
Scenario for the eighth birthday of the child “Journey in search of dinosaurs. Primitive birthday party Primitive people scenario birthday

How I sometimes want to throw aside all the laws of the modern world and let out the primitive instincts that are firmly sitting somewhere inside. For example, to scream from the heart, take off stuffy shirts and ties, not be afraid to look stupid and refuse at least for a while all the benefits of civilization. There is a great solution - a primitive style party - a great way to relieve stress that has accumulated over the years in the rhythm of modern life. So, what do you need in order to travel back several millennia and visit the festival of ancient people?

How could invitations look like in antiquity?

You can scratch information about the upcoming event on smooth flat pieces of wood, stones, shells, pieces of leather. Replace some words with drawings, remember that writing appeared much later. In principle, you can attach a “decryption” to such a message so that there are no misunderstandings and all guests arrive on time.

Our ancestors were also hospitable

The entrance to the festival should look like a "door" to a cave. To do this, you can use real stones, climbing plants, wallpaper that imitates a mountain surface. Let the guests be met by a caveman who will offer, as a pass, not only to present an invitation, but also to jump on one leg, for example, say the password: “Ahhh! Ooo! Uyyyy!". Such a meeting will help you quickly get involved in the theme of the event.

Create a "cave" entourage

Designing a home, a restaurant, a cafe, a dacha in the style of our ancestors is not such a difficult task, but you will have to work. Decorate the room as much as possible with the help of vines, stones. If the building has a fireplace, decorate it in the form of a hearth; if the party is taking place on the street, make a large fire, having previously overlaid the place for making a fire with stones. The fire should burn all evening, because in ancient times an extinguished hearth was considered a bad omen. The tablecloths are black and brown.

We dress according to the fashion trends of antiquity

At a primitive party, in no case should you wear something new, chic and neat. Rags, skins, burlap are welcome. If constraint allows, you can limit yourself to a loincloth made from fern leaves. If you want to cover up a little - shred a shirt, jeans and decorate them with pieces of fur, leaves. You can cut an old fur coat and make a real caveman outfit.

Girls can adorn themselves with necklaces with large beads, huge hoop earrings. On the head you need to weave some kind of tangles, make a huge pile. Remember, no neatness and sleekness! Therefore, you can complete the image with light strokes of dirt on the face, body and hair (you can use dark eye shadow).

Primitive menu

Primitive people had a lot of meat on the tables, so you have to give preference to this product. Imagine yourself as a primitive miner who brought a huge mammoth to the community and now treats everyone with fresh meat. Fry it on thick sticks, on grates. As a side dish - vegetables, but not very much, after all, this is a party of real meat-eaters.

Music and entertainment for everyone to enjoy

Music selection can be quite tricky. Select songs with more drum sounds. Such tracks can be found by the singer Ruslana, the composer Harold Kloser, and you can also use the sounds of the wild. It also dances well to African folk songs.

The main postulate of the evening - no framework. In ancient times, they did not yet know about the rules of decency, people did things based on instinctive impulses. Invite guests to choose a specific role for themselves, or hand out “positions” yourself. In a primitive community there should be an elder, hunters, and a keeper of the hearth. When everyone knows what to do, he will feel more confident, and, therefore, will quickly join the game. Set an example with your behavior, let everyone allow themselves to forget about decency and prohibitions for at least one evening.

A party called "Primitive People" is a great opportunity to take a break from work, problems, life's difficulties, or just try yourself in a new role and discover those qualities that usually sit deep inside. Allow yourself and your friends to let go of their instincts for at least one evening.

I approve: Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 96", Perm ________ Smirnova A.A. SCENARIO of the sports and music festival dedicated to the International Women's Day "Primitive Tribe" for children of the preparatory group authors compilers: Vladykina Angelina Vladimirovna, music director, Korovina Olga Alexandrovna, physical education instructor Purpose: To bring joy to children and adults Tasks: development of cognitive interest in the life of primitive man; improve the skills of public speaking, reincarnation; to cultivate a sense of love and respect for female representatives, close and dear people; Progress of the event: Moderator: It was a long time ago. On our green flowering planet, where different animals and birds already lived, a man appeared. Whether it came from a monkey, whether it flew from outer space, but it nevertheless appeared. Children in skins and bandages, with and without clubs, on half-bent legs, come out of different doors and stand in certain places. Narrator:

Once upon a time, In primeval times, A primitive tribe lived in the caves, (The boys sit on the benches. The girls remain sitting by the fire) Dance Exit Under the arch, the Primitive fire crackled. Cave mothers Were talking: About children's clothes, About baby food, But first of all - About education. Moms: (cleaning skins, pots, rocking dolls) My son broke a dinosaur's eye yesterday! And my pterodactyl launched a stone! All this compared to mine is nonsense! The other day he dragged an elephant into the cave! This, girls, will not surprise me! My youngest threw our mouse in the bed! Narrator: They cut large Animal skins, Boiled soups and potions from herbs. And after preparing the Potions and food, They were engaged in Comfort in the dwelling. Girls dance

Narrator: And dads with clubs went to work To hunt dinosaurs. Dance of boys with batons (+relay race games) Coming home From primitive work, Cave dads Did not know worries: Smiles were waiting for them, Warmth and comfort And many happy Family minutes. Narrator: And our Cave dads heard: Mom: Well, wipe Your dirty paws! You'll get here in a day! You'll be tired in a day! When will you finally become a human? The song "Primitive Man" Once upon a time there was a primitive man Not in a simple apartment, not in an elite

And in a dull and dark cave No balconies, no windows, no doors. “How dark our life is,” his wife tells him: “We live in Europe worse than Pithecanthropes. You are not combed and not shaved, the light in the cave is not on. How tired I am of this primitive way of life!” Once upon a time there was a primitive man, He lived in a cold granite cave. No oven, no stove, no fireplace. Not a fun picture in general. “Life in a cave is cold,” his wife tells him: “Our son, a Neanderthal boy, froze his finger at night, The child has sinusitis, the light in the cave is not on. How tired I am of this primitive way of life!” Once upon a time there was a primitive man, And although the man was respectable, He did not bathe either in the bath or in the shower, And he did not bathe in the bath, but in a puddle. “How dirty our life is,” his wife says to him: There are no buckets, no troughs, the child has sinusitis. You are not combed and not shaved, the light in the cave is not on. How tired I am of this primitive way of life!” Narrator: And a century flew by

Imperceptibly behind the century, And dad eventually became a man. Dad: 1. It happened in the early spring, When I returned home with a bouquet ... (kneels down and gives a bouquet to my wife) 2. And I defeated the cave lion And gave my wife a new fur coat ... (puts a skin on his wife) 3. I steamed the grass and made perfume (listens to a jar and hands it to his wife) 4. And I just cleaned my paws! dance with tam-tams (+relay race games about living together) Narrator: We have long forgotten the Cave era, But dad, no, And it will pull you into a cave. Dads: It will pull to the forest, To the river, then to the field - To that one, to its own, Primitive will. Narrator:

And mothers feel sorry for the female lot. Moms (in chorus): Oh, yes! We also leave home! (turn around and leave, dads sit around the fire)) Narrator: Let's imagine that dads are left alone. What would be the days then? At first, dads would sit in sorrow. What to do? (in chorus) The back of the head would be scratched with a club (all dads scratch) They would not eat dinner for weeks. They would turn houses into caves. (sitting around the fire, rhythmic accompaniment of the drum and knees) Song song “Two hundred thousand years” Two hundred thousand years BC I didn’t know such love yet lived in a huge stone cave and chewed the remains of a mammoth you then swayed on a liana without taking my hairy eyelids off me I understood everything, you are not an ape, but not yet a person

Chorus: If you want, come and find a cave mammoth trunk together chew our teeth, sharp fires will not go out this evening we will spend with you: together, two, three, three, four, five, six, seven, seven, eight, eight, we will spend this evening with you ... together Do you remember the Mesozoic culture you then sat under a rock and sewed up my torn skin with a stone needle, I shaved with a stone razor and chopped off the nails on my fingers, and then I caught a dinosaur and gave you a souvenir. Chorus: Gloomy dads, Hungry, angry. How animals would growl, Rip and howl (in the text they depict and howl) Narrator: But mothers are on guard. And honestly,

They will never allow this. (Moms come out) Yes, we will not allow a man to step into the Stone Age From our age. All children (boys and girls): Long live Good mother's hands, Working hands, Without laziness and boredom! Who can feed And caress! Which dads MUST KISS! (take mothers by the hands and sing a song) Song "Mom"

the tent was hung with a fur blanket, balloons with colors imitating animal skins were inflated, golden serpentine was hung as lianas, and a mammoth was painted on the easel. even in the Russian State Children's Library they lent us costumes and panels on the wall made in the technique of batik.

Introductory part
1. While the children were going, it was planned to show the room, play "Rattlesnake Jungle".
But the guests arrived almost at the same time and found something to do themselves.

2. Presentation about the life of ancient people. telling interesting facts and assumptions.
I did not have time to make a presentation and decided to give out information in parts, before each competition.

3. Themed food is laid out around the room (nuts, fruits, fish cookies, chocolate mushrooms). Children themselves must find it, bring it to one place and eat it.
went well. but the downside is that because of the food lying around, we had to start the event right away. but at the beginning it would be necessary to give the children a pause of 30-40 minutes for free play and exploration of space. then they are less distracted at competitions.

4. Putting on costumes.
miscalculated here. for some reason, the costumes did not arouse interest (even for my son, who likes to dress up in different characters).

Children complete 9 tasks and for each they receive a piece of a puzzle map.

1. Dangerous animals. I name different animals, if the primitive people were afraid of the beast - you need to freeze, if not - you can continue to run and jump. examples of animals: cave bear, saber-toothed tiger, deer, shrew, dinosaur.
not everyone liked the "fading" - as a result, someone froze, someone hid, and someone just screamed scary or not.used the second encyclopedia of antiquities "Pink Giraffe" as an illustration for some of the names of animals

2. Fishing. paper fish are laid out on a sheet of paper. children are given spears - slightly sharpened sticks with pieces of plasticine stuck on the end. The goal is to catch all the fish.
children simply poked at the fish, holding on to the stick. but this is a simplified way. but an interesting, even for adults, entertainment is to tie a thread to the prison. throw the spear from a certain distance (hold the thread with the other hand and do not let go) and pull the thread. if the fish stuck to the spear, the player takes this fish. you can, for example, compete to see who can catch the most fish. It seems that I came up with all this, I have not seen analogues.

3. I name different foods. if the ancient people had the opportunity to try it - the children clap their hands. if not, they shake their heads. Examples of food: nuts, apples, snails, cottage cheese, bread, meat.
wrong, but it was fun.

4. With their eyes closed, children tried pieces of fruit and guessed what it was.
bad mothers spent in the kitchen, I was preparing the next contest

5. I told the children that the next piece of the map had been taken by a small, angry animal. and you need to find it in the footsteps (the footprints are cut out of cardboard and laid out on the floor. At the end of the chain of footprints, there is a piece of the map).
to report, I reported. but before that, the children ran into the room and confused all the tracks. although the animal is to blame, he could hide in the bathroom.

6. A piñata was conceived here, pretending to be the fruit of a chocolate tree. but how to make it so that it does not fall apart at the first blow, but is not too strong, I did not figure out. therefore, I put surprises and threads into the "yolks" from kinders and tied them to the upper crossbars of the Swedish wall. in one "yolk" lay a piece of the map.
tore everything and very quickly

7. There were many variants of this competition. stopped at the simplest. In advance, I made beads of various shapes from clay. the task of the children was to string them on a suede cord.
more or less done. moreover, I was afraid that the boys would not want to wear beads and prepared a text about amulets, that the "fang" helps in hunting, a round bead - in fishing, etc. but the text was redundant.

8. Relay. go through various obstacles - jump over the swamp, crawl, go over the log.
the relay race was too easy and short. but maybe that's good

9. Creative competition. The children were asked to think of what the ancient man could eat from.
came up with.

hidden treasures
So, the children assembled 9 pieces of the map, with a little help they folded it. but the map was... allegorical. instead of a sports complex - a tree. instead of a sofa - hills, instead of bookshelves - mountains. that's just on the mountain and there was a cross.
little clues were needed, but treasures were found.

treasures - pieces of clay, archaeological kits with skeletons of saber-toothed tigers, coal, paper animal constructors (true, African ones).

after that, a collective occupation of rock painting (charcoal on paper) was conceived
but I did not take into account that the coal crumbles, the children are excited. should have offered later

Not included in the program
there were many additional games, I will list only thematic ones
1. watching a cartoon based on Kipling's fairy tale "How the first letter was written"
2. archery at a painted target (but they themselves figured it out later)
3. throwing paper dice (an interesting contest, since any figures made of paper fly unpredictably)
4. toy tags with cardboard figurines of prehistoric animals

but in the end, the children played for the next two hours by themselves. and what pleases me most of all is that they played primitive people.

Marina Mishchenko
"Primitive people". sports entertainment scenario

Target: Development motor activity of children.


1. To form in children ideas about the original sports skills of primitive man.

2. Consolidate the ability to perform rhythmic movements to music.

3. Improve children's skills in throwing, crawling, crawling, climbing over an obstacle, jumping on two legs (via modules).

4. Cultivate a sense of collectivism.

Demo Material: drawings of children with the image primitive man, tribes, dwellings.


1. Suits:

elements of clothing made of faux fur, necklaces, masks, amulets.

2. Equipment to carry out basic movements:

bench (height 35 cm,

pouches (100 gr.)- by the number of children;

hoops - 8 pcs.

3. Attributes:

2 pieces of fabric for covering (2m x 2m)

figures of wild animals - by the number of children,

fish - according to the number of children, 2 hoops (lake)

Technical means learning: music Center.

Preliminary work.

Forms of work

Selection of literature, visual material, musical works.

1. Conversation about the structure of man and animal.

2. Carrying out GCD with children

on familiarization with the surrounding world on the topic "Life primitive people» educators

4. Artistic and creative activities with children. Production of collective works « primitive people» to decorate the hall. caregiver

5. Making, together with parents, masks, headbands and jewelry for a ritual dance. Educators, parents

6. Carrying out joint musical activities with children.

Subject "Ritual Dance" Music director, educator

8. Decoration sports hall. caregiver


Introductory part.

caregiver: Guys, amazing adventures await us today.

The gong sounds. The light goes out for a few minutes. Music

It was a long time ago. On our green and flourishing planet, where various animals and birds already lived, a man appeared. Where did he come from? Whether it descended from monkeys, whether it flew from space, we do not know. But he did show up.

And he was like this, our distant ancestor. (show picture)

The man had neither sharp teeth nor claws, he could not fly, but he was fast, agile and quick-witted. If only we could visit that time.

Children: "YES!"

Children, let's turn into primitive people.

(Children dress up)

Children, look at the posture and gait of primitive man. I suggest going like primitive, lean forward a little and lower your shoulders down.

Children imitate the gait of an ancient man,

walk bent over with arms down and shoulders tilted forward

Guys, are you comfortable walking like this? I suggest straightening your back and walking straight across the room.

Walking around the gym at an average pace.

Children, tell me, what did a person need to survive?

Of course, he needed water, food and shelter. He could drink from a river or stream. What did he eat?

Children: "Berries, fruits, grass, meat".

Where could he live?

Children: "In a cave".

Before going out to get food, primitive people performed a ritual dance.

Show dance

(performing rhythmic movements to the music).

I propose to split into two tribes. Think of a tribe name.

1 tribe "Mammoth"

2 tribe "Dinasaurs"

And the caretakers of our competitions will be the elders of the tribes - Galina Grigorievna Khorushko and Irina Mikhailovna Khamidullina. Let's greet the elders.

(Children hoot)

Main part.

Now we are going hunting, we must catch a mammoth, a tiger, a bear and other animals. First you need to find the path along which the animals went to the watering place.

1 task - warm-up "Hunt down the animal and set up an ambush".

On command, the children walk along the board, hands to the sides, climb over obstacles (right, left side) and gather in hiding. Being in ambush, the guys carry out preparatory exercises: walking in a semi-squat, push-ups from the floor.

At this time, animal figurines are placed and bags are laid out.

Guys, the animals came to the watering place, it's time for you and me to go hunting.

(Targets depicting dinosaurs are hung)

2 task

Guys, but before you throw a spear at the beast, you need to sneak up on him silently. I want to see if you can handle this challenge too?

Relay race: "Crawl silently between two benches without hitting the boards laid across"

3 task. Relay race: "Hunting Animals".

Show and explain the task:

Children move forward with their arms and legs (in plastunsky) to the line, stand up, pick up the bag, from the starting position "standing" on one knee, aim at the silhouette of the animal, throw at the target.

Return with loot when hit (animal figures).

(Announce the most accurate hunters).

Well done! You did an excellent job with your task.

We take loot. Who have we fallen into the trap?

Children: "Mammoth, tiger, lion".

Good booty! But primitive man ate more than meat. What else did he eat?

Children: "Berries, fruits, plant roots, fish".

It's time for us to go fishing.

4 task Relay "Catch a Fish"

Children jump on 2 legs through the modules and fish in the lake, take the fish and jump from ring to ring, and run back with the caught fish.

Guys, hunting and fishing went well. And now it's time for us to return to our home, we have to go along the mountain path. Through narrow gorges.

(Children stand one after another in a column, crawl on all fours under the arcs, walk along the benches, returning to the cave.)

So we got to our dwelling with you, put the booty near the fire. After a successful hunt primitive people organized holidays. They dressed up, danced their ritual dances, which consisted of simple movements and sounding gestures. Guys, what sounding gestures do you know?

(Repeat gestures around the fire).

Dance: "Ritual primitive dance»

Final part.

Children, come in, sit down near the fire. So ours is over with you primal adventure. Now the light goes out, and when it comes on again, we will become boys and girls living in our world.

(Music sounds, children take off their necklaces).

Guys, did you like our time travel?

Children: "We were very interested".

How did you feel when you were tested?

Children: "It was interesting to visit primitive people»

Do you think it was hard to survive primitive man?

Children: "Yes".

Indeed, a lot of effort was spent in search of food.

What did we do today to get food?

Children: "Jumping, crawling, throwing, running".

Indeed, a lot of effort was spent in search of food. Hunting for animals, protection from enemies were associated with running, jumping, crawling, swimming, throwing. Man has developed first sports skills.

On the further desire of a person to engage in sports we will talk to you at our next meetings. Together with us will travel the fire lit millions of years ago primitive man. This fire will lead us to the torch of the most important sports competitions - the torch of the Olympic Games. See you soon!

caregiver "lights up" a symbolic torch from the fire and passes it to the children. They pass the torch to each other and give it to the teacher.

The time of summer holidays is wonderful, when every bush, every tree and every snag carries a fairy tale and magic. Only in summer, in hot, sunny weather, you can move in a time capsule and get, for example, to a party, but not everyone's favorite "Retro-Ephem", but a party held in a cave during the Stone Age. What adventures await you there? Who will conduct it, a cool DJ SLON or a cheerful DJ Mammoth? In any case, the children who got to this grandiose event in a summer camp or summer "platform" should be very fun and interesting. A lot of music, exciting team games, exciting competitions, and, of course, everyone's favorite themed disco, will give the children a lot of positive emotions.

The event is accompanied by a slide show and a selection of appropriate thematic music.

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"stone party"

Municipal budget institution

additional education


Amursk, Amur Municipal District, Khabarovsk Territory

Camp-wide event Party in style

"Stone Age"

for children of primary and secondary school age

Developed by:

additional education teacher

Semyonkina Natalya Vladimirovna

Amursk 2016

Explanatory note

The time of summer holidays is wonderful, when every bush, every tree and every snag carries a fairy tale and magic. Only in summer, in hot, sunny weather, you can move in a time capsule and get, for example, to a party, but not everyone's favorite "Retro-Ephem", but a party held in a cave during the Stone Age. What adventures await you there? Who will conduct it, a cool DJ SLON or a cheerful DJ Mammoth? In any case, the children who got to this grandiose event in a summer camp or summer "platform" should be very fun and interesting. A lot of music, exciting team games, exciting competitions, and, of course, everyone's favorite themed disco, will give the children a lot of positive emotions.

The event is accompanied by a slide show and a selection of appropriate thematic music.

Purpose: involvement of participants in the educational process in active creative and cognitive activities.


Develop children's creativity

Learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of other children

Develop communication skills

Cultivate kindness towards each other.



  1. Log and "clubs" for battle.


    big balls

    Pictures - puzzles with the image of a mammoth - 2 sets

    Pictures for the contest "Rock Drawing", 2 felt-tip pens, 2 sheets

    Bedspread-2 pieces for the competition "Ostravok"

    Folder with music tracks for holiday decoration.

Event progress:

The host speaks against the background of music and a slide show:

1 slide:

In ancient times, when trees were giants, and people lived in caves, when the world was still young and naive, when mammoths roamed the earth, and fire was not mined from matches, and our story begins ...

I hear that someone doubts that those times were also cool and interesting, right? Then, I'm afraid that for some, the party in the Stone Age will soon be over! (Joke!)

Well, come on, it's time to say hello, get to know each other, shout and have fun! Can anyone do this? Yeees! But first, ears on top, listen carefully...

Once upon a time, in primeval time,
The Primitive tribe lived in the caves,
Under the vault, the Primordial bonfire crackled.
Cave mothers were talking:
About children's clothing, About baby food,
But first of all - about education.
They cut large animal skins,
Soups and potions were cooked from herbs.
And after cooking Potions and food
They were engaged in comfort in the dwelling.

Coming home from primitive work,
Cave dads did not know worries:
Smiles were waiting for them, Warmth and comfort
And many happy family minutes.
And our Cave dads heard:
- Well, wipe Your dirty paws!
You'll get here in a day! You'll be tired in a day!
When will you finally become a human?

And a century flew by Imperceptibly after a century,
And dad eventually became a man.
It happened in the early spring
When he returned home with a bouquet ...

Long ago we forgot the cave era,
But dad, no, no, And pull into the cave.
Now it will pull to the forest, Now to the river, then to the field -
On that, on your own, Primitive will.

Let's imagine that dads are left alone.
What would be the days then?
At first, dads would walk in sorrow.
Then they would grumble at each other.
They would turn houses into caves.
They would burn the tables And burn the chiffoniers.

Grumpy dads, Hungry dads
Would chew shoes, galoshes and hats.
But mothers are on guard. And honestly,
They will never allow this.
They won't let the stone age
A man stepped out of our century.

Long live good mother's hands,
Working hands, without laziness and boredom!
Who can feed and caress!
Which dads should KISS!


1. So, it's time to get acquainted with the tribes. To do this, I ask the respected leaders of the tribes to come here. Let's support our idol representatives with specific signs! Well done!

2. The chief commands the battle cry of the tribe. Ready? Go!

Competition "The loudest battle cry"

3. And now, friends, it's time to get acquainted with your leaders. Do they understand you without words? Then the task is as follows: The tribe explains in pantomime what the leader's name is, and the leader's name is written on the rim that is on his head.

Leader's Name Contest

4. Since all the people of the tribe are one with nature, they very easily convey the voices of birds and animals. Right, primitives? Now we are going to check it out!

Competition "Repeat"

Competition "Ritual dance"

2nd stage of the competition

15 people of the tribe remain, island competition.

6. Of course, the ancient people did not go to the supermarket with a card to buy goods. Listen to one ancient story and help me tell it in words:

“Life is such a beauty!


    To live winter there and autumn

No lessons and no schools

No one is vacuuming there

And nobody cleans the floor

And she shouts to herself: yes, yes!

In chorus: abu - tubu-tubu - that!

    But live BC clearly

Silly in our scientific age,

If you are not a monkey,

And a reasonable person

Tired of mumbling


What should I do among them

I miss books!

And who else missed school and books, guys? There are such? Well done!

Stage 2 competition "Hunters".

Different tribes have different pictures of mammoths. Your task is to go hunting and kill a mammoth for dinner. At the start, attention, march!

7. And do not even think that primitive people could not draw and create art masterpieces. Scientists and archaeologists have found a lot of different rock paintings. We are no exception!

Competition "Rock drawing of a mammoth".

Your drawing should be close to the original!

8. Art requires sacrifice! Therefore, our ears will now be the victim. Your task is to play some melody with sticks on the drum so that everyone recognizes it and sings it.

Competition "Primitive Drummers".

9. Ancient people had fun too, very cool, they not only ate mammoths, but also rode them.

So, 4 teams become!

Competition "Riding on mammoths"

In teams, choose 2 mammoths who will carry their riders, whoever does it faster is the winner! (hands make a cross)

10. The most powerful ancient people were, of course, held in high esteem by the entire tribe. We were proud of them, but we also knew that they would protect us at any moment. And how to find out who is the strongest in the tribe? Of course, only thanks to the fights with clubs…

Competition "Fighting with batons".(Bench, 2 pillows)

11. Do you think that primitive people did not go to a karaoke bar? I am begging you! They loved to sing, but in a special way!

At first glance, the task is very simple: you need to sing the most meaningful and sincere song. Let's start with the harpists and super advanced singers of that time - the leaders of the ancient period of the Evolution camp! Let's give them a round of applause!

Competition "What I see, I sing!"

Presenter: Well, friends, the competitions were all worthy, you can move on and we boldly go to the disco of the Stone Age. Is everyone ready?

Then, for a warm-up, cutting of songs sounds, we dance according to the music!

There is a disco with music competitions:

- "Take hold of..."

- "Merry Macarena"

- "Keep in pairs"

- "Chair Dancing"

So our journey to the Stone Age has come to an end, I think we have not caused any damage to a foreign civilization and culture. They all remained alive - healthy, cheerful, cheerful. Now, attention, attention!

Raise your hands up! Everyone up there waved!

All who are cheerful and fresh now, shout out the same hour "Hurrah!"

All who are sour and tired, who did not dance at all,

Show us a sign so that the whole room can see you!

There are no such? Great!

Mood for "5", I ask everyone to applaud! Well done!

See you soon!

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"stone party"

Life is such a beauty! Abu - tubu - tubu - that!

Karaoke bar "What I see, I sing..."