
What's the difference between a drawing and a sketch. Sketching and working drawing of a part and dimensioning. Defining a sketch and drawing

Sketch (fr. esquisse) - a preliminary sketch that fixes the concept of a work of art, structure, mechanism, or a separate part of it. Sketch - quickly executed freepictureNot intended to be finished work, it often consists of many overlapping lines.

Sketches are inexpensive and allow the artist to sketch and try other ideas before putting them into painting.Pencil orpastel more preferred for sketches due to time constraints, but a quick sketchwatercolors or even a quickly modeled clay or soft wax mockup can also be consideredsketch in the broader sense of the word.Graphite pencils relatively new invention, artistsRenaissance did sketchesusing a silver pen on specially prepared paper.

Contrary to popular belief, artists often use erasers when drawing. Eraser can be used to remove construction lines, or to soften overly sharp lines.

Sketch - a preparatory sketch for the work, reflecting the search for the best embodiment of the creative idea. Sketch can be performed in various techniques.

A sketch is a sketch that captures the intention of a literary orartwork, structure, mechanism or a separate part of it. In literature sketch can be considered as preparatory work in the creationartwork, can be considered as something independent.

In a literary sense sketch accompanies almost every literary work. This is evidenced by the writers' drafts at our disposal. Pushkin used to put on paper preliminary plan of the planned work. ManuscriptsDostoevsky store severaloutline to one novel.

Sketches writers testify that at the time of their creation the concept of the work was not yet clear enough: they reflect numerous alterations and changes. Although sketch, in the meaning of the preparatoryoutline to the work, inevitably he himself should already have some artistic merit, but, in essence, he belongs rather to the field of psychologycreativitythan to the theory of verbalarts.

Sketchas an independent piece of art, also has independent purely artistic features. Works of this kind are most characteristic of our days, and the spread of this literarygenreundoubtedly related to the principlesimpressionism.

In the field of literary research example of this kind sketches the "Book of Masks" by Rémy de Gourmont may serve, where the general outlines of a number of contemporary poets are given in a few basic lines. In Russian literature, such an example is Eichenwald's book “Silhouettes Russian writers "(where even the name itself emphasizes sketchy the nature of the letter). Proceeding from the idea that a literary work exists only in perception, that its effects are born from the contact between the writer and the reader, Eichenwald asserts the inevitable subjectivity of any critical research. Thereby,criticism and can never claim final, unchanging meaning. A deliberately applied subjective method bringsoutline Eichenwald to typeartistic sketches. This closeness is emphasized by the very form “silhouettes": Counting workcriticism continuation of the poet's work, Eichenwald uses, as a material, not onlyideas, but also images and vocabulary, which he finds in one or another of the authors under consideration. This is the most tried and testedreception artistic criticalsketch .

In the field of fiction, a model sketch can serve as impressionistic constructed poems in the prose of I. Annensky ("Posthumous Poems", 1923).

sketches Verlaine show an obvious predominance of static: the poet's perception lingers on the same lines andpaints... His most distinct example is the play: Dans l'interminable ennui de la plaine, before us is a purely picturesque task - a plain covered with snow, above it - a dim, with coppershade the vault of the sky, the dull gray outlines of the forest on the horizon, and the pale face of the dying month drooped over everything:scenery motionless, frozen.

Sketch occurs in fiction and as part of a major work: sketch we can name some descriptions and characteristics, for example, in Gogol.

Sketches Leonardo da Vinci and Edgar Degas are two examples of artists, sketches which have become objects of art.

What is a "sketch"? How to spell the given word correctly. Concept and interpretation.

sketch Sketch (French esquisse), a preliminary sketch that fixes the concept of a work of art or its individual parts. The sketch outlines the compositional construction, spatial plans, the main color ratios of the future work. Sketches are graphic, pictorial, sculptural; are usually characterized by a free, fluent manner of performance, but can be worked out in detail. Many sketches are of great historical and artistic value and independent artistic value. (Source: "Popular Art Encyclopedia." Ed. By V. Polevoy; Moscow: Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1986.) , in which the master embodies his idea, searches for a compositional form, places color accents, etc. As a rule, a large work is preceded by a whole series of sketches from a pencil sketch of the first idea to a composition worked out in detail. AA Ivanov created for the painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People" approx. 500 sketches and studies. K.P.Bryullov. "The last day of Pompeii". Sketch. Sepia, ink, pen, pencil. 1828-30 State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow (Source: "Art. Modern Illustrated Encyclopedia." Edited by Prof. AP Gorkin; Moscow: Rosmen; 2007.)

sketch - SKETCH, CA, m. Preliminary, unfinished drawing, sketch. Exhibition of sketches. E. to the picture. E. de ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov

sketch - (French esquisse) a preliminary sketch fixing the idea of \u200b\u200ba work of art ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

sketch - SKETCH, sketch, m. (Fr. Esquisse). Preliminary, cursory Sketch (painting, drawing; painting). Stand ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

sketch - m. 1. Preliminary sketch for a drawing, painting. // Initial design of the sculptural work ...

How do ideas for new models come about? Everyone has it differently. Someone is inspired by their favorite films, someone by glossy magazines, someone is carried away by the colors of nature. But no matter what the designers are inspired, all their ideas, which are born in the process of creativity, find their expression in artistic sketches of new models.

This is natural, because in order to start the process of modeling patterns, it is necessary to think over each new model to the smallest detail - silhouette, design solution, color and texture of the fabric, finish - everything affects how the finished product will look like. At the stage of creating an artistic sketch, you can make any changes to the product, experiment with color, length, show your imagination, give freedom to creativity, imagination and create a real masterpiece!

Advice! Create a separate album for your art sketches and sketch new ideas in it.

Sewing School of Anastasia Korfiati
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Create a separate album for your art sketches and sketch new ideas in it. Even if some of them do not find instant embodiment, none of the sketches should be thrown away, because they may be useful to you in the future. Complementing the album with new models, sometimes return to previous, unrealized ideas. Perhaps, after some time, you will look at them in a new way, and bring them to life.
And now a few words about what an artistic sketch should be.

What is a model art sketch?

First you can do a fore sketch or sketch to capture your idea on paper. It may be indistinct, disproportionate, and lacking precise drawings. These are the sprouts of an idea, the initial stage when you can depict the flight of fantasy as you see fit, understandable only to you. Experiment at this stage without limiting yourself to anything.

Figure: 1. Fore-sketch of the dress

This is followed by the creation of an artistic sketch of the model.
An artistic sketch of a model is a drawing made using any painting technique. You can use gouache, watercolors, colored or monochrome pencils, felt-tip pens, and whatever is at hand for drawing. An art sketch is performed on a figure in a free pose. The main thing is that the model you have drawn betrays the mood, corresponds to the image that you have conceived, is sustained aesthetically and is comfortable to wear. All this must be thought out at the stage of creating an artistic sketch.

Figure: 2. Artistic sketch of the model - watercolor, ink

Figure: 3. Artistic sketch of the model - graphics

After completing the artistic sketch, it must be converted into a technical sketch, according to which it will be necessary to model the patterns.

Technical sketch of the model

The technical sketch of the model is a drawing of the product on a conventionally-typical figure, with a clear definition of all the design features of the model, using a grid of baselines - the base of the neck, chest, waist, hips, central axis. This allows you to more accurately calculate the location of structural joints, parts, pockets, etc.

Figure: 4. Technical sketch of the model - front and back

Make a rule for yourself: always accompany the technical sketch of the model with a detailed description and calculation of the required amount of fabrics and applied materials for sewing it. This will greatly simplify your work and will allow you to more accurately estimate the cost of the finished product, will make it possible to optimize the modeling and cutting process and get a more accurate result. And this is exactly what we strive for!

In the description of the technical drawing of the product, be sure to indicate the following parameters:

1. Brief description of the product in free form.
2. Silhouette, design features of the product, size.
3. Calculation and description of the required amount of fabrics for the product.
4. Description and calculation of the required amount of additional materials for the product (gaskets, accessories, threads, etc.).
5. Features of the model.

Figure: 5. Description to the technical drawing

If art sketches, as mentioned above, are best drawn on landscape paper, a squared notebook is ideal for technical drawing. In it, you can easily enter a technical sketch and fill out a table with a description of the model.
After you have done all the preparatory work and create a technical drawing, it will be much easier for you to build a basic pattern of the product and develop patterns.

Ready-made templates for your sketches

Figure: Artistic sketch template

And now - the fun part! We have prepared for you a template with silhouettes of female figures for artistic sketches in A4 format. Just download the pdf file, print it on a black and white printer and draw your sketches right from the silhouettes.

This way you don't have to waste time drawing figures - we have already drawn them for you! By the way, it is very convenient to store ready-made sketches in a folder-folder.

Unlimited creativity to you!

A sketch is a design document made by hand, without the use of drawing tools, without exact observance of scale, but with the obligatory observance of the proportions of the elements of the parts. The sketch is a temporary drawing and is intended for one-time use.

The sketch must be executed accurately in compliance with the projection links and all the rules and conventions established by the ESKD standards.

A sketch can serve as a document for the manufacture of a part or to complete its working drawing. In this regard, the sketch of the part must contain all information about its shape, dimensions, surface roughness, material. The sketch also contains other information, drawn up in the form of graphic or text material (technical requirements, etc.).

Sketches (sketching) are made on sheets of any standard size paper. In an educational setting, it is recommended to use cage writing paper.

The sketching process can be conditionally divided into separate stages, which are closely related to each other. In fig. 367 shows a phased sketch of the "support" part.

I. Familiarization with the part

Upon acquaintance, the shape of the part (Fig. 368, a and b) and its main elements (Fig. 368, c) are determined, into which you can mentally dismember the part. Possibilities, the purpose of the part is clarified and a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe material, processing and roughness of individual surfaces, the manufacturing technology of the part, its coatings, etc. is drawn up.

II. Selecting the main view and other necessary images

The main view should be chosen so that it gives the most complete picture of the shape and dimensions of the part, as well as facilitates the use of the sketch in its manufacture.

There are a significant number of parts limited by surfaces of revolution: shafts, bushings, sleeves, wheels, discs, flanges, etc. In the manufacture of such parts (or blanks), processing is mainly used on lathes or similar machines (carousel, grinding).

The images of these parts in the drawings are positioned so that in the main view the axis of the part is parallel to the title block. Such an arrangement of the main view will facilitate the use of the drawing in the manufacture of parts from it.

If possible, you should limit the number of lines of the invisible contour, which reduce the clarity of images. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the use of cuts and sections.

The required images should be selected and executed in accordance with the rules and recommendations of GOST 2.305-68.

In fig. 368, a and b give options for the location of the part and arrows show the direction of projection, as a result of which the main view can be obtained. Preference should be given to the position of the part in fig. 368, b. In this case, the outlines of most of the elements of the part will be visible in the left view, and the main view itself will give the clearest idea of \u200b\u200bits shape.

In this case, three images are enough to represent the shape of the part: main view, top view, and left view. In place of the main view, a frontal cut should be made.

III. Selecting a sheet size

The sheet format is selected in accordance with GOST 2.301-68, depending on the size of the images selected during stage II. The size and scale of images should allow clearly reflecting all elements and apply the necessary dimensions and symbols.

IV. Sheet preparation

First, you should limit the selected sheet with an outer frame and draw a drawing frame of a given format inside it. The distance between these frames should be 5 mm, and a 20 mm margin is left on the left for the sheet to be bound. Then the outline of the title block frame is drawn.

V. Layout of images on the sheet

Having chosen the visual scale of the images, the ratio of the overall dimensions of the part is established by eye. In this case, if the height of the part is taken as A y, then the width of the part is B ^ A, and its length is C «2L (see Fig. 367, a and 368, b). After that, rectangles with the overall dimensions of the part are applied on the sketch with thin lines (see Fig. 367, a). The rectangles are positioned so that the distances between them and the edges of the frame are sufficient for drawing dimension lines and symbols, as well as for placing technical requirements.

The arrangement of images can be facilitated by using rectangles cut from paper or cardboard and having sides corresponding to the overall dimensions of the part. By moving these rectangles across the drawing field, the most suitable position of the images is selected.

Vi. Drawing images of part elements

Inside the resulting rectangles, the images of the elements of the part are applied with thin lines (see Fig. 367, b). In this case, it is necessary to observe the proportions of their

dimensions and provide a projection connection of all images, drawing the corresponding center and center lines.

Vii. Registration of views, cuts and sections

Further, in all views (see Fig. 367, c), details that were not taken into account when performing stage VI (for example, fillets, chamfers) are specified, and auxiliary construction lines are removed. In accordance with GOST 2.305-68, cuts and sections are drawn up, then a graphic designation of the material (cross-section hatching) is applied in accordance with GOST 2.306-68 and the images are outlined with the corresponding lines in accordance with GOST 2.303-68.

VIII. Drawing dimension lines and symbols

Dimension lines and conventional signs that determine the nature of the surface (diameter, radius, square, taper, slope, thread type, etc.) are applied in accordance with GOST 2.307-68 (see Fig. 367, c). At the same time, the roughness of the individual surfaces of the part is outlined and conventional signs are applied that determine the roughness.

IX. Dimensioning numbers

With the help of measuring tools, the dimensions of the elements are determined and dimension numbers are applied on the sketch. If the part has a thread, then it is necessary to determine its parameters and indicate on the sketch the corresponding designation of the thread (see Fig. 367, d).

X. Finalizing the sketch

When finalizing, the title block is filled in. If necessary, information is provided on the maximum deviations of the dimensions, shape and location of surfaces; technical requirements are drawn up and explanatory inscriptions are fulfilled (see Fig. 368, d). Then a final check of the completed sketch is made and the necessary refinements and corrections are made.

When sketching a part from nature, you should be critical of the shape and location of its individual elements. So, for example, casting defects (uneven wall thicknesses, offset of hole centers, uneven edges, asymmetry of parts of a part, unreasonable tides, etc.) should not be reflected in the sketch. Standardized elements of the part (grooves, chamfers, drilling depth for threads, rounding, etc.) must have the design and dimensions provided for by the relevant standards.

For any novice fashion designer, it is important to figure out how a sketch differs from a drawing and technical drawing. Without this, it is simply impossible to move on. You must understand how to go from a mental image to a finished image of an item of clothing, which can be used to sew a quality product. Therefore, the answer to the question: "What is the difference between a technical sketch of a skirt and a drawing?", Everyone should know.

Of course, you can argue that the great couturier does not have to be guided by some kind of drawings or sketches. And this is absolutely true, because couturiers can experiment with fabrics right on the mannequin, creating a unique look. But in order to launch it to the masses, it is necessary to sew a lot of such outfits. It is then that the moment comes when one should move from an idea to the creation of graphic models. Only they will help your hired workers sew an exact copy of unique clothing.

Difference between sketch, drawing and drawing

Now, to clarify the question, What is the difference between a sketch and a drawing and technical drawing? Let's consider each of the types of graphic images separately.

Sketch - this is an approximate image of a garment, one might say a sketch. The drawing in this case is performed without the use of drawing tools, but even so there should be some proportionality in the details. That is, a sketch is a preliminary sketch of a future product.

Drawing - this is an accurate image of the future garment or part of it. Made using programs or special drawing tools. In addition to the image of the garment itself, the drawing also indicates the dimensions that you need to know when sewing. Here, without exception, all the details of clothing should be made to scale while maintaining shapes and sizes, which are indicated in millimeters.

Technical drawing - the primary tool for communicating information from the designer to the manufacturer. The technical drawing is formed at the design stage of the model and is performed mainly without the use of drawing tools. Its main task is to communicate all design decisions to the manufacturer. Therefore, it only depicts clothing items without the model's figure. The emphasis is on decorative elements and clothing design. In addition, dividing lines, decorative stitches and other elements are shown that create a general image of the model. The main requirement for a technical drawing is to have a schematic form of presentation without unnecessary lines and exactly repeat the finished product.

The essence of each of the graphic ways of depicting clothes

Having dealt with the purpose of each of the types of graphic images of clothing, you can draw up a certain sequence and understand that one cannot exist without the other. So, first, the couturier creates an image and applies it to a preliminary sketch. Then, to submit an idea for production, a technical drawing is performed, on the basis of which a working drawing is already being built. After completing all the stages, mass production of the model begins, and only if all stages are performed with high quality, an exact copy of the original idea gets to the market.