
Lubricant gel for what they are needed. Intimate lubricant: which one to choose, types, price in a pharmacy. Purpose and application of graphite lubricant in engineering

Not always our sexual desires correspond to the possibilities. Nature herself took care that sex was as comfortable as possible, but this is not always the case. With age, due to the individual characteristics of the body, sometimes women experience pain, discomfort, irritation after childbirth during intercourse, dryness of the genital organs is felt, which in some cases leads to microtrauma. A water-based intimate gel lubricant and other types of lubricants will help fix such problems.

They also have other uses. Lubricants with pheromones (for arousal), for enhancing libido and prolonging sexual intercourse, for anal sex, specialized for women or only for men, etc. have been invented. Below we will try to answer the main questions: why do you need to use a lubricant, what it is better to use, and you can understand which intimate lubricant will be more convenient for you.

There are many types of intimate lubricants available. Depending on what one or the other is needed for, they are divided into several groups:

  • Exciting. They contain substances that can increase libido, sexual desire.
  • Flavored. Many of this category have an edible composition, which is due to the peculiarities of the application - they can be used for oral sex. However, this does not exclude the use for other types of sexual intercourse.
  • With a healing effect. They can be with panthenol and other healing components, therefore they have not only a protective function, but also in some way healing.
  • To prolong sexual intercourse with an anesthetic. Often they contain menthol, which reduces the sensitivity of the delicate skin of the penis, which will delay ejaculation.
  • For anal sex. With increased sliding effect. May contain an anesthetic and a healing component.
  • Warming. The substances that make up this type of lubricant gels slightly warm the skin when rubbed, which creates unusual sensations.

The description of the lubricant usually contains all the information about what it is for and how it is used. Therefore, before buying, it is advisable to study the instructions, reviews of the product found on the Internet, and after that make a choice which lubricant will be best for you and your partner.

Gels are also divided into different types according to their composition. Three main types of lubricants are currently produced:

  • Water based. The most popular and widespread due to price, quality, ease of use and safety.
  • Silicone intimate lubricant. Has a longer drying time. Need lovers of long sex. However, the reviews of some people indicate the difficulty of removing the product from the body. Naturally, this is a difficulty only when compared with water-based gels. In general, silicone grease is also inexpensive and does not harm health.
  • Oil based. Leading brands have practically abandoned the widespread production of this type of lubricant. This comes after studies showing that oil-based lubricants can adversely affect the latex of condoms and some sex toys.

Most lubricants contain many additional components that can improve sliding properties. Glycerin also belongs to this group. Be careful: reviews of some researchers say that due to a certain effect on the vaginal environment, it can cause the development of a fungal infection in women with prolonged use.


In general, all intimate lubricant gels have a common purpose - to improve the quality of sex. Their main functions can be summarized as follows:

  • Protective. Due to the sliding qualities, the risk of injury to the delicate mucous membrane of the genital organs is reduced.
  • Able to replace natural lubrication. This function is relevant for some women who, after childbirth, due to diseases of the female genital organs, with age, there is a decrease in the amount of natural lubrication during intercourse. The gel in these cases reduces pain and irritation.
  • They give variety and sharpen the senses.
  • Helps prevent infection with various infections. Of course, no gel can protect against serious sexually transmitted diseases, but it will definitely help against some ailments due to antiseptic properties.
  • Moisturizing and mucosal care.

Before you buy a lubricant, think about what you want to achieve when using it, do you have some kind of physiological need to use it, or just have a desire to decorate sexual relationships. The correct answer to this question will help you choose the right lubricant gel.

Popular brands

It is not so easy to choose the right gel lubricant right away. To help you decide, here are the most popular lubricants that are often mentioned in customer reviews and are designated as bestsellers on their respective sites:

  • Hasiko gel lubricant for women. From the name it is clear that Hasico lubricant is needed for ladies. Lubricant is water-based, so it does not affect the pH of the vagina, which is important for health. It can be used with a lack of natural lubrication after childbirth, in the menopause, etc. Due to its excellent sliding and moisturizing properties, it protects the vulnerable mucous membrane, improves the quality of sex, reduces the risk of damage and discomfort.

Hasiko for women contains panthenol, which has protective and even healing properties. The lubricant does not affect the latex, so it can be freely used in conjunction with a condom. It must be remembered that it does not have a spermicidal effect, therefore, use for contraceptive purposes is unacceptable.

  • Intimate lubricant with Kanpo pheromones. The composition of the gel includes a special substance osmoferin, which has an exciting effect. Lubrication has a positive effect on libido and sexual activity in men. In addition, Kanpo contains:
  1. Tea tree, calendula and aloe extracts with antiseptic properties.
  2. Rosehip extract. Heals and acts bactericidal.
  3. Menthyl lactate. A substance that is a compound of menthol. When applied, it cools the skin, slightly reduces sensitivity, which means that it can also be used to prolong sexual intercourse.

  • Sico lubricants. Under this brand, not the only intimate lubricant is produced. The most popular Sico products are:
  1. Sico aquagel with moisturizing effect. It is water-based, so it does not leave marks on the linen, and is also neutral for the pH of the vaginal environment. Can be used after childbirth and menopause if there is a lack of natural lubrication. This type of lubricant is compatible with a condom.
  2. Sico Eroticgel. Increases blood supply to the genitals, improves erection, can be used to lengthen sexual intercourse. Be careful: Sico is made on a glycerin basis.
  3. Sico tea tree oil (with tea tree oil and aloe vera extract). Ideal for vaginal and anal sex. It has healing, regenerating healing effects. Compatible with condoms and other latex sex products. Please note that for ease of use, Sico has a dispenser.
  • Gel Forceman. This silicone lubricant is needed to maximize the prolongation of sexual intercourse. Suitable for both vaginal and anal sex. Easily fits in your pocket, as the volume of the bottle is only 25 ml. Sufficiently viscous texture provides perfect glide and maximum comfort.
  • Gel lubricant Visit. Several types of lubricants of this brand are popular:
  1. Gel lubricant Vizit erotic. Colorless intimate lubricant based on glycerin. Compatible with condoms. It has a slight stimulating effect, enhances arousal. Can be used to prolong sexual intercourse.
  2. Visit gel Glamor strawberry. Transparent, water-based, has a pleasant berry aroma, so it will give a novelty of sensations and refresh familiar relationships.
  • Intimate Lubricant Superglide Coconut. It has an edible composition and is needed mainly for oral sex. It is water-based, so it is harmless and leaves no residue.

Alternative lubricants

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to replace intimate lubricant and what is the best way to do it. Let's look at what substances most often come to mind:

  1. Edible oils and fats.
  2. Cosmetic products: creams, gels, soaps.
  3. Food products (for example, crushed banana).
  4. Petrolatum.

It should be noted that in most situations this type of alternative lubricant is not the best solution for both vaginal and anal sex. You can apply whipped cream, various crushed fruits on intact skin, but using them as a lubricant is unhygienic. In some situations, such experiments during intercourse end in inflammatory processes, irritation, and fungal infections. Therefore, it is better to ask the question, are such experiments necessary if the use of special lubricants is available?

Mode of application

The method of application of any lubricant is similar. The instructions say that you can use the lubricant like this:

  • A small amount of lubricant must be squeezed out of the tube onto your hand.
  • Apply lubricant to the genitals of both partners. Please note that if a condom is used, it must be lubricated.
  • After sex, it is advisable to wash off the remnants of the lubricant with running warm water.

As you can see, it's really nothing complicated. The main thing is to read the purpose of a particular type and use the lubricant for its intended purpose.


You can buy various types of gels in pharmacies or online stores, while looking at the price on the site and comparing it with the cost of the pharmacy range. The reputation of the brand, the quality of the product, the purpose and the complexity of the combination of substances in the composition of the lubricant - all these factors will affect the final price of the product. We compared the cost of the most popular products and deduced the average.

Durex is a world renowned manufacturer. The company produces various lines, which include products for intimate needs.

Products include barrier contraceptives, lubricating gels for sexual intercourse, various accessories. Let's take a closer look at Durex intimate lubricants and consider their pros and cons.

It happens that women secrete little secret during sexual intercourse, or it does not stand out at all. There can be many reasons for this: constant stress, menopause and hormonal changes, past pregnancy, surgical interventions and simply lack of sleep.

Due to the fact that the vagina is not sufficiently hydrated, a woman loses interest in sex, intimate life almost stops: it is difficult for her to achieve excitement and get an orgasm.

Special gels and lubricants help to cope with this problem: they relieve dryness in the vagina and give an exciting effect.

After using the intimate gel, a woman wakes up sexual desire, there is a desire to have sex. Such a tool increases the tone of the muscle tissue of the vagina and helps to normalize its acid balance.

Composition and rules of use

As a rule, sexual contact, which occurs when a woman is not sufficiently warmed up, has unpleasant consequences - microtrauma of the internal or external genital organs. The use of lubricants eliminates this problem.

Durex lube creates a protective wet layer that reduces contact friction and avoids tearing. Some types of products for intimate use carry additional functions of arousal or cooling.

The main component used by the manufacturer is water that has gone through several stages of purification. A water-based lubricant has the advantage of being the lightest, almost weightless film and can be used with a condom.

Oil-based intimate gels or silicone lubricants can only be used separately from a barrier contraceptive, since the oil base destroys the latex.

The composition also includes components such as propylene glycol, benzoic acid, hydroxyethylene cellulose, sodium saccharin, glycerol, sodium hydroxide, flavors.

Gel lubricants, designed to increase the degree of arousal in a woman, contain ethyl nicotinate. It improves blood flow by heating the surface of the erogenous zone. The rush of blood to the pelvic organs causes a desire in a woman and allows you to start a sexual act without foreplay. It is important to know that such products are not intended to moisturize the vagina, and it is forbidden to apply them to the inner walls of the genital organs, as this causes a slight burning sensation. Frequent misuse may cause irritation.

In order to apply the Durex gel for its intended purpose, you need to open the package and squeeze 2-3 drops of the gel mass into the palm of your hand. After that, apply the product on the genitals or on the condom. Residues after sexual intercourse are washed off with warm water without soap.
Since the drug is water-based, it does not leave greasy marks and streaks when in contact with clothes and bed linen. It has a sticky, stretchy texture.

Precautionary measures

Like any cosmetic product, the lubricant must first be tested for an allergic reaction.

To do this, apply a drop of the product to the open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and wait half an hour. If after this time the allergen has not shown itself in any way, then the lubricant can be safely used.

The use of the tool must be strictly according to the instructions:

  1. You can not take the mixture inside.
  2. If the product gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of clean cool water.
  3. Keep out of the mouth: oral sex after the classic act with lubrication is better to refuse.

The drug has no effect on the reproductive function of women or men. Its use can only slow down the entry of sperm into the uterus, as a result of which the chance of an egg being fertilized will decrease.


The company produces several types of intimate products. Their composition and purpose distinguishes them from each other. Allocate:

These are classic water-based intimate products that have a transparent color and a thick consistency. Are issued in standard packings on 50 ml. Assume storage in a dry, dark place, away from sunlight and children. Opened packaging retains its properties for three months. Storage conditions are standard for the entire Durex line.

Means from the manufacturer Durex have no medical contraindications.

Durex Play Feel

The intimate gel is sold in a blue package. Has no smell. The gel is transparent, rather liquid.

Play Feel is a neutral lubricant and does not give additional effects. It well moisturizes the surface of the genital organs and the vaginal mucosa, due to which it makes sexual contact comfortable. Protects against microtrauma and tissue ruptures.

Retail price from 180 rubles.

Durex Play Pina Colada

The packaging is bright yellow. The transparent formula differs from the classic version only by the addition of a sensual smell of the rainforest. Notes of pineapple with a milky tint cause an indescribable feeling of lightness, help to liberate the partner.

Reviews from couples who used this product in their intimate relationships are very different, however, both men and women agree that it is a must to try Durex Play Pina Colada.

Price - from 340 rubles.

Durex Play Very Cherry

The gel is presented in a dark cherry color package. It is liquid and transparent.

When in contact with moisture, the lubricant becomes slippery. Does not stick to the skin and things, does not leave marks and greasy film. It has excellent moisturizing properties and is suitable for prolonged sexual intercourse.

It has a specific smell of cherry, not reminiscent of a chemical one. When used, the effect of the presence of natural berries is created.

The cost of goods in retail pharmacies is from 300 rubles.

Durex Play Heat

Lubricant is in orange-red package of standard volume. Transparent, odorless liquid intimate gel. It does not evaporate for a long time from the surface where it was applied.

In addition to performing its standard moisturizing function, it also gives another interesting effect. By stimulating nerve receptors, the intimate gel causes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Due to this, the erogenous zone is heated, the excitement increases.

The lubricant should be applied only to the external genitalia: getting inside, the gel causes a burning sensation of the vaginal mucosa.

To make the warming effect more noticeable, it is recommended to blow on a drop of gel before application.

Price - from 500 rubles.

Durex Play Sweet Strawberry

The gel is presented in a bright pink package. Transparent, viscous.

Reviews about this lubricant are mixed. On the one hand are the couples who claim that the scent of strawberries is the most attractive of the entire Durex line.

Strawberry lubricant is quite liquid, has a sticky structure, due to which there is a desire to use more intimate gel. However, this impression is deceptive: the consumption of Durex Play Sweet Strawberry is the same as the consumption of any other product from this manufacturer.

The smell has notes of sweet summer strawberries. The aroma is quite persistent and does not disappear, even if the intimacy process took a long time.

Easily rinsed off with water. Price - from 320 rubles.

Durex Play Tingle

It has blue packaging, like Durex Play Feel. Transparent gel with excellent glide properties. The lubricant has a thick consistency, Play Tingle has no smell.

Such a lubricant will be of interest to couples who want to diversify their intimate life. In addition to the usual moisturizing, the gel gives a tingling effect to the skin and cools the areas to which it was applied.

In the first minutes of use, disappointment may come - the gel will warm the genitals rather than cool them. This is because at first it irritates the nerve receptors and provides a rush of blood, which increases arousal. The effect of frost comes after 3-5 minutes.

Series Durex Play stimulating Massage

Durex Play stimulating Massage is a series of water-based helium lubricants that are used not only as a moisturizer applied to the genitals. The composition of the gel allows you to use it as a massage oil.

It can be applied to any part of the body during sexual games. Unlike the Durex Play series, which comes in a 50 ml package, Stimulating Massage has a 200 ml bottle. The retail price in pharmacies starts from 500 rubles.

Durex Play stimulating Massage with Aloe Vera

Lubricant for sexual play, available in purple packaging. It has a sticky consistency, easily glides in the hands and over the body. The more massage movements are accelerated, the better the gel glides over the surface of the skin. It retains moisture for a long time in the air, due to which the product dries ahead of time. It is washed off with water, but if this is not done, the lubricant will not harm clothes and will not be felt on the skin as a sticky film.

The composition of the product includes aloe vera oil, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the surface of the skin and accelerates the healing of small wounds. It has an almost imperceptible smell. Reviews of the gel inform that you can squeeze it into your hands only if the package is in a strictly vertical position. If the can has acquired a horizontal position (for example, it has fallen), the valve is activated and the liquid does not flow out.

Durex Play stimulating Massage with guarana

Lubricant gel with guarana has a pleasant enveloping smell, reminiscent of a mixture of cinnamon and vanilla. Does not leave sticky marks on the skin, moisturizes and tones it well. Regardless of whether a lubricant is used for moisturizing or for massage, the exciting effect is guaranteed.

An intimate relationship is an integral part of the life of every person of a certain age. Of course, it should bring only joy and pleasure, but there are such minor troubles that turn intimate life into torture. For example, one of the problems may be insufficient lubrication during arousal by a woman, or even its complete absence.

But according to this, dryness, discomfort, discomfort and even microcracks are felt, what kind of pleasure can we talk about then. But this problem is completely solvable, for example, with the use of special intimate lubricants, which helps such women enjoy intimacy to the fullest. But many are interested in what kind of lubricant to purchase in this case, which one will be better, today this will be discussed.

There are many reasons why there are problems with the release of intimate lubrication, for example: hormonal disorders, menopause, the recovery period after childbirth, insufficient arousal during intimacy, the postoperative period. Intimate lubricant gel, when applied, can increase sexual desire, and this helps to improve the quality of orgasm. When it enters the tissues of the vagina, then there is an increase in the tone of its tissues, as well as narrowing, and there is also a normalization of acidity. There are lubricants that have a stimulating effect, because the composition includes ethyl nicotinate, thanks to it, sensitivity increases, as well as improved blood flow to the genitals. But do not forget that such gels, which increase excitation, are mainly aimed at this, and not at sufficient hydration. When choosing, you should pay attention to the composition of the lubricant, it is better, of course, to choose those that have natural ingredients in their composition, because such lubricants do not violate the microflora of the vagina, and, accordingly, various complications can arise.

    Oil based. Such gel lubricants are suitable not only for women, but also for men, because thanks to them, blood circulation is stimulated, and this is very good for men with weak potency. In addition, a big plus is that they have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic effects. But such lubricants are not suitable if a condom is used, because in this case, it will come off.

    Silicone based lubricants. This type of lubricant has a very good effect, namely warming, thanks to their components, excellent sliding occurs. After application, you need to wait five minutes and then a feeling of excitement comes. Of course, the consumption of such lubricants is minimal, and therefore economical, although they have their drawbacks. Firstly, the price of such lubricants is not small, secondly, they are not very easy to wash off, and thirdly, they are difficult to use with condoms.

    Water based lubricants. Thanks to such lubricants, it is possible to increase libido in women, because often aphrodisiacs are included in the composition. You can use them together with a condom and for different types of intimacy. Unlike silicone lubricants, they are washed off perfectly, but the only thing is that they tend to dry out.

When choosing the desired lubricant, preference should be given only to well-known manufacturers, proven ones, look at the composition, choose natural ones, even if they are more expensive, but the advantage will be in their quality, longer and stronger effect.

    Hot with ginseng;

    Personal Lubricant H2O;

    Stimulove Light;

  • Geisha Dreams;

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review


Intimate lubricant is a good helper, thanks to which the couple manages to maximize the quality of intimacy. Manufacturers of this category of goods put on sale a huge number of various types of lubricants. Because of this, it can be very difficult for the buyer to find the best lubricant that would do its job well.

Varieties of intimate lubricants

Before you figure out which intimate lubricant is better, you should get acquainted with its varieties. These lubricants are divided into several categories according to a certain attribute. Thus, there are lubricants.


According to the main component in the composition of fat and water. In the production of the former, fats of vegetable and animal origin are used. They are used exclusively for application to the body, for example, during an erotic massage. It is undesirable to cover latex products with such lubricants.

Aqueous lubricants are more like natural secretions, so they are the most commonly used. The basis of such products are cellulose, glycerin and silicone. They do not leave stains after use. In addition, they are easily washed off with plain water. They are recommended to be used during sex with a condom.

By appointment

By appointment anal, antiseptic, flavored and flavoring.

In a separate group, it is worth highlighting spirmicides and lubricants-prolongers. The first, along with the antiseptic, also give a contraceptive effect. They have a positive effect on the health of the genital organs of both men and women. These lubricants prevent accidental breakage of the condom during sex, thereby reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Prologgers help increase . This type of lubricant contains only natural ingredients. They reduce the sensitivity of the male penis, thereby reducing the risk of premature ejaculation. At the same time, the product does not have a negative effect on the erection.

Rating of the best lubricants for intimacy

Companies that manufacture sex products release more and more advanced versions of their products every year. However, few of them can be called the best lubricants for intimacy. Buyers who are used to choosing the highest quality for themselves should pay attention to the lubricants, which will be discussed below.

Titan Gel

This drug is used not only as a lubricant, but also to increase the penis. It also enhances erection and increases the duration of sexual intercourse.

The leader among all lubricants that exist today can rightly be called "Contex Strong". It is ideal for both classic and anal sex. The manufacturer recommends using this lubricant during the first intimate contact. It will protect the delicate skin and mucous membranes of organs from serious damage. This moment is especially important during anal sex. A component such as aloe, which is part of the lubricant, will certainly protect the tissues of the rectum from irritation and inflammation.

It is also worth noting that the product does not adversely affect the strength.

The next quality lubricant is Durex Play Sweet Strawberry. It was created specifically for oral sex. Lubricant from a world-famous manufacturer of contraceptives moisturizes the genitals well, and also gives them a pleasant taste of fresh strawberries.

The third on the list among the best lubricants is Play Tingle, which is also released by Durex. It is intended for anal sex. The tool has gained great popularity due to its special effect. While using the lubricant, the partners feel a frosty tingling sensation. Light coolness significantly exacerbates the sensations during sex.

Another good lubricant that has shown its best side is Farmateks. It has a cooling effect, thanks to which partners manage to prolong sexual intercourse. This effect is achieved due to the presence of benzocaine in the composition of the product. In addition, the lubricant gives a spermicidal and antibacterial effect. So it enhances the effect of the contraceptive and protects the genitals from pathogens.

The use of "Pharmatex" is recommended for women, as the tool helps to stabilize the balance of sex hormones. It is especially useful for women who have recently given birth. This is because the tool helps speed up the healing process of cracks and wounds.

"Stimulove Strong" is an innovative tool released by the manufacturer "Biorhythm". The stimulant has a warming effect. The use of such a lubricant prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions and irritations that contraceptives can cause.

Another series of intimate products from the Konteks company was included in the list of the best lubricants. "Wave" is the perfect lubricant that women should pay attention to. Due to its antiseptic action, the product protects the female genital organs from microorganisms that negatively affect their microflora. Lubricant is allowed to be used with condoms.

System Joe

Silicone grease "System Joe" is one of the hypoallergenic products. This tool well protects and moisturizes the skin of the genital organs of both partners.

A worthy competitor to the above lubricants is Toyfluid lubricant. It is water based. This tool is unique in that it can be used even during menstruation. It is also suitable for anal sex, which involves the use of specific toys of an intimate nature. Lubrication protects the genitals from the appearance of painful cracks and tears.

Nothing bad can be said about Hot Glide Liquid Pleasure. The exciting lubricant has not lost its popularity over the years. It differs from other similar products in its democratic cost, which does not affect the quality. Lubrication provides the most comfortable penetration and sliding of the genitals. It is allowed to combine it with various means of contraception. The lubricant is ideal for both traditional and anal sex.

The list is completed by another good lubricant from the manufacturer "Rosparfum" "Unex". Water based lubricant suitable for daily use. It performs several tasks at once: moisturizes the skin and increases the sensitivity of the genitals. The lubricant also protects against microdamages and allergic reactions. It can even be used during oral sex.

Sex shops and pharmacies also sell other equally worthy lubricants that a couple can use during sex. Above, the highest quality and most popular of them were listed.

Rules for choosing the best lubricant for intimacy

Choosing the best intimate lubricant is not an easy task. A person has to take into account several important factors. In this case, the preferences and personal characteristics of the partners who plan to use the lubricant matter.

When choosing the right lubricant, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. It is very important to consider the purpose of the lubricant. For example, if a couple wants to use various toys made of latex or rubber during intimate pleasures, they should opt for a silicone or water lubricant. Oily products can compromise the integrity of such items.
  2. You must carefully read the label of an intimate product.. Its composition should be carefully studied. A good lubricant has an exclusively natural base. This point is very important, especially for people suffering from allergies.
  3. The main component on which intimate lubrication is based plays a huge role. Oily lubricants have a short shelf life. In addition, they strongly stain clothes and underwear. However, these products are ideal for erotic massage. Water-based product can be used every day. But it will have to be applied to the body several times, as it is quickly absorbed. Silicone lubricants give excellent glide. However, they stain the fabric and are expensive.
  4. If possible, it is best to purchase several lubricants of different types at the same time. in a small amount. By comparing them, the couple will understand which suits them best.

Buyers who are interested in intimate lubricants should look at the price of the product they like. The cost of lubricants matters, as it can say a lot about their quality. On average, a product in a 50 ml bottle should cost from 200 to 1500 rubles. If the price is higher, then there is a possibility that the composition contains flavoring additives. Lower cost may mean the use of non-natural components in the manufacture of lubricants, which are distinguished by their cheapness.

You should not focus only on the price category and the manufacturer of the lubricant. Before buying, it does not hurt to read reviews about certain lubricants, as well as find out which of the products are most in demand among people.


Weak potency, a flaccid penis, the absence of a long-term erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man get a stable erection for sex, but they all have their drawbacks and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as a prevention and accumulation of male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!


It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which lubricant for intimacy is the highest quality. All this must be decided on an individual basis. Partners just need to finally decide what kind of effect they expect from the lubricant purchased at the pharmacy or store. For example, some need good hydration, while others are looking for a product that has an analgesic effect and provides perfect gliding.

Good lubrication will enhance the quality of intimacy that both partners can appreciate. In order not to make a mistake in choosing and buy the really best lubricant, you should trust only trusted manufacturers who have been producing high-quality products for comfortable and safe sex for a long time.

How did I increase my penis by 3.5 cm in 14 days?

Hello friends! My name is Nikita Korablev, I am a popular blogger and until recently the owner of a penis of 13cm! Yes, yes - exactly 13cm! But I decided to change my penis and I succeeded! This is what I wanted to talk about...

When you have a small- your girlfriend, of course, tries to calm down, to say that the main thing is not sex, but the soul and all that. But I'm a young and healthy man, I was 25 - and I believed in these nonsense ... Until the moment they sent me a video where two healthy men were whipping her. That's "sex is not important" for you...

I decided that it was time to end this and began to study tons of literature on penis enlargement. I watched foreign videos, translated English literature in search of a set of measures that could help me. I started trying jelqing, various folk methods, creams and gels, pumps and all that stuff.

After 2 years I came across Titan cream, ordered it and... it didn't help me! Although it helps every second. I started researching the problem and this is what I found...

For some, the structure of the penis is different - that is why it is so difficult for some to increase it with the help of Priap Gel. But there is a way out! The genetics and structure of the penis cannot be corrected, but you can apply different exercises and techniques for penis massage (jelqing) and together with Titan gel, this technique gives a REAL RESULT! After several years of searching and a huge number of methods that I tried, I finally found my method that works: TITAN GEL + JELKING was able to increase my penis by 3.5 cm in 14 days, and after a few months of training another 1.5.

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Modern young people like to experiment in sex, so lubricants are often considered an integral part of them. The function of these funds is to moisturize the mucous membranes of the genital organs, the skin of the chest, hands, and oral cavity. It is believed that in this way slip, friction is better, the sensitivity of the genital organs increases during the preamble (the introductory part of sex). How safe are these products? Does everyone need them?

When are lubricants used?

In some situations, there is not enough discharge during sex - this may be due to some disturbances in the body or other factors:

  • Prolonged intercourse.
  • Masturbation.
  • Anal intercourse.

Is lubrication required? Sometimes, due to increased, a woman cannot experience an orgasm herself and bring pleasure to her partner. In addition, everything ends with pain, microtrauma, discomfort in the genitals of both men and women. The rubbed mucous membrane can become very inflamed, microcracks form on it. It is dangerous when a secondary infection joins, a fungus, bacteria or virus is in the blood. For this reason, some people should buy special intimate gels, lubricants.

The use of intimate means

  • During oral sex. Some use the lubricant in the form of a fragrance, for smell and taste. Many different gels with fruit flavors are now sold. They moisturize the genitals and oral mucosa.
  • During anal intercourse. Often this type of sex ends with various injuries, so they produce special lubricant gels that facilitate the sliding of the penis, relax muscles, and have a bactericidal effect. With their help, you can avoid various problems and consequences.

Types of intimate lubricants


Manufacturers offer special tools that have an antiviral effect. They can help protect against sexually transmitted infections without using a condom. Gynecologists recommend antiviral sex gel for those who lead an active sexual, promiscuous lifestyle. Even ordinary gels help protect against infection. They reduce the likelihood of cracks, blood poisoning.


Special lubricants are sold that increase sensitivity. Everything happens due to the fact that blood circulation is stimulated, blood flow increases.


Lubricants are suitable for those who want to prolong sexual intercourse. Intim gel has a cooling effect, depresses the sensitivity of the penis. In addition, the lubricant has an analgesic effect.

The danger of intimate gels, lubricants

Until now, there are no studies that have 100% guaranteed the safety of the product. For example, a water-based gel leads to a yeast infection. It contains glycerin, and it is an excellent breeding ground for fungus.

Some components in the composition of the funds lead to a severe allergic reaction. Parabens often cause itching and irritation - they are used in cosmetics as preservatives, have antiseptic and fungicidal properties.

Attention! All intimate lubricants have a negative effect on sperm, after which it is very difficult to conceive a baby.

How to replace the lubricant?

Instead of expensive lubricant, you can use a quality massage cream. Only here you need to be careful. Before use, carefully study the composition. Dangerous for an intimate place is menthol and other warming components. Many prefer massage oil, but it violates the integrity of the condom

You can try to prepare the lubricant yourself: grind banana with boiled water(It is best to do this in a blender). Sexologists believe that this is a safe remedy that is ideal for preliminary oral sex. In addition, it does not lead to an allergic reaction and other unpleasant consequences.

Choosing a quality product

First of all, you need to decide on a goal. For oral sex, one product is sold, for anal and traditional it is completely different. Be sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Don't save. A good, high-quality product is a guarantee of health.
  • Buy funds only in a special pharmacy, store. Check that the products are of good quality. Do not try to buy gel in the market, in stalls where it is exposed to various external influences.
  • Check expiration dates. The longer the grease is stored, the faster it loses its quality and properties.
  • When buying an intimate product, carefully study its composition. Give preference to a product that does not contain flavors, dyes.
  • Do not use Vaseline or other means as a lubricant.

On a note! Only if you choose the right lubricant, you can get rid of dryness in the vagina, unpleasant discomfort during sex, increase arousal, get a bright orgasm.

Basic rules for using intimate lubricants

Before use, be sure to read the instructions, follow these recommendations:

  • Apply a little intimate gel to the areas of the mucosa that will be in contact with each other. Attention! The gel must be applied by both partners.
  • The lubricant is applied to the surface of the condom, not underneath, otherwise it will slip off.
  • After the lubricant is washed off with warm water, you can use soap, but do not get carried away to avoid irritation, itching, redness.
  • Got an allergy? Be sure to consult with your doctor. Perhaps you need to choose another tool.
  • To avoid fungus, buy glycerin-free lubricants.

So, the choice of intimate gel, lubricant must be approached carefully. To make sex enjoyable, experiment, use high-quality intimate products. Just do not get carried away, remember the natural lubrication in the vagina, otherwise the mucosa will get used to it and the next time you will not do without a remedy.