
Healing points on the body. The main points of acupuncture: schemes of points on the body and feet

In ancient Chinese medicine, there is a special way to treat a fairly wide range of diseases. This method is called acupuncture. It is the introduction of needles at specific points that are located throughout the human body.

Acupuncture and Acupressure

Along with acupuncture, another medical method is used, which is called acupressure. In this method, the effect is on the same active points. The difference is that a needle is not inserted into these zones, but pressure is exerted by the index and thumb.

The effects of the two related effects are pretty similar. They can normalize the functional failures of the body, contribute to a speedy recovery, relieve stress, eliminate its effects and even help in the fight against excess weight. Official medicine does not deny the effectiveness of acupuncture and acupressure, but the mechanism of these processes has not been fully understood.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture

In Asian schools, Chinese acupuncture, points and treatment methods are studied as a subject. In order to master her techniques, special education and the status of a medical professional are not required. It will be sufficient to learn the simple skills of this method of healing, and at any time you can independently help yourself with various painful conditions. You will also need to remember where the main points of acupuncture are located on the human body.

Chinese medicine claims that acupuncture can cure almost all diseases. At the moment, there is no evidence of cure with the help of acupuncture of severe human conditions, such as cancer, but nevertheless, with other ailments, such therapy is very effective.

Acupuncture can cure diseases of organs and systems. It also brings stability to the affected nervous system. To perform manipulations, strictly sterile needles are placed on the acupuncture points, which eliminates the ingress of infections into the human body. But aseptic instruments alone will not be enough. It is important to have sufficient knowledge and skills to be able to make life easier for yourself and other people using the ancient Chinese method of healing.

How to find acupuncture points?

To date, acupuncture points on the human body are thousands, but only an experienced specialist can remember each of them. This knowledge comes only after many years of practice. But do not think that this science is available only to the elite. For someone who is just starting to practice this method of Chinese medicine, it is important to know the most important points of acupuncture.

The dislocation of these active zones on the human body has been studied for centuries, and now there is a fairly clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow to detect them. According to the doctrine, acupuncture points are located on 14 meridians. Each of them has its own special name and has its own scope. By acting on them in a special way, various effects on health can be achieved.

Do all points work the same?

All acupuncture points on the human body can be divided into the following main groups.

  • Harmonizing. They are located at the starting and ending points of the meridians. Exposure to them helps to restore the balance of all organs and systems of the human body.
  • Stimulating acupuncture points are singular on meridians. If you act on them correctly, you can activate a person’s energy reserves to fight the disease.
  • Soothing. They are necessary to bring the nervous system into a state of harmony. According to many patients, the effects on these points bring the most pleasant sensations.
  • Each internal organ has its own point of anxiety. If you skillfully act on it, then the pain in this organ calms down, and it functions normally.
  • Special points of human acupuncture require special exposure. Manipulations in these areas are carried out by a characteristic method. Each of the points can help with a certain disease.

Alarm Points and Diagnostics

There are acupuncture points on the human body called mo-points. Each organ has its own disturbing area. When this part of the body experiences dysfunction, the point associated with it begins to disturb the person. If you study this theory well, you can recognize diseases in this way. For example, as acupuncture describes, the points on the back, and more precisely, the areas of the lower back, begin to disturb during kidney disease, and discomfort in a point on the abdomen indicates a disease of the stomach.

The location of acupuncture points on the palms

Palms from the point of view of Chinese medicine are a complete projection of our body. On the inner side of our hands are concentrated many points responsible for the work of internal organs and parts of the body. Their location is quite concentrated, so you need to produce a very accurate effect. This is a real professional. The contact surface of the needle is very small, as are the acupuncture points on the arm. Therefore, this tool is ideal for influencing the active areas of the palms.

The figure shows the hands of a person in terms of acupuncture.   According to this image, zones located in the wrist are responsible for the functioning of the mammary glands. A little lower and to the center of the palm is the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart, and on the left and right at the edges are the areas of the lungs. Below are the areas of the digestive system: stomach, liver and gall bladder, pancreas, all areas of the intestine. Fingers are a kind of projection of the limbs. The index and middle are responsible for the legs, and the large and little fingers are the hands. At the base of the middle finger and along its length to the middle phalanx there are areas of the genitourinary system. Below are the areas of language receptors, the cervical region and the brain.

These are the main points of acupuncture on a person’s hand. Skillfully acting on them, it is possible to stimulate the work of all organs and systems of the body. Acupuncture in these areas requires professional accuracy, since all areas are quite close to each other. Quite a lot of experience is needed to act purposefully on any organ.

Point on the feet

Human feet are also places of concentration of acupuncture points. In the figure below, all zones are clearly visible.

At the ends of the toes are areas of the frontal sinuses.

Further on the fingers are the projections of the senses: eyes, ears and nose, as well as the brain area. At the base of the thumb is a very important point for lowering blood pressure. Below under the thumb are the projections of the esophagus and parathyroid gland. Under the other phalanges are the zones of the trapezius muscle, heart, lungs and kidneys. Below the center of the foot are areas of the digestive tract. At the base of the heel is a point on which exposure will help relieve sleep disturbance. Below it are areas of the reproductive system and the area of \u200b\u200bthe sciatic nerve.

Thus, it is very clearly visible that the acupuncture points of the person are located on the feet rather concentrated. Accurate and targeted exposure can relieve any disease. Everyone knows the legendary foot massage. It serves not only as an excellent way for relaxation, but also is a healing and restorative procedure.

Points on the back

There is a list of the most common active zones that you can stimulate on your own without having any special skills in sciences such as Chinese acupuncture. The points described below are worth remembering and trying to put the skills into practice.

  • Between the 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae there is a zone that will help eliminate fatigue and helps to cure diseases of the respiratory system. Numerous cases of applying stimulation of this acupuncture point to the growth of children and even adults are also known.
  • Between the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae on both sides at a distance of 3-4 cm are paired points that must be stimulated in case of spleen disease. It also helps to overcome fears and anxieties.
  • At the level of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae on both sides at a distance of 3-4 cm there are points, affecting which, you can increase blood flow and normalize men's health. It also favors kidney function, improves hearing and reduces body fatigue.
  • In the region of the 2nd sacral vertebra there is an active zone, stimulating which, it is possible to cure gynecological ailments, help with joint diseases and paralysis of the limbs.

The above active zones are often used in such a method of healing as acupuncture. Points on the back can be massaged independently and effectively alleviate the condition with your own hands.

Acupuncture points for headache

If you are tormented by headaches of a different nature and genesis, then this very tires the body. Pharmaceutical products in the form of tablets and powders have only a temporary effect. Migraine is especially exhausting for a person. This type of headache is periodic in nature, the waves of discomfort then roll, then recede a little.

It is especially difficult for pregnant women. During this period, taking medications is undesirable, as it can provoke dangerous consequences in the mother and fetus. In this and other cases, acupuncture will help to cope with a headache.

The figure below illustrates the main points of acupuncture on the head. Exposure to them will help relieve you of migraine and pain of a different genesis. These points are located in the following areas:

  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples where you can grope a hole with your finger;
  • on the outside of the eyebrow, symmetrically to the temporal point;
  • on the outer corner of the eye, under the superciliary point; when exposed to this zone, massaging movements should be excluded; manipulations here should be carried out in the form of light pressure;
  • On the inner edges of the eyebrows at the nose; this point is also called the "third eye";
  • Front of the auricle, top of the tragus; there you can feel a small depression;
  • in the fossa between the inner corner of the eye and the nose; this point is also not allowed to be massaged, only slightly pressed;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temporal bone above the edge of the ear on the scalp.

These acupuncture zones work very efficiently. However, they should not be limited only to the treatment of migraines. The following acupuncture points on the arm for headaches will be very useful.

  • On the hand between the first and second metacarpal bones. This point is symmetrical and is located on both limbs. To influence it, the brush is placed on a solid horizontal surface and alternately masses the points on the right and left hand.
  • In the depression on the forearm between the radius and ulna, three fingers above the fold on the wrist.
  • On the outside of the fold formed by folding in the elbow joint.

Cope with the most severe headache will help alternate exposure to these three main points. Acupuncture does not limit the treatment of migraines with acupuncture of the upper limbs. There are also active zones on the legs, the effects on which can eliminate a headache:

  • on the foot from the back, 2 cm higher along the line between the first and second fingers;
  • on the second toe, at a distance of about 2 mm from the base of the nail plate;
  • between the fourth finger and the little finger 1 cm higher towards the ankle;
  • on the thumb, 3 mm higher from the base of the nail with an offset towards the second finger;
  • on the line of the outer edge of the little finger between the base of the phalanx and metatarsus.

By applying acupuncture and acupressure techniques to these areas, you will help yourself alleviate the suffering associated with headaches. However, such places are located not only on the head and limbs. There are also acupuncture points on the human body that are no less effective at the above active centers to cope with exhausting migraines. They are located in the following places:

  • along the anterior abdominal wall, 2 cm below the navel; it is very important to act on this active center correctly, and for this the patient must take a lying position and relax the press as much as possible;
  • on the midline in the epigastric depression below the xiphoid process on the anterior surface of the abdomen.

It seems unbelievable, but all these points, scattered throughout the human body, can help with headaches.

Acupuncture for weight loss

It's hard to believe, but acupuncture and acupuncture points can help overweight people. It often happens that full people, seeking to lose weight, do not help diet and exercise. Doctors advise examining the body for metabolic disorders and related diseases.

Acupuncture has proven to be quite good in the fight against overweight. For these purposes, doctors use two main methods. The first one is wearing a special needle at a point on the ear. Thus, the contact is long, and the result is impressive. The second method is based on the introduction of needles into special active centers on the human body. The duration of such a procedure depends on how many kilograms the patient wants to lose weight.

There are special acupuncture points, affecting which, you can effectively reduce appetite. The whole secret is that as a result of the simulation of these active points, “hormones of happiness” endorphins are produced, and for a while a person completely forgets about food. A nice bonus to losing weight is an excellent mood, which is always reduced during diets.

In order to find these points, you need to know some units adopted in acupuncture. Most often, acupuncturists use the concept of "cun." This is a unit of length equal to one phalanx or the diameter of the thumb. Having learned this rule, you can quite easily find on your body any point of acupuncture. For convenience, also remember that four fingers folded together, with the exception of the thumb, make up three tsuns.

The active centers of the body responsible for losing weight can be found as follows.

  • The most effective point, called Kuan-Yuan, is located at a distance of 3 tsun below the navel. It is necessary to act on it under certain conditions: manipulations are carried out on an empty stomach in a prone position. Massaging movements should be light and smooth. This point is responsible for the feeling of hunger.
  • The Lau-Gong point is located in the center of the palm and is responsible for the activity of the stomach and intestines. Massaging it strictly clockwise to the center of the brush can effectively reduce appetite.
  • A point called Zu-San Lee is located under the patella. You need to put a palm on it, and with a ring finger you feel the deepening. This point must be massaged for 20 minutes.

In order to normalize weight, you will need to remember these three main points. Acupuncture also indicates several other active centers, stimulating which, you will always be in perfect shape.

  • The Shao-Shan point, which is located near the thumbnail. It must be massaged for several minutes a day.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe junction of the shoulders and neck on the back is the Jian-Jing point. It will also be enough for her to devote a few minutes a day for a good result.
  • It is not recommended to act on the point of Tian Shu, which is located slightly below the navel, for longer than one minute.
  • The Low-Gu point can be found on the outside of the thigh at the back, rising 6 tsunami from the ankle.
  • In the center between the elbow and shoulder joint on the outside of the arm is the Yu-Pe point. It is associated with the center of saturation. Stimulate it costs 30 seconds, periodically changing hands.

Thus, combining a balanced diet and acupuncture, you are able to effectively normalize weight and at the same time have a great mood.

Using the methods of Chinese traditional medicine, you can painlessly and effectively remove unpleasant sensations, normalize the work of all organs and systems human body, eliminate the effects of stress and establish an emotional background. With the help of acupuncture, you can lose extra pounds, restore harmony of body and spirit.

The most ancient medical knowledge came from China. Scientists, doctors working for the good of mankind, discovered a paradoxical method of treatment, which was called acupuncture. On the human body is a huge number of bioenergy points. There are points on the hands that are responsible for the organs and their functionality. The paradox of the treatment is that by massaging certain zones, a person can independently improve his well-being. The process and technique are important. Right movements and miracles.

We can say that a person’s hands are his body, only in a reduced form. On the palm of your hand there are biologically active points that are responsible for the front and on the back, for the back.

What is a biologically active hand point?

There are many points on the hands, they are all located at a certain distance from each other. Therefore, before starting an independent treatment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the relevant literature.

Existing methods of acupuncture points on the hand allow you to determine with one click. It is impossible to see them with the naked eye, but when you feel your palm, you feel a hollow, a hole. Light pressure can cause pain. It is they who say that biologically active points are found.

Doctors using modern equipment, with confidence, argue that the place of the point is no different from the entire skin of the hand. Only due to the influence of a constant weak current, a sharp decrease in the skin resistance was found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe biologically active point.

Acupuncture hands

For the normal functioning of the body, several points must be clamped or massaged at once. Existing points on the hands that are responsible for the organs, when pressed or massaged, transmit a signal to the brain, and it - directly to a specific organ. Oriental medicine professionals will effortlessly find a point that controls the normal functionality of the thyroid gland, heart, or kidneys.


The acupuncture methods used make points on the arm sensitive and receptive. It is enough to remember these places once, so that throughout life a person has the opportunity to independently solve problems that arise in his body. If, for example, sharply and strongly press the point that is responsible for the functional capabilities of the liver, a person will feel nausea and pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthis organ.

Organs on hand

The points of the organs on the arm allow a person to normalize the disease state of his body in the shortest possible time. An example is the bending of the upper phalanx of the thumb, this point is responsible for the performance, functionality and control of the thyroid gland. The points on the hands that are responsible for the organs will help cure bronchitis, and not only. By clicking on the fold of the middle phalanx of the middle finger, you can speed up the healing process when coughing. Even the heart muscle is affected if the middle of the lower phalanx of the middle finger is massaged.

Hand acupuncture professionals can combine several points at the same time to quickly get a positive result. At first glance, this is a primitive, simple method of treatment, but it becomes such only if you know the location of the points on the hands and match their organs. Look at the palm. The middle finger has points responsible for all organs, neck, head. Index and nameless give the opportunity to get rid of pain in the hands. On the thumb and little finger there are points, pressing on which, you can cure your legs.

Active points

Active points on the hands can be local and general action. The difference between the two is in taking the therapy method. In order to achieve the result of local action, you will have to make an appointment with a doctor and take an acupuncture course. This is because the active local action points are close to the organs. Results from local exposure can be obtained independently, since the points on the hands that are responsible for the organs, the person has the right to massage or press at any convenient time. In order to correctly press the desired point, it is advisable to know its exact location. Otherwise, a person will think that he is relieving his headache, but in fact he is treating a runny nose. Not knowing the exact location of the active point, it is difficult to navigate yourself, it is worth looking into the appropriate books or making an appointment with a professional.

Point locations

Hands are the gateway to the energy system of the human body. Much depends on the location of the points, including the normal functioning of a particular organ individually. If we consider the points on the hands, the photo of which is attached, we can conclude that they are symmetrical. It doesn’t happen that the point located on the right hand is absent on the left. She will not only be present, but her location will be the same. This allows a person to quickly remember the location of all active points on both the internal and

Massaging process

When a person presses on an active point, he induces action. He, in turn, can regulate the processes of the respiratory system, the rhythm of heart contractions, and digestion processes. If during pressing there is a strong or sharp pain at the location of the active point, we can say with confidence that a person has problems with a particular organ. He needs to seek help from a specialist.

Feature points

Organ diseases can be very different, but what if a tooth hurts or insomnia is tortured? To solve such problems is on hand.

The point "Lao-gun" helps to treat the initial stages of periodontal disease, stomatitis. If you regularly act on it, it will relieve constantly aching pain. It is safe to say that if this point is massaged regularly, problems in the oral cavity in a person will not arise. In addition, the appetite will be restored, the pain will leave the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart, it will cease to disturb arthritis. If you squeeze your hand into a fist, you can easily find this point between the middle and

With the help of "nei-guan" you can influence any pain that has arisen, restore sleep, blood pressure, strengthen the psyche. It is located on the inner surface of the wrist, between the tendons.

"Shen-men" helps to calm the heart rate, prevent the initial stage of tonsillitis, runny nose and remove inflammation from the lymph nodes. Regularly you need to massage this point, if a person has problems with the heart, blood circulation is disturbed, angina pectoris is observed. It can be found in the center of the carpal fold, between the tendons of the hands.


There are several methods that are used in the treatment of various diseases in the human body. To apply them, just find the points on the hands that are responsible for the organs requiring treatment. For prevention or at the initial stage of the disease, you can start using massages:

  • Point.
  • Dentistry
  • Busse method.

Acupressure is similar in acupuncture. It is very simple in practice, does not require tools and medical equipment. In order to make it necessary with a fingertip, which is placed vertically, determine the location of the desired point. Then slowly and effortlessly begin to massage her in a circular motion, gradually increasing the pressure force. The skin should move with your finger. In order for the massage to be effective, it is necessary to choose a certain intense rhythm, which will be observed throughout the procedure.

Dental therapy is a hand massage using metal balls whose diameter does not exceed 2 millimeters. They are attached under the patch, in contact with the necessary zone. Periodic pressure on the ball will bring the first results quickly enough.

The Busse method is similar to cubotherapy, only use not balls, but metal plates of gold or silver. It does not bring discomfort to the patient; it is often used in practice. The plates are fixed in the necessary places, as the pain subsides, they move or are completely removed. They can be worn to prevent the occurrence of various diseases, but more often this method is used in advanced conditions, as it is considered the most effective.

It was effective, it is very important to correctly determine these points.

Device for determining biologically active points

Exists special appliances  to determine biologically active points. When moving this device over the surface of the body, the LED located on it as it approaches this point starts flashing.

When the device is located in its center, the diode is lit with continuous light, and as it moves away from acupuncture points  the brightness of the glow drops until it completely stops.

May also be present sound indicationwhich works synchronously with the LED. The price of this device is low, and everyone can buy it for themselves to use at home. However, buying such a device is not necessary at all - all points can be found without it.

Key Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture points on hand. On the palm is the largest number of acupuncture points:

  • acting on the upper phalanx of the middle finger, you can affect the work of the head;
  • near the small pillow of the thumb there are points through which you can act on different parts of the brain;
  • the impact on the bend, located between the middle and lower phalanges of the middle finger, allows you to control the work of the trachea;
  • a point on the bend between the upper and middle phalanges of the middle finger corresponds to the thyroid gland;
  • the biologically active point on the bend between the first and second phalanges of the thumb is also responsible for the thyroid gland;
  • acting on the area between the middle and lower phalanges of the ring finger, it is possible to influence the work of the bronchi;
  • the heart corresponds to the points located in the middle of the lower phalanx of the middle finger, on the bend between this phalanx and palm, as well as between the middle and lower phalanges of the index finger;
  • there are two points between the index and middle fingers, through which you can affect the functioning of the liver;
  • biologically active points correspond to the stomach, which are located between the lower phalanx of the little finger and the palm, as well as on the palm at the intersection of lines passing through the middle and thumb;
  • a little below them are points through which you can affect the intestines.

Acupuncture points on the foot
. According to the views of traditional Chinese medicine, more than 60 areas and points are located on the lower surface of the foot.

Each of them also corresponds to specific authority  or any part of the body.

To the main points  acupuncture located on the feet include:

  • points located on the fingertips - acting on them, you can affect the respiratory tract;
  • acupuncture points associated with the spine that are located on the arch of the foot;
  • points located on the bends between the second and third fingers, through which it is possible to affect the eyes;
  • the area associated with the stomach, which is located in the central part of the foot from the inside;
  • a point located directly in the center of the foot that is associated with the solar plexus.

Acupuncture points on the face. The impact on the acupuncture points located on the face will also help get rid of many problems in the body:

  • stimulation of a point located above the outer edge of the eyebrow allows you to relieve migraines and improve vision;
  • impact on the area under the eye closer to its outer edge will help relieve heat and moisturize the eyes;
  • stimulation of a biologically active point, which is located on the cheek near the middle of the nose, will help cure trigeminal neuralgia and facial paralysis;
  • the impact on the point located at the transition from the nose to the cheek at the level of one third of its height will help cure inflammation of the sinuses.

Acupuncture points on the human body
. A point is located in the second intercostal space on the outside of the chest, the effect on which will help get rid of bronchitis, intercostal neuralgia, difficulty swallowing, back and chest pains.

In the sixth intercostal space at stomach level  below the axillary hollow there is a point, the stimulation of which allows treating liver diseases and relieving attacks of intercostal neuralgia.

At the level of the lower extremity of the stomach at a distance slightly more than the width of the palm from the middle of the abdomen, there is a point on which the effect helps in the treatment of gastric diseases. A biologically active point located just below the navel is responsible for appetite. By stimulating it, you can relieve hunger.

Acupuncture restorative points

Separately, it is worth mentioning the bracing points:

  • Longevity point  - it can be found on the front surface of the leg under the knee. It is necessary to place the right palm on the center of the patella, then the ring finger will point to it. By stimulating this point, you can maintain peace of mind, improve health, get rid of headaches and insomnia.
  • Good spacing  - This biologically active point is located between the first and second toes. Its stimulation will help get rid of neurosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, menstrual disorders.
  • Closed valley  - is in the recess between the first and second fingers. Its stimulation allows you to get rid of neurotic conditions, migraines, insomnia, diseases of the nasopharynx and tinnitus.

To understand have you identified the biologically active point, you need to put pressure on her. In this case, you should feel severe pain or, conversely, an almost complete absence of sensations. In many cases, after pressure, you can also feel pain or discomfort in the organ to which the point corresponds, for example, in the stomach or in the region of the liver.

Acupuncture points are located throughout the body, and to learn how to find each, it will take a lot of time. However, the main ones can quickly learn to determine yourself. But it is not always easy to avoid mistakes. To be sure that you are doing everything right, you can contact a specialist - he will help you find all acupuncture points.

Acupuncture points and the doctrine of the meridians - look at the video:

How to find acupuncture points on the human body, see the video:

How the apparatus for acupuncture and acupuncture points search works, look at the video:

Already many modern people have begun to pay attention to the fact that massage or rubbing of certain areas on the skin can relieve pain or improve health.

Chinese medicine calls the points on the body biologically active and important, because each of them is responsible for certain organs and systems! Knowing how to use this knowledge, you can easily heal and strengthen your own body, learn how to easily cope with any disease.

Chinese medicine: points on the human body

To begin with, it does not hurt to deal with the basics of Chinese traditional medicine in order to understand what such points are in general.

In the human body, in addition to blood flow and blood vessels, there are other vital channels that are not possible to see or feel at the same time. These channels are called meridians - this is a closed system that provides our body with the necessary energy. Like the circles of blood circulation, the meridians have a completely designated and static place inside our body, and each of these energy channels is responsible for the function of the internal organ.

So, there is a meridian, through which life-giving energy enters the heart muscle, and meridians, through which the liver, reproductive system and other organs function.

There are a lot of such invisible channels in our body: there are small and separate energy channels that circulate only in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe human body, and there are also those that practically flow around the entire body. These largest channels are called the main meridians of the human body.

Active points under our skin are nothing more than zones located on such energy lines. They are not too deep under the epidermis, and therefore they are also used to activate them. acupressure, and acupuncture, and even rubbing.

Although these points are located almost everywhere, all over our body, but most of them are concentrated in specific areas - on the auricles, on the feet and hands.

These reflex zones are the most important and most important for health. Although it is impossible, of course, to say that others are completely insignificant. So, if you have a dysfunction of a particular organ or internal system, you can restore it through frequent and regular massage or acupuncture of the necessary points. These reflex zones are located throughout the necessary meridian.

All that is needed is to find out exactly which energy depot is responsible for the health of the desired organ.

For example, if your heart is naughty and you often have chest pains, you can massage the heart meridian, which runs from the armpit area to the tip of the little finger on both hands. It is located on the inside of the arm and has the nine most active points.

However, if you are not very well versed in the structure of the main meridians and cannot massage, you can recall that the active points of each organ are also on the surface of our feet and hands. Therefore, without much difficulty, you can massage them yourself or go to the chiropractor’s office, where you will undergo a skin puncture course at the desired points to get to them and activate.

An alternative to skin punctures and acupuncture is acupressure. This is a local massage of the necessary point, which can be carried out independently, right at home.

How is acupressure performed?

  1. First of all, lie on the sofa or on the bed;
  2. Relax your whole body, try to completely calm down;
  3. Nothing should distract you, it is better that there are no extraneous noise;
  4. To make it easier to relax, cover your eyelids and breathe calmly and measuredly;
  5. Bend the fingers of your right hand into a gentle fist, leaving only the index finger outside;
  6. With the cushion of this finger, find the necessary reflex zone on your body;
  7. Press on it, trying to make the fingertip plunge into the skin;
  8. Do not overdo it: pain and discomfort should not be;
  9. Without lifting your finger from the desired active point, massage it in a circular motion;
  10. The procedure should last at least a couple of minutes, ideally 4-5 minutes;
  11. It is important that during acupressure the fingertip never breaks away from the desired point;
  12. At the end of the massage, slowly and gently lift the index finger and gently rub the place where it was;
  13. The effect after acupressure is achieved quite quickly.

You can do acupressure at home at any time, and also treat any system or organ in this way. All that is needed is to get to the necessary reflex zone, and these points are not too deep beneath the surface of the skin, therefore it is not difficult.

Also in this way you can massage the surface of your feet and palms, earlobes. To do this, take a comfortable sitting position and massage the desired points using the method described above. It is not necessary to know the location of each zone: many beginner practitioners simply thoroughly knead the entire surface of the foot or palms, trying to touch every biologically active point.

Chinese medicine: points on the hand and their meaning

In the event that an ailment caught you by surprise, you can quickly get rid of it by regularly conducting acupressure sessions with your own hands. Look at the image and calculate the location of the necessary reflex zone: the figure shows all the important points that are located under the skin of the hands:

Active points on the hands: Chinese medicine

Acupressure can quickly get rid of any kind of pain, if you correctly interpret the place of its localization.

  • So, if a headache or migraine bothers you, carefully knead the reflex zone, which is responsible for the brain, as well as for the spine and neck, since most often the headache is a signal that enough oxygen does not enter the brain cells.
  • For stomach problems, use the acupressure of the stomach area, located in the area under the median fold of the palm, and also do not forget about the pancreas and spleen.
  • In case of urolithiasis or cystitis, the activation of points of the bladder, ureter and kidneys is excellent.
  • And if you are often bothered by diseases of the reproductive system or inflammation, then use the acupressure of the zones responsible for the health of the ovaries (testicles) and uterus (prostate gland).

It is worth noting that the reflex zones on our palms are mirrored - this is shown in the figure. Therefore, it is important to take this into account when performing their massage.

Acupressure devices

In Thai wellness massage, special wooden sticks are used to activate biological points on the feet and palms - these massagers are somewhat reminiscent of Chinese chopsticks, but have a wider handle and are rounded at the bottom.

If you often intend to resort to acupressure, then it will not be amiss to get hold of such a Thai stick for massage of reflex zones. It’s much more convenient to wield than a small index finger. But the massage is performed according to the same scheme that has already been given above.

At home for wellness acupressure, you can use improvised means - for example, chopsticks that do not have a tip, or even not sharpened wooden pencil.

If you doubt your skill and want to get the maximum benefit from therapeutic acupressure, then it will not be out of place to turn to a real professional who has all the subtleties of this procedure and is fluent in ancient Chinese techniques.

It is worth noting that in traditional medicine in China, such a massage is usually carried out with your hands, using only the thumb and forefinger. But for therapeutic acupuncture, special needles and new-fangled electrical appliances can be used. The latter, by the way, have long established themselves in manual therapy.

Chinese medicine: acupuncture points and its activation

During an acupuncture session, a professional specialist pierces certain areas on the skin to get a needle to an active biological point. Moreover, such punctures are most often not painful and do not cause unpleasant sensations in the patient.

Classical acupuncture does not involve the use of small charges of electricity or any waves: the master simply activates the reflex zones, driving a long needle into the skin to the required depth and leaving it there for a while.

The modern world of manual technologies makes extensive use of special devices for healing acupuncture: they consist of a special needle with a long wire connected to the unit, and during the process of puncture through the wire, a small electric charge is supplied inside the needle, which activates the work of the reflex point.

In this case, the master acts in turn, working out each zone individually. At the same time as classical acupuncture involves all the necessary zones at once.

In the process of acupuncture punctures, not only those points that are located on the skin of the palms or hands are activated. Depending on the disease and its localization, the master decides which zones to use.

Also, with Chinese acupuncture, punctures are often used in places of suitable meridians. For this reason, needles can be left on the back, and on the legs, and on other areas of the body where the energy depot is located.

Naturally, nobody carries out acupuncture healing sessions at home. To do this, you need to contact a specialized clinic or chiropractor's office.

It is forbidden to engage in amateur activity in this matter, not only because an inexperienced practitioner can infect due to skin punctures, but also because such an original acupuncture can harm the reflex points themselves.

Only an experienced specialist knows at what depth and where exactly it is necessary to perform a puncture. An ordinary person will not be able to find a puncture point and execute it correctly, even if he studies the visual aid.

Acupressure in China and other countries of the world

In Chinese traditional medicine, it is customary to combine such acupressure with other techniques to enhance health and get rid of diseases. Massage of reflex zones is also included in the treated therapeutic variety of qigong, where other healing methods are often used.

To achieve the maximum result from activation of vital points, it is best to combine this practice with Chinese folk gymnastics or qigong strengthening exercises, as well as conduct regular cleansing of the body from the accumulation of negative energy. The Feng Shui diet, oriental meditations and sparing physical exercises, which are suitable even for people of retirement age, help well in this.

We can say that China is far from the only country where acupressure is widely used. His healing power is known to the Indian people, and Thais, and many others.

So, Indian acupressure is part of an extensive healing program, which includes a whole range of ancient techniques for health and strengthening the body. At the same time, such acupressure of the feet is called Padabhyanga: the specialist first rubs the patient's feet with a complex mixture of natural oils, and then carefully works with his fingers on each reflex zone.

Of course, all these ancient teachings of the Eastern peoples for health are now popular, because modern medicine has more than once agreed that acupuncture and acupressure bring tangible benefits to the human body and these techniques are really effective.

And although European countries came to such conclusions not so long ago, Chinese medicine used points on the body for healing at a time when even writing was barely beginning to begin. For this reason, it is the Chinese reflexology massage that enjoys the greatest confidence on the planet.

22 , 11:53

Point for a headache. It is located between the thumb and forefinger at the intersection of the bones. Then the thumb will lie approximately in the middle of the line of life, the index finger on the back of the hand (vice versa. You need to press hard. If it hurts, then the point is found. Three to four active clicks and you can not go after the tablet.

Point helps lower blood pressurenormalize many other things. Consciousness will become clear, and vision will be sharper. There will be no ringing in the ears.
Knowledgeable people claim that this healing method is used in military medicine. And in this area, the treatment is significantly different from the simple one to which we are all accustomed. There medicine is extreme. In military conditions, you need to do everything as quickly as possible - quickly cure, quickly put on your feet, quickly stop the bleeding.
This magic from the point of view of medicine is located on the middle finger from the back, on the small pillow. This point is quite painful. Will have to tolerate.
It should be kept relatively briefly - just one minute. But it will seem a long time. After that, any pain disappears. Pain disappears even in the spine.

Force Activation Point. Attention! Only if you bring together the tips of all your fingers, it will be in the hole in the center of the palm. Only if you feel lethargy, loss of strength, apathy, drowsiness, massage this point.

Heat point. It is located on the cushion of the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Exposure to the point helps to keep warm, stimulates the metabolism, and relieves anxiety. It can be massaged in exciting situations, before an exam or an important meeting.

Heart point. Located on the cushion of the upper phalanx of the little finger. Helps with a heartbeat.

Point of sexuality. It is a stomata located at a distance of 3 mm. Up from the beginning of the growth of the nail of the ring finger. Only if interest in the opposite sex is lost or sexuality has decreased, is it necessary to unblock the energy flows passing through the meridian of the ring finger.