
Moscow Kremlin museums open exhibitions in the regions. The Moscow Kremlin museums will host the exhibition “Saint Louis and the relics of Saint-Chapelle. Exhibitions - how and where to buy a ticket

On September 8, 2017, exhibition projects from the collection will open simultaneously in two cities of Russia, Kaliningrad and Salekhard Moscow Kremlin Museums.

IN Kaliningrad Museum of the World Ocean there will be an exhibition "Patrons of seafarers, heavenly and earthly"... The exhibition takes place in the year of the 320th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Embassy and the Tsar's stay in Konigsberg Petr Alekseevich, the founder of the Russian fleet, and is designed to acquaint visitors with the unique works of the 15th - early 19th centuries from the Kremlin Museums.

The exhibition features items from the royal treasury, including diplomatic gifts brought to the king Mikhail Fedorovich from the kings of England Charles I and James I, from the king of Denmark and Norway, Christian IV. Of particular value are the portraits of Emperors Peter I and Alexander I, made at the St. Petersburg Tapestry Manufactory in the 18th-19th centuries, as well as a unique portrait of Empress Catherine II carved on amber. Visitors will see icons of the 15th-19th centuries, including the image of the Mother of God “Hodegetria”, which dates back to the last third of the 15th century. The exposition presents icons, awards, edged weapons, precious dishes, coins, medals, as well as items from the study of Emperor Alexander I. One of the sections of the exhibition is dedicated to the glory era of the Russian fleet. A total of 86 exhibits are presented at the exhibition. More than a third of them are shown to the public for the first time, a significant part was specially restored for the project.

The exhibition promises to become an important cultural event not only for Kaliningrad, but also for the region as a whole, and will allow visitors to get acquainted with the true masterpieces of Russian and foreign art, which captured the formation of Russia's naval glory.

The exhibition is being held as part of a joint program with PJSC LUKOIL.

IN Yamal-Nenets Regional Museum and Exhibition Complex named after I.S. Shemanovsky present an exhibition “Hunting of Tsars and Emperors in Russia in the 17th-18th centuries. from the collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums "dedicated to one of the favorite entertainments of Russian tsars and emperors - hunting, which is an important part of the palace ceremonial, designed to demonstrate to subjects and foreign guests the brilliance and greatness, authority and power of the rulers.

More than eighty unique exhibits of the exhibition will tell about different types of hunting, about the tastes and personal preferences of Russian tsars and emperors of the 17th-18th centuries. The exhibition will acquaint viewers with Armory and Stable orderwhere for several centuries ceremonial armor, ceremonial weapons and precious equestrian equipment were made and kept. The exhibition presents weapons that belonged to the rulers of Russia - the best examples of the work of the masters of the leading Russian and Western European weapon centers. The exposition includes rare weapons from the collection of Emperor Peter III, exhibits related to "parfors" hunting, guns with the monograms of empresses Anna Ioannovna, Elizaveta Petrovnaand Catherine II. For the first time, visitors will be able to see the strip of the dagger and the guard that belonged to Prince A.G. Dolgoruky - a participant in the hunting of Emperor Peter II. The treasures of the sovereign's Armory and Stables Treasury, travel equipment, the best examples of hunting weapons that belonged to the Russian rulers are accompanied by a portrait gallery of hunter-kings.

The exhibition is of interest to everyone who is fond of Russian history, culture and art, it will acquaint the viewer with the world of Russian court life of the 17th-18th centuries and unique exhibits Moscow Kremlin Museums.

In connection with the repair and restoration work, visitors enter the Kremlin through the Trinity Gate, exit through the Borovitsky Gate. The passage of visitors to the Armory and exit is through the Borovitsky Gate.

From 15:00 on January 7 to 15:00 on January 8

The Assumption Cathedral is closed to the public.

From October 1 to May 14

Moscow Kremlin museums are switching to winter hours. The architectural ensemble is open to the public from 10:00 to 17:00, the Armory is open from 10:00 to 18:00. Tickets are sold at the box office from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Day off - Thursday. Electronic tickets are exchanged in accordance with the terms of the User Agreement.

From October 1 to May 14

the exposition of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower is closed to the public.

In order to ensure the preservation of monuments in adverse weather conditions, access to some cathedral museums may be temporarily restricted.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

On April 17, the Ming Dynasty: Radiance of Learning exhibition will open. The exposition will unfold in the halls of the Patriarchal Palace and the Assumption Belfry. It will be dedicated to one of the brightest chapters in the history of China - the culture of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Passion for art, literature, music, deep knowledge of philosophical and historical treatises became a real cult at that time. This is what was used in medieval China for the concept of "learning."

“The exhibition continues the tradition of cooperation between the Moscow Kremlin Museums and the Shanghai Museum, which began in 2012 with a display of the Faberge collection in Shanghai. In 2015, we presented the project “The Armory Treasury of the Russian Autocrats”, which was visited by 642,948 people in three months - this is a huge figure even for China. In April, a reciprocal exhibition dedicated to the culture of the Ming dynasty, the most important period in the history of the Celestial Empire, will open in Moscow. All the things that guests of the museum will see will be shown in Russia for the first time and will allow them to get acquainted with the most diverse areas of art, to feel the charm of the times, ”said Elena Gagarina, General Director of the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

One of the main exhibits will be a magnificent procession - a set of 66 porcelain figures of an honorary escort: scientists, military men, musicians - horse and foot, young and old, dressed according to their rank and social status. The group was found in the burial of representatives of the imperial family, but its exact belonging is unknown. The fact that such an escort was placed in a tomb meant that after death a person would begin to occupy high positions, enjoy the same benefits as during life. The ornate set has been well preserved and executed with amazing attention to detail.

The exhibition underlines that the intellectuals of medieval China were keen connoisseurs of art. It will show jade, bronze, carved varnishes and cloisonne enamels. They served not only as interior decoration or clothing, but were also collectibles.

Visitors will see unique furniture from the Ming dynasty with characteristic lines and noble wood carvings: part of the exhibition space will recreate the interior of the intellectual's office.

The hallmark of the Ming dynasty is porcelain, which experts rightfully consider the pinnacle in the production of "white gold" and highly appreciate it. It was at this time that masters developed colored glazes and created overglaze painting technology. Guests of the exhibition will be able to admire the exquisite products made by ceramists of this period.

The most interesting exhibitions in Moscow in 2017 according to the editorial board

The year 2017 is coming to an end, and it has become a very busy year in the field of culture. In 2017, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, the cross-year of Austria-Russia tourism, the 19th International Festival of Youth and Students, the Year of Japan in Russia, the 130th anniversary of the birth of Marc Chagall, the 140th anniversary of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake and other dates. This year, such important events as the 7th Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art, the Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art, the 5th anniversary fair of contemporary art Cosmoscow, and the 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art took place.

2017 turned out to be a year of large-scale and retrospective exhibitions of great artists. Such famous artists as Chaim Soutine, Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt, Takashi Murakami, Tsai Guoqiang were brought to Moscow for the first time.

ArtTube compiled a list of the best Moscow exhibitions of the outgoing year. Some of them can be visited in the new 2018!

  1. Constantin Brancusi. Sculptures, drawings, photographs, films from the collection of the Center Pompidou

This exhibition is the first attempt to show most fully the phenomenon of Constantin Brancusi (Brancusi) and all aspects of his heritage: sculpture, drawings, photographs and films. The works of Constantin Brancusi became a symbol of the new modernist approach to art.

An important part of the project is the author's drawings, including the famous portraits of James Joyce, as well as animal sketches, pencil sketches of sculptures, portraits and self-portraits. In addition, Brancusi was a photographer and filmmaker. Photography occupied a huge place in his work. Since 1914, he has taken several thousand photographs, many of which depict his sculptures and workshop.

Shortly before his death, Constantin Brancusi expressed a desire to donate his legacy to France, a country that became his second homeland. At the exhibition in the Multimedia Art Museum, the artist's works from the collection of the Pompidou Center will be shown abroad for the first time.

Constantin Brancusi. Sleeping Muse, 1910

  1. Gustav Klimt. Egon Schiele. Drawings from the Albertina Museum (Vienna)

The exhibition of Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele, which opened in autumn, is a joint large-scale project of the Russian Pushkin Museum and Vienna's Albertina. Fruitful cooperation between Albertina and the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin made it possible for the first time to present to Russians about 100 works: sketches, sketches for paintings, self-portraits, nudity.

Gustav Klimt, the main artist of Viennese Art Nouveau, had the talent of an excellent draftsman, thanks to whom he became a world classic. His graphic style had a huge impact on subsequent generations, including Egon Schiele, who began his career when Klimt was already a leading figure of modernity. Schiele learned the experience of his famous teacher and soon found his own unique and unique style, which marked the transition from Art Nouveau to Expressionism.

The works of the artists were included in the Albertina collection during their lifetime. Subsequent proceeds came from donations and bequests from collectors such as August Lederer, Arthur Rössler, Heinrich Benesch and others. Over the next hundred years, the total number of works by Klimt and Schiele was about 350.

The exhibition gives the viewer an opportunity to trace the stylistic evolution in the graphics of both artists, as well as to understand how much art strived for its own liberation.

Exhibition of drawings by Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele from the collection of the Albertina Museum (Vienna) © ArtTube

  1. Someone 1917

The name of the exhibition was the words with which Velimir Khlebnikov finished his calculations about the time of the fall of states, published in 1912 in the collection "Slap in the face to public taste".

This exhibition, timed to coincide with the anniversary of the revolution, has been prepared by the Tretyakov Gallery for three years! Here are mainly works created just in 1917. The exhibition raises the question of the place of art in a critical era. The purpose of this large-scale project is to try to get closer to understanding the entire complex situation, the general picture of this important time in the history of Russia. “Art in front of an unknown reality” is the project's motto chosen by the curators.

In the spirit of the spring project about the thaw, "Someone 1917" is divided into structuralist sections: "Myths about the People", "City and Citizens", "Epoch in Faces", "Away from this Reality!", "Confused", "Utopia of a New World" , "Chagall and the Jewish Question". Among the 147 exhibits are big names: Petrov-Vodkin, Serebryakova, Rodchenko, Popova, Malevich, Kandinsky, Chagall, Altman, Yuon and others. The creators of the exhibition demonstrate the entire slice of that time, how representatives of different directions reacted to changes in the world. It was this polyphony that was characteristic and one of the main features of this era.

Exhibition "Someone 1917" at the State Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val

  1. Chaim Soutine. Retrospective

Exhibition “Chaim Soutine. Retrospective "- the first in Russia, which fully represents the artist's work. “Soutine is an artist of both happy and extremely difficult destiny. The work of the master was highly valued during his lifetime, he was not forgotten even after his early departure. Every year the name of Soutine attracts more and more attention of both researchers and collectors ", - says the director of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkina Marina Loshak.

This exhibition has become an example of fruitful Russian-French inter-museum cooperation in recent years. Although the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin and the Musée d'Orsay are linked by a long-term friendship; for the Moscow and Paris museums, Soutine's exhibition is the first large-scale joint project.

The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact that the organizers presented to the public not only the works of Chaim Soutine, but also the works of old masters who influenced his artistic genius, and contemporary artists who were influenced by him - in total, more than 60 works. According to the curator of the exhibition, Surya Sadekova, Soutine had a unique ability to choose everything that was most revolutionary in each of the eras and each of the schools. The incredible expressiveness of Soutine's painting and the drama of his color palette inspired the artists of subsequent generations of the American and British schools.

Russian viewers are given the opportunity to see masterpieces of classical, modernist and contemporary art from the largest French museums: the Orangerie Museum, the Pompidou Center, the Parisian Museum of Modern Art, the Louvre, the Picardy Museum.

Exhibition “Chaim Soutine. Retrospective ”at the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin ©

  1. "It will rain gently" by Takashi Murakami

Hooligan and neo-pop style representative Takashi Murakami presented his large-scale project in our country for the first time. The exhibition covers several periods of his work - from the early 1990s to the present day. By placing Murakami's works for the first time in the broader context of Japanese culture, the exhibition pays tribute to the artist's long-term work, who reinterprets and integrates the artistic traditions of the East and West.

The exhibition consists of five sections, each of which is devoted to one of the phenomena of Japanese culture, mastered in the artistic practice of Murakami. The project demonstrates the results of the artist's study of some of the features of national culture and collective consciousness: in his works, the border between “high” and “low”, “elite” and “mass” is erased, and various media exist in a single stream of images.

In total, the exhibition features more than 80 works of the artist - painting, graphics, feature films and animation from the museums of Tokyo and Kanazawa, Japanese prints and paintings from the collection of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin, various artifacts from the Murakami studio, as well as photographs and manga from the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

Takashi Murakami's "There Will be a Soft Rain" exhibition opening at the Garage Center for Contemporary Art © The Art Newspaper Russia

  1. Thaw: facing the future. Art of Europe 1945-1968

This exhibition was timed to coincide with the Thaw Festival, within the framework of which exhibitions were organized in the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Museum of Moscow. The curators presented a colossal traveling exhibition that came to Russia from Germany, where it was created by renowned curators Peter Weibel and Eckhart Gillen. It was thanks to this exhibition that the long-awaited event took place - the recognition of Soviet underground art as European. The exhibition arrived in Russia in a slightly modified form, the number of exhibits decreased, but nevertheless, more than 200 works of leading artists who worked in the 1940-1960s were collected under the roof of Pushkin. - Gerhard Richter, Georg Baselitz, Marc Chagall, Alexander Deineka, Pablo Picasso, Yves Klein, Lucien Freud, Fernand Léger, Otto Dix, Vadim Sidur, Otto Muehl, Elia Belyutin, the Zero group, Hans Richter, Arman, Max Beckmann, and etc.

The exhibition was dedicated to one of the most difficult and eventful milestones in world history - the first decades after World War II. The exposition was divided into seven sections, which reveal the main stages in the development of post-war art: "End of the War", "Sorrow and Memory", "Cold War", "Struggle for Peace", "New Realism", "New Idealism", "End of Utopia ? ".

Exhibition "Facing the Future" at the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin ©

  1. El Lissitzky. Retrospective

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center + State Tretyakov Gallery / November 16, 2017 - February 18, 2018

The El Lissitzky exhibition is the first large-scale retrospective of the artist in Russia and a joint project of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center and the State Tretyakov Gallery. El Lissitzky is one of the leading artists of the Russian and European avant-garde, who largely determined the development of architecture and design of the 20th century, the inventor of a new direction in art, which he called "prouns" (proun - Project for the approval of a new one). The exhibition project consists of two parts and is held simultaneously at two sites - the Jewish Museum and the Center for Tolerance and in the New Tretyakov Gallery. Viewers are presented with about 400 exhibits from the collections of Russian and foreign museums, private collections. The exhibition recreates the artist's creative path and introduces all the stages and directions in Lissitzky's work.

The pre-avant-garde period of Lissitzky's work and works related to his activities in the Culture League are presented in the Jewish Museum. In addition to them, it includes his graphic works, for example, the famous poster "Hit the Whites with a Red Wedge", as well as prouns, photo collages, typography, photomontages, manuscripts and documentary photographs.

In the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery, about 200 works are exhibited, including prototypes and architectural projects, sketches of exhibition design projects, photographs from the gallery's collection. Here, for the first time in Russia, six of Lissitzky's picturesque Prouns from the largest foreign collections are shown - there are no paintings by the artist in Russian museums. Lissitzky created these works in Germany in the early 1920s, where he was sent to establish artistic contacts, where, by the way, he became friends with the Dadaist Kurt Schwitter, who created similar volumetric collages.

The exhibition on two venues presents Lissitzky to the audience as a universal artist, combining a painter, book graphic artist, designer, architect, typographer and photographer.

Exhibition “El Lissitzky. Retrospective ”© Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

  1. Design system in the USSR

Now the topic of Soviet design is very relevant, and one of the popularizers of this topic in Russia and abroad is the Moscow Design Museum, headed by Alexandra Sankova. On November 22, the exhibition "Design System in the USSR" opened at the Fashion and Design Center. The exposition tells visitors about the activities of various design bureaus and design services in the 1960s-1980s. The exposition includes rare photographs from the archive of the MIA “Russia Today”, which was the general information partner of the event.

This is the first exhibition that shows how the design system functioned in the USSR in the 1960-1980s, tells about the activities of the most important institutes, design bureaus and design services in factories and factories that worked in the field of artistic design and technical aesthetics, their interaction and role in the development of industrial production.

The exhibition features over 500 exhibits: furniture, dishes, clothes, books, drawings, posters, postcards, albums, labels created at famous enterprises - Zenit, ZIL, VAZ, LOMO and many others, as well as archival materials (photo, video chronicle, manuscripts, autographs).

Exhibition "Design System in the USSR" © MIA "Russia Segodnya"

  1. Cai Guoqiang. October

The Pushkin Museum this year was very generous with large-scale projects. The exhibition by Chinese artist Tsai Guoqiang is no exception. Inspired by the 100th anniversary of the Great Revolution, Tsai Guoqiang created a series of works especially for the Pushkin Museum. In them, the artist reflected on the role of the individual's personality in world history, as well as on the relationship between personal dreams and collective ideals. This project turned out to be really very ambitious, and not only because the artist for the first time in Russia presented his "gunpowder" art. The reason is different - the academic museum allowed the artist to spread his art throughout the exhibition space, but also, in the literal sense, outside of it. Installation "Autumn" is the first thing that a visitor to the exhibition saw. It was located at the entrance to the museum. This is a metaphorical mountain, the basis of which is cots and strollers, from which dozens of young birches sprout. The museum grew trees in the nursery specifically for the exhibition, and the residents of Moscow donated cots and carriages to the museum. “These baby carriages symbolize dreams, childhood, socialist utopia in people's hearts,” the artist said. It was a kind of experiment and a very daring one, which the management of the museum went to.

Above the main staircase of the museum, Cai Guoqiang stretched out a silk cloth, on which a quote from the "Internationale" was drawn in gunpowder: "No one will give us deliverance: neither God, nor the king, and not a hero." Then the artist presented the installation "Earth", which was created from dry plants. Soviet symbols were hidden among the ears, but they were reflected in the mirror surface above them. This installation symbolized the Russian field, the artist wanted to recreate the feeling of mystery that arose in his childhood when watching Soviet films.

On either side of the installation were two canvases made by the artist in his famous "gunpowder style" - "River" and "Garden". The black and white "River" symbolizes the flow of past memories. Red poppies and carnations on the colored canvas "Garden" are located next to Soviet propaganda posters - this is the embodiment of the ideals of the past.

The culmination of the exhibition is the video project “October. Daytime fireworks on Red Square ": in the sky over the main square of the country, lights explode one after another to the music of Pyotr Tchaikovsky. The performance ended with 100 seconds of volleys, which left behind a huge white cloud, slowly carried away by the wind.

Exhibition “Cai Guoqiang. October ”at the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin © Vedomosti

Text: Anastasia Boye

From Venetian art to artists of the thaw period, from Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin to Salvador Dali - 14 important exhibitions of the year to add to your calendar.

Caprichos. Goya and Dali

Francisco Goya.« Caprichos» ... A series of 80 etchings. "The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters", 1799

The State Museum of Fine Arts continues to combine contemporary and classical art: this time not only the Japanese artist Yasumasa Morimura, but also the Spaniards Francisco Goya and Salvador Dali, appeared in this perspective. A small exhibition in the main building presents etchings from the Caprichos series by both authors. However, if Goya's series is a satirical reflection on the crisis of contemporary Spain, then Dali cruelly mocks Goya's existing plots, adding new characters to the compositions and altering the names of etchings. The era of romanticism and postmodernism of the twentieth century collide in dialogue, visual and literary.

Triennial of Contemporary Art

When: March 2017

On the anniversary of the October Revolution, the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art is launching a revolutionary program - introducing Muscovites to contemporary artists from all over Russia, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. More than 60 artists will take part in the first triennial, selected by curators throughout the country. They also identified seven trends that have become common to all regions, as well as the main masters, whose influence goes far beyond the boundaries of their hometown or region. The theme of the exhibition will be the spirit of the times and social trends that determine regional artistic processes. “Our idea is to show the current slice of Russian contemporary art and start interacting with the regions,” said Anton Belov, director of Garage, to the triennial.


Vladimir Gavrilov. "Cafe. Autumn day ", 1962

The arrival of spring is met in Moscow with the onset of the "Thaw" - the exhibition in the Tretyakov Gallery will show the traditional artists for the turn of the 50-60s - Pimenov, Gavrilov, Salakhov, Popkov. The exposition presents several thematic sections - from "The Best City on Earth" to "Atom - Space" - and tells not only about the achievements of the Khrushchev era, but also about the conflicts of this historical period. “This was the most important epoch of not just art, but human perception of the world and its embodiment in all possible artistic forms,” says Zelfira Tregulova, director of the Tretyakov Gallery, about the era of the Thaw.

“Facing the future. Art of Europe 1945-1968»

Where: Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin; st. Volkhonka, 12

Yves Klein.Blue Globe (RP 7)", 1988. A copy of the original 1957, made after the death of the artist

The thaw will come not only to the Tretyakov Gallery, but also to cover the whole of Moscow - the Pushkin Museum, Gorky Park and the Museum of Moscow, where, in addition to exhibitions, lectures, master classes and discussions will be held. And if the Tretyakov Gallery will show Russian art of the Khrushchev era, then in the Pushkin Gallery - European post-war artists who fought for peace after the overthrow of totalitarian dictatorships and invented new utopias. Two hundred masters from Western and Eastern Europe are represented at the exhibition in a variety of art forms, from paintings and photographs to media art and actionism.

Hugo Rondinone "Your age and my age and the age of the rainbow"

Where: Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, st. Krymsky Val, 9, p. 32

One of the most hyped contemporary artists of recent years, who has successfully conquered fairs and biennials, the Swiss Ugo Rondinone will present a special exhibition at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art as part of Garage Square Commissions. Hugo specially recorded a video message to children, in which he asked to draw a rainbow - a symbol of love, fearlessness and joy of life. Children from 4 to 10 years old, participants in Garage educational programs and inmates of orphanages will become full co-authors of Rondinone - their work will be shown on the wall along the museum.

Saint Louis and the relics of Sainte-Chapelle»

Where: Moscow Kremlin museums, One-pillar chamber of the Patriarchal Palace

"Baptism of Christ". Stained glass from Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, circa 1270-1280

Lovers of medieval art can rejoice: in the spring, the Kremlin will show the monuments of the era of the French king Louis Saint - stained glass windows and relics of the chapel of Sainte-Chapelle, as well as works from the collection of the Louvre, the Museum of medieval art of Cluny, the National Library and the National Archives. Many works are truly unique and leave France for the first time, among them - Limoges enamels and high Gothic jewelry, as well as the Crown of Thorns reliquary of the early 19th century, which will become one of the main exhibits. The exhibition is accompanied by a large-scale educational program, details of which can be found on the website dedicated to the exhibition.

“De Chirico. Nostalgia for infinity»

Where: State Tretyakov Gallery, st. Krymsky Val, 10

Giorgio de Chirico. "Song of Love", 1914

The Tretyakov Gallery continues to acquaint the Moscow audience with the work of Italian masters. Not as large as at the Vatican, but no less spectacular, the exhibition of Giorgio de Chirico, prepared together with the Foundation of Giorgio and Isa de Chirico, will be opened here. This is the first time such a retrospective is taking place; before that, paintings by the Italian metaphysician were exhibited in 1929, and etchings in the 1930s.

Giorgio Morandi

Where: Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, st. Volkhonka, 14

Giorgio Morandi. Still life, 1948

If the Tretyakov Gallery shows the surreal de Chirico, then the Pushkin Museum will present an anthology of the work of another master of the first half of the twentieth century - Giorgio Morandi. More than 40 years after the exhibition of Morandi in 1973, the museum will present a retrospective that includes all stages of the master's work from early metaphysics and avant-garde works to the classic still lifes of Morandi, thanks to which he received recognition. In addition, the exhibition also features the artist's graphics, including etchings and engraving boards.

"Anselm Kiefer to Velimir Khlebnikov"

Where: State Hermitage

Anselm Kiefer. Osiris and Isis, 1985

Anselm Kiefer's first solo exhibition will open at the Hermitage in late spring. However, it will be not just a retrospective, but a dedication of the German artist to the Russian poet Velimir Khlebnikov. Both are united by the theme of war: in Khlebnikov it is expressed in a cyclical nature that occurs on water and on land once every 317 years, and in Kiefer - in reflections on the theme of Nazism and the Holocaust. “I think in images. Poems help me with this. They are like beacons. I float to them, from one to the other. I was lost without them, ”says Kiefer of poetry.

“Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto. The Golden Age of Venetian Painting "

Where: Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, st. Volkhonka, 12

When: June - end of August

Paolo Veronese. Apollo and Marsyas, second half of the 16th century

Although it is difficult to surprise a sophisticated viewer with Venetian art, it is impossible not to captivate them. Reaching its peak in the 16th century in the works of Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto, the Venetian school is considered one of the heights of the development of Italian painting in the entire history of art. It is these artists who will be presented at the exhibition, where you can see about 40 paintings.

« Someone 1917»

Where: State Tretyakov Gallery, st. Krymsky Val, 10

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. "In Petrograd", 1918

Although the centenary of the revolution will not become the main leitmotif of this year's exhibitions, the curators of the State Tretyakov Gallery will still pay considerable attention to it. The exhibition is primarily dedicated to artists who survived the revolution, and presents two sections - figurative peacemakers and utopian non-objects. Nesterov, Kandinsky, Serebryakova, Petrov-Vodkin, Klyun, Malevich - all of them can be seen at the exhibition "Someone in 1917".

Takashi Murakami

Where: Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

Takashi Murakami,Kaikai. 2000-2005

The lover of bright colors and recognizable labels Takashi Murakami will be exhibited in Moscow for the first time - Garage is preparing a large exposition, which will also include graphics and animation and works by Japanese masters from the collections of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. AS Pushkin and the State Museum of Oriental Art. Five sections of the exhibition will be devoted to the work of the master since the 90s and will touch upon various phenomena of Japanese culture embodied in the work of Murakami. The artist is called the Japanese Andy Warhol, he can also be compared with Yayoi Kusama - both artists have their own, very specific style and collaborate with fashion brands.

Drawings by Klimt and Schiele from the collection of the Albertina Museum, Vienna

Where: Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, st. Volkhonka, 12

Egon Schiele. Youth in purple cassock with folded hands, 1914

Although Italian exhibitions make up a large part of this year's program, in fact it is marked by cultural cooperation between Austria and Russia. At the end of the year, the Pushkin Museum will open an exhibition of two of the most famous artists of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries - Klimt and his follower, no less famous Schiele. The main emphasis is on graphics - both masters are not only good painters, but also excellent draftsmen, and the collection of the Viennese Albertina is one of the best graphic collections in the world.

"Salvador Dali. Surrealist and Classic "

Where: Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg, fontanka river embankment, 21

Salvador Dali. Atomic Leda, 1949.

The first large-scale exhibition “Salvador Dali. The Surrealist and the Classic ”will open at the Faberge Museum on April 1 and will last until July 2. The exposition will feature works from the Spanish fund "Gala - Salvador Dali", private and museum collections. In total, the exhibition will feature over 150 graphic and painting works of the artist.Tickets for “Salvador Dali. Surrealist and Classic ”are already on sale.