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A spell for my husband's shoes to come back. Damage to shoes. Spell on husband's shoes

Only over time do you begin to notice unpleasant changes: a sharp deterioration in health, bad luck, financial problems.

And it doesn’t even occur to you that the reason for this is a new pair of boots or the most ordinary summer flip-flops.

Sorcerers regularly use this method of causing damage. It is considered one of the most effective and efficient, since a person puts on this element of his wardrobe every day.

To avoid such an unpleasant situation, there are several recommendations:

  • It’s better not to buy shoes on sales - low prices can be a bait.
  • You shouldn’t tell everyone about your purchase, much less brag about it.
  • To avoid dangerous situations, always perform a ritual to remove the negative charge from a new item of clothing.

Plot for new shoes

When you return from the store with a purchase, be sure to take advantage of the moment - you can make an excellent spell for a new thing that will bring you happiness and success. In addition, charmed shoes will last you much longer.

Stand in front of the new couple and say:

“Don’t look sideways in any direction, just carry on as you’re supposed to.”

First, say the magic words over the left shoe, then over the right.

To attract good luck, read above the shoes:

“The world has seven ends and seven winds, among the seven roads mine is the happiest. Lead me along it and lead me correctly."

Remember: these spells are only effective on new pairs of shoes.

Spell for old shoes

Happy is the person who has never faced financial problems in his life. A ritual spell on shoes will help get rid of them.

You'll need an old, worn pair that you're about to throw away. Wait for the waning moon phase and perform the ritual.

Place your shoes in front of you, cross them and say the magic text:

“I was looking for poverty, a damn girlfriend, shoes. Behind her came all the demonic desperation. So she arrived at my doorstep. Don't make noise, don't rejoice, you demonic fool. Let demonic poverty try on its shoes, take it and go away. To serve his master"

Tear a pair of shoes or cut them with a knife. Throw what remains into an old bag and go to a deserted place.

Throw it away with the words:

"God! Our Father! Don't judge me harshly! Show poverty, demonic destitution, the way. Don’t say a word until you go to bed.”

Spell for your loved one's shoes

With the help of a special spell on shoes, you can attract true love. The main conditions of this ritual: the couple must belong to the person you want to attract to you.

Of course, it will not be easy to get it - you will have to try. For example, you can invite your chosen one to visit and discreetly carry out the ritual.

When you have the shoe or boot, say over it:

“Shoe, shoe, help me get my loved one (beloved). Bring me to my doorstep, fill my heart with feelings so that the flame of love for me flares up.”

Spell on husband's shoes

If your relationship with your spouse has gone wrong, the following spell will help:

“Wherever you (name) go, wherever you are alone in trouble, And everything about me (your name) would remember and grieve. You left me on foot, but you ran to me. And now, and before, and always. May it be so forever"

They pronounce it over the husband's shoes.

Don't be afraid to use this magic. Such spells are not violent, they only help the loved one to understand the current situation and analyze his actions.

Gossip, intrigue and temptation do not allow him to calmly reflect on his relationship, and he simply runs away from problems. After all, sometimes a man gets confused in himself - he cannot understand what he really needs. A magical spell clarifies the mind and drives away bad thoughts.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


Very often, conspiracies and love spells are carried out specifically on shoes, since shoes are a personal thing for each person, which constantly carries his energy. Such things are used for both good conspiracies and bad ones. Various objects are suitable for magical rituals, but it is the spell on shoes that helps achieve reciprocity. A spell for your loved one’s shoes is not difficult to carry out, and you don’t need to prepare much for it.

Important points of shoe rituals

Experienced fortune tellers can use shoes to bewitch a person or cast a spell on him. After some time, the owner of the shoes begins to suspect something is wrong and does not understand why his legs are weak and he is constantly haunted by troubles. The important points in shoe conspiracies are that the influence of magic will work constantly, since it is shoes that people wear every day.

A conspiracy is made for new shoes by a person who wants to get rid of his problems and illnesses, and thus transfer them to someone else. To perform the ritual, you need to buy new shoes, read a spell over them and wear them at least once, and it will begin to work. You don't even have to wear shoes, just step on them. You just have to come up with a reason for a man to put the thing on himself and start using it. To prevent a new thing from becoming a deception for a person, that is, suddenly it is already spelled, you need to know a few rules and follow them.

  1. Don't buy things that are too cheap, and don't accept them as gifts from people you don't know. This is the first reason to think about damage or other magic that is used for you.
  2. Also, there is no need to show off your new thing, since your friends may ask you to try on a new thing, and thereby transfer all the negativity to you.
  3. If for some reason your shoes or sneakers have disappeared, then you should protect yourself. To do this, you need to perform a ritual and remove the negativity.

Spell on the shoes of your beloved man

With the help of a new thing, you can try to win your beloved guy or improve your relationship with your husband, as well as take revenge and harm the one who crossed your path. Also, such conspiracies can be directed not only at men, but also at women. There is only one condition: in order for the ritual to work, you must use a charmed pair of shoes for the person you want to bewitch or, conversely, take revenge on. The longer a person wears enchanted things, the better the love spell will work on his loved one.

The process itself is not difficult to do, it will only be difficult to force your loved one to wear these things if he does not live in the same room with you. At the time of the love spell ritual, you must read the following words:

“Boots, boots, come to the rescue, make your beloved (beloved) fall in love with me. Let him come to my threshold, to my door. Fill your heart with strong love so that passion for me flares up to full strength.”

Then put the shoes back in place, pretending nothing happened. After some time, the new thing will begin to show its strength and act. Such conspiracies for the shoes of a wife or husband are carried out only in cases where the relationship is on the verge of divorce.

How to bring your husband home

Shoes are always used to bring back a beloved husband. To carry out the ritual, they take their husband’s slippers, old shoes or boots, begin to knock their soles against each other nine times, and at the same time read the following words:

“Wherever you are, my beloved slave (name), always remember me, your wife and be sad for me. You left me on foot, but you will return running.”

Also, in order to return your beloved husband, you can carry out a conspiracy on the doorstep. To do this, they begin to knock their shoes, which must be new, on the threshold of the house, and read the following words:

“The threshold of our house is always in its place, so you, my beloved (name), are always with me. Just as the threshold will not go anywhere, so you will always be with me.”

Whispering about a new thing is carried out on the bed of the husband and wife. To do this, sneakers or shoes are placed under the mattress and, when night falls, the spell is recited:

“She took it from her beloved and hid it under the mattress for seven days and begged the sorcerer to help. The mattress will turn over, my beloved (name) will return to me again.”

This procedure is carried out every day for seven days at night. And this way you will be able to get your ex-husband back.

Removing and applying damage to shoes

Damage is caused to both new and worn shoes. Therefore, magicians who deal with love spells and damage strongly recommend that when throwing away shoes, do not leave them near the trash can. No one should wear it for you. Damage can be different, depending on what evil they want to do to a person. In such cases, you may be asked to help take your boots or shoes to be repaired.

Folk signs about shoes.

How to get your loved one back. The best conspiracies and rituals.

Spell to call a loved one

Damage works great on an old pair of shoes that have been worn for at least a few months. There may be no effect from new shoes, or it will be very weak. When real magicians perform a ritual of damage, they tie shoes with dark-colored threads, near the socks and on different sides. They do this so that a person has a lot of problems and everything goes wrong.

Only the magician himself can remove such strong damage. Very often, when people find out that they are under a curse, they try to perform rituals on their own or go to church. But, unfortunately, not everyone can remove damage, because whispering on shoes is quite strong and effective, and works on an energetic level.

Successful conspiracies

You can not only cast damage or a love spell on a new purchase, but also add good luck and happiness. So that the new thing can be worn well, conveniently and comfortably. To do this you need to say the following words:

“Don’t twist, don’t twist and don’t squint, just carry on as you should.”

You need to read such a prayer over the purchase, but not at the same time, first on the left shoe, then on the right. In order for a new thing to always please you, you need to start putting it on for the very first time by stroking it and saying the following words:

“The world has seven points, seven stripes and seven paths, my most beautiful. I’ll go and find my happiness.”

Such rituals are performed on a brand new item only if it was purchased and not given as a gift by someone. Such rituals do not apply to worn or donated shoes.

You can perform the rituals yourself or ask for help from experienced magicians and sorcerers. There is nothing complicated about them, the main thing is to follow all the rules and advice. You should also be extremely careful and turn to magic for help only in extreme cases, since it can have a bad effect not only on the bewitched person, but also on the customer. If you really want to bring your husband home or make a guy fall in love with you even more, then such spells and rituals are just for you.

Since ancient times, shoes have been considered a necessity for people. The benefits of it are very obvious: firstly, it is foot protection and convenience, and secondly, beauty and prestige.

However, it is important to take into account another feature of shoes: they are constantly in close contact with the human body. This fact allows you to cast spells on shoes, especially when they are new. Often in such a situation, the owner of the shoes can take upon himself possible illnesses and failures, depending on the goal that people can embody when fulfilling conspiracies.

Using new shoes, rituals are performed to eliminate enemies and bring back loved ones.

The article will consistently reveal the main features of conspiracies and rituals using new shoes. Examples of conspiracy texts will be given.

The influence of shoe spells and protection from them

When purchasing new shoes, all people should be aware of and consider the level of potential danger that they could face and be easily drawn into by an experienced sorcerer or witch.

After all, most often, a spell for new shoes is carried out unnoticed by its future owner. And only after a certain time, the owner of the shoes may feel a sharp loss of strength, deterioration in health, and a complete lack of success in all his affairs. At the same time, without even suspecting that he had fallen into a trap.

The main feature of the spell for new shoes is the very power of the ritual being performed, because it is designed for stable interaction with the human body. A new pair of shoes or boots will be a staple in a person's wardrobe. He will wear it every day, which means that contact with the body will be more than full. This is what the person doing the ritual and conspiracy is counting on.

By fulfilling the conspiracy itself, people can transfer all their life problems and possible illnesses to other people through new shoes. In this way, many decide to remove their enemies. The process of the ritual itself is not complicated: you simply purchase new shoes, or another version of shoes.

A person only once stands in it with his feet or simply on the very surface of the shoe and reads out the necessary words from the text of the conspiracy. Then he selects a method that provides the opportunity to transfer a pair of shoes to his enemy or the person against whom the conspiracy is being carried out. As soon as the new owner of the shoes begins to actively use them, the conspiracy will bear fruit.

To avoid such unpleasant and unnecessary life situations, you need to follow a number of specific recommendations:

Since ancient times, shoes have been considered a necessity for people. The benefits of it are very obvious: firstly, it is foot protection and convenience, and secondly, beauty and prestige.

However, it is important to take into account another feature of shoes: they are constantly in close contact with the human body. This fact allows you to cast spells on shoes, especially when they are new. Often in such a situation, the owner of the shoes can take upon himself possible illnesses and failures, depending on the goal that people can embody when fulfilling conspiracies.

Using new shoes, rituals are performed to eliminate enemies and bring back loved ones.

The article will consistently reveal the main features of conspiracies and rituals using new shoes. Examples of conspiracy texts will be given.

When purchasing new shoes, all people should be aware of and consider the level of potential danger that they could face and be easily drawn into by an experienced sorcerer or witch.

After all, most often, a spell for new shoes is carried out unnoticed by its future owner. And only after a certain time, the owner of the shoes may feel a sharp loss of strength, deterioration in health, and a complete lack of success in all his affairs. At the same time, without even suspecting that he had fallen into a trap.

The main feature of the spell for new shoes is the very power of the ritual being performed, because it is designed for stable interaction with the human body. A new pair of shoes or boots will be a staple in a person's wardrobe. He will wear it every day, which means that contact with the body will be more than full. This is what the person doing the ritual and conspiracy is counting on.

By fulfilling the conspiracy itself, people can transfer all their life problems and possible illnesses to other people through new shoes. In this way, many decide to remove their enemies. The process of the ritual itself is not complicated: you simply purchase new shoes, or another version of shoes.

A person only once stands in it with his feet or simply on the very surface of the shoe and reads out the necessary words from the text of the conspiracy. Then he selects a method that provides the opportunity to transfer a pair of shoes to his enemy or the person against whom the conspiracy is being carried out. As soon as the new owner of the shoes begins to actively use them, the conspiracy will bear fruit.

To avoid such unpleasant and unnecessary life situations, you need to follow a number of specific recommendations:

  1. Don't buy new shoes at the lowest prices on the market. Especially when the price is mysteriously small: for example, a pair of shoes is 80 percent off. There is a possibility of falling into a trap here.
  2. A newly purchased pair of shoes is certainly a source of joy and inspiration, as is any purchase. However, you should not flirt and go beyond certain limits of your delight, show and at the same time give your shoes to friends, colleagues or acquaintances to try on. This situation can easily bring uninvited trouble to its owner.
  3. If a new pair of shoes mysteriously disappears, you can always perform a ritual to remove the negativity.

Care must be taken at all times when purchasing and using shoes.

Damage to shoes and its elimination

Damage is easily done for new and old shoes. It is better not to throw away old boots or shoes in garbage dumps, as there is a risk of damage. Here the fact that the boots will no longer be worn will no longer be relevant and significant. The mechanism will inevitably be launched. Damage can be carried out even according to the footprint of a boot or shoe where a person has walked. A person who wants to do damage can behave very inventively, for example, demonstrate his attention by offering to independently deliver the shoes to a specialist for the necessary repairs.

If we consider a professional approach, to perform damage, a magician can use black thread to tie shoes together - in this case, a complete reorganization begins in the life of its owner. It must be taken into account that the structure of the shoe carries part of the person’s energy, therefore, the ritual allows you to gain full access to the person’s protective biofield. At the same time, the degree of influence on his life, starting from this moment, is quite powerful.

If you clearly feel the presence of damage, you can seek help from a knowledgeable person to remove it, however, it is best to go to church for proofreading. Because the sorcerer or witch who performed the damage can have enormous power and energy. Therefore, simply turning to knowledgeable people can waste valuable time in this matter.

Proofreading in the church is carried out by the appropriate priest, who is often a monk and has a separate gift and skill. This action always gives a positive result. After proofreading, it is necessary to confess and receive communion in church for the cleansing to be complete.

Conspiracy of a loved one's shoes

Thanks to new shoes, you can not only harm people or destroy your enemies, but also use them to attract loved ones. It makes no difference whether it is a woman or a man.

The effect of the conspiracy will be most effective if the pair used in the ritual is regularly used. Is this desirable? so that a person uses a pair as often as possible. It is easiest to get the shoes of the person with whom you most often spend time under the same roof. If the relationship is just starting to develop, it will be much more difficult to get the shoes of such a person.

Conspiracy text:

“Shoe, shoe, help me get my loved one (or beloved). Bring him (her) to my doorstep, fill his (her) heart with feelings so that the flame of his (her) love for me flares up.”

After this, the couple returns to their place for their master or mistress. If the relationship between husband and wife is in complete discord, this ritual will also be very effective.

Favorable conspiracies

After purchasing new boots, boots or shoes, you can perform a ritual for good luck, with the spell read out. This is done to attract success, eliminate negative energy and last for a long time.

Words for rituals:

  1. “Don’t look sideways, as you should, rush around”
  2. “The world has seven ends and seven winds, among the seven roads mine is the happiest. Lead me along it, and lead me right.

Such rituals are done sequentially, using each shoe or shoe in turn. Shoes must be new - only under this condition the result of conspiracies will be effective and successful.

A lot of love spells exist to keep a man with you. However, do not forget that a love spell belongs to black magic and always has negative consequences. Remember, the love of a loved one cannot be won with the help of black magic rituals, but only to bind, subjugate, and deprive a person of personality and will. And you yourself can suffer from your own actions. Agree, it sounds scary. Therefore, before resorting to magic, think carefully about the fact that you can cause harm to yourself and your loved ones, innocent people, by your actions. The decision is yours.

Every love spell is a black magic ritual. No matter what they say and promise that any love spell offered to you is supposedly safe, do not believe it - there are no sinless love spells - be it a white ritual or a black one. There is no difference between them. Most often, charlatans who do not have real superpowers talk about white magic and its safety. A true magician knows that magic is one, and will never resort to a love spell. Not for any money.

However, the Internet is replete with magical sites where you can find absolutely any ritual to perform yourself. I would like to give advice, do not get into this stinking swamp, which will completely suck you in and destroy your immortal soul, without even noticing how. Although, it's up to you to decide.

A love spell, in essence, is a violent action against a person’s personality, his zombification, the suppression of his will. By carrying out a love spell, the performer violates the Divine universal law on the free will of any thinking being, thereby incurring negative karma on himself and his loved ones. For such actions of one unreasonable member of the family, as a rule, several generations have to pay. Think before you go for a love spell, do you want an unhappy fate for your children?

Slippers as a gift

But if you still decide to turn to magic, it’s not for us to dissuade you. Your will.

This love spell on the slippers of your husband or beloved man will help you make your lover come home on time, without being delayed in other places. He will always be drawn to you, alone. For the ritual, you will need to purchase beautiful new slippers for your loved one, ones that he likes and that he will wear with pleasure.