
How to cut a square 4 equal parts

“Rectangle and square” - Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle. The area of \u200b\u200bthe triangle is equal to half the area of \u200b\u200bthe square. 12cm P-perimeter a, b  - length and width The perimeter of the rectangle is found by the formula: P \u003d (a + b) * 2. Rectangle and square. The perimeter of the square is calculated by the formula: P \u003d 4a. Calculate the perimeter of the square. To calculate the perimeter of a square, you need to multiply the side of the square by 4.

“Magic square” - A magic square is a square consisting of n columns and n rows. The story of the appearance of magic squares. The Latin square is the square of n * n cells in which numbers from 1 to n are written. Magic square of 5 order. It is said that the magic square first appeared in China about 2800 years before our era.

"The formula of the difference of squares" - The formula of the difference of squares. Find the square of the monomial: 5bx; 2a3; -3x3y. Geometric meaning.

“The square of the sum and the square of the difference” - Consider the two differences 16 - 36 and 25 - 45 Add, we get 16 - 36 + \u003d 25 - 45 +, 4? - 2 4 + ()? \u003d 5? - 2 5 + () ?, (4 -)? \u003d (5 -) ?, 4 - \u003d 5 -, 4 \u003d 5. Find the error. Squaring the sum and difference of two expressions. Learning can only be fun. Binding: VII. Lesson for teachers in continuing education courses.

“Square and cube of number” - Cube of difference. (a - b) 2 \u003d a2 - 2ab + b2. a3 + b3 \u003d (a + b) (a2 - ab + b2). Abbreviated Multiplication Formulas. Difference cubes. The square of the difference. (a + b) (a2 - ab + b2) \u003d \u003d a * a2 - a * ab + a * b2 + b * a2 - b * ab + b * b2 \u003d \u003d a3 - a2b + ab2 + a2b - ab2 + b3 \u003d \u003d a3 + b3. The sum of the cubes. The square of the amount. a3 - b3 \u003d (a - b) (a2 + ab + b2).

“The difference of the squares” - Example 1. Perform the multiplication: (3x - 2y) (3x + 2y). Record as the degree of expression: The formula of the difference of squares is used for quick counting. (A + b) (a - b) \u003d a2 - b2. 5) Convert the expression (3a - 4c) 2 into a polynomial of standard form. Example 2. Represent the binomial 16x4 - 9 as a product of the binomials.

Program tasks: 1. Form the concept that a square can be divided into several equal parts (by 2.4). To learn to name parts, to compare the whole and parts, to understand that the whole is larger than each part, and the part is less than the whole. 2. To teach an ordinal account within 10, to distinguish between the questions “how much”, “which”, “which” and correctly answer them. Learn to equalize the numbers 9 and 10. Learn to equalize objects from a larger number by a given number (within 10). 3. To consolidate the knowledge of numbers, the ability to call numbers “neighbors”. In the invoice, call the number one more than the named number or one less than the named number. 4. Mastering the ability to classify sets according to two properties: color and shape, size and shape, to develop spatial imagination. 5. To consolidate the ability to lay out of eight triangles four small triangles, two large triangles. 6. Objectives - to develop the mental abilities of children.



Math lesson in senior group  on the topic:

“Division of a square into 2-4 equal parts”

Program Tasks:

  1. To form the concept that a square can be divided into several equal parts (by 2.4). To learn to name parts, to compare the whole and parts, to understand that the whole is larger than each part, and the part is less than the whole.
  2. To teach an ordinal account within 10, to distinguish between the questions “how much”, “which”, “which” and correctly answer them. Learn to equalize the numbers 9 and 10. Learn to equalize objects from a larger number by a given number (within 10).
  3. To strengthen the knowledge of numbers, the ability to call numbers "neighbors". In the invoice, call the number one more than the named number or one less than the named number.
  4. Mastering the ability to classify sets according to two properties: color and shape, size and shape, develop spatial imagination.
  5. To consolidate the ability to lay out of eight triangles four small triangles, two large triangles.
  6. Objectives - to develop the mental abilities of children.


  1. Demonstration material - toys of different sizes (25 pieces), two squares different color.
  2. For children - cards, pencil cases with geometric shapes, 2 squares of different colors, scissors for each child.
  3. For games - a rubber ball, cards with numbers up to 10, a set of geometric shapes, triangles - 100 pieces.
  4. Playing with hoops - four circles (two colors each), paper rugs with patterns of geometric shapes.

Preliminary work:

  1. Counting objects up to 10, dividing the circle in half (in a math lesson, designing with a paper “cart”, “stroller”).
  2. Games "Name", "Whose neighbor."
  3. Games with orientation in space, fixing the right, left hand. “Name who is sitting on your left, on your right.”
  4. Tables with logical tasks to find the missing numbers. Figures. Children prepare the workplace - carry a pencil case, cards.
  1. Today we will divide the square into equal parts by 2, by 4.

What color is my square?

How can a square be divided into two parts?

Take a close look and listen to how I will do it (show). I will fold the square in half, precisely connecting the sides and corners of the square, I will smooth the fold line. I’ll cut it with scissors.

How many parts have I divided the square?

Are the parts equal?

How many parts?

What shape?

Show one part, two parts. Which is larger - one part or the whole part of a square?

Let's divide the blue square in half (children’s work at the tables).

How many squares did you get? (two)

What needs to be done to divide the square into 4 parts? (Divide each rectangle in half again, you get 4 squares).

Offer to add 1 square out of 4 squares.

Show 1 part of the square, 2, 3 parts.

How many parts did we divide the square into?

And now I will show you how to divide the square differently into 2, 4 equal parts. Take a square of green. Fold the opposite corners with me, iron the side, cut with scissors.

What did you do? What shape is the part? (2 triangles).

Are these parts equal?

How many parts?

Show one part, 2 parts. Offer to divide each part again in half, connecting the corners of the triangle. How many small triangles did (4). (Similar questions).

Today we learned how to divide a square in half into 2, 4 equal parts different ways. We got 4 small squares, 4 small triangles.


  1. We learned to count to 10.

Vanya, put 9 cars on the top shelf.

How many cars did you put?

Where is the red car in a row?

What is the red car?

How many cars did you put in total?

Olya, please put 10 toys on the second shelf.

How many toys did you put more than Vanya?

What needs to be done so that the toys are equally divided?

Similar work is carried out at tables with pencil cases. On the top strip from left to right, set aside 9 circles.

How many circles on the top strip?

Is 1 more or less on the bottom bar?

What needs to be done to make the objects equally divided?

  1. The teacher offers to close the pencil cases, come up and stand in a circle on the carpet. Ball game: the teacher calls the number, the child continues to call the number 1 more, then calls 1 less.
  2. Showing numbers by educator. The child calls the neighboring numbers within 10.
  3. The teacher offers everyone to count 8 triangles at the table.

Fold 4 small triangles.

Fold 2 large triangles.

VI.   Game with circles. From two circles make 3 houses.

The task:   inside the red circle all the red figures live, inside the green circle everything is round. Question - which figures live inside the red circle? And inside the green? Inside the third house - the color is red, the shape is round (common signs).

VII. Tasks for children:

  1. Masha had 4 apples. She gave all the apples to her sister. How many apples does Masha have left?
  2. The hedgehog went mushrooming,

10 mushrooms found

9 put in the basket,

The rest are all on the back.

How many mushrooms are you carrying?

On your needles, hedgehog?

  1. How many ears do three old women have?
  2. Kitty was friends with the mouse,

I bought slippers for a mouse,

And for all 4 legs

She pulled the mouse slippers.

I ran along the path

Yes, I tripped on a blade of grass.

Slipped from the foot of slippers

And somewhere he was missing.

Mouse did not find slippers

And without slippers left.

How many slippers are left in the mouse?

Analysis of the lesson.

“Lesson 2 class Area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle” - Objectives of the lesson: get acquainted with ... form skills ... develop ... educate ... We are friendly! Mathematics Grade 2 Lesson-discovery Area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle. Width. Formulas Length. Expressions with a variable. Triangle cut polygon rectangle quadrangle square. Key. Theme of the lesson: "Area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle."

"Types of rectangles" - Planimetry exercises on the finished drawings. Sign of a rhombus. The converse statement. Exercises. Prove it. A special property of a rectangle. A parallelogram in which all sides are equal. Rhombus property Perpendiculars. Sign. Parallelogram ABCD. Height. Rectangle. Find the perimeter of the square. Sharp corner.

“Magic square” - The sum of the numbers in each row of the magic square is 34. Latin squares. The magic square of Pythagoras. A number is inscribed in each cell of the magic square. Magic square 4 orders. Curiosity is one of the forever true signs of an energetic mind. Magic squares. The first magic square.

"Mathematics Rectangle Grade 2" - What is a perimeter? The task. Answer: Geometric material. The game of mindfulness. I don’t feel like playing hide and seek today. Verbal counting. Sign the sides. Short record: Find the perimeter. No time to blow To the paper ship- Today the guys have a Lesson that is too important! Here is a book on the table, And here are notebooks. I am a polygon, I have 4 sides, but equal only opposite.

Rectangles - Opposite sides. The area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle. The sides of the rectangle. The rectangle in life. Paintings. Human. Diagonal. Definition Rectangle. Diagonals. The Tale of the Rectangle. The perimeter of the rectangle. The side of the rectangle.

“Square and Rectangle” - The formula for the area of \u200b\u200ba rectangle and a square. Fundamental question. Area The area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle. In which classrooms can grade 11 (16 people) be taught? Problematic issues. Measuring the area of \u200b\u200bother shapes. The area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle. Rectangle square formula. How to find the area of \u200b\u200ba room? Measure the length (a) and width (b) of the room.

There are 14 presentations in total