
Corporate museum. Corporate museum as a communication tool. The museum combines all methods of presentation

On the one hand, a corporate museum is a new concept, since Russian companies began to pay attention to corporate style and branding issues relatively recently, on the other hand, this is a completely traditional phenomenon that has existed at many enterprises since Soviet times.

What roles can a corporate museum play?

Company face

A corporate museum is one of the "faces" of a company or a brand, the way an organization positions itself for its employees and the world around it. This is a place where achievements over the years are shown, everything that the company can be proud of.

Meeting point

The corporate museum can also serve as a place for holding meetings with guests and potential customers, for organizing communication with journalists. The manager, when deciding to create a museum of the organization, contributes to improving the image component of the company's work.

A corporate museum then becomes truly interesting to visitors when the story goes beyond the story of the company. The exposition can tell about the industry in general or about the history of the region, especially when it comes to a city-forming enterprise.


Multimedia installations in projects are inseparable from the general artistic solution, graphics, exposition solutions (showcases, stands).

Often it makes sense to develop a corporate identity for the museum - so that later all decisions and content are guaranteed to be made in the same style.





Design is the foundation of any successful exhibit. Design means not only decoration, although it is very important, but also the placement of exhibits and multimedia installations verified from the point of view of ease of perception.

Exhibition design, interior design, multimedia design, infographic design and museum branding, software interface design - all these are specific areas that need to be paid attention to when creating or modernizing an exhibition. And all these areas should not be isolated, their common goal is a space that is attractive and informative for the visitor and convenient for museum staff.

As for technological solutions, without a well-thought-out design, they can look like "hardware" that does not help, and sometimes even interferes with the perception of the subject. Therefore, the design of multimedia installations is an area that we pay special attention to.


Infographics, as a design direction dedicated to the design of information, is in great demand in museums.

How to show complex information visually? How to turn boring text into easy-to-read flowcharts? How beautiful and unusual to place titles, mottos, quotes? All these questions are worth asking when designing a museum exhibition.

A well-written infographic looks like a compelling story that needs no further explanation. When introducing infographics into the exhibition space and into multimedia content, a number of aspects are important: scale, color and font design, overall visual integrity, accurate selection of facts, use of chronology, interests of the museum audience.


The purpose of professional showcases is to give visitors the opportunity to comprehensively view the exhibits without being distracted by the exhibition equipment.

Storage safety, tightness, protection from sunlight and dust, environmental friendliness of the materials used, lighting and temperature conditions are important factors in the formation of display equipment for the exhibition.

Modern showcases can use built-in displays, lighting control, and also have an appearance that is individual for the theme of a particular museum.

Placement of exhibits in showcases is the main task of exposition design.


Light is one of the basic components of museum design. The exhibit can stand out brightly or, conversely, get lost against the background of the walls - depending on the correct lighting. Also, the issue of light is very important when introducing multimedia into an exhibition, because certain technologies, for example, video mapping or transparent screens, require a significant darkening of the room.

To use different light scenarios in the exposition, it is possible to envisage the use of a light group control system.

Then the guide or even the visitor will be able to control the light sources himself in the required sequence.


Sound on display is an often underestimated medium that nevertheless has the potential to influence the visitor of the museum, perhaps even more and more impressively than visual images.

Sound in a museum can be used in different ways:

Narrow beam acoustics will create sound in a specific exposure area.

General sound design: production noise, musical composition - will set the mood, immerse the visitor in a certain atmosphere, or even transfer to a certain era.

Audio label will provide the exhibit with the necessary history, with the possibility of choosing the native language, without burdening the visitor with additional devices.


Display technologies in the museum are not only the usual information touch-screen kiosks, but also unusually designed "living portraits" and touch-sensitive video walls with fascinating presentations, interactive "windows", mobile terminals and much more!

When using display technologies in a museum, it is important to move away from a standardized presentation of information and forms of performance, because visitors are accustomed to using a variety of touch devices (laptops, smartphones) in their daily life. Without design, without interesting content, without the readability and clarity of the displayed materials, screens can become an alien element in the exhibition.

Do not forget about the physical convenience of using display technologies for different groups of visitors.


A projection in a museum can tell any story vividly! You can forget about the usual "screen + projector" link. Today you can create an image on any surface, which gives rise to a lot of ideas for memorable installations.

Super Contrast Projection will provide good visibility of video materials in a lighted room.

Panoramic screen will move the visitor to the desired era or atmosphere. Through the use of peripheral vision, the visitor feels like a full-fledged participant in the action.

Stage hologram will allow you to show in volume complex technological processes or characters of the past.

Interactive books will show the history of the museum in a visual, interactive and exciting way.

Video mapping "Revive" any volumetric object - be it a model of the Earth sphere or the whole facade of a building.


Augmented reality is a combination of a real object and a virtual "addition". How can this be applied in a corporate museum?

Binoculars augmented reality will allow you to "build up" animation, archival photo chronicles, signatures on an exhibit or panoramic view.

Virtual fitting room will help the visitor to try on any costume or accessories.

Chromakey (shooting on a green background, and then replacing this background in real time with any virtual images) will give visitors a lot of emotions by embedding their images into a video or animated photo frame on the screen.

It will be a big plus if the visitor can send the resulting images and videos to their mail or post them on social networks!


In the modern world of visual noise, the opportunity to feel like a co-creator and a direct participant in the work of a museum exhibition is a great value. Tactile sensations and movement can significantly enrich the perception of the themes of the exhibition. The opportunity to "touch, push, look" is especially important for the children's audience.

Kinetics in the museum exposition are slide-out display cases, movable displays, "real" buttons, puzzles, circuits and working models, labyrinths, simulators, shape-changing structures. Even a chandelier in a corporate museum can be "alive"!


Only on the LED screen, the image retains sufficient brightness and contrast even in the scorching sun, shines through the fog and snow.

And the resistance of LEDs to temperature effects and their moisture resistance made the use of LED technologies popular in various fields.

Scope of application in the museum - from media facades, decorating the museum outside or inside illuminated atriums, to spot illumination of exhibits and decorative elements in the interior.

As a result of constant progress in improvement, LEDs are becoming more and more convenient for use in museum spaces. For example, the State Museum in Amsterdam in 2014 completely switched to LED-lamps to illuminate not only interiors, but also world-famous masterpieces, such as Rembrandt's Night Watch.


Since 2001, Askrin has been working in the field of complex multimedia equipment. One of the most beloved and creative areas of activity is the development of interactive installations, creative concepts and complex multimedia equipment for museums. We specialize in intelligently introducing modern technologies into the space of a museum exhibition.

Own production, a staff of engineers, a computer graphics studio, the status of official suppliers of large multimedia brands allow us to successfully implement the most complex projects.

The culture of creating corporate museums in Russia appeared not so long ago. But if you call a spade a spade, then throughout the Soviet regime in every shop and enterprise, every factory had a small red corner, in which labor shock workers placed memorabilia, letters handed over by the party, and so on. Now it is no longer possible to surprise partners and clients with a small bedside table in the corner of a room with a couple of knickknacks that only a person who is closely familiar with the company's activities can appreciate.

Corporate museums are not only the lot of BMW, Ferrari, Rosneft, GAZ and Gazprom. For example, in Tyumen, in the restaurant "Chum", a museum was created, where exhibits related to the culture of the peoples of the Khanty-Mansiysk District were placed. The owner of the restaurant told the press that the locals are pleased, and the visitors are curious, which means that the restaurant's image has improved and profits have increased.

For factories, factories and workshops, the corporate museum is almost included in the mandatory program. We can recall the history museum of the V. Ilyich plant, the museum of the history of the Zhemart plywood mill and many others. In such museums, the first products, technologies of past years, diplomas and awards, as well as schemes and projects of new, innovative solutions are usually presented.

But in fact, a corporate museum can be created in any company. This is confirmed by the examples of the firms "Gardeks", which is engaged in sewing tulle, or "Redan", which designs small boats.

Issue price

There are already several organizations in Russia that are engaged in the creation of museums in the offices of companies. Average price for 1 sq. m - 15-20 thousand rubles. For this money, specialists will help develop a concept, assemble a collection, purchase equipment and decorate a room, provide special effects and create video and photo presentations.

But why is it worth getting involved in such an adventure? First of all, the corporate museum is a kind of a visiting card of the company, it tells about the history of the enterprise, reveals the concept for today and explains plans for the future. This enables the client or partner to feel the spirit of the company, to feel that these are not just transactions and profits.

If you involve the staff in the creation of the museum, give free rein to the imaginations of subordinates, this will help to unite the team and make them more reverent about their work. In addition, the company can invite students of specialized educational institutions or potential employees on excursions. In addition, the museum may have a conference room or a room for conducting "educational programs", presentations and collective meetings.

It is believed that a corporate museum is an excellent solution for companies whose annual turnover exceeds 5 million rubles. in year. But you need to understand that creating a museum is not enough, you need to constantly expand and update the collection, modernize the exhibition area, the museum must grow together with the organization it represents.

Groups of museums by ownership: Classification by owner has not only legal but also significant content, since different owners set different tasks for their museums, which accordingly determines the characteristics of museums. School museums Corporate museums Church museums Private museums According to the current classification of museums, corporate museums are non-state departmental museums, structural subdivisions of non-governmental institutions and ...

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Corporate museums found themselves in a "buffer" zone: they are little involved in the museum community and even less in the corporate, where they are formally registered with trade unions, HR or PR departments. Meanwhile, both museum specialists and company representatives should take a closer look at them. The former may be surprised to see that in terms of funds and potential audience, corporate museums may well compete with “ordinary” ones. For the latter, there are at least seven reasons to ask ourselves the question: why do not we consider the corporate museum as a tool for public relations.

Heineken Experience Museum. Photo: © Heineken Experience.

1. The Museum creates images and stories, not information

With a high degree of probability, those who are sincerely interested in the number of cars shipped by the company, millions of rubles in taxes paid to the budgets of all levels, among your audience is an elusive minority. To stay in the head and in the heart of the rest of the audience, it is necessary to tell a story or legend, with vivid images, the ability to personally see, touch, and perhaps even taste or smell. This is what the museum does much better than press releases and top management interviews.

2. The museum combines all ways of presenting

All traditional communication tools are based on one or two methods of transmitting information. The museum allows you to combine all types - visual, sound, text and (!) Interactive. And this, as follows from psychology, almost guarantees memorization.

3. Museum \u003d cultural center

In the museum space, you can conduct an excursion, exhibition, lecture, briefing, initiation of new employees, a scientific and practical conference, a meeting, a council of youth activists, rewarding the best in the profession, negotiations, a presentation, circles, school lessons and even take a picture on the wedding day of employees. The museum will create a special atmosphere for all this.

Museum complex "Universe of Water" State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal of St. Petersburg.
Photo: © Museum complex "Universe of Water".

4. The museum can work with different audiences

A wide range of events allows us to offer interesting content for a wide variety of audiences: both internal (staff, veterans) and external - city residents (of any age), tourists, partners, students, journalists, etc.

5. The museum can be visited many times

Different formats allow you to regularly reach different audiences. Probably, after all, less often than through the media, but more deeply and with the ability to get feedback.

6. The Museum has a commercial "presumption of innocence"

It is much easier to “blame” the company’s activities for commercial motives, the desire to derive direct benefit. The events and programs in the museum have more social significance in the eyes of almost any audience.

7. Museum - Application for Leadership

By creating a museum you show that your company a) has something to say b) seriously and for a long time. This means that you consider yourself a leader. Most likely, within a city or region, your museum will be the only one associated with a particular industry. By doing so, you equate the company and the industry. “If metallurgy, then Vasyukovsky metallurgical plant”, “If health, then Clinic of modern medicine”.

The museum is certainly a rather expensive tool. Creation and maintenance require significant funds. But if you look at the world leaders in your industry, then with a high degree of probability you will find they have a corporate museum. It is unlikely that leaders become not knowing how to count money.

about the author

Petr Kravchenko, Perm
As the head of the PR department of one of the industrial enterprises, he faced the task of inspiring a corporate museum. In parallel, I was inspired myself. Professional deformation, of course, cannot be done anywhere: a museum for me is, first of all, a means of communication. And of all the museums I am most interested in scientific, technical and corporate. Fortunately, there is a chance to participate in their creation or development every now and then.