
Julia Pushman: biography, personal life. Yulia Pushman: biography, creativity, career, personal life What questions can you ask Yulia Pushman

Participant name: Yulia Gogitidze

Age (birthday): 28.12.1997

Moscow city

Family: dating Slava Basyul

Height and weight: 1.68 m

Channel direction: lifestyle blog

Channel created: 06/26/2013

Number of subscribers: more than 1.3 million

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Yulia was born in Moscow at the end of 1997. Real name the girls are Gogitidze, which directly indicates the Georgian roots of her ancestors.

The girl spoke more than once about the Caucasian origins of her family in her videos. How the pseudonym Pushman Yulia appeared is not covered.

The girl received her basic education at school number 417 in Moscow. Then she entered the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting Ostankino to study by correspondence, majoring in journalism.

However, on your channel the girl has said more than once that she would like to be a TV or radio presenter. Judging by how easily and naturally Yulia performs on camera, her wish may well come true.

The girl became famous after she registered her YouTube channel in 2013.

An interesting fact - the girl's first video is a video of a completely ordinary teenager walking in a shopping center.

It’s hard to say what interesting subscribers saw in this video, but the fact remains that with several thousand fans, her first videos were viewed many, many thousands of times.

The girl herself says that after she saw herself on the screen, she just wanted to film something else. Vlogs had no artistic value; they were sketches about life, walks, shopping and travel.

Unlike other bloggers, no one advertised the girl, she did not use promotion in in social networks and other promotion channels. It’s just that at some point the growth of subscribers began to increase and eventually their number exceeded half a million.

It is worth noting that so far all the girl’s videos are about her beloved self. She also likes to be frank with subscribers and respond to their tricky questions. Sometimes Yulia is joined by her friend Karina Kasparyants, who also has a YouTube channel, but is less popular. The girls usually go shopping or take walks together. Yulia's channel has several regular shows: Travel, Cooking, Ask Pushman.

It should be noted that the blogger herself has said many times that she is happy with the opportunity to realize herself through videos. Moreover, for her a nice bonus is the income they bring.

Interesting Facts:

  • Julia travels often, including to Georgia;
  • The girl has a driver's license and has a Lexus;
  • Lives with a young man, separately from his parents;
  • Member of the Z Agency, which also includes Karina Kasparyants, and other famous bloggers;
  • Yulia really likes to eat at McDonalds;
  • Sometimes her mother and younger brother Sasha.

Julia also really doesn’t like people prying into her personal life, but unfortunately her popularity presupposes such a development of events.

For a long time I dated my classmate Farah, but at the end of 2016 the guys broke up.

In 2017, Yulia began dating singer Slava Basyul. Yulia's fans are delighted with the new couple.

They met on the set of Slava’s video, Julia starred in the title role.

Photo by Julia

The girl loves to take part in various photo shoots., but so far he doesn’t see a career as a model for himself. Among other things, Pushman loves to take photographs herself; her Instagram is popular; Yulia has more than 1.6 million subscribers.

Hello everyone, dear readers of YouTube Star magazine. Today in our “From the Life of Bloggers” section we have a biography of the popular Russian video blogger – Ilia Pushman. To be honest, it was quite difficult to find any information about Julia, since no official sources (for example, Wikipedia) provide absolutely any information on this matter. Yes, what can I say, even the well-known lurk for some reason did not prepare material about Yulia Pushman.

Well, okay, not the first time. I had to collect information from various, sometimes contradictory, sources and put it all together into a single, more or less complete picture. So, let's go.


Let's start from the very beginning, namely about some facts about Julia herself. At the moment, Yulia is seventeen years old, date of birth is December 28, 1997. Currently she graduated from school No. 417 in Moscow. According to some sources, she was born and raised in Moscow. Ilia's real name is Gogitidze.

The surname indicates to us that Julia has Georgian roots. It’s difficult to say how real this surname is, but, according to some people, Julia herself admitted this more than once, so the information is reliable.
Little is known from Yulia’s pre-YouTube biography; real popularity came to her only after she created her YouTube channel in 2013, but we’ll talk about the channel a little later.

Currently (at the time of writing this material) he is dating a guy named Farukh Radjabov. Farukh (best known online as Farah) also runs his own YouTube channel, which gained more than 50,000 subscribers in its first month of existence. Agree - a good result.


Yulia Pushman’s main work is her YouTube channel. The channel was created on June 26, 2013, and the first video was published on August 30, 2013, i.e. two months after the creation of the channel. At the moment, Julia has gained a million subscribers and this figure continues to grow rapidly.

Julia makes various videos without reference to a specific topic: vlogs, travel, tags. In general, all those things that any average blogger shoots.

Yulia Pushman (Gogitidze) is a top video blogger with an audience of millions. By filming funny videos about her life that are not particularly informative, not stunning with special effects, the presence of unique ideas or events, she managed to achieve significant success in video blogging and in a short time attract a large number of viewers to her YouTube channel.

Childhood and youth

The future popular vlogger was born on December 28, 1997 in one of the maternity hospitals in the Russian capital. According to some Internet users, her real name is Gogitidze.

When Yulia was four years old, she had a younger brother. At my mother's insistence, except secondary school, she also attended (though without much enthusiasm) the music school, where she mastered the piano. Her career as an aspiring pianist did not last long, only three years: she moved to another high school and stopped going to children's music school. Soon their family was expanded with another child.

Like many teenage girls, she loved to dance. At the age of 12 she began to study very successfully ballroom dancing. Subsequently, she became one of the best dancers in her group. However, with age, her tastes and personal preferences changed, and she stopped attending these lessons.

Then Julia became seriously interested in photography. According to her, she not only likes working on the quality of photographs and their beautiful design, but “has a calming effect on her.”

In high school at school No. 417, Julia, together with her friend Karina Kasparyants, began filming her first videos: about how they spent time, fooling around, dancing. But she didn’t even think about video blogging then - in the future she saw herself as a TV presenter of entertainment programs.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Pushman became a student at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino", enrolling in the correspondence department of its Faculty of Journalism.

YouTube Career

In 2013, a young Muscovite created her own channel on YouTube. Video blogging seemed to her quite promising and exciting.

Yulia Pushman - 10 facts about my body

The first video was filmed on mobile phone in one of the capital's shopping centers, while shopping with friends. Unexpectedly for Yulia, it received several thousand views. Then she began uploading video collections about her private life: walks, trips to the country, various adventures, managing to present them in such a way that people liked them.

One of the most popular among viewers was her 2015 video from her dacha, which received about three million views in 4-5 months. Moreover, it had a relatively long duration - about 40 minutes, while 10-minute videos are considered the norm for this video hosting site.

The aspiring Internet celebrity then said that popularity hit her like an avalanche. Moreover, among the videos she published, she could not single out any particular material that served as an impetus for the universal recognition of her work. She made videos on a variety of topics, which are also covered by many other video bloggers. But, apparently, the content of her channel contained that very zest that allowed her to arouse interest and win the love of the Internet audience. In 2016, the number of Pushman subscribers reached two million.

Slava Basyul and Yulia Pushman - You hurt me with kisses

In December of the same year, she starred in Slava Basyul’s video for the song “You hurt me with kisses.” In the comments under the video on the singer’s channel, his fans accused the girl of mediocre acting. However, there were also positive assessments of their joint work. Some haters also reproached the girl for her alleged conspiracy and collaboration with Pasha Mikus, a blogger and author of Vine videos. But she claimed that they were just friends.

Yulia Pushman - May VLOG from the dacha

Films with her participation were also criticized. The scandalous film “Hack the Bloggers,” which also starred Sasha Spielberg, Ivangay and Maryana Ro, attracted the attention of blogger-film critic Evgeny Bazhenov, who tore the film to smithereens. The fifth part of the New Year's franchise "Yolki", where Yulia, along with Marie Senn, Jan Gordienko, Amiran Sardarov, Elena Sheidlina and other bloggers, gets stuck in an elevator, was also greeted coolly.

Personal life of Yulia Pushman

For a long time, Yulia had an affair with a former classmate, blogger Farukh Radjabov (Fara). They broke up in 2016, but maintained a good relationship.

In 2017, the girl began dating the singer, finalist of the show “I Want to Meladze” and its 2014 silver medalist, singer and composer Slava Basyul. Yulia Pushman’s boyfriend suffers from severe Perthes disease, which threatens disability due to the destruction of the hip joints, so he devotes several hours a day to sports.

Julia noted that she doesn’t always look “as good” in her photographs as she actually looks in life. Therefore, she does not consider it shameful to correct her image in Photoshop. The girl does not hide the fact that she has eyelash extensions, which give her look expressiveness.

Yulia Pushman now

By 2017, Yulia turned from a beginner in the field of video blogging into a YouTube star. She not only developed all the time, filmed interesting videos with enviable regularity, but also responded with pleasure to the requests, questions and wishes of her subscribers.

The status of an Internet celebrity flatters the Muscovite’s self-esteem. Many candid photographs of her have been published on the Internet, but she has not yet thought about a career in the modeling business.

In August, she helped Slava Basyul in the filming of a video for the song “How are you, Beiba?”, puzzling her subscribers with a message about this - had she really become a producer? The singer emphasized her enormous contribution to the video and publicly thanked her for being there.

Yulia Pushman – “Why”

And on November 1, 2017, Yulia Pushman presented her own debut video for the song “Why,” in which Slava Basyul also starred. They were helped by music video director Georgy Volev, who often collaborated with performers from the Viktor Drobysh production center. Although the song tells the story of unrequited love, it turned out to be bright, light and positive.

Yulia Pushman, despite her young age (Yulia was born on December 28, 1997), she has already achieved great success in video blogging. YouTube channel of Yulia Pushman is extremely popular and already has more than 600 thousand subscribers (data as of mid-summer 2015). And it all started quite atypically.

Yulia Pushman - candid photos (not naked, but half-naked and very popular)

Yulia Pushman recalls that she had never had such a video that she could call the “explosive” one that marked her transition to the status of an Internet celebrity, and the first video Yuli Pushman- this is generally a “vlog” filmed vertically on a mobile phone in one of the fashionable metropolitan shopping centers. However, in just a couple of years Yulia Pushman became the third most popular female video blogger on YouTube.

Yulia Pushman I never seriously thought about filming videos as a way of entertainment or earning money. But somehow it happened that the girl filmed her walk with her friends a couple of times on her phone. Then I tried to mount it. So the beauty’s new hobby spontaneously arose. And already in the summer of 2013 she began filming on camera.
Popularity fell on Yulya Pushman suddenly and treacherously, without any warning, in the winter of 2014. Now on my channel Yulia Pushman shares her everyday shopping, answers questions from subscribers, jokes with her friend Karina Kasparyants (who also has several hundred thousand subscribers on her channel), and also shares her most intimate things.

Young people dream that upon request naked Yulia Pushman were candid photos beauties. However, at the moment, the girl does not give the opportunity to enjoy her charms. And here sexy video Yulia Pushman leaked by unknown well-wishers can be found online.

The girl is proud that at her age she has the opportunity to earn money from her favorite hobby and highly appreciates her status as a YouTube star. Besides, Yulia Pushman, like several other video bloggers, are suspected of participating in a secret community led by the famous Russian Vine Pasha Mikus. A kind of “Brotherhood of YouTube”. But Yulia Pushman stubbornly denies all the rumors, claiming that with Mr. Mikus and other guys they are just friends who often gather in friendly companies to discuss new videos and exchange tips.

Of course, still in the first wave of popularity Yulia Pushman, fans noticed the girl’s pretty appearance. The heroine herself claims that attention from the opposite sex has increased somewhat, but she is of little interest in this. Yulia reads funny declarations of love, but does not reciprocate anyone, because she has been dating a young man for a long time, whom she has known since the fourth grade. Apparently, sitting at the same desk and tugging at my pigtails did the trick. =)

Now Yulia Pushman considers the prospects of his further creativity. Her profile in instagramm (/pusshman/) no less popular than the YouTube channel. Photo of half-naked (or even completely naked) Yulia Pushman- this young attractive person generated many offers to act as a model. But the heroine of our story perceives such proposals without much enthusiasm, and only a few photographers Yulia Pushman trusts himself to be captured.

More Yulia Pushman She is seriously interested in photography, she says that she loves taking pictures of people (her Canon 60D combat camera was replaced by a 70D) and processing their photos - it has a calming effect.

Also Yulia Pushman does not forget about the imminent graduation from school and the need to clearly determine his future destiny. Answering the question “Who should I be?”, beauty Yulia Pushman confidently answers that she is a TV presenter. She really enjoys being on camera and interacting with a lot of people. It is not surprising that Julia is more inclined to entertainment programs, but is wary of the influence of television as such. In her opinion, there is no place for real freedom of speech, but it is full of restrictions and conventions. So the young beauty is still in thought.

Yulia Pushman is in demand in all regions without exception Russian Federation, as evidenced by Yandex search statistics:

Yule Pushman 14 164
Yulia Pushman 14 145
Yuli Pushman 14 145
Yulia Pushman 14 14
Yulia Pushman YouTube 1 514
Yulia Pushman video 921
Yulia Pushman video 921
Yulia Pushman photo 543
photo by Yulia Pushman 543
Yulia Pushman photo 543
Yulia Pushman +at 12 years old 534
Yulia Pushman watch 283
watch Yulia Pushman 283

Yulia Pushman Wikipedia 219
Yulia Pushman vlog 172
Yulia Pushman VK 162
Yulia Pushman + at the dacha 151
Yulia Pushman surname 133
Yulia Pushman real name 113
Yulia's real name is Pushman 113

Video bloggers confidently rule the Internet space, capturing an ever-larger audience. Most of them make videos targeting teenagers, give advice on self-care, arrange various challenges, and show off their loved ones in all their glory.

Who is this girl Yulia Pushman? Biography

Unlike other bloggers, the girl does not hide her age: she is almost 18 (at the time of writing), although she looks older than her years. Stage name: Yulia Pushman. The real name, the one written in the passport, is completely different - Gogitidze.

Born and raised in Moscow. This year I graduated from school, to which I even dedicated a separate episode on my channel. Height, weight and other personal data are unknown to the world.

Personal life

The girl also willingly shows the world her immediate circle: relatives and friends often appear in her videos. For those who watch Pushman with interest, it is known that the girl has been dating Farah for a long time.

The young man appears every now and then in vlogs and challenges. You can admire the female representatives of the Gogitidze family in Cooking: Yulia and her mother cook together and give various tips regarding the preparation of this or that dish (beef stroganoff, stuffed vegetables etc.). From time to time, Yulia, Pushman’s close friends, also appears in the frame: the first is also a blogger, the girl has been friends with the second since childhood.

For some time she and Yulia did not communicate due to some childhood quarrels and grievances, but not so long ago they resumed communication and, according to the girls, are actively catching up.

Julia has repeatedly said that she admires another famous video blogger - Sasha Spielberg. She believes that there is a lot to learn from this girl.

Where it all started

The girl assures that she did not at all strive for video blogging and everything turned out purely spontaneously: while having fun in a shopping complex, she decided “for fun” to film herself on her phone and post it on YouTube. Then she made a couple more videos with her friends, edited the video and... woke up, already having loyal fans praising her beauty and naturalness. For fun or not, the girl did not forget to start her own channel on video hosting. True, the edited videos were uploaded only a few months later. After that, she began filming not with her phone, but with a professional camera.

There was no immediate success and millions of subscribers; after a couple of months of hard work, Yulia Pushman scraped together “only” 50,000 subscribers. But by November 2015, their number exceeded a million, to which the girl even dedicated a separate video, in which she expresses her gratitude to those who watch and support her. Not a bad result for 2 years of work, would you agree?

Yulia Pushman herself says that she is somewhat surprised by her popularity and did not even expect such a reaction, but she does not hide the fact that she is extremely pleased with it.

What does the blogger show?

Many Russian bloggers are actively interested in re-filming videos of their foreign colleagues, various tips on self-care and challenges.

Julia took a slightly different path and dedicated her channel entirely to her beloved. The girl shows off her apartment, the contents of her closets and bags, reviews her monthly purchases and talks about what films/music she liked or didn’t like during the month. Yulia Pushman does not forget about her fans on vacation either: the girl films her trips to the dacha on her phone, family holiday in Turkey or Georgia. She posts such videos as vlogs. In general, they do not carry any semantic load; they simply demonstrate what the blogger ate, drank, where she was and what she did.

Sometimes Yulia Pushman talks about how she takes care of herself, showing off the contents of her cosmetic bag and applying makeup in front of the camera.

  • The girl has 100% vision.
  • Julia does not hide the fact that she has eyelash extensions.
  • She has repeatedly said that she admires Sasha Spielberg. According to her, you can learn a lot from Sasha.
  • He has been friends with Karina since he was 11 years old.
  • Yulia Pushman takes photos and videos with a Canon 70D camera.
  • At one time there were rumors circulating online that the girl had broken up with her boyfriend. But as it turned out, this is not so. The couple lives together, according to Julia herself.
  • They have been dating their boyfriend for 2 years now, and have known each other since fourth grade.
  • Recently, the popular video blogger has been wearing braces.
  • He dreams of working on television and buying a cool car. In general, she likes BMW (X5, X6), but will buy
  • I entered MITRO to study journalism.
  • There is an official page on VKontakte and Instagram. Yulia Pushman updates photos on her pages quite often, as well as communicates with fans.