
Hard landing. Hard landing Last release let them talk 6 06 17

The only girl who survived the massacre in the Tver region gave an exclusive interview to Andrey Malakhov.

Last weekend, the whole country was shocked by the news from the small village of Redkino, Tver region. On Sunday night, 45-year-old Muscovite Sergei Yegorov shot nine people with a hunting rifle.

21-year-old Marina Konygina was the only one who managed to escape from the brutal reprisal. The girl hid under the covers. From her hiding place, she saw how Yegorov killed people and then dragged the corpses. Trembling with fear, the girl managed to call the police.

The shooter, who forced his victims to dig their own graves, offered no resistance during the arrest. “I killed them all because they began to say that I did not serve in the Airborne Forces. I told them that I served, and they laughed ... ”, - Yegorov explained his sinister crime.

The only survivor of the massacre for the first time will tell her version of what happened. What actually caused the massacre?

#let them talk #1channel #andreymalakhov

Tragedy on six acres: nine corpses and one survivor. Let them talk 06/06/2017

Eyewitnesses, neighbors, distant and close relatives, opponents and supporters speak.

The best ending of our programs is concrete help to people, correction of mistakes and search for compromises.

A terrible incident happened on April 18 this year on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg. Late in the evening, street video surveillance cameras recorded the following horrifying footage: in front of passers-by, a man picked up a little boy and began to hit him on the asphalt with all his might. Only caring passers-by were able to save the child. Now the man faces a huge prison term. Watch the issue Let them talk - Hard landing 08/02/2017 (repeat issue of 06/07/2017).

People passing by stood up for the boy and dragged the aggressive man aside. One of the passers-by knocked out the cruel dad with a powerful blow. Video footage was leaked to the Web and the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, took up the investigation of this resonant story. In a matter of time, the identity of the monster was established - it turned out to be 39-year-old Alexander Moshkin. That evening he was walking with his four-year-old son Vova. During the investigation, the man was placed in a pre-trial detention center. Moshkin faces a term of 15 years and up to life imprisonment.

The father of little Vova does not admit his guilt and, together with his wife Evgenia Petrovtseva, assures: that evening he played with his son ... as astronauts. “It was their favorite game. They often play like this, ”said the boy’s mother, Evgenia.

Let them talk - Hard landing

So what was recorded by outdoor surveillance cameras: playing astronauts or trying to kill your own child? Will Petrovtseva be able to justify her husband, or can her favorite pastime with her son turn into a hard landing for Moshkin?

In the studio Let them talk - Evgenia Petrovtseva. She is ready to prove her husband's innocence:

I have been watching this video for a very long time. First, very poor quality. Nothing in particular is visible. And secondly, Alexander constantly plays such games with children: he throws them up, and twirls, and twists.

After "playing astronauts," four-year-old Vova was taken to the hospital with a bruised wound in the chin area. The ambulance driver Viktor Shirikalov witnessed everything that happened that evening on April 18:

The child was conscious, crying. The paramedic and the doctor provided him with medical assistance.

Evgenia Petrovtseva:

My husband is a non-drinker because he has health problems. He was ill with tuberculosis and we take great care of him. We go to the gym together. It is extremely rare that he can drink, but he never behaved aggressively. At the hospital, we were told that the injury was not serious at all. In addition, the child had already had a cut in the same place a week before the incident.

Hard landing: playing astronauts or assassination attempt?

One of the eyewitnesses of this incident enters the hall. It was Ruslan Meliev who knocked out Alexander Moshkin:

Yes, the video quality is very poor. He held the boy with his hands behind his back and pounded him on the ground. He did exactly that three times. I was riding a bike at that time and saw this moment. It wasn't a game at all. He was drunk. A guy approached him, but he did not want to listen to him. And then I ran up and knocked him out. I put the child on its feet - the boy began to cry.

How will this story end? Watch the online free issue Let them talk - Husband and wife are one Satan (Hard landing), aired on August 02, 2017 (08/02/2017).

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Last weekend in the village of Redkino, which is located in the Tver region, there was a terrible bloody tragedy: 45-year-old electrician Sergei Yegorov killed 9 people with a hunting rifle on the night from Saturday to Sunday. Later, the killer will say that he shot them, as they laughed at him and did not believe that he served in the Airborne Forces. See Let them talk - Tragedy on six acres 06/06/2017 (Sergey Egorov and the massacre in the village of Redkino).

The only survivor of this terrible massacre that happened the other day in the Tver region, the girl Marina Konygina, gave an interview to the program “Let them talk”. “His first victim was Slava ... I saw blood and brains fly out. Then he approached Alexander, who was sitting at the table, began to use foul language, hit him on the head with a butt and ordered him to go dig a grave, - says the girl in the program studio, - At that moment I didn’t even know how I realized: I dialed on the phone 112".

Let them say - Tragedy on six acres

According to unofficial data, 45-year-old resident of Moscow Sergei Yegorov worked as an electrician in the garden partnership "50 years of October". On the night of June 3-4, a man drank alcohol with friends at one of the dachas in the village of Redkino (Tver region). During the quarrel, a conflict broke out between them: according to the killer himself, some of the summer residents present began to doubt his military past and began to ridicule him. Egorov left the country house, and after a while he returned with a hunting rifle and opened fire on the offenders.

Of all those present at the dacha, only one girl survived. She miraculously managed to hide under a blanket on the second floor of the house. Today, 21-year-old Marina Konygina will frankly tell all the details of this shocking incident.

Murders in the Tver region (Redkino). Sergei Egorov. Details of the incident

Marina Konygina, invited to the “Let them talk” program, tells the details of a horrific story that happened in the village of Redkino (Tver region):

- At about 9 pm, we began to fry kebabs, neighbors came to us, who also died. My grandmother and I drank some wine, commemorated the dead, as it was parental Saturday. Around 12 midnight, another neighbor came to us, whom he also killed - Vera and Pavel. When they approached us, a red jeep was driving behind them, a man got out of it - it was him. He said hello, got to know us, introduced himself as a new electrician in our SNT. Later, I heard how he began to argue with the men and assure that he served in the Airborne Forces.

- He began to raise his voice to Glory, called him a jerk. But everyone who gathered at our house simply laughed at him, telling him that at 45 he lives with his mother and cannot name the number of the unit in which he served. Nobody insulted him! I was there and I can confirm this. After a short time, I heard a shot and screams. At that time, I slept on the first floor near the window, and not at all on the second, as they now write in the media.

- He went up to Alexander, hit him on the head with a butt, began to force him to dig a grave, and then killed him too. I saw how two people were killed, and dialed 112 on my mobile phone. Pavel was next: he approached him and shot him. For some time, he shot everyone ... He could not find me, since I hid under the covers.