
The scenes for March 8 are comic. But life in general is a complicated thing

Short skits for the holiday March 8 holiday March 8 at school Skit on March 8"Boys"

On the stage

A disheveled, sleep-deprived and grimy guy in pajamas.

He goes to the chair and takes something wrinkled and dirty from it.

SERGEY. Ma-am! We should congratulate the girls today. Did you iron my shirt?

MOTHER. Good morning, son. I stroked it.

SERGEY. Hello! Which one?

MOTHER. White.

SERGEY. White?

MOTHER. White, white.

SERGEY. What do I have?

Was it white?

MOTHER. Of course she was. We bought it last year. Don't you remember?

SERGEY. I do not remember…

MOTHER. You also wore it for New Year’s, remember?

SERGEY. For the New Year

I remember. And then

I do not remember. And... Is she white?

MOTHER. Of course, I washed it. It was lying under your bed

I had a hard time finding her! Have you brushed your teeth?

SERGEY. Ah, so that's where she was! It was Barsik who dragged her there! (Throws the dirty shirt under the bed and puts on a clean one.) Well, just wait, now you’ll get it from me! Barsik!

Barsik! Kitty Kitty Kitty! Come here!.. He’s eating something in the kitchen again.

Fat Barsik enters.


SERGEY. Get out of here!!!

SERGEY. A pig, not a cat... Ma-am!

MOTHER. What, son? Have you brushed your teeth?

SERGEY. Yeah. And Barsik too.

MOTHER. Good girl! Did you wash your neck?

SERGEY. Now, I'll soap it up! (Takes a stick). Barsik!!! Come here!

Fat Barsik enters.

BARSIK. So what?

SERGEY. Cho-cho!.. No big deal!

BARSIK. Ah-ah-ah... That’s what I would have said right away. (Leaves).

Boy takes off his trousers from a chair

Also dirty and full of holes.

SERGEY. Ma-am! Have you ironed your new trousers?

MOTHER. I stroked it. And a jacket.

SERGEY. What do I have?

Do you have a jacket?

MOTHER. Of course have.

The guy throws his trousers under the bed and grabs his jacket with the sleeve torn off.

SERGEY. Well, then it will be a vest. (Tears off the second sleeve).

MOTHER. What's cracking there?

SERGEY. This is me doing exercises, mom!

MOTHER. Ah, well done, well done!

SERGEY. Today is the eighth of March for girls ( March 8), I prepared poems for them, I’ll read them now, do you hear? (combs his hair).

MOTHER. I hear you! Nice poems!

SERGEY. What poems?

MOTHER. which you have prepared.

SERGEY. Ma, what are you doing there?

MOTHER. I'm making a pie, son. You won’t come to congratulate the girls empty-handed.

SERGEY. Why pie? I need flowers!

MOTHER. Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in the nightstand.

SERGEY. What about the briefcase?

MOTHER. Right there, nearby. They're calling, open the door!

SERGEY. These are probably the guys from the class...

Neat boys enter with flowers in their hands.

SERGEY. Oh! Who do you want?

ANDREY. We need Sergei from 9 - "A".

SERGEY. I'm listening to.

ALL. Seryoga! Are you?

SERGEY. Well yes, I am. What do you care?

DENIS. Don't you recognize it?

SERGEY. Wait a minute! I'll find out!!! It seems like we were on vacation with you in the summer... Exactly

In the camp!..

DENIS. What summer? We are your classmates. Andryukha, Denis and Ilya.

SERGEY. Very nice... oh, I mean... Guys, is it you? Well, you're dressed up! Did not recognize…

ILYA. Look at yourself!

Sergei rushes to the mirror and sees himself

He is combed and neatly dressed and faints.

MOTHER. And here comes the pie! Oh, Serezhenka, you are so smart

You won't be recognized! Did you forget the flowers?

ILYA. No, I haven't forgotten. Only I’m not Serezhenka, I’m Ilya. Serezhenka is lying there.

MOTHER. Serezhenka, I beg you, please don’t lie around in the hallway in clean clothes. Wait until school.

SERGEY. Mommy, I didn’t recognize myself! What will happen now?

MOTHER. Nothing, nothing, nothing... You'll get used to it!

The teacher enters the classroom and goes to her seat.


ALL. Hello!!!

TEACHER. Sorry, what class is this?

ALL. 9 - “A”!!!

TEACHER. 9 - “Ah”? Aaaaand... What school?

ALL. General education school No. (such and such)!!!

TEACHER. Yeah, there it is! Ah... please tell me what this is

The same school located (at such and such an address)?

ALL. The same one!!!

TEACHER. Yeah... And what, in this building before... well, there: yesterday or the day before yesterday... there was no other school No. (such and such) by chance?

ALL. No!!!

TEACHER. Well, well, well, interesting. So what class is this?

ALL. 9 - “A”!!!

TEACHER. 9 - “A”... Neither “B” nor “C”, but simply

ALL. Just "A"!!!

TEACHER. But this cannot be!!!

ALL. Why?

TEACHER. Because it

A completely different class.

SVETOCHKINA. What are you, the same one!

TEACHER. But what about the same one if I don’t recognize anything?

SVETOCHKINA. What don't you learn?

TEACHER. I don't recognize anything!

ALL. Not true!

TEACHER. Oh, isn't that true? Well, then let's check it out! What did we cover in the last lesson? You!

PETRUSHKIN. In the last lesson, you explained to us the properties and characteristic features of matter. It was very interesting...

TEACHER. Yep, gotcha! I remember well: that time no one listened!

ALL. Not true!


TEACHER. This can't be true! No one here ever taught homework!

PETRUSHKIN. And I learned it!

ALL. And I! And I!

TEACHER. I do not believe! And I won’t believe it for anything!

ALL. But why?

TEACHER. If only because I don’t know anyone here!

SVETOCHKINA. Don't you recognize me? I am an excellent student, I always sit on the first desk...

TEACHER. My God! Svetochkina, is that you? How did you get here?

SVETOCHKINA. I'm studying here.

TEACHER. Listen to me, Svetochkina: this is a very dangerous place.

Everyone here has been replaced!

SVETOCHKINA. Come on, everyone is the same here.

TEACHER. Do you doubt it? Or do you think that I have

Hallucinations? Then tell me the name of this student.

SVETOCHKINA. Petrushkin.

TEACHER. Yeah, that means it’s not me, it’s you who are mistaken! This student

Not Petrushkin. I know Petrushkin personally!

SVETOCHKINA. Who is this?

TEACHER. That's the thing, I don't know myself. But I see perfectly well: this is no Petrushkin!



Antipetrushkin!!! And you

Anti-Svetochkina!!! And all of you


ALL. Why?

TEACHER. Because normal children are not like that!

ALL. Why?

TEACHER. They don’t happen at all! First of all: they never listen in class! Secondly: they never teach homework!

And thirdly: can normal children sit so calmly and look so neat? This

Anti-children! And this


PETRUSHKIN. Let me explain everything now. Please tell me what day is it today?

TEACHER. If you think that I

That... then you are deeply mistaken. I remember everything perfectly. Please: today is the eighth of March, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight!

PETRUSHKIN. Does this mean anything to you?

TEACHER. What do you mean?.. Oh, yes, yes, it seems that I’m starting to understand something... It’s all about

In time!


TEACHER. That's what I knew!!! I arrived at a different time!!! It's very possible

To another planet! What a phenomenon!!! Tell me, what is the name of this planet? AND

What day and year is it now?

PETRUSHKIN. This planet is called: "Earth". And on this day every year on Earth it is customary to congratulate all women on the holiday March 8. You

Woman and we congratulate you! (Gives flowers).

TEACHER. This is some kind of joke... I don't understand...

PETRUSHKIN. And on my own behalf I would like to add that you

Our favorite teacher at school!!!

ALL. Yeees!!!

TEACHER. "Teacher"? Did you say "teacher"? Petrushkin, is that you?


TEACHER. God! Now I recognize you! Petrushkin! But you

My favorite student!!!

Grandmother and grandson enter.

Grandma/concerned/-darling, why are you so sad? Something happened?

Grandson - Eh. grandmother, grandmother. if you knew.

Grandmother/frightened/ -What did you know?

Grandson / caringly / - Don’t worry, sit down, sit down.

/ sits the grandmother on a chair, she holds her heart, the grandson looks into her eyes, strokes her head

/sighs/ I’m suffering so much.

Grandma - Why are you suffering?

Grandson/rolls his eyes/ I am suffering. I'm dreaming. I do not know what to do?

/sublimely/ -What to my beloved grandmother. What to give for the holiday?

Grandmother /smiles joyfully/ - maybe a bouquet of flowers?

Grandson / screams indignantly / - No!

Grandma /thinking/ then a box of chocolates?

The grandson stomps angrily - No! No! and No!

Grandson / affectionately / On the day of spring and joy. We don’t need sweets!/licks his lips/

grandmother/ slyly/ yes, this task is not easy.

Grandson / remember, you had a dream. you have dreamed since childhood.

Grandmother/shrugs/but it was a big secret. shh! I’m a little ashamed even right

Grandson / with annoyance / -grandmother. fame will not pass you by, you still have a few years left /pause/

We will give you a gift / pause. moped!moped! Moped/chant

Grandmother/asks again in confusion/-Moped!

The grandson /convinced/ yes, a moped/ imitates riding a moped around his grandmother, who watches him carefully. stands up abruptly.

Grandson - so you agree. grandmother? /caresses her/

Grandmother/strongly/- I agree. honey. /pats his grandson on the head. grandson claps his hands. hugs her / I agree. grandson

Grandson shows thumb / - You are a true friend!

Grandmother proudly raising her head. with pathos -

I'll speed away on a moped/ makes a big circle with my hand

The grandson opened it in surprise. grandma casually waves her hand

I’ll only be back in the evening! /stomps/

grandson confused - What-oh-oh? Are you going to go for a ride yourself?

grandma nods her head in agreement

Grandson / angrily / And who. who will clean up?

the grandmother silently points to her grandson.

Grandson. stepping on grandma, “Who’s going to cook dinner for us?”

Grandma carelessly. with a smile. shrugs

Grandson /decisively/ I’ll tell you a secret. I don’t have enough money for a moped/it’s hitting my pocket

grandma makes scared eyes

Then will I wait for the sweets? I'm still a little old

I'll save up for a moped.

When you grow up later, we'll fly with the breeze

Hugging and leaving satisfied.

Publications on the topic:

Materials for the matinee on March 8. Song-remake of “Good Beetle” for the exit and skit MATERIALS FOR THE MORNING PARTY ON MARCH 8 OPTION FOR CHILDREN’S EXIT Under the backing track “GOOD BEETLE” (from the film “Cinderella”) Verse 1: EXIT: into the hall from the side.

New Year's scene Sketch “THE ANIMALS HAVE A NEW YEAR” Snow Maiden: A wonderful day is coming New Year is coming to us On the porch at the door The bunnies are waiting for guests. It comes out.

Sketch “I need physical education!” Host: The sun is shining. Children's laughter can be heard outside the window. The weekend has arrived for everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone! Dad and daughter gathered at the sports and recreation center S.

Scene for the New Year Ivan Tsarevich (adult) Ved appears: Who are you, good fellow? Ivan ts: I am not the only one with the Tsar, I am the third son. I'm called Ivanushka.

Sketch for Russia Day for a school holiday Sketch for Russia Day Participants: a girl in a Russian sundress (G.K., Genghis Khan (Sh.A.), Napoleon (R.A., Hitler (M.D., announcer (S.A., 3.

Scene “Forest School”“Forest School” - a skit for preschool children (A bear comes onto the stage to the music. There is a pillar on the stage and on it is a plaque, Bear. What kind of plaque is this?.

Sketch for March 8 “Old Grandmothers” Video Mitrofanovna: Hello, darling, light Ivanovna. Ivanovna: And you won’t get sick Mitrofanovna. Mitrofanovna: Oh, we haven’t met for a long time.

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 42957 Human

The presenter (aka Choli's mother - a young man in disguise) says greetings to all the gathered girls and their girlfriends:

Hello, girls, today is our holiday, and we will celebrate it with an all-girl team. Hurray! Let's...

OH Good afternoon, dear wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, girlfriends, loved ones, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers, but who can be described in one phrase - dear women!

SHE We are glad to see you at our meeting today, a meeting with the beautiful...

“Oh spring, you have defeated me” (Script of a festive concert dedicated to women)

26.01.2017 | Looked at the script 27824 person

HOST: Good evening, dear guests! We are very glad to see you here today in this beautiful hall. Relax, enjoy communicating with each other, watch the concert.
The first days of spring have already arrived, the sun has appeared after a long and gloomy...

Scenario for March 8 “Oh, what bliss - to know that I am? - perfection!”

28.02.2015 | Looked at the script 36682 person

No matter how trivial it may sound, there is nothing better than a snow-white tablecloth and candlelight to add charm and some intimacy to the holiday. In a small company, congratulations sound less formal, compliments seem more sincere, ...

Scenario March 8 in the office “For lovely ladies”

28.02.2015 | Looked at the script 36927 Human

The scenario is designed for a holiday at work. The men take all the preparations for the celebration on their strong shoulders. There is no need to prepare some kind of extraordinary table; you can get by with light snacks and wine or champagne. However, the table...

Scenario March 8 “Everything for the Queen!”

26.02.2014 | Looked at the script 34293 person

O most beautiful of the beautiful! Oh, most venerable of the venerable! O noblest of the noble! Today we have gathered you to bow our knee before you!

All men present sit down on one knee in front of their...

"The holiday is not for yourself." An unusual look at gifts for teachers in four stories

23.02.2014 | Looked at the script 10818 Human

I have always liked the idea of ​​enlivening a holiday by the fact that you yourself give a gift to someone, you yourself strive to please someone. And you don’t expect joy for yourself. I supported in my students precisely this desire to create a holiday for everyone around.

Cool Script for congratulating Colleagues on March 8th

23.02.2014 | Looked at the script 38125 Human

With all my heart in the spring time
We congratulate you in fiery speeches,
After all, the work of Gidrostroy continues
On your fragile feminine shoulders.

For a kind smile or word
We will easily fulfill any whim,
We are ready to surprise and delight you,

"Two poems for February 23 and March 8"

24.02.2012 | Looked at the script 26716 Human

All women, in general, are Nice...
They are for men - gems -
Shine and move smoothly
To victories, sung by the poet...
All women, really, - Sweet... sweet, -
Like sugar, like ripe berries,
And we are all for dessert...

Script of congratulations on March 8

23.02.2012 | Looked at the script 68671 Human

O woman! From ancient times
Sonnets were dedicated to you,
Any of hundreds of names
Poets dedicated poems, -
After all, a woman loves with her ears -
She appreciates a kind word
And only kind words
We will contact you, of course,
Then, so that everyone falls in love with us...

This scenario was developed for the March 8 holiday in elementary school. It is important to involve children in advance in preparing the holiday, jointly prepare posters with congratulations and decorate the hall where the holiday will take place with balloons. It is recommended to pre-make the scenery and the required equipment for the scene. The boys prepare gifts for the girls, and the girls take care of the assignments for the competition program.

Such activities help children easily settle into a team environment and develop creative abilities and creative thinking. Also, competitions in this scenario on March 8 at school will help children treat natural resources more carefully. Scenarios of this kind for the March 8 holidays at school involve instilling in children a respectful attitude towards women and help them understand the importance and value of women’s work.


  1. HOST
  2. Girl
  3. Boy 1
  4. Boy 2

HOST: Hello guys and our dear guests! It’s very joyful to see all the children gathered and the invited mothers and grandmothers. Spring is coming, the sun will warm and the streams will gurgle. And everyone knows that with the arrival of spring comes the long-awaited women's holiday, the eighth of March. On this warm spring day, we want to talk about them, women, thanks to whom strong and noble men, as well as beautiful princesses, grow up. About everyone together and about each one separately. Let's talk about mothers, grandmothers, the first teacher and all the girls, small and big.

And we will begin our conversation, of course, about the closest and dearest person. Who is the most dear person to you guys? ( Children answer.) Yes, we will talk about beloved mothers, the most gentle and most patient people in the world. About a mother who loves us as we are and will always support us.

We're on a sunny day
Gathered together with you,
Say a lot of words
The warmest about mom.

The most beautiful word in the world, the first one that children say when they first learn to speak, is MOTHER. A word that exudes care, warmth, and peace of mind. Now, let's all close our eyes together for a moment and imagine our mother. Quietly say the word “mother.” Do you feel how warm your soul has become? Why do you think? ( Children answer.)

BOY 1:
This word is so nice
Talk daily!
Every day is incredible
If you are close to your mother!

You just need to take a closer look -
Everything around is drunk
With the warmth of a native heart,
Tender and sensitive hands...

BOY 2:
All the problems and troubles
You are capable of winning
And of course, endlessly
We will love you!

Mother! There are no more valuable friends
You will believe in my flight!
Even days with you are brighter
Who will always understand me?!

LEADING. But there comes a time when the baby grows up a little, and when he wants to explore the world even more. And no matter how difficult it is for a mother to let go of her baby, she still takes him by the hand and takes him to school to share the care of him with another reliable and responsive woman. On the threshold of the school he is met by his first teacher - his first FRIEND! It helps the child get comfortable in an unfamiliar environment, teaches him to love and comprehend the world around him. Teaches friendship and respect, reading and writing, teaches kindness, patience and understanding.

Just recently in crumbs
They took us to school
The bows in the braids were white,
Bouquets of roses were blooming.

BOY 1:
You with school sciences
They taught us to be good,
With maternal care
They took care of the children.

BOY 2:
And if trouble comes to you
Or something will suddenly happen,
We hasten to you as to the source,
Drink of living water...

You were so welcoming
With warmth, care, light,
We were happy with you
We won't forget all this.

BOY 1:
Happy Women's Day
Congratulations to you today,
And we hasten your work
Today we glorify.

HOST: And it is at school that, from the elementary grades, sympathies for each other appear. A friendship develops between a boy and a girl. After all, who else, if not their classmates, can motivate our boys to real feats of chivalry? Classmates go through a significant portion of their lives together. They jointly share the joys of their first victories, encouragement and comments in their diaries.

And I would like to wish that you can carry this friendship through the years.

BOY 1:
Classmates, today
We congratulate you,
And on the Eighth of March to you
We wish you success.

BOY 2:
We wish you smiles,
Joy, fun,
And they even prepared
We have treats for you.

BOY 1:
For jokes and gags
You weren't offended
Noses didn't wrinkle
And they weren’t arrogant.

BOY 2:
You, dear classmates,
Today we congratulate
Be smarter, sweeter and more beautiful
We wish you all from the bottom of our hearts!

BOY 1:
I congratulate grandma
Spring holiday!
Well, I assure you,
Children need grandmothers!

He will tell a good story,
He will sing a song,
He will knit a winter hat for me
Will take you for a walk!

BOY 2:
Doesn't scold the fidget
He will bring some treats with him.
Both boys and girls -
Everyone appreciates a grandmother!

Patience to all your grandchildren,
Cloudless mood
So that spring blooms in the soul,
Happiness, joy, warmth.

HOST: I think everyone understands how difficult it is to raise a real knight or a beautiful lady from a little man. And how many amazing, incredible women take part in this process. Let us wish women, regardless of age and height, to be happy and desired not only on this day, but every day of the year. Let your men protect you from adversity, take care of you and certainly tell you how beautiful you are! And let them make you smile sincerely every day! Let your cherished dreams come true, new opportunities open up and all your plans come true!

BOY 1:
blessed spring
on this day she gave us all
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
Dear ones, good luck to you!

Let the bouquets of the whole world
They put them in vases in apartments.
You bloom like flowers
May all your dreams come true!

BOY 2:
Be bright and beautiful
Seductive, happy.
Let the sparks of joy shine
On the faces of adults and children!

Let the lights burn in your eyes,
The outfits will be simply wow!
Even the shadow of sadness will disappear
On this magnificent day.

HOST: Let this wonderful holiday day be warmed by the first gentle rays of the sun. Delightful and fragrant flowers will envelop you with their delightful fragrance, warm words and loving eyes of all close and dear people will warm your heart.

And in order to make this day fabulous, the guys have prepared a small scene for you.

Transform yourself, Baba Yaga!

For the scene you need to prepare a Baba Yaga costume

Presenter ( voice behind the scene)
Boy Misha
Boy Sasha
Baba Yaga

HOST: One warm spring day, the boys Sasha and Misha went into the dense forest to pick snowdrops, where else if not in the dense forest could snowdrops grow? After all, the holiday of March 8 was approaching, and they really wanted to congratulate their mother, grandmother and sister Masha. But something didn’t go according to plan, and the boys lost their way...

(In the clearing we see two boys with a basket in which they have already collected flowers).

Sasha: Misha, look around, everything is completely unfamiliar, it seems that we are lost.

Misha: And it’s true, I don’t recognize anything around me at all, what should we do, how to find the way home, because tomorrow is a holiday.

Sasha: Look, here’s some kind of path, let’s go along it and go out somewhere.

Misha: Lets do it!

HOST: The guys had no idea what dangers awaited them in this dense forest. They walked for a long time, but a hut appeared on their way, and they decided to seek help from its inhabitants.

The boys leave the stage, at this time they imitate Baba Yaga’s hut on stage, set up a table with jars and jugs, dry herbs are hung on chairs, Baba Yaga comes out in rags, and a loud knock is heard on the front door.

Baba Yaga: It seems that lunch has come to visit me! I smell the human spirit, come on, hut, let the guests in!

The boys enter.

Misha: Hello, grandma. My brother and I went into the forest to pick flowers and got lost.

Baba Yaga: (to the side) Yeah, they got lost, because it was I who confused their path.

Misha: And we need to congratulate our mother, grandmother and sister.

Sasha: Tell us, dear grandmother, how we can find our way home.

Baba Yaga: (to the side) Darling? Yes, no one has called me that for three hundred years.

Baba Yaga: (to boys) What kind of holiday are you having?

Sasha: Tomorrow is March 8th, this is a magical holiday of admiration and love, dedicated to women, the most beautiful creatures in the world, on this day they are given compliments and gifts.

Baba Yaga: (crying) But I, too, am a woman, and they haven’t spoken kind words to me for many years, much less given me gifts.

Misha: Don’t cry, because you are so kind and sweet, Sasha and I want to give you a whole basket of flowers. Really, Sasha?

Sasha: Well, of course, because everyone should have a holiday!

Sasha and Misha: (simultaneously)
Let all the storms and bad weather,
They will immediately disappear into the shadows.
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness
On this bright, good day!

They give Baba Yaga a basket of flowers, and she turns into a good sorceress.

Enchantress: Thank you boys! It was the Serpent Gorynych who bewitched me and turned me into an evil old woman. And now, after your congratulations and gifts, I have lost my spell! Thank you! Here are snowdrops for your mom, grandma and sister!

“He casts a spell” and hands them bouquets.

HOST: The moral of this tale is this: pamper your women with affectionate words and gifts more often, otherwise they may turn into the evil Baba Yaga.

Competitions for the Eighth of March holiday

Conditions for the competition program

Girls take part in the competitions, divided in advance into several teams. In advance, each team prepares the team name, team coat of arms and a joint part of the costume (scarf, hat, etc.).


1. Come up with and make a costume in the shape of any flower at home.

2. Make bouquets from scrap materials (paper, food packaging, fabric and colored ribbons, etc. can be used)

3. Prepare a “Greeting” competition

4. Prepare the “Pop Star” competition

HOST: On this holiday we have prepared a competition program for our lovely girls. Good luck to you, we wish you an easy victory!

Competition 1st.Greetings.The teams take turns going on stage and showing a welcoming scene dedicated to the holiday.

Competition 2nd.Flower show. Girls perform a fashion show in pre-prepared color costumes; alternatively, costumes can be made from scrap materials, for example, garbage bags. The costume should have a name and a short poem.

A maximum of 5 points are awarded for the competition.

Competition 3rd.Beautiful flower girl. Making bouquets. A name and a short poem should be thought up for the bouquet, and you should also tell why the bouquet was made from these particular materials.

A maximum of 5 points are awarded for the competition.

Competition 4th.Table starting with the letter P. Imagine you are invited to a presidential reception. And the reception involves a festive table. And it so happened that only dishes called “P” were served. For 5 minutes, participants write the proposed dishes on sheets of paper. What number will be named is how many points each team earns.

Competition 5th. Songs for ladies. The girls take turns calling songs that contain any female name; the team that fails to remember the song loses.

A maximum of 5 points are awarded for the competition.

Competition 6th.Handbag. The goal is to make the most complete list of what, in their opinion, every woman should have in her purse in seven minutes. After this, the team lists are compared and only those items that are not repeated by the other team are counted. The team with the most items left on its list wins. Items must be appropriate in meaning.

How many items remain is how many points each team earns.

Competition 7th.Cook borscht. Girls are given grocery lists or cards with drawn ingredients. It is necessary to exclude products that are not used in preparing borscht. List of products: sugar, cabbage, milk, salt, pasta, onion, bay leaf, herring, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, apples, peas, potatoes. (The list can be supplemented if desired).

A maximum of 5 points are awarded for the competition.

Competition 8th.Star of the stage. This crucial homework assignment is a parody competition. Teams decide in advance which artist, performer or musical group they will parody. The performance should be timed to coincide with the holiday. A maximum of 10 points are awarded for the competition.

The jury counts the points, announces the results of the competition and awards the winning team. Boys present pre-prepared gifts to girls. To continue the holiday, they arrange a “sweet table” and drink tea with treats. You can arrange a small disco.

There are a huge number of variations of which scenario to use on March 8, we suggest you look at one of the below, in video format.