
Simple arithmetic channel online. Simple channel arithmetic. hours a week you spend nowhere

(coastal spinning, Cup of the Dnepropetrovsk region - 2015. Reportage, analytics)

Going to the Channel in Pereshchepino for the fifth time was both joyful and scary. It so happened that it was here that six years ago I began my career as a shore spinner in earnest, with the first away tournament in my life - and since then I have not missed a single Game on this classic sports pond. Over the years, a rather amusing statistic has emerged:

2009 - the second individual, the second team;

2010, 2011 - the tournament was held on another section of the Channel;

2012 - the third personal;

2013 - fourth personal;

2014 - the second individual, the first team.

From the point of view of arithmetic, everything is obvious, another medal is looming. But, on the other hand, how many times I was convinced: Fate has an excellent sense of humor. Sharp, unpredictable. There may not be a better moment to painfully click on the nose of an insolent athlete who has decided in advance that he grabbed God by the beard. It's scary to drive, yes. Not going is impossible.

It is impossible to give up happiness - to again go to the shore of your favorite reservoir, beckoning with every blade of grass, every pebble at the bottom. In the green depths, striped, red-finned my perches, perches and perches scurry back and forth. Are waiting. They wink: do you remember the last time? .. Well, that huge “bast shoe” that you didn’t drag? He is waiting, he has wintered, he has escaped the nets and has not been hooked ... he is ready. And you? But how. It has been assembled for a long time, since Tuesday. Fortunately, the fees are short-lived: every year the Game becomes clearer and there are fewer and fewer boxes with baits, weights, hooks ...

Fishing on the Channel seems simple: in this section, of the test fish, it is worth taking into account only perch, one of them and no one else. Zander, catfish and pike are present in such a minimal amount that meaningful catching of these fish is impossible in principle. Therefore, you can safely delete heavy tackle from the list, leave boxes with wobblers and spinners. The channel in Pereshchepino is a jig pond. Therefore, there are only four basic fishing options:

  1. Ultra-light nano jig in its classic version: heads and jigs up to a gram, micro-cutting, emphasis on passive baits and complex animation schemes, magic passes with a short area-twig and long pauses. The target is passive and super-passive fish at close range, on the bottom and in the near-bottom horizon. For the most part - alas, medium-sized. Simply because medium and large perch are still more cautious than small things, they quickly leave the pressed coastal dump - there is too much noise, running around, speared and released fish ... But if there are a lot of small perch, then it's okay, short-range fishing is very prey with a high concentration of fish, and the lack of quality is easily beaten by quantity. And then, it often happens that the fish does not go into the channel for good - it still lingers on the deep edge of the algae strip that goes along the slope. There it can be picked up with sophisticated techniques for supplying microbaits to extra-UL gear. Interesting fishing, there are real aces in it (it seems that in this sense we will have to pay special attention to the Crazy Fish team). God forbid…that’s exactly how I did it in 2012, catching most of my perches on 1/3 gram jigs and noodles of 2″ Swing Impact in light caramel tones…
  2. The same "nano" - but a little different. If the perch in the coastal zone is active, if the fry crushed by it from below “glimpses” on the surface here and there, there is no point in losing momentum by deepening very small and light jigs, trying to lure the perch near the bottom and then risk tearing them out of the pondweed thickets with ultra-fine tackle , not intended for tearing out at all. Everything is simpler: a gram, an inch twister, casting a third of the Channel width and a tempo (and often even!) wiring near the surface, in any case not deeper than the middle layers. The resourcefulness of such a technique is sometimes simply amazing: the owners of the reservoir, the titled team of Yura Petrash (STORM-JS Company), are the recognized masters of this fishing. When they saddle this horse with Misha Konin and Denis Katolichenko - get out of the way, they can't be stopped ... Of course, I tried this technique too. It even turned out pretty well in 2013… just then I discovered for the first time the lethal power of the Micro Grub 1” twister and thrashed the perches almost from the surface, at a glance…
  3. Microjig-classic: rockfish rod, two or three grams along the bottom. The posting is not too tempo, with accentuated short breaks (or delays) and clear, pronounced pauses. Once upon a time, it was with this technique that I started my way into sports on the Channel ... however, then, in the “pre-edible” times, everyone caught about the same. As I now realize, there was more classic rookie luck than skill in my 2009 success... and the old "Understand the Channel" article, written in the hot pursuit of the first win, now seems rather naive. Indeed, before real understanding it was still - as before the moon. If then someone with a class comparable to the current Flagman-Kharkiv team played with us in the zones, such guys could well count on a total of 9 points. Three points per team in each round. The classic "Mikruha" is a great technique, if you love and understand it ... it is quite versatile, partly adaptable both for small passives along the bottom, and for gathering active hunters near the surface. This delicate fishing style has only one minus: with a Channel width of 60 meters, it will not work to depict something meaningful on a distant dump. It's just that the power of the tackle is not enough ... there will not be enough range, there will not be enough power to tear through the grass. And the side wind for such fishing is deadly.
  4. But light at first seems to be the most narrowly focused technique. Of course, both the most difficult and the most risky. It seems to be obvious: perches do not know which bank of the Canal is right and which is left. They live everywhere. Near them, no less than on the far curb, short-range fishing is easier and more productive. To reach a fish with tender lips from such a distance is a problem, it is unrealistic to seduce her there with a particularly cunning supply of bait on an ultra-light load, because everything that we have at our disposal practically comes down to a classic jig of tosses and falls. No, everyone knows that sometimes the “far edge”, as they say, shoots. But here's how it comes down to it - in the hands of the athletes going to the start, all Belezza and Finezza, well, and their closest relatives of all brands and stripes. Why let go of a simple and understandable "titmouse" of grazing, chasing some kind of "crane" - a bonus brought from afar? Sport is performance, right?

True, but not entirely. Everything would be fine, but if you catch it like everyone else, then you will catch it like everyone else. Who cares, but it’s just deathly torment for me to run around the sectors caught ten times by rivals and try to portray in them something that will suddenly cast a spell on the super-passive medium-sized pecked by us (the large ones have long since washed away into the depths, and the little thing clings to the last coastal thickets of grass , she is simply afraid to leave such a shelter) perch. May he perish, intractable. This is what light was invented for - to get active perches from the opposite shore, and not waste time on zatyukannye comatose. Light is not necessarily three inches and 10 grams... A delicate perch set based on the 83rd Yamaga or 803rd X-Tune allows you to operate on the far edge with five or six grams of the most common two-inch twisters and vibrotails: Micro Grub, Curly Grub, Fishtail, Swing Impact… Of course, there are enough subtleties in such fishing. But it was with her that I had a very good Game in the past, 2014, year. So good - that today I am ready to offer this tactic to the whole team, as practically no alternative. We will oppose the adepts of ultralight techniques with cheerful, sweeping long-range fishing with beautiful long rods. And - no training, except for the official one, the one on the day before the start. We do not need "points in the head" - with baits and their supply, almost everything has been clear since last spring. Brazenly? Yes, definitely. Without impudence - how to win?

It cannot be said that Max and Lesha reacted to this idea completely without skepticism. To have a tough, ultimatum Plan even before the start of the Game is the dream of any athlete. Provided he is correct. Alas, in our practice there have been epic collapses of the Great Plans - the subsequent analysis is always interesting and instructive, but this is little consolation for the team that did not reach the top three. Well, my task for training is simple: to convince my comrades. Therefore, I build it strictly according to my scheme.

At first - mormyshka, cutting, a ten-meter section of the near edge. As expected, here is the realm of the bull: three casts, three slippery goggle-eyed scoundrels of eight grams were caught and released. You can safely put aside the bottom bottom topic: these guys will not let anyone catch, God help the adherents of the radical “nano” if they try to work at the bottom.

Now - a twister in the upper layers, again short (no further than the middle). While I was tinkering with bulls, Aleksey Yuryevich had already succeeded in this topic, and the first (test) fish was his. There is no particular fun here: a pair of tails in five minutes for two is not the result, weighting the jigs up to two or three grams and working out the channel with worms also do not bring fishing to a decent level.

And now - it's time. Attention: 6 grams of lead pulls my Caramel Micro Grub 2” to the opposite bank, and the first cast is very accurate. A slight splash from the fall of the bait, as ordered - no more than a meter from the wall of the reed. I know where my jig fell, I know that the depth there is no more than one and a half meters. My cargo drags the twister to the bottom among the rather frequent stalks of pondweed tending to the surface. That among them there is a perch - I can’t know for sure. But I suppose that it is worth it - and not at the bottom, but at half water and above. This is an active May perch, perch-hunter. Therefore, contact with the bait must be established as soon as possible after it hits the surface of the water, and not just to establish - but to ensure a controlled sinking, even with short braces ... boom!

Like in a textbook, by golly. The tip of the Yamaga Blanks Blue Current BLC-83Ti “Long Cast” is loaded and twitching, indicating the presence of fish on the hook. The reel works quickly, evenly, preventing dangerous accelerations, but also not giving the fish a chance to leave the linear trajectory of the fight. Here the striped one appeared on the surface, here in the hands - and it is not bad, 60 grams. Is everything clear?

If my friends suspected an accident in my trick, the next few minutes dispelled all doubts. Perch at a long distance pecks perfectly, at least not worse than close. Theory is theory, the right bank is not worse than the left one, etc... but we must not forget that under our feet we catch a flat, open stretch of the beach. And to the opposite bank we throw - under a blank wall of reeds. There and deeper, and shady. There are such areas on our shore as well - but there are few of them, and how can one catch such areas because of a solid, high, rustling wall? Try to break through. And you break through - you scare. That's the whole schedule. There is our fish, in the distance. Everything is ours, we will not give it to anyone.

The rest of the training we just caught perch. They caught a little everywhere, near and far. We found an excellent point under the reed bush and knocked it to zero, until the biting completely stopped, enjoying clear bites and lively resistance. Why take care of it - this is not our fish. Ready? Yeah. If only the weather didn't let us down: let it rain, let it snow, or the bright sun - it doesn't matter. As long as it's not windy. It blows along the Channel - and the pipe to our tactics, the accuracy of work with light will perish - namely, everything is tied to accuracy with us.

Saturday met unkindly - with rain and doubts. No, the Plan didn't falter or blur… but the idea of ​​completely abandoning close catching in the first hour of the first round looks too radical even for us. In the morning the perch will still be at your feet, in the first hour with its help you can lay a very strong foundation for a future victory ... and then, why give your opponents easy prey? At least in the first hour, it is worth collecting quick bonuses at close range, and then, when the pace of this fishing slows down, our paths will part. As has already happened so many times, the people will take the weakening of the bite for granted, will begin to subtly pick out the unfinished minke whales, using the lightest and most delicious baits. And we will open a new door, behind which ... stop dreaming. A year ago, I made the first round in the first hour on close fishing - you need to try to repeat that success first. Time. Start.

The 15th sector is nothing special, but a hefty tractor tire is visible on the bottom five meters from the shore. I would like to run away to the beginning of the zone immediately - it’s impossible, such a contraption may well become that “hub”, which, like a magnet, attracted a perch flock to itself. A gram of tungsten, Micro Grub 1 ”in a “jelly” blue-green hue (the water is too transparent). Three casts - the point is silent, but not much time is lost, a couple of minutes. Well, now according to the plan. The first two sectors are occupied - they are the "sweetest". Nothing, the third one is free - it is interesting in its own way. There are two approaches in the sector - one in a clearing between the bushes, right in the center. The second is on the side, because of the protruding branches. Where to catch - not a question. Of course, from the side. Do not loom in front of the noses of the perches, but toss them a scoundrel neatly, quietly, from around the corner. And not in the channel, but along the diagonal of the sector - after all, it is the coastal zone that is required to be caught. Do not throw to the bottom - the goby will kill the catch. However, especially zealous bastards can spoil life even with a fairly high wiring - the first, so desired, bite still brings me a bull. He was not too lazy, he climbed 30 centimeters, caught up with the twister. Bad move. Well, a little to the right? Here! And much more pleasant resistance, for a couple of seconds I enjoy playing my first test prey - after which the pendulum of my luck swung back again. On the hook - a palm-sized bream. To be honest, by the mouth - what a mess in the morning. But it's too early to get upset - I like the point with the activity of the fish, its presence ... it seems that the idea of ​​​​submitting the bait secretly, from the side, turned out to be very sound. The fish is spinning in the sector - maybe there are perches nearby?

Yes. The next bite - and a strong bench press towards the shore, behind the bush, bends my X-Tune to the junction of the knees. Finally, perch - and it's damn good, obviously for 100 grams. My business is gone. Now do not slow down - a couple more twister throws on the gram, there is no answer - change! Two grams and an olive Javastik - Polaris, the wiring is also completely different - rather sharp, but short paired pokes. A great hit on the pause - the second perch goes into the bottle, and he is the brother of the first, the same fat man. That's touched, that's our business has moved. 256 grams is an excellent result of the first hour.

Now it is very important not to miss the moment to switch tactics. In the second hour, I sat up a bit in the coastal fishing, deciding that with the help of a provocative, sharp posting, I could get bonuses in an already hushed zone. No, this number did not pass - but I still have the third hour, and now there are no compromises. Lesha did a good job, he ran into light before me and in the second hour he hunted very well at a long distance. Well, there are not so many points for such hunting in my zone - more than half of its opposite coast looks like open gravel beaches. But there are also reed walls that I need ... just a slight stirring of water almost opposite my sector betrays the presence of a hunting predator. Just once, the fry touched the surface, only a little bit of living silver flashed. But this is a trail, this is a bright red mark for me: catch here!

Six grams, caramel Micro Grub 2” goes to the edge of the reeds – on the first cast I deliberately under-cast a little in order to assess the necessary effort and next time lay the jig clearly, without any braking, along an ideal ballistic trajectory. Now, that's great. At first, the depth is about a meter, then it quickly grows and the jig begins to wade through the stems of the rising pondweed. To the channel, a couple more steps - and home. No one promised that everything would be easy and immediately. Another cast, and another ... yeah. That is why he is silent - he has shifted slightly to the left, another slight stirring of water in front of the neighboring sector informs me about this. Luckily, it's free - and I can move immediately, since the empty bottle is still hanging from my belt. Again under the edge, the first step, the second ... bale!

The hook fell into the void, the twister was pulled off the hook. But the stone fell from the soul, the fish is there, the contact is established. The next cast - of course, to the same point. A beautiful, clear striker - now luck is on my side, and the exciting seconds of fighting from the opposite bank end with the settlement of an excellent striped fighter in the eggplant. He pokes at the transparent walls in a futile search for a way out - and I don’t need to poke anywhere, I’m on a combat course. Only three tails - but they have 390 grams of live weight. The second position in the zone - and the first was confidently taken by Denis Katolichenko with his superficial near catching on an inch twister. But then it will be more and more difficult for him, and it will be easier for me every hour. Lesha played just as accurately - for the "two" - Max still stayed in the close range and picked up perches only for the eighth result in his zone. Well, the starting groundwork is excellent: with twelve points, we are only one point behind the leader (Flagman-Kharkov), and one point ahead of the most experienced owners of the reservoir, Storm-JS Company. For 23 participants in the zone - the results of the leaders are very decent. But ahead of the second round, in which I consider our chances as the best. It's FishingStock Team time!

Indeed, there was no intrigue in my zone.

From the start, I ran into the optimal, according to Lesha, a group of sectors for long-range fishing. Here, from the 18th to the 21st, the reed wall under the far bank is especially high and deaf, the perch is constantly spinning under it (in fact, from here we started to spin the long-range theme in training). We start side by side with Misha Konin, who confidently played the first round - it is very convenient to control the main opponent, at least one. Arthur Bilan is not visible - well, I can’t hide the sewing in the bag, I can get information about his fishing from intermediate protocols and word of mouth in the zone. Let's go: I have a fish - Misha has a fish. But mine is more than 90 grams, and the opponent's prey does not even reach 30. Five minutes is all, there are no bites. Are we changing? Yeah, each of us catches his own fish and everyone is interested in a new sector. The exchange is in my favor, I again get a perch from a drop (albeit a fifteen-gram one), and Misha has silence. Basically, the zone is silent - the opponents catch very sluggishly, after the first hour, a maximum of four came out for a hundred grams, counting with me - and Arthur is not among the leaders. Running back here is pointless. During the first hour, I passed through the promising points of the middle of the zone quite densely, and now it makes sense to work at its beginning. True, in the first round it did not impress with catches - but, most likely, there was simply no one to reveal the potential of this interesting group (from the 1st to the 5th sector), Lesha was busy in the center, and no one else was catching from the drop. Start in the second - I like this sector, it was here that last year I was finally convinced of the prospects for light fishing. Perhaps I will do everything exactly the same as then - and to complete the picture I will try to start with the same vibrotail, with Swing Impact 2. It is inconvenient to catch this gentle bait “on a tear” through the grass, the silicone constantly slips. Therefore, I'll put him on a twin - this installation is eternal, unless the fish tear it apart.

The first cast is an immediate bite, and I'm already dragging an excellent perch from an ultra-long distance, 75 grams. And what else? And one more, and again bites, bites, amazing realization (not a single gathering for the tour). The eggplant fills up at an incredible speed: of course, this is the way out. In the middle of a rather dull second round, I got into a real El Dorado - however, it is rather strange that the result is growing only for me. Neighbors see how I fish, with what bait and at what distance, they see the animation - but for some reason they cannot repeat these, not the most difficult actions. Perhaps they do not notice the little things?

The devil really is in the details. It is necessary not only to “throw a lot of Swing Impact at 6 grams” - a couple more conditions must be met. First, it is ideal to fall under the edge of the reed. Not further than a meter from its edge - at such a distance, a fall of a load in a meter looks like an absolute hit on the very wall, this is a very difficult and rather dangerous cast. Secondly: to throw accurately is half the battle. It is important to immediately pick up the slack in the line and control the first drop of the bait, helping it to get through the stalks of algae and as far as possible delaying the moment of its contact with the ground. Perch - at the very wall and at the top, Most of the bites - on the fall or the first step. We must help him, keep the jig in his field of vision. I help, I can do it. More than three hundred grams were added to the result - at first a flock of medium-sized perch passed, then, after a short pause, another one went, all bonuses, an average of 80 grams. To make another half a kilo on this flock is a trifling matter. And it is imperative to kill the point, clear it "to zero" - so that no one in the third hour can catch up with me, even standing in my place and accurately executing the winning algorithm.

I was even a little lost in time - from some zone, a heart-rending cry of the judge “last minute!” Suddenly came from some zone, and, as luck would have it, after another hooking on the hook, something especially weighty. There is nothing to do - 83rd Yamaga can lift rather thick "bast shoes" for gliding, a handsome perch floundered on the surface, not even reaching the middle of the channel. An excellent end to the second hour - 150 grams, and the total weight of the catch exceeded a kilo. In principle, you can go and drink tea - the zone is torn off with a guarantee.

But I like this fishing - so I will continue, perhaps. In no particular hurry, I get a perch in the center and move to the beginning of the zone - there the rivals just made sure that I knocked out everything alive in the sector and there is absolutely nothing to catch here. I have a different opinion on this matter - you just need to shift the emphasis a little. The fattening flock (some perch regurgitate half-digested small things, this is the best evidence of their activity) has left - but a few “local” perches should remain at the point, it is too good. These guys are quieter, they stand at the bottom and do not rush in the excitement of chasing a vibrotail passing overhead. For them - a twister, the same Bait Breath Micro Grub 2”. Only, perhaps, not caramel - but ultraviolet, 29th. Just to be more noticeable. Yes, and not 6 grams, but 5. The wind has subsided, I throw a lightweight jig to the desired point - and the lighter it is, the easier it will be for me to gently pull the bait in front of the lazy minke whale's nose.

This calculation also turned out to be correct: I completed the third hour with a couple of good perches and brought the result to a completely indecent 1124 gr. The closest pursuer, maestro Oleg Kotoman, was able to weigh only 329, Misha Konin was fifth, Artur barely squeezed into the top ten. The task for the tour is solved, and solved, damn it, not bad. What do ours have?

Ours didn't disappoint. Max is upset - but we'll survive this frustration, because it's just about the lost first place in zone A. The second one is also great, and Lesha's sixth line finally takes us far up. The top three has retained its composition, it still has Kharkov Flagman and Dnepropetrovsk Storm - but now we have six positions in reserve, and our tactics are clearly a cut above all other fishing options. All you need is to finish what you started.

I didn't sleep well - the sum of 3 places before the third round is guaranteed to upset even a very healthy sleep. But this night also passed, it took away the bad weather with it, and we disperse into the zones along the amazing morning dew, completely covering every blade of grass and with its radiance very reminiscent of thick silvery hoarfrost. Should we be happy or sad? Unknown, but still no wind. Most likely, no one will interfere with us.

True, the first hour almost broke through the thin shell of my confidence in success - what seemed like a great starting point quickly ate three jigs. One hung on a reed, another on an underwater snag, and, to top off the misfortunes, the third got stuck in a net, deftly set up at night by some creature in an alluring nook under the distant shore. No, that won't work - you have to take the Game into your own hands. The close distance confuses with incomprehensible activity of superficial trifles - Vasily Ivanovich pulls three in a row from above, I answer him with one and understand: no, you don’t need to go astray, this is not my way. One has only to catch one of my fish from the ejection - and no one can stop me. Five sectors to the left, it's free here, the reeds near the far shore beckon with shade and greenery. Today the fish are more passive - immediately Bait Breath Micro Grub 2” at 6 grams. It's sunny today, which means again a transparent "caramel" of the 23rd color. Tyts! There is my prey, in place, has not gone away. A little over 100 grams in the first hour - but the path is open, and the prospects are bright.

And so it happened. Not without a creak, to be honest… the perch was much more careful today, the bites are not so aggressive, I even leaked a couple of very necessary “tails”. But 277 grams of the catch was enough for the third position in the zone - and taking into account the fifth result of Lesha and the grand gap made by Max in zone B (he almost fell short of my yesterday's weight, also exceeding one kilogram), all doubts about our victory dissipated, like yesterday's bad weather under the Sunday May sun. 30 points - almost a double lead from the nearest (53 for STORM-JS Company and 58 for Flagman Kharkiv) pursuers. 4700 - the weight of the catch, again against 2400 and 2600 from the rivals who took the two lower steps of the podium. Two prizes in the individual competition - Max got "bronze", and I - "gold". Almost maximum result. Okay, damn it. Simply a dream game.

And the most remarkable thing about all this is that it was made, no doubt, with a minimum amount of luck. The calculation was correct - as if by order, the final results reflected, as in a mirror, the initial calculations regarding the styles and methods of fishing. Indeed:

«Crazy Fish» (N.Chernichenko, A.Babunov, R.Lazarenko) are the grandmasters of nanojig, which is very difficult to compete with in catching passive perch at close range. Possession of tackle, tactical developments, patience ... all at the highest level. When was it that there were no passive perches under your feet? There has never been such a thing, and if there are few active fish in the zone, there should not be any misfires on the way to the podium for such athletes. Well, active fish were found. Therefore, the misfire is the fourth. Oh, it’s not for nothing that Kolya Cherny once put forward the initiative to consider the fourth place “also a prize” ...

As expected, our principal rivals "Flagman-Kharkiv" (A.Galushka, A.Bilan, T.Bilan) controlled the course of the Game very confidently. Their technique, based on the classic micro jig, is very variable and versatile. The experience of its application is already colossal, the number of victories in various tournaments allows us to confidently identify the team as one of the strongest in Ukraine. Caught in an empty bucket, rational, stubborn, secretive. It seems that this time it was rationalism that failed... in the current situation at this Cup, the worked out scheme was enough only to reach the third step of the pedestal. It's just that there were more winning techniques... in general, this Game has turned, with a generally even level of leaders, into the most obvious "battle of schemes".

STORM-JS Company is the strongest team in every respect. These athletes (Yu.Petrash, M.Konin, D.Katolichenko) always demonstrate an ideal sports discipline, they have a single tactic developed taking into account training and vast experience, and everyone strictly follows this tactic, without being distracted by the successes of rivals in other techniques. Confidence, iron nerves, high class... what else do you need to win? This Game was played like clockwork - no one better than Yuri's team would have played a superficial tempo collection of an active perch across the entire zone for grams and twisters. They deserved to win - but they were only second, I'm even a little embarrassed.

And our style turned out to be winning, and our model turned out to be correct. We went to the start with a more or less clear understanding of the upcoming actions, we did something at random - but by the end of the second round we developed a common understanding of the situation, discussing what we saw and shaping it into more or less intelligible conclusions. That's what (in our opinion, of course) happened there, on the ejection of six grams.

There is a small clear gap from the reed wall to the beginning of pondweed thickets. It is narrow, from a meter to two, very rarely - wider. Fry fry circulate along this "avenue" - perch flocks graze it, controlling the movement of fish from the edge of grass thickets. When the fines gather thicker, the striped ones go hunting and drive their prey along the coast, again along a clean “corridor”. Intercepting a flock is an athlete's dream, that's understandable. But some of the perches fight off the flocks and stay here for permanent residence - these can also be caught very confidently, with the condition of a slightly more delicate supply of baits. It is practically impossible to press them in there, to stab them, the fish caught at a distance is released on the opposite bank and cannot, returning to the flock, bring their nervousness into it.

But not to drop a meter to the gap under the wall practically means: to lose the chance of a bite. This is not just a light jig: throw it far, it bites there. This is a very complex and accurate light jig, with the highest requirements not only for range, but also for casting accuracy in direction and distance. It requires not only a perfectly tuned tackle (in this case, our Yamaga Blanks Blue Current BLC-83Ti hit not just “top ten”, but in the very center of the “bull's eye”) with a thin and cool # 0.4 thread - you need to get into a narrow gap even more often between reeds and algae. Didn't hit - don't waste time, exhaust. There are no fish in your stream. Yes, and hang the bait, start wiring immediately after the fall - but not abruptly, but with light tosses, just to control and slow down a little, pull a little. Bang! Hook up, drag. That's all science. Is this technique universal, is it always advantageous? No guarantees, it's fishing. But it was optimal last year, and it is optimal again this year. So next year, 2016, we will apply it - if we live.

Moreover, we really love this beautiful fishing - light jig at a long distance. Throw the jig about 60 meters with a long, flexible and sensitive rod. Lightly toss it, establishing contact and controlling the first dive. Feel the touch of the bottom, and throw it up again, but more sharply, peering intently at the high-lifted top and listening to the blank with your index finger (yes, I know that the finger has no ears. But it hears, believe me). Bite! With a sharp, accentuated hooking, we catch our long-awaited fish, and the celebration of playing from such a distance is always the longest, most exciting ...

Yes, and the fish there, in the distance, for some reason, is always the most correct. It's good to catch any fish - but it's better to catch a fat one. Who said sports should be different?)

From the bottom of our hearts, our team thanks everyone who was involved in this wonderful holiday - the open Cup of the Dnepropetrovsk region in 2015:

- let the organizers accept our gratitude for their work - the Dnipropetrovsk Federation represented by Igor Nikolaevich Ageenko and his referee team from year to year holds this tournament at an excellent level: sincerely, but without unnecessary concessions, promptly and confidently. If they invite you sometime again, we won’t hesitate for a long time, we will try very hard to come!

— heartfelt thanks to the sponsors, the Flagman company and the manufacturer of inflatable boats "Rook", who provided a lot of wonderful and useful prizes for the winners and participants of the Cup;

- we firmly shake hands with all our rival friends, without exception, all 65 athletes with whom we had to cross spinning rods. In our disputes and tournaments, the truth of fishing is still born - we divide it equally among everyone, and this is the main result of any tournament. Thank you!

- three cheers to our sponsor, FishingStock, which is firmly committed to promoting the most beautiful and modern, the most sporty, the best tackle from the world leaders in the fishing market. Once again, Yamaga Blanks rods, YGK lines, Seaguar fluorocarbon, Bait Breath edible silicone lures have stood the competition at the highest level - and once again they did not disappoint. Thank you for the great tackle and for the full support of the team in its many trips to tournaments!

To be able to solve complex arithmetic problems, you first need to get a good grasp of some basic patterns. Most likely, they will not cause problems for you. However, pay due attention to these tasks, because how fast you can read the simplest examples directly depends on your ability to quickly perform more complex mathematical operations.

Automatic account

There is a certain set of simple arithmetic rules and patterns that you not only need to know for mental counting, but also constantly keep in mind in order to quickly apply the most effective algorithm at the right time. To do this, it is necessary to bring their use to automatism, to fix them in machine memory, so that from solving the simplest examples successfully move on to more complex arithmetic operations.

Here are the main algorithms that you need to know, remember and apply instantly, automatically:

Subtraction 7, 8, 9. To subtract 9 from any number, you need to subtract 10 from it and add 1. To subtract 8 from any number, you need to subtract 10 from it and add 2. To subtract 7 from any number, you need to subtract 10 from it and add 3. If usually If you think differently, then for the best result you need to get used to this new way.

Multiply by 9. You can quickly multiply any number by 9 as follows: first multiply this number by 10 (just add a zero at the end), and then subtract the number itself from the result. For example: 89*9=890-89=801. This operation must be brought to automaticity.

Multiplication by 2. For mental counting, it is very important to be able to quickly multiply any number by 2. To multiply non-round numbers by 2, try rounding them to the nearest more convenient ones. So 139*2 is easier to count if you first multiply 140 by 2 (140*2=280) and then subtract 1*2=2 (it's 1 that needs to be added to 139 to get 140). Total: 140*2-1*2=280-2=278.

Division by 2. For mental counting, it is also important to be able to quickly divide any number by 2. Despite the fact that many people find multiplication and division by 2 quite simple, in difficult cases also try to round numbers. For example, to divide 198 by 2, you must first divide 200 (that's 198+2) by 2 and subtract 1 (we got 1 by dividing the added 2 by 2). Total: 198/2=200/2-2/2=100-1=99.

Division and multiplication by 4 and 8. Division (or multiplication) by 4 and by 8 are two or three division (or multiplication) by 2. It is convenient to perform these operations sequentially. For example, 46*4=46*2*2 =92*2= 184.

Multiply by 5. Multiplying by 5 is very easy. Multiplying by 5 and dividing by 2 are basically the same thing. So 88*5=440 and 88/2=44, so always multiply by 5 by dividing the number by 2 and multiplying it by 10.

Multiply by 25. Multiplying by 25 corresponds to dividing by 4 (and then multiplying by 100). So 120*25 = 120/4*100=30*100=3000.

Multiplication by single digits. To quickly count in your head, it is useful to be able to multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. To do this, you need to multiply a two- or three-digit number bit by bit. For example, let's multiply 83*7. To do this, first multiply 8 by 7 (and add zero, since 8 is the tens digit), and add the product of 3 and 7 to this number. Thus, 83*7=80*7 +3*7= 560+21=581 . Let's take a more complex example: 236*3. So, we multiply the complex number by 3 bit by bit: 200*3+30*3+6*3=600+90+18=708.

Definition of ranges. In order not to get confused in the algorithms and not to give a completely wrong answer by mistake, it is important to be able to build an approximate range of answers. So the multiplication of single-digit numbers by each other can give a result of no more than 90 (9*9=81), two-digit numbers - no more than 10,000 (99*99=9801), three-digit numbers - no more than 1,000,000 (999*999=998001).

Divide 1000 by 2, 4, 8, 16. And finally, it is useful to know the division of numbers that are multiples of 10 by numbers that are multiples of two: 1000=2*500=4*250=8*125=16*62.5.

Note. These patterns are key to mental counting. If any of them causes difficulty for you, practice, as further algorithms will require the rapid completion of the arithmetic operations described above.


If you want to improve your skills on the topic of this lesson, you can use the following game. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the numbers are different each time.

What do you think, what resource on this planet is the most important for a person and its loss is completely irreplaceable, in any way? Let's not play fortune tellers - it's time. It is time that is absolutely priceless and cannot be returned if it is completely pointless to spend. No amount of money, transplantation and teleportation will help..)). A second passed, a minute .., and that's it, they are no more.

However, people don't think about it at all. Well, think about it, tomorrow will be a day, I’ll do what didn’t work out today .. Only you can’t return time ... and you have become a minute older. And there life passed ..)).

Why am I doing all this? We now live in the age of information and technological mega breakthroughs. We need to enjoy all the benefits that modern technology gives us, and not live like Neanderthals in the cave age. People are absolutely lazy. But, there is a paradox here. Thanks to the same technologies ..)). The lazy man paradox.

In my opinion, people have forgotten how to count their time. By counting, I mean saving. By the way, recently I talked about this topic with my successful client, who is engaged online with me. And those are his words. “You understand Sereg, people don’t know how to count their time.”

And indeed it is. Look. In order to load your body with physical activity, it is not at all necessary to spend time in the gym. All this crap with gyms is pure marketing of fitness corporations. As if without the use of simulators, nickel-plated barbells and dumbbells, it is impossible to make yourself an athlete. Nonsense is complete. For this, a floor, a street horizontal bar and bars, and a couple of bottles of water are enough. All! And such inventory is present always and everywhere. Although, if you need comfort and pathos in front of friends and relatives, go sparkle with nickel.

By the way, in my opinion in a combination of words "training - comfort", combined incompatible ( sorry for the tautology). Training, in principle, should not be convenient and comfortable ..)). It has to be heavy and spartan so that you survive. Otherwise, your body simply will not adapt to the loads. What for him extra hemorrhoids? Remember it!

The next aspect. Well, you decided to work out at home or in the yard of your house. You have to understand what you are doing. The science of building a natural athletic build is really a science. It is impossible to start classes without knowing the physiology, anatomy and theory of training methods. If someone thinks that this is all garbage, you will think there, everything is clear and understandable .., I looked on YouTube. Take more and gradually increase the weight .... Then answer, why the hell are there so few athletically natural athletes???

YouTube is full of steroid jocks that talk about anything but how much pharmacology they swallowed. And they won't say! Because then their authority will fall below the plinth of any push. I will say more - 90 percent " gurufitnegwnostars” on the Internet and have no idea how to train properly. They just don't know. Their method is steroids. And with pharmacology, a person will evolve in pumping in any case. Even if he makes mistakes, he will still grow faster than a natural athlete. Alas, this is the truth that no one talks about. Such is nature - there cannot be arms 5 times larger than the legs of an athlete, in a natural way. No matter how you load them separately ( as many people think). Why don't they talk about it? This is not beneficial for the fitness industry. And people will be eat” Knowingly false information. Look at the image of ancient Greek athletes on various frescoes, engravings. You see a lot of modern naturally healthy“athletes? That's the whole answer..)). Imagine, such an athlete appears and says - you know, you have to train for 5-10 years to become a really well-developed athlete and not be blown away by the age of 50 like farm workers! Well, what fitness mega trainer will guide you for so many years? You need money quickly.

A little sideways. Sore. So, doing physical activity on your own is like treating your own teeth. The result is one - you will damage it. And the jaw is on one side. Need a coach. This is fine. And so it should be. Have you ever wondered why all the stars have trainers who look after their bodies? What is there, sat down, got up, fell, wrung out. Think about it. An, no. You need to know where to fall, how to do push-ups, how much to do push-ups and when to stop doing push-ups ..)).

And now back to the beginning. Saving time. I, which helps keep yourself in great shape, lose weight if necessary, saves a hell of a lot of time! Remember I talked about technology? Yes, classes are conducted via video chat. It's Skype or Hangout, it doesn't matter at all.

Suitable for:

    Wanting to lose weight what for us extra eyes looking at us);

    Keep yourself in shape;

    Develop endurance;

    Learn colisthenics ( this is not only horizontal bars, it is generally work with the weight of your own body).

Let's count with you. Simple arithmetic - we are engaged in the hall.

Let's say you want to train three times a week. You live in a metropolis. Gym is not close the reverse is extremely rare.):

    Change clothes after work, collect a bag - 15 minutes;

    Drive or walk to the hall - 20-30 minutes;

    Arriving at the hall, change clothes, say hello to everyone (but how else) - 15 minutes;

    Training (training itself, conversations with friends, queue for a projectile at rush hour) - 1.5 hours;

    Wash in the shower, get dressed - 20-30 minutes;

    Drive or walk to the house - 20-30 minutes.

Time total - 3.5 hours (+/- a few minutes). We multiply this figure by 3 days a week, it turns out - 10.5 hours! We take as a basis four weeks of a full month. Multiply 10.5 hours by 4, equals 42 hours.

42 hours a week you spend nowhere!

Why nowhere? Yes, because useful time under load, intensively, if you need a result, should be no more than 40-50 minutes a day.

We count again. Simple arithmetic - we do it at home.

Again, let's take three workouts a week as a basis. It doesn't matter what city or country. The main thing is that you are at home.

    Change clothes after work and prepare everything for classes - 15 minutes;

Now, think about what kind of body you would like (la) to have and knock on me, I will help!

To contact me, you can write to any messenger. In the right and bottom corner of the monitor, click on the clapping hands, different options will be indicated where you can find me.

Read the instructions and start exercising - !