
A powerful spell to make wishes come true. A conspiracy to make a wish come true very quickly. Conspiracy for a successful business

The legends and beliefs of our great-grandfathers contain wonderful conspiracies to make wishes come true. Sincere prayers and spells invented by the people can bring you closer to your dream. The main thing is to believe in the possibility of its implementation.

How to make your dreams come true with magic

Any magical ritual is aimed at bringing the plan into reality, only the results of the rituals are different. Black magic indulges more in base and sinful passions, human cruelty and hatred.

The rituals offered by bright sorcerers are able to fulfill any requirement: from a banal increase in finances to ambitions in the realization of talents. They will help you find your soul mate, remove obstacles on the path to wealth, heal you from serious illnesses, and give you the joy of motherhood.

Like any planned events, wish conspiracies require a certain technology of implementation.

  1. The dream must be relevant and meaningful. You should not resort to magic to satisfy immediate needs. Abuse of magic can disrupt the code of fate of an entire ridge of generations.
  2. Determination must be supported by a real desire to fulfill the plan and confidence in the result. The importance of psychological attitude is undeniable.
  3. Try to keep the actions secret. Magic means mystery
  4. Make good wishes that will not harm anyone.

We present several rituals that were preferred by our ancestors.

For this action you will need:

  • Three laurel leaves.
  • Blank paper.
  • Pen with red ink (paste).

On the night of the new moon, write a wish and voice it out loud three times. Fold the letter in thirds, placing bay leaves inside. Repeat your request. Secure the ritual by reading prayers you know, and hide the letters in a secret place.

Every day, until your plan comes true, voice your dream after waking up. As soon as it comes true, burn the paper with leaves and scatter the ashes, not forgetting to thank the Universe.

This ritual will help you get help from the Almighty.

Buy four images: the Virgin Mary, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Guardian Angel and Christ the Savior. When alone, when it gets dark, cover the table with a white cloth or tablecloth, arrange the icons (except for personal ones) in the form of a pyramid.

Write on paper what you want to receive, put the letters on the candles. Carefully lower the icon of your Angel face up onto the sheet. Light a candle in front of the images and read the plot:

Heavenly Father! All Saints and the Most Holy Mother of God, hear my prayers and help me, the servant of God (your name), to fulfill my cherished desire (voice it).

While the wicks are burning, read the “Our Father”, and then ask the saints for help in fulfilling your plans. When the fire burns out and the wax melts, place the charmed paper in a volume of the Bible and do not remove it for forty days. If carried out correctly, the dream will soon come true.

The most powerful magical sacrament is held on a day off (Saturday or Sunday) until dawn. Prepare water, bread, a pinch of salt and light a candle. Place a loaf of bread on your right palm and take the salt with the fingers of your left hand. While sprinkling the bread, say:

Bread and salt are prepared for the gods, destined for dreams. I long for my wish (voice) to come true. I’ll eat the bread and salt until it crumbles, my wish will come true, I’ll thank the gods.

As you bite and chew the baked goods, imagine that your dream has come true. Wash down what you eat with three sips of water, saying it before drinking:

Just as everything living in the world comes from water, so my cherished desire will be born from it. Spring water, sister water, help me.

At the end of the ritual, say:

Holy bread, salt and water will always help, this is joy, not a problem at all. Therefore, what is said is done. Amen.

It has long been known that the human aura is most susceptible to outside influence. Therefore, practicing psychics advise refraining from noisy, crowded parties and dangerous events. And being alone with positive thoughts and trying to plan the coming year, concentrating on bringing important goals to life with the help of the magic of desires, will be very useful and effective.

Before starting the ritual, formulate in a short, succinct phrase the desire that worries you. Mentally repeating the cherished words, light church candles (three pieces) on an empty table and clearly read the spell:

Bless and have mercy, Father, on your servant... Let the devil, the dark knight, sneak through the window, through the chimney and approach my oak dining table. Let him give me gifts: magic golden dust and three dominoes of one calf. Just as the moon walks across the firmament on a dark night, so I, God’s servant (him) (again, mention the name), will be lucky at that time. Now I will lock the cherished words with a strong lock, and I will throw the key that opens them to the bottom of the deep sea-ocean. So be it. Amen (three times).

Say the spell words twelve times. Do not remove the candles, let them burn out.

Finally, we will describe a ritual that can make your most cherished, incredible desire come true. When using the magic of fire spirits - salamanders, remember that they can be attracted to help only once. In a dark, closed room, draw a triangular equilateral figure on the floor with one of the vertices pointing south (according to mythology, salamanders live there). Place a glass sphere or large clear crystal in the center of the square. On a smooth sheet of paper, write (draw) your dream, the concern for the implementation of which you entrust to higher powers. Read the spell while burning the letter on the candle flame:

Father of all uncreated things, you are eternal and ineffable, rushing in a fiery chariot, continuously moving through the worlds-planets. The ruler of the boundless ether in which you sit on the throne, the Almighty. From there on the throne, everything open and secret is revealed to your eyes. Direct your children, O Almighty, to fulfill my desire (voice my dream). Let it be so!

If suddenly the conversation turns to cherished desires, then it’s even somehow wild to hear that a person doesn’t have them. Without lying at heart, each of us can admit that he has at least 2-3 of them, the fulfillment of which we look forward to. But at the same time, few people know that in order for plans to come true, special conspiracies can be used. And the most effective are those that constitute the heritage of our ancestors. These include rituals and spells cast during them to fulfill a wish (in Russian, Old Slavic, Latin), bringing “that same” long-awaited moment closer. They will be discussed today in this article.

Verbal magic has long been considered one of the most effective means on the way to achieving your goal. Such rituals can be carried out both by practicing magicians and by the customer himself, awaiting the fulfillment of his desire.

Verbal spells, accompanied by special rituals, are universal tools. They may well become relevant in a variety of areas of human activity - from the professional field to the implementation of any ideas. At home, the ritual performed helps with solving literally all pressing problems. Including the hour of fulfillment of your most cherished desire.

Such spells that can be used by a person who longs to fulfill his dream are different. However, they can all be divided into two types:

  • Rituals using additional attributes. To perform these magical actions, as a rule, you first need to prepare additional items. For example, many rituals are performed when interacting with spring water, a coin or a scarf;
  • Rituals, the effect of which depends directly on the strength of the spell cast. Therefore, when conducting rituals, spells in Russian and even Latin are often used to fulfill one’s own wishes.

If the purpose of the ritual is to achieve a specific goal, it is worth choosing the right version of the spell. By following all the recommendations for magical rituals exactly, you can significantly bring the exciting moment when a miracle happens - your wish comes true. And in this article we offer several of the most popular spells (including in Latin).

For those who have one cherished dream

This ritual can be performed by someone who has only one, but most cherished dream, the fulfillment of which he is looking forward to. For the ritual to be effective, the spell should be read on the night of the full moon, when the arrows show midnight. Standing at the indicated time in front of an open window and looking at the full moon, you should pronounce the words of a magic spell. The original text is in Latin: “Domus libus notamus, Laviramus oktamis lazoris.”

After repeating the words of this powerful spell seven times in a row, you need to bow to the moon. It wouldn’t hurt to also thank her for listening and for taking on the task of helping. As a rule, such spells (which are pronounced in Latin) help speed up the fulfillment of a desire. If all actions are performed correctly, the ritual will show the first results within a month.

Speak to the water

As previously mentioned, you can ask the Universe for help in fulfilling your deepest desires, using different attributes. For example, this ritual can be performed with water. Many energy flows pass through it, contributing to the approach of a cherished dream.

However, ordinary water is not suitable for this ritual. It is advisable to get some water:

  • saint;
  • spring;
  • well (as a last resort).

After waiting until midnight, you need to fill a glass glass with the previously prepared liquid. Taking it in your hands and going to the open window, concentrate on fulfilling your desire. Having formulated the thought as clearly as possible for the Universe, whisper it over a vessel filled with water. The wish sentence should be completed with the words:

“Let what is planned come true, and what is said, let it come true!”

After this, place the vessel on the windowsill under the moonlight. Now you shouldn’t touch it until your plans come true. This should happen over the next month.

Rite with plain paper

Each spell to grant a wish depends, to a large extent, on the power of the spoken words and the faith of the performer. In this case, even the most “primitive” rituals can have a significant impact. These include a ritual performed with ordinary paper, during which a spell is read in Russian, not in Latin.

Beforehand, you should prepare for the ceremony:

  • blank paper sheet;
  • red pen;
  • a piece of red satin ribbon;
  • a red wax candle bought in church.

The ritual is carried out at home and always alone.

On the planned day, you should wait until evening and place a lit candle on the table. Sitting down at the table, you should think about your desire and, having formulated it correctly, transfer the thought to a piece of paper. Then, when the candle burns down to half, you should roll up the paper with the wish in the form of a tube and, tying it with a red ribbon, set it on fire. At the same time you need to say the magic phrase:

“As the wax of this candle melts, so let my desire sprout, and as the paper burns, my dream will come closer. As soon as the candle burns out completely, let my wish become a reality.”

After reading this spell three times, you need to wait until the candle burns out. The ashes collected from the burnt paper and the remains of the candle must be hidden in an envelope and put everything in a secret place until the wish comes true.

Speak a handkerchief

The ritual with a scarf, like with water, is famous for its effectiveness. The spell can be cast during this ritual on any day of the week and at any time. In order for the ritual to have the desired effect, you will need to take a scarf that belongs only to you, which you previously used.

Left alone with this scarf, you need to close your eyes and concentrate all your attention on your dream. Think about it for a few minutes, and then cast a special spell to make your dream come true:

“With God's help, may my wish come true. God does not refuse and helps everyone who asks. Help will arrive from unknown lands, along unknown paths, and my dream will become a reality.”

The spell should be cast very carefully three times in a row. It is advisable to visualize how the desire is fulfilled. After this, one corner of the scarf should be tied with a strong knot. Now you will need to walk around with this scarf until your dream comes true.

A conspiracy to make a wish come true is an ancient way to carry out your plans and enlist the help of the Higher Powers. For a magic spell to really help, you must follow certain recommendations and be sure to believe in success.


Basic recommendations for reading conspiracies to make wishes come true

Like any real magical act, reading spells for wishes requires strict adherence to the prescribed rules.

Before performing a ritual to fulfill a wish at home, you need to:

  • stay in a secluded place;
  • choose a specific time for the ritual;
  • use magical paraphernalia;
  • pronounce the words of the spell exactly.

You can fulfill a desire with the help of magic only by maintaining the purity of your thoughts. It is necessary to understand that in witchcraft nothing happens for free. However, the point here is not about money, but about the amount of energy aimed at a positive result.

In order for the plan to come true and the spell to work, the magic spell should be read:

  • if your dream does not contradict the Divine plan and Christian values;
  • maintaining a positive attitude and faith in the result;
  • acting with an understanding of where is black and where is .

The most powerful rituals to make wishes come true

Of the numerous rituals for the fulfillment of human desires, the most powerful can be identified:

  • conspiracy to fulfill a wish with a handkerchief;
  • ritual with hair;
  • water spell;
  • ritual to fulfill a wish with a candle;
  • "six-day" ritual;
  • ritual "witch's basket";
  • ritual “spirit of desires”;
  • ritual to fulfill wishes before going to bed;
  • braid spell;
  • ritual “pot of wishes”;
  • ritual with paper;
  • mirror spell;
  • prayer for the fulfillment of all desires;
  • ritual with photography;
  • ritual with keys.

Strong ritual on a scarf

To perform a strong ritual on a scarf, you will need any clean scarf.


  1. While concentrating, you need to think carefully about what you want at the moment.
  2. Say your wish out loud three times and begin reading the plot.

May the great spirit of the Lord fulfill my desire, for there will be help from the Heavenly Father to those who believe in him. Unknown paths will help my desire come true, in reality it will take on flesh. The Holy Spirit will give to the servant of God (name) what he asks for. I will tie the handkerchief in a knot, pray to the Lord God, and rely on his will. Amen.

After the spell is completed, you need to keep the scarf under your pillow.

Hair spell to make wishes come true

In order for a powerful spell to quickly work on your hair, you need to:

  1. Cut a strand of hair on the waxing moon.
  2. Braid the cut hair into a braid.
  3. Tie with white thread.

I weave a wish into a braid, that whatever is planned, may come true. Help your Guardian Angel, with God's help, fulfill your desire. For the benefit of your servant (name) and good people.

Water spell

In order for the strongest wish-fulfilling ritual on water to work, you need to:

  1. Write your cherished wish on a blank piece of paper.
  2. Collect a glass of clean water (preferably from a well).
  3. Take three teaspoons of salt.
  4. Stir the water in the glass clockwise with a spoon and gradually pour salt into it, pronouncing the words of the spell.
  5. Afterwards, burn the paper with desire.
  6. Pour the ashes into a glass and, stirring, read the following words three times: “Water, water, my sister! Help me - make my wish come true! May my word be strong, firm, indestructible. Amen".
  7. After finishing the ritual, you should drink water.

Conspiracy with a candle

For a powerful conspiracy, you will need a green candle, symbolizing success, wealth, fulfillment of desires, as well as:

  • lavender oil;
  • ground pepper.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. On the day of the full moon, you need to take a candle and scratch a wish on it with a needle.
  2. Then thickly lubricate the base of the candle with lavender oil.
  3. Then sprinkle it with ground pepper.
  4. Light a candle and read the words of the spell seven times: “Light the candle fire - your wish will come true!”
  5. You need to look closely at the candle and imagine your wish coming true.
  6. During the ritual, it is necessary to turn to holy saints, for example, Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  7. You need to wait until the candle burns out, and store the wax from it under your pillow for three nights.

Six Day Ritual

It is a universal magical ritual that is used for:

  • the embodiment of the most secret desire;
  • fulfillment of everyday desires in the near future.

Help me, Lord and all the Saints in heaven, I appeal to you with prayer from my heart. I ask you to fulfill your wish. Amen (three times).

Each time, reading a conspiracy, it is necessary, after completing it, to pray, saying: “Our Father.” The fulfillment of desires will happen the faster, the stronger the person performing the ritual wants it.

Ritual "Witch's Basket"

A simple ritual should be performed on the last Sunday of the month.

For the ritual you will need:

  • candles;
  • decorative basket;
  • three bay leaves;
  • seven rose petals (red);
  • writing paper;
  • small bag (cotton).

Algorithm for performing actions:

  1. Place the basket on the table and light the candles.
  2. Write your cherished wishes on a piece of paper within exactly one hour (one for 4 weeks of the next month). Desires must be different. Don't imagine bad dreams.
  3. Then the candles should be extinguished, the wishes should be placed in a basket and covered with a scarf.
  4. It is unacceptable for a leaf with wishes to catch anyone’s eye.
  5. On each subsequent Sunday of the month, you need to light a candle and pull out your wish list.
  6. The procedure is performed with eyes closed.
  7. Next, you should take out a note with a wish from the basket and put it in a bag. And carry it with you for exactly a week.
  8. Then the paper needs to be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind.
  9. Repeat the procedure every next Sunday.

Ritual “Spirit of Desires”

Before making wishes or making wishes at home, you should think about the consequences. Communication with otherworldly forces is not always safe; it requires maximum concentration of will and, naturally, respect for spirits. If all conditions are met, you can begin the ritual.

In order to summon the Spirit of Desires, you need to do the following:

  1. Clearly formulate your cherished desire in your head.
  2. Close the doors of the room you are in tightly. There should be no mirrors in it.
  3. Prepare a treat for the spirits, such as sweets, fruits or honey.
  4. Stand with your back to the gifts and say in Latin: “Great Spirit come to me, make your wish come true” / “Magna Spiritus Veni ad me, velle venit verum.”
  5. The spirit must materialize after pronouncing the call three times. When it appears, turning around is strictly prohibited.
  6. Then you should ask the spirit for the fulfillment of your cherished desire. After which you should thank him and let him go in peace.

Another way to summon the Spirit of Desires is presented in the video. The video was filmed by the channel “Cs Gotroach”.

Ritual to fulfill wishes before going to bed

Sleep is an important element in any magical ritual, due to its ability to subconsciously influence the process of fulfillment of desires.

To perform the ritual correctly you need:

  1. On the night of the full moon, swim in clean water.
  2. Then take a glass of blessed water in your hand and think about your desire.
  3. Ask your guardian angels for help in its implementation.
  4. Stand at the window through which the moonlight falls and turn counterclockwise three times.
  5. Say a conspiracy: “Guardian Angel, come to me when I call, the servant of God (name) is ready for the fulfillment of his desire.”
  6. You need to charm the fulfillment of desires and ideas by repeating the spell thirty-three times, and then go to bed.

The wish will come true not “right now,” but in the very near future.

Pigtail plot

A real way to quickly fulfill your intended desire is called the “magic braid.”

To implement an effective ritual you need:

  1. Make a braid. Three small red laces are suitable for it. They need to be tied together with knots.
  2. Afterwards the braid needs to be increased to 12 braids.
  3. At the moment of weaving and after it, it is necessary to visualize the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  4. Repeat the words of the spell 12 times: “Braid your hair, braid your hair – your wish will come true.”
  5. After the wish comes true, the braid should be burned with gratitude.

Ritual “Pot of Wishes”

A powerful ritual to make a wish come true, which will work best if you use it on your birthday.

For the ritual you need to prepare:

  • clay pot;
  • white material;
  • gold or red ribbon;


  1. You need to buy a small clay pot (200-300 ml).
  2. Place a thing at the bottom that symbolizes your desire.
  3. Pour honey into the bowl and leave it on the table, do not cover it with a lid.
  4. The next day you need to cover the pot with a piece of white cloth and tie it with ribbon.
  5. Hide the pot of desire in a secret place.
  6. Once a week, take out the pot and pronounce your wish over the honey.
  7. When the wish comes true, the honey should be poured under the bush and the pot should be washed.

Ritual with a piece of paper

The ritual for the quick fulfillment of a cherished desire is carried out on the waxing moon.

For the ritual you will need:

  • notebook;
  • laurel leaf;
  • pencil or colored pen.


  1. You need to write a wish on a piece of notebook paper.
  2. Then fold it into an envelope shape and place the bay leaf inside.
  3. Shout the wish loudly three times.
  4. Pray to the guardian angels.
  5. Hide the sheet with the wish in a secret place.

In the near future, the wish will come true, after which the paper written on must be burned and the ashes washed off with clean water.

Conspiracy on the mirror

For the ritual you will need:

  1. Buy a small round mirror.
  2. Wash it in spring water.
  3. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
  4. Then, you should look in the mirror without blinking and read the plot three times.
  5. Then hide the mirror under the pillow.

Conspiracy words:

I look through the mirror, I serve God the Lord. As soon as I see myself, I will give the power to the mirror. Look, look closely - my desire is sincere. It will not be forgotten, tomorrow it will come true. Amen.

When your wish comes true, you need to wash the mirror and put it aside until next year.

Prayer for the fulfillment of all desires

A very strong prayer for the fulfillment of a cherished desire is an appeal to Saint Martha. You should contact her if the desire comes from the heart and will not harm anyone.

Before turning to the Saint for help, you should perform certain actions:

  1. Wash your body and put on clean clothes.
  2. Light a church candle (blessed).
  3. Place fresh flowers in a vase on the table.
  4. Focus on good thoughts.
  5. Read the plot nine times in a row.

O Saint Martha, You are the Miracle Worker! I ask you for help! You are completely in my need, and you will become my intercessor in all endeavors! With goodness in my heart, I make a vow that I will carry this prayer to people! With humility and hope I cry - take away my sorrows and sorrows! In the bliss of the Holy Spirit that fills your heart, have mercy on me, a sinner! Grant me and my loved ones the intercession of the Lord our God, and do not leave me in the care that burdens my heart (name a desire). I humbly pray to you, Martha, conquer need and sorrow, as you have overcome the evil Serpent. Amen.

After saying the prayer, Saint Martha should read “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God” at least once. For your wish to come true, you need to wait until the candle burns out completely.

Ritual with photos to make wishes come true

A very powerful ritual is aimed at making your innermost dreams come true. It is performed strictly on the new moon.

How to perform the ritual:

  1. Take a thick sheet of paper.
  2. Draw a circle in the center of the sheet.
  3. Paste your favorite photo inside the circle.
  4. Write your most important desires along the perimeter of the photo.
  5. Circle the listed desires.
  6. In the free space between the circles, write the words of the spell: “I am in the circles of invisible forces”! I am part of the creative force of the Universe! May all my wishes come true!”

After the ritual, you need to hang the circle of desires so that your gaze always falls on it (possibly in the center of the room). In most cases, wishes come true three weeks after the ritual.

Ritual with keys

According to reviews, this ritual, together with a conspiracy to fulfill desires, has enormous power. It must be used to acquire something magically.


  • wax candle;
  • seven keys;
  • seven needles;
  • birch bark


  1. On a new moon, you should write down a secret wish on a piece of birch. You should write down as if the wish has already come true.
  2. Next, you need to take a candle and grease its surface with honey. Then place it on a candlestick and stick seven needles into it one by one, onto which seven keys are then hung.
  3. Then you should light a candle and read the conspiracy to make your desire come true.
  4. After reading the plot, you need to say the wish out loud. Then look at the candle flame until the first key falls, and then extinguish the candle.
  5. A conspiracy to fulfill a wish must be cast for seven days in a row.
  6. When the last key falls, you need to burn a piece of birch bark, and hide all the ritual objects in a secluded place until your wishes come true.

People have resorted to various ways to achieve what they want, but their own strength is not enough. Magic rituals, wish-fulfillment spells, and magical practices were allies in an effective method of transforming reality.

The magic of desires is the sphere of influence of white magicians and sorcerers. The function of light magic is the fulfillment of the wish of those people who carry out the ritual of realizing the plan. The performer of the ritual is aware of the need to make a sacrifice in exchange for achieving what he wants.

Different traditions of magic suggest different types of gifts for God and the mind of the universe. A stable mental projection of the desired situation onto your own life has powerful power. An attempt to understand the principle prompted Earth scientists to create a special branch of science - Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

The principle of NLP in psychology is that the desire must be realized by formulating the spell in a few words or a couple of sentences. Daily repeated repetition for several months, the projection of one’s own image onto a planned situation according to the principle of reading mantras allows you to tune your life to the right wave.

What is needed to make your plans come true?

Those who thirst for spiritual enlightenment are presented with a huge variety of techniques that allow them to quickly realize their plans. The first thing you need to decide on is the performer (whether you can do it yourself or hire a professional). Based on the principle, there are 2 categories of conspiracies:

  1. The category of monosyllabic conspiracies is suitable for people who want to achieve their goal at minimal cost. Preparing for the ritual does not take much time and does not require repetition. If the energy investment was insignificant, then the prospect of effectiveness is zero.
  2. Category of complex ritual spells and conspiracies. It is characterized by non-trivial actions, long reading of spells, a special mood, and a certain level of preparation. With the help of amulets and psychological attitudes, complex rituals are performed by experienced sorcerers using certain techniques of black magic.

If you decide to use a one-word method of fulfilling a wish, then you need to follow these steps:

  • visualization of the desired picture, thinking through every little detail. Concentration on personal feelings, imagining oneself having achieved a goal is important;
  • Before the ritual, you should relax and abstract from negative thoughts. You can take a warm shower or be alone;
  • Do not tell anyone about the ritual performed - someone else’s energy and perception can lead you off the desired mood, and your plans will not come true.

How to use magic to make a notebook to make your dreams come true

Initially, you need to formulate your desire by choosing magic words. For example: “I am Margarita, the wife of a generous, rich man who loves me and the children.”

The phrase is structured in such a way as if the situation took place in the present tense (not “I will pass the exams with an A”, but “I passed the exams with an A”).

Make a thick, clean notebook for fulfillment of desires and write down your plans every day without changing the words.

It is important to concentrate on the request, imagine yourself there and write down the spells.

The notebook takes 6-7 months to fill. There is no need to stop filling out; if the dream comes true, it is permissible to reduce the number of registration procedures to 1 per week.

Review of spells to make dreams come true at home

In the heart of every person there lives hope, a dream of fulfilling what we want, it fills us with joyful emotions, gives us faith in a happy life and future. The assistance of the Universe is necessary for your request to be heard and implemented. It is important to believe in magic words that exist to make wishes come true. Firm intentions and a responsible approach contribute to the creation of a special magical space for witchcraft.

It is necessary to make wishes and make appropriate requests to higher powers during a special time period. A favorable time is considered to be the full moon or the day of the waxing month.

With a scarf

You will need a clean new handkerchief. Privacy is important - no one should disturb or interrupt the ritual. The words are said over the fabric:

“Let what you desire find fulfillment with God’s assistance and goodness. Help will arrive in an unknown way, the desire will become real, the event will find a way to life. Amen".

Spells should be read three times, without letting go of the mental representation of the realized desire. After reading the text, the handkerchief must be tied into a knot and put into your clothing pocket. Carry with you until the fortune telling actually comes true. After getting what you want, the scarf fabric is burned.

There is no list of specific types of actions, after which the dream will be achieved. The variety of techniques and methods of magical wish fulfillment leaves room for imagination.

With icons

To quickly fulfill your cherished dream, you need to purchase 4 icons with images of saints:

  • Mother of God;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • personal icon.

To carry out the plan, the performer of the ritual must be alone in the room. The table should be covered with a white tablecloth. Then 3 icons of saints are displayed in the shape of a pyramid, around which church candles are lit. A wish is written on a blank sheet of paper, placed on the pyramid, with a personalized icon on top, face down. Then the words of the spell are read:

“Lord Almighty! Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, Mother of God, Jesus Christ and Patron, listen to my prayer and help my cherished desire come true. The request of the servant of God is: (...).”

If everything was done correctly and the thoughts were pure, then the request will certainly be fulfilled.

With paper

The third spell is a common one, performed using a sheet of white paper. You should write down your innermost dream on it. Then the leaf is tied with red thread and burned with a candle bought on Friday at church. Sitting on the floor and concentrating entirely on the movements of the flames, a spell is cast to fulfill a wish:

“The candle melts - my dream (love) arrives. The leaf will burn - it commands you to fulfill your dream. The candle fire burns out - it fulfills my dream.”

Spell on hair

The ceremony takes place on the waning moon. A thin strand of hair is cut with one's own hand for the ritual. Get some privacy, braid your hair and tie it with white thread at both ends. Then the spell is recited:

“I wove what I wanted into my braid. Help will come from the Guardian Angel so that (...) comes true. It will come true in time, for my joy, and for the benefit of those who deserve it.”

The braid is kept in a secret place, after implementation it is burned and buried in the forest.

For a dream

Sometimes you have dreams in which situations you want in reality occur. If the dream was pleasant, after waking up you need to sit down silently and, pressing your hands clenched into a fist, read the spell to perform:

“What you dreamed will come true. My dream will be preserved, it will be with me in reality. Amen (3 times)."

You can talk to people only after you have washed your face and hands.

Conspiracy with water

A conspiracy is carried out using a blank sheet of paper, on which is written a description of how the plan will come true. Then pour three pinches of coarse salt into a glass of clean water. The spell is read:

“Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sunday is the main creator! I will cast spells and create them, this day and this time, here and at this time. Getting things done! Leave a moment of doubt! Create, according to my command, according to what I have made (text of desire). This day and this hour, here and at this time.”

The spell is cast until the last crystal of salt dissolves. Then the sheet of paper is set on fire, and the resulting ashes are mixed into water. The text of the witchcraft is pronounced again and after reading it, water from the glass is poured out the window.

Birthday wish spells

The desired event is formulated in one phrase. Then a spell is cast over three church candles:

“Lord, have mercy on God’s servant (name of the one pronouncing). Let the demon, the black knight, climb through the window and stand next to the dining table. Let the gift bring you by magic: golden sand for wealth and money, 3 calf bones. As the moon moves across the sky, so good luck will come to me at this hour. Amen".

Why the spell might not work and what factors influence this

The Universe tries to put everything in order, but it does not always coincide with people’s idea of ​​justice. Religion talks about faith influencing life. Recommendations for increasing the chances of your wish coming true:

  1. Don't lie. Deception can deprive words of the necessary power and effect.
  2. Breaking promises. You shouldn't promise something you can't deliver.
  3. Development of will. Fortitude inspires the trust of the Universe.
  4. Development of imagination. Helps to describe the expected event in detail.
  5. Faith in strength. Achieving your dreams requires absolute self-confidence.
  6. Don't retreat. Persistent fulfillment of all ritual actions paves the way to the realization of the plan.
  7. Energy control. If you are in a bad mood, it is better not to perform the ritual.
  8. Prioritization. Helps to isolate and strengthen true desire.
  9. The mystery of the ritual. You should not tell others about your intentions.

Following the rules will help you consciously and purposefully achieve your goals when casting spells. Using a little magic, you will achieve what you want.

Post updated: 03/29/2019 Comments: 0

An effective wish spell is a cherished dream for many. When you really want something, you give it all! Maybe.

At least that's what people think. I wish it now, and then, at least the grass won’t grow! Does this formulation of the question make sense? Maybe there was an error in the postulate?

If you have tried to “bend the world” to suit you, if your desires invariably run into problems, then you do not need logic, but... magic. Amazed?

Let's look at the situation as a whole, in terms of the possibilities for its satisfactory resolution.

Wish spell: does such a thing exist?

A person seriously interested in the problem will find a lot of information about wish conspiracies in books or on the Internet.

It is clear that not all of them are effective, although most of the rituals are hypothetically 100% effective.

But, people do as described, and nothing happens. It is important to understand how this type of magic works.

A conspiracy on a desire maximizes the creation of conditions for its implementation. But the person must “take” the result himself.

Let's say you want a promotion. You read conspiracies, perform rituals, but “things are still there.” Why? Have you tried going to your boss and reporting your position?

If you are shy, start such a conversation with your colleagues or otherwise inform the “world” that you are ripe for a certain position.

A wish spell will not present you with your wish on a “platter with a golden rim.” He will push those around him to ensure that what he wants can be realized with minimal effort. And then, it's up to you.

By the way, the latter is also a sin, and a double one at that.

The Higher Powers do not welcome despondency and pessimism. And for being convicted without grounds, you will earn additional aggravation of karma.

  1. When you want something, buy a beautiful handkerchief. Choose carefully and meticulously. He must like himself.
  2. When you decide to go “to meet” your desire, stand facing the east.
  3. Unfold the handkerchief and grab it by the corners.
  4. Read these words:

“The Lord, who helps the suffering and the needy, will fulfill my desire. It will lead to fulfillment in ways unknown to me, gaining reality. The Spirit of the Lord in me will lead me on the path of fulfilling my aspirations. My faith is unshakable. I will follow the Lord’s commands, tying a scarf, and wait in calmness and confidence in the Lord’s full help! Amen!"

With the last words, you should tie the scarf in a knot and put it in your pocket.

This magical attribute must be carried with you until your wish is fulfilled. And when the result is already in your hands, then burn it.

Don't untie the knot, otherwise nothing will work!

Have you noticed that some people succeed in almost everything, while others only look enviously at the first, but cannot understand how to attract good luck? And the matter is not complicated.

It’s just that some people know how to tune in to the “wave”. This, so to speak, was given to them from birth. In principle, every person has such “settings”, they are just not “activated”.

When you really need to adjust events to get what you want, then perform such a minute ritual.

Cross the middle fingers of both hands with the index fingers respectively. Tense yourself (like a string) and mentally read:

“Lord God, Nicholas the Pleasant, Virgin Mary! Help, instill joy in your soul! Let the desired fruit come in time! Amen!"

If you believe it, it definitely helps!

Conspiracy for a cherished desire

  1. The desire must be written on paper, in detail and thoroughly. For example, if you want a car, you should indicate the brand, color, technical characteristics, and so on.
  2. Hold the piece of paper in your hand and light the candle. Sit in front of her and imagine how happy you will be when you get what you want! It is necessary, when thinking about what the “soul strives for,” to concentrate on the emotions of joy, delight, and so on!
  3. When the candle is already burning out, burn the piece of paper and go straight to bed.
  4. Don't talk to anyone or read anything (don't watch, don't call). That is, you should not disperse energy.

There is such a special period when every person becomes a wizard (a little bit). It falls on.

If you have an intention that falls into the realm of “unreal”, then try reading the wish spell. Just keep in mind that on this day you need to sit “on bread and water.”

Also try not to get involved in negative conversations, gossip, scandals, and so on. A lot depends on preparation.

When the Queen of the Night shows her round face, go outside (at least, open the window) and looking at the star, read seven times:

“Oh, Queen of the Nights! The Earth is filled with your light, grows and blossoms, and finds life again! Help my wish come true! To joy and success! Not just for me, but for everyone! Amen!"
