
Five centuries to read the summary. Five centuries. Myths and legends of Ancient Greece. Possible course of the lesson

Five centuries Nicholas Kun Based on Hesiod's poem "Works and Days" The poet Hesiod tells how the Greeks of his day viewed the origin of man and the change of centuries. In ancient times, everything was better, but life on earth was constantly deteriorating, and the worst of all was in the time of Hesiod. This is understandable for Hesiod, a representative of the peasantry, small landowners. During the time of Hesiod, the stratification into classes deepened and the exploitation of the poor by the rich intensified, so the poor peasantry really did not live well under the yoke of the rich large landowners. Of course, after Hesiod the life of the poor in Greece did not get any better; the rich continued to exploit them. Zeus and Hera. Relief from the sanctuary of Hera on the island. Samos. Wood. End of the 7th century BC e. Zeus and Hera. Relief from the sanctuary of Hera on the island. Samos. Wood. End of the 7th century BC e. The immortal gods living on the bright Olympus created the first human race to be happy; it was a golden age. God Cronus then ruled in heaven. As blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing no care, no work, no sorrow. Nor did they know weak old age; their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Their painless, happy life was an eternal feast. The death that followed their long life was like a calm, quiet sleep. They had everything in abundance during their lifetime. The land itself gave them rich fruits, and they did not have to spend labor on cultivating fields and orchards. Their herds were numerous, and they quietly grazed on fat pastures. The people of the golden age lived serenely. The gods themselves came to them for advice. But the golden age on earth ended, and no one was left of the people of this generation. After death, people of the golden age became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Shrouded in mist, they rush across the earth, defending the truth and punishing evil. So Zeus rewarded them after their death. The second human race and the second century were no longer as happy as the first. It was the Silver Age. The people of the Silver Age were not equal either in strength or reason to the people of the Golden Age. For a hundred years they grew up unreasonable in the homes of their mothers, only when they matured did they leave them. Their life in adulthood was short, and since they were unreasonable, they saw a lot of misfortunes and grief in their lives. The people of the Silver Age were disobedient. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn their sacrifices on the altars, the great son of Cronus Zeus destroyed their family on earth. He was angry with them for not obeying the gods living on bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the shadowy underground kingdom. There they live, knowing neither joy nor sorrow; they, too, are honored by people. Father Zeus created the third kind and the third century - the copper age. It does not look like silver. From the shaft of a spear, Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the copper age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the land that the gardens and arable lands give. Zeus gave them tremendous growth and unbreakable strength. Their heart was indomitable, courageous and their hands were irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were from copper, they worked with copper tools. They did not know dark iron in those days. The people of the copper age destroyed each other with their own hands. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. Strong as they were, the black death took them away, and they left the clear light of the sun. As soon as this family descended into the kingdom of shadows, immediately the great Zeus created on the earth that nourishes all the fourth century and a new human race, a more noble, more just, equal to the gods race of demigods-heroes. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-fold Thebes, in the country of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Elena, and sailed across the wide sea in ships. When all of them were kidnapped by death, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. The hero demigods live on the islands of the blissful near the stormy waters of the Ocean, a happy, carefree life. There, the fertile land gives them fruits three times a year, sweet as honey. The last, fifth century and the human race is iron. It continues now on earth. Night and day, without ceasing, people are ruined by sorrows and exhausting work. The gods send people heavy worries. True, gods and good are mixed with evil, but still there is more evil, it reigns everywhere. Children do not honor their parents; a friend is not faithful to a friend; the guest does not find hospitality; there is no love between brothers. People do not observe this oath, do not value truth and goodness. Each other's cities are being destroyed. Violence reigns everywhere. Only pride and strength are valued. Goddesses Conscience and Justice left people. In their white clothes, they flew up to the high Olympus to the immortal gods, and people were left with only grave troubles, and they have no protection from evil.

The immortal gods living on the bright Olympus created the first human race to be happy; it was a golden age. God Cronus then ruled in heaven. As blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing no care, no work, no sorrow. Nor did they know weak old age; their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Their painless, happy life was an eternal feast. The death that followed their long life was like a calm, quiet sleep. They had everything in abundance during their lifetime. The land itself gave them rich fruits, and they did not have to spend labor on cultivating fields and orchards. Their herds were numerous, and they quietly grazed on fat pastures. The people of the golden age lived serenely. The gods themselves came to them for advice. But the golden age on earth ended, and no one was left of the people of this generation. After death, people of the golden age became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Shrouded in mist, they rush across the earth, defending the truth and punishing evil. So Zeus rewarded them after their death.

The second human race and the second century were no longer as happy as the first. It was the Silver Age. Were not equal

People of the Silver Age, people of the Golden Age, neither by force nor reason. For a hundred years they grew up unreasonable in the homes of their mothers, only when they matured did they leave them. Their life in adulthood was short, and since they were unreasonable, they saw a lot of misfortunes and grief in their lives. The people of the Silver Age were disobedient. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn their sacrifices on the altars, the great son of Cronus Zeus destroyed their family on earth. He was angry with them for not obeying the gods living on bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the shadowy underground kingdom. There they live, knowing neither joy nor sorrow; they, too, are honored by people.

Father Zeus created the third kind and the third century - the copper age. It does not look like silver. From the shaft of a spear, Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the copper age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the land that the gardens and arable land give. Zeus gave them tremendous growth and unbreakable strength. Their heart was indomitable, courageous and their hands were irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were from copper, they worked with copper tools. They did not know dark iron in those days. The people of the copper age destroyed each other with their own hands. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. Strong as they were, the black death took them away, and they left the clear light of the sun.

As soon as this family descended into the kingdom of shadows, immediately the great Zeus created on the earth feeding all the fourth century and a new human race, a more noble, more just, equal to the gods race of demigods-heroes. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-fold Thebes, in the land of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Elena, and sailed across the wide sea in ships. When all of them were kidnapped by death, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. The hero demigods live on the islands of the blessed by the stormy waters of the Ocean, a happy, carefree life. There, the fertile land gives them fruits three times a year, sweet as honey.

The last, fifth century and the human race is iron. It continues now on earth. Night and day, without ceasing, people are ruined by sorrows and exhausting work. The gods send people heavy worries. True, gods and good are mixed with evil, but still there is more evil, it reigns everywhere. Children do not honor their parents; a friend is not faithful to a friend; the guest does not find hospitality; there is no love between brothers. People do not observe this oath, do not value truth and goodness. Each other's cities are being destroyed. Violence reigns everywhere. Only pride and strength are valued. Goddesses Conscience and Justice left people. In their white robes they flew up to the high Olympus to the immortal gods, and people were left with only grave troubles, and they have no protection from evil.

Five centuries

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  3. For a long time, the great and powerful Cronus, the god of Time, reigned in the world, and people called his kingdom the golden age. The first people were just born on Earth then, ...
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  6. At the top of Olympus, where the reserved garden of the gods is laid out among an impregnable cliff, the celestials feasted under the crowns of evergreen trees. Zeus looked into the distance, where in the distant Boeotia, in ...

The immortal gods living on the bright Olympus created the first human race to be happy; it was a golden age. God Cronus then ruled in heaven. As blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing no care, no work, no sorrow. Nor did they know weak old age; their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Their painless, happy life was an eternal feast. The death that followed their long life was like a calm, quiet sleep. They had everything in abundance during their lifetime. The land itself gave them rich fruits, and they did not have to spend labor on cultivating fields and orchards. Their herds were numerous, and they quietly grazed on fat pastures. The people of the golden age lived serenely. The gods themselves came to them for advice. But the golden age on earth ended, and no one was left of the people of this generation. After death, people of the golden age became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Shrouded in mist, they rush across the earth, defending the truth and punishing evil. So Zeus rewarded them after their death.

The second human race and the second century were no longer as happy as the first. It was the Silver Age. The people of the Silver Age were not equal either in strength or reason to the people of the Golden Age. For a hundred years they grew up unreasonable in the homes of their mothers, only when they matured did they leave them. Their life in adulthood was short, and since they were unreasonable, they saw a lot of misfortunes and grief in their lives. The people of the Silver Age were disobedient. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn their sacrifices on the altars, the great son of Cronus Zeus destroyed their family on earth. He was angry with them because they did not obey the gods living on the bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the shadowy underground kingdom. There they live, knowing neither joy nor sorrow; they, too, are honored by people.

Father Zeus created the third kind and the third century - the copper age. It does not look like silver. From the shaft of a spear, Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the copper age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the land that the gardens and arable land give. Zeus gave them tremendous growth and unbreakable strength. Their heart was indomitable, courageous and their hands were irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were from copper, they worked with copper tools. They did not know dark iron in those days. The people of the copper age destroyed each other with their own hands. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. Strong as they were, the black death took them away, and they left the clear light of the sun.

As soon as this family descended into the kingdom of shadows, immediately the great Zeus created on the earth feeding all the fourth century and a new human race, a more noble, more just, equal to the gods race of demigods-heroes. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-fold Thebes, in the land of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Elena, and sailed across the wide sea in ships. When all of them were kidnapped by death, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. The hero demigods live on the islands of the blessed by the stormy waters of the Ocean, a happy, carefree life. There, the fertile land gives them fruits three times a year, sweet as honey.

The last, fifth century and the human race is iron. It continues now on earth. Night and day, without ceasing, people are ruined by sorrows and exhausting work. The gods send people heavy worries. True, gods and good are mixed with evil, but still there is more evil, it reigns everywhere. Children do not honor their parents; a friend is not faithful to a friend; the guest does not find hospitality; there is no love between brothers. People do not observe this oath, do not value truth and goodness. Each other's cities are being destroyed. Violence reigns everywhere. Only pride and strength are valued. Goddesses Conscience and Justice left people. In their white robes, they flew up to the high Olympus to the immortal gods, and people were left with only grave troubles, and they have no protection from evil.

Painful in summer, bad in winter, never pleasant.

In the main part, Hesiod describes the work of the farmer during the year; he calls on the bankrupt brother of Persus to honest labor, which alone can give wealth. The poem ends with a list of "happy and unlucky days." Hesiod is very observant; he introduces vivid descriptions of nature, genre paintings, knows how to rivet the reader's attention with vivid images.

The reason for writing the poem "Works and Days" was the process of Hesiod with his brother Pers because of the division of the land after the death of his father. The poet considered himself offended by the judges from the tribal nobility; at the beginning of the poem, he complains about the venality of these "kings", "gift eaters"

Sons are rarely like fathers, but for the most part

As soon as this race descended into the kingdom of shadows, immediately the great Zeus created on the earth feeding all the fourth century and a new human race, a more noble, more just, equal to the gods race demigods heroes ... And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-fold Thebes, in the land of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Elena, and sailed across the wide sea in ships. When all of them were kidnapped by death, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. The hero demigods live on the islands of the blissful near the stormy waters of the Ocean, a happy, carefree life. There, the fertile land gives them fruits three times a year, sweet as honey.

Then came the Silver Age, when Saturn was overthrown and Jupiter took over the world. Summer, winter and autumn appeared. There were houses, people began to work to get their own food. Then came the copper age

Father Zeus created the third kind and the third century - copper age ... It does not look like silver. From the shaft of a spear, Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the copper age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the land, which are given by gardens and arable land. Zeus gave them tremendous growth and unbreakable strength. Their heart was indomitable, courageous and their hands were irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were from copper, they worked with copper tools. They did not know dark iron in those days. The people of the copper age destroyed each other with their own hands. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. Strong as they were, the black death took them away, and they left the clear light of the sun.

Legends and myths of ancient Greece (ill.) Kun Nikolay Albertovich



Based on Hesiod's poem "Works and Days".

The immortal gods living on the bright Olympus created the first human race to be happy; it was a golden age. God Cronus then ruled in heaven. As blessed gods, people lived in those days, knowing no care, no work, no sorrow. Nor did they know weak old age; their legs and arms were always strong and strong. Their painless and happy life was an eternal feast. The death that followed their long life was like a calm, quiet sleep. They had everything in abundance during their lifetime. The land itself gave them rich fruits, and they did not have to spend labor on cultivating fields and orchards. Their herds were numerous, and they quietly grazed on fat pastures. The people of the golden age lived serenely. The gods themselves came to them for advice. But the golden age on earth ended, and no one was left of the people of this generation. After death, people of the golden age became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Shrouded in mist, they rush across the earth, defending the truth and punishing evil. So Zeus rewarded them after their death.

The second human race and the second century were no longer as happy as the first. It was the Silver Age. The people of the Silver Age were not equal either in strength or reason to the people of the Golden Age. For a hundred years they grew up unreasonable in the homes of their mothers, only when they matured did they leave them. Their life in adulthood was short, and since they were unreasonable, they saw a lot of misfortune and grief in their lives. The people of the Silver Age were disobedient. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn their sacrifices on the altars. The great son of Cronus Zeus destroyed their family on earth. He was angry with them for not obeying the gods living on bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the shadowy underground kingdom. There they live, knowing neither joys nor sorrows; they, too, are honored by people.

Father Zeus created the third kind and the third century - the copper age. It does not look like silver. From the shaft of a spear, Zeus created people - terrible and powerful. The people of the copper age loved pride and war, abundant in groans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the land that the gardens and arable land give. Zeus gave them tremendous growth and unbreakable strength. Their heart was indomitable, courageous and their hands were irresistible. Their weapons were forged from copper, their houses were from copper, they worked with copper tools. They did not know dark iron in those days. The people of the copper age destroyed each other with their own hands. They quickly descended into the dark kingdom of the terrible Hades. Strong as they were, the black death took them away, and they left the clear light of the sun.

As soon as this family descended into the kingdom of shadows, immediately the great Zeus created on the earth feeding all the fourth century and a new human race, a more noble, more just, equal to the gods race of demigods-heroes. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died at the seven-fold Thebes, in the land of Cadmus, fighting for the legacy of Oedipus. Others fell at Troy, where they came for the beautiful-haired Elena, having crossed the wide sea in ships. When all of them were kidnapped by death, Zeus the Thunderer settled them on the edge of the earth, far from living people. The hero demigods live on the islands of the blessed by the stormy waters of the Ocean, a happy, carefree life. There, the fertile land gives them fruits three times a year, sweet as honey.

The last, human race and the fifth century - iron. It continues now on earth. Night and day, without ceasing, people are ruined by sorrows and exhausting work. The gods send people heavy worries. True, gods and good are mixed with evil, but still there is more evil, it reigns everywhere. Children do not honor their parents; a friend is not faithful to a friend; the guest does not find hospitality; there is no love between brothers. People do not observe this oath, do not value truth and goodness. The people of the city destroy each other. Violence reigns everywhere. Only pride and strength are valued. Goddesses Conscience and Justice left people. In their white robes they flew up to the high Olympus to the immortal gods, and people were left with only grave troubles, and they have no protection from evil.

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