
DIY paper chrysanthemums. Amazing corrugated paper candy chrysanthemums.

Chrysanthemums from corrugated paper   and do-it-yourself sweets

The author of the idea is Potapchuk Lyudmila
Description:   the master class is intended for children of high school age, additional education teachers, educators, parents and just creative people.
Appointment:   Gift for Mother's Day.
Goal:   do-it-yourself making chrysanthemums for Mother's Day.
  - arouse the desire to do a beautiful thing with your own hands;
  - develop creativity, imagination, imagination;
  - develop compositional skills and aesthetic feelings;
  - cultivate a desire to do good to family and friends.

Autumn day, in the rays of the chest of drawers and the walls,
  So sunny, even though autumn is in the yard,
  And on the table are chrysanthemums -
  A gift of a withering pore ...
  Riddle flower with autumn symbol,
  A star comes down shining from heaven ...
  Autumn gives us “starry moments”,
  And outside the window is a flower-like forest.

Safety rules for working with scissors
  • work only with a working tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors;
  • work with scissors only at your workplace;
  • monitor the movement of the blades during operation;
  • put scissors with rings to yourself;
  • feed the scissors with the rings forward;
  • do not leave scissors open;
  • keep the scissors in the case with the blades down;
  • do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to your face;
  • Use the scissors for their intended purpose.

Safety measures when working with a glue gun:
  • before starting, make sure that the gun body and cord are not damaged;
  • if an old hardened adhesive remains on the nozzle, it must be removed;
  • the included gun is installed on a flat, stable surface, a sheet of paper is laid under it, and foil is used under the nozzle to collect the draining adhesive;
  • in no case should you touch the metal nozzle of the thermal gun with your hands;
  • Do not wear loose clothing during operation. It is better to make a choice in favor of dense durable fabrics that will protect against burns when hot glue gets in;
long hair   maximally cleaned, jewelry removed.

Materials necessary for work:

  • floristic paper of yellow and green color;
  • wooden skewers;
  • glue gun;
  • candy;
  • scissors;
• threads.

Step-by-step workflow:

We begin to manufacture the petals, cut off the yellow corrugated paper, about 2.5 divisions and 10 cm in length. On paper we make cuts along the entire length of about 1 cm. These will be the petals of our chrysanthemum.

  We twist each petal 1 time, fold it in half at the bend, and stretch the paper to form a recess. We glue the bent ends with hot glue.

  We should get such a strip of paper with “fingers” - petals.

  We cut off the yellow crepe, about 2.5 divisions and 15 cm in length. We repeat all the same as in paragraphs 1, 2, 3. We should get 4 pieces (two by 10 cm and two by 15 cm).

  Attach the skewer to the tail of the candy wrapper and fix it tightly with the threads. In this case, the candy should not violate its integrity, in other words, do not pierce the candy with a skewer.

Our today's photo tutorial will help you make an original paper chrysanthemum.

To do this, you will need some materials and tools:

  • crepe or corrugated paper red / burgundy and pink;
  • crepe paper or corrugated paper of a green shade;
  • comfortable scissors, preferably a small size;
  • color paper (dark green);
  • pencil;
  • thin wire for stem base;
  • glue stick.

Cut a wide strip of red crepe / corrugated paper, and then draw the outline of the petals.

Cut out such a blank. In the future, you will use these petals as a template to create the rest of the chrysanthemum petals.

We give all the petals a natural shape. Stretch the tips of the chrysanthemum petals, and then twist them slightly. As a result, it turned out, here is such a blank.

For one chrysanthemum flower, you will need five or six blanks of red color. It is also necessary to create petals and a pink tint. Pink petals will need 10-12 pieces.

After we have prepared the necessary number of petals-blanks, we can begin to model the bud.

Take a small piece of wire and some pink / red crepe paper. We wind a piece of crepe paper on the tip of the wire. Give the resulting chrysanthemum base this form.

Now glue to this base all the red petals.

Soon you will get, approximately, such a magnificent bud.

The base (bottom) of the bud must be fixed with a crepe paper tape (naturally green).

Then, in turn, glue the pink petals.

You get a tight bud with many thin petals.

From colored double-sided paper (dark green), cut the blank of the lower petals. On the fold line, cut it to the center.

Fold again and cut off the tip.

Put a little glue on the center of the green blank and attach it to the bud.

We decorate the bottom of the bud and pedicel with a crepe ribbon.

Then we need to make a piece of chrysanthemum. We draw the outline of the leaf on the paper folded in half, then cut it out.

  August 27, 2014    Elena Goloshtenko

Good mood to all blog readers Brownie-Art! Today's workshop will be especially interesting for those who like to amaze their loved ones, give creative gifts and, of course, do beautiful things with their own hands. Now I will show how these candy chrysanthemums are made of corrugated paper.

Chrysanthemums are traditionally autumn flowers. I wonder what feelings they evoke in you? I associate them with a sort of bright flash, the penultimate volley of fireworks of flowers before the cold winter (there are still impenetrable oak trees, but today it’s not about them 🙂). There is a bit of sadness in them, but these are undoubtedly beautiful flowers!

However, our chrysanthemums can please the eye all year round! And after all it is very cool! Just imagine how much spiritual warmth such a bouquet can bring to a person who loves these flowers. Plus a nice sweet bonus inside each flower.

Do you want to learn how to do such do-it-yourself candy chrysanthemums? Then be patient (and it will take quite a lot to create these flowers), corrugated paper and good mood. And go!

Beginners in this matter should pay attention to the fact that we need good quality corrugated paper. Thin, which is sold in the shops of the station. goods, not suitable. I buy paper at a general craft store.

If there were no problems with materials, then we will continue.

Corrugated paper chrysanthemums, workshop

Packing candy

So, we take a skewer, a piece of foil, and even better a polysilicon (it's just not available to everyone) and candy. We crush one tail of the wrapper to the candy itself, and apply the second to the skewer.

Then wrap the candy with foil or polysilicon, and fix it on the skewer. If this is ordinary foil, its edges simply twist around the future stem along with the tail of a candy wrapper. If you use polysilicon, you need to additionally wrap ponytails with a thread and cut off excess corners.

And for strength, the base of the flower can be wrapped a bit with tape.

There is! Packed the candy. Now the fun begins.

Corrugated paper candy chrysanthemum core

The core of our chrysanthemum from corrugated paper is made very simple: we take paper (which we will use for the petals), cut across a strip a little wider than the candy wrapped in foil, taking into account the base. The length of the strip should be such that at least 3 turns can be made around the candy.

We cut one side, making a fringe. On the other hand, we cut triangles (about 1.5-2 cm high), this is necessary in order to reduce the layer of paper at the base of the chrysanthemum.

Here we have such a core! But this is only the beginning.

Corrugated Candy Chrysanthemum Petals

And now the hardest part. No, in fact, the petals of our chrysanthemum from corrugated paper are made simply, they just will need a lot. How much - I did not count. This must be watched as you work.

So, cut along the perforation a strip with a width of about 1.5 ± 0.5 cm. We need a lot of such strips. Petals closer to the middle are made narrower.

We cut each strip into 3-4 parts (segments 11-15 cm long are obtained). There are two ways to form a chrysanthemum petal.

The first method is similar to creating a petal (you need a strip 15 cm long): bend the strip in half, twist it by turning one of the halves 180 °, fold it in a twisted form and stretch just below the bend. You can apply a drop of glue to connect these parts into a single whole.

The second method is more economical (the length of the strip will be less). We make a bend, stepping back from the edge 3-4 cm, twist it again, stretch the top and glue this small piece to the petal.

The bottom of each petal needs to be cut at the corners, as shown in photo 4.

And now we take a petal, put a drop of glue on it (it is more convenient to use a thermogun) and press it to our base of the flower. Next, the next petal, and more, and more ....

We continue to glue until the result begins to suit. I wanted to make fluffy chrysanthemum from corrugated paper.


glue can be applied a little higher on the first petals, while the most recent ones are glued to the very bottom.

That's how it looks so far, our candy chrysanthemum. In general, the bud is ready, now let's deal with the stem.

Corrugated Paper Chrysanthemum Stalk

To create a chrysanthemum stem, we need green corrugated paper and a teip tape in color.

First, make a sepal. Honestly, I’m not special in botany, I tried to see everything on the Internet photo, what the sepals of a chrysanthemum look like and if it exists at all, but I haven’t seen anything concrete. Therefore, I made it as follows.

From green paper cut a strip of about 4-5 cm wide and long enough for one revolution around the bottom of the bud. Cut, as seen in the photo, across the folds.

We make 4 cuts to the middle of the strip, dividing it by 5 equal parts. And then we twist it and glue it like petals.

We cut the opposite side with triangles.

Let's make some leaves. I cut them out of corrugated paper at random. To do this, you need a strip with the longitudinal direction of the folds. The strip is folded in half and arbitrary “ridges” are cut out.

When unfolding, these are the leaves.

And now we are forming our candy chrysanthemum. First, we put a sepal on hot glue close to the base of the flower. Then we begin to wrap the stem with tape tape, gradually screwing the prepared leaves.

Here we have such a sweet candy chrysanthemum from corrugated paper. I will not say that this is the simplest flower that I had to make, but you must agree, it is worth the time spent. It looks very impressive. Especially when these chrysanthemums are a whole bunch. An excellent replacement for fast-fading living plants.

How to make this candy bouquet?

There are many options: and, and a whole floral arrangement based on foam. I made for this bouquet, which regular readers of the Domovenok-Art blog have already seen. But this is a matter of taste!

I hope you enjoyed these candy chrysanthemums. I propose now to move on to the discussion, leave all questions and feedback in the comments below. Enjoy your creativity! Delight your loved ones with beautiful and delicious gifts! And see you soon on the Domovenok-Art blog!

Your little house Elena.

Give your loved ones love and care by making gifts from a pure heart at home. Few people know that a chrysanthemum made of corrugated paper also consists of sweets, which cannot but please the owner of such a gift. Start with one flower and create whole bouquets of corrugated paper.

Our master class is designed to teach you how to make chrysanthemums from corrugated paper so that you can always present a worthy gift to your loved one. Follow the instructions to make a unique gift on your own.

Required Components

Organize your workflow using the following materials:

  • Multi-colored corrugated paper.
  • Foil.
  • Tape tape.
  • Large sweets.
  • Normal or hot melt.
  • Threads.
  • Scissors.

It is better to use hot glue in the manufacture of the flower, because it provides high strength.

Making candy

In order to prepare a chrysanthemum with sweets, first of all you need to make a package for the sweet component. Take a sushi stick or skewer, as well as some foil. Follow these steps to wrap the candy:

  • Put the candy on the foil. Visually, you should think that two more candies will fit on such a piece of foil.
  • Wrap the whole candy with foil and drag it so that the bottom of the candy is about 1/3 of the total size.
  • Take a skewer and attach the packed candy to it using regular or hot melt glue.

The wrapped candy is ready!

Create a corrugated paper chrysanthemum base

The core of the flower is made of corrugated paper. You will also need threads and scissors at this stage of the work. Proceed to create the basics of chrysanthemum:

  • Take the paper and cut the transverse strip so that its width is slightly larger than the packed candy itself. You must be sure that you can make at least three turns of paper around the candy.
  • Make many cuts on one side of the corrugated paper, as with fringe.
  • On the other side, cut small triangles up to 2 centimeters high.
  • Stretch the middle of the corrugated paper.
  • Wrap the candy that was originally wrapped in foil with this paper.
  • Secure the paper and skewers with thread.

You should get something like this:

Making Chrysanthemum Petals from Corrugated Paper

You will need many petals to make the flower more beautiful. Despite the fact that you can make the petals in two ways, the following first requirement is common to all. Cut a lot of perforation strips up to 50 millimeters wide. Each of them needs to be cut into three parts. Choose the method that most impresses you when making the petals:

  • Option number 1. Take a length of about 15 cm, which was formed when dividing the main strip into three parts. Bend the segment in half and rotate one of its parts 180 degrees. Stretch the strip at the bottom of the fold. You can use glue to fix the paper in this form.
  • Option number 2. Again, take the segment, only bend it at a distance of three centimeters from the edge. Twist the line as well, but stretch the paper at the top. Attach the small part to the petal.

Remove the corners of the bottom of all the petals. Now attach them to the core of the chrysanthemum with glue in turn. You yourself choose the number of petals for the flower, just when there are more, the chrysanthemum with sweets looks more impressive.

Here is a chrysanthemum with petals:

We form a stem for chrysanthemums with sweets

Prepare green corrugated paper and tape. First of all, you need to make a sepal:

  • Cut a square of 5x5 centimeters from the paper. This size is enough for one revolution of the lower part of the core, but more is not necessary.
  • Make four cuts to the center of the strip. Thus, it will be divided into five equal parts. Twist the strip in the same way as when creating the petals, and fix its position with glue.
  • Cut triangles on the other side of the strip.
  • Make sheets by cutting them out of corrugated paper.

And now we attach the stem to the chrysanthemum. Attach the sepals to the flower itself, using glue, and then wrap the stem with tape-tape, adding to it the leaves made earlier.

Your flower is ready!

Bouquet of chrysanthemums with corrugated paper

You can present a tasty gift not only as one candy chrysanthemum, but also create bouquets of three or even five flowers. Everything is up to you! Better use blue, red and yellow   when creating a bouquet. This color scheme makes the presentation bright and rich! Wrap the bouquet in a different shade of corrugated paper to complement the composition.


DIY corrugated paper chrysanthemum - a brilliant gift idea! Especially for you, we have prepared several videos on which you can follow how candy chrysanthemums are made.

Master class with step by step photo   "Bouquet of chrysanthemums" using the technique of sweet design.

  The master class is intended for teachers of additional education, technology teachers, everyone who wants to master the technique of suite design.
Appointment:   sweet gift.
Goal:   to make a basket with chrysanthemums using the sweet design technique.
Educational:   master the technique of making chrysanthemums from corrugated paper and round chocolates;
Educational:   to stimulate the desire to work in the technique of sweet design, to give gifts made by yourself.
Developing:   develop the ability to create beautiful compositions from sweets and flowers;
Necessary materials:

Corrugated paper in two colors: light lilac, lilac; green aspidistra, glue gun, glue sticks, scissors, hat-shaped basket, threads, Martian sweets (round candies) 11 pieces, artificial leaves, step ribbon, artificial berries, rubber bands for bracelets weaving, skewers, threads, ribbons, polyurethane foam (Blow a small amount of foam into the cellophane bag from the balloon. Let it swell and solidify well. Remove from the bag, cut off the required amount of foam and now it can be used as a filler for the basket)

Working process:

  From a roll of lilac paper we cut a square of 4 divisions, 18 cm long.

  Cut into 8 strips without cutting one division.

  Scroll each segment in the center and wrap to the bottom. The top, in the place where they twisted, stretch.

  By the same principle, we make three more blanks.

  Glue one tail of candy wrapper with hot glue to the candy. Be careful that the candy does not melt.

  Cut a rectangle measuring 4.5 x 7 cm from a roll of lilac paper. We round one side, as in the photo.

  Wrap the candy in paper and fix it with a rubber band. It turned out the main bud for chrysanthemum.

  One of the blanks to wrap the bud.

  Also, we wrap the two remaining workpieces around the bud and fix it tight with a thread.

  Using the same principle, we make 4 more chrysanthemums.

  From a roll of light purple paper, cut a strip 3 cm wide. Divide it into three equal parts. Cut a piece of shiny mesh measuring 7x7 cm.

  We twist each segment in the center and stretch the top. Thus, three petals are obtained.

  One tail wrapper wrapped around the skewer. The second is just to bend. Wrap the candy over the net and tightly fix the wrapped candy with a thread to the skewer.