
Pictures of Russian landscape painters. Landscape painting by Russian artists. Russian landscape. L. Kamenev. "Winter road"

N.S. Krylov (1802-1831). Winter landscape (Russian winter), 1827. The Russian Museum

No, after all, winter without snow is not winter. But in a big city the snow does not linger yet, it is falling today, and tomorrow it is gone. It remains to admire the snow in the paintings of the artists. Having traced this theme in painting, I discovered that the best snow landscapes, of course, belong to Russian artists. Not surprisingly, Russia has always been the snowiest and coldest country. After all, this is ours - and felt boots, and sheepskin coats, and sleighs, and hats with earflaps! already presented. And now there are 10 more of the best snow paintings by Russian artists of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, very famous and little known, but no less remarkable, but this is only a very small part of the Russian heritage.
A few words about the artist whose painting starts this list. This is one of the first images of winter in Russian painting, painted at a time when landscape painters painted mainly views of Italy or Switzerland with waterfalls and mountain peaks. A.G. Venetsianov (teacher, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, founder of the so-called Venetian school) met Krylov in the Terebensky monastery in the Tver province, where he, as an apprentice, painted the iconostasis with an artel of Kalyazin icon painters. On the advice of Venetsianov, Krylov began to draw from life and paint portraits. In 1825 he arrived in St. Petersburg, settled with Venetsianov as his student and at the same time began to attend drawing classes at the Academy of Arts. The history of the painting is known. In 1827, the young artist had an intention to paint a winter look from life. After the Krylovs chose a place on the banks of the Tosna River, near St. Petersburg, one of the wealthy merchants-patrons built a warm workshop for him there and gave him a table and support for the entire period of work. The painting was completed within a month. She appeared at an exhibition at the Academy of Arts.

1. Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898) - a great Russian artist (painter, landscape painter, engraver), academician. Shishkin studied painting at the painting school in Moscow, and then continued his education at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Having the opportunity to travel, Shishkin visited Germany, Munich, then Switzerland, Zurich. Everywhere Shishkin studied in the workshops of famous artists. In 1866 he returned to St. Petersburg. Traveling around Russia, he then presented his canvases at exhibitions.

I. Shishkin. In the Wild North, 1891. Kiev Museum of Russian Art

2. Ivan Pavlovich Pokhitonov (1850-1923) - Russian artist, master of landscape. Member of the Association of the Wanderers. He became famous for his miniatures, mostly landscape ones. He painted with a thin brush, using a magnifying glass, on slabs of red or lemon wood, which he primed using a special technology. "This is some kind of a sorcerer-artist, so skillfully, masterly done; as he writes - you can't understand ... Wizard!" - I.E. Repin spoke about him. He lived most of his life in France and Belgium, without losing touch with Russia. In his work, the poetry characteristic of the Russian landscape of mood was organically combined with French sophistication and strict requirements for the picturesque quality of works. Unfortunately, the work of this original Russian artist is currently in the shadows, and at one time his paintings were highly appreciated by both great artists and art lovers.

I.P. Pokhitonov. Snow effect

I.P. Pokhitonov. Winter landscape, 1890. Saratov State Art Museum. A.N. Radishcheva

3. Alexey Alexandrovich Pisemsky (1859-1913) - painter, draftsman, landscape painter, engaged in illustration. Represents the Russian realistic landscape of the 1880s-90s. He entered the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1878 as a free student, and was awarded three small and two large silver medals for his achievements. He left the academy in 1880, receiving the title of non-class artist, 3rd degree. The next year, for the paintings presented at the academic exhibition, he was promoted to the 2nd degree artist. He was especially successful in painting with watercolors and drawing with a pen, was a constant participant in exhibitions of societies of Russian watercolors from the time of its inception.

A.A. Pisemsky. Winter landscape

A.A. Pisemsky. Winter landscape with a hut

4. Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1856-1933) - Russian artist, master of historical painting, art critic, brother of Viktor Vasnetsov. Apollinarius Vasnetsov was not his timid shadow, but possessed quite an original talent. He did not receive a systematic art education. His school was direct communication and joint work with the largest Russian artists: his brother, I.E. Repin, V.D. Polenov. The artist was interested in a special type of historical landscape, in which A. Vasnetsov tried to revive the appearance and life of pre-Petrine Moscow. At the same time, the artist continued to paint "ordinary" landscapes.

A.M. Vasnetsov. Winter Dream (Winter), 1908-1914. Private collection

5. Nikolai Nikanorovich Dubovskoy (1859-1918) - academician of painting (1898), full member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1900), professor-head of the landscape workshop of the Higher Art School of Painting. Member and later one of the leaders of the Association of the Itinerants. Developing the traditions of Russian landscape painting, Dubovskoy creates his own type of landscape - simple and laconic. Among the many now undeservedly forgotten artists who at one time made up the glory of Russian painting, the name of N.N. Dubovsky stands apart: in the circle of Russian landscape painters of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, his name was one of the most popular.

N.N. Dubovskaya. At the monastery. Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1917. Rostov Museum of Fine Arts

6. Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar (1871 - 1960) - Russian Soviet artist-painter, restorer, art critic, educator, museum worker, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1956). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1941). After graduating from St. Petersburg University, he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts in 1895, where he studied at the workshop of Ilya Repin. I.E. Grabar is one of the most famous names in the history of Russian culture in the 20th century.

I.E. Grabar. Snowdrifts, 1904. National Gallery of Art. Boris Voznitsky, Lviv

7. Nikolai Petrovich Krymov (1884-1958) - Russian painter and teacher. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1956), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1949). N.P. Krymov was born in Moscow on April 20 (May 2) 1884 in the family of the artist P.A. Krymov, who wrote in the manner of the "Itinerants". He received his initial vocational training from his father. In 1904 he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he first studied at the Department of Architecture, and in 1907-1911 - in the landscape workshop of A.M. Vasnetsov. Participant of the exhibition "Blue Rose" (1907), as well as exhibitions of the "Union of Russian Artists". He lived in Moscow, also spending (since 1928) a significant part of the year in Tarusa.

Nikolay Krymov. Winter, 1933. State Tretyakov Gallery

Since time immemorial, people have always admired nature. They expressed their love by depicting it in all kinds of mosaics, bas-reliefs and paintings. Many great artists have dedicated their work to landscape painting. Pictures depicting forests, sea, mountains, rivers, fields are truly fascinating. And we need to respect the great masters who in such detail, colorfully and emotionally conveyed in their works all the beauty and power of the world around us. It is the landscape painters and their biographies that will be considered in this article. Today we will talk about the work of great painters of different times.

Famous landscape painters of the 17th century

In the 17th century, there were many talented people who preferred to portray the beauty of nature. Some of the most famous are Claude Lorrain and Jacob Isaac van Ruisdael. We will begin our story with them.

Claude Lorrain

The French artist is considered the founder of the landscape of the period of classicism. His canvases are characterized by incredible harmony and perfect composition. A distinctive feature of K. Lorrain's technique was the ability to flawlessly transmit sunlight, its rays, reflection in water, etc.

Despite the fact that the maestro was born in France, he spent most of his life in Italy, where he left when he was only 13 years old. He returned to his homeland only once, and then for two years.

The most famous works of K. Lorrain are the paintings "View of the Roman Forum" and "View of the port with the Capitol". Nowadays they can be seen in the Louvre.

Jacob Isaac van Ruisdael

Jacob van Ruisdael - a representative of realism - was born in Holland. During his travels in the Netherlands and Germany, the artist painted many notable works, which are characterized by a sharp contrast in tones, dramatic colors and coldness. One of the brightest examples of such paintings can be considered the "European Cemetery".

However, the artist's work was not limited to gloomy canvases - he also depicted rural landscapes. The most famous works are considered to be "View of the village of Egmond" and "Landscape with a water mill".

XVIII century

The painting of the 18th century is characterized by many interesting features; during this period, new directions in the mentioned form of art began. Venetian landscape painters, for example, worked in such areas as the view landscape (another name is leading) and architectural (or urban). And the leading landscape, in turn, was subdivided into precise and fantastic. Francesco Guardi is a prominent representative of the fantastic veda. Even contemporary landscape painters can envy his fantasies and technique.

Francesco Guardi

Without exception, all of his works are distinguished by impeccably accurate perspective, wonderful reproduction of colors. Landscapes have a certain magical attraction, it is simply impossible to take your eyes off them.

His most delightful works include the Doge's Party Ship Bucintoro, Gondola in the Lagoon, Venetian Courtyard and Rio dei Mendicanti. All of his paintings depict views of Venice.

William Turner

This artist is a representative of romanticism.

A distinctive feature of his canvases is the use of many shades of yellow. It was the yellow palette that became the main one in his works. The master explained this by the fact that such shades were associated with the sun and the purity that he wanted to see in his paintings.

Turner's most beautiful and mesmerizing work is The Garden of Hesperides, a fantastic landscape.

Ivan Aivazovsky and Ivan Shishkin

These two people are truly the greatest and most famous landscape painters in Russia. The first - Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky - depicted the majestic sea in his paintings. The riot of the elements, billowing waves, splashes of foam crashing against the side of a banked ship, or a quiet, serene surface illuminated by the setting sun - seascapes delight and amaze with their naturalness and beauty. By the way, such landscape painters are called marine painters. The second - Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin - loved to depict the forest.

Both Shishkin and Aivazovsky are landscape painters of the 19th century. Let us dwell on the biography of these individuals in more detail.

In 1817, one of the most famous marine painters in the world, Ivan Aivazovsky, was born.

He was born into a wealthy family, his father was an Armenian businessman. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the future maestro had a weakness for the sea element. After all, Feodosia, the most beautiful port city, became the birthplace of this artist.

In 1839 Ivan graduated from where he studied for six years. The artist's style was greatly influenced by the work of the French marine painters C. Vernet and C. Lorrain, who painted their canvases according to the canons of Baroque-Classicism. The most famous work of IK Aivazovsky is considered the painting "The Ninth Wave", made in 1850.

In addition to seascapes, the great artist worked on the depiction of battle scenes (a vivid example is the painting "The Battle of Chesme", 1848), and also devoted many of his canvases to themes of Armenian history ("Visit of J. G. Byron to the Mkhitarist monastery near Venice", 1880 g.).

Aivazovsky was lucky to achieve incredible fame during his lifetime. Many landscape painters who became famous in the future admired his work and took an example from him. The great creator passed away in 1990.

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich was born in January 1832 in the city of Elabug. The family in which Vanya was brought up was not very prosperous (his father was a poor merchant). In 1852, Shishkin began his studies at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, from which he would graduate four years later, in 1856. Even the earliest works of Ivan Ivanovich are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty and unsurpassed technique. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1865 for the painting "View in the vicinity of Dusseldorf" II Shishkin was given the title of academician. And after eight years he received the title of professor.

Like many others, he painted from nature, spending a long time in nature, in places where no one could disturb him.

The most famous canvases of the great painter are "Wilderness" and "Morning in a pine forest", painted in 1872, and the earlier painting "Noon. In the vicinity of Moscow "(1869)

The life of a talented person was interrupted in the spring of 1898.

Many Russian landscape painters, when writing their canvases, use a large number of details and vivid colors. The same can be said about these two representatives of Russian painting.

Alexey Savrasov

Alexey Kondratyevich Savrasov is a world-renowned landscape painter. It is he who is considered the founder of the Russian lyrical landscape.

This outstanding person was born in Moscow in 1830. In 1844, Alexei began his studies at the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture. From his youth he was distinguished by a special talent and ability to depict landscapes. However, despite this, for family reasons, the young man was forced to interrupt his studies and resume it only after four years.

The most famous and beloved work of Savrasov is, of course, the painting The Rooks Have Arrived. It was presented at the Traveling Exhibition in 1971. No less interesting are the paintings of IK Savrasov "Rye", "Thaw", "Winter", "Countryside", "Rainbow", "Elk Island". However, according to critics, none of the artist's works has been compared to his masterpiece "The Rooks Have Arrived."

Despite the fact that Savrasov wrote many beautiful canvases and was already known as the author of wonderful paintings, soon they forget about him for a long time. And in 1897 he died in poverty, driven to despair by family troubles, death of children and alcohol addiction.

But the great landscape painters cannot be forgotten. They live in their paintings, the charm of which is breathtaking, and which we can admire to this day.

Second half of the 19th century

This period is characterized by the prevalence of such a trend in Russian painting as the everyday landscape. Many Russian landscape painters worked in this vein, including Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky. No less famous masters of those times are Arseny Meshchersky, as well as the previously described Aivazovsky and Shishkin, whose work took place in the middle and second half of the 19th century.

Arseny Meshchersky

This famous artist was born in 1834 in the Tver province. He received his education at the Imperial Academy of Arts, where he studied for three years. The main themes of the author's canvases were forest ones, and the artist was very fond of depicting magnificent views of the Crimea and the Caucasus with their majestic mountains in his paintings. In 1876 he was promoted to professor of landscape painting.

The most successful and famous of his canvases can be considered the paintings "Winter. Icebreaker "," View of Geneva "," Storm in the Alps "," Near a Forest Lake "," Southern Landscape "," View in the Crimea ".

Besides Meshchersky also conveyed the beauty of Switzerland. In this country, for some time he gained experience with the master of landscape painting Kalam.

The master was also fond of sepia and engraving. In these techniques, he also created many wonderful works.

Many of the paintings of the artist in question were shown at exhibitions both in Russia and in other countries of the world. Therefore, many people managed to appreciate the talent and originality of this creative person. Arseny Meshchersky's paintings continue to delight many people who are fond of art to this day.

Makovsky Vladimir Egorovich

V.E. Makovsky was born in Moscow in 1846. His father was a famous artist. Vladimir decided to follow in his father's footsteps and received an art education at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, after which he left for St. Petersburg.

His most successful paintings were “Waiting. At the prison ”,“ Bank collapse ”,“ Explanation ”,“ Bed house ”and“ Spring bacchanalia ”. The works mainly depict ordinary people and everyday scenes.

In addition to everyday landscapes, of which he was a master, Makovsky also painted portraits and various illustrations.

Scenery occupies a special place in the fine arts of Russia. The name comes from the French word pays - area. Oil landscapes - images of nature in its natural or slightly modified state.

For the first time, landscape motives appeared in ancient Russian icon painting. Independent landscapes of nature, representing views of palace parks, began to appear in Russia in the 18th century. During the reign of Elizaveta Petrovna, the art of painting was actively developing, the first collection of engravings with views of St. Petersburg was published, where landscape images were also found.

The flowering of the landscape begins with the appearance of Semyon Fedorovich Shchedrin, who is rightfully called the founder of Russian landscape painting. The artist's biography includes several years of study abroad, where Shchedrin studies the foundations of classicism, which were subsequently reflected in his work.

Subsequently, other Russian landscape painters appeared: Fyodor Alekseev, the founder of the urban landscape, Fyodor Matveev, a master of landscapes in the best traditions of classicism.

The genres of fine arts in the second half of the 19th century are enriched with new directions. Landscape paintings created in different directions were presented by famous artists: Ivan Aivazovsky (romanticism), Ivan Shishkin (realism), Viktor Vasnetsov (fabulous epic direction), Mikhail Klodt (epic landscapes) and other recognized masters of painting.

By the middle of the 19th century, Russian painting "affirms" the plein air as an artistic technique that allows you to create beautiful landscapes. In its subsequent formation, a significant role was played by the development of impressionism, which significantly influenced the work of landscape painters. At the same time, a separate idea of \u200b\u200b"natural" perception was formed - a lyrical landscape. In this direction, landscapes were made by artists: Alexei Savrasov, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Mikhail Nesterov.

Landscape oil painting of the 19th century reached its true heyday in the works of Isaac Levitan. The artist's painting is filled with a calm, piercing, aching mood. The artist's exhibition has always been a significant event in the art world, gathering a lot of visitors in all cities of Russia.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the "Union of Russian Artists" was formed, founded on the initiative of Konstantin Yuon, Abram Arkhipov and Igor Grabar. The main directions of creativity and many paintings of the artists are characterized by a love for the Russian landscape, both natural and urban.

Other types of fine arts are also developing - an active search for alternative means of expression for landscape painting is underway. Vivid representatives of the new trends are: Kazimir Malevich (avant-garde, autumn landscape "The Red Cavalry Rides"), Nikolai Krymov (symbolism, winter landscape "Winter Evening"), Nikolai Dormidontov (neoacademism).

In the 30s, the visual arts in the USSR were enriched with landscape socialist realism. Georgy Nyssa and the work "Boys Running Out of Water" became one of its main representatives. The onset of the "thaw" in the second half of the 1950s led to the restoration of the diversity of the "pictorial" language that has survived in modern schools.

James Coleman is an American artist who collaborated with Walt Disney, the most famous animation studio in the camp. That is why his landscapes are very similar to fairy-tale pictures from a children's book. And this is true, because the artist painted his paintings thanks only to his boundless and amazing imagination, without leaving the park or garden, all the masterpieces were painted in his living room. And even if all these beautiful places do not really exist, but what are they fantastically beautiful. They cause real aesthetic pleasure.

Thomas Kinkade

The creator of a magical world, a winter fairy tale and just a real brush genius, American artist Thomas Kinkade amazes art connoisseurs with his winter, festive and fabulously beautiful landscapes. His main feature was the use of pastel colors and brilliant highlights in his works, and also, he often painted on various Christian themes, thereby showing people that faith and goodness are real miracles. The master's works are the most sold out in America to this day, because everyone can afford them, since they are often printed on postcards and puzzles. Kinkade also has cityscapes, but, by the way, see for yourself.

James Lee

American artist with Korean roots James Lee paints a rainbow, or rather, a rainbow world. All his paintings are filled with bright colors, light and brilliance, the American landscapes seem to be transferred to the east. Harsh colors and contrasting shades fill James Lee's work with optimism and boundless positiveness.

Alexander Bolotov

A talented Ukrainian artist living in Russia, Alexander Bolotov works in all genres. But his favorite topic is rain in the city. The unusual technique of making strokes, gray shades and unusual blurring of the picture give the master's work depth and naturalness.

Jun Young Joon

Korean landscape painter Jung Yong Joon loves to repeat his favorite quote: "Look around you and you will see how beautiful this world is." He draws everything that he sees around him, and shows people all the beauty of our world and the nature around us. Like all oriental artists, Jung Yong Joon's paintings are full of and buzz with colors, and also, they are shrouded in a mysterious fog and brilliance.

Albert Bierstadt - and his daring, wild west

German painter Albert Bierstadt is the finest painter of the wild west. After moving to America and living there for many years, Albert simply fell in love with the nature of this country, its canyons and waterfalls, savannahs and parks. But most of all he liked the sultry, daring, wild west, which he drew with pleasure and thanks to which he became very popular. His paintings can be called a bit gloomy, since the author often used dark shades, but they do not spoil the very essence of the work.

Donna Young

Artist Donna Young, with her perspective on the world of art, is trying to move away from the traditional use of oils and watercolors, and uses the two-dimensional space of her canvas in order to show the atmospheric depth of the image. The artist often uses the technique of "reflection in water", which makes her drawings three-dimensional. The colors and shades used are striking in their variety and brightness.

Michael Humphries and his lovely countryside

American artist Michael Humphreys paints banal, but such cute rural landscapes that the spirit is already mesmerizing. The main characters of his paintings are beautiful village houses, bright flower beds, cute arches and benches at the gate. Having looked at his paintings, you begin to understand that here it is - a place in which you want to settle for a century. Michael Humphries' paintings are filled with calmness, kindness, tenderness and confidence in a good future.

Maria Gordeeva: "I love autumn"

An artist with Ukrainian roots Maria Gordeeva is a freelance artist painting in any genre. She can handle any subject, but Maria is the best at landscapes. She loves to paint autumn and everything connected with it. However, the summer landscapes from Maria Gordeeva delight: birches, wheat fields, lakes and meadows - here it is, our vast and beautiful homeland.

Johan Messely

The Belgian artist Johan Misli paints landscapes that are sunny, bright and full of cheerfulness and optimism. His style can be called romantic realism, and his technique is new and unusual. Beautiful courtyards filled with flowers - that's what his story is about. If you are in a bad mood, we have a cure for this diagnosis. And these are pictures of the Belgian genius. From one glance, the mood rises, and the soul is filled with light, positive and joy ...

Russian artist Alexander Milyukov draws mainly seascapes, since from early childhood he adores water and everything connected with it. The sea, sun and sand, beautiful beaches and verandas overlooking seascapes, flowers and seagulls, and also a feeling of anxiety, excitement and genuine interest - that's what is depicted in his canvases. And there is no point in talking about bright colors and skillful performance, you just need to see for yourself what we offer you.

Another talented Russian landscape painter Vasily Peshkun deserves to be on our list of brilliant artists. He uses a peculiar brushstroke technique and unusual color combinations that make his work very harmonious and not typical, but no less charming. And how skillfully he plays with light and shadow, this is one lovely sight! In general, see for yourself.

Karl Flieher

Austrian artist Kari Flischer painted exclusively mountains, he adored them. How much greatness, seriousness and severity they have. They are inaccessible on the one hand, and attract to themselves like a magnet on the other. The artist depicted his native Alps more than once, but each time was like the first for him, and each picture was different from the previous one. When you look at its mountain landscapes, you can feel the fresh and clean alpine air.

Continuation of the article READ on the next page ↓↓↓

Russian forest in paintings by Russian artists

"I hope the time will come when all Russian nature

alive and soulful, will look from the canvases of Russian artists "(I. Shishkin)

The nature of Russia is diverse and unique. Her beauty was sung in their poems by wonderful Russian poets: Zhukovsky V.A., Pushkin A.S., Tyutchev F.I., Fet A.A., Nekrasov N.A., Nikitin I.S. other. And after that we saw Russian nature in the paintings of landscape painters: I. Shishkin, A. Kuindzhi, I. Ostroukhov, I. Levitan, V. Polenov, G. Myasoedov, A. Gerasimov, A. Savrasov, V. Nikonov and many others painters.

INin the paintings of Russian artists, we see how the landscapes of nature convey that thin invisible line separating us from it. Nature in painting reflects the world in which it is not man who dominates nature, but nature over him. A world in which colors sharpen the feelings of unity with nature. The seasons in painting are a special theme in the landscapes of paintings by the nature of Russian artists, because nothing touches so sensitively as the change in the appearance of nature in accordance with the seasons. Along with the season, the mood of nature changes, which with ease the artist's brush convey pictures in painting.

Nature - ... Not a cast, not a soulless face - It has a soul, it has freedom, It has love, it has a language ... ("Not what you think, nature ..." ,F.I. Tyutchev)

Ostroukhov, I.S.

Ostroukhov I.S.

Ostroukhov I.S.

Polenov V.D.

Shishkin I.I.

Shishkin I.I.

Shishkin I.I.

Kuindzhi A.I.

Kuindzhi A.I.

Zhukovsky S.Yu.

Levitan I.I.

Levitan I.I.

Levitan I.I.

Levitan I.I.

Petrovichev P.I.

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