
New Year after December 21. New Year's beliefs. New Year is also a time of fortune telling.

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On the night of December 31 to January 1, almost all houses hear the clink of glasses filled with champagne, explosions of festive fireworks are heard outside the window, and at exactly midnight many residents of our country, clinging to TV screens, listen to the New Year’s speech of the President of Russia. It would seem that at these moments the whole world is celebrating with us one of the most ambitious holidays of the year, but there are a large number of countries where the new year passes completely unnoticed. Susanin’s correspondents prepared a compilation of several states whose residents were put to bed on December 31 with the thought that tomorrow they would have an ordinary working day.

The winter solstice is again in the Northern Hemisphere, and although the shortest day of the year heralds the beginning of winter, it also promises a gradual return of the sun after a long period of darkness. The fact that there are holidays during this astronomical event is not accidental. Since ancient times, people have celebrated the solstice and observed it with many different cultural and religious traditions. Some of them survive to this day, although not always in the form that you might expect.

As many have noticed, this is the shortest day of the year, with the least amount of daylight between sunrise and sunset. In the Southern Hemisphere, this is the time of the summer solstice and the longest day of the year. From now on, as the northern days grow longer, so the southern days are getting shorter.

  Saudi Arabia

In general, Islamic states are alien to celebrate the change of any dates. Therefore, if you find yourself in this country on December 31, you will see an absolutely everyday picture. For the faithful in Saudi Arabia, there are only a few holidays: Independence Day, the celebration of the end of the month of Ramadan and the festival of sacrifice. But this, by the way, does not mean that the Muslim will not celebrate the new year with you if you invite him to visit you. The indigenous people of this country celebrate the change of year on the day of the vernal equinox on March 21, which almost always corresponds to the first day of the holy month of Muharram.

The term solstice means "the sun stands still." During the two solstices of the year, the sun seems to stop in its phased journey through the sky and during this time changes little. Of course, contrary to the phenomena of the Earth, a “change in the position of the sun" during the year is actually caused by the rotation of the Earth on its inclined axis, when it rotates the Sun every year.

The solstice occurs twice a year, when the sun is farthest from the celestial equator of an inclined planet. For half of each year, the North Pole leans toward the sun, and for half a year, the South Pole enjoys this privilege. This phenomenon creates our change of seasons because the hemisphere facing the sun receives a longer and stronger exposure to sunlight.


Once in Iran on New Year's Eve, which is familiar to you, you will also not see absolutely no celebrations, because the country lives according to the Persian calendar. Now the country is in 1393, which usually begins on the vernal equinox - in March. The holiday is called Navruz, that is, a new day. Navruz, by the way, is celebrated not only in this country, but also in a number of other states: Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Albania and Macedonia.

In the Southern Hemisphere, both the seasons and the solstices are reversed. The winter solstice has been celebrated since ancient times. The festive time of the winter solstice is rooted in ancient religions. Throughout history, people have observed this seasonal milestone and created spiritual and cultural traditions to celebrate the rebirth of sunlight after the darkest period of the year.

Modern pagans are trying to observe the solstice in the traditional way of the ancients. “There is a resurgent interest in more traditional religious groups that are often driven by environmental concerns,” said Harry Eid, a professor of religion at George Washington University. "These people celebrate the solstice itself."


In India there are a huge number of holidays, so some of them are considered "selective." These include January 1. These days, all institutions and offices work, but employees can take time off. Although, in the country there are several options for celebrating the New Year.

According to the single national calendar, New Year's Eve falls at the end of March. In the state of Maharashtra, it is celebrated under the name Goody Padva, and in the state of Andhra Pradesh his name is Ugadi, there are also examples when the so-called New Year in a particular state is celebrated on April 13th. There are several such varieties of holidays.

The most beautiful holiday of winter holidays is a holiday in a great atmosphere. In accordance with the swaying mood of the New Year, guests will be able to get an extraordinary experience of cinematic magic and playful vibration. The carnival parade with the colorful peasantry and catchy soundtrack will hit Ramoji Film City avenues. Clowns, jugglers and walkers with their live performances will create special entertainment for tourists.

As a celebration during the Winter Festival, exclusive avenues and gardens will be lit throughout the night, illuminating the landscape and breathing life into fountains and designer meadows. To experience a seductive appearance, special events are held for guests during extended hours.


In China, the New Year is celebrated unnoticed. The maximum that can speak of the onset of the holiday is artificial Christmas trees and puppet Santa Clauses in shopping centers. The Chinese themselves send electronic Christmas cards to their Western friends. Yes, and then it is done for Christmas. The Chinese New Year, which is literally called the Spring Festival after 1911, has long been the main and longest holiday in China and other countries of East Asia. New Year   confined to the winter new moon at the end of the full lunar cycle, which took place after the winter solstice (that is, the second new moon after December 21). IN gregorian calendar   this corresponds to one of the days between January 21 and February 21.

New Year is also a time of fortune telling.

For an exotic vacation for families, several attractive packages for staying at the hotel are available with a number of special privileges and services depending on individual preferences and budgets. So be part of the longest winter holiday with family and friends and enjoy the New Year’s Tower.

Certified by the Guinness World Record as the world's largest film studio complex, in Ramoji Film City, the director can walk with the script and leave with the movie. Massive dreams, vibrant with bright places, picturesque avenues, resourceful sets and outstanding film infrastructure make him a “filmmaker”.

Read other interesting materials from our New Year calendar.

In these fun days, many want to ask: where did the New Year come from? Firstly, it would be useful to note that the most ancient cultures celebrated New Year on the night of December 21-22 according to the modern calendar. The ancient Slavs celebrated on this longest night a holiday called ROZDZDVO. Our ancestors believed that on the night of December 21 the whole Universe perishes, is absorbed by darkness or a dragon. Everything perishes, even the sun, stars and gods. And the end of the world may come. They were afraid that the sun might not rise in the morning. Therefore, all night long burned torches, candles, lamps. There should have been 120 - according to the number of gods. In all the ancient religions of the younger gods, or the forces governing the universe (in Christianity - the Archangels) there were 120. Each of the 120 arches (or lamps) was supposed to help one of the 120 gods to be reborn or reborn. At the same time, a large number of desires were made - that in the newly created Universe they were fulfilled, they must have a place. Making wishes, burning lights until dawn. When the sun rose, rejoiced. A new sun has risen! A new Universe is born! Desires will be fulfilled! They drank intoxicated drinks and indulged in dancing and fun.

About 5 million tourists annually come to the city of Ramoji. In fact, the choice of this date is rooted in both Persian and pagan traditions. The Catholic Encyclopedia admits: "There is no month in a year when respected authorities have not appointed Christ."

Secondly, the Bible says that Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to register in the Roman census. However, such censuses were not conducted in the winter, when the temperature often dropped below zero, and the roads were in poor condition. The answer points to the Roman "pagan celebrations of the winter solstice." He paid tribute to Saturn, the agricultural God of sowing and farming, and was associated with the renewal of light and the advent of the new year.

This night is celebrated by all Indian religions, and Tibetan, where it has about the same value. This night is celebrated by the Celts. The Celts on this night born the god of nature, who died on Halloween. Among the first Christians, the Nativity of Jesus Christ also fell on this night, and the modern date of the Catholic Nativity does not lag much behind it in time (only three days). Even Muslims in Arab countries (most of all in Iran) do not sleep that night, make wishes and set the fruit table, where the main dish is watermelon. Thus, the New Year from December 21 to December 22 is truly an Ecumenical holiday celebrated by all religions, traditions and cultures.

Because we do not want to lose luck

Pagan celebration of Saturnalia. The most popular hypothesis is that Roman soldiers encountered this religion during military excursions to Persia. Miter statue of divinity in Vatican library, old illustration. An unidentified author published in Magasin Pittorek, Paris.

When King Constantine converted to Christianity in the fourth century, he had a rather difficult task related to the transformation of an empire full of pagans. Therefore, it was decided to celebrate the birth of Jesus on a date that was already sacred in accordance with pagan traditions. As a compromise with paganism and an attempt to give pagan holidays of Christian significance, it was simply decided that the birthday of the Sun God would also be the birthday of the Son of God.

If you celebrate this holiday, then the year that came after the celebration will always be very successful and fruitful. But once you do not celebrate the New Year, then a year of failure will come. New Year from December 21 to December 22 is a key energy moment in nature, and if you do not celebrate it, you can miss your luck.

Since we don’t want to lose luck,

we will celebrate like that. First prepare the table. It should consist of at least 12 dishes. The more dishes on the table, the more fruitful and happy the year will be - and the more abundant your table will be throughout the coming year. In the afternoon of December 21, it is advisable to have a good night's sleep. At sunset, sit at the table and hold the old sun. Then light 120 candles (now you can use incense sticks) and make wishes. The desire is best seen with a picture in front of the inner eye, and the desire should already be fulfilled. There are many desires to be made - those who ask more will receive more. The process of making wishes is very tiring for a person and takes a lot of energy. It is believed that on this night the spirits, both good and evil, are deprived of their power over people and they are charged with the obligation to fulfill the wishes of people. In the morning, before sunrise, it is recommended to go to an elevated place with champagne and food. When the sun rises - rejoice, dance, open champagne. After returning to the festive table, congratulating everyone on the New Year, and continue the feast.

Dubai on the Persian Gulf coast remains hot and sunny year-round with a dry desert climate even in the winter months. In the United Arab Emirates there are no real distinguishable seasons, that is, tourists gather in Dubai for a year, especially in the cold months, to soak up a little winter sun.

Precipitation is 6 inches, but only 2 days of the month, which are expected to be wet. The number of hours of sunshine also decreased to eight hours a day, compared with which an average of 10 hours of sunshine per day is observed. At this time of the year, the tendency for the sky to become cloudy, the median cloud cloud increased by 8% from the beginning to the end of the month.

New Year is also a time of fortune telling.

ghosts and ghosts. This is explained by the fact that the astral body of the planet is compressed as much as possible and pushes other astral objects into the physical layer. The best nights for fortune telling are December 13, 14, 24 \\ 25, 27 \\ 28 and December 31, 1 \\ 2, 2 \\ 3, 4 \\ 5, 5 \\ 6, 6 \\ 7, 12 \\ 13, 18 \\ 19, 21 \\ January 22 and February 1 \\ 2. All this period (December 13 - February 2) every day some people of the earth celebrate any New Year holidays, therefore this period is called the New Year.

Precipitation is quite low at this time of year. During the month, only 20 mm of precipitation is forecasted, spreading over a total of four days. Usually the wettest month of the year, which sees an average of 40 mm of rainfall. At this time of year, humidity ranges from a comfortable 41% to a very wet 91%, rarely drops below a dry 27% or reaches a very high humidity level of 100%. On average, the least wet month in the year, where humidity levels remain around 50%.

The first indoor ski resort in the Middle East, this attraction allows visitors to enjoy the thrill of the snowy mountains in the Arabian desert. Unlike many artificial ski slopes, this place creates the most realistic atmosphere, including even a chair ditch and real snow. The slopes are kept in cold -4 degrees and are home to a pair of penguins.

In this regard, it is desirable that christmas tree   stood all this period. What is the meaning of the Christmas tree? The ancients believed that for the winter the spirits of greenery and fertility leave forests and fields and winter in the greenery of fir trees, so that in the spring they will again spread throughout nature. Therefore, the spirits were given gifts, decorating spruce, this ensured a large harvest next year.

To access exclusive beach parties at some of Dubai's finest hotels, you plan to pay between £ 400 and £ 500 per capita. But visitors do not have to pay to have a good time in Dubai. However, expect this figure to grow during the New Year, especially for last-minute reservations.

This popular hotel features a rooftop pool, a well-equipped gym, several restaurants and free parking. Next Tuesday or Wednesday marks an important turning point in the annual cycle of the seasons. The sun reaches its southernmost position in the sky, which leads to the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and to long day   in the southern hemisphere.

Such a ritual is also recommended. Desires to write on pieces of paper. Crumple each of them and put in a separate ball. At the end of the holidays, remove the paper, burn it, and scatter the ashes downwind. Another ritual is to hang candies on a Christmas tree. Make a wish for every candy. During the New Year holidays, remove and eat all the sweets. And, finally, on the night of December 31 to January 1, while the clock strikes, pour champagne, conceive 12 wishes and drink in one gulp, it is advisable to catch up to the last blow. Let me wish you all the fulfillment of desires!

The solstice derives its name from an apparent halt in the movement of the sun. It was carefully recorded by the earliest astronomers; monuments such as Stonehenge are believed to be used to indicate the extreme positions of the sun in the sky. Solstice is a celebration day in many cultures. The Romans knew this as “Saturnalia,” and the early Christians accepted this date to mark the birth of Christ so that they could celebrate without attracting the attention of their Roman masters.

This is because, although the solstice time is the same throughout the world, it falls on different days in different places due to our local hours. Similarly, this will happen in Europe and Africa early Wednesday morning. Remember that all this is exactly at the same time in a wider scheme of things; Local times are just the vagaries of how we deal with time around the world.