
Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos. Lenten cabbage pancakes Recipe for lean cabbage pancakes

During any fast, it is forbidden to eat food that is prepared with the addition of animal products: meat, butter, eggs, milk.

Despite the limitations, you can prepare a very tasty, not quite ordinary dish that even a gourmet will like. We are talking about pancakes with cabbage.

Usually pancakes turn out fluffy due to kefir or beaten eggs. In this recipe, the dough for pancakes is kneaded with water, and the fluffiness is achieved by adding yeast.

Lenten cabbage pancakes turn out soft, airy, covered with a golden brown, slightly crispy crust. They taste like pies. This association arises due to the presence of stewed cabbage in them, which dominates the dough.


  • Wheat flour – 380 g;
  • Water – 375 ml;
  • Yeast – 8 g;
  • Sugar – 25 g;
  • Salt in dough – 10 g;
  • Carrots – 120 g;
  • Fresh white cabbage – 280 g;
  • Onions – 140 g;
  • Sunflower oil for filling – 30 g;
  • Add red pepper and salt to the filling - to taste;
  • Cumin – 0.3 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil for frying.

Dough for pancakes with cabbage

Since the dough will rise during the fermentation process, you need to take larger dishes. Pour water heated to 30-34° into it, add yeast.

Add sugar and salt, stir. Wait for the foam to appear. Add flour.

Stir the mixture thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no lumps. The thickness of the dough should be such that it stays on the whisk for some time, and does not flow into the bowl.

Cover the dish with a lid and let the dough rise.

Vegetable filling for pancakes

Finely chop the onion and lightly sauté it in vegetable oil.

Add finely chopped carrots.

Simmer until carrots are soft for 3-4 minutes.

Chop the cabbage and combine it with onions and carrots.

While the cabbage is fresh, it will not be easy to mix it with other vegetables. Therefore, pour in a spoonful of water (so that the onions and carrots do not burn), cover the pan with a lid and simmer over moderate heat for 6-8 minutes. During this time, the cabbage will become softer, settle a little, and you can mix it without any problems.
Add spices and spices.

Continue simmering the cabbage over low heat until it is completely cooked. This will take you about another 15 minutes.

Cool the filling until warm.

By this time, your dough should have already risen, increasing in volume by 1.5 times.

Add cabbage to it.

Mix well.

Give it a chance to rise a little.

How to fry pancakes with cabbage

Pour a little oil into the pan (it should just cover the bottom) and heat it up. Spoon out portions of dough.

Fry the pancakes over moderate heat, covered. Turn them over when they become larger, dry on top, and brown on the bottom.

Turn them over to the other side and cook until done.

Place the fried pancakes on paper napkins, thus removing excess fat from them.

Bon appetit!

Note to the hostess

  • Cabbage pancakes are best eaten hot.
  • They do not need sour cream, as it interrupts the taste of cabbage.
  • You can diversify your baking with the help of various vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, beets, zucchini, apples, pears, bananas.
  • You can also add herbs, properly processed dried fruits, and aromatic spices to the pancake dough.

Everyone understands that in order for lean food not to suppress the appetite, it is necessary to try to diversify it within the limits of the lean diet. The choice of products during this period is limited mainly to vegetables, fruits, cereals, flour products and, on permitted days, vegetable oil.

It turns out that this assortment also contains many options for dishes for the Lenten table. Here is one of them, which I saw in the program of TK “Glas” and immediately prepared it at my own peril and risk.

In practice it turned out that this is at the level of a delicacy. We are talking about cabbage sections (flatbreads), which when finished look like tousled flatbreads.

Cabbage pancakes recipe

“Russed” While fresh cabbage, the main ingredient of this lean dish, is being chopped, put a small saucepan of water on the fire and bring it to a boil to immerse the cabbage, chopped into squares, into this boiling water. Cook this cabbage over low heat for five minutes and then place in a colander to drain.

During this time, prepare a dough from wheat flour, salt, white pepper, cognac and carbonated mineral water without a pronounced odor or bitterness, grind it thoroughly without lumps.

Place the cabbage in a suitable dish, pour the resulting dough into it, mixing everything thoroughly. Spoon the cabbage mass into a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, leveling it as much as possible into a flat cake (don’t worry - the dough will do its right thing - the tatters will not fall apart).

As soon as the browning of the bottom part of the cross sections becomes obvious, they should be turned over and fried on the other side until cooked. It is better to serve these delicious looking and tasting cabbage “Russies” hot, lightly sprinkle with soy sauce if desired, but you can also eat them cooled.

Ingredients for cabbage pancakes:

  • Fresh white cabbage - 0.5 medium head;
  • Drinking water for cooking cabbage - 1 liter;
  • Mineral water for dough - 0.5 cups;
  • Wheat flour - 0.5 cups;
  • Cognac - 1 tablespoon;
  • White pepper - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Table salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups.

For our competition, Lyudmila sent a wonderful pancake recipe.

Cabbage pancakes in its version it is not only useful, but also with a “twist”. We offer a proven one for your piggy bank pancake recipe without eggs: You will need cabbage, onions, flour, a little starch and baking powder.

Here's what he says about his recipe lean cabbage pancakes Lyudmila herself:

“I often cook cabbage pancakes for the whole family, but the usual recipe includes eggs. Since eggs are not allowed during fasting, I tried making these pancakes without eggs, but with starch. It turned out very, very tasty! My husband (he doesn’t fast) ate it as a side dish with meat and praised everything."


0.5 kg of white cabbage;

approximately 100 g of wheat flour;

1 tablespoon potato starch;

1 onion;

1 teaspoon baking powder;

vegetable oil.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Shred the cabbage.

Fry the onion in oil until transparent. Add cabbage to onions. Pour in a little water (a couple of tablespoons), cover with a lid. Simmer, stirring, for 10-12 minutes.

Cool the stewed cabbage slightly and chop in a blender.

Add baking powder, flour, starch. Knead into a thick dough with a spoon.

Lenten cabbage pancakes are a hearty and tasty addition to breakfast, lunch or dinner. They are easy to prepare; you just need a little time and an inexpensive set of ingredients. The dough for pancakes can be made with yeast or a quicker version - with cabbage broth. Pancakes are ideal not only for a Lenten menu, but also for every day. The finished dish is best consumed immediately after frying.

To prepare lean cabbage pancakes, use the following products.

Cut the cabbage into arbitrary small pieces. Boil water and add cabbage. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

Drain the broth, leave 150 ml for further preparation and cool. Drain the cabbage in a colander and rinse in cold water. Place in a deep bowl. Add chopped onions. Blend with an immersion blender until a paste forms or grind through a meat grinder.

Add cooled cabbage broth and sunflower oil. Stir.

Add salt, ground black pepper, cumin, sifted wheat flour and baking powder. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

The result should be a thick mass, approximately like sour cream with 15% fat content.

Heat the oil in a frying pan. Spoon the cabbage dough. Fry over moderate heat until browned, first on one side, then on the other.

Lenten cabbage pancakes are ready. Place on a paper towel to remove any remaining oil and call everyone to the table.

Bon appetit!