
What should be a teacher arguments from literature. Relationship between teacher and students How should a teacher relate to his students? (Unified State Exam in Russian). The problem of the teacher's influence on the student. Arguments from literature and life

I think I was in the fifth grade when we had several new young teachers who had just graduated from the university. One of the first to appear was Vladimir Vasilievich Ignatovich, a chemistry teacher.

At the initial stage of growing up, it is important that a wise, kind, sympathetic, understanding person is nearby, who is able to convey his life experience with the mind. In this text V.G. Korolenko raises the problem of the teacher's influence on students.

Referring to the topic, the narrator gives an example of a story from his school life, in which a young teacher, who had recently graduated from university, played an important role. The author emphasizes that from the very beginning of his practice, Ignatovich treated the students politely, diligently did his job, showing disregard for grades and, in general, for the usual structure of the lessons, which, of course, caused the displeasure of the students - they were used to rudeness and exactingness. The narrator draws our attention to the fact that at first, in response to this attitude “the class almost stopped learning,” the lessons were noisy and, despite the tact and politeness of the new teacher, there were conflicts between the students and the teacher, who, to the surprise of many, did not went outside the classroom. The author cites one of such conflicts as an example, drawing our attention to the fact that children began to get used to politeness, sensitivity and respect, and they themselves began to show such an attitude towards people. Zarutsky, unfairly slandering Ignatovich and receiving a well-deserved reproach from the whole class, publicly apologized to the teacher, which formed a new stage in the relationship between students and teachers.

V.G. Korolenko believes that respectful attitude on the part of the teacher creates conditions for the formation of the best qualities in the character of students. These include the ability to objectively assess their behavior in relation to society, and the need for honest, conscientious actions that do not depend on external pressure. The teacher by his very personality, manner of behavior and speech is able to influence the formation of character in students.

I completely agree with the opinion of the author and also believe that a teacher plays a very important role in shaping a person's personality. By his example, his behavior, his worldview, he is able to change the outlook of students and program them for honesty, decency, the desire for self-development, self-education, for the natural need to do good and respect people.

In the story "The First Teacher" by Ch. Aitmatov, we get to know the story of a girl whose teacher played a key role in the formation of her personality. Altynai describes his first teacher, Duishen, as an illiterate person, but capable of giving children something more than standard knowledge - irreplaceable support, love and care. Duishen gave his class, who had never been outside the ail, a vision of another world, in the cold he wade the children across the icy river, and once he was even able to catch and punish the rapist Altynai. There was no formality in this teacher - he gave all of himself, all his life experience, all his knowledge for the benefit of the future generation, and this bore fruit. At the end of the work, the already matured Altynai returns to Kurkureu to invite people to name the new boarding school after Duishen.

In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "French Lessons" also raises the problem of the teacher's influence on children. Lydia Mikhailovna, a French teacher, learning that Volodya suffers financial difficulties, invites him to additional French lessons, in which she tries to help the boy. Faced with Volodya's pride, Lydia Mikhailovna, forgetting about pedagogical ethics, sits down to play with a student for money with one goal - to lose for the good, for which she later suffers dismissal and leaves for the Kuban. But even after that, the woman continues to help her student by sending him parcels with food. Volodya did not forget this irreplaceable support and care even after a long time. Lydia Mikhailovna played a key role in the formation of his personality, having put into the boy not only the thought about the harmfulness of gambling, but also the ability to be a kind, decent and responsive person.

Thus, we can conclude that the teacher lays in his students the foundation of the personality, the necessary basis, which is a kind of impetus to a new, interesting, worthy life. Therefore, it is important to value and respect your teachers even after graduation.

Relationship between teacher and students How should a teacher relate to his students? (Unified State Exam in Russian)

The answer to this question interested me after reading the text of V. Korolenko. It raises, in my opinion, the acute problem of the relationship between teacher and students.

The author discusses this topic, gives life examples. The writer recalls how the young teacher Ignatovich treated his students "politely, taught diligently, rarely asked questions." The publicist notes that the result of such training was the disobedience of schoolchildren. The journalist recounts the conflict in the classroom with chagrin. The teenager, who said insolence to the teacher, caused confusion and bewilderment of Vladimir Vasilyevich. Communication between the class and the teacher later turned out to be painful and stressful. However, the writer is glad that the guys “did not take advantage of the weakness of this young man”, they were able to come to reconciliation later, which began to sympathize with the teacher.

In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "French Lessons" raises this problem of the relationship between teacher and students. Lydia Mikhailovna, having learned that the student Volodya needs money, invites him to additional French lessons, where she wants to help him. But the boy has a sense of pride, he decisively refuses to help.

Then Lydia Mikhailovna begins to play Volodya for money. She was subsequently fired for immoral behavior and had to leave. Volodya did not forget the teacher's act, she remained in his memory as a merciful, kind and sympathetic person.

In the story "The First Teacher" by Ch. Aitmatov, we also get to know the story of a girl whose teacher played a huge role in the formation of Altynai's personality. She describes her teacher Duishen as an illiterate person, but his ability to give children more than standard knowledge deserves respect. The teacher tells his children about other countries they have not been to. He dedicated his life to his disciples. When Altynai grew up, she opened a boarding school under the name Duishen.

He became for her the ideal teacher, a generous person.

Thus, we can conclude that it is not always possible to come to an understanding between the teacher and students, to establish contact between them. However, this is the basis of the entire educational process, and without respect and trust, it is impossible to live peacefully in society.

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The problem of the influence of the teacher on the student

Composition of the exam according to the text: “I think I was in the fifth grade when we had several new young teachers who had just left the university. One of the first to appear was Vladimir Vasilievich Ignatovich, a chemistry teacher ... " (after V.G. Korolenko).
(I.P. Tsybulko, option 36, task 25)

We all study at school, go through this important life period. What influence does the teacher have on us, on the formation of our characters? How are conflicts between teacher and students resolved? It is this problem that the Russian writer V.G.Korolenko raises in his article. There was a conflict in the class between teacher and student. The teacher was able to put himself in this situation in such a way that the student Zarutsky realized his mistake and asked for an apology from the teacher.

The position of the author is clearly expressed in the article. A respectful attitude on the part of the teacher creates conditions for the formation of the best qualities in the character of students: the ability to commit an honest act not under external pressure, but at the behest of their own conscience. The teacher influences the formation of the character of students by his behavior, personal example, manner of speech, attitude towards children.

I completely agree with the author of the article. Teachers must be respectful of students to build self-esteem in their characters. The teacher's disrespectful attitude leads to conflict situations that can be very difficult to resolve.

You can recall works from fiction, where this problem is revealed. M. Kazakova in her book "It's Difficult with You, Andrey" tells about a boy who was uncontrollable. He was rude to teachers, often ran away from lessons, did not give in to education at all. But the young teacher of the Russian language and literature could see in this boy a kind and sympathetic young man who is capable of a heroic act. The main thing is to see in a person his good qualities, to reveal them, not to let the door slam shut, which is often knocked on.

Or take Rasputin's short story "French Lessons." The teacher Lidia Mikhailovna, having learned that the student is in poverty, tries to help him. The boy is very proud and cannot accept help from the teacher. Then the teacher turns study into a game, moreover, a game of chance. The headmaster decides it's a crime and the teacher loses her job. She leaves for the Kuban to her native village. And even from there he sends parcels with fruit, tries to support him.

Yes, the teacher-student relationship is often dangerous. But the most important thing here is a sensitive attitude towards children. Only then will the child open up and not withdraw into himself.

The relationship of teachers and students

Being a real teacher is a talent. After all, a teacher must be able to pass on his experience, his knowledge to children. Probably, every teacher wants his student to be successful in the future. And, of course, it's nice when this is exactly what happens.
The author poses the problem of relations between people, in this text - between teacher and students.
Why do children love and accept one teacher, and simply hate another? I think that this problem is close to every student and every teacher. In general, you can answer this question in different ways. But, it seems to me, everything is explained by the difference in characters. There are no exactly the same people. Therefore, what one likes is not always ready to accept others.
In my opinion, we must agree that children are not always right in assessing their teachers. Why dont know. Maybe because the students themselves do not know what they want (in this case, the children are to blame), or maybe the problem is really in the teacher. One thing is clear - understanding occurs after many years.
F. Iskander speaks about this. The author believes that they did not accept the new teacher due to the fact that they considered her a "stranger", not close to them. Only a few years later, he realized that the children were wrong, and most importantly, why.
Remember the work of V. Rasputin "French Lessons". Lydia Mikhailovna, a French language teacher, decided to help a boy with anemia. To give the guy a chance to have money, she comes up with a game of measuring. The headmaster considered playing with a student a crime. The woman goes to her place in the Kuban, but she does not blame the boy for anything and does not forget about him.
Unfortunately, there are other situations as well. Pupils cannot find a common language with teachers. A documentary was shown on TV about how a boy stabbed a physics teacher with a knife. The reason was the deuce, delivered by the latter.
So, I agree with F. Iskander that “love for the first teacher” (it seems to me, not necessarily for the first one) “is just as necessary and natural as the first love”. Without this it is impossible. Otherwise, the student and the teacher will try to "eat" each other, and nothing good will come of it.

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Work on the text of F. Iskander

The problem of teacher-student relationship arguments

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What influence does the teacher have on the student?

What influence the teacher has on the student is the problem that A.B. Laptev ponders.

The author indignantly says that in modern society, the work of teachers goes unnoticed, and sometimes is subjected to unfounded criticism. Meanwhile, the teacher performs important functions in the education of morality and the formation of character in the younger generation. With great pride the writer recalls his physics teacher Ivan Vasilyevich Matveyev, believing that it was this great man who gave him “a lot of wise, correct and necessary” in life, taught him “pure speech” and a healthy lifestyle.

It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of A.B. Laptev. Indeed, the teacher has a great influence on the pupils. Classics and publicists have written about this more than once.

Let us recall the story "The First Teacher" by Chingiz Aitmatov. It talks about a young and very stubborn teacher, Dusheine, whom he himself read by syllables, but wanted to teach children to read and write so that they would have a bright future. Not being afraid to go against the mountain customs, the teacher in the post-revolutionary years organized a school on his own. Subsequently, one of his students became an academician. And this is the great merit of the teacher Duchein!

Another work, reflecting the influence of the teacher on the students, is the story of V.P. Astafiev “A photograph in which I am not”. The author describes the teacher as a person who vigilantly took care of school and children, showed boundless love for his students. For them, the mentor was "an entertainer, agitator and propagandist."

Thus, I can conclude that teachers have a great positive impact on their students, "holding the hand, lead along the road of life."

On the problem of the role of loved ones in comprehending real art.

V. Korolenko's book "The Blind Musician" tells about a blind boy. He was fascinated by Joachim playing the pipe and learned to play it himself. A little later, Peter's mother helps him to understand the beauty of musical pieces played on the piano. Thanks to the efforts of loved ones, Petrus becomes a famous musician. B.M.Bim-Bad's article "The Art of Comprehending Art" says that each of the art forms has its own language that needs to be learned. This requires different conditions. Close environment, time and sensory sensitivity can help to comprehend artistic images, meaning and significance of works. The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the young generation concerning almost all aspects of life. In the thirty-second letter "Understanding Art" it is said that the wealth that an understanding of works of art gives a person cannot be taken away, since they are everywhere, you just need to see them. But understanding works of art is far from easy. Introductory articles, comments and, in general, works on art, literature, and music are of great importance.

About the problem of betrayal.

V. Bykov's book "Sotnikov" tells about two partisans who were captured by the Germans. Sotnikov remained loyal to his homeland, but lost his life: he was hanged by the Nazis. Rybak saved himself by betraying his friend, the army, his native country. In V.Kaverin's novel "Two Captains" we see Sanya and his classmate Romashov. During the war, he leaves the wounded Sanya in the forest, taking his documents and weapons. After meeting with Katya Tatarinova, Romashov deceives her, saying that Grigoriev is missing. But the truth about the betrayal was revealed.

About the problem of patriotism of creative people.

In A. Tvardovsky's poem “Vasily Terkin. The book about the soldier ”tells about the harsh military truth presented through the eyes of an ordinary soldier. The author knew firsthand about them, the real national heroes who defended the country from fascism. During the Great Patriotic War, he worked in military newspapers, participated in battles, and wrote a book at halts. L. Mezinov's article “Poetry not subject to time” tells about the work of Eduard Asadov. He wrote poetry everywhere: in military echelons, in short breaks between battles, in a dugout on vacation. In the battles for the liberation of Sevastopol, he showed rare courage and dedication, was seriously wounded and lost his sight, but he did not give up and continued to create.

About the problem of memory about the teacher.

V. Rasputin's book "French Lessons" tells about a teacher who played a huge role in the life of the writer himself. She not only helped him learn a foreign language, but, having shown sincere kindness and care, became a support in his difficult life. A. Dementyev's poem “Don't you dare forget the teachers” contains words of incorruptible love and respect for people who “wait for our return and news in the silence of thoughtful rooms”, help us find our way in life and teach us everything that they know themselves. The poet draws the readers' attention to the fact that teachers should not be forgotten.

On the problem of assessing human relationships.

V. Korolenko's book "The Blind Musician" tells about the love of Evelina and Peter, who understand each other perfectly. Their relationship deserves respect. They are durable as young people have a lot in common. Abraham Harold Maslow's article "Motivation and Personality" states that human relationships should be built on freedom and trust. So, lovers who understand each other and have the same interests are "doomed" to a long and lasting relationship.

About the problem of relations between people.

In S. Yesenin's poem "Rash, harmonica ..." the hero's resentment towards his beloved is shown. He, after parting, scolds her, speaks insulting words. But the reader understands that the young man is guided only by emotions, because in the last lines of the poem he asks the woman for forgiveness: "Darling, I am crying, forgive ... forgive ...". One day an unpleasant situation happened in my life. I quarreled with my parents. Realizing that adults never plead guilty, I tried to fix the situation. It was very difficult for me to work on myself, but I was able to change my views, looked at loved ones with different eyes. And we made up.

On the problem of the role of literature in human life

The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the younger generation concerning almost all aspects of life. In the article "Love to read!" it says that literature gives us a colossal, vast and deepest experience of life. It makes a person intelligent, develops in him not only a sense of beauty, but also an understanding of life, all its complexities, serves as a guide to other eras and to other peoples. Fahrenheit 451 by American science fiction writer Ray Bradbury describes a society based on popular culture and consumerism, in which all books that make you think about life are to be burned; keeping books is a crime; and people who are able to think critically are outside the law. From this dystopia, it becomes clear what the absence of books in people's lives can lead to.

On the problem of the need for people to buy flowers

In the amazing tale of the famous Belgian writer Maurice Karem, "The Kingdom of Flowers" tells about flowers that are always perceived as a symbol of celebration, goodness and joy. These were the feelings the hero experienced when he was with Annie in the Kingdom of Flowers. All city dwellers should read this book to understand the beauty that flowers bring to life. Plants accompany a person in all cases of life. And special attention was paid to beautiful colors. Ancient cultural monuments testify that at the dawn of history, people used flowers for various purposes: in some cases, as medicinal plants, in others for aesthetic pleasure. Flowers are depicted on the coats of arms of new cities and countries, on banknotes and on the canvases of painters around the world.

On the problem of understanding beauty.

In the newspaper "Argumenty i Fakty" I read an article that not so long ago the ancient Belgian city of Ghent became the arena of world achievement entered in the Guinness Book of Records. In the center of the city, at a height of 26 meters, the “Ghent Flower Basket” was mounted on special metal structures. It took thirty-two thousand flowers to decorate such a "basket". Many modern women grow flowers both in apartments and in the yard, making the world around them more beautiful, and therefore kinder. My grandmother has twelve varieties of roses growing near her house. All people passing by always stop to admire the beautiful rose bushes.

About the problem of orphanhood

M. Sholokhov's book "The Fate of a Man" tells about the homeless boy Vanya, who was adopted by Andrei Sokolov. Having lost his entire family, he took responsibility for the unfortunate child. In an article by practical psychologist Natalia Sokolova, "The Cry of a Child's Soul," attention is drawn to the fact that there are a lot of street children in Russia. The author says that it is very difficult to communicate with such guys. It is essential that orphans feel cared for and learn to live a fulfilling life in society.

About the problem of conscience

The book by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" contains advice to the younger generation concerning almost all aspects of life. The article "By the dictates of conscience" says that the best behavior is that which is determined not by external recommendations, but by spiritual necessity. We must always find the right solutions for ourselves and strive not to stumble, so that all decisions come directly from the heart. KG Paustovsky's story "Telegram" tells about an old woman who lives out her life alone, dreaming of meeting her beloved daughter. When, after the bustle of the city, the daughter recalls the lonely Katerina Petrovna, this belated concern is no longer necessary. Mother was buried by strangers, and in the soul of Nastya - now eternal and indelible guilt before her memory, pangs of conscience.

On the problem of the teacher's influence on students; about the problem of the existence of real teachers; teacher personality assessment

Sergei Lvov's essay "To Be or to Appear" tells about the first day of teaching German at a higher educational institution. The young teacher-translator managed to captivate the students with the subject, because he was fluent in the material and had a strong desire to convey knowledge in an accessible way to the cadets who listened to him and the students who were drafted into the army. The famous historian V. Klyuchevsky drew attention to the fact that being a good teacher is not easy. He wrote: "You need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach."

Reason and guide you on the right path ?! The teacher is also, in his own way, a hero, on whom the future of the country depends. The problem of the teacher's influence on the student, the arguments of which will be presented in the article, will show how much a teacher's work can change people's lives.

In a distant village

Speaking about such a concept as the problem of the teacher's influence on the student, arguments that it will be well described can be found in literature. For example, in the story "The First Teacher" Chingiz Aitmatov tells about a man who, having no education and having difficulty reading syllables, decides to go against the system and creates a school in the village. One of his students was a girl named Altynai. After the death of her parents, she lived with relatives from whom one could rarely hear a kind word that would be addressed to her. From her teacher, she first learned what kindness is. Later, a former student said that he did the impossible - he opened the whole world in front of children who had not seen anything in life. Thanks to this person, Altynai was able to study at a boarding school, enter the university and become a doctor of philosophy.

All for the good of children

In this example, the problem of the influence of the teacher on the student is indicated quite accurately. Literary arguments often emphasize that teachers change children's lives for the better. Contrary to the rules, they are allowed to play for money so that the child has something to live on (Valentin Rasputin "French Lessons"). They sacrifice their lives for the sake of their students (Vasily Bykov "Obelisk"). In simple words, praises instill confidence in their own strengths, which opens up a great future for the students (AI Kuprin "Taper").

It is not easy to consider such an issue as the problem of the influence of the teacher on the students. Arguments on this issue always look like two sides of a coin. On the one hand, the teacher gives knowledge and opens the door to a bright future, but on the other, he can bring up negative character traits in the student.

Remember at least Pushkin's lines from Eugene Onegin, which tells about the protagonist's French teacher. He was not particularly strict, he gave only superficial knowledge so that the child would not bother much, took the boy for a walk in the garden and from time to time said what was good and what was bad. As a result, he taught to treat life carelessly and consumerist, take everything from the world, but not strain to find your place in life.

You can find many examples in novels and books, but stories are just as likely to be heard from real life.

Life stories

In reality, especially today, teachers, in particular strict ones, are more often hated and criticized by children than they are listening to their advice. Of course, examples of teachers who are dismissive of their responsibilities can be cited. But still, good teachers are in the majority.

So, the problem of the teacher's influence on the student. Arguments from life can be represented by a story told once by Viktor Astafiev. In one of his publications, he wrote about his Russian language teacher, Rozhdestvensky Ignat Dmitrievich.

Viktor Astafiev recalls how the teacher introduced them to a tour of the Russian language, telling funny and memorable stories. But he was very strict in everything related to grades. Victor says that the first time a teacher praised him for an essay, he had a desire to create and write even better. The praise from such a stern to graded person meant a lot to the students. If someone, instead of the usual, teacher's "Minor" heard "Well done!", It said that he really did his best and all his efforts were not in vain.

Relationship problem

When the problem of the teacher's influence on the student is considered, arguments can tell a lot. However, they do not always reflect the difficulties of the relationship. It is not uncommon to face a situation where some teachers are forgotten immediately after leaving school, while others are remembered all their lives. It all depends on the teacher's dedication to his work. If he loves his subject, tells not only the meager school curriculum, but also many other interesting facts from real life, encourages students and tries to convey his knowledge to everyone, regardless of personal preferences and prejudices, then the students will respect him, and the lessons will remember for a long time.

But in a situation where a teacher is a profession, and not a vocation and passion, then students will neglect his lessons. And the mentor himself will become for them just another faceless shadow of the school past.

The problem of the teacher's influence on the student, the arguments of which are presented in the publication, will be relevant at any time. After all, a teacher is the one who, by the hand, introduces a new person into the world where he is to live. And it depends only on his influence and upbringing what this new person will subsequently turn out to be: he will become the next Onegin or become an outstanding scientist. It all depends on the teacher's work.

Date of publication: 25.04.2017

Arguments for an essay on the following problems:

The problem of the teacher's role in human life

The role of the teacher in shaping the personality of the child

What role does the teacher play in shaping the personality?

What is the role of a teacher in a person's life?

What should be a real teacher (teacher)?

What qualities should a real teacher have?

Gaps in attitudes towards teachers.

How do alumni treat their teachers?

Possible theses:

  1. The teacher has a huge impact on the formation of the child's personality
  2. A real teacher seeks not only to pass on knowledge to children, but also to instill important moral qualities
  3. For some people, it is the teacher who becomes the standard of kindness and humanity.
  4. A true teacher sincerely loves his students and worries about the fate of each of them
  5. Many alumni remember with gratitude some teachers throughout their lives

Prepared Arguments:

In the story "The First Teacher" Chingiz Aitmanov demonstrates the influence of the teacher on the child's future. The hero of the work Duishen, who himself read in syllables, organized a school for poor children. He believed that a completely different life awaits children. It was this teacher who played a huge role in the life of the orphan Altynai. Duishen filled her heart with warmth, worried about her. Thanks to him, Altynai went to study in the city, and then became an academician.

Chingiz Aitmanov story "The First Teacher"

Teacher Duishen considered it his duty not only to teach children to read, but also to take care of their future. Altynai, one of the students, was only fifteen when her aunt gave her as a wife to a cruel man. Duishen, risking his life, defended the girl, but failed. A little later, he appeared with the police, rescued Altynai by sending her to study in the city.

V. Rasputin story "French Lesson"

Lydia Mikhailovna could not remain indifferent, knowing that her student was "malnourished." After a vain attempt to send a parcel to Volodya, the teacher decides to take a risk: she plays with the boy for money, deliberately giving in. Upon learning of this, the headmaster fired Vera. The teacher's deed remained forever in the boy's memory: it was the main lesson in his life - a lesson in humanity and generosity.

V. Bykov story "Obelisk"

Until the last minute of his life, Ales Ivanovich was responsible for his students. Moroz continued to teach his lessons despite the war. Upon learning that his guys were captured by the Germans, he went to the Nazis, realizing the possible consequences. Ales managed to save only one boy Miklashevich, and he died along with the rest of the students.

A. I. Kuprin story "Taper"

The life of the fourteen-year-old pianist Yuri Agazarov was decisively changed by A.G. Rubinstein. The boy did not dream of a great future, but the composer, hearing him play at the ball, took the boy with him. Apparently, Anton Grigorievich saw talent in the boy and, which is very important, believed in him. Subsequently, Yura became a famous composer, but did not tell anyone about the “sacred words” that his mentor told him on the day of his acquaintance.

Evdokia Savelievna was never indifferent to the students, that is why she tried to highlight the "inconspicuous" children, and arranged meetings for the graduates, where cooks, plumbers, locksmiths came - in general, any "dullness". Olya, who studied at an elite art school, could not understand this. The teacher, on the other hand, believed that it was important not only to pass on knowledge to children, but also to instill such an important quality as humanity.

A. G. Aleksin story "Mad Evdokia"

Evdokia Savelievna was attentive to every student, including the spoiled Olya. The girl did not like the "cool" girl and called her Mad Evdokia. Despite the stubbornness of the parents, the teacher managed to convey to them that the girl loves only herself, and to make them think about it.

Composition according to the text:

Why do some people like to read while others don't? Why do some people remember their teachers all their lives, while others forget almost immediately, leaving the school threshold? Answers to these questions can be found in the text of F. Iskander. Talking about his school past, the author notes that the teachers of literature, Alexandra Ivanovna, were loved and understood by the students, and the teacher who came to replace was not perceived in any way. All this happened because Alexandra Ivanovna was devoted to her work, she herself loved literature and knew how to reveal the beauty and wisdom of the Russian word. This sincere love was passed on to children.

The problem of a good teacher with an informal attitude to his subject is more urgent today than ever. But in the old days, she was given a lot of attention, and Russian literature is evidence of this. Take, for example, A.S. Pushkin. In the story “The Captain's Daughter. he depicts the Frenchman Beaupre, who "was a hairdresser in his fatherland, then a soldier in Prussia, then came to Russia pour кtre outchitel, not really understanding the meaning of this word." It is clear that Beaupre became a teacher by chance, by the will of fate, he did not apply special zeal and effort to educating Petya Grinev, therefore there could be no talk of any love for the subject, and even more so for the teacher. And the illiterate uncle Savelich aroused Grinev's respect and gratitude, because he taught the master of life, taught how to preserve honor from a young age. And in the fate of Pushkin himself, the nanny Arina Podionovna Yakovleva played a greater role than the tutors and teachers: it was she who instilled in the poet “love for fatherly coffins”, “for deep legends of antiquity” and Russian folk tales. All his life Pushkin spoke of her tenderly and affectionately, emphasizing his love not only for the Russian
a woman, but also to the entire Russian people with their wisdom, poetry, sincerity.

Love only begets love. In childhood, she forms the best human qualities and the right attitude to the world. This is what the first book "Childhood" of the trilogy by L.N. Tolstoy. Creating the image of the teacher Karl Ivanovich, the author constantly emphasizes the professionalism and skill of the teacher. And if in the classroom Karl Ivanovich was strict and demanding, then outside of class he was always a kind and sympathetic person. Nikolenka Irteniev understood this perfectly, so he tried to sincerely repent of each of his petty insults against the teacher. Calling Karl Ivanovich "a sweet old man", Nikolenka responds with exactly the love that grew out of love
teachers to the child.

A hundred years later, V. Rasputin, in the story "French Lessons", portrayed Lydia Mikhailovna not only as a professional, but also as a sensitive, understanding teacher who was not indifferent to the fate of every child. What did Lydia Mikhailovna not invent to feed the eternally hungry village boy who was brought to the regional center for study! And when she was caught by the director for an impermissible occupation - she was playing "at the wall" so that the boy "won" some money - she was fired. She left for the Kuban forever, but the main character will never forget her. And not because Lidia Mikhailovna sent him pasta and apples, no, but because she took a lively part in his fate.

Being a teacher is not an easy task. Being a good teacher is happiness for both the teacher and the students. Because out of love for a subject (not necessarily for literature), love for those who master this subject grows. And the students, as a sign of gratitude for work, for interest, for selflessness, pay in the same way - with love. Happy are those who have had such teachers in their lives.

F. Iskander's text:

(1) Alexandra Ivanovna ... (2) Maybe love for the first teacher, if you are lucky for her, is as necessary and natural as the first love in general?

(3) Remembering my feelings for Alexandra Ivanovna, I think that in my love for her, two feelings somehow inseparably merged - love for her precisely, for such a person as she was, and love for Russian literature, which she so skillfully she revealed to us.

(4) Almost every day she read us something from the Russian classics or, somewhat less often, something from modern, most often anti-fascist literature.

(5) Reading remains in memory. "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin, like minutes of the sweetest experiences. (6) If in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spirit there is a feeling of family comfort, then I first experienced it while reading this book, when there was silence in the classroom purring with pleasure.

(7) I remember that Alexandra Ivanovna fell ill, and another teacher replaced her for three days. (8) In the last lesson she tried to continue reading The Captain's Daughter, but as soon as we heard her voice, we were seized with horror and disgust.

(9) It was completely, not at all! (10) Apparently, she herself felt it, and the guys in the class made some noise with some kind of artificial evil insolence. (11) She closed the book and no longer tried to read it to us.

(12) Now it is difficult to say why we felt so strongly the foreignness of reading it. (13) Of course, here both the love for our teacher and the habit of hearing her voice were reflected. (14) But there was also something else. (15) This obstacle was the very temporality of this teacher's stay with us. (16) The book told us about the eternal, and Alexandra Ivanovna herself was perceived as our eternal teacher, although, of course, we understood that in a year or two we would not have her. (17) But we didn't think about it, it was too far.

(18) Recently, while reading Marina Tsvetaeva's notes "My Pushkin", I remembered our readings of "The Captain's Daughter" and was surprised at the dissimilarity of impressions. (19) The rebellious soul of the future poet was struck in this book by Pugachev, he seemed to her mysterious, tempting, beautiful. (20) As I remember now, Savelich most of all amazed and pleased me in this book. (21) Not only me, I am sure, and the whole class.

(22) In the image of Savelich, Pushkin made himself a feast, which he could not always afford in life. (23) Here devotion appears in all guises. (24) The greatest feeling, the beauty of which Pushkin sang so many times in poetry. (25) And this idea of \u200b\u200bdevotion, with unexpected force, immersed us in its comfort of calm and trust. (26) The idea of \u200b\u200bdevotion to the idea itself, which, apparently, due to the absence of other incarnations of high human passions, developed in us with a tragic (which we did not know about), and sometimes ugly (which we all the more did not know about) force ...

(27) Perhaps that is why reading "The Captain's Daughter" then produced such a sweet, such an indelible impression. (28) That is why we pushed away (a little bit ugliness) the attempt of another teacher to continue reading Alexandra Ivanovna.

According to F. Iskander