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Natural selection TVC results. Review: natural selection reviews - scam or true? Chocolate sweets with wafer layer

Good day to all my readers. I'm glad to welcome you to my review. I will tell you today about the TV show "Natural Selection", which is on the channel "TVC".

When I first watched the program "Natural Selection", it reminded me a little of the program of the first channel called "Joint Purchase".

There are many similarities between the programs, but there are also cardinal differences.

In the program "Natural Selection" there is a discussion of consumer goods. Those goods that we can actually see and buy on the shelves of our stores are discussed. The program "Natural Selection" in the course of its investigation finds out which of the manufacturers are honest and which are deceiving us consumers.

On the "Natural Selection" program, producers must personally answer for the quality of their product in front of the entire studio. After a thorough analysis of the selected product, the manufacturer will either become one who produces quality products or tarnish his reputation publicly throughout the country.

Video review

Natural selection Butter. Natural selection

Air time: from Monday to Thursday at 16:50.

Launched in the fall of 2016, the TV project " Natural selection” highlights many pressing issues. For example, what product can you spend money on, and what should you cross off your shopping list altogether? How can a consumer correctly use their rights and effectively defend them? The viewer hears answers from the producers of goods themselves right in the talk show studio " Natural selection».

Natural selection. About the program

In the spotlight " natural selection» - consumer goods, including food, footwear and clothing, household chemicals and appliances, children's and sports items. All this is subjected to laboratory quality control four times a week, while viewers learn to navigate the products offered by manufacturers.

The guests of the studio are people affected by the use of products, manufacturers of goods themselves, doctors, nutritionists, lawyers, stars of show business, sports, and various experts. In particular, within the framework of the show, Roskontrol specialists carry out a complete analysis of a specific product and provide the necessary materials.

The program is divided into various headings: laboratory and spectator examination, “Uninvited GOST”, which talks about standard requirements, “E-expert” (about the benefits and harms of E additives), “Expiration date” (about the rules for storing and using goods), “Price question" (about the price of the goods), "Check for lice", "I have the right", etc.

At the end of the issues, bona fide manufacturers are identified, who, based on the results of examinations, are awarded quality marks. If the product is rejected, then its manufacturers are called to account.

Natural selection. Leading programs

The talk show is hosted by Alexander Borisov, co-chairman of the Consumer Union of Roskontrol, and Otar Kushanashvili, a well-known journalist, columnist and showman, for whom, despite his media exposure, such a program was the first in practice.

Otar Kushanashvili: This is the first time I am running a program of this kind. This is despite the fact that at home I am jokingly called "defender of the oppressed." But hitherto I was in demand as, let's call it softly, an intellectual clown, a buffoon, an ironist-catastrophist (one of my daughters awarded me such a title). This is entirely the merit of the producers - they saw in me the right guy ...

According to Alexander Borisov, since 2013 "Roskontrol" checks the quality and safety of goods, because the specialists of the department know all the problems very well.

Borisov: Moreover, we consolidate information and opinions from all sides: from experts, manufacturers and buyers. But on the set of the show, they meet for the first time in reality face to face. And believe me, this is a very interesting story.

Otar Kushanashvili When asked why the Russians need such a show, he answered: “People should live a decent life, a quality and safe life. That's what this program is about, and I'm proud to be associated with it. I also want to live a safe and quality life.”

Since December 5, 2016, Zinaida Rudenko, a technologist by education and a specialist in a healthy lifestyle, an athlete and an online trainer, began working as a co-host of Otar.

Well versed in the intricacies of what makes people's lives healthy and comfortable, Zinaida graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Low-Temperature and Food Technologies, having studied there with a degree in general and refrigeration food technology. She started working according to her profile in 1997, holding the positions of chief technologist at large meat processing enterprises and dairy production. In parallel with her main work, Zinaida seriously began to play sports, becoming a member of the Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness of the Russian Federation in 2011.

By the way, in the studio natural selection» Rudenko previously appeared as an invited guest.

Zinaida Rudenko: Being still an expert technologist in the show, I listened very carefully to what was happening in the studio, what others were talking about. She listened to the results of the laboratory examination and “wound her by the ear”. For example, now I buy exactly the cheese that has passed the “Natural Selection”. And the issue about shrimp shocked even me, a food technologist with 20 years of experience, who is hard to surprise with anything! I completely stopped buying shrimp and settled only on chicken breasts, turkey and fish. I decided that it would be safer this way also because my diet is connected with the diet of my eight-year-old daughter.

According to Otar, Zinaida is just a godsend for " natural selection».

Otar Kushanashvili: Zinaida looks like an aonid, knows how and what to say, a champion in adaptation, moderately sentimental, not afraid of antiphase. She is also a bundle of energy. But the energy, unlike me, is controlled. A master at achieving the perfect tension. Works honestly, very tired. However, here she was unspeakably lucky: with me, an intellectual jester.

Regarding the former co-host - Alexandra Borisova, who started hosting the show with Otar, the journalist assured the audience of the following: the specialist would not leave the program and would continue to give his professional advice.

The heroes of the first issues will be cooler water, boiled-smoked sausages, 15% sour cream, heaters, dumplings, tea.

For reference:

For almost three years, the Roskontrol Consumer Union has been checking the quality and safety of goods. Roskontrol specialists know all the problems like no one else. The new talk show will present the opinions of all parties: experts, manufacturers and buyers. On the set of the show, they will meet for the first time in reality face to face.

Why is such a program needed? This question is answered by the leaders.

  • Otar Kushanashvili

People should live a decent life, a quality and safe life. That's what this program is about, and I'm proud to be associated with it. I also want to live a safe and quality life. Thanks in advance to everyone who watches our talk show.

  • Alexander Borisov

We buy some goods every day, we decide to purchase others every few years. But almost every buyer at least once in his life suffered disappointment and regret about the money spent. The talk show "Natural Selection" will help you see live the manufacturers whose products we buy, experts who test products in laboratories, figure out what motivates some manufacturers to produce a quality product, what tricks other manufacturers use to save money.

Watch "Natural Selection" from Monday to Thursday at 16.35 on the TV Center TV channel, read about the results of the examinations on the Roskontrol.rf portal.

In the fall, a new consumer talk show, Natural Selection, was launched on the TV Center channel. One of the hosts of the program is the famous showman, journalist Otar Kushanashvili. Four times a week, Otar, together with co-host Zinaida Rudenko, teaches viewers how to choose products, appliances, household chemicals, etc. I wonder what Otar prefers himself? And does he go shopping?

About "Natural Selection"

This is the first time I am running a program like this. This is despite the fact that at home I am jokingly called "defender of the oppressed." But hitherto I was in demand as, let's call it softly, an intellectual clown, a buffoon, an ironist-catastrophist (one of my daughters awarded me such a title). This is entirely the merit of the producers - they saw in me a suitable guy, having scanned me, "sorted out the taste of apples." Of course, it’s difficult for me, there are a lot of difficulties, but this is a job that I adore. And what difficulties can scare you if you love your job? I would rather talk about fear here. Fear of not justifying the hopes of good people who believe in me and me. But this fear does not hinder me, but inspires, mobilizes and disciplines me.

Photo by the press service of "TV Center"

About colleague Zinaida Rudenko

Since December 5, the talk show, together with Otar, has been hosted by expert food technologist Zinaida Rudenko.

Zinaida Rudenko is a genuine find for the program: she looks like an aonid, knows how and what to say, a champion in adaptation (the debut was stunning!), moderately sentimental, not afraid of antiphase. And she is also a bunch of energy, but energy, unlike me, controlled. A master at achieving the perfect tension. She works honestly, gets very tired, but here she was unspeakably lucky with me, an intellectual jester.

About your preferences and cooking

The paradox – let's call it “Kushanashvili's incident” – is that I, being a natural, one hundred percent, full-blooded Georgian, have never been a gourmet. Food for me is first an indicator of self-esteem, and only after that pleasure. You see, I am responsible for a huge number of people, and I have to be not just in shape, but in excellent shape, excluding neatly-regular devouring of my favorite khachapuri and khinkali. You all would do well to know that for the sake of "Natural Selection" I lost 12 kilograms! Above all, it is also respect for the viewer, the same work ethic.

As for cooking. "I am a nightingale, and, apart from songs, there is no other use for me." I can't cook. But I am a very, very, very grateful consumer.

Photo by the press service of "TV Center"

About shopping

I can also go to the grocery store for the family. As Leonid Parfyonov would put it, “I’m not such a quivering prince of ether” (to avoid buying kefir). But shopping is an art and a science at the same time, and I am impatient and overly sociable. The store, as you understood from the program, involves a certain concentration with concentration.

About vegetarianism and proper nutrition

In my family, I do not observe vegetarians, but I observe that everyone without exception wants to look good. So, everything is on the ointment!

About children

- The father of seven children, the most beautiful and smartest children (of course!), whom I teach by my example the main thing: in matters of morality, it is not a shame to be a retrograde. It's very, very, very hard for me, but I'm very, very, very happy - I'm 46, I'm just warming up.

To make it easier for you to shop for quality food, the Natural Selection program gives you some tips on how and what to buy.

Salted salmon in vacuum packaging

* How to determine that it is salmon and not colored cod? If you want to avoid being scammed, buy the fish as a whole piece so the skin can be seen, not sliced. Another characteristic sign of salmon is that it shimmers, as if it has gasoline stains on it. This will not happen on painted white fish.

* Look at the packaging - it must be airtight, nothing should flow out of it. Salmon is an oily fish, so it is possible to separate fat inside the package, it should be orange. And this is not to be feared. But there should be no liquid in the package - this is a sign either of the use of phosphates to increase the water content in the fish, or a sign of spoilage.

* Press on a piece of salmon - the dent from the finger should slowly and partially straighten out. If this does not happen at all, this is a sign of stale or very wet fish. Salmon should be elastic, but not too much.

mayonnaise olive

* Is there olive oil in olive mayonnaise? According to the technical regulations for oil and fat products, even if the manufacturer adds at least a little olive oil, for example, only 1-2%, he can already call mayonnaise olive. And it's completely legal!

* Read the composition. If you see that olive oil is located there further than the third place, this mayonnaise is far from being olive.

* If you watch your diet and figure, but at the same time love mayonnaise, you can use a little trick: for New Year's salads, mix mayonnaise with natural yogurt in a 50/50 ratio. The taste will remain almost the same, and the calories will be much less.

Red salmon caviar

* If you want to eat fresh caviar of the first grade (this is the best caviar), check the place of production. The ideal option is when caviar is made in the Far East, that is, next to the sea.

* Different varieties of caviar can be distinguished by eye. Caviar of the first grade is neat, without bursting balls, in a transparent brine, because it is prepared from fresh or chilled fish. In second grade caviar, bursting balls and white particles and films are allowed - the remains of ovaries, and the brine itself may be cloudy (this product is prepared from frozen raw materials). By the way, such caviar also has a different taste - it is permissible for it to be bitter.

* So that the quality of caviar does not upset you during the New Year's feast, buy caviar in glass jars. Usually in jars, caviar is of the first grade, it is no coincidence that it is more expensive. In addition, this way you can take a good look at it even in the store.

* To check the quality of caviar, you need to pour a few eggs with hot water. There is a lot of protein in real caviar, so the temperature will make the balls dense, white - that is, they will simply boil, and the water itself will become cloudy. Artificial caviar is made of gelatin. These balls do not completely dissolve in water, and a greasy color film is formed on the surface from oil with dyes. The water itself will be transparent.

* The caviar of different salmon fish is different. Chum caviar - the largest, up to 7 mm, orange; pink salmon caviar - smaller, orange-red color; sockeye caviar is the smallest, about 3 mm, bright red and always bitter.

Chocolate sweets with wafer layer

* The following stop words in the product composition should warn you against buying wafer chocolates: vegetable fat, palm oil, cocoa butter substitute or equivalent, rapeseed oil, shea butter, soy protein or soy flour. If you see only vegetable fats in the composition, then in these sweets there is neither natural chocolate nor milk filling.

* Synthetic dyes, the use of which must be accompanied by a mandatory warning on the packaging - "The product contains dyes that may have a negative effect on the activity and attention of children." There are only six of them: E102 - tartrazine, E104 - yellow quinoline, E110 - "sunset", E122 - azorubine, E129 - charming red, E124 - ponceau.