
What to cook with pike perch. Recipes for cooking pike perch in the oven. What you need for cooking

Pike perch is an incredibly tasty and healthy fish that contains a large amount of vitamins and amino acids. In cooking, pike perch has gained great popularity due to its ease of processing, it is very easy to clean, and it has few bones. First and second courses are prepared from this fish; it can be stuffed, smoked, salted and much more. The most unusual and interesting cooking recipes are presented below.

Pike perch baked with zucchini and butter sauce

This dish looks very original and beautiful in a modern way. Standard ingredients are used here, but this once again proves that you don’t need to purchase the most expensive products to prepare a restaurant dish. To prepare a simple pike perch dish according to a recipe with a photo, you need to take the following products:

  • pike perch - 1 pc. (if you buy cut fish, you need to buy 2 clean fillets);
  • fresh parsley - 50 g;
  • olives - 150 g (it is best to purchase pitted ones, otherwise you will lose a lot of time removing them);
  • butter - 80 g (you should take a high-quality product, if there is a spread, the sauce will separate and have an unpleasant aftertaste);
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.

For cooking you will also need a small amount of olive oil, a few cloves of garlic and a bouillon cube.

How to cook

To avoid any problems with preparing the dish, you should follow the step-by-step instructions exactly:

Recipe for a delicious pike perch dish

The method of preparing pike perch according to this recipe is suitable for nature lovers. In this case, the fish will not be baked in the oven or fried in a frying pan. It is cooked over an open fire. In this case, the pike perch turns out incredibly tasty and juicy. The peculiarity of the dish is the use of very aromatic ingredients and spices. To prepare pike perch for a group of five people, you need to take about 2 kg of fish fillet and 150 g of ketchup.

In addition to the pike perch, you should take 100 g of soy sauce, 10 g of fresh ginger, a few tablespoons of sesame oil, honey, one lemon, garlic and parsley. It is also advisable to take a few horseradish leaves - this is not a required ingredient, but it will enhance the aroma of the dish.

Cooking process

As already reported, pike perch is quite easy to prepare, so if you follow the simple step-by-step instructions, you will have a wonderful dish for any picnic. So, you need to do the following:

If you do not find horseradish leaves, then it is better to put foil on one side; it will protect the pike perch from burning.

Pike perch with vegetables in the oven

A very simple and quick recipe for cooking fish. Moreover, it is suitable for people who are on a diet, because there are no “heavy” foods here. The ingredient list will list specific types of vegetables, but you can use the ones you like best. In the next photo of a pike perch dish you can see what the end result should be.

Required Ingredients

To prepare a pike perch dish for three servings, you need to take 600 g of clean fish fillet, as well as:

  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • any white wine - 100 ml (you can use inexpensive varieties);
  • cream 18% - 30 ml;
  • butter;
  • tomatoes - several pieces;
  • fennel.

You can also use any other vegetables, for example, asparagus, green peas, corn.

Cooking the dish

Step-by-step recipe for a dish of pike perch with vegetables, baked in the oven:

At the end of cooking, the fish and vegetables can be decorated with lemon slices and dill sprigs. The dish is best served with boiled rice.

Fried pike perch in a dry frying pan

The beauty of this dish is that the fish needs to be fried in a dry frying pan in a special food envelope. The pike perch turns out incredibly aromatic, since all the odors remain inside the envelope, and very healthy, because frying occurs without a single drop of oil in the pan.

What you need for cooking

To prepare a dish for three people, you need to take 3 clean pike perch fillets (if the fish was small), 200 g of cherry tomatoes, a few spoons of capers, carrots, asparagus and bell pepper.

For the marinade you need to prepare a few tablespoons of olive oil, one spoon of plain water, rosemary, thyme and tarragon. If you don’t have such spices at home, you can replace them with any others or buy universal ones, which are called “For fish dishes.”

Marinating and cooking

In this recipe for pike perch, there is no need to tell you how to cut the fish; this procedure has already been described in detail in previous recipes. To cook delicious pike perch, you need to do the following:

  1. In a small bowl, mix all the spices and vegetable oil.
  2. Dip portioned pieces of pike perch into the marinade and mix everything well. Leave in the refrigerator for several hours.
  3. When the time allotted for marinating has passed, the fish should be removed from the bowl and transferred to a paper envelope.
  4. All of the above vegetables should be cut into small slices, and cherry tomatoes should be cut in half. Place them in an envelope and add 1-2 tablespoons of water.
  5. Place a thick-bottomed frying pan on the fire and set the heat to medium. There is no need to pour oil into the pan.
  6. Fry the fish and vegetables for about 5 minutes on each side. If all products are cut into fairly thick pieces, the cooking time may increase slightly.

This completes the process of preparing this dish. Upon completion, you need to remove all the products from the envelope and arrange them into portioned plates. You can garnish with a sprig of rosemary and lemon slices. As a side dish, it is best to use spicy boiled rice and fresh vegetable salad.

When cutting fish, cut the abdominal cavity very carefully so as not to touch the gall bladder, which will spoil the taste of the product.

Try to get all the bones, because it is very inconvenient to eat fish when it is bony.

You need to cook pike perch over medium heat, otherwise it may become dry and tasteless.

Now you know many different recipes for preparing pike perch dishes. They are all quite simple. Pike perch is a delicate fish, so it cooks very quickly; try not to increase the cooking time, as you can dry out the main product, and the taste of the dish as a whole will be spoiled.

The best fish for the table

Pike perch meat ranks second in value after the famous salmon. It is tender, quite juicy and not at all greasy. It is these qualities that have made pike perch quite popular among chefs all over the world. This fish is good in any form. It is fried, stewed, boiled, baked and even used to prepare delicious fillings for pies. Any recipe for cooking pike perch is worthy of attention. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from this fish: from fish soup, cutlets and zraz to aspic and stroganina. And the low fat content makes pike perch also a dietary product. Scientists claim that this meat contains a large amount of protein and at the same time has a very low calorie content, so almost all people can eat it, regardless of health status. Among other things, the meat of this wonderful fish is also very healthy. It contains a rich vitamin complex and a wide range of macro- and microelements that are beneficial to the human body. Therefore, doctors strongly advise everyone to include this valuable fish in their daily diet.

For every taste

Every housewife has her own favorite recipe for cooking pike perch or any other fish. Some people prefer fillet in a delicate, golden-brown “coat” of oatmeal and cheese. Others prefer aromatic pieces of fish in a creamy sauce with mushrooms. And those who are forced to closely monitor their health choose the most delicate quenelles with fresh herbs. Each recipe for cooking pike perch requires a specific processing method. But the main factor here is a matter of taste. The main thing is to remember that the meat of this fish is quite lean.

It should not be fried for a long time. Otherwise, the dish will turn out dry and tasteless. But if you really want fried pike perch, then you need to take the time to marinate it with salt and pepper for about 15 minutes. Then process it in a frying pan for 5-7 minutes and cook for 5 minutes until fully cooked in the oven at 250 degrees. That's all, but we must not forget that each recipe for cooking pike perch has its own nuances.

Let's start cooking

Like any process in cooking, cooking pike perch begins with preparing the main ingredients. The main component of any fish dish is the seafood itself. Therefore, we begin our preparations with him. The head of sea pike perch must first be cut off, otherwise the dish will have a bitter aftertaste. This does not apply to river individuals. In rare cases, the whole fish is used, but more often in the form of pieces or fillets. Therefore, we first thoroughly clean the headless carcass of scales and entrails, and then cut off the fins and tail. Now cut the finished semi-finished product into portioned pieces or carefully separate the fillet from the bones with a sharp knife. Now, if you don’t want to bother for a long time, you can prepare the simplest dish, which is called just that.

"In a simple way"

Pike perch is made like this: pour sunflower oil into a deep frying pan (just a little), and then alternately layer onions, cut into half rings, and salted fish fillets. This whole mass is generously filled with mayonnaise. Now all that remains is to cover the frying pan with a lid and put it on low heat for about 40 minutes. You can spend your free time talking with friends. This dish is very convenient for novice housewives or for those who do not like to tinker in the kitchen for a long time.

Baked fish

There is another fairly simple option. It is absolutely easy to bake pike perch in foil in the oven. For one fish you will need 1 onion, lemon, salt, a couple of tomatoes, pepper, parsley and a couple of spoons of mustard. Everything is prepared in one go:


What to cook with fish? But if you have pike perch, there should be no problems with cooking. Pike perch is the most delicious river fish that can be caught in all reservoirs of the European part of the country. The average weight of pike perch is from 600g to 3.0 kilograms; specimens weighing more than 18 kilograms are rarely found. River borsch is often confused with pike perch, but it can be distinguished by its scale-covered “cheeks”; this is the fleshy part of the gill covers. Sea pike perch lives in the Caspian Sea and the Dnieper-Bug Estuary; it is distinguished by its wide head and dark color. The meat of real river pike perch, tender, white, is well absorbed by the body, unlike bursh, which has a lot of bones and sea pike perch, whose meat is coarse.

Pike perch requires special care when fishing, as it has spines in its fins and gill covers. Pike perch is used to prepare various fish dishes; it is boiled, fried and stewed; it is rarely used for pickling and smoking, because pike perch meat is not fatty.

The simplest thing you can cook from pike perch is to fry it. You can fry it in pieces, or you can fry the fillet. It is good to remove the fillet if the pike perch is large. Cut the fillet into portions, add salt and pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Then roll the fish in flour and fry in hot oil for 15 minutes. Serve fried pike perch with vegetables and potatoes.

Boiled pike perch with sauce. Prepare the pike perch and cut into portions. Salt the fish and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. Why add salt to pike perch before cooking? Salt will keep the pieces of pike perch intact and they will not fall apart during cooking. Then the pieces can be washed to remove excess salt and placed in a pan. Pour water over the fish and cook until tender, 30 minutes. Prepare the sauce. Chop two hard-boiled eggs very finely, mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, dilute with warm cream and heat for 3 minutes. Before serving, pour the boiled sauce over the boiled vessel and serve as a side dish with potatoes, vegetables and herbs.

Pike perch stewed with horseradish sauce. Prepare the pike perch and cut it into portions, add salt and refrigerate for 1 hour. Horseradish is the best seasoning used when cooking fish. Prepare the sauce, grate the horseradish root, add salt and sugar. Place half of the horseradish in the pan and place pieces of fish on it, add the other half of the horseradish on top. Dilute sour cream with water 1:1 and pour over fish. Simmer over low heat for 40-50 minutes. Serve the pieces of pike perch, pouring over the sauce obtained during stewing.

Pike perch rolls. To prepare pike perch rolls, you need to take skinless fillet, lightly beat it and salt it. Prepare minced meat. Boil rice and mix with finely chopped boiled egg and fried onions. Spread each pike perch fillet with a thin layer of prepared minced meat and roll into a roll. If the fillet is small, then the roll can be tied or stabbed with a wooden stick. Then dip the roll in beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil. Serve pike perch rolls with vegetables, herbs and lemon slices.

Pike perch fried in greens. Pike perch fillet, cut into portions, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, roll in flour and dip in beaten eggs. Then dip in breadcrumbs mixed with finely chopped parsley and dill. Press the breading well onto the fish and fry in hot oil on both sides. For garnish, prepare boiled young beans and asparagus, fry shallots with garlic. Boil wide noodles. Serve fried pike perch with noodles and vegetables.

It is best to prepare fish aspic from pike perch. To prepare aspic, fish must be cleaned, gutted, washed, cut off the head, and remove the gills. Cut off the tail of the fish and cut out the fins. Place the head, tail and fins, and if you have them, pike perch caviar in a saucepan and cover with cold water, add parsley roots, parsnips, onion, bay leaf, and salt. Cook over low heat, then add portions of fish and cook for another 15-25 minutes. When the fish is cooked, it must be carefully removed from the broth and placed on a dish as a whole, with head and tail. Strain the fish broth and add pre-soaked gelatin (for 1 kg of fish you need 10 g of gelatin), boil and strain again. Cover the fish with lemon slices, boiled carrot stars, green parsley leaves and carefully pour the broth halfway. When it cools down a little, pour out the remaining fish broth, as much as the dish allows. Cool the aspic. Such a large aspic is prepared for the festive table, for banquets and anniversaries. The aspic can be prepared in portions, without the need to preserve the integrity of the fish. In each bowl, just put a piece of fish, a carrot rose, a slice of lemon and fill it with the prepared filling. Only horseradish with vinegar, horseradish with beets, horseradish with sour cream, mayonnaise, salads and salted and pickled vegetables are served with fish aspic.

Boiled pike perch with vegetables. Prepare vegetables, carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, broccoli, cut and place on the bottom of the pan. Then prepare the fish, cut it into pieces, add salt and pepper, and place it on top of the vegetables. Pour some water into the pan and place on low heat. Simmer for 30 minutes. When everything is ready, place pieces of fish on a plate with boiled vegetables on them, pour over melted butter and serve hot.

Pike perch on toast. Cut the pike perch fillet into pieces diagonally, place on a greased baking sheet, add salt and pepper, grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese, place in a preheated oven. Bake the fish for 30-35 minutes. Prepare croutons. Cut the white loaf into slices diagonally, fry in oil on both sides, rub with a clove of garlic and place on a dish. Place the cooked fish pieces on each piece of loaf, pour over the sauce with mushrooms. Serve with fresh vegetables.

Pike perch baked with potatoes. Cooking pike perch is a pleasure because it is a fish that does not have small bones, so it can be baked with potatoes. Cut the cleaned and washed fish into two halves along the ridge, then cut each into pieces, add salt and pepper. Place the pike perch pieces on a greased frying pan. Peel and cut the potatoes into strips, place on top of the fish and on the sides, add salt, add onion rings, pour in oil and sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Serve with vegetable salad.

Pike perch turns out juicy if you cook it in dough (orli). Remove the fillet from the pike perch and trim the flesh from the skin. Cut the fillet pieces into cubes 2-2.5 cm wide. Place the prepared pieces of pike perch in a saucepan and add salt and pepper, pour over a mixture of lemon juice and vegetable oil, add chopped parsley and dill. Mix the mixture and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Now you need to prepare the dough. Take 0.5 cups of water, add 5 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 1.5 cups flour, whites from 6 eggs, salt. Stir everything thoroughly until smooth. Pike perch sticks, using a fork, dip into the dough and deep-fry, fry for 6-8 minutes until golden brown. To remove excess oil, place the fish in a sieve or on paper napkins. Serve fried pike perch in dough with potatoes or as a separate dish, garnishing it with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs.

As a first course, you can prepare fish solyanka from pike perch. To prepare you need 600g of fish, 2 onions, 3 pickles, 2 tbsp. spoons tomato paste, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 15 olives, lemon. Chop the onion, fry it in oil and add tomato paste, simmer with water. Peel and chop the pickled cucumbers finely, add them to the onion and tomato, add a bay leaf. Place everything in a saucepan, pour in the fish broth and cook for 10 minutes, then add pieces of fried fish fillet. Serve fish solyanka with a slice of lemon, olives and sour cream.

Pike perch is a predatory fish that lives in rivers and fresh water bodies. In terms of gluttony, it ranks second after pike. Due to its high mobility and aggressiveness, pike perch contains little fat, which allows it to be classified as a dietary product. Its white and tender meat is suitable even for the first feeding of babies. In our article we will present the chemical composition and nutritional value, tell you whether the pike perch fish is bony or not, and explain how to properly clean this predator. Here we will offer simple recipes for delicious and healthy dishes.

Nutritional value and calorie content of pike perch fish

Among freshwater fish, this predator takes pride of place. It lives in deep water in clean reservoirs, so its meat has a pleasant color and smell. Many people are interested in the question of whether pike perch fish is fatty or not.

The meat of this predatory inhabitant of fresh water contains a lot of easily digestible protein, enough water and is completely free of carbohydrates. It contains a minimal amount of fat. Moreover, 75% of them are represented by mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Anyone who prefers to cook pike perch need not worry about their figure. This is a low-fat fish with low calorie content (84 kcal) and a rich vitamin and mineral composition. The amount of protein is 18.4 g, fat - 1.1 g, water - 80 g per 100 grams of product.

Pike perch contains up to 20 amino acids important for humans, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, E. The fish contains a sufficient amount of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron.

Regular consumption of pike perch meat promotes:

  • harmonious development of the child;
  • improving brain function;
  • normalization of the stomach and intestines;
  • reducing blood glucose and cholesterol levels;
  • improving the condition of skin, nails and hair;
  • decreased blood density;
  • normalization of metabolism and improvement of the general condition of the body.

Vitamins, minerals and have high antioxidant properties.

Pike-perch fish: bony or not?

There is no doubt that the meat of this freshwater predator is healthy. The taste of pike perch fish is no less pleasant. The meat of this deep-sea inhabitant of reservoirs is distinguished by its delicate texture, white color and pleasant smell. It contains virtually no bones, which is a big advantage.

Pike perch is not so easy to clean due to its hard scales that adhere tightly to the skin. We will tell you how to do this correctly below.

How to clean pike perch fish?

You can remove the scales using a sharp knife with a serrated edge, special scrapers or a vegetable peeler with a longitudinal blade. Fish should be cleaned in the following order:

  1. Using culinary scissors, remove the spiny fins.
  2. Clean the fish with short movements from the tail to the head, lifting the scales and removing them. To prevent the fish from slipping out of your hands, it is recommended to rub it with salt or first pour boiling water over it before cleaning.
  3. Rinse the cleaned fish and place on a cutting board.
  4. Gut the pike perch. To do this, make a longitudinal cut from the tail to the head, revealing the belly of the fish.
  5. Pull out the insides, being careful not to damage the gall sac. Separate the fat lining the belly, milk or caviar.
  6. Remove the black film inside and rinse the fish thoroughly.
  7. Cut into portions.

If you want fillet, you need to make sure whether the pike perch fish is bony or not. As mentioned above, the dietary meat of this predatory inhabitant of fresh water bodies contains practically no bones. Therefore, you can safely fillet pike perch and prepare a wide variety of dishes from it.

How to cook fish?

Rich in easily digestible protein, dietary pike perch meat is recommended for consumption by those losing weight, people with diabetes and diseases of the digestive system and kidneys. This fish can be prepared in any way: boiled, fried, stewed, baked in the oven or on the grill, stuffed, dried, dried, smoked, chopped and made into delicious steamed cutlets. However, it should be taken into account that heat treatment increases the calorie content of pike perch. For example, it contains 97 kcal, and fried - 180 kcal per 100 grams of product.

We recommend preparing the following delicious pike perch dishes: fish soup from the head, aspic, baked in foil with vegetables and sour cream sauce, and stewed in a slow cooker in cream. A side dish of rice, buckwheat or potatoes is ideal for fish.

Pike perch fish soup recipe

The amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe is for a 3 liter pan. Pike perch head soup is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Cook the broth. To do this you will need the head and tail of a pike perch. They need to be thoroughly cleaned and washed. It is necessary to cut out the gills from the head. Place the fish in a saucepan, cover with cold water, add 5 black peppercorns and the whole peeled onion.
  2. Cook the broth for 25 minutes over low heat. Periodically you need to remove the foam.
  3. Strain the finished broth through a sieve. Disassemble the head and tail, separating the meat from the bones.
  4. Pour the broth into a clean pan, add salt and add meat to it.
  5. Add chopped potatoes (2 pieces) and carrots, chopped into strips, into the pan. As soon as the vegetables in the broth boil, pour a handful of millet into the ear. Boil the soup until the ingredients are ready. At the end of cooking, add salt, pepper and chopped dill.

Pike perch baked in foil

Tender, juicy, aromatic and low-calorie fish can be prepared according to the following recipe. The meat turns out lean and very tasty.

How to cook pike perch fish can be described in step-by-step instructions:

  1. Clean the carcass, remove the entrails and head. It can be used to prepare fish soup.
  2. On one side, make transverse cuts to the ridge at a distance of approximately 1.5 cm from one another.
  3. Salt and pepper the fish and leave it on the table for 20 minutes.
  4. Prepare a sauce from mustard (3 tablespoons) and the juice of half a lemon.
  5. Cut the onion into half rings, the tomato and lemon into slices, and then cut them in half again.
  6. Place part of the onion on a sheet of foil greased with vegetable oil. Place fish on top. Coat the pike perch with sauce, and insert half a lemon and a tomato into the transverse cuts.
  7. Wrap the foil tightly. Place the fish in an oven preheated to 200° for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, open the foil so that the pike perch browns. If desired, you can sprinkle the dish with cheese.

Jellied pike perch

This dish will decorate any holiday table, especially New Year's. For anyone who still doesn’t know whether pike perch is bony or not, and doubts whether it’s worth preparing aspic, we recommend that you start this process immediately. This predator has no bones, so both adults and children will enjoy eating it.

Step by step, pike perch aspic is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Clean the fish from scales, remove fins, entrails and gills. Cut off the head and separate the fillet from the bones.
  2. In a 3 liter saucepan, cook the broth from the head, tail and ridge. As soon as the water boils, you need to remove the foam. Add a whole onion, carrots, peppers, and peas. After 25 minutes, salt the broth and add bay leaf.
  3. Remove the broth from the stove and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. Pour it into a clean pan, add the fillet pieces and cook them for 15 minutes.
  4. Place the meat into molds. Here you can add a beautifully chopped boiled egg, herbs and carrot pieces. Strain the broth again.
  5. Soak gelatin (2 teaspoons) in cold water for 15 minutes. Add the swollen mass to the hot broth, mix well and pour it into molds. Cool first on the counter and then put in the refrigerator.

How to cook pike perch in sour cream?

Many housewives complain that when baking low-fat fish in the oven, it turns out dry. To avoid this, it is recommended to cook pike perch in sour cream sauce. Then the meat will turn out tender and very tasty.

We will describe how to cook pike perch fish in the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Clean the carcass and cut it into portions 2.5 cm thick. The head can be used to prepare another dish.
  2. Salt the fish, pepper and place on a baking sheet greased with olive oil. It is good to pour lemon juice over the pike perch on top.
  3. Prepare a sauce from sour cream with a fat content of 15%, mayonnaise (2 tablespoons), 1 kg of onion cut into half rings, salt and pepper.
  4. Pour the prepared sauce over the fish. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  5. Bake the dish at 180° for 40 minutes.

Delicious pike perch in a slow cooker

You can prepare this recipe. Step by step, the dish is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Cut pike perch fillet (400 g) into portions. Pour lemon juice (2 tablespoons) over the fish, add salt, add a little lemon zest, then cover the plate with film and place in the refrigerator.
  2. Cut sweet peppers, onions, carrots and champignons (100 g) into strips. Mushrooms can be chopped into plates.
  3. Place the vegetables in the multicooker bowl, adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  4. Set the "Baking" mode for 5 minutes.
  5. Heat 10% fat cream (200 ml) on the stove. Pour them into the slow cooker with the vegetables, then continue to simmer the vegetables as usual for two minutes.
  6. Place half of the vegetable mass on a plate. Place the pike perch fillet on the remaining vegetables. Cover the top of the fish with the mixture set aside on a plate.
  7. Set the "Stew" mode and cook the dish for 20 minutes.

How to deliciously cook pike perch under a beet coat

The sweetish taste of beets will not spoil the fish, but will give it a special piquancy. This dish is baked in the oven, but here’s what you need for it:

  • pike perch fillet – 1 kg;
  • cream cheese – 250 g;
  • onion – 2 heads;
  • beets – 400 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp;
  • starch – 2 tbsp;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • ground walnuts – ½ cup;
  • red pepper, salt - to taste;
  • mint, herbs - to taste.

Let's bake pike perch under a fur coat like this:

  • Peel the beets, grate them, put them in a frying pan and pour in a little vegetable oil. Simmer for 15 minutes, adding a little salt.
  • Cut the onion into cubes and place in a frying pan with the beets, cook them together for 10 minutes.
  • Mix softened butter with chopped herbs.
  • Combine beets and onions with garlic, crushed nuts, soft cream cheese, starch, sour cream, and egg. Add spices and salt to taste.
  • Salt the fish fillet. Line a baking sheet with foil and sprinkle oil on top. Spread half of the vegetable mass on foil, making a rectangle.
  • Place ½ fillet on a bed of beets, butter on it, and fish again on butter. We cover the pike perch with a beet coat, then with foil and put it in the oven. Bake the fish for 30-40 minutes at 200°C.

Spicy and spicy pike perch, baked whole in the oven

The spiciness and piquant aroma in this dish are provided by ginger, chili pepper and garlic. The whole fish is baked and looks very beautiful when served. For the dish we need this:

  • pike perch carcass – 1 piece;
  • dill - a small bunch;
  • soy sauce – 3 tbsp;
  • chili pepper – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • ginger - a small piece of root;
  • salt and black pepper.

Baked pike perch is prepared like this:

  • Place foil on a baking sheet from the oven and spray with oil. We cut the fish along the back, remove the spine and ribs, rub with salt and pepper and place on foil, belly down.
  • Three ginger, crumble dill, chop garlic and chili pepper. We distribute all the dill and half of everything else over the fish.
  • Chop half a lemon into slices and place over the fish carcass. Bake in the oven at 200°C for half an hour.
  • Heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic, ginger and chili in it. Pour in soy sauce and squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Let it boil and remove.
  • Pour this sauce over the finished pike perch.

How to deliciously cook pike perch baked in sauce

Fish baked in the oven in a sauce made from wine and honey turns out very tasty. The dish has a pleasant sweetness, appropriate sourness, and a subtle aroma. The following ingredients are used here:

  • pike perch – 1 carcass;
  • honey – 1 tbsp;
  • large onion – 1 pc.;
  • white wine – ½ glass;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and seasonings - to taste;
  • broth – 0.5 l;
  • semolina – 2 tbsp.

Stages of preparing pike perch with sauce:

  • We clean the pike perch carcass and take out the insides. Rub it on all sides with salt and seasonings. You can use black pepper or fish spices. Let it marinate for half an hour.
  • We cut the fish into portions, bread it in semolina and fry in sunflower oil for a couple of minutes on each side.
  • Chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil in a saucepan. Pour the broth into the saucepan - it can be fish or vegetable. Boil the liquid by about 2 times and add dry white wine. Don't forget to add salt to the sauce.
  • Add honey, lemon juice and sour cream to the saucepan. You can grate a little lemon zest for scent. Boil the sauce for 7-10 minutes.
  • Place the fish in a mold, pour in the sauce and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes.