rare and, if they occur, do not cause serious harm to the body. Usually they are caused by insufficient water intake or an overdose of the drug.

When using L-cysteine, it should be remembered that we consume cysteine ​​daily in food. When taking drugs containing cysteine, you should be careful to eat foods that contain a large amount of this amino acid. This is especially true for chicken eggs, wholemeal bakery products, garlic and onions.

An overdose of cysteine ​​can cause headache, nausea, and indigestion. Dangerous to health is the use of 7 grams of cysteine ​​per day. This dose can cause serious damage to the body. Instructions for use of the amino acid recommends using it in a volume of 500 to 1500 mg per day.

Contraindications for admission

Like all drugs, cysteine ​​has contraindications. Its use is contraindicated in:

  1. diabetes mellitus;
  2. hypertension;
  3. pregnancy and lactation;
  4. the presence of a cup-shaped cataract;
  5. increased arterial and / or intraocular pressure.

Solgar, L-Cysteine, 500 mg, 90 Capsules

Cysteine ​​is a non-essential amino acid that is increasingly attracting the attention of physicians and athletes. And this is not at all accidental. First, it belongs to the group of proteinogenic amino acids involved in the formation of proteins and peptides. Second, it helps improve hair and skin health. In addition, it is an important raw material for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Want to know more? Then read this article to the end. We will consider unique properties cysteine, its application in sports and medicine. We will also name diseases in which the amino acid cysteine ​​will help.

Cysteine in the optimal natural form and dosage is contained in bee products - such as flower pollen, royal jelly and drone brood, which are part of many natural vitamin and mineral complexes of Parapharm: Leveton P, Elton P, Leveton Forte ”, “Apitonus P”, “Osteomed”, “Osteo-Vit”, “Eromax”, “Memo-Vit” and “Kardioton”. That is why we pay so much attention to each natural substance, talking about its importance and benefits for a healthy body.

What is this substance - cysteine?
Conditionally essential amino acid

This compound is found in many proteins, especially keratins. Substance cysteine(cysteine) is a component nails, skin and hair and some digestive enzymes. Participates in the formation of collagen, making elastic and healthy skin. It also takes part in the formation of muscle fibers. Cysteine ​​is also needed by the body to burn fat, exchange sulfur and form bile. Exists in the form of two isomers, of which the most significant for humans L-cysteine.

This amino acid is called non-essential, because the body can produce it on its own, however, in small quantities. At the same time, our body uses another amino acid as a raw material - methionine. It should be noted that in the body of infants cysteine is not synthesized, and babies get it from mother's milk. That is why this substance is sometimes called conditionally essential amino acid.

In its pure form, it is a colorless powder with a slight specific odor, which is easily soluble in water. It quickly oxidizes in air with precipitation, turning into cystine. The amino acid cysteine obtained in industry by hydrolysis of protein keratin-containing waste - bird feathers, pig bristles, human hair.

It can be added to this that L-cysteine is a food additive E920, which is mainly used to improve the quality of bakery products.

In a number of reference books, this compound is not mentioned; instead, you can find a substance with a similar name - "cystine". By the way, it is formed by combining two cysteine ​​molecules. These amino acids have different properties, so do not confuse them.

Who is first opened
amino acid

The study of amino acids at the end of the 19th century was the most promising direction in organic chemistry, attracting dozens of scientists. More than others, researchers from Germany succeeded in it. First discovered amino acid cysteine O. Bauman, when he studied sulfur-containing amino acids. In 1884, he described the formation of cysteine ​​from cystine, which occurs when an amino acid is exposed to tin and hydrochloric acid. Later, in 1903, the German chemist E. Erlenmeyer was able to establish the chemical structure of a new substance. Parallel L-cysteine studied by the researcher K. Merner, who in 1899 managed to isolate it from the substance of the horns.

Properties of cysteine :
how to stop early
body aging

Along with serine and glycine, this amino acid is essential for collagen synthesis. To important properties of cysteine should be attributed to its ability to make the skin supple and healthy. It is important that cysteine ​​takes part in the formation of muscle fibers, strengthens connective tissue, and is also needed for burning fat. And these are just some of the functions of this amazing substance, but there are others.

  • Cysteine ​​is essential for sulfur metabolism in the body.
  • Participates in the formation of bile.
  • Promotes hair growth and increase in their diameter.
  • Helps the absorption of selenium.
  • Indispensable for the immune system: activates leukocytes and lymphocytes.
  • Carries out metabolism in the lens of the eye.
  • It has antitumor and anti-inflammatory action.
  • It is the strongest antioxidant (with the participation of vitamin C and selenium).
  • A key link in the redox reactions of the body.
  • Participates in transamination - other amino acids can be formed from it;
  • Removes toxic substances and radionuclides;
  • Eliminates the effects of alcohol intake;
  • The basis for the formation of substances: taurine, glutathione, coenzyme A and cystine. necessary for the nervous system, helps to become stronger muscles, normalizes blood pressure, important for vision. Glutathione is a strong antioxidant, enhances immunity, helps to stop early aging of the body .

We add that cysteine ​​is one of the main sources of sulfides necessary for normal metabolism.

Foods containing cysteine

To replenish the supply of this useful substance in the body, it is useful to eat any protein dishes. Speaking of animals products containing cysteine, then first of all you need to eat:

  • chicken,
  • pork,
  • eggs.

But red fish, such as salmon, are also quite suitable for this purpose. Recently, scientists have found that dairy products, especially whey, are the richest in this substance. Vegetarians can consume the following foods to get daily intake of cysteine:

  • peas;
  • red pepper;
  • garlic;
  • broccoli;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Walnut;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • brown rice;

Daily intake of cysteine

According to experts, in order to stay healthy and alert, a person should receive 2 g of cysteine ​​per day. Eating rationally, you can replenish the supply of this amino acid. But the difficulty lies in the fact that during heat treatment, a significant part of the beneficial substance is destroyed, and the body produces the amino acid in low quantities. In this case, it is recommended to use various nutritional supplements. For this purpose, the Leveton Forte vitamin complex is suitable. Amino acid cysteine contained in one of its components - .

Naturally, under intense loads and stresses daily intake of cysteine will grow. It is believed that a dose exceeding 5 g is toxic to our body.

The need for this amino acid increases in the elderly, with heart disease, after injuries and operations.

Cysteine ​​deficiency in organism

This is one of the substances, the lack of which in the body can be recognized quite easily - by the appearance of a person. So the main features cysteine ​​deficiency are:

  • rough, dry skin;
  • fragility of nails;
  • weak and brittle hair;
  • blurred vision;
  • stomach ache;
  • depression;
  • weak immunity.

Amino acid cysteine :
excess substance in organism

Excess substance cysteine does not occur very often. Typically, there are such signs of a high content of this amino acid in the body:

  • irritability;
  • allergy;
  • thickening of the blood;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;

It can be noted that an excess of this compound causes an increase in homocysteine ​​in the blood, which increases the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Cysteine ​​and sports:
amino acid as an antioxidant

It must be said that athletes respect L-cysteine for several reasons. First, this works amino acid as an antioxidant. And this property is important both for strength sports and for developing endurance. Secondly, cysteine ​​is needed for the formation of taurine and glutathione, which are popular with bodybuilders.

It is taurine that stimulates the production of testosterone, which stimulates muscle growth. Improves heart function by stimulating blood flow. Necessary to maintain body temperature at the same level. This quality is highly valued in the types associated with hypothermia of the body: skiing, biathlon, swimming.

And glutathione, also produced from cysteine, activates the immune system, softens the effect of catabolism, and is a good antioxidant.

We add that cysteine ​​is one of the components of insulin, which, under severe stress, can turn into glucose - a source of energy. In addition, the substance helps to burn fat, which is very important in bodybuilding. It also accelerates recovery after exercise, effectively removes the effects of sports injuries.

All these useful properties done cysteine an excellent assistant to athletes. It is not surprising that today there are so many that include this substance. But taking this compound, you need to know that it is better not to combine it with some substances. First of all, here it is necessary to include drugs that depress the immune system. But some vitamins, such as E, C and B6, on the contrary, enhance the effect of cysteine ​​several times.

Cysteine ​​preparations :

When it was discovered that this substance dissolves in water better than cystine, it quickly found application in medicine. Let's name the main disorders in which they are used cysteine ​​preparations:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • cataract;
  • arterial disease;
  • oncology;

It is important that this compound is able to destroy mucus in the respiratory tract, so it is well suited for the treatment of bronchitis and lung enphysema. But use of amino acids in medicine this is not limited. In particular, cysteine ​​helps to recover from operations, burns, as it improves the condition of the connective tissue, and also strengthens the immune system. It is also used for parenteral nutrition. Note that the reception cysteine ​​preparations contraindicated in diseases such as cystinuria and diabetes mellitus.

Another sphere medical use of amino acids- treatment of patients with radiation sickness. It has been experimentally established that cysteine ​​is effective against X-ray exposure, but the result will depend on how the drug is administered to the body. Studies have been conducted in which rats received high doses of radiation. Then the animals were divided into two groups: two experimental and one control. It turned out that in the group where L-cysteine injected intravenously, about 70% of rats survived, and half survived when injected subcutaneously. At the same time, all rodents died in the control group.

Also, a number of experiments revealed a significant hepatoprotective actioncysteine ​​preparations. Along with this, the substance improved lung function in animals with pneumonia, helped to cope with the harmful effects of alcohol.

Now you know that without substances cysteine many important processes in the body would be impossible. It helps improve hair health and skin, strengthens the immune system and removes toxins. Thanks to its unique properties has found its application in pharmaceuticals, medicine and sports.

Cysteine ​​is often called the amino acid of youth and beauty. Healthy skin, shiny thick hair - the merit of a substance registered as a food additive E 920 (another spelling is E -920).

The useful features of a unique product are not limited to the cosmetics industry. Cysteine ​​- strong, improves the functioning of all body systems.

The officially accepted product name is L-cysteine ​​and its hydrochlorides - sodium and potassium salts (SanPiN The international version is L-cysteine ​​and its hydrochlorides - sodium and potassium salts.


  • L-cysteine ​​(L-Cysteine);
  • cysteine;
  • sodium and potassium salts of L-α-amino-β-mercaptopropionic acid;
  • 2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid;
  • Cys (Cys, C);
  • UGU (UGC);
  • L-cysteine ​​und seine hydrochloride - Natrium und Kalium salze, German;
  • L-cysteine ​​et hydrochlorides - sodium et potassium sels, French.

Substance type

Additive E 920 according to its main technological function is classified as a flour and bread improver.

The product is a non-essential sulfur-containing amino acid. Exists in the form of optical L- and D-isomers. L-cysteine ​​is easily synthesized in the human body from serine (the source of sulfur is the aliphatic amino acid methionine). Synthesis also occurs with the participation of vitamin B6 and adenosine triphosphate (an energy molecule, a source of nucleic acids, known as ATP).

In nature, cysteine ​​is part of keratins - mechanically strong proteins that are the basis of hair, nails, skin in humans, feathers, wool, horns, hooves in animals and birds.

Supplement E 920 is obtained by hydrolysis of natural keratin-containing wastes ( predominantly duck feather) 20% solution.

There are also various methods for making synthetic L-cysteine ​​by microbial fermentation, but these are less common due to the high cost of production.



Bulk batches of additives E 920 are usually supplied in carton-winding drums. It is allowed to use another type of container in agreement with the buyers.

For retail sale, L-cysteine ​​is packaged in jars and buckets made of polymeric materials.

Store the product tightly closed, in a dry, cool place protected from light.


In the food industry, E 920 is registered as a restorative flour and bread improver.

Uses of L-cysteine in the amount of 200 mg/kg allows:

  • improve the rheological properties of the dough. This is especially true for the production of commercial products from wheat flour with weak or excessively strong gluten. The additive increases elasticity, prevents the formation of voids and cracks;
  • reduce the time of kneading and raising the dough;
  • increase the final output.

Cystenin is allowed to be used in meat production in combination with (for example,). It is designed to speed up the process of coloring sausages, preserve color during heat treatment and storage. Additive E 920 enhances the flavor of meat products.

The share of L-cysteine ​​in the food industry is small. The product supplied to the market goes mainly to the needs of the cosmetic industry. The main direction is hair care.

Cysteine ​​breaks the disulfide bonds of keratin. The property is used for the procedure of permanent biochemical hair waving. The advantage of the substance is the absence of an unpleasant odor, a mild effect on the hair and scalp.

Additive E 920 is included in shampoos against dandruff and hair loss. Active amino acid:

  • strengthens the bulbs;
  • due to the strong antioxidant effect, it has a general healing effect on the scalp;
  • stabilizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

The additive has conditioning properties, adds volume, facilitates combing.

Cysteation is gaining popularity - a cosmetic restorative procedure aimed at smoothing hair with the help of natural ingredients. The salon method is especially useful for people with fine, dull hair.


  • increases volume;
  • makes hair soft and shiny;
  • improves color (often a substance is used to remove yellowness).

Additive E 920 is used in various categories of caring cosmetics: creams for the body, face, skin around the eyes, preparations for strengthening nails. The substance moisturizes the skin, accelerates the synthesis of collagen, increases the firmness and elasticity of tissues. It masks the chemical smell of cosmetics.

Valuable biological qualities, active participation of L-cysteine ​​in the redox processes occurring in the body, caused its wide use in pharmaceuticals and medicine.

The additive exhibits high protective properties under ionizing radiation. Cysteine ​​was one of the first drugs tested for the treatment of patients with radiation sickness.

For preventive purposes, it is prescribed to people who are in the zone of increased radiation.

The substance is used in the complex therapy of the following conditions:

  • poisoning, pesticides, cyanides, lead compounds (the greatest therapeutic effect has a complex of cysteine ​​\u200b\u200bwith and selenium);
  • ophthalmic diseases associated with a lack of sulfur-containing amino acids in the body (for example, age-related cataracts);
  • arthritis, arthrosis: the additive has a strong anti-inflammatory effect;
  • burns, wounds, frostbite (the substance accelerates tissue regeneration);
  • oncological diseases: cysteine ​​reduces the severe effects of chemotherapy, stimulates the activity of leukocytes;
  • respiratory diseases (destroys and removes mucus).

L-cysteine ​​reduces the toxic effect of alcohol on the liver. It counteracts the damaging effects of acetaldehyde.

ER doctors use a liver-protecting substance when diagnosing an overdose of narcotic analgesics (such as acetaminophen) in patients.

Cysteine ​​is a part of sports nutrition. It stimulates the growth of muscle tissue, improves metabolism, promotes fat burning.

Additive E 920 has been awarded the GRAS (not safe substance) status. It is allowed in all countries without limiting the daily allowance.

Benefit and harm

Additive E 920 is generally safe for health. The amino acid is natural to the body. Acting with products, the substance is quickly absorbed.

L-cysteine ​​acts as a synergist of ascorbic acid. In combination with vitamin C, it is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants.

The additive performs a number of other useful functions:

  • improves digestion;
  • participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and the biosynthesis of the most important amino acids for humans (taurine, cystine);
  • protects from the effects of radiation;
  • decomposes and removes toxins from the body, including heavy metal ions.

Manufacturers of dietary supplements actively introduce cysteine ​​into their products. Uncontrolled intake of a popular supplement can lead to negative consequences:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting
  • malfunctions of the digestive tract;
  • severe allergic reactions.
Important! The use of more than 7 g of cysteine ​​can be fatal. The body is not able to cope with such a dose. L-cysteine ​​begins to turn into another form of the optical isomer - D-cysteine. This harmless enzyme involved in metabolic processes becomes a dangerous toxin in large quantities.

With caution, cysteine ​​preparations (including cosmetic ones) should be taken by people suffering from asthma, cystinuria, and heart disease.

Most often, the E904 additive is used in cosmetology, namely, in manicure varnishes. Read more about this substance.

Main manufacturers

Among the world manufacturers it is worth mentioning the following:

  • Wacker Biochem (USA);
  • Ajinomoto (Japan);
  • Hanling Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. (China);
  • PURATOS N.V. (Belgium).

Buns enriched with L-cysteine ​​can be bought without fear of getting poisoned: the E 920 additive is added in small quantities.

If it is necessary to replenish the supply of sulfur-containing amino acids in the body, it is better to give preference not to artificially synthesized dietary supplements, but to natural products.

L-cysteine ​​is found in large quantities in raw eggs (especially quail), cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, and whey protein. A lot of useful substances in plant products: nuts, seeds, germinated wheat, onions, garlic, cabbage, buckwheat.

It should be remembered that cysteine ​​decomposes during heat treatment.

Amino acid "L-cysteine" contains beta-keratin, which is so necessary for hair, skin and nails. The lack of this protein entails the following destructive processes:

  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • baldness;
  • thinning of the hair shaft and cross-section of the ends;
  • brittle nails.

L-cysteine ​​restores the amount and structure of beta-keratin, thereby normalizing collagen synthesis. It, in turn, improves the quality of skin, hair and nails, stops the irreversible aging process. Cysteine ​​also acts as a precursor of glutathione, in the absence of which the liver and brain become defenseless against external factors.


One pack of Now Foods L-Cysteine ​​contains 100 capsules. 1 dose of the drug includes the following amount of useful substances (in mg):

  • l-cysteine ​​- 500;
  • pyridoxine - 10;
  • ascorbic acid - 60.

As auxiliary ingredients, the manufacturer uses harmless substances of plant origin. Among them:

  1. magnesium stearate.
  2. Cellulose.
  3. Silica.
  4. Lemon acid.

Side effects from the use of Now Foods L-cysteine ​​occur only with individual intolerance to the components, the presence of which is the reason for the selection of another drug.

How does the drug work?

"L-cysteine" provides support to all tissues of the body from the inside. Bioadditive works as follows:

  • increases skin elasticity;
  • optimizes metabolism and fat burning process;
  • restores the structure of proteins involved in the formation of collagen;
  • activates blood circulation in the brain;
  • protects liver cells from destruction;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the lens of the eye;
  • neutralizes the toxic effects of radiation, drugs, metals, etc.

L-cysteine ​​Now is not a drug but a health supplement.

Indications and application features

Pay attention to the dietary supplement "L-cysteine" is for people who suffer from:

  • increased convulsive activity;
  • frequent poisoning;
  • cataracts;
  • diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.);
  • brain disorders caused by the influence of toxins;
  • early baldness, brittle nails, withering of the skin, etc.

Now Foods L-Cysteine ​​tablets will help shorten the recovery period for patients who have undergone major surgery and suffered from burns. How to determine the daily dose of the drug? Consult a doctor. The manufacturer recommends using "Cysteine" 1-3 times a day, 1 tablet.

The product's name:
Now Foods, L-Cysteine, 500 mg, 100 Tablets
Expanded opinion:
A weighty jar with a hundred capsules in the womb promised to turn me from Gosha Kutsenko into a long-haired Ondine ... or a Siren ... in general, into any strongly hairy woman without flaws and with solid keratin virtues. The manufacturer assigned me a gigantic pill as the focus tool.

Truly! One tablet is enough to suffocate in the process of swallowing and go to that steppe where the length of the hair will be the last thing that will interest you Keep in mind. "Actual size" is drawn on the packaging for a reason. So that you know what to prepare for.

Secondly, can you guess what the taste of cysteine ​​is?) Considering that cysteine ​​is an amino acid. That's right, sour! Those. it is not just sour, but sour-sour! Like the sourest lemon in the world, topped with lemon juice and sprinkled with citric acid. In the meantime, you change facial expressions and swallow saliva from the acid reflex, I will continue: if you try to crack this acid stone, you will feel a new range of sensations. Here's some smart stuff:
“Promotes healthy skin, hair and nails
With Vitamin B-6 & C
GMP quality
Food supplement
NOW L-Cysteine ​​is an essential amino acid that is an essential component of hair, nails and skin keratin. L-cysteine ​​stabilizes the protein structure and aids in the formation of collagen, thereby promoting healthy skin, hair and nails.”

"stabilizes the structure of the protein and helps the formation of collagen" - Oh! Here it is! And I keep thinking, well, where does the tablet get such a rich taste of boiled meat ... Now it’s clear: collagen, it is also collagen in Africa. But they don’t argue about tastes, especially if you don’t engage in food perversions that I subjected myself to, but simply swallow a pill and drink it with water, you won’t feel anything. I promise!

Although for the sake of the result you can endure) Let's turn, sobsno, to him, to the result: surprisingly, he is! If you have ever taken supplements for hair-skin-nails, then you know perfectly well that nails are the first to react to such sanatorium conditions. I was no exception and saw with my own eyes how they flooded) In addition, I want to note that the surface of the nail itself has evened out, that is, if earlier it was possible to arrange a rollercoaster for bacteria there, now they, at most, only can skate.

About hair:

Yes, they are growing at a breakneck pace.

No, their density has not changed in any way.

Yes, they are falling out less.

In principle, the available suits me, although I took this dietary supplement in the hope of increasing the density of the hair, and not their growth. I know, I know who I'm kidding (This is genetics, and at least you get drunk on cysteine-keratin-biotin, but if the fate-villain is destined for you three hairs in six rows, then sit and pray that the latter do not fall out (

But this is a reason to rejoice for everyone who wants to grow a Rusa braid to the waist - take cysteine, drink 1-3 tablets a day, 3 months in a row and start measuring sizes)

800 rub.
Test period (for care):
3.5 months