
A complete collection of facts about coffee. Curious facts about coffee (5 photos) How to drink coffee interesting facts

You can talk about coffee for hours. This drink meets us in the morning, helps to cheer up at work and cheers up. Coffee can be sweet or bitter, black or with milk, but it always remains the favorite drink of millions of people. If you consider yourself a real coffee lover, then you simply must know the most interesting facts about coffee.

Coffee is the drink that hundreds of millions of people around the world start their mornings with. This drink has a very interesting and long history. Here are the most interesting facts about coffee - a drink that has become a favorite drink of many people.

Instant coffee suitable for mass production appeared in 1906. And it was invented by the Belgian George Washington. The first patent for an instant drink belongs to New Zealander David Strang.

Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world. Oil comes first.

Another interesting fact about coffee concerns its health benefits. According to the results of medical studies, regular coffee consumption reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases by 60%.

Previously, in many countries, only men were allowed to drink coffee. The wives considered this a bad habit and opposed such a pastime of their destined ones. When women were also allowed to enjoy the tonic, they ceased to oppose its use.

In Russia, coffee was actively popularized by Peter I. The local population was very opposed to the new drink, but over time they got used to it. In 1740, already under Empress Anna Ioannovna, the first coffee house was opened in Russia.

It is best to store the grains in bags, preferably from hemp.

Instant coffee is the most popular today. It is drunk by about 90% of all people who generally consume this drink.

"Arabica" is the name of the coffee forest in Ethiopia. Hence the name of the variety of grains.

In 2010, a world record was set in Las Vegas by filling the largest cup of coffee in the world. Its volume was equal to 35 thousand ordinary cups.

People with diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetics are advised to replace regular tea with a drink made from coffee leaves.

A smoker should drink less of an invigorating drink than a non-smoker - this is another interesting fact about coffee.

The prototype of the first espresso machine was made in 1822 in France.

Johann Sebastian Bach called the invigorating drink the highest bliss, and dedicated the Coffee Cantata to it.

To get a kilogram of grains ready to eat, you need to collect about 4,000 fruits.

Until the beginning of the 18th century, it was customary to drink coffee in Europe without sugar. For the first time, sugar was added to this drink at the court of the French king Louis XIV.

At first, Europeans called coffee "Arab wine" and used it to treat migraines.

Hawaii is the only American state where coffee is grown.

Coffee baths are very popular in Japan. According to advertising, they have an amazing effect, giving great energy and vigor.

Balzac drank about 60 cups of the drink every day, and Voltaire - 50.

Athletes who take part in the Olympic Games should not get too carried away with coffee. A high concentration of caffeine in the urine may be a reason for the disqualification of a competitor.

Americano appeared during the Second World War. The Americans who arrived in Europe were not accustomed to strong espresso, and began to dilute it with water.

Moroccans like to add pepper to their coffee. And Ethiopians are used to drinking it with a pinch of sugar.

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, yet its health effects are still widely debated by scientists. Until now, science has not come to a consensus on whether coffee is bad for health or helps you live longer, how to brew the perfect cup of coffee, and what effect decaffeinated coffee has on the body. Well, American scientists more often than others discover new and new facts about the drink loved by millions of Russians. experts have collected 10 most interesting facts.

1. Coffee can kill

Despite the well-known health benefits of coffee, coffee can be deadly. True, as experts emphasize, in order to achieve a sad effect, it is necessary to drink from 80 to 100 cups in one sitting. In September 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a health warning about powdered caffeine, a product that was suddenly gaining popularity.

2. Coffee can be good for you

Several independent studies at once in 2014, 2015 and 2016 showed that coffee is good for the liver, reduces the risk of heart attacks and colon cancer, and five cups of this drink a day completely reduces the likelihood of premature death. Finally, the researchers found that coffee is associated with a reduced risk of developing multiple sclerosis.

3. Coffee increases libido in women

At least, this effect was achieved in experiments on laboratory rats. Experts say that in women, this drink can cause the same effect: increase sexual desire. However, this applies only to those representatives of the fair sex who drink coffee irregularly.

4. Coffee can reduce pain

A small study found that moderate doses of caffeine—about two cups of coffee a day—reduce exercise-induced muscle pain. However, it was carried out on people who are not regular consumers of this drink. Later, in 2012, scientists found that drinking coffee at the beginning of the day by workers whose work involves prolonged sitting in front of a computer reduced the level of pain in the neck and shoulders. However, both studies were too small in size, so it is not necessary to speak of a proven effect.

5. Coffee can really keep you awake at night.

American experts strongly recommend not drinking coffee 6 hours before going to bed, as the effect of caffeine lasts for several hours. Researchers have proven that coffee disrupts the body's circadian rhythms (approximately 24-hour cycle of physicochemical and mental processes occurring in the human body. - Note ed.), and as a result, we do not receive the signals necessary to fall asleep. In turn, night shift workers may find that coffee will keep them from getting enough sleep during the day.

6. Decaffeinated coffee... still has caffeine

If you drink five to ten cups of decaffeinated coffee, you get the same dose of caffeine as one or two cups of traditional coffee.

7. Decaffeinated Coffee Uses Chemicals

American scientists said that when preparing this drink, coffee beans are exposed to steam, and therefore caffeine dissolves in them, which comes to the surface, where it is washed off with an organic solvent called methylene chloride.

8. The bitter taste of coffee is not due to the presence of caffeine.

It is not caffeine that is responsible for the characteristic bitter taste of coffee. In fact, the culprits of this taste are antioxidants.

9. The taste of coffee depends on roasting and brewing.

Most often, the excellent taste of coffee rests on the correct roasting of the beans and the brewing process. During roasting, the oil locked inside the coffee beans begins to come out at a temperature of about 400 degrees. The more oil they contain, the deeper the taste will be. The caffeine content also depends on the duration of exposure to water on the coffee tree growing in the ground.

10 Coffee Was Discovered By Goats

A millennium ago, in the mountainous regions of Africa, entire herds of goats could not sleep at night, as they ate coffee beans during the day. Their strange behavior and its causes were discovered by the monks, after which the properties of coffee became available to people.

Detailed results of the study by Roskachestvo of coffee machines are available.

In order to write an article for a blog, you need to find, study, and process large amounts of information into a digestible form. Every now and then I stumble upon interesting facts about coffee that may not make it into the final material, but are curious in themselves. This material consists entirely of such short and interesting facts. Where appropriate, I provide a link to the source so that you can independently delve into the topic that interests you.

Probably, some facts will be familiar to you, but I am sure there will be those that you hear about for the first time. Test your knowledge.

It is believed that the Ethiopian shepherd Kaldi first learned about the properties of coffee, who noticed that his goats become energetic after eating berries from an unfamiliar tree. ("A Brief History of Coffee")
Initially, people used coffee berries for food, and only then they began to prepare a drink from it.
All coffee in the world grows in a rather narrow corridor between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
Throughout its history, coffee houses have been repeatedly banned by the authorities of various countries. The most famous ban in Mecca in 1511 and in England in 1675. As a rule, the authorities considered coffeehouses to be a source of revolutionary thoughts and a gathering place for conspirators.
And it was true. Subsequently, the Boston Tea Party of 1773 and the French Revolution of 1789 were also partially planned in coffeehouses.
Coffee contains more than 1200 chemical compounds, more than half of which are responsible for the taste of the resulting drink.
Arabica accounts for 70% and Robusta for 30% of global coffee consumption.
Coffee is one of the most traded commodities on world exchanges. In terms of volume, it is only ahead of oil. Note that both coffee and oil are dark liquids. Coincidence?
More than 500 billion cups of coffee are drunk every year in the world. More than half - at breakfast (or instead?).
In terms of coffee consumption per capita per year, the Nordic countries are leading - Finland (12 kg), Norway (9.9 kg), Iceland (9 kg). Russia is in 56th place in this list (1.7 kg).
Adding milk to coffee began in the 17th century. Such a prescription was prescribed to his patients by a French doctor.
Instant coffee was first marketed in the US in 1910. Its inventor was named George Constant Louis Washington.
The word americano appeared during the Second World War, when American soldiers in Europe began to add boiling water to espresso to dilute the strong drink.
Irish coffee was invented at the airport in Foynes, Ireland, when a restaurant chef decided to add whiskey to coffee to warm up American passengers arriving in the winter.
The first webcam was developed at the University of Cambridge to determine from a distance whether the university's coffee maker is full or empty.
At the Younessun Spa Resort in Japan, you can take a dip in real coffee, which, according to the Japanese, helps to maintain skin tone. You can also swim in real green tea.
The lethal dose of caffeine is about 100 cups of coffee.
At the same time, the French philosopher Voltaire drank up to 50 cups of coffee a day!
Johann Sebastian Bach wrote the Coffee Cantata between 1732 and 1734. commissioned by the owner of the Zimmermann coffee house in Leipzig. In this humorous work, coffee is praised as a necessary drink for a person.
Unlike their counterparts in the New World, the average age of a barista in Italy is 45 years old. The profession itself is also considered very prestigious in this country.
Light roasted coffees contain more caffeine than dark roasted coffees.
Many countries have coffee holidays. National Coffee Days are celebrated in Costa Rica on September 12, in Ireland on September 19, and in Japan on October 1.
Caffeine is among the prohibited substances on the list approved by the International Olympic Committee, along with steroids and cocaine. Drinking more than 5 cups of coffee (12 micrograms per milliliter of urine) is considered by the IOC to be an athlete's attempt to gain an advantage in wrestling.

Your body naturally produces the hormone cortisol in the morning, which will help you feel alert and refreshed. This is due to the peculiarities of the human body, the so-called circadian circadian rhythms. So if you have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning to wake up, then it doesn't make sense at all. It is much better to wait until the level of cortisol drops, and this will come after 9-10 o'clock in the morning, and even then.

Coffee does not dehydrate the body

Great news! Caffeine has long been accused of diuretic properties, but this is actually not true. If you do not drink coffee in large quantities (more than 500-600 mg per day, or two cups), there will be no negative effects.

Studies have shown that diuresis does not change significantly from the fact that a person drinks caffeinated drinks. So as long as you enjoy coffee in moderation, there is no big reason to worry.

Coffee was discovered thanks to Ethiopian goats

According to legend, the Ethiopian shepherds were the first to start drinking coffee after seeing how goats behaved, who chewed the berries of this plant with pleasure.

Coffee will help you live longer and healthier

Coffee is high in antioxidants (it's the largest source of antioxidants in the average Westerner's diet!). This helps in the fight against the so-called free radicals, which are the cause of many serious diseases. As a result, coffee drinkers are less likely to contract diseases such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and heart disease.

Coffee contains important nutrients needed for survival

Drinking coffee can help you burn fat

Studies have shown that drinking caffeine can increase your metabolism by 3 to 11%. This is one of the few chemicals that actually helps you lose weight!

Coffee is grown in a strictly defined area called the coffee belt of the planet.

The coffee belt unites all regions that have the conditions necessary for the growth of coffee. Since this plant requires a lot of sunlight and heat, all these areas are near the equator.

The entire effect of coffee is caused by tiny 0.0016-inch caffeine crystals entering your body. So small, but they work!

Coffee is grains of berries that are red, yellow or green.

See those berries that grow on trees? This is what the contents of your cup of coffee looked like before!

Caffeine starts to work very quickly

It only takes about 10 minutes from the first sip to the onset of caffeine!

Black Ivory is the most expensive coffee, and it's made from excrement.

The most expensive coffee in the world is made from elephant dung and it's called Black Ivory. It costs $50 for one cup. To get 1 kilogram of coffee of this variety, you need to feed the elephant 33 kilograms of fresh coffee berries. After they have been digested, the wives of the elephant drivers collect the dung, knead it, and take out coffee from it.

Coffee is good for your liver

People who drink four cups of coffee a day are 80% less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver.

In 1991, a group of scientists at the University of Cambridge pointed a camera at a coffee pot in order to observe the process of making coffee from the next room. The picture above shows photos taken with that first camera.

Caffeine increases your adrenaline levels and releases fatty acids from adipose tissue, resulting in better results for those who drink coffee before a workout.

Do you know more interesting facts about your favorite drink? Write about them in the comments!

Interesting facts about coffee and caffeine that you might not know:

Coffee is good for the liver.

People who drink four cups of coffee a day are 80 percent less likely to develop cirrhosis, a condition that develops due to several diseases that affect the liver. However, we do not recommend including this much caffeine in your daily diet.

Coffee is actually not that dehydrating.

Caffeine was once thought to be a powerful diuretic, but this is actually not true. Unless it is consumed in large amounts (500 to 600 milligrams a day, or two cups of coffee), you won't have any negative effects. In fact, studies have shown that urine output does not change significantly when a person drinks a caffeinated beverage rather than something decaffeinated, such as water. Therefore, if you enjoy a cup of coffee in moderation, you should have no reason to worry.

As with most great discoveries, the magical properties of coffee were first discovered through the majesty of crazy goats.

According to legend, Ethiopian shepherds were the first to realize the profound effects of coffee when they noticed that their goats began to "dance" after eating coffee berries.

Caffeine starts to act very quickly.

It only takes ten minutes to start feeling the effects of caffeine after a sip of coffee, so drink quickly.

Coffee contains important nutrients needed for survival.

One cup of coffee contains 11 percent of the recommended daily amount of riboflavin (vitamin B2), 6 percent pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), 3 percent manganese and potassium, and 2 percent niacin and magnesium.

Coffee can help prevent Alzheimer's and dementia.

Several studies have shown that coffee drinkers are 65 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer's, one of the leading causes of dementia.

The world's first webcam was made for coffee.

In 1991, a group of scientists at the University of Cambridge installed a camera on a coffee pot in their workroom, sending the resulting video online so they could see if the pot was empty or not, and so they wouldn't go on a frustrating coffee trip if it wasn't. The photo above was taken with this first camera.

Coffee houses were banned in England because all the tough guys drank there.

Well, or something like that. In 1675, King Charles II banned coffee houses because he thought there were people there who were plotting against him.

Caffeine improves performance when you exercise.

Caffeine increases your adrenaline levels and releases fatty acids from adipose tissue, resulting in better physical performance for those who consume caffeine before exercise.

Drinking coffee can help you burn fat.

Studies have shown that drinking caffeine can increase your metabolism by 3 to 11 percent. It's one of the few chemicals that can actually help with fat loss, so don't waste any time drinking!

All coffee grown on the planet comes from an area called the Coffee Belt.

The coffee belt covers all regions that have the climatic conditions necessary for growing coffee - lots of sun and warmth.

Cold coffee is more expensive because more resources are used to make it.

From plastic cups to napkins to double brewing (the coffee is brewed a second time to make it stronger), the resources required to make cold coffee are more plentiful (and more expensive!) than regular hot coffee. Because of this, establishments charge more for their cold drinks than for the same hot drinks.

You don't need to drink coffee when you first wake up.

Your body naturally produces a hormone called cortisol, which helps you feel alert and alert. It is released according to your circadian rhythm, dictated by the time of day. So if you have a habit of drinking coffee when you first wake up, then you can wait a little longer so that the caffeine doesn't go to waste when your cortisol is at its peak.

Caffeine is, in fact, crystals.

The energized feeling you get after drinking coffee actually comes from swallowing tiny 0.04064mm caffeine crystals.

Coffee can help you live a longer and healthier life.

Coffee is high in antioxidants (the largest source of antioxidants in the average Western diet!), which help the body fight off substances known as "free radicals". As a result, people who drink coffee have a lower risk of developing diseases such as Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. But here's the thing: Coffee drinkers are also more likely to have bad habits like smoking cigarettes, drinking a lot of alcohol, and eating red meat, so the study was adjusted to show what might happen if these other factors weren't present.

Coffee is a red berry before it becomes a coffee bean.

See these berries? These are coffee berries. They grow on trees.

Black Ivory coffee is the most expensive coffee in the world and is made from elephant dung.

The most expensive coffee in the world is made from elephant dung and is called Black Ivory. A cup of this coffee costs $50. Kopi Luwak coffee is made by feeding coffee berries to musangs and then using their excrement. It costs $160 for 450 grams.