
Quotation plan of Masha Mironova from the captain's daughter. The image of wave Mironova. The image of Masha Mironova and Tatiana Larina

A work that arouses not only interest in a specific historical era, but also love for all the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, is his famous novel "The Captain's Daughter", the background of which is the most important historical event - the Pugachev uprising.

Historical tale

The idea to turn to a historical story arose in the author's mind under the influence of the contemporary social situation that had developed in the 1830s. But why then was the work named so - "The Captain's Daughter"? After all, the central place, according to many researchers, is occupied by the relationship between Pugachev and Grinev, a peasant tsar and a nobleman. However, it is this girl who affects the latter. Let us dwell in more detail on the character of this heroine - consider in the story "The Captain's Daughter".

The first impression of Petr Grinev

Alexander Sergeevich rather succinctly portrays the main character. The daughter was a girl of about eighteen, ruddy, chubby, with light blond hair. She was not beautiful, but she was not ugly either. It is worth noting that the heroine is modest, shy - she is always silent and often blushes. At first, this girl does not make any impression on Grinev. However, his attitude towards her soon changed. The heroes get to know each other, and Grinev finds in Masha Mironova a sensitive and sensible girl. Some feeling arises in his soul. And only in the 5th chapter, Alexander Sergeevich calls him openly to us - this is love.

Noble act

It is worth paying attention to Masha's care during Grinev's illness after he was wounded in a duel with Shvabrin. At first glance, the integrity and simplicity of her feelings are incomprehensible, since the heroes are connected only by spiritual closeness. But only at the beginning of the reading the image of Masha Mironova in the story "The Captain's Daughter" seems a little vague.

8th grade high school includes the study of this work, so you can refer to the literature textbook and find more detailed analysis... We will dwell only on a brief summary.

Grinev, during his illness, realizes that he really loves Masha, and proposes to her. But she does not promise anything, only makes it clear that she shares this feeling. Grinev's parents do not give permission to marry the captain's daughter, therefore Marya Ivanovna, sacrificing her feelings for the sake of her beloved, refuses to marry him. This is the image of Masha Mironova in the story "The Captain's Daughter" short description the main qualities of this girl. However, it should be supplemented by indicating that our heroine belonged to her own environment, the patriarchal tradition.

Patriarchal tradition

The image of Masha Mironova in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is closely connected with the Christian religion. After all, the heroine was brought up in the old patriarchal traditions, according to which marriage without parental consent was considered a great sin. The girl knows that Grinev's father is a man with a tough disposition, and he will never forgive Peter for marrying against his will. The heroine does not want to hurt her beloved, interfere with his consent with parents and family happiness. This shows her sacrifice and firmness of character. It's hard for Masha, but she leaves her beloved.

The image of Masha Mironova in the story "The Captain's Daughter": Briefly About Transformation

The decisiveness and firmness of the character of the heroine are fully revealed after the hostilities, which resulted in the death of Masha's parents, after which she is left alone. Subsequent events greatly transform the image of Masha Mironova in the story of their next. Shvabrin, a villain seeking the girl's favor, puts her in a punishment cell, not allowing anyone to see the prisoner, giving her only water and bread. Thus, he hoped to get consent to the proposal, since Marya Ivanovna did not want to voluntarily go down the aisle with him. Only one person lived in her heart - Pyotr Grinev. In the face of danger, in the days of loss and trials, she remains steadfast, does not lose faith. Before us is no longer a shy coward, but a firm in convictions and brave girl. This is a completely different image of Masha Mironova in the story "The Captain's Daughter". She is threatened with death, but she does not give in to Shvabrin, because she hates him. This quiet girl suddenly throws him words that it is better to dare to die than to marry him.

Masha has a strong will. On her hard lot, tests fall, which the girl withstands with honor. The lover is taken to prison. And a shy, modest girl, left without both parents, considers it her duty to save Pyotr Grinev, for which she goes to St. Petersburg. She confesses to the Empress that she is asking for "mercy, not justice." During the scene with Catherine II, the character of this simple Russian girl is fully revealed, who has found in herself enough "mind and heart", determination and fortitude to ensure that her innocent groom is acquitted. This is how the image of Masha Mironova in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is transformed. Summary the chapters of this work makes it possible to trace all these changes.

National female character

Masha Mironova embodies the greatness of ordinary Russian people. She is the bearer of the inherent Russian woman. She and heroes like her, who are free from ambitious impulses and ecstatic heat, serve the triumph of humanity and truth. Masha Mironova, like Tatyana Larina, embodies simple but natural features of the national Russian female character.

Pushkin shows the complex contradictions between ethical and political collisions that the heroes face. What is politically just turns out to be cruel and inhuman. The composition of the novel is built symmetrically. First, the heroine finds herself in trouble: the laws of the peasant revolution threaten her happiness and ruin the girl's family. Grinev goes to the king and saves his beloved. Then this hero finds himself in trouble, and already Masha goes to the queen in order to save the groom.

Decisive action

First, a timid girl appears in front of the reader, whose mother says that she is a "coward". Masha is a dowry woman who has nothing but a comb, a broom, "and an altyna of money." Gradually, her character is revealed - Marya Ivanovna turns out to be a sensitive and prudent girl, capable of sincere and deep love... However, the innate nobility hinders her happiness, does not allow the heroine to compromise her principles. The girl refuses him only because she did not receive parental blessing on him. But then the "Pugachev rebels" come to the fortress, and the life around him changes dramatically, and with it the position of Masha. She turns out to be a prisoner of Shvabrin. It seems that a timid and weak girl will obey the will of this villain. But Masha suddenly shows the character traits that had been dormant in her until then. She resolutely refuses the offer of Alexei Ivanovich, preferring to die.

New challenge

Gradually saved by Grinev and Pugachev, Marya Ivanovna finally finds peace of mind. But then fate sends her a new test: Pyotr Grinev is tried as a traitor. Only Masha can prove his innocence. And she finds the determination and strength to go to the court of Catherine II and seek her protection. The fate of the beloved is entirely in these fragile hands. The girl manages to restore justice and save Pyotr Grinev.


It is no coincidence that the novel was named "The Captain's Daughter", in honor of this girl. She is the true heroine of this work. Masha's best features will then appear in female characterscreated by Turgenev, Tolstoy, Ostrovsky and Nekrasov. The image of Masha Mironova in the story "The Captain's Daughter" thus greatly influenced the development female image in Russian literature.

Masha Mironova is one of the main characters in the story "The Captain's Daughter". And she can be safely considered the purest and most good-natured hero of the novel. She shows sincere feelings, without fear of any difficulties and obstacles. The image of Masha Mironova is presented to the reader by an ordinary Russian girl, with ruddy cheeks and light brown tied hair. Masha had a lot of misfortunes and misfortunes, but no one can break her core, despite her timidity. Masha was a rather poor bride, who had absolutely no dowry. However, she did not agree to marry, not for love for Shvabrin. She said that not for any well-being, she would not kiss a man at the altar without mutual sympathy and feelings.

And her tender girlish heart blossomed with love for Petr Grinev. She dared to admit it to him, Masha reciprocated. But the only obstacle to their happiness was that Peter's parents were against their union, and Masha, in turn, would never marry without a blessing. Masha tried for a long time to overcome her love for Peter, and even though it was extremely difficult for her.

In the future, a strong shock awaited the girl, her parents were executed, and Shvabrin was forcefully taken by her, trying to marry her strongly. Salvation in the person of Pugachev caused double feelings in the girl's soul, on the one hand, this is the killer of her parents, and on the other, her savior. As a result, Pugachev pardoned her and Peter. They went to his parents, who, having got to know the girl better, sincerely fell in love with her and accepted her as their own daughter.

Another test that fell on Masha's fragile shoulders was the arrest of her beloved right before the wedding. But this did not break the girl, but on the contrary made her, by all means save the groom. She was even lucky enough to talk to the Empress and tell her everything that happened in her life, and how important it is for her to be close to Peter. As a result, the clouds over Masha and Peter dispelled, and they were together again.

Composition 2

"The Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the greatest and inimitable work of literature. The central character around whom the whole plot revolves is Pyotr Grinev. But many people consider a heroine named Masha Mironova to be the main character of a historical novel. This happens for a reason, but absolutely deservedly.

Masha Mironova is an eighteen-year-old girl, the daughter of a captain Belogorsk fortress... Her appearance was very pretty: a pleasant face, blonde hair. Masha was always quite modest, squeezed, distinguished by her simplicity and ease. Her mother, Vasilisa Yegorovna, decided for her own daughter that she needed to marry the first person she met. But Masha was of the opposite opinion and could not imagine marriage without high feelings for a partner. It was this reason that once served as a refusal to Shvabrin.

Having met Pyotr Grinev, they both had high feelings for each other. These feelings increase even more when Masha looked after and did not leave Peter for a second after being wounded. The lovers decide to marry, but Masha wants to do everything right and wants the approval of Peter's parents. The young man leaves for a while. At this time, the Mironov fortress was captured, and the girl's parents were executed. Shvabrin takes Masha prisoner and morally presses on her, asks for her hand in marriage. But she would not betray her principles even under the pretext of a painful death. The girl manages to send a letter to Grinev, and he immediately saves her. But not one saves, but with Pugachev, who was the killer of her parents. The girl's heart was breaking with pain and the contradictions of the situation. Another tragedy happens: the arrest of Peter. Without hesitation, Masha decides to save her beloved from exile and goes to talk with the empress. It is here that a new side of Masha, previously unknown, opens up for the reader. Not a drop of the usual modesty and embarrassment remains from the girl, she becomes confident and courageous. Seeking the release of Peter, Masha appears as a heroine.

Masha Mironova appears in Pushkin's novel as a real Russian girl who combines courage, tenacity and fortitude. Throughout the novel, you can see the development of the heroine, because at first she was afraid even of a shot, and now she is able to cope with the most difficult tests. Masha is the person who is determined not by words, but by actions.

Characteristics and image of Masha Mironova from the Captain's daughter

Maria Mironova is the heroine of the story "The Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

This young girl is the daughter of Captain Mironov, the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress.

The appearance of Masha Mironova is not particularly remarkable: a ruddy round face and blonde hair tied behind her ears. Her mother thinks she is a coward. Shvabrin, who was rejected by her, calls her an absolute fool.

As you read the story, you begin to understand that Masha is an innocent, kind and sincere person. She is sweet and friendly with people.

The girl had a difficult fate - the execution of her parents. The girl perceives this painfully, but does not lose heart and fights for her life.

Masha's steadfast character is shown when Shvabrin keeps the girl locked up, demanding to become his wife. Threats do not frighten her, the young lady declares that it is better to die than to live with an unloved person.

Her beloved Pyotr Grinev negotiates with Pugachev and saves the girl.

She goes to Peter's parents. Peter's mother and father, who was initially against the marriage of their son, warmly welcome Masha. They are imbued with her and surround the orphaned girl with attention and care.

Being rescued and safe, she learns that her beloved Pyotr Grinev was unjustly arrested. The girl feels guilty about the arrest of her lover. She hides her tears from others, and looks for ways to achieve his release. Masha goes to the Empress to ask for pardon for Peter.

A modest, one might even say timid girl, shows strength of character, perseverance and determination. She is ready at all costs to free and justify her fiance.

She tells the Empress about how Perth saved her and convinces the Empress of his innocence. Her story touched the empress. He was so sincere that the empress not only pity Pyotr Grinev, but also promises to arrange the girl's welfare.

The further fate of the girl is going well. She becomes Peter's wife and they have children, and then grandchildren.

The character of Masha Mironova deserves respect and arouses the deepest sympathy. The young girl endures all the blows of fate with dignity. Her pure soul and open heart win over. She truly loves. For the sake of her love, the girl is ready to sacrifice herself and commit bold and desperate actions.

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    decisive, fair. However, my attention was attracted most of all by Masha Mironova - the main character of the work, the daughter of Captain Mironov.

    Masha's life takes place in the Belogorsk fortress, the commandant of which is her father. The portrait of the girl is unremarkable: she is about eighteen years old, she is "chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair, slicked back behind her ears." The mother considers her a "coward", and the evil Shvabrin characterizes the girl as "a complete fool."

    However, further acquaintance shows that Masha has many virtues: she is a cordial, sincere, sweet, "prudent and sensitive" girl. Her even character and friendliness cannot leave others indifferent.

    Once in a critical situation, Masha reveals herself from a new side. She shows unprecedented fortitude and fortitude, finding herself in the hands of the hated Shvabrin. A defenseless girl cannot be broken by either force or threats; she is ready to die rather than agree to marry an unloved person. Left without parents, separated from her fiancé, Masha decides to fight for her happiness alone.

    Having learned about the arrest of Pyotr Grinev and about his accusation of treason and betrayal, she goes to St. Petersburg with the intention of submitting a petition to the Empress. Confident in the innocence of her beloved, she so simply and sincerely talks about his relationship with the rebel leader Pugachev that she won over Ekaterina P. “By personal order” Grinev is released from prison, in addition, the empress undertakes to arrange the state of the orphaned Masha.

    I believe that Masha Mironova is one of the best heroines in Russian literature. It harmoniously combines tenderness and willpower, femininity and determination, sensuality and intelligence. Acquaintance with this girl evokes sincere sympathy and affection. I really want to become like Masha, because I consider her the ideal woman.

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      Masha Mironova is the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, “chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair”. By nature, she was cowardly: she was afraid even of a rifle shot. Masha lived rather isolated, lonely; suitors ...

      A very special role in the novel is played by Grinev's dream, which he sees immediately after the first meeting with the counselor-Pugachev. The lack of study of Pushkin's realism of the 1830s leads to the fact that the symbolic principle in him is ignored, not taken into account ...

      The image and character of Shvabrin in the story Captain's daughter Shvabrin is an aristocrat who previously served in the guard and was exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for a duel. He is smart, educated, eloquent, witty, resourceful. But to the people, to everything that does not concern his personal ...

      Just as "The Bronze Horseman" is associated with "The History of Peter", so Pushkin's "Captain's Daughter" grows out of the "History of Pugachev". In the mature period of his work, Pushkin is an artist based on his own historical research and works, which put his imagination ...

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    Masha Mironova is the main character Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter". This character generated controversy among critics and readers alike. Against the general background of the novel, the girl looks "colorless" and uninteresting. Marina Tsvetaeva, analyzing this work of Pushkin, argued that the whole trouble of Masha Mironova was that Grinev loved her, but Pushkin did not love her at all. Because of this, the image of the girl in the novel turned out to be spectacular and somewhat useless.

    Personality characteristic

    Masha Mironova was not a girl with an unusual appearance. On the contrary, her appearance was quite typical, although not devoid of pleasant, pretty qualities. At the same time, Masha possessed an exceptional inner peace - she was an extremely kind and sweet girl.

    Not much is known about the girl's appearance: the girl was chubby and ruddy. She had light blond hair and an angelic voice. Masha always dressed simply, but at the same time very cute.

    Masha is a sensitive person. She is ready for a feat for love. Mironova sincerely worries about Grinev after the duel and personally cares for the wounded, however, as Grinev recovers, the girl moves away from Pyotr Andreevich, as she realizes possible consequences her further behavior and possible consequences - Masha understands that her behavior is on the border of what is permissible and can easily move to the plane of indecent.

    In general, Masha is a modest and decent girl. Her love for Grinev, although it is a passionate feeling, still does not become fatal - Masha behaves decently and does not go beyond what is permissible.

    Dear Readers! We bring to your attention in the novel by A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

    Masha is smart and well-mannered. It is easy to find a topic for conversation with her and develop it. The girl does not know how to be mean and flirtatious, like most girls noble origin... This quality was especially attractive to Grinev.


    Masha was born in the family of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress Ivan Kuzmich Mironov and his wife Vasilisa Yegorovna. Parents raised their daughter, relying on traditional requirements and principles of upbringing. Masha was the only child in the family. The girl belonged to the nobility, but her family was not rich. This financial situation significantly complicated Masha's life and reduced her chances of getting married to the level of a miracle. Masha did not have any dowry, according to her mother, "a frequent comb, and a broom, and an altyn of money (God forgive me!), With what to go to the bathhouse."

    We bring to your attention which were written by A. Pushkin.

    Mironova's father and mother were good people. Between the spouses, until the last days, a tender, quivering relationship has been preserved. This could not but affect the girl's perception of family life - to some extent we can say that for Masha her parents became an example of an ideal family. The girl, although she was brought up in reverence for the older generation and parents, was not deprived of friendly communication with her parents, a warm, trusting relationship was established between them.

    After the capture of the fortress by Pugachev, Ivan Kuzmich was hanged because of his refusal to go over to the side of the rebels. Vasilisa Yegorovna, seeing the hanging body of her husband, began to reproach the robbers for their actions, for which, on the orders of Pugachev, she was killed - the woman's body lay for some time in the middle of the yard, then, however, it was pulled aside and covered with matting.

    Relationship between Masha and Shvabrin

    Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin was a military officer with five years of experience. He was not handsome either externally or internally. The anger and greed that overwhelmed him did not allow him to find harmony with the world around him and become happy person... However, Shvabrin was not alien to other manifestations of human feelings and emotions. In parallel with sarcasm, love for Masha arises in Shvabrin's soul. Unfortunately, Alexey Ivanovich did not have to wait for a reciprocal feeling. Masha was disgusted with Shvabrin. The young man did not manage to hide his real essence from Mironova.

    Realizing all the impossibility of "getting" Masha in an honest way, besides being spurred on by jealousy, Alexey Ivanovich decides to take the opportunity to find his happiness with Masha. After the seizure of the fortress by Pugachev, he secretly keeps Masha in custody, hoping that the girl's will will be broken and she will agree to the marriage: “On the floor, in a peasant's torn dress sat Marya Ivanovna, pale, thin, with disheveled hair.

    Before her stood a jug of water, covered with a slice of bread. Shvabrin tells Pugachev that Masha is his wife, and when the deception was revealed, she asks the "sovereign" for pardon for her act.

    Relationship between Masha and Grinev

    The relationship between Masha and Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is developing in a completely different way. Pyotr Andreevich prefers to draw conclusions about people on his own, so Shvabrin's lie, who tried to portray Masha as a dishonest, stupid girl, was soon discovered. The subtle mental organization of Grinev and the sympathy that arose allowed the relationship between young people to reach a new level and rather quickly develop into true mutual love.

    After the duel, young people confess their feelings to each other, Grinev proposes to Masha. However, flushed by the denunciation of Shvabrin, the father of Pyotr Andreyevich, rejects the possibility of such a marriage.

    Grinev was very upset by this decision of his father. Masha, after a while, resigned herself to this state of affairs, deciding that it was not destiny for him and Grinev to become husband and wife.

    However, the girl's feelings towards the young officer did not fade away. After the death of his parents, Pyotr Andreyevich becomes the closest and dearest person in Masha's life. Grinev, risking his life, saves Masha from the captivity of Shvabrin, thereby making himself a final enemy. At the trial, Shvabrin does not neglect the opportunity to complicate the life of his enemy - he slanders Grinev and as a result, Pyotr Andreyevich ends up in the dock. However, selfless Masha saves him from the court decision, who is ready to commit even the most unthinkable acts for the sake of her beloved - she goes to the Empress, hoping for justice.

    Thus, Masha Mironova can be identified with the classic version of the ideal Russian woman - modest, kind, ready for feat and self-sacrifice, but Masha Mironova does not possess any unusual, unique qualities - her spinelessness and colorlessness do not allow her to become a strong personality, such as, for example , Tatiana Larina from the novel "Eugene Onegin".

    One of the most beloved by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, female literary images, created by himself, was Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter. The characterization of it, given by the author in one of the first Russian works of prose, really touches. The plot of the story is taken from the memoirs of a fifty-year-old nobleman Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. But, as literary critics testify, the heroine herself has a non-memoir origin. The story "The Captain's Daughter" was creatively created. Masha Mironova, figuratively speaking, was created by Pushkin based on the type of woman he himself saw. The prototype of Masha's appearance and character was Marya Vasilievna Borisova, the daughter of the Tver nobleman Vasily Grigorievich Borisov. At the Christmas ball in 1829, given in the town of Staritsa, Tver province, by a local merchant, Sergeevich saw this young lady, danced and talked with her.

    Living with parents

    Pyotr Grinev, who came to serve, sees how calm and measured the captain's daughter is. The characteristic of Masha Mironova is common for a simple Russian girl. The eighteen-year-old lady, by the will of fate, is uneducated, since she lives "in a bear's corner" - in Where can we get teachers here? The head of the family, currying favor with ordinary soldiers, is the commandant of the fortress. Masha's mother - Vasilisa Yegorovna - "baba-thunder", she is actually the head of the family. The woman leads the way of life "in the folk way", not boasting of origin from poor nobles. She, dressed in the common people, is equally in charge of pickles and affairs in the fortress. Her daughter is constantly helping her with the housework. In fact, making all decisions and feeling her superiority, Vasilisa respects her husband, always calling him by name and patronymic - Ivan Kuzmich. Therefore, family relationships are good and harmonious. The Mironovs have only one girl as a servant - the mother and daughter handled almost all matters themselves.

    The mother calls her daughter, fair-haired, chubby, ruddy, a coward. However, as we can see from the plot, cowardice is not her element. In the story, the main plot load is carried by Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter. Her characteristic fascinates: naive, gentle, timid, very feminine. The girl's speech is common, but her speech turns indicate everything she heard, she comprehends, lets through herself, as evidenced by the following quotes: "I ... died", "he ... is disgusting to me", "worried me ...". She, of course, lacks education, but her thinking is developed and figurative.

    If necessary, the girl is able to show a firm and decisive character. Masha does not adapt to circumstances. It would seem that for her, a dowry woman, it is beneficial to marry a non-poor gentleman who presents her (meaning the aristocrat Shvabrin, exiled to the fortress because of a duel), but she refuses gifts, since her natural, natural insight allows her to see meanness in this person and meanness. And even being head over heels in love with Grinev, the girl adheres to strict moral principles, does not agree with the proposal young man marry without the blessing of parents. Undoubtedly, Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter, is depicted as a whole and honest girl. The characterization of the girl given by Pushkin is different than, for example, in the work "Eugene Onegin". Masha is shown as a girl capable of deed and sacrifice.

    Orphaned Masha

    With her resilience, she is similar to her mother, Vasilisa Yegorovna. When the garrison of the fortress (and, in fact, a small village behind a wooden palisade) was threatened by an attack by Yemelyan Pugachev's army, she, having sent her daughter to her relatives in Orenburg, stayed to share her husband's fate. After the rebellious Cossacks hanged Ivan Kuzmich and took her out of the house, stripped naked, Masha's mother, without a shadow of fear, without asking for mercy, asked the torturers for the same death, next to her husband.

    Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter, endured the grief of loss. Her characterization is more than convincing. Masha, a worthy daughter of her mother, is not afraid when the oath-breaker Shvabrin, who had sworn allegiance to Pugachev, imprisoned her by force, demanding to marry him. She as a gift from God perceived her release by Peter Grinev, accomplished not without the help of Pugachev himself (the help was provided by the ataman out of respect for Grinev, although he remained faithful to Tsarina Catherine). Grinev's parents, where the orphaned Masha went, took her as their own. All caste prejudices were discarded by them. A kind and honest girl became like a daughter to them. They loved her dearly.

    When the beloved was arrested, suspecting of complicity, the girl found the courage to approach the only person who was able to save the person doomed to death - the queen. Sincere, open Masha found the words that convinced Catherine the Great.


    The spiritual beauty of a person does not depend on his well-being. The story "The Captain's Daughter" is very touching, for the first time in Russian literature two non-aristocrats are shown - Peter Grinev and Masha Mironova, sacrificing themselves for each other, in love with each other. They are both brave and noble, able not to wait for their fate, but to resist the vicissitudes of fate. But one thing is beyond doubt: in fact, Masha will become the head of their family, and she, like her mother, will take on the main burden of family responsibilities.