
The term for the state examination of project documentation: when it is minimal. On approval of the requirements for the format of documents provided in electronic form for receiving public services for the state examination of the project document

documentation for state expertise

in St. Petersburg

1. Design documentation and the results of engineering surveys performed for the preparation of such design documentation are not subject to state expertise in relation to the following capital construction projects:

a) detached residential buildings with the number of floors not exceeding 3, intended for the residence of one family (objects of individual housing construction);

b) residential buildings with no more than 3 floors, consisting of no more than 10 blocks, each of which is intended for one family, has a common wall (common walls) without openings with the neighboring block or neighboring blocks, is located on a separate land plot and has access to the common area (residential houses of blocked development);

c) apartment buildings with no more than 3 floors, consisting of no more than 4 block sections, each of which contains several apartments and common areas and each of which has a separate entrance with access to the common area;

d) detached capital construction facilities with a number of floors not more than 2, the total area of ​​which is not more than 1500 square meters and which are not intended for citizens to live and carry out production activities;

e) detached capital construction facilities with the number of floors not exceeding 2, the total area of ​​which is not more than 1500 square meters, which are intended for the implementation of production activities and for which it is not required to establish sanitary protection zones or it is required to establish sanitary protection zones within the boundaries of the land plots on which such objects are located.

Project documentation and the results of engineering surveys carried out for the preparation of such project documentation are not subject to state expertise in cases where a construction permit is not required, namely in the following cases:

a) construction of a garage on a land plot provided to an individual for purposes not related to entrepreneurial activities, or construction of a summer cottage on a land plot provided for gardening;

b) construction, reconstruction of objects that are not objects of capital construction (kiosks, sheds and others);

c) construction on the land plot of buildings and structures for auxiliary use;

d) a change in capital construction objects and (or) their parts, if such a change does not affect the design and other characteristics of their reliability and safety and does not exceed the limiting parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction established by the urban planning regulations.

2. Separation of powers

The powers of the state institution subordinated to the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services include the organization and conduct of state expertise in relation to the following types of capital construction projects:

a) objects, the construction, reconstruction and (or) overhaul of which is supposed to be carried out in the territories of 2 or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

b) objects, the construction, reconstruction and (or) overhaul of which is supposed to be carried out in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in internal sea waters and in the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation;

c) objects of defense and security, other objects, information about which constitutes a state secret (with the exception of objects, state expertise in respect of which, by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, is assigned to the powers of federal executive bodies);

d) objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of federal significance (during major repairs in order to preserve them);

e) especially dangerous and technically complex facilities;

f) unique objects.

Especially dangerous and technically complex objects include:

a) nuclear facilities, including nuclear installations, storage facilities for nuclear materials and radioactive substances;

b) hydraulic structures of the first and second classes, installed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the safety of hydraulic structures;

c) line-cable communications facilities and communications facilities, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

d) power lines and other electric grid facilities with a voltage of 330 kilovolts or more;

e) objects of space infrastructure;

f) airports and other aviation infrastructure facilities;

g) infrastructure facilities of public railway transport;

h) subways;

i) seaports, with the exception of specialized seaports intended for servicing sports and pleasure craft;

j) highways of general use of federal significance and transport engineering structures related to them;

k) hazardous production facilities, where:

obtained, used, processed, formed, stored, transported, destroyed hazardous substances in excess of the limit. Such facilities and the maximum amount of hazardous substances are specified, respectively, in Appendixes 1 and 2 to the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law);

the equipment specified in paragraph 2 of the Appendix to the Federal Law is used;

melts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys based on these melts are obtained;

mining, mineral processing, and underground work are underway;

permanently installed cable cars and funiculars are used.

The unique objects are capital construction facilities, the design documentation of which provides for one of the following characteristics:

a) height over 100 meters;

b) spans over 100 meters;

c) the presence of a console with a length of more than 20 meters;

d) deepening of the underground part (in whole or in part) below the planning mark of the earth by more than 10 meters;

e) the presence of structures and structural systems for which non-standard calculation methods are applied taking into account physical or geometric non-linear properties or special calculation methods are developed.

Distribution of powers

on state expertise of project documentation

for the construction of facilities in St. Petersburg



Examination of the subject of the Federation (St. Petersburg)




1. Thermal power facilities (boilers, pressure vessels and pipelines).

1. New construction and reconstruction of thermal power plants with a total capacity (electric and thermal) of 150 MW and more.

2. Overhaul and reconstruction of individual industrially hazardous structures at TPPs, including fuel supply (for coal-fired TPPs), water treatment, cooling towers and chimneys with a height
100 m and above.

1. Heating boiler houses (district, roof, built-in, free-standing, attached).

2. Mini-CHP (TPP) with a total capacity (electrical and thermal) up to 150 MW.

3. Heat networks, regardless of the temperature and pressure of the coolant (with the exception of the complex of heat networks on the territory of TPP - during their reconstruction).

2. Underground structures.

Objects where permanently installed cable cars and funiculars are used.

Objects where permanently installed lifting mechanisms are used (except for cable cars and funiculars).

3. Objects of gas supply, gas distribution and gas consumption.

1. Gas distribution systems that use, store, transport natural and (or) liquefied gas at a pressure of more than 1.2 MPa (for natural gas) and more than 1.6 MPa (for liquefied gas).

2. Gas distribution systems, including subsystems operating under gas pressure, regardless of gas pressure (gas supply of a gas turbine power plant with a booster compressor, etc.).

3. Gas networks and gas pipelines of metallurgical enterprises.

4. Gas networks and gas pipelines of enterprises using natural, liquefied and compressed gas as a raw material, as well as as fuel gas.

1. Gas distribution systems in which natural gas is used, stored, transported at a pressure of not more than 1.2 MPa or liquefied gas at a pressure of not more than 1.6 MPa (except for items 2, 3, 4 in column 3).

4. Objects of water and communal services.

1. Reservoirs, water conduits, water intakes from surface sources, deep-water outlets of construction wastewater, the reconstruction or overhaul of which is supposed to be carried out on the territory of 2 or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in internal sea waters and in the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation.

2. Pumping stations, water conduits, deep-seated collectors, the construction of which involves mining and underground work.

3. Treatment facilities for water supply and sanitation, for which an industrial safety declaration is being developed.

4. Hydraulic structures of the first and second classes, installed in accordance with the legislation on the safety of hydraulic structures.

5. Groundwater intakes when using the second and subsequent aquifers.

6. Seaports.

Water and communal facilities not specified in paragraphs 1-6 of column 3.

5. Storage of flammable liquids (gas stations, commodity bases).

With the amount of combustible liquids more than 50,000 tons.

When the amount of flammable liquids is less than

6. Electrical networks and structures on them

2. Located on the territory of 2 or more subjects of the Russian Federation.

Voltage up to 330 kV.

7. Gas stations (AGZS, gas stations).

1. When the amount of gas in the designed area or capacity is more than 200 tons (for gas filling stations).

2. When the amount of flammable liquids is more than 50,000 tons (for gas stations).

1. If the amount of gas in the designed area or capacity is less than

200 tons (for gas filling stations).

2. When the amount of flammable liquids is less than

50,000 tons (for filling stations).

3. Grounds for refusal to accept project documentation

for examination

In accordance with article 49, part 8 of the Town Planning Code, as amended by Federal Law No. 148-FZ of July 22, 2008, the grounds for refusing to accept project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys sent for state expertise are:

3.1. The absence in the design documentation of the sections provided for by parts 12 and 13 of Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

parts 12 and 13 of article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation

12. The design documentation for capital construction facilities, with the exception of design documentation for linear facilities, includes the following sections:

1) an explanatory note with the initial data for architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, including the results of engineering surveys, technical conditions;

2) the scheme of the planning organization of the land plot, made in accordance with the town-planning plan of the land plot;

3) architectural solutions;

4) constructive and space-planning solutions;

5) information about engineering equipment, engineering and technical support networks, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions;

6) a project for organizing the construction of capital construction facilities;

7) a project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction objects, their parts (if necessary, the demolition or dismantling of capital construction objects, their parts for construction, reconstruction of other capital construction objects);

8) a list of measures for environmental protection;

9) a list of measures to ensure fire safety;

10) a list of measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities to healthcare facilities, education, culture, recreation, sports and other socio-cultural and domestic facilities, transport, trade, public catering facilities, business, administrative, financial, religious facilities, facilities housing stock (in case of preparation of the relevant project documentation);

11) estimates for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities financed from the funds of the relevant budgets;

(As amended by the Federal Laws of December 18, 2006 N 232-FZ, of July 24, 2007 N 215-FZ)

12) other documentation in cases stipulated by federal laws.

12.1. Preparation of design documentation at the initiative of the developer or customer can be carried out in relation to individual stages of construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects.

(Part twelve.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 210-FZ of December 31, 2005)

13. The composition and requirements for the content of sections of project documentation in relation to various types of capital construction objects, including linear objects, the composition and requirements for the content of sections of project documentation in relation to individual stages of construction, reconstruction of capital construction objects, as well as the composition and requirements for the content of the sections of the project documentation submitted for the state examination of the project documentation and to the state construction supervision bodies are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by the Federal Laws of December 31, 2005 N 210-FZ, of December 18, 2006 N 232-FZ)

3.2. Preparation of project documentation by a person who does not meet the requirements specified in parts 4 and 6 of Article 48 of the Town Planning Code.

parts 4 and 6 of article 48 of the Town Planning Code

4. Types of work on the preparation of project documentation that affect the safety of capital construction facilities should be performed only by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities that have certificates of admission to such types of work issued by a self-regulatory organization. Other types of work on the preparation of project documentation can be performed by any individuals or legal entities.

(Part four as amended by Federal Law No. 148-FZ of July 22, 2008)

6. If the preparation of project documentation is carried out by an individual or legal entity on the basis of an agreement with the developer or customer, the developer or customer is obliged to provide such a person with:

1) town-planning plan of the land plot;

2) the results of engineering surveys (if they are not available, the contract must provide for an assignment for the performance of engineering surveys);

3) technical conditions (in the event that the operation of the projected capital construction object cannot be ensured without connecting such an object to engineering and technical support networks).

3.3. Absence of engineering survey results specified in part 6 of Article 47 of the Code, or absence of a positive conclusion of the state examination of the results of engineering surveys (in the event that the results of engineering surveys were sent for state examination before the design documentation was sent for state examination).

3.4. Non-compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the composition and form established in accordance with Part 6 of Article 47 of the Code.

part 6 of article 47 of the Town Planning Code

6. Types of engineering surveys, the procedure for their implementation for the preparation of design documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities, as well as the composition, form of materials and results of engineering surveys, the procedure for the formation and maintenance of the state fund of materials and engineering survey data, taking into account the needs of information systems for urban planning activities are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 210-FZ of December 31, 2005)

3.5. Performance of engineering surveys, the results of which are sent for state expertise, by a person who does not meet the requirements specified in parts 2 and 3 of Article 47 of the Code.

parts 2 and 3 of article 47 of the Town Planning Code

2. Types of work on engineering surveys that affect the safety of capital construction projects should be performed only by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities that have certificates of admission to such types of work issued by a self-regulatory organization. Other types of engineering survey work can be performed by any natural or legal persons.

(Part two as amended by Federal Law No. 148-FZ of July 22, 2008)

3. The persons performing engineering surveys are the developer or an individual or legal entity engaged on the basis of a contract by the developer or a person authorized by him (hereinafter referred to as the customer) that meets the requirements provided for by part 2 of this article.

3.6. Not all documents provided for by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 11 of Article 49 of the Code are sent for state examination.

part 11 of article 49 of the Town Planning Code

11. The procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results, the amount of the fee for conducting state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results and the procedure for its collection are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(Resolution No. 145 of March 5, 2007 “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results”)

3.7. Sending project documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys to an executive authority, a state institution, if, in accordance with the Law, the state examination of such project documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys is carried out by another executive authority, another state institution.

4. Terms of the state examination

The duration of the state examination should not exceed
3 months. Within no more than 45 days, a state examination is carried out:

a) the results of engineering surveys that are sent for state expertise before the project documentation is sent for this expertise;

b) project documentation or design documentation and results of engineering surveys in relation to residential capital construction projects that are not unique objects.

When conducting a state examination, the organization for conducting a state examination shall have the right to:

a) demand from state authorities, local authorities and organizations information and documents necessary for the state examination;

b) engage on a contractual basis other state and (or) non-state organizations, as well as specialists, to conduct the state examination.

5. Results of the state expertise

The result of the state examination is a conclusion containing conclusions on compliance (positive opinion) or non-compliance (negative opinion):

a) project documentation to the requirements of technical regulations and the result of engineering surveys - if a state examination of project documentation was carried out;

b) the results of engineering surveys to the requirements of technical regulations - in the event that a state examination of the results of engineering surveys was carried out;

c) project documentation to the requirements of technical regulations and the results of engineering surveys, the results of engineering surveys to the requirements of technical regulations - in the event that the state examination of the project documentation and the results of engineering surveys was carried out simultaneously.

If in the design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys in the process of conducting the state examination of shortcomings (lack (incomplete) of information, descriptions, calculations, drawings, diagrams, etc.) that do not allow drawing the conclusions specified in paragraph 34 of the Decree Government of the Russian Federation of March 05, 2007 No. 145, Department of State Expertise immediately notifies the applicant of the identified shortcomings and, if necessary, sets a deadline for their elimination. If the identified deficiencies cannot be eliminated during the state examination or the applicant has not eliminated them within the prescribed period, the organization for conducting the state examination has the right to refuse further examination and raise the issue of early termination of the contract, of which it will notify the applicant in writing indicating the reasons for the decision.

The negative conclusion of the state examination may be challenged by the developer or customer in court.

The issuance of the conclusion of the state examination is carried out in the hands of the applicant or by sending a registered letter. A positive conclusion of the state examination is issued in 4 copies.

Project documentation, a copy of the design assignment, the results of engineering surveys and a copy of the assignment for the performance of engineering surveys shall be returned to the applicant within the time and in the manner specified by the contract.

6. Maintaining a register of issued conclusions

The organization conducting the state examination maintains a register of issued state examination conclusions, which indicates:

a) identification information about the performers of the work;

b) identification information about the capital construction object, the design documentation and (or the results of engineering surveys) in respect of which are submitted for state expertise;

c) identification information about the developer and customer;

d) information about the result of the state examination (negative or positive conclusion);

e) date of issue and details of the conclusion.

The information contained in the register of issued state examination conclusions is open and provided to any person within 10 days from the date of receipt of a written request by the state examination organization.

The procedure for maintaining a register of issued state expert opinions and providing information contained in the register is established by the Federal Agency for Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

7. Conducting cases accepted for examination

When conducting a state examination, a state examination file is opened. Cases of the state examination are archival documents of permanent storage. Their destruction, as well as the correction and (or) withdrawal of the documents contained in them are not allowed.

7.1. Upon receipt of negative and positive conclusions, it is necessary to submit:

a) confirmation of payment received from the economist;

b) a power of attorney from the developer or customer for the right to obtain an opinion;

c) upon receipt of a positive final conclusion, the presence of a representative of the customer and the general designer is mandatory.

7.2. Upon receipt of a positive final opinion, you must submit:

a) a case in which a negative final opinion is sewn with the comments removed, responses to the comments and initial permits requested on the basis of the comments of the UGE;

b) 1 and 2 copies of the design documentation with changes made according to the comments of the expert.

7.3. When a negative opinion is issued, the case is formed for transfer to the archive with a list of documents:

b) a copy of the contract;

d) conclusions, state expertise (primary and repeated);

e) copies of the invoice, acts of work performed, notification.

7.4. When a positive conclusion is issued, the following list of documents is formed along with the case for transfer to the archive for permanent storage:

a) applications for state examination (primary and repeated);

b) a copy of the contract;

c) documents containing conclusions made by organizations and (or) specialists involved on a contractual basis in the examination;

d) conclusions of the state expertise (primary and repeated);

e) title documents for the land plot;

f) town-planning plan of the land plot;

g) materials contained in the project documentation:

explanatory note;

results of engineering surveys in accordance with the requirements (including the composition of these results) established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

the scheme of the planning organization of the land plot, made in accordance with the town-planning plan of the land plot, with the designation of the location of the capital construction object, entrances and passages to it, the boundaries of the areas of public easements, archaeological heritage sites;

scheme of the planning organization of the land plot, confirming the location of the linear object within the red lines approved as part of the territory planning documentation in relation to linear objects;

diagrams showing architectural solutions;

information about engineering equipment, a master plan of engineering and technical support networks with designation of places for connecting the projected capital construction facility to engineering and technical support networks;

a project for organizing the construction of a capital construction facility;

a project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction facilities, their parts;

list of measures for environmental protection;

list of measures to ensure fire safety.

7.5. In case of loss of the conclusion of the state examination, the applicant has the right to obtain a duplicate of this conclusion from the organization for conducting the state examination. Issuance of a duplicate is carried out free of charge within 10 days from the date of receipt of a written request by the specified organization.

territory of St. Petersburg.

When accepting and processing documents and forming a case in the acceptance sector, all accepted documents are numbered at the time of assigning a number, the stamp indicates the number of numbered pages, with the contents of the sheets (or with a table of contents).

When assigning a case number to remove comments on the issued negative conclusion, the mark "withdrawal of comments" is made.

When accepting the design and estimate documentation for reconsideration, in the case of finalizing the project with a return to the customer, a number marked “reconsideration” is assigned, the same experts who prepared the negative opinion are appointed.

The project is reviewed in full (for compliance of the submitted project documentation with the previously reviewed project documentation). If the experts are convinced that the customer did not make changes to the project, then in this case the experts remove the comments on the negative conclusion.

If the customer made changes to the project, then in such cases, the experts can put (if necessary) additional comments (all documents are accepted in the original or in certified copies).

It is prohibited without the consent of the management of the Department of State Expertise or the leading expert to replace the submitted sections, sheets, make changes, in the process of consideration, take out the design and estimate documentation and the generated case outside the Department.

Acceptance of project documentation for examination (for inclusion in the register of re-use projects), it is necessary to submit the conclusion of the state examination (original and certified copy), the act of putting the object into operation (original and certified copy). After reviewing these documents, the project is entered into the register of re-use projects.

To submit project documentation for examination, you must submit:

a) The developer's application for an examination (Sample on the website of the Service (Appendix No. 1) with a visa of the head of the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service or an authorized person "for preliminary examination".

b) Certificate of cost of R&D (design work and survey work) (without VAT) (can be specified in the application).

c) Registration cards in 2 copies, endorsed by the head of the estimate department (Appendix No. 2).

d) Card of acceptance of PSD ("runner"), agreed in the department "Environmental Protection" (Appendix No. 3).

e) Town-planning plan of the land plot.

f) Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the proposed use of the land plot with sanitary rules.

g) Grounds for design and initial data:

8.1. New construction:

8.1.1. Order of the Governor, Decree of the Administration of St. Petersburg.

8.1.2. Order of the Chairman of the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture (if necessary).

8.1.3. Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg (if necessary) from 01.01.2005

8.1.4. Agreement on investment activity.

8.1.5. Title documents for a land plot (for objects of protection of KGIOP - a conclusion on the permitted mode of use of the land plot).

8.1.6. Title documents for the building (upon completion of the construction in progress).

8.1.7. Town-planning plan of the land plot (reconstruction and overhaul - a certificate of the protected status of the object or an assignment to perform work on a cultural heritage site).

8.1.8. Temporary regulations for development, or a sheet of the master plan of the block planning project.

8.1.9. Design assignment approved by the customer and agreed by the State Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergencies.

8.1.10. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on compliance:

the intended use of the land according to sanitary regulations;

based on the results of determining the hazard class of the developed soil in terms of chemical and toxicological indicators;

on the establishment of sanitary protection zones of surrounding buildings (if necessary).

8.1.11. Architectural and restoration task (letter of permission, certificate) of the Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments.

8.1.12. Draft land use boundaries for the period of design and construction (reconstruction) - a copy from the "lavsan".

8.1.13. Technical conditions of services and departments of the city for the connection of engineering networks.

8.2. For reconstruction and overhaul, the following are additionally submitted:

8.2.1. Title documents for the building (apartments, premises) (lease agreement, certificate of ownership).

8.2.2. Technical conclusion based on the results of the survey of structures and engineering equipment.

8.2.3. Technical passport for the building (apartments, premises).

8.2.4. Inventory plans of GU "GUION PIB" for the building (apartments, premises).

8.2.5. Consent of all copyright holders of the capital construction object (during construction or reconstruction).

8.2.6. Dimensional drawings.

9. Approvals:

9.1. Chief Architect of St. Petersburg for volumetric and architectural solutions (extract with the appendix GP and facades).

9.2. Chief artist (if necessary).

9.3. OPS of the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture (for a working draft).

9.4. Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments.

9.5. Technological regulations for the management of construction waste (agreed in the Committee for Nature Management, Environmental Protection and Environmental Safety).

9.7. UGIBDD.

9.8. Territorial administration (Administration of the district).

9.9. State Institution "Housing Agency" of the administrative district (HOA, ZHSK) (during reconstruction).

9.11. "Neva-Ladoga Basin Water Administration" (if necessary).

9.12. SZ UGAN of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport Management "(if necessary).

9.13. Coordination of technical services and departments of the city.

9.14. All approvals must comply with the "project documentation" stage.

10. Project documentation.

Acceptance of project documentation is carried out after receiving the resolution of the head of the Service, the deputy head of the Service or the head of the State Expertise Department by appointment by phone 710-40-30, 710-46-45 and 710-49-54 or in person.

To obtain a resolution, it is necessary to submit an application, an accounting card (Appendix No. 2), filled in from 2 sides, an urban planning plan for the land plot and the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the use of the land plot for construction.

From 01.01.2009 with budgetary and extrabudgetary funding submit all sections of the project in 3 copies in paper form. Estimates - in 2 copies. Copies for the department of ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION are submitted separately, upon their request.

11. Results of engineering and geological surveys (registered in the geoservice of the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, if they were not carried out by the State Unitary Enterprise "Trest GRII"):

12. Design requirements are presented on page 25 (see below).

13. Requirements for the submission of estimate documentation are presented on page 27 (see below).

14. Requirements for the submission of project documentation to the sectors of ecology and sanitary and epidemiological safety are presented on page 29 (see below).

15. Requirements for the composition of sections of design documentation for linear capital construction facilities are presented on page 35 (see below).

16. Requirements for the submission of project documentation for engineering and equipment sections are presented on page 35 (see below).

17. Requirements for the Master Plan section are presented on page 37 (see below).

The presence of a representative of the organization of the general designer is mandatory when submitting the project for examination.

In addition to the set of project documentation, the customer or his representative (by proxy) shall submit:

documents containing identification information about the persons who prepared the project documentation (for the developer, customer and general designer):

a document confirming the authority of the head;

certificate of state registration of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur (certified copy);

passport data;


documents containing identification information about the Applicant:

constituent agreement, other constituent documents;

a document confirming the authority of the head of the applicant;

certificate of state registration of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur;

passport data;

a document confirming the authority to submit documents;

agreement between the developer and the customer on the empowerment.

Documents are submitted in separate folders (without files) with obligatory continuous numbering of all pages in the file and are certified by the seal of the representative organization (see website).

11. Repeated state examination.

The project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys can be resubmitted (2 or more times) for state expertise after the elimination of the shortcomings indicated in the negative conclusion of the state expertise, or when changes are made to the project documentation that received a positive conclusion from the state expertise, in part of the change technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction facility.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 No. 970)

The repeated state examination is carried out in the manner provided for by these Regulations for the primary state examination.

If the deficiencies that served as the basis for the negative conclusion of the state expertise can be eliminated without returning these documents, the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service sets a time limit for eliminating such deficiencies. In this case, the documents submitted for state examination shall not be returned to the applicant. An additional agreement to the contract is concluded.

We draw the attention of customers of the state expertise to certain provisions of Section 6 of the Regulations on the procedure for organizing and conducting state expertise, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2007 No. 145. According to paragraph 45 of the Regulations, when conducting a repeated state examination, the part of the design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys, in which changes were made, as well as the compatibility of the changes made with the design documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys, in respect of which previously carried out by the state examination. Accordingly, the customer, when submitting an application for a repeated state examination, submits to the organization for the state examination a certificate describing the changes made to the project documentation, as provided for in clause 44 of the Regulations. This certificate must contain the following information:

1. The name of the sections in which changes have been made. In this case, it should be indicated what changes were made to the project documentation with a link to the corresponding page of the explanatory note, the numbers of volumes and pages, the numbers of drawings that reflect the changes.

2. A detailed description of how the changes were reflected in the design decisions, incl. and technical and economic indicators.

3. The list of sections of the project documentation in which no changes were made. It should also be indicated that the changes made to other sections should not be reflected in these sections of the project documentation and these changes are fully compatible with the sections that were not changed due to the lack of comments from the state expertise.

The certificate must be signed by the chief engineer of the project.

Help is sewn into an explanatory note, which must have continuous page numbering.

A fee equal to 30 percent of the fee for conducting a primary state examination shall be charged for conducting a repeated state examination.

If documents for a repeated state examination in respect of residential capital construction projects are submitted within 14 days after receiving a negative opinion, no fee for conducting a repeated state examination is charged.

When re-delivery of project documentation for housing construction projects

after receiving a negative opinion, you must submit:

the developer's application for a re-examination with a visa of the head of the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service, the deputy head of the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service or the head of the State Expertise Department;

responses in writing to the issued negative opinion, a brief description of the changes made to the design and estimate documentation;

an inventory of the project documentation to be handed over;

a set of project documentation with mandatory consecutive numbering of all pages in the file (in accordance with the inventory for assigning a new number).

A new case is not formed only for housing construction projects.

In other cases, the re-delivery of project documentation is carried out according to the rules for the initial delivery of project documentation.

A copy of the negative conclusion is attached to the initial permit documentation.

It is possible to reduce the terms of the re-examination if it is carried out only to eliminate the shortcomings (comments) listed in the negative opinion, if among the comments there are no requirements to additionally submit any sections or any sections to be reworked in full.

Reception days:

Wednesday - 9.30-13.00;

Friday - 9.30-13.00.

Our address:

Service of State Construction Supervision and Expertise of St. Petersburg (

12. Documents and drawings required for the examination of the design solutions section:

12.1. For buildings with a height of more than 75 m, it is necessary to submit a conclusion based on the results of physical modeling in a wind tunnel (clause 5.7 of TSN 31-332-2006).

12.2. Surveys of existing buildings in the risk zone, indicating the category of technical condition of these buildings (30 m).

12.3. Survey of apartments and survey of foundations (pits with absolute marks) of existing buildings located in the areas adjacent to new construction (at a distance of less than half of the compressible soil thickness under the new building) (clause 2.5, clause 3.1 of VSN 401-01-1-77) .

12.4. Geotechnical justification (section 3 of TSN 50-302-2004) for buildings built into existing buildings with a distance to existing buildings of less than half of the calculated compressible thickness of the foundation soil under the new building. The geotechnical justification should include a calculation of the impact of the new building on existing buildings and recommendations for protecting the surrounding development.

12.5. Detailed technical inspection of reconstructed buildings with pits (absolute marks) and sounding of soils at the base in case of strengthening of foundations or superstructure (5.17 SP 50-102-2003).

12.6. Calculations of the entire building for all blocks and extensions with initial data (general design scheme, structural material and its strength and weight characteristics, sections of load-bearing elements, compliance of prefabricated element nodes, elastic characteristics of foundation foundations, temporary and permanent loads (weight of floors, partitions, hinged walls) and final data (foundation reinforcement, reinforcement of the most loaded walls, reinforcement of columns and beams, floors, forces in the lower columns, forces in piles, settlements, acceleration of structural vibrations, roll, deflection of the top of the building). For buildings with beamless ceilings, provide a calculation of the capital part of the floor for punching by the middle and outer columns and the calculation of the floor by deformations, taking into account the opening of cracks.

12.7. Scheme of loads on foundations (in case of separate calculation of the ground part and foundation).

12.8. Drawings of foundations for all structures that are included in the consideration of this case. For details, see Appendix B to SP 50-102-2003 and clause 8.18 of TSN 50-302-2004.

12.9. For residential buildings, structural drawings should be submitted for all blocks and extensions.

The drawings should include the layout of the columns and walls of the basement, the ceiling above the basement with the dimensions of the sections, the layout of the columns and beams of the lower floors (if they differ from the typical floor). Drawings of layouts of walls and ceilings of a typical floor with dimensions

The principle of reinforcement of the main load-bearing elements.

12.10. In public buildings, commercial and residential complexes, parking lots, present the layout of elements for the entire building with sections of load-bearing elements and main nodes. Represent the principle of reinforcement of columns, floors and beams.

12.11. For metal structures, submit design schemes of frames, main components, a list of elements with sections and design forces for which the sections are taken.

12.12. On the outer walls, show the section, the connection of layers in multilayer walls, the fastening of walls to load-bearing structures, and the node of support on the ceiling or foundation.

12.13. For reconstruction, submit drawings of structures and reinforcement units of the main load-bearing structures recognized as insufficiently reliable in the survey materials.

12.14. The project of strengthening the existing structures and foundations of buildings, associated with new construction near these buildings, is submitted for examination only together with the project of a new building.

12.15. MDS 11-18.2005, TSN, VSN and SP are documents of voluntary application.

13. To submit the estimate documentation for examination, it is necessary:

13.1. Submit a properly executed set (volume) of estimates in 2 copies:

estimates must be stitched together, the pages must be consecutively numbered;

the estimate volume must have a title page, a table of contents and an explanatory note to the estimates;

present the consolidated estimate calculation in 2 price levels: in the base cost of 2000 and the current cost at the time of submission of project documentation for examination;

the summary estimate calculation must have four signatures (head of the design organization, CIP, head of department, customer);

one copy of the estimates must have original signatures and seals;

estimates for restoration work must have the conclusion of KGIOP;

local estimates can be drawn up both in one - the current price level, and in 2 - base and current levels.

It is not allowed to draw up local estimates for one object at different price levels (for example, estimates for general construction work are indexed to the level of March 2004, and estimates for electrical work - to the level of September 2004).

13.2. Submit the initial permit documentation necessary for the preparation of estimates for a specific object:

targeted program (for objects of budget financing at the expense of the city budget);

list of facilities and construction sites (for facilities financed from the federal budget);

design task, which, in accordance with the letter of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade dated 14.08.2003 No. 03/7547, should indicate the method for determining the cost of construction (basic index, resource, etc.) and the procedure for recalculating from the base to the current price level (indices by types of work, by complex indices, etc.);

architectural and restoration task (for restoration and restoration work);

a detailed estimate for design and survey work (design and survey work), compiled according to the Collections and reference books of prices for design work.

13.3. Additional materials that were used in the preparation of estimates:

price lists (commercial offers) to determine the cost of building materials, products and structures;

analogous estimates (for cost estimates at the stage of "Project") ("feasibility study");

preliminary remarks (Appendix 4) of the head of the budget department, if necessary.

14. A set of documents for the department of environmental protection (sector of ecology and sector of sanitary and epidemiological safety).

14.1. Section "List of measures for environmental protection" - for capital construction projects or Section "Measures for environmental protection" - for linear objects. The composition and content of the section must comply with the requirements of paragraph 25 and paragraph 40 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87.

14.2. Results of engineering surveys for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities (Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Government Decree No. 20 dated 19.01.2006). Section "Engineering and environmental surveys". The composition and content of the section (the list of types of engineering surveys and the rules for performing engineering surveys) must comply with the requirements of SNiP 11-02-96.

14.3. Section "Technological regulations for the management of construction waste". The composition and content of the section must comply with the requirements of the Order of the Administration of St. Petersburg dated May 15, 2003 No. 1112-ra. The section must be developed during construction, reconstruction and overhaul, regardless of the amount and types of waste generated during the work.

14.4. Section "Construction organization project".

14.5. Section "Explanatory note".

14.6. Site plan of the site with surrounding buildings.

14.7. Section "Scheme of the planning organization of the land" with the balance of earth masses.

14.8. Section "Information about engineering equipment, about networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions":

subsection "Water supply system";

subsection "Water disposal system";

subsection "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks";

subsection "Power supply system";

subsection "Gas supply system";

subsection "Technological solutions" (explanatory note with the arrangement of technological equipment) - is mandatory for public catering establishments, grocery stores, healthcare facilities, swimming pools, hairdressers, hotels, schools, kindergartens, other educational and educational institutions, recreation and recreation institutions, industrial enterprises and etc.

14.9. Section "Architectural solutions". Architectural solutions with floor plans and indication of the functional purpose of the premises; sections showing elevations from ground level; facades; description of architectural solutions that provide natural lighting for premises with a permanent stay of people and insolation; Calculations of KEO and insolation for the designed object and normalized surrounding buildings.

14.10. Section "Project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction objects" - if the project documentation provides for the demolition (dismantling) of an object or part of a capital construction object. The composition and content of the section must comply with the requirements of paragraph 24 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87.

14.11. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusions of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for St. Petersburg (TSGSEN and other bodies of Rospotrebnadzor) on compliance with:

the proposed use of the land plot by the sanitary rules (clause 3. Art. 12 of the Federal Law of 30.03.1999 No. 52-FZ);

on the establishment of sanitary protection zones (SPZ) of surrounding buildings, if necessary - the SPZ of the designed object (New edition of SanPiN 2.2.1 /, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2007 No. 74, entered into force 03/01/2008).

14.12. Section "Architectural and building acoustics" or "Noise protection".

14.13. Approvals and acts USPKh. Acts, agreed "Project of improvement". Statement of scope of work on landscaping, taking into account compensatory measures (Article 7 of the Law of St. Petersburg No. 254-38 "On the protection of green spaces").

14.14. A project for the organization and improvement of a sanitary protection zone for a projected facility - only if it is necessary to establish a SPZ.

14.15. Conclusion of the state ecological expertise of the Committee for Nature Management, Environmental Protection and Ensuring Ecological Safety of the Government of St. Petersburg - only on the design documentation of objects, the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of which is supposed to be carried out on the lands of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of St. Petersburg (Federal Law dated 16.05.2008 No. 75-FZ, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.11.2008 No. 822).

14.16. Approval of the Territorial Authority of the Federal Fisheries Agency for the placement of a capital construction facility and information from the state water register on the size of the water protection zone and the size of the fish protection zone - only for objects that affect the state of aquatic biological resources and their habitat (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2008 No. 569, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2008 No. 743).

14.17. Previously received conclusions of the state environmental and sanitary-epidemiological examinations (stages of "feasibility study", "pre-project proposals", "draft" or "working draft").

14.18. The available conclusions of NLBVU and Baltvodkhoz, expert opinions of the FGUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the City of St. Petersburg" and other conclusions and approvals related to the design object.

15. Special requirements of the department "Environmental Protection" to the content of project documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys:

15.1. The results of engineering surveys for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities are subject to state expertise. If upon delivery of the project documentation there is no positive conclusion of the state examination of the results of engineering surveys, then a state examination of the project (working draft) is carried out along with the results of engineering surveys.

15.2. The 5th class of waste hazard for the environment (including soils) must be confirmed by calculation and experimental methods (Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated 15.06.2001 No. 511).

15.3. The possibility of using waste for backfilling must be confirmed by a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the reclamation (planning) soil, indicating the specific volume of soil and the site for use.

15.4. The possibility of sending waste (including soil) for use, neutralization, disposal must be confirmed by a license from the organization that will carry out waste management activities.

15.5. If it is necessary to demolish green spaces, the project must ensure the implementation of the Law of St. Petersburg "On the Protection of Green Plantations", including compensatory landscaping.

15.6. If the Technical Specifications of SUE "Vodokanal SPB" provide for the discharge of wastewater into a water body or onto the terrain, in the "Measures for environmental protection" section, it is necessary to provide for the installation of local treatment facilities.

15.7. The section "List of measures for environmental protection" - for capital construction projects "Measures for environmental protection" - for linear objects must fully comply with the rest of the sections of the project documentation, including the estimated part (for budgetary objects), as well as the technological regulations for handling construction waste.

15.8. If there is demolition (dismantling) of buildings and structures at the construction site, it is necessary to provide for artificial removal of dust during dismantling of structures (wetting (irrigation) of construction waste and the dismantling zone); ensuring the timely removal of all waste generated from demolition in accordance with sanitary standards and environmental safety requirements.

15.9. Starting from May 31, 2008, according to the project documentation of objects, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of which is supposed to be carried out on the lands of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of St. Petersburg, not only state expertise, but also state environmental expertise must be carried out No. 75-FZ, which amended the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 49 and 54) and the Federal Law of November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ “On Environmental Expertise” (Articles 11, 12, 14, 25)).

When placing the projected facility on the lands of specially protected natural areas of St. Petersburg, the project materials will be sent by the Department of State Expertise for state environmental expertise (clause 6.2, article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.11.2008 No. 822) to the Committee for Nature Management, environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety of the Government of St. Petersburg (Article 12 of the Federal Law of November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ). When submitting materials for the state environmental review of objects, the person who is the customer in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1.1. Article 14 of the Federal Law of November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ) has the rights and obligations. The maximum period for conducting a state environmental review is 3 (three) months (clause 4, Article 14 of the Federal Law of November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ).

All of the above materials are submitted to the department in a separate set (each section in 1 copy), after which the specialists of the department fill in paragraphs 1-5 of the "Cards for the acceptance of design and estimate documents" (see Appendix 3).

In case of failure to submit the materials specified in clause 3 of the “Design and Construction Documents Acceptance Card”, you will be denied acceptance of project documentation and (or) engineering survey results for state examination (Reason - Article 49, Part 8 of the Town Planning Code as amended by the Federal Law of 22.07. 2008 No. 148-FZ).

16. Composition of sections of design documentation for linear capital construction projects.

Section "Explanatory note".

Section "Project of the right of way".

Section “Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial constructions".

Section "Buildings and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility". When developing this section, one should be guided by the requirements set forth in Part 11 "Composition of sections of design documentation for capital construction facilities for industrial and non-industrial purposes and requirements for the content of these sections."

Section "Construction organization project".

Section "Project for the organization of work on the demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility."

Section "Measures for environmental protection".

Section "Measures to ensure fire safety".

Section "Estimate for construction".

Section "Other Documentation in Cases Provided by Federal Laws".

The requirements for the content of sections 1-3 and 5-10 must comply with Part 3 of the "Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87.

17. Requirements for design documentation (for sections of engineering support and equipment of facilities).

The set of project documentation should include:

License (permission) for the right to design engineering sections.

Design task approved by the customer.

Sections on engineering support and equipment of facilities (in accordance with the design assignment).

Specifications of engineering services and departments for connection to engineering networks, registered with the Committee for Energy and Engineering Support of St. Petersburg.

Letter of permission from the Committee for Energy and Engineering Support of St. Petersburg for the construction of energy facilities.

The text part of the subsections of the project documentation section in the volumes provided for in paragraphs 15-22 of the Government Decree of 16.02.2008 No. 87.

The grafical part:

Schematic diagrams of engineering networks and systems from points of connection to the engineering networks of a city (village, quarter) to consumers (sanitary appliances, heating appliances, lamps, electrical panels, electrical outlets, gas-using equipment), indicating the elevations of building elements and engineering networks and systems, diameters of pipelines, cross-sections of electrical cables and wires, coolant parameters, heat flow values, etc.

Plans of engineering networks (indicating the locations of structures on these networks) on topographic survey M1:500 with current changes. The topographic survey must be “not older than” three years.

Floor plans and levels of the building in M1:100, in the presence of technological equipment of engineering systems (pumps, tanks for storing water supplies, heating devices, ventilation equipment, fire hydrants, thermal units and metering units, electrical panels, control panels for communication systems, alarms, dispatching, telephony, radio and television).

Plans and sections of premises intended for placement of technological equipment of engineering systems (pumps, tanks for storing water supplies, heating devices, ventilation equipment, fire hydrants, thermal units and metering units, electrical panels, control panels for communication systems, signaling, dispatching, telephony, radio and television) in M1:50 indicating the dimensions of the premises, technological passages and distances from the equipment to be placed to the enclosing structures.

Plans and sections of heating chambers, water and sewer wells, nodes of connection to engineering networks.

Longitudinal and transverse profiles (sections) of engineering networks.

Coordination (OPS KGA, engineering services and departments).

Documentation provided for in paragraph 32 of the Government Decree dated February 16, 2008 No. 87.

18. Requirements for project documentation (section "Master plan") submitted for examination.

18.1. Approved project of land use boundaries for the period of design and construction (copy from "dacron").

18.2. Drawing "General plan" of the planning project, approved by a decree of the Government of St. Petersburg, with technical and economic indicators; VRZ; Urban planning regulations.

18.3. Approvals:

18.3.1. Chief Architect of St. Petersburg (on the drawing "General Plan").

18.3.2. USPH of the Committee for Improvement and Road Facilities.

18.3.3. UGIBDD.

18.3.4. Graphic materials and an explanatory note in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 11-01-95, SNiP 11-04-2003, TRD 11-501-2004 in the part that does not contradict the Town Planning Code.


transfer to the drawing "General plan" of the wells taken from the materials of the engineering-geological report;

present the graphic materials of the section on the topographic survey with the stamp of the organization that performed it (the limitation period is not more than
3 years).

19. Order of consideration

project documentation in expertise

From the moment of signing the application for examination on the third day, consideration is scheduled, the distribution of the case among experts with the appointment of a leading expert, the timing of consideration and the assignment of a number.

Within three days, a contract is prepared and an invoice is issued for payment.

19.1. Within no more than 45 days, a state examination is carried out:

a) The results of engineering surveys that are sent for state expertise before the project documentation is sent for this expertise;

b) Design documentation or design documentation and results of engineering surveys in relation to residential capital construction projects that are not unique objects.

The term of the contract for examination is 45 days. During the term of the contract, the experts consider and prepare comments, which must be transferred to the lead expert no later than 34 days from the date of assigning a case number.

On the 35th day, the sector for the comprehensive preparation of expert opinions issues a complete set of drafts with a title page, against signature to the customer or an authorized person (by proxy) and proceeds to prepare an opinion.

The customer (or an authorized person by proxy) has the right to submit for examination for reconsideration (removal of comments on previously issued comments in drafts) within 14 days from the date of signing and registering a negative opinion (in relation to residential capital construction projects).

In this case, the fee for the re-examination is not charged.

The term for re-consideration (removal of comments from the moment of acceptance for examination) is up to 30 days, preparation of the final conclusion is 15 days.

Submit the above questions and the draft for reconsideration. When documents are accepted for examination, a new number is assigned, those experts who considered this project are appointed. Upon re-examination, additional comments may be issued (in this case, the option is valid - 34th day of comments, 35th day - preparation of the final conclusion) in relation to residential capital construction projects.

19.2. Other objects and complexes of residential buildings (two or more) with engineering infrastructure

On the 80th day, in case of not removing the issued comments in the draft version, we prepare a negative conclusion. The customer (or an authorized person by proxy) has the right to submit for examination for reconsideration (withdrawal of comments on a previously issued negative opinion).

In this case, a fee of 30% of the original cost of the examination is charged for the re-examination.

In the case of consideration of the design and estimate documentation and the issuance of a negative with the wording, the design and estimate documentation was sent for revision. The customer is obliged to receive a negative opinion, withdraw the design and estimate documentation from the examination, and make all necessary changes to the project. Prepare written answers to the questions posed, prepare a short explanatory note on the changes made to the project (or sections of the project) in a negative conclusion.

19.3. Budget objects, the term of the contract for examination is 90 days. During the term of the contract, the experts consider and prepare comments, which must be transferred to the lead expert no later than 39 days from the date of assigning a case number.

On the 40th day, the sector for the comprehensive preparation of expert opinions issues a complete set of drafts with the design of the title page, against signature to the customer or authorized person (by proxy). From the moment the customer receives the comments, he has the right to proceed with the removal of comments.

On the 80th day, in case of not removing the issued comments in the draft version, we prepare a negative conclusion. The customer (or an authorized person by proxy) has the right to submit for re-examination (removal of comments on a previously issued negative opinion) within 14 days from the date of signing and registering a negative opinion.

In this case, the fee for the re-examination is charged in the amount of 30% of the initial examination.

The term for re-consideration is up to 90 days, the removal of comments is 80 days, the preparation of the final conclusion is 10 days.

In the case of consideration of the design and estimate documentation and the issuance of a negative with the wording, the design and estimate documentation was sent for revision. The customer is obliged to receive a negative opinion, withdraw the design and estimate documentation from the examination, and make all necessary changes to the project. Prepare written answers to the questions posed, prepare a short explanatory note on the changes made to the project (or sections of the project) in a negative conclusion.

Submit the above questions and the draft for reconsideration. When documents are accepted for examination, a new number is assigned, those experts who considered this project are appointed. Upon re-consideration, additional comments may be issued (in this case, the option is valid - 40th day of comments, 40th day - removal of comments, 10th day - preparation of a conclusion).

1. Design documentation and the results of engineering surveys carried out for the preparation of such design documentation are not subject to state expertise in relation to the following capital construction projects - 2.

2. Separation of powers - 3.

3. Grounds for refusal to accept project documentation for examination - 8.

4. Deadlines for the state examination - 11.

5. Results of the state examination - 11.

6. Keeping a register of issued conclusions - 13.

7. Conducting cases accepted for examination - 13.

8.1. New construction - 18.

8.2. Reconstruction and overhaul - 19.

9. Approvals - 19.

10. Project documentation - 20.

11. Repeated state examination - 22.

12. Documentation and drawings necessary for the examination of the design solutions section - 25.

13. To submit the estimate documentation for examination, it is necessary - 27.

14. A set of documents for the department of environmental protection (the sector of ecology and the sector of sanitary and epidemiological safety) - 29.

15. Special requirements of the department "Environmental Protection" to the content of project documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys - 32.

16. The composition of sections of design documentation for linear capital construction projects - 35.

17. Requirements for project documentation (for sections of engineering support and equipment of facilities) - 35.

18. Requirements for project documentation (section "General plan") submitted for examination - 37.

19. The procedure for consideration of project documentation in the examination - 38.


1. Application - 44.

2. List of accompanying documentation - 47.

3. Card for acceptance of project documentation for examination - 50.

4. Conducting a preliminary examination of estimate documentation - 51.

Application No. 1

Head of Service

state construction supervision

and expertise of St. Petersburg


(name of the legal entity; full name of the private entrepreneur, full name of the applicant of the individual


TIN, OGRN of a legal entity, TIN, passport data of the applicant of an individual. persons, PE,

legal and postal address person, registered address persons, state of emergency;


Name of head of legal faces; telephone; bank details (name of the bank, account, c/c, BIC)

Acting on the basis _______________________________________

(Agreement, power of attorney from the developer, customer, in cases where the documents are not presented by them themselves).

REFERENCE OF INTEREST DATED "___" ____________20 __

I ask you to conduct a state examination

(in full, for a specific stage of construction - indicate which one)

design stage:

for purposes:

(construction, reconstruction, overhaul of a capital construction facility)

Object name

technical and economic indicators of the capital construction object:

(area, volume, length, number of floors, production capacity, etc.)

on the land at:

/city, district, street, lot number/

In doing so, I announce:

The design was carried out on the basis

the right to use the land is secured

/ Title of the document/

from "___" _______________, No. _____

design documentation for the construction of the facility has been developed

( surname, name, patronymic, details of identity documents, postal address of the place of residence, OGRIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur)

having a license (permit) for the right to perform design work, issued by

(name of the license center),

_________________________________________________________________________from "____" ______________,

The functions of the developer in accordance with the contract No. ______________ dated "___" ___ are carried out by

( full name, location of the legal entity, PSRN, TIN, full name of the head, phone number, bank details (name of the bank, account, c/s, BIC),

license (permission) for the right to perform the functions of the developer issued

(name of the license center)

The functions of the customer in accordance with the contract No. ______________ dated "___" _______ are carried out by

( full name, location of the legal entity , PSRN, TIN, full name of the head, phone number, bank details (name of the bank, account, c/s, BIC), surname, name, patronymic, details of identity documents, postal address of the place of residence, OGRIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur, bank details (name of the bank, account, c/c, BIC)

license (permission) for the right to perform the functions of the customer is issued_________________________________________ ___

(name of the license center)

No. ______________________________________________ from "___" __________________

The town-planning plan of the land plot was approved:

Attached to this application are the following documents:

Total: in volumes on sheets.

I undertake to report all changes related to the information provided in this application to the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service of St. Petersburg within 14 calendar days.


__________________________ _____________ _______________________ M.P.

/position/ /signature/ /Surname, I., O./

Application No. 2


Basis for design

Title of the document

Document details

Governor's Order

(Administration, Government, Chairman of the CAA)

Certificate of state registration of rights to real estate

Urban planning plan


Design assignment

(with TU GU for civil defense and emergency situations)

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on chemical, bacteriological and radiation examination, technological regulations

Project of land use boundaries for the period of design and construction

TU services and departments of the city for the connection of engineering networks


Name of the organization


on the stage

Document details

Chief architect (extract, GP and facades)

Lead Artist

TU Rospotrebnadzor in St. Petersburg

Technological regulations for the management of construction waste (agreed with the Committee on nature management, environmental protection and environmental safety)

District administration

GU Zhil. agency (HOA, ZHSK)


Coordination of engineering services and departments of the city

Availability of inquiries and complaints about the object

Application No. 3

Design documentation acceptance card

to the Department of State Expertise SGSNiE St. Petersburg

Object of expertise:

design stage (Results of engineering surveys, Project, Detailed design), name and

location address of the projected object

Ecology sector (office 507, 505)


(full name, signature)

Sector of sanitary and epidemiological expertise (office 513, 518)

Expert ________________________________________________ ____________

(full name, signature)







Materials accepted by the department: ___________________________________________


Head of Environmental Protection Department (office 508)

Please give the number ________________________________________ (I.V. Kosova)

Sector of reception and pre-expert evaluation of design and estimate documentation (rooms 509, 510, 511)

Not included in project documentation* _________________________________








*If you fail to submit the materials specified in clauses 3 and 6 of this card, you will be denied acceptance of project documentation and (or) engineering survey results for state expertise (Reason - Article 49, Part 8 of the Town Planning Code as amended by the Federal Law dated 07/22/2008 No. 148-FZ)

Application No. 4

Conducting a preliminary examination of budget documentation

You must submit:

The transition from paper to electronic document management has been launched for a long time, changes are taking place both at the level of enterprises and at the state level. In particular, for organizations issuing design documentation and engineering survey results for objects, from September 1, 2016, the process of accepting documentation for objects to the Glavgosexpertiza, the capital construction or reconstruction of which is carried out partially or completely at the expense of the federal budget, is changing. Now it is submitted for examination in electronic form and only in this way. From January 1, 2017, this approach will also apply to the submission of all new projects to regional expert organizations in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2015 N 1330 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 N 145".

Problems and difficulties

In connection with the transition to the examination of project documentation in electronic form, difficulties arise for both applicants and experts.

There are economic, technical and organizational difficulties in the project for the transition of organizations to the provision of services for conducting examinations in electronic form, and less than two months remain to complete the tasks.

The project is checked by experts for compliance with state norms, rules and standards, as well as technical requirements for project documentation. In the presence of a negative conclusion of the state examination, such documentation cannot be approved by the developer or customer. This means that additional time and material costs will be required for the delivery of the entire set in order to make corrections to the technical documentation, and possibly prepare a new package of technical documentation. The technical documentation developed and transferred to the contractor for construction work must include a specific list of documents approved by a regulatory legal act.

The absence of the required list of documents, non-compliance with the structure and technical requirements for project documentation is the basis for refusing to accept a project submitted for state examination in both paper and electronic form.

For a long time, the documentation was submitted for examination in paper, which led to large time and financial losses when the project was returned for revision. Over the past few years, only a few regional expert organizations have gradually changed the rules for conducting an examination, including accepting not only paper originals, but also files with drawings and explanatory notes as auxiliary material in order to reduce the time for verification and drawing up a conclusion.

Now a new era is beginning - work with electronic documents, namely with electronic originals, which should replace paper originals.

Let's look at some scenarios for the work of the state examination of project documentation in electronic form, namely, scenarios for working with the established formats of electronic documents provided to the state examination bodies in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 21, 2014 No. 728 / pr. Also in this order, technical requirements for project documentation are formulated, which determine the procedure for preparing text and graphic materials in electronic form that are part of the project documentation.

Let's consider scenarios for working with some familiar formats, for example, doc and dwg. Such files are subject to random distortion, and also strongly depend on user settings (fonts, line styles), versions of the software product in which they were created. If the designer submits such a file for examination, then there is a high probability of distortion of the information received during viewing. And even having protected the file with an electronic signature, the probability of information distortion remains, while the signature certificate itself remains valid. Recall that a document signed with a qualified electronic signature is considered legally significant and is equated to a paper document with a handwritten signature. And the participants in the process are legally responsible when working with electronic documents.

Let's move on to pdf documents. It would seem that it is able to protect the file from changes, as it is a fixed markup format. But when working with him, other difficulties arise. The design documentation contains a large number of graphics-rich drawings, so when they are viewed and transferred between experts, there are heavy loads on computers and local networks, and it takes a lot of time to process them.

Applying the XPS Format

We propose to consider the use of the open XPS format. This format is built into Windows operating systems, so it does not require any additional programs to use it. Tools for working with XPS for other operating systems (Mac OS, Linux, iOS, Android) are freely available. The XPS format allows the characters of all fonts used in the document to be correctly reproduced, even if these fonts are not available on the user's computer. And to convert an edited file into an XPS document, it is enough to print it on the virtual printer "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" built into the operating systems of the Windows family, starting with Windows XP SP3. Thus, we get an electronic document that is protected from changes and distortions when viewing it, which looks exactly the same as its author created, regardless of the program in which it was developed. The XPS format allows you to use an enhanced electronic signature in accordance with the SPDS standards (indicating the role of the signatory) without installing additional software, after which the document becomes an electronic original.


"On Approval of the Technical Requirements for Project Documentation Placed in Electronic Form
in information systems of the city of Moscow"

The XPS format is open and based on XML, which allows developers of software for organizing work with electronic documents to add additional features: applying comments to documents, automatic content analysis, automatic version comparison, etc.

Consider the organization of work with electronic documents using the Pilot-ICE system. This system organizes work with electronic documents in fixed markup formats (xps, pdf), which ensure the correct display of content regardless of the development tools used (operating systems, application software).

Pilot-ICE contains functionality for automating work with comments on documents, which allows you to leave a graphic (highlight with a colored pencil) or text comment, correspond with each one, see the entire list of comments for each version of an electronic document.

Rice. 1 . Matching tools in Pilot-ICE

When working with rich drawings, it is essential to quickly compare document versions. Pilot-ICE implements automatic analysis and visual display of differences in document versions to control changes that have occurred in the new version after comments have been processed.

Rice. 2. Report on project comments in Pilot-ICE

Also, using data analysis tools, you can generate a report on the project displaying documents that have outstanding comments.

Rice. 3. Report to Pilot-ICE on changes in the project

To maintain interorganizational electronic document management, for example, in conjunction with a designer-customer, designer-contractor, or for interaction with expert organizations, the system exports/imports projects. When organizing work with electronic documents in Pilot-ICE, there are opportunities for operational coordination, as well as analysis of changes in the composition and structure of project documentation when the project is reloaded into the system.

The Pilot-ICE system is already used in the holding structures of enterprises for conducting internal examination of projects in electronic form and for organizing work with electronic documents. This decision can also be replicated to government and non-government services for the examination of project documentation in electronic form.

List of required documents for examination

Documents to be submitted for examination

Construction pricing mechanism

The owner of an object under construction, the developer, investor and other interested parties need to have information about the cost of construction at all stages of the construction of a building or structure. This is necessary for planning investments, calculating the effectiveness of financial investments, making settlements with contractors, evaluating the performance of the company and solving other problems. The pricing mechanism is used to determine the cost of building materials and services, to draw up and review estimates.

What is the peculiarity of the pricing mechanism in construction?

Building objects differ from each other in the materials used, the size of the number of storeys, design features and other indicators. Even if two buildings or structures are being built according to the same standard project, the cost of their construction will not be the same, since it will be influenced by geographical, geodetic and other factors. Therefore, the main feature of the pricing mechanism in the construction industry is the need for an individual approach to determining the cost of each project.

How are prices determined in construction?

To determine the cost of objects under construction, unit prices are used for certain types of construction work, complexes of technological operations or specific elements of buildings or structures.

There are two types of unit prices:

  • Regulatory. Such prices are set by the Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Building Materials Industry. They are used in calculating the cost of construction of typical buildings and structures.
  • Individual. They are mainly used in the calculation of the construction of large facilities or facilities for the construction of which non-traditional technologies and building materials are used. When calculating the cost of construction using unit rates, only direct costs are taken into account, and overheads, planned savings, taxes are indicated only in the estimate.

Follow our news feed to learn about all aspects of construction pricing. And do not forget to share useful materials with your friends on social networks.

What is an estimate for contract work and why is it prepared?

According to Article 743 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the contractor performs construction work on the basis of technical documentation, as well as an estimate that determines the cost of measures for the construction or repair of a capital construction facility. The contract estimate is drawn up taking into account the characteristics of the construction site, prices for materials, equipment and other resources necessary to carry out the planned work.

Types of estimates for contract work
  • Solid. Such an estimate is compiled if all the initial data for its development are available - all types of work and material resources necessary for the construction of the facility are determined. The amount of the fixed budget does not change either downward or upward. Even if the contractor discovers during the course of work that he needs large funds for the implementation of construction activities, he is not entitled to demand from the customer an amount higher than that stipulated by the contract. But if the amount of the estimate increases significantly during the construction process, the contractor may notify the customer of the need to allocate large funds (in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 709 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If he refuses to increase the amount of the contract, the contractor has the right to terminate the contract.
  • Approximate. This estimate is made when it is impossible to determine in advance the volume and composition of construction work and the required material resources. The estimate is specified and adjusted directly during the construction or repair of the facility, and the calculation of the customer with the contractor is carried out at actual costs. The amount of the estimate increases if there is a need for additional work. At the same time, an increase in the estimate due to an increase in prices for building materials, changes in the market value of work, changes in taxation and other reasons is not allowed. If the cost of the estimate rises significantly, the customer has the right to terminate the contract by paying the contractor money for the work already completed.

Do you want to evaluate the correctness of drawing up a contract estimate? Order a non-state examination in our company.

What types of estimates are used in construction?

Construction estimates are classified according to different parameters: by performer, by purpose, by form of execution. But the most common is their division into types depending on the scale and content. From this article, you will learn what local and object estimate documentation and summary estimates are.

Local estimate documentation

The purpose of compiling such an estimate is to take into account the costs of a specific type of work or a specific object. Most often, local estimate documentation is compiled when the final volumes of construction activities and their cost have not yet been determined and are at the stage of clarification.

The local estimate includes a detailed list of building materials used, indicating their cost. Based on this information, the total amount required for a certain type of work or construction (repair, restoration, improvement, etc.) of a specific object is calculated.

Object estimate documentation

The purpose of preparing an object estimate is to combine local estimates to reflect the total costs of the object.

For clarity, let's take an example. The object estimate for the redecoration of the premises will include local estimates for the following works:

  • External wall decoration.
  • Floor covering replacement.
  • Ceiling installation/replacement.
Summary estimate documentation

A summary estimate or a summary estimate calculation is called an estimate that reflects only generalized and enlarged data on the cost of construction, repair, restoration, improvement. It takes into account the costs of performing all the necessary work at the facility:

  • tender arranging;
  • obtaining permits;
  • development and examination of project documentation;
  • demolition / dismantling of worn-out buildings and structures and clearing the territory;
  • rental of construction equipment and tools;
  • purchase of building and finishing materials;
  • payment for the services of the contractor, etc.

Did you learn useful information about construction estimates from our article? Share interesting content with your friends.

* This item is over two years old. You can check with the author the degree of its relevance.

1. For the state examination of both design documentation and the results of engineering surveys performed for the preparation of such design documentation, the following are submitted:

1.1. An application for a state examination, which indicates:
a) identification information about the performers of the work - the persons who prepared the project documentation and performed engineering surveys (last name, first name, patronymic, details of identity documents, postal address of the place of residence of an individual entrepreneur, full name, location of a legal entity);

Accreditation, experience and low prices
Favorable dates

b) identification information about the capital construction object, the design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys in respect of which are submitted for state examination (name of the object (objects) of the proposed construction (reconstruction, overhaul), postal (construction) address of the object (objects) of the capital construction, the main technical and economic characteristics of the capital construction object (objects) (area, volume, length, number of floors, production capacity, etc.);
c) identification information about the applicant (last name, first name, patronymic, details of identity documents, postal address of the place of residence of the developer (customer) - an individual, full name of the legal entity, location of the developer - legal entity, and if the developer ( customer) and the applicant are not the same person - the specified information also applies to the applicant);
1.2. project documentation for a capital construction facility in accordance with the requirements (including the composition and content of sections of the documentation) established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
1.3. a copy of the design assignment;
1.4. results of engineering surveys in accordance with the requirements (including the composition of these results) established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
1.5. a copy of the assignment for the performance of engineering surveys;
1.6. a positive conclusion of the state environmental review (in the event that design documentation for capital construction facilities is submitted for the state review, the construction, reconstruction or major repairs of which are supposed to be carried out in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in internal sea waters or in territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation);
1.7. documents confirming the applicant's authority to act on behalf of the developer, customer (in the event that the applicant is not a customer and (or) developer), in which the authority to conclude, change, execute, terminate the contract for the state examination should be specifically stipulated.

2. For the state examination of the results of engineering surveys, before the design documentation is sent for state examination, the documents specified in subparagraphs 1.1, 1.4 - 1.7 are submitted.

3. For the state examination of the results of engineering surveys using standard design documentation, the following are submitted:
3.1. documents specified in subparagraphs 1.1, 1.4 - 1.7;
3.2. design documentation for external engineering networks and design solutions for foundations;
3.3. a positive conclusion of the state examination regarding the applied standard design documentation (modified standard design documentation), issued to any person not earlier than 7 years before the date of filing an application for a state examination of the results of engineering surveys;
3.4. a document confirming the right of the developer (customer) to use standard project documentation, the exclusive right to which belongs to another person (an agreement on the alienation of an exclusive right, a license agreement, a sublicense agreement, etc.).

4. For the state examination of project documentation after the state examination of the results of engineering surveys performed for the preparation of such project documentation, the following shall be submitted:
4.1. documents specified in subparagraphs 1.1 - 1.3, 1.6, 1.7;
4.2. positive conclusion of the state examination of the results of engineering surveys.

5. The organization for conducting the state examination has the right to additionally demand from the applicant the submission of calculations of design and technological solutions used in the project documentation, as well as engineering survey materials. These calculations and materials must be submitted by the applicant within 5 days after receiving the relevant request.

6. The documents specified in paragraphs 1-4 of this List shall be submitted on paper.
In order to ensure prompt consideration of documents, it is recommended to submit an additional one copy of the design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys on paper and their electronic version on a physical medium.

7. Project documentation for a capital construction facility may be submitted in relation to individual stages of construction, reconstruction of a capital construction facility.

8. The grounds for refusing to accept project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys sent for state expertise are:
a) the absence in the design documentation of the sections provided for by parts 12 and 13 of Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation;
b) preparation of project documentation by a person who does not meet the requirements specified in parts 4 and 5 of Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation;
c) the absence of the results of engineering surveys specified in Part 6 of Article 47 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, or the absence of a positive conclusion from the state expertise of the results of engineering surveys (in the event that the results of engineering surveys were sent for state expertise before the design documentation was sent for state expertise);
d) non-compliance of the results of engineering surveys with the composition and form established in accordance with part 6 of article 47 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation;
e) performance of engineering surveys, the results of which are sent for state expertise, by a person that does not meet the requirements specified in parts 2 and 3 of article 47 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation;
f) not all the documents specified in paragraphs 1-4 of this List are sent for state examination;
g) sending project documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys to an executive authority, a state institution, if, in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the state examination of such project documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys is carried out by another executive authority, another state institution ;
h) submission of project documentation and (or) results of engineering surveys not subject to state expertise.

Reason: Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Article 49) and approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 No. 145.

On approval of requirements for the format of documents provided in electronic form for receiving public services for state examination of project documentation, engineering survey results



dated "___" _____________ 2014 N ____

On approval of requirements for the format of documents provided in electronic form for receiving public services for state examination of project documentation, engineering survey results

In pursuance of paragraph 3 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2014 N 984 "On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation", in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2011 N 553 "On the procedure for processing and submitting applications and other documents, necessary for the provision of state and (or) municipal services, in the form of electronic documents"

I order:

Approve the attached requirements for the format of documents provided in electronic form for receiving public services for state examination of project documentation, engineering survey results.

M.A. Men

Application. Requirements for the format of documents provided in electronic form for obtaining public services for state examination of project documentation, engineering survey results

Appendix to the order
Ministry of Construction of Russia
dated "___" ___________ 2014 N ____

1. Requirements for the format of documents provided in electronic form to verify the reliability of determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects, the construction of which is financed with the involvement of federal budget funds, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 427 "On the procedure for verifying the reliability of determining the estimated the cost of capital construction facilities, the construction of which is financed with the involvement of federal budget funds"

Accepted abbreviations and terms

Electronic document

Design and estimate documentation

Electronic signature

1. Document formats.

1.1. Summary estimate calculation:

- Recommended document format: *.xlsx.

- Acceptable document formats: *.pdf (with the obligatory possibility of copying the text), *.xml (PC "GRAND-Estimate").

- The material must be duplicated with signatures and seals in *.pdf format.

1.4. Documents justifying the price of materials that are not included in the price tags of the base period (price lists):

- Recommended document format: *.pdf signed by the developers and the customer.

1.5. Document content:

- One book of documentation - one document, it is not allowed to form documentation according to the principle "one page - one document".

- Text fragments should be included in the document as copyable text.

2. Requirements for scanning parameters:

2.1. Scanning must be carried out directly from the original document at a scale of 1:1 (scanning from photocopies is not allowed).

2.2. If there are no graphics in the document, it is recommended to scan in black and white, provided that the text in the document is black.

2.3. If your document contains color graphics or colored text, you must scan the document in full color mode.

2.4. If your document contains images other than color, it is recommended that you scan in Grayscale mode, provided that the text in the document is black.

2.6. Documents of the graphic part of the PSD must be scanned at 300 dpi for A4, A3, A2 (including multiple formats) and 300 dpi for A1 (including multiple formats) and A0.

2.7. The composition, content and form of the generated electronic sets of design and estimate documentation must be such that when they are printed, the paper copy of the document fully matches its original (including in scale and color), without any additional actions on the part of the user.

3. Authentic electronic documents.

3.1. A set of authentic ED is a set of PSD prepared on the basis of a computer original (without reproduction on paper) in graphic and text editors.

3.2. Certification of the design estimate documentation in the mode of an authentic document (without reproduction on paper) can be carried out in one of the two ways listed below:

GOST 2.051-2006 Electronic documents.

3.3. The UL, fully executed on paper, is scanned and saved in *.pdf formats, signed by the ES of the authorized person of the applicant organization, after which it is assembled into one book (document) and can be submitted for examination.

2. Certification with UL and ES of an authorized person

5. General rules for naming documents of electronic documents.

- The name of the document should be understandable, correspond to the name on the title page and the composition of the project.

6. The structure of the directory of the submitted documentation.

Folder-catalog with the name:

- A general list of documents submitted for examination.

- Project documentation*

- Results of engineering surveys *

* (in the case of an examination of the reliability of the estimated cost of objects financed without the involvement of federal budget funds, they are provided along with a positive conclusion of the state examination on the technical part)

- Explanatory note to the estimate documentation.

- Consolidated budget calculation.

- Object estimates.

- Local estimates.

- Bills of quantities and specifications.

- Price lists.

- IRD (initial permits).

- Other documentation (if necessary).

7. Composition and contents of folders.

7.1. The composition and content of the folder-catalog "Explanatory Note" to the estimate documentation, the summary estimate, object and local estimates must be performed in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved and the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products in the territory Russian Federation MDS 81-35.2004.

7.2. The composition and content of the folder-catalog "Statements of the scope of work and specifications":

- Bills of quantities of construction and installation works, specifications for equipment and furniture should be submitted separately for each section of project documentation and types of engineering surveys.

- Bills of quantities of construction and installation works, specifications for equipment and furniture should be duplicated in the form of scanned images of documents with the signatures of the developers and the GUI, presented in *.pdf format.

- All items in the bill of quantities must contain references to drawings and formulas for calculating the amount of work.

7.3. The composition and content of the folder-catalog "Price-lists":

- Price lists must be selected on the basis of a market analysis of the most economical solution (in accordance with MDS 81-35.2004), with a comparative table of cost indicators, confirmed by the Customer and presented in *.pdf format.

- The cost in the price lists should be with a breakdown of the costs included in the cost (VAT, packaging, transportation costs, equipment, etc.) in ruble terms.

7.4. The composition and content of the folder-catalog "IRD"

- the conclusion of the state expertise;

- design assignment;

- Decision on the preparation and implementation of budget investments in the capital construction object;

- Comparative statements (for re-examination);

- Other data.

Scanned images of documents with signatures and seals (where necessary) must be submitted in *.pdf format and fully correspond to the original.

8. Re-checking the accuracy of the estimate documentation.

- the explanatory note includes a comparative list of changes in the estimated cost made to the estimate documentation on the negative conclusion of the state examination;

- in case of adjustment of the previously approved project documentation, the explanatory note includes comparative statements of changes in the estimated cost and scope of work.

9. Carrying out verification of the reliability of the estimate documentation after receiving a positive conclusion from the state examination of the project documentation and / or the results of engineering surveys.

The procedure for providing documentation is the same as described above, with the exception of:

- all design documentation approved during the examination and / or results of engineering surveys are provided for the inspection.

2. Requirements for the format of documents provided in electronic form for the state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results

Accepted abbreviations and terms

Electronic document

Design and estimate documentation

Information-certifying sheet

Electronic signature

1.2. Acceptable document formats:

- *.rtf, *.docx, *.xlsx (for documents with text content);

- *.dwg, *.jpeg (for documents with graphic content).

2. Content of documents:

- One documentation book is placed in one document; it is not allowed to form documentation according to the principle "one page - one document".

- Text fragments should be included in the document as copyable text

- Graphic images must match the original, both in scale and in color.

- Graphic documents should be optimized for viewing.

- The document must have content, searchable.

- In *.pdf documents, it is recommended to create bookmarks according to the table of contents and according to the full list of tables and figures.

- Each documentation document in electronic form must be certified by the electronic signature of an authorized person.

3. Requirements for scanning parameters:

- Scanning must be carried out directly from the original document at a scale of 1:1 (scanning from photocopies is not allowed).

- If there are no graphics in the document, it is recommended to scan in black and white, provided that the text in the document is black.

- If your document contains color graphics or color text, you must scan the document in full color mode.

- If your document contains images other than color, we recommend scanning in Grayscale mode, provided that the text in the document is black.

- Documents of the text part of the PSD are recommended to be scanned with a resolution of 300 dpi.

- Documents of the graphic part of the PSD must be scanned at 300 dpi for A4, A3, A2 (including multiple formats) and 300 dpi for A1 (including multiple formats) and A0.

- The composition, content and form of the generated electronic sets of design and estimate documentation must be such that when they are printed, the paper copy of the document fully matches its original (including in scale and color), without any additional actions on the part of the user.

4. Authentic electronic documents.

4.1. A set of authentic ED is a set of PSD prepared on the basis of a computer original (without reproduction on paper) in graphic and text editors.

4.2. Certification of the design estimate documentation in the mode of an authentic document (without reproduction on paper) can be carried out in one of the two ways listed below:

- each person participating in the development, carrying out normative control and coordination of the design and estimate documentation, certifies the ED with his ES. The certification procedure is determined by the internal regulations of the applicant organization. A fully prepared ED is signed by an ES of an authorized person of the applicant's organization, after which it can be submitted for examination;

- if it is impossible to provide all responsible persons with ES for individual documents, books, sections (volumes) of the project, an information and certification sheet (UL) is issued. The designation of the ED to which it is issued, the names and original signatures of the persons who developed, checked, agreed and approved the corresponding ED are indicated in the UL. The signatures of the persons who developed the ED and SL, and the normative controller are mandatory. In the corresponding column "Date" of the UL, the date and time of the last change of the approved document is indicated. Recommendations for the design of the UL are contained in GOST 2.051-2006 Electronic documents.

4.3. The UL, fully executed on paper, is scanned and saved in *.pdf formats, signed by the ES of the authorized person of the applicant organization, after which it is assembled into one book (document) and can be submitted for examination.

Certified copies of paper originals of the PSD (PDD set on electronic paper)

Certification of the ES of the authorized person

Certified copies of originals issued in specialized software (authentic ED set).

1. Verification with ES of all participants in the development of design and estimate documentation
2. Certification with UL and ES of an authorized person

6. General rules for naming documents of electronic documents.

The name of the document should be clear, correspond to the name on the title page and the composition of the project.

7. The structure of the submitted documentation directory should be as follows:

Folder-catalog with the name:

- Folder-catalog "Project documentation";

- Folder-catalog "Results of engineering surveys";

- Folder-catalog "IRD (initial permit documentation)";

- Other folders (if necessary).

8. The composition and content of the folder-catalog "Project documentation" must correspond to the composition of sections of the project documentation (PD).

- The composition of the sections of the PD must be carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 N 87.

- Each section of the PD is contained in a separate folder (catalog). The names of the folders correspond to the names of the sections (eg; Section 1. Explanatory note). Section titles may be abbreviated while maintaining the meaning of their content.

- Drawings, title pages of notes should be duplicated in the form of scanned images of documents, signed by developers and submitted in *.pdf format.

9. The composition and content of the folder-catalog "Results of engineering surveys" must correspond to the types of work on engineering surveys (II) in accordance with the "List of types of work ...", approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 30, 2009 N 624.

- Types of work on AI must comply with the requirements: Article 47 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, clause 4.22 of SNiP 11-02-96 "Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions".

- Each type of work on AI is contained in a separate folder (catalog). The names of the folders correspond to the types of engineering survey work: engineering geodetic (ITGI), engineering geological and engineering geotechnical (IGI), engineering hydrometeorological (IGMI), engineering and environmental (IEI) surveys, as well as: survey of the state of soils of the foundation of buildings and structures (CSO), inspection of building structures of buildings and structures (OSK).

- Each engineering survey folder contains documents (folders): text report, text applications, graphic applications.

- Drawings, title pages of notes, technical specifications, certificates of admission to work must be duplicated in the form of scanned images of documents, signed by the developers and submitted in *.pdf format.

10. Composition and content of the folder-catalog "Initial permit documentation".

Separately, in folders with the appropriate name, there are other materials necessary for the state examination:

- the conclusion of the state ecological expertise (positive);

- design assignment;

- assignment for the performance of engineering surveys;

- SROs of design organizations and organizations performing engineering surveys;

- special technical conditions;

- certificate and register (for re-examination);

- documents confirming the authority of the applicant;

- a copy of the act of acceptance of work performed;

- other data.

All documents must be submitted in *.pdf format, signed and stamped where necessary, and fully consistent with the originals.

11. Re-examination of the design and estimate documentation.

During the re-examination, the procedure for providing PD and the results of engineering surveys corresponds to the above, with the exception of:

- the explanatory note includes a certificate and a register of changes made to the design and estimate documentation and the results of engineering surveys based on the negative conclusion of the FAA "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia".

Electronic text of the document
prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:

Unified Information Disclosure Portal
on the preparation by the federal authorities
project executive
normative legal acts and results
their public discussion
as of 10.10.2014

On approval of requirements for the format of documents provided in electronic form for receiving public services for state examination of project documentation, engineering survey results

Document's name:
Document type: Draft order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Host body: Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Published: A single portal for disclosing information on the preparation by federal executive authorities of draft regulatory legal acts and the results of their public discussion as of 10/10/2014
Acceptance date: November 21, 2014