
New Year's cockerel from sweets, step by step photo. What crafts to make from sweets for the new year

We are on the eve of the new 2017 year. People believe that in the new year everything will be in a new way, and it will certainly be better than the previous one. No wonder the favorite wish for the New Year is: "Let all the good pass with us to new Yearand all the bad will remain in the old. "

Symbol 2017

Each coming year has its own symbol. In 2017, it is the Red Fire Rooster. The coming year belongs to the fire element, and therefore it will be bright, cheerful and with many memorable moments.

Since ancient times, people decorated their home with figurines, depending on which year came. When meeting the new 2017 year, make sure that you have a rooster figurine in your house, purchased or created by your own hands. According to legend, the image of this sonorous bird will bring good luck for the next year.

Options for executing the symbol of the year

What can you create a cock from? Yes of all! So, an excellent option for is an image drawn in gouache. Stencils with the image of the symbol of the year also look great. To do this, you need to find a suitable image on the Internet, print it and carefully cut it with scissors.

Cockerels look very original, which play the role of an elegant fabric heating pad for a teapot. This fun and useful decoration can be sewn from material suitable for the color scheme, folded in several layers.

As an idea, roosters carved from felt are also perfect. They can be strung on skewers and decorate flowerpots with home flowers. Garlands of roosters strung on a thread will look beautiful.

Cock from sweets: master class

We will tell you how to make a rooster out of sweets. Such a symbol of 2017 will be colorful and vibrant, but also tasty. It can act as a great holiday gift to colleagues, relatives, friends and, of course, children. The latter, incidentally, should be brought in as assistants. They will be happy to wrap candies in corrugated paper and perform other simple tasks.


To create a cockerel from sweets you will need certain materials:

  1. Foam plastic of rectangular or square shape (it is better to select those types that are less crumble and disintegrate).
  2. Glue. It is best to use either a heat gun with glue. If there are none, then you can use ordinary PVA glue.
  3. Candies. The rooster made of sweets will turn out bright and colorful if we use confectionery products in original and shiny wrappers.
  4. Corrugated paper. It can be purchased at any stationery store. It can be white, yellow or red.
  5. Marker (in case we suddenly need to draw our eyes or some additional elements).


Do-it-yourself rooster made of sweets is done like this:

  1. First you need to create an elongated torso of a bird from a piece of foam. To do this, take a sharp Gradually cutting small pieces of material, form the most similar figure of the body of a rooster.
  2. After that, also cut out his head and use a wire or other connecting element to attach it to the body.

Once these manipulations are done, you can proceed to the decor of the composition "cock from sweets":

  1. To decorate the head and neck, it is necessary to cut several circles of different diameters from large to smaller. Each subsequent circle should be less than the previous one by half a centimeter.
  2. Then take the largest circle, connect its middle with the top of the head and press along the entire length. So do with all subsequent circles. As a result, you get a neck like a real cock in feathers. We use corrugated paper as a pen.
  3. Cut the same diameter circles from corrugated paper. They will need a lot. Fold 2 circles together, along the edge using scissors to make a fringe, not cutting to the center. In the middle, place the candy in a bright wrapper and fix it with wire. Such blanks will require 10 or more, depending on the size of the body.

After everything is ready, you can proceed to the assembly.

  1. Attach sweets with wire to the body, over the entire area.
  2. Then draw the eyes, glue the beak and comb, as well as paper earrings.

That's all, our cock is ready! You can seat it either in a basket or on a dish. It all depends on your imagination.

Candy Bouquet: Rooster

A bouquet of sweets with the presence of the symbol of the year, namely the rooster, looks beautiful and original. To create it, you will need the following materials:

  • Chocolates on sticks - cockerel shaped candies.
  • Ordinary sweets.
  • Cling film.
  • Skewers.
  • Fresh or artificial flowers, ribbons, tulle and so on.

The sequence of the bouquet

Conventional sweets must be wrapped (each individually) in cling film. Then attach to the skewers. Put a piece of foam on the bottom of the basket or decorative flowerpot. Also special material that florists use for compositions is perfect. Insert the cocks evenly into it, alternating them with sweets, and fasten them well.

Lastly, decorate the composition with fresh flowers. The void is filled with tulle. To do this, it must be folded into several layers and cut into squares or circles. In the center, pierce with a wire stud and attach to the foam. You can additionally wrap the basket with ribbon and tie a beautiful bow.

If desired, you can decorate the bouquet with fir branches and add small Christmas decorations. Candles will look very beautiful and mysterious as an addition to the bouquet.

The most important thing in creating a composition with your own hands is a great desire and rich imagination. You can create a panel with the image of a rooster made of sweets. To do this, you will need a frame without glass and small chocolates. It is preferably round. But you can also combine sweets of different shapes.

Having picked up a suitable color scale, lay out the rooster shape with sweets, and the original New Year's panel is ready. It will be a great decoration at home, and after the New Year holidays it can be eaten by the whole family.

Here are such cockerels from sweets, I made as a gift to my grandchildren for the New Year. I had to torment with the first, but I already did the second quickly. I want to lay out the order of work, maybe someone will come in handy. By the way, the pattern is a cockerel, I found on the Internet. The template was small, I enlarged it. It was an easter cockerel pattern. So such a rooster can be made for Easter. But it’s better to have smaller and not necessarily all made of sweets. You can come up with several options for this template. I spread the version of the cocks from sweets and foil.

For work, we need:

  • 4 sheets of A4 paper
  • cardboard
  • color foil
  • toothpicks
  • scotch
  • pVA glue
  • hot gun
  • candies

It took me a lot of sweets, about a kilogram about. You can of course use a template to fit A4 sheet,

it seemed to me small and I did on two sheets, then glued it together.

Glue both halves on cardboard and cut out. The template I got here is this size. Ready cock will be even bigger.

We make two such patterns. The second is in mirror image. Before joining the two halves, gently mash the cardboard so that it does not break when bent.

You get two of these cockerels. (My printer went astray, so they turned out striped. But it's okay, nothing will be visible). No need to glue templates yet. Connect the tail and head with a stapler.

And then connect the base. Inside the rooster there should be an empty space.

So the rooster will look in front. Now you can glue where you think you need. Beak, for example, is best glued with glue. There is no need to fasten at the base. If you want, you can tape it inside with tape, or you can leave it like that. Then everything will be covered with foil.

At the bottom, make a bottom and glue it inside. Without a bottom, the cock will not be stable.

Now you can start pasting the rooster. We begin to glue from the base. Pick colors to taste. I decided to paste over with silver foil. Cut a strip of 7 cm wide and glue it.

Inside, a rooster, I put a bottle of milk with water. So he will not fall under the weight of sweets and it will be easier to work with him.

The cockerel is ready, now is the time to do the harvesting of pounds. It is better to paste over with a tail. I have different tails for the tail and for the torso. For the tail, I cut 10x10 foil. Used foil different colors. Here is the manufacturing procedure for tailings. We fold the foil so that a cone-shaped “feather” is obtained. We fix the candy to the toothpick with tape. Apply glue to the tip of the toothpick with a hot gun and insert the candy with the toothpick inside the “feather”.

When the workpieces are ready, we begin to attach the rooster to the tail. Glue with hot glue.

So glue the tail completely, in several rows. So that the tail does not overtighten, try to use sweets easier.

When the tail is ready, it is better to arrange the scallop, and fix the eyes. The eyes fixed immediately on both sides. Where the eye should be, I made a hole, and put the ponytails from the candies inward. Even glue was not needed. And on the scallop I picked up sweets in shape, but I didn’t find any completely red ones. But it turned out to be a cockerel - a golden scallop. After that, I returned to the torso again.

For the torso, I made other blanks. The foil was yellow 12x12 and I folded it the same way as for the Christmas tree when I did it. I glued candies, but without toothpicks, glued directly to the tail.

The body can be designed as you like. I got interspersed, sweets and nuts. Instead of wings, I also glued sweets, 3 on each side.

  In general, you can glue, as the fantasy tells. Paste to the head, until we touch the head.

Glued on one side, now unfold and also glue on the other side.

On the second side, I already made blanks, exactly as much as the first side. When pasted the second side, I took up the design of the head. The beak glued foil over the head, tinsel. I decided that there would be extra sweets here. The result is what happened.

The rooster is ready, the water bottle can be removed, now it should not be pulled. The empty space inside the cockerel can be filled with additional gifts. Toys or candy left over. I have chocolate figures inside my glass. I made the second cock already faster. I also hung a big medal on both roosters.

We are on the eve of the new 2017 year. People believe that in the new year everything will be in a new way, and it will certainly be better than the previous one. No wonder the favorite wish for the New Year is: "Let all the good things go with us in the new year, and all the bad things remain in the old."

Symbol 2017

Each coming year has its own symbol. In 2017, it is the Red Fire Rooster. The coming year belongs to the fire element, and therefore it will be bright, cheerful and with many memorable moments.

Since ancient times, people decorated their home with figurines, depending on which year came. When meeting the new 2017 year, make sure that you have a rooster figurine in your house, purchased or created by your own hands. According to legend, the image of this sonorous bird will bring good luck for the next year.

Options for executing the symbol of the year

What can you create a cock from? Yes of all! So, an excellent option for decorating a window is an image drawn in gouache. Stencils with the image of the symbol of the year also look great. To do this, you need to find a suitable image on the Internet, print it and carefully cut it with scissors.

Cockerels look very original, which play the role of an elegant fabric heating pad for a teapot. This fun and useful decoration can be sewn from material suitable for the color scheme, folded in several layers.

As an idea, roosters carved from felt are also perfect. They can be strung on skewers and decorate flowerpots with home flowers. Garlands of roosters strung on a thread will look beautiful.

Cock from sweets: master class

We will tell you how to make a rooster out of sweets. Such a symbol of 2017 will be colorful and vibrant, but also tasty. It can act as a great holiday gift to colleagues, relatives, friends and, of course, children. The latter, incidentally, should be brought in as assistants. They will be happy to wrap candies in corrugated paper and perform other simple tasks.


To create a cockerel from sweets you will need certain materials:

  1. Foam plastic of rectangular or square shape (it is better to select those types that are less crumble and disintegrate).
  2. Glue. It is best to use Dragon glue or a thermal gun with glue. If there are none, then you can use ordinary PVA glue.
  3. Candies. The rooster made of sweets will turn out bright and colorful if we use confectionery products in original and shiny wrappers.
  4. Corrugated paper. It can be purchased at any stationery store. It can be white, yellow or red.
  5. Marker (in case we suddenly need to draw our eyes or some additional elements).

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Do-it-yourself rooster made of sweets is done like this:

  1. First you need to create an elongated torso of a bird from a piece of foam. To do this, take a sharp clerical knife. Gradually cutting small pieces of material, form the most similar figure of the body of a rooster.
  2. After that, also cut out his head and use a wire or other connecting element to attach it to the body.

Once these manipulations are done, you can proceed to the decor of the composition "cock from sweets":

  1. To decorate the head and neck, it is necessary to cut several circles of different diameters from large to smaller. Each subsequent circle should be less than the previous one by half a centimeter.
  2. Then take the largest circle, connect its middle with the top of the head and press along the entire length. So do with all subsequent circles. As a result, you get a neck like a real cock in feathers. We use corrugated paper as a pen.
  3. Cut corrugated paper circles of equal diameter. They will need a lot. Fold 2 circles together, along the edge using scissors to make a fringe, not cutting to the center. In the middle, place the candy in a bright wrapper and fix it with wire. Such blanks will require 10 or more, depending on the size of the body.

After everything is ready, you can proceed to the assembly.

  1. Attach sweets with wire to the body, over the entire area.
  2. Then draw the eyes, glue the beak and comb, as well as paper earrings.

That's all, our cock is ready! You can seat it either in a basket or on a dish. It all depends on your imagination.

Candy Bouquet: Rooster

A bouquet of sweets with the presence of the symbol of the year, namely the rooster, looks beautiful and original. To create it, you will need the following materials:

  • Chocolates on sticks - cockerel shaped candies.
  • Ordinary sweets.
  • Cling film.
  • Skewers.
  • Fresh or artificial flowers, ribbons, tulle and so on.

The sequence of the bouquet

Conventional sweets must be wrapped (each individually) in cling film. Then attach to the skewers. Put a piece of foam on the bottom of the basket or decorative flowerpot. Also special material that florists use for compositions is perfect. Insert the cocks evenly into it, alternating them with sweets, and fasten them well.

Lastly, decorate the composition with fresh flowers. The void is filled with tulle. To do this, it must be folded into several layers and cut into squares or circles. In the center, pierce with a wire stud and attach to the foam. You can additionally wrap the basket with ribbon and tie a beautiful bow.

If desired, you can decorate the bouquet with fir branches and add small Christmas decorations. Candles will look very beautiful and mysterious as an addition to the bouquet.

The most important thing in creating a composition with your own hands is a great desire and rich imagination. You can create a panel with the image of a rooster made of sweets. To do this, you will need a frame without glass and small chocolates. It is preferably round. But you can also combine sweets of different shapes.

Having picked up a suitable color scale, lay out the rooster shape with sweets, and the original New Year's panel is ready. It will be a great decoration at home, and after the New Year holidays it can be eaten by the whole family.

We are on the eve of the new 2017 year. People believe that in the new year everything will be in a new way, and it will certainly be better than the previous one. No wonder the favorite wish for the New Year is: "Let all the good things go with us in the new year, and all the bad things remain in the old."

Symbol 2017

Each coming year has its own symbol. In 2017, it is the Red Fire Rooster. The coming year belongs to the fire element, and therefore it will be bright, cheerful and with many memorable moments.

Since ancient times, people decorated their home with figurines, depending on which year came. When meeting the new 2017 year, make sure that you have a rooster figurine in your house, purchased or created by your own hands. According to legend, the image of this sonorous bird will bring good luck for the next year.

Options for executing the symbol of the year

What can you create a cock from? Yes of all! So, an excellent option for is an image drawn in gouache. Stencils with the image of the symbol of the year also look great. To do this, you need to find a suitable image on the Internet, print it and carefully cut it with scissors.

Cockerels look very original, which play the role of an elegant fabric heating pad for a teapot. This fun and useful decoration can be sewn from material suitable for the color scheme, folded in several layers.

As an idea, roosters carved from felt are also perfect. They can be strung on skewers and decorate flowerpots with home flowers. Garlands of roosters strung on a thread will look beautiful.

Cock from sweets: master class

We will tell you how to make a rooster out of sweets. Such a symbol of 2017 will be colorful and vibrant, but also tasty. It can act as a great holiday gift to colleagues, relatives, friends and, of course, children. The latter, incidentally, should be brought in as assistants. They will be happy to wrap candies in corrugated paper and perform other simple tasks.


To create a cockerel from sweets you will need certain materials:

  1. Foam plastic of rectangular or square shape (it is better to select those types that are less crumble and disintegrate).
  2. Glue. It is best to use either a heat gun with glue. If there are none, then you can use ordinary PVA glue.
  3. Candies. The rooster made of sweets will turn out bright and colorful if we use confectionery products in original and shiny wrappers.
  4. Corrugated paper. It can be purchased at any stationery store. It can be white, yellow or red.
  5. Marker (in case we suddenly need to draw our eyes or some additional elements).


Do-it-yourself rooster made of sweets is done like this:

  1. First you need to create an elongated torso of a bird from a piece of foam. To do this, take a sharp Gradually cutting small pieces of material, form the most similar figure of the body of a rooster.
  2. After that, also cut out his head and use a wire or other connecting element to attach it to the body.

Once these manipulations are done, you can proceed to the decor of the composition "cock from sweets":

  1. To decorate the head and neck, it is necessary to cut several circles of different diameters from large to smaller. Each subsequent circle should be less than the previous one by half a centimeter.
  2. Then take the largest circle, connect its middle with the top of the head and press along the entire length. So do with all subsequent circles. As a result, you get a neck like a real cock in feathers. We use corrugated paper as a pen.
  3. Cut corrugated paper circles of equal diameter. They will need a lot. Fold 2 circles together, along the edge using scissors to make a fringe, not cutting to the center. In the middle, place the candy in a bright wrapper and fix it with wire. Such blanks will require 10 or more, depending on the size of the body.

After everything is ready, you can proceed to the assembly.

  1. Attach sweets with wire to the body, over the entire area.
  2. Then draw the eyes, glue the beak and comb, as well as paper earrings.

That's all, our cock is ready! You can seat it either in a basket or on a dish. It all depends on your imagination.

Candy Bouquet: Rooster

A bouquet of sweets with the presence of the symbol of the year, namely the rooster, looks beautiful and original. To create it, you will need the following materials:

  • Chocolates on sticks - cockerel shaped candies.
  • Ordinary sweets.
  • Cling film.
  • Skewers.
  • Fresh or artificial flowers, ribbons, tulle and so on.

The sequence of the bouquet

Conventional sweets must be wrapped (each individually) in cling film. Then attach to the skewers. Put a piece of foam on the bottom of the basket or decorative flowerpot. Also special material that florists use for compositions is perfect. Insert the cocks evenly into it, alternating them with sweets, and fasten them well.

Lastly, decorate the composition with fresh flowers. The void is filled with tulle. To do this, it must be folded into several layers and cut into squares or circles. In the center, pierce with a wire stud and attach to the foam. You can additionally wrap the basket with ribbon and tie a beautiful bow.

If desired, you can decorate the bouquet with fir branches and add small Christmas decorations. Candles will look very beautiful and mysterious as an addition to the bouquet.

The most important thing in creating a composition with your own hands is a great desire and rich imagination. You can create a panel with the image of a rooster made of sweets. To do this, you will need a frame without glass and small chocolates. It is preferably round. But you can also combine sweets of different shapes.

Having picked up a suitable color scale, lay out the rooster shape with sweets, and the original New Year's panel is ready. It will be a great decoration at home, and after the New Year holidays it can be eaten by the whole family.