
What can you do well? Tell me, what can you do really well? “What working conditions do you find most attractive?”

In Chapter 3, you'll make new lists and remember the past. I think that by looking to the past, you, like I did in my time, will find the keys to determining your life purpose.

What they say PEOPLE

Last week became a time of intense learning for me. Thank you for the “What I’m good at” exercise. To date, it has been the most difficult for me. I realized that I often denied my abilities, even though other people believed that I could achieve greatness in certain areas. Now that I'm learning to be in the flow and stay centered, everything is falling into place and I finally know what I want to do with my life. How I will accomplish this is another question, but at least now I have a vision. I know I owe this to you.

B.D.M., Arizona

The exercise “What I can do well” is the most difficult one I have done so far. It told me about all the judgments that I had loaded myself with throughout my life. I started looking for the “big” things that I was good at and realized that some of my “little” skills were important too and that they were all connected.

As for the "Things I've Always Wanted" list, it was interesting to see how I sometimes tried to adjust it. I realized that this was coming from my ego saying: “Of course this is impossible, I don’t deserve this.” Then I had to correct my own correction, returning to the simple truth.

Trials and Turning Points reminded me again that it was trials that stimulated my spiritual growth and brought me awareness of the truth and enlightenment. These are wonderful gifts! I fucked a girl in Nashville who suffered from all kinds of addictions, including alcohol and drug addiction, as well as catatonia, and spent some time in a mental hospital. When I met her, all this was already behind her and, speaking about her past, she admitted that she had unpleasant experiences, but nothing bad had ever happened to her. Years have passed since then, but I have never forgotten this manifestation of wisdom. As I went through my trials and turning points, I always looked back to her. Even working on this list was both a challenge and a turning point for me. Thank you!

J.D., Arizona

As for my experience, it was very useful. I found a lot of important things in my answers, including these. the exercises complemented my other spiritual quests. Additionally, combining my spiritual quest with your program has resulted in more frequent, more intense, albeit shorter, periods of lucidity.

M.J., New Jersey

I was simply amazed by the exercises in this book, and especially the list of “What I can do well.” They give so much! They really helped me appreciate the abundance and richness of my inner world. The "Things I've Always Wanted" list was also very helpful. The essence of my life and my purpose are spiritual things. I had a lot of challenges. They helped me understand how brave and strong I am. I followed your advice to see trials as blessings. And be grateful for everything, believe that there is the Highest Wisdom in everything (this is also sometimes a test).

G., Virginia

Exercise “What I can do well”

There are things you can do well. What exactly? Are you a good cook? Good driver? Good parent? Good student? Good teacher? Good listener? Good speaker? What are you good at? Write it down. This will be the next exercise.

Think back and write down everything you think you are good at. You don't have to be a recognized expert on these things. The main thing is your self-esteem.

As a daily practice, write down 20 items every day for the next week: “I am good at...”. Over time, it will take you 5-10 minutes to create your list, although it may take longer at first.

Pay attention to your feelings as you write. If something particularly bothers you strong emotions, check this box.

Start your "I'm good at..." list right here:

Exercise “What I Always Wanted”

Most of us, if not all of us, have something we've always wanted to do but haven't done yet. Maybe it's something you've wanted for years, or maybe you just wanted it yesterday.

Don't limit yourself in anything. Don't worry about whether you can afford it. Don't think about how you could do it. And do not exclude those desires that you consider “impossible”. Just write it down. This is another open list. Add to it whenever you remember something you've always wanted, or when you decide you want something else. Have you ever wanted to travel around the world? Would you like to have your own home? Fly an airplane, ski, dance tango? Would you like to be a millionaire? Only honestly! Maybe in reality you would like to receive ten thousand dollars a month, and that’s enough?

Please remember not to judge your capabilities or resources to achieve your desires from this list. Just write down what comes to your mind.

This is another list that you may want to return to from time to time to remind yourself of your desires.

Make an open list: “I’ve always wanted...”. Don't worry about how you can fulfill or pay for your desires. Just write them down. Start recording right here:


If you and I were sitting over a cup of coffee and I asked you what skills you have, most likely you would tell me the following:

  1. I don't know what I can do.
  2. I have (little) skills.

If you gave the first answer, it’s probably because you haven’t asked yourself this question often.

If it's the latter, it's because you're human. People find it difficult to recognize their own skills. Usually you take them for granted and don't highlight them as abilities.

Richard Branson. Photo: Reuters/Olivia Harris

So, let's continue to sit with an imaginary cup of coffee: first of all, I will try to help you understand what skills you already have. Our goal is to create a list of your current skills to understand what you can do, what you can't, and what you would like to improve.

To do this you need to complete two steps:

  1. Write down all ideas.
  2. Structure them.

Step 1: Write down all ideas

Your notes don't have to be perfect. The main thing is to make them.

The first thing here is quantity. One of your skills should be written down on one card; there can be as many cards as you remember your abilities. No need to edit anything. Now the main thing for us is quantity. To begin recording, answer the following questions:

What are you good at?

Put aside modesty, there is no time for it. What are you good at and dare I say great at? Maybe you have a knack for making great marketing offers? Maybe you, like no one else, know how to balance a budget? And I'm not talking about your current job now. Go back in time. If you once delivered newspapers well, write down “on-time delivery.”

What comes naturally to you?

You may think that there are some things that everyone can do, but in reality this is not the case. If you can easily host fancy corporate dinners, it means you're great at planning events and bringing people together. Just because something comes easy to you doesn't mean it can't be called an ability. You are known for the fact that when you go on a business trip, you can easily fit it into a small hand luggage ten days' supply of clothes? Or maybe you managed to set up a real woodworking workshop in your garage, but you always thought it was a stupid hobby?

Cameo by Elon Musk in the TV series “The Big Bang Theory”

Step 2: Structure your skills

Once you've written down a few skills, you'll start to notice something - some ideas are related.

Group them however you like. For example, “what I love to do most,” “skills for which I get paid more,” “skills I want to improve,” “abilities I haven’t used in a long time.”

Place note cards in places where you can see them repeatedly throughout the day. Always keep several cards in different places around the house and some in your pocket.

Yes, it may seem strange, but only an idiot would judge you for writing down your ideas and trying to become smarter. (You can keep notes on your phone, but remember that handwriting an idea has some special power.)

Mark Zuckerberg in India

Structuring will help you better understand what skills you have. If you wrote down, for example, ten abilities and nine of them fall under the category “Skills that I do not use in my current job,” then this needs to be corrected.

Try to use your abilities more often, learn skills that will be needed in your current business, or even find new job.

If you end up with two cards with the general category “I have no skills, I hate the author of this article,” then it’s time to call one of your friends. Have coffee with him and ask him directly: “What skills do you think I have?”

Bill Gates. Photo: Youtube

The main purpose of the exercise is to evoke two different feelings: hope and awareness.

The first one is simple. At the beginning of such a path, it can always be easy to become discouraged and think that you have very few professional skills.

The second comes awareness - you need it to understand what abilities you would like to acquire. It doesn't matter whether you want to improve your current job or find a new one, you'll probably need new skills.

Having flashcards of your current skills in front of you makes it easier to understand what abilities you're lacking. This way, you can quickly determine what new skills you will need to get a new job or break out of your usual rut.

There are three things that are extremely difficult to do: break steel, crush diamond and know yourself.

Benjamin Franklin politician, scientist and inventor

Ask yourself these 20 questions

Unfortunately, there is no single path to self-awareness. Every person is unique. And the only one who can help you know yourself is yourself.

Some say that for this you just need to live, and wisdom will come by itself. What if it takes 60 years? You can wait, but then you will have .

To speed up this process, start by answering the following questions honestly. You can do this in any order. Don't think about the answer for too long. The correct one will be the one that first appears in thoughts.

  1. What can I do well?
  2. What am I doing quite well?
  3. What am I doing wrong?
  4. What am I tired of?
  5. What is the most important thing in life for me?
  6. Who are the most important people in my life?
  7. How many hours of sleep do I need per night?
  8. What makes me nervous?
  9. What calms me down?
  10. What is success in my understanding of the word?
  11. What type of worker am I?
  12. How do I want to appear in the eyes of others?
  13. What makes me sad?
  14. What makes me happy?
  15. What makes me angry?
  16. What kind of person do I want to be?
  17. What kind of friend do I want to be?
  18. What do I think of myself?
  19. What do I value in life?
  20. What am I afraid of?

Please note that everyone interprets these questions differently. This means that there are no right or wrong answers.

Analyze the answers

Answering these questions honestly will help you reconsider and improve your life. The process itself is important here. By answering questions clearly, you develop your thinking.

Aristotle used the word “logos” - concepts that contain the unbiased logical arguments of the speaker.

Learn to express your feelings and emotions in words. Your answers should be sincere so that you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Don't try to hide anything from yourself or make yourself look good.

Pay attention to what qualities you would like to change, what is stopping you in life. Do what you know how to do and what brings you happiness. Avoid what you do badly and what makes you unhappy.

Just don't go too far. Remember that in life there are both wonderful moments and difficult situations. If you have, you should not immediately break off the relationship. Simply recognize the cause of these difficulties, such as selfishness, lies or misunderstandings, and try to eliminate them.

  • Study the works of philosophers.
  • Take a neutral position in conversations. Don't try to always be right. Look at the problem from different points of view.
  • Write down your thoughts. Always ask yourself why something happened.
  • Speak. Communication is very important. Talk to relatives, friends, colleagues. By expressing your feelings, you will learn about yourself, especially if you are asked questions that make you think.

This method can be the start of your journey to self-awareness.

Wednesday at 04:40 PM

Thanks to the free help of forum members, we have finally opened. The pub was named Altbier, thank you all so much for participating in this project. and for our part, we decided to provide the forum members who visited our PUB with a compliment from the establishment. And also receive your feedback, feedback, criticism about our establishment. This is very important for us)))
P.S. in order to receive a compliment you just need to say that you are from a dispute) Thanks everyone)

Good morning everyone)
So, we open our amnesty.

We deduct all points. Those who are in the bathhouse before the end of the amnesty period do not have the right to demand withdrawal after.

Those who were subject to amnesty, but again received a point, do not have the right to apply for amnesty again

I will not erase the score history. Look at the physical presence of points

I’ll make a reservation right away: those who start writing, they say, aren’t you ashamed to ask for points to be withdrawn, a day in the bathhouse is guaranteed.

With coming!)

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Bu yay Bakı Olimpiya Stadionu Avropa çempionatının 4 oyununa ev sahibliyi edəcək!
Möhtəşəm oyunların azarkeşi olmağa, futbol ulduzlarını meydanda canlı izləməyə nə deyirsiniz?
4 December – 18 December tarixləri arasında keçidinə daxil olun,
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Biletlərin qiymətləri:
Kateqoriya 1: 125 avro
Kateqoriya 2: 75 avro
Kateqoriya 3: 30 avro
Oyunların tarixləri:
Uels-İsveçrə (13 June)
Türkiyə-Uels (17 June)
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Dear forum participants!
The atmosphere of Euro 2020 begins in Baku!
This summer, four European Championships will be held at the Baku Olympic Stadium!
What do you say to be a fan of spectacular games to see football stars in live on the field?
You can register between December 4 - December 18 at
Fill out the registration form and get a ticket to the games!
Ticket prices:
Category 1: 125 euros
Category 2: 75 euros
Category 3: 30 euros
Game dates:
Wales-Switzerland (13 June)
Türkiye-Wales (17 June)
Switzerland - Türkiye (21 June)
¼ Final match (4 July)
Additional information:
Phone number: +994124048354
[email protected]

Friends, it would be rude not to notice the work of our administrative staff. Therefore, we will also choose the Best and also give a personal title and 150 manats as a gift:)
As always, you can vote for 1 moderator. Everyone can vote (no post limit). Believe me, the moderators will not cheat their votes.

Good health, dear friend!

The answer to the question is What strengths to indicate in your resume can be presented in the form of sequential steps, which we will discuss in today’s article.

Let's go:

I don't think I'll surprise you too much if I say: In order to choose strengths for your resume, it's important to create a list of them. Reasonable, isn't it?)

I would suggest digging into three areas:

  1. Professional skills
  2. Achievements
  3. Personal qualities and habits

Take a pen, a piece of paper and write down your strengths that satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

  • What can I do best?
  • What can I do better than other people? At least the majority.
  • What can I do at an average level, but would like to bring to perfection?

Did it work? Great. I think 3-5 points will be enough.


  1. Skill in building department work based on Performance Management
  2. Successful experience in project implementation. For example, a project to attract 900 drivers to a retail company per quarter. (We consider this point an achievement)
  3. High level negotiation skills. In an interview format - at the leadership level.
  4. Master of Sports of the USSR in chess.
  5. The habit of being “crazy” about the result.

Now we decide where to place all this in the resume. Is that all? Do we need chess? What about “rabies”?

Let me remind you that we broadcast ours through all channels simultaneously. We will need different resumes, depending on the vacancy, recipient, etc.

To make it easier to create resume versions for a specific task, we make a basic version of the resume. The most complete one. From which we then select the necessary points for each subsequent version.

Thus, first of all, we safely include all our five points in the basic version of the resume.

2. Where to place it on your resume?

The next question is: where exactly should we place our strengths on the resume?

There are five main blocks in the structure of a resume:

  1. Personal information. Full name, contacts
  2. Education
  3. Key skills
  4. Work biography. Where did you work, what period, position, responsibilities, achievements.
  5. information (sometimes called “About me”, etc.). Personal qualities, habits, hobbies, additional skills.

We look at our selected strengths and place them in the appropriate section.

In our example:

clause 3. Key skills

a) Skill in building department work based on Performance Management

b) Negotiation skills at a high level. In an interview format - at the leadership level.

V) ………………

G) ………………

clause 4. Experience

2012 - 2014. Phoenix company. Internet hypermarket. Head of Recruitment Department.

a) A project was implemented to attract drivers to the retail company in the amount of 900 people per quarter.

We consider this point our professional achievement.The best professional achievements should be included in this section - “work experience”. And preferably at the very top. Other results will go below:

b) ......

V) …...

clause 5. Additional information

Personal qualities:

a) “Frenzy” for the result.

b) Master of Sports of the USSR in chess.

For me personally this is an achievement. But not professional. Therefore, I will post it in the additional information section. And that's not always the case.

3. We adapt it to the vacancy

From the full basic version of the resume, we create a resume for a specific vacancy.

  1. We carefully study the vacancy and the company. We highlight keywords and phrases.
  2. We make assumptions about what our strengths will be in demand by this employer.
  3. We choose our strengths from our list and the basic version of the resume.
  4. We insert it into a resume intended to be sent in wording similar to the job description or key phrases. Often, a recruiter searches for a resume using key phrases or words.
  5. IN It also doesn’t hurt to mention your strengths.

I hope the meaning is clear. If you have questions, write in the comments.

It is important to take the time to make a list of your strengths. Think over the wording. These are yours competitive advantages and “brand names”. They will be your faithful companions in the process of advancement in the labor market.

Thank you for your interest in the article.

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  1. Share with your friends by clicking on the social media buttons.
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Have a nice day!