
Development of the love story line in the novel by MA Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". The love story of the master and margarita The story of the relationship between the master and margarita

"The Master and Margarita" is a work by Bulgakov, in which the author reveals several topics at the same time.
One of them is the theme of love. The author reveals it in a storyline that describes the relationship between the Master and Margarita.
In terms of social status, these are different heroes. The master is poor. He describes himself as a "beggar". Once he belonged to the middle class, but over the years his life has changed. The former historian worked at the museum several years ago. He was lonely. In Moscow, the Master had neither relatives nor acquaintances. But one day he won a large sum of money. This led to changes in his life. The master rented himself a small apartment and bought books.
Margarita, on the other hand, was rich. Together with her husband, they lived in a luxurious mansion. Margarita could afford absolutely everything. Only one thing was not in her life - family happiness. Margarita respected her husband, but did not love.
But such different fates did not prevent them from falling in love with each other. For the first time the Master and Margarita met on the street. The master walked along Tverskaya and suddenly noticed Margarita. She struck him at first sight. Margarita carried a bouquet of yellow flowers in her hands. And although the Master decided that this was a bad sign, he still followed the woman.
Each of the heroes showed their love in different ways. The Master's love for Margarita practically did not manifest itself, but he loved her very much. The master was looking forward to meeting his beloved. Already in the morning, he carefully listened to every sound. From the very first minutes, the Master understood that Margarita was exactly the one he had been looking for all his life.

As for Margarita, her love for the Master was very vivid. He was the most important person in her life. After an unhappy marriage, only a master was needed by Margarita.
Margarita had no children, and she directed all her motherly love to the Master. She took care of him. When the Master was writing his novel, Margarita was there and inspired her beloved. Margarita supported the master when writers rejected his novel. But most of all, Margarita's love was manifested when the master disappeared. Margarita blamed herself for leaving, and then for not having time to return. Margarita tried to find out at least something about her lover. She had to return to her husband. She lived like this for about six months. Margarita missed him and waited for at least some news. For the sake of the master, Margarita was ready for anything. She agrees to a deal with Woland as soon as it comes to the master. It is for the sake of her beloved that Margarita changes her lifestyle. She became a witch.
For her determination and love, Margarita received a reward. She was reunited with the Master. They found their happiness. But this happiness was found in an unreal world. The Master and Margarita found eternal shelter. But in reality, neither the master nor Margarita get happiness. The master died in the "house of sorrow", and Margarita died in her mansion, making a step from one room to another. In reality, their love never got a happy ending.
This was a very strong love. Love made these people do many different things: the master - to create, Margarita - to leave her husband, to agree to a deal with Woland. Love completely changed the life of the Master and Margarita.
Thus, we can assume that Bulgakov was able to prove: true love really exists, and if such love comes to a person, it makes him do anything.

Pikalova Alexandra

\u003e Compositions based on the Master and Margarita

The love story of the Master and Margarita

Many critics believe that the Master repeats the life of the author, since Mikhail Bulgakov was also a historian by training and once worked in a museum. His manuscripts were also rejected and not allowed to print. In the novel, the Master wrote a brilliant work about the last days of Yeshua Ha-Nozri, but his work was not only refused to be published, but also subjected to harsh criticism. After that, the Master burned his novel, lost faith in himself and became seriously ill. He spent some time in a psychiatric hospital, where he met the failed poet Ivan Bezdomny.

This hero was indifferent to family joys. He couldn't even remember the name of his ex-wife. But everything changed when he met Margarita. Despite the fact that she was married, this young, beautiful and wealthy Muscovite fell in love with the talented writer and his book with all her heart. She became not only the Master's beloved, but his reliable and faithful assistant. However, this couple's relationship was not easy. They were destined to go through many trials. Even the "yellow flowers" that Margarita had in their hands at their first meeting warned them about this.

If the Master is the personification of creativity in the novel, then Margarita is the personification of love. For the sake of her beloved and the success of his work, she first left her legal spouse, and then sold her soul to the devil. Azazello introduced her to Woland. He also prepared a cream for her, using which, she turned into an invisible witch and flew at night. But true love has no barriers. In the guise of a witch, she took revenge on the critic Latunsky, who slandered a passage from the Master's novel, and then accepted Woland's offer to be queen at Satan's Sabbath.

She endured all trials with dignity in order to meet the master. For this, Woland reunited them again and returned to the master a copy of his work, adding that "the manuscripts do not burn." Noticing that the lovers were surrounded by pitiful, hypocritical and worthless people, Woland decided to take them into his retinue. For the sake of their love, the master and Margarita agreed to renounce earthly life and move to another dimension, where the master could continue to create. Thus, they perpetuated their love, which later became the ideal for many people living on earth.

"The one who loves must share the fate of the one he loves"

Bulgakov's most famous novel "The Master and Margarita" is a multi-layered work in which there are several plans (including temporary ones), many themes, rich problems and a bitter satire on society under the yoke of the Stalinist regime. Writers who expose the vices of society, individual citizens or the political regime, always want to ask: "Who is to blame - we have already understood what to do?" Unlike many of them, Mikhail Bulgakov gives the answer: salvation is in love. Not in religion, not in another political system, not in hermitism and oblivion, but in all-consuming, courageous, selfless love.

The relationship between the Master and Margarita is forbidden from the point of view of public morality. She is the wife of a successful man, he is lonely. The disgraced writer could not integrate into Soviet life, and it was dangerous to greet him. In the repressive Stalinist times, the authorities did not spare anyone: the victims of an unprecedented genocide (when the ruler exterminates his own people) number in the millions. It is not surprising that the Master wanted to save Margarita from the fate of the wife of a criminal, and, perhaps, a widow, an exiled, and a prisoner. They took whole families. He could not offer the chosen one a tenth of what her husband provided her.

Margarita, in turn, could not just take and leave the family. With such a rash act, she would not have left her beloved a choice, he would have to earn money, that is, he must strangle the creator, a thinking person, an honest and free man in himself. Could Margarita kill the Master in her lover? No. Therefore, they remained lovers and acutely felt their humiliating, slavish position; living a lie oppressed these sincere people. Thus, their union from the very beginning was doomed to martyrdom, even if they were legally married.

But what is legal marriage? This society, ridiculed by Bulgakov, decides what is legal? Or a cruel government steeped in vices? Probably, marriage can only be called a civil union, that is, relations between citizens. People are citizens in relation to the state. But what right does the state have to teach us about morality? Is this the state that exterminates, persecutes and humiliates us? No one, except the loving people themselves, can judge whether their feeling is moral. How many virtuous wives will share any fate with their husbands? Unfortunately not. Their vows are empty formalities. And Margarita, without promises and promises, made a deal with the devil, just to find out what happened to the Master. She donated not only her body but also her soul. These two are bound by indissoluble ties.

The Master also donated. When he was arrested, and then in an insane asylum, he did not look for a way to inform Margot about his trouble. She, using her husband's connections and money, could do something for her lover, or at least brighten up his leisure time. But he, on the contrary, tried to erase her from memory, hoping that she would forget him, would live at least in safety and comfort. For the good of the beloved woman, the Master wanted to leave her heart, to free her, because without him Margarita could count on a calm, secure existence. The highest power of this love is in complete self-denial. The same silent feat was accomplished, for example, by Zheltkov in Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet".

Margarita's love lies not only in sacrifice, but also in the fact that she accepted and understood the Creator in her beloved. She loved his novel, perceived his fate as her own. Destroying the apartment of the critic Latunsky, Margot took revenge for the insulted, unacceptable work of the Master, she avenged all the rejected and forgotten free art. In this fragment, she is the vengeful Clea - the muse of history. Under its blows, deceitful opportunism, depicting culture before a dictator, perishes. Not many women can share the calling of her husband, his divine destiny. Margot understands everything, and therefore takes care of and protects the Master, who is less adapted to practical life.

Political realities, I must say, depend little on society. Also, society depends little on the individual. He comes into society and either accepts its charter, or brings his own and pays for it. If the situation in the outside world squeezes a person out of the slave, then how can you accept it? The only way to preserve identity and mental health is to love so much that the best qualities prevail over the worst, and the outside world fades into the background and cannot take away freedom from the individual. Today, no one takes anything away, we ourselves give up independence for illusory goods, careers, ostentatious success and pseudo-happiness, indistinguishable from comfort. Bulgakov foresaw this and wanted to warn the reader. The most important thing is harmony in the inner world, it depends only on us and on our ability to accept love "like a killer from around the corner."

Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

Who told you that there is no true, eternal love in the world ?!

Let the liar cut off his vile tongue !!!


A woman in a black spring coat, carrying in her hands "disgusting, disturbing, yellow flowers!", Struck the master with an extraordinary, unseen loneliness in her eyes. This was Margarita. Out of a thousand people walking along the noisy Tverskaya Street, they immediately noticed each other. Love flared up instantly and unexpectedly, it jumped out in front of them, like a killer in an alley, and hit both of them.

Appearing as a sudden enlightenment, the instantly flashed love of the master and Margarita turns out to be durable. The proof of this is that Margarita is ready to give up everything in order to follow the master or, if necessary, die with him. Having become the “secret wife” of the master, she appears in his life at the right time. And not in order to cook or wash for him, but to simply live and love for him, for his sake ...

Love for the master is like an unexpected gift of fate, salvation from cold loneliness. Her faith in the novel about Pontius Pilate is unshakable. She is his only reader, critic, defender and heiress. Margarita cannot take all troubles away from the master, but as long as there is strength, she tries to fight his terrible and incomprehensible disease, which poisons their lives. What kind of disease? Where did she come from? No one knows. The master himself does not know this, he calls his illness - fear. He was overcome by gloomy forebodings. On dark autumn evenings longing comes to him. One day he breaks down and throws his manuscript into the fire. And only Margarita can alleviate his suffering, only she is able to support the will to live in him and not let the faint spark of hope go out. Margarita snatches out the remains of a charred manuscript from the oven in order to preserve the life of the best part of the master's soul - his novel. This is truly great love! Margarita is able to fight the master's illness to some point beyond which she is powerless ... The only thing in her power is to share the fate prepared for him with her beloved.

But one evening, having said goodbye to him at midnight and promising to come in the morning, she did not find him at home. “Where could he go? Where is he? He could not disappear without a trace! Where the hell is it? Maybe he's on the horns of the devil? ”Margarita thought feverishly. She had no idea how close to the truth. Indeed, a devil, a demon, by the name of Woland, is really involved in the disappearance of the master.

For the sake of meeting with the master, Margarita agreed to become a witch, and travels on a broomstick along the Arbat. Flying over the electric wires, she feels that now everything is in her hands and finally, her pipe dreams will come true. But, alas, the master and his girlfriend were not destined to remain on earth. But there, in heaven, Woland promised the couple a paradise life, where the master would walk with Margarita under the cherries, listen to Schubert's music, write with a quill pen by candlelight ...

That's what true love is! Is it in our time to meet such a strong feeling for a person, because of which you could give your life ?? No, of course not! Therefore, the love of the master and Margarita will remain forever in our memory, in our hearts!

Many classical works of literature in one way or another touch on the theme of love, and Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita is no exception in this matter.

Michal Bulgakov touches on this topic, revealing it not only in the relationship between the Master and Margarita, but also describing the character of Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

I think that the writer wanted to put the very embodiment of love into the image of Yeshua: he was beaten for preaching, betrayed, but despite everything Yeshua tells the procurator that all the people who tortured him are kind. Such a special and unconditional love for all people shows the great strength of the hero, embodies forgiveness and mercy. So, Mikhail Bulgakov shows through the character the idea that God can forgive people because he loves them. Love in the novel from this side is revealed in the form of the highest form, its strongest expression.

On the other hand, the author reveals the theme of love through a description of the relationship between a man and a woman. The love between the characters brings them not only joy, but also a lot of grief; the writer even compares love to a murderer, noting that it, in spite of everything, is inevitable and necessary.

The acquaintance of the characters of the Master and Margarita takes place in an absolutely deserted place, which is especially distinguished by the writer. Probably, by this he wanted to show that the meeting was planned by Woland, because in the end it led to the death of the heroes. In my opinion, the novel contains an indication of the inevitability of love from the very beginning, and the possibility of lovers to be happy only after death and the onset of peace. Love is shown as an eternal and permanent phenomenon.

So, the main feature of the theme of love of the work is that this feeling is reflected independent of time and any circumstances.

Composition Theme and Power of Love of the Master and Margarita

Bulgakov's novel was completely innovative for that time. Indeed, it raises such controversial topics that will always be relevant. True love is the main problem that is raised in the book "The Master and Margarita". Both main characters are struggling to build their own happy life.

On further reading, we learn that Margarita is a very difficult woman. She is the wife of some serious man. She doesn't have to need anything. She has everything except happiness and love. After all, apparently, Margarita became a wife not because of a high feeling. Yes, she is a rich, stately woman, but not happy. After meeting with the Master, Margarita realizes the power of true, true love. He is a poor writer who lives in a basement. The master is in a constant state of poverty, but this fact did not prevent him from falling in love with Margarita and making her happy.

The heroes of this novel really became happy, as each of them dreamed about it. But there is one fact that darkens their life - Margarita's marriage. Another factor hindering their happiness is the imprisonment of the Master for the novel, which turned out to be anti-Soviet. It would seem that now there is no happiness, so live it: he is in a hospital for the mentally ill, and she is next to a man who will never make her happy.

It is at this moment that fate, as if itself, sends them a chance to find happiness. Margarita is offered a deal by the devil himself. Margarita cannot refuse, because this is the only chance to find happiness, not to suffer with her unloved husband. For one evening, she became the queen of the world of the dead. For this she asks Woland only one thing - to return her beloved Master. And it helps them find happiness.

In order to become happy, Margarita had to sell her soul to the Devil. What a person just does not go for the sake of true love. This is the most powerful feeling that can change many lives. Only love pushes people to such actions. For her sake, you can give everything without asking for anything in return. Its strength is difficult to measure. And is it necessary? When we find love, we find real happiness.

Eternal love.

Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" is a popular work that is read and loved both in Russia and abroad. The novel intertwines many acute problems of that time and various topics for thought. But the most striking theme is, of course, the theme of love. Many people, even those who are familiar with the novel only by hearsay, when they hear the combination of the words Master and Margarita, imagine a story of unearthly love.

The author tells us about what the main character's life was like before meeting the heroine. He was a poor man who, having once received a large prize, began to work on a novel about Pontius Pilate. Before the end of the affair, the main event of his life happened to him - a meeting with Margarita. She was not free, but that did not stop her. Her former life now seemed meaningless to her. Many would think that that life was wonderful, because she had a home, a wealthy husband, she was endowed with beauty. But she did not need all this, since it did not bring happiness, there was no meaning in life. This means that the meeting of the heroes was not accidental, they both needed this love.

What did this long-awaited love give them? She completely changed their lives, changed them. True love usually arises like this: suddenly and forever. It became even easier for the master to write his novel, his inspiration was fueled by the beautiful Margarita. She admired him, encouraged him and supported him. They were happy together, like true lovers. When work on the novel was finished, they had to get out of their secret nest. But, unfortunately, they faced the cruel world of that time. Then it was not so much talent that was appreciated, but the ability to adapt and find useful connections. They, their love were opposed to the rest of the world.

The love of the heroes is so strong that both of them are ready to make sacrifices. Margarita is ready to give up all earthly goods, and the Master is afraid to break the life of his beloved. Margarita is the model and ideal of a loving woman. Moreover, she treats others with love, this can be seen at the ball of Satan, where everyone was rewarded with her attention and love. Even when she takes revenge on her enemies, she takes pity on the frightened child. She remains beautiful even in the form of a witch. The master gains strength and peace through love. He promises his beloved that he will never allow cowardice.

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