
Educational project native land in works of literature. We consider the goals and objectives of our work to be

Author of the project

Subject, class

Literature, philology grades 9,10

Brief summary of the project

Literature is the art of words. Literature portrays reality to us through images created by the writer-artist. Through literature we find ourselves in a new world full of discoveries. We see through the eyes of the author the distant past or the present day, and this helps us to understand reality more deeply. Of particular interest is reading works about your native land: you see your native land in a new way, the history of the people living next to you opens up before you in a new way. We tried to trace the life of our native land through works of fiction and journalism and see how local poets glorify our native land.

We consider the following goals and objectives of our work:

  1. Find works of fiction and journalism about your native land.
  2. Find reflections of events in literature that affect the history of your native land.
  3. Develop interest in works of literature about the native land among peers.

Object of the project are historical documents about their native land, works of Russian literature and local poets and writers, family archives, as well as all local history material collected by students.

Subject of the project is a project activity aimed at increasing interest in the history of the native land, literature, as well as organizing exploratory research activities with students.

Project hypothesis: If you study and introduce this material into the system of extracurricular activities and literature and local history lessons, and also organize search and research work with students, teach them how to correctly design project folders and multimedia presentations, then this will not only expand their understanding of Russian literature and the historical past Motherland, but will also influence the development of love for it and will form an active civic position in students.

-The project develops students’ ability to work independently on a problem and forms a strong cognitive interest to literature and positive motivation for learning. -Thanks to the project, students develop creative abilities and improve communication skills. -The project allows you to form a positive image of your small Motherland, teaches you to love your land and be proud of your famous fellow countrymen. -The proposed approach to teaching is effective in creating psychological comfort in the classroom when the teacher’s cooperation and the student, a person-centered approach is considered a priority.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental Question

Where does the Motherland begin?..

Problematic issues

  1. Is the historical past of the native land reflected in works of fiction and journalism?
  2. Are there descriptions of your native land in the works of modern authors?
  3. Is it possible to find reflections of real events in fiction?

Study questions

  1. When and where do we find the first mention of the Nizhny Novgorod land?
  2. How is the life of our region reflected in journalism and fiction of the 19th century? and the beginning of the 20th century?
  3. How does P. Melnikov-Pechersky describe the Nizhny Novgorod region in his novels?
  4. Which of the modern authors reflected the historical past of our region?
  5. How do local poets portray their native land in their work?

Project plan

Project business card

Teacher publication

Russian poets XX century about the homeland and native nature

- What thoughts do poets convey to us when they talk about their homeland and native nature, remembering moments of a special state of mind?

  • Which lines did you like or remember?

  • Poem - a work written in verse, mostly of small volume, often lyrical, expressing emotional experiences.
  • Stanza (gr. strophe– turn) – a group of verses (lines) that form a unity. The verses in a stanza are connected by a specific arrangement of rhymes.
  • Rhyme (gr. rhythmos– proportionality) – consonance of the endings of poetic lines.
  • Subject (gr. theme) – a circle of life phenomena depicted in the work.
  • Comparison - an image of one phenomenon by comparing it with another.
  • Personification - transferring human traits to inanimate objects and phenomena.
  • Epithet – (gr. er itheton– lit.: “attached”) – a figurative definition of an object, expressed mainly by an adjective.
  • Metaphor (gr. metaphora– transfer) – a figurative meaning of a word, based on the similarity or opposition of one object or phenomenon to another.
  • Inversion (Latin invepsio - rearrangement) - an unusual sequence of words. Inversion gives the phrase special expressiveness.

Analysis of the poem

“I remember a long winter evening...

Main theme of the poem

I. Bunin

Main thought (idea)

A poem about childhood, homeland, native nature

It is pleasant for the poet to remember his childhood; he clearly remembers his childhood sensations and feelings. The author’s thoughts are kind, good, he loves his homeland

Native nature gives a person strength and calms him down

Epithets: “long winter evening”, “quiet sleep”

Metaphors: “the light of the lamp is pouring dimly” “the golden waves of rye are moving slowly and smoothly”

Personification: “the storm is crying at the window”, “the blizzard is howling”, “the quiet whisper of summer”, “the whisper of ripening ears of corn”

Direct speech

  • outskirts - in Dahl's dictionary, p. 189 1) district, district area; 2) indirect road, away from housing
  • whirlpool - in Dahl's dictionary, p190 - a hole under water, in a river, in a lake; steep, deep places in the water
  • camp - 1) camp of nomads of Siberia; 2) a settled settlement of the peoples of the Amur region, 3) a resting place for animals on pastures
  • patrimony - in Dahl's dictionary, p. 42-43 – family immovable estate, inhabited land, owned patrimonial owner, village, village, which came into possession by direct inheritance or purchase
  • dashing force - from “dashing”, in Dahl’s dictionary, p. 130 – an ambiguous word: 1) dashing, lively, clever, nimble, dandy, daring, dashing, brave and decisive; 2) evil, spiteful, vengeful, crafty
  • imperishable beauty – 1) not subject to decay, decomposition; 2) never disappearing, ever

Analysis of the poem


Main theme of the poem

D. Kedrin

Main thought (idea)

Artistic means used by the author

About the homeland: its fabulous nature, strength

The poet loves his homeland, imagines her as a girl - Alyonushka, a fairy-tale heroine

“I would wander around the world for thirty years,

And I would come back to you to die..."

- There is nothing more valuable in the world than the Motherland!

Metaphors: “I brought a shoemaker’s knife to your imperishable beauty...”

“On a stump near a forest pool he sings Alyonushka’s song”

  • “...angel of my kindly Motherland”

G. Sviridov

  • Born in the city of Yemetsk, Arkhangelsk region. He was the fifth child in the family; at the age of six (in 1942) he lost his mother, was left without a father and was sent to an orphanage in the village of Nikolskoye near Totma.

Mother died.

Father went to the front.

The neighbor is evil

Doesn't allow passage.

I vaguely remember

Morning of the funeral

And outside the window

Poor nature

Analysis of the poem

"Home village"

Main theme of the poem


Vologda poet. Years of life: 1936-1971.

Man and nature are the main theme of creativity

Main thought (idea)

Artistic means used by the author

Relationship to the place where you were born and raised

Love for the village, disagreement with the hasty desire to leave it, exchange it for the city; confidence that every person has such a feeling of love.

Expressed in the last stanza: comparison with the well-being of the capital and abroad will return a person to his native places

Inversion, epithet (ardent boy), direct speech, neutral and colloquial vocabulary. The language of the poem is simple and clear

  • Aminad Petrovich Shpolyansky, was in exile since 1920.
  • But there is only one smell in the world,

And there is one in the world of bliss:

This is a Russian winter afternoon,

This is the Russian smell of snow.

Analysis of the poem

Don Aminago

Main theme of the poem

Main thought (idea)

Artistic means used by the author

Comparison of the homeland with many European cities visited by the author

Describes the features of famous cities and his attitude towards them through smells: London smells of rum, Naples - rotten fish, Hamburg - food, food; Seville with horses and plants, Paris with flowers.

Nothing compares to the Motherland:

“...there is one in the world of bliss:

This is a Russian winter afternoon,

This is the Russian smell of snow"

Epithets: dazzling Naples, “beautiful tea rose, incomparable, incomparable”;

Metaphor: “shadows crowd at the last threshold”

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All my thoughts are about Russia, the fate of my country is the dominant theme in my work A.A. Block

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My topic stands before me, the topic of Russia... I consciously and irrevocably devote my life to this topic... A.A. Block

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What is love for the Motherland? Is it a habit, a prejudice, a necessity? Is there something in our country, in our city, district, house that is especially dear to you, that for you personally represents the concept of “homeland”?

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What do you think motivates poets, prose writers, artists, composers to create works about their Fatherland? Give examples of such works. What does the word "nostalgia" mean? Is it possible to experience nostalgia without leaving your homeland? Which of the writers you know has nostalgic notes in their work? Why does nostalgia arise?

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Problem situation

There are two points of view: first: love for the homeland is a feeling that elevates a person; and the second - homeland, where it is nourishing, cheap and convenient.

What point of view will you defend?

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The homeland and parents should come first, then the children and the whole family, and then the rest of the relatives.

There is no place sweeter than home.

Only the fatherland contains what is dear to everyone.

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It is gratifying and honorable to die for the fatherland. Why should we look for lands warmed by a different sun? Who, having left the Fatherland, will be able to escape from himself?

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If it is impossible to uproot false opinions, if you are not able, by the conviction of your soul, to cure long-rooted vices, then you still do not need to leave the state because of this, just as you do not need to leave a ship in a storm, although not in are you able to calm the wind

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Dare to glorify your fatherland with courage. Lomonosov. The best purpose is to defend the fatherland. Derzhavin.

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He who does not love his country cannot love anything

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E.A. Yevtushenko “White snow is falling...”

Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the poem. Explain the meaning of the image “white snow” Conclusion: What is love for the Motherland for Yevtushenko? I. Grabar “White Winter”

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A.A. Block “My Rus', my life, should we suffer together?..”

Analysis of the poem

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1 stanza

Why, when thinking about Russia, does he imagine it through such images? I. Levitan “Vladimirka” Does the lyrical hero feel his connection with his homeland? Find keywords. What thought haunts the lyrical hero?

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2 – 4 stanzas

Explain the meaning of unknown words. What attracts the poet and lyrical hero in the guise of Rus'? Why is the country for him not Russia, but Rus'? What secrets is he trying to penetrate, what riddles to solve?

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stanza 5

Explain the meaning of the last stanza of the poem, its figurative structure B. Kustodiev “Bolshevik”

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What does love for the homeland mean to Blok? Bubnov Alexander Pavlovich. Morning on the Kulikovo field. 1943-1947

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F.I. Tyutchev “You can’t understand Russia with your mind…”

1. Expressive reading of a poem. 2. Explain the meaning of the poem. Conclusion: What is love for the Motherland for Tyutchev?

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What are the similarities and differences in the attitude towards Russia of the lyrical heroes F.I. Tyutchev, A.A. Blok and E. Yevtushenko. Temple. Noyabrsk

Project work of 4th grade students

A word about the native land

Task No. 1:



Municipal educational institution

secondary school No. 94

Project work on literary reading

Collection of works by students

about the Motherland

Completed by students

4 in class, school No. 94

Head Vitalieva M.S., primary school teacher

2009 – 2010 academic year

A word about the native land…………………………………………………………… pp. 3 - 4

Semenov A.

Kamalin A.

Alekseev A.

Maslova T.


A war passed across the earth…………………………………………… pp. 5 - 7

Semenov A.

Kazakov A.

Trutnev A.

Volodina A.

Volkova S.

About goodness and beauty…………………………………………………….. pp. 8 - 15

Trutnev A. “Magic decoration”

Trying to write “And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale...”

Alekseev A. Trutneva.

Martynets E. Kuzmin A.

Tremasova A. Abaimova A.

Kazakov A. Maslova T.

Spirina Yu. Kantorin D.

Timerov M. Pichuzhkin I.

About the cruel attitude of people towards nature

Abaimova A.

Tremasova A.

Maslova T.

Gubanova V.

Kazakov A.

Kuzmin A.

Essay based on the painting “Rye” by I.I. Shishkin

Martynets E.

Spirina Yu.

Pichuzhkin I.

Kamalin A.

Vrubel V.

Kantorin D.

Abaimova A.

Applications (Student Works)

A word about the native land

“Mama” (excerpt from the book “My Motherland” by Yu. Yakovlev)

Task No. 1:

How do you imagine your homeland?

Remember and tell us what first discoveries your mother helped you make as a child?

Semyonov Artyom

Russia is my homeland. This country occupies a vast territory and is located in different time zones. For example, in Nizhny Novgorod it is fifteen o’clock, and in Kamchatka it is midnight. The capital of Russia is Moscow.

Our country is rich in fields, forests and rivers. A large number of natural resources are extracted from the depths of the earth. The great rivers deserve special attention due to their beauty and diversity of fauna. The Volga River is called Mother, as it is the wet nurse.

Russia is a multinational country. Russians, Jews, Georgians, Tajiks, Armenians live in it...

“My native country is wide. There are many forests, fields and rivers in it. I don’t know any other country where people can breathe so freely.” These lines from the song say it all.

I want there to be no war in our country and peace to reign. Russia is the most beautiful and extraordinary country in the world.

Kamalin Sasha

My homeland is where my home is, where my loved ones and relatives were born and raised. My homeland is a big family around the same table with grandma’s pies. My homeland is always with me and no one can take it away from me.

Alekseev Alyosha

My homeland is a friendly family: mom, dad, grandmothers Lyuda and Alya, grandfathers Kolya and Zhenya, aunt Natasha and cousin Nikita. I love them very much and enjoy spending a lot of time with them.

And my homeland is my yard and my friends. We played together in kindergarten, and we still play now when I started going to school.

My little homeland is located in beautiful Nizhny Novgorod, where I love to walk in the parks and in the Kremlin.

Maslova Tanya

Every person has his own homeland. Russia is my homeland. I know that it is large, multinational, peaceful, hospitable. People of different nations live, study and work here. I imagine her bright and beautiful. Let every person have such a homeland!

Abaimova Nastya

My mother helped me make my first discoveries as a child:

The first fireworks show fear and admiration;

The first date with the sea is a delight;

First flight on an airplane - “Hurray!”;

The first steps on skates – the pain of falling;

The first acquaintance with a computer is a joy;

The first acquaintance and ride on a camel is a surprise;

The first lesson at school, the first teacher - discovery, kindness...

A war has passed through the earth

Semyonov Artyom

The Great Patriotic War began at dawn on June 22, 1941, when Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Powerful German armies moved in three directions: to Leningrad, to Moscow, to Ukraine and the Caucasus. The defenders of the Brest Fortress were the first to take the fascist blow and heroically defended themselves.

Large enemy forces were sent to Leningrad, but they were unable to break through the defenses. Then German troops closed a ring around the city. On September 8, 1941, the siege of Leningrad began, which lasted 950 days. A huge number of people died from hunger and cold.

The Germans also failed to capture Moscow, thanks to the command of Zhukov and the courage of the Muscovites.

In the summer of 1942, the battles for Stalingrad began, which lasted 200 days. Thousands of heroes fought to the death for Stalingrad. A bottle of flammable mixture exploded in the hands of sailor Mikhail Panivakh, he turned into a torch and threw himself under a fascist tank, blowing it up. After the war, a monument was erected to the brave sailor.

In July 1943 there was the Battle of Kursk with the largest tank battle. German armored divisions were destroyed. German troops were no longer able to carry out a single attack.

In 1944, the Soviet Union was liberated from the enemy. Heavy fighting took place in the capital of Germany, Berlin. On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered. May 9 was declared Victory Day in our country.

Kazakov Sasha

My grandmother has kept a postcard in her photo album for a long time. It depicts a young soldier Pyotr Sergeevich Dernov. He was born in 1925.

1941 The war has begun. And here is Peter - a private, a machine gunner, a Hero of the Soviet Union. He covered the enemy machine gun with his body, ensuring the unit completed its combat mission. We don't know when he died, but if it happened at the end of the war. He was only twenty years old.

My grandmother’s maiden name is Dernova. Her grandfather, Vasily Ivanovich Dernov, returned from the war as an invalid; in a battle his fingers were torn off by a grenade.

Many relatives named Dernov left the village of Yakovtsevo for the front. But one of my great-grandfathers returned.

After the war, he worked for a long time as chairman of his native state farm. In addition, he was a good stove maker. In almost every home, people were warmed by a stove built by the hands of my great-grandfather. He helped people as best he could in the difficult post-war years.

Trutnev Alyosha

My great-grandfather Alexander Mikhailovich Kuzmichev was a participant in the war. This year, in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, he was awarded an anniversary medal

During the war, my great-grandfather was a teenager, so he could not participate in hostilities. He really wanted to help the military. During the first years of the war, he transported the wounded from the front line to the rear on horseback. Towards the end of the war, he began working as a fireman on a steam locomotive. In order to get this job, he had to cheat and increase his age. So until the end of the war, he worked on a steam locomotive that transported the wounded.

I am proud of my great-grandfather, because even as a teenager he contributed to the victory over the Nazis. He is a hero for me!

Volodina Nastya

My great-grandfather Nikolai Romanovich Lyalin was born in 1919. He fought in two wars and was wounded twice.

He fought for the first time in the Finnish War in 1939. He was wounded in the leg and sent home for treatment. Became chairman of the state farm. And in 1941 he volunteered to fight the Nazis. Great-grandfather Nikolai defended Moscow, was a senior machine gunner, and was shell-shocked. For a whole year after the injury, he could not speak or hear. My great-grandfather was a strong and brave soldier. He died in 1990.

Volkova Sveta

Volkova Evgenia Ivanovna, my grandmother, was a rear worker. She worked on a collective farm. Together with other soldiers, she plowed, mowed, and carried peat. There was also work in the forest. Women felled wood and sawed large trees with hand saws. Together with other soldiers and children, the grandmother worked in the field: they reaped bread, collected ears of corn, weeded and harvested potatoes. Cakes were baked from potatoes. Such flatbreads saved many from starvation.

My grandmother never saw a real fight. She only heard the roar of plane bombing. But that was also very scary. It was very difficult for people in the rear. And yet they survived and helped Soviet soldiers win that terrible war.

Mokhova Dasha

During the war, life was not easy in the rear. All the men left to defend their homeland. Old people, women and children remained in the rear. All the hard work fell on their shoulders. In the cities, people worked in factories that provided the front with weapons, equipment, and equipment. They worked day and night.

I want to talk about my great-grandmother. She lived in the village of Nikolaevka, 200 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod. In the villages, in the villages at that time there was no gas or electricity. People burned kerosene stoves and cooked food in the oven. People worked not for money, but for workdays. Life was very hard, there was hunger and cold. So let there be peace on earth!

Maslova Tanya

My grandparents told me how difficult the war years were.

The Germans bombed the city. People hid in bomb shelters from the bombs. Bomb shelters were even built in the basement under the church. German prisoners were taken to build houses.

My great-grandfather Pyotr Ivanovich Gubanov worked at the Gorky Automobile Plant. He

assembled Churchill and Matilda tanks. For Stakhanov’s work, his photograph was placed on the “Honor Board”.

Another great-grandfather, Fyodor Osipovich Pestov, was drafted into the Soviet Army in 1942. He took part in hostilities and died defending his homeland.

About goodness and beauty.

Trutnev Alyosha "Magic Decoration"

A poplar tree grows near my entrance. One frosty evening I went out for a walk and was surprised. The poplar all sparkled in the moonlight. All the poplar branches were covered with frost and sparkled like sparklers. I laughed cheerfully. It was the frost that decorated the tree for the New Year.

I. A. Bunin “Dense green spruce forest near the road...”

Task No. 2: try to continue the poem that begins with the words:

“And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale...”

Alekseev Alyosha

Dressing animals in different masks,

Spinning in the whirlwind of the carnival.

Well, by morning everything calmed down.

Martynets Lisa

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale.

All around is white and white.

The sun was shining nearby,

The snow was shining on the spruce branches,

Frost played on the windows and doors,

There were pines and spruces, dressed in snowstorms.

Tremasova Nastya

And I dreamed that we, like in a fairy tale,

And I dreamed that it was as if we were in the forest.

Here we see a white birch tree,

Here we see a red fox.

Here is a bunny galloping along the edge of the forest,

And the wolf fell silent behind the green tree,

But, unfortunately, the dream melted and disappeared.

I quickly pick up a pencil,

I draw that birch tree, spruce, maple trees.

Kazakov Sasha

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale,

Crystal castle on the mountain

And we roll our sleigh

Through the winter forest in fluffy silver.

The path led out of the forest

And the castle beckons: “Come quickly!”

There's a blond princess in that castle

In the moonlight he is waiting for us at the door.

And with us is the cheerful, young, stately prince,
He hurries us: “Hurry, hurry, hurry!”

And moonlight pours from fairy doors.

And the crystal chime is heard in the castle,

And the heart rushes upward,

After all, the prince is in love with her.

But unfortunately this is just a dream...

Spirina Julia

We are flying on a fairy horse.

I'm dancing in a mask at the ball,

How easy everything comes to me.

Here is Cinderella, the Nutcracker, the Goblin

They dance in circles for a long time.

And in the morning the alarm clock will ring -

The fairy-tale people will disappear.

Timerov Maxim

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale

Flying in the clouds

And nearby birds circle in a flock,

Below there is grass, forests, fields.

The whole forest is singing, the cricket is chirping,

Dew sparkles in silver.

Night life ends by morning

With the rays of the sun on the foliage.

Trutnev Alyosha

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale

We walk through the forest in spring.

The bears are still sleeping with their eyes closed,

Do not disturb the sweet peace.

In the forest everything is quiet, snowy, white,

Mishkin's den is covered with snow,

But it’s spring, a warm, bright day!

The moral of the story is:

Stop sleeping - spring has come!

Kuzmin Tolya

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale

We are rushing into the heights in a sleigh.

The stars sparkle, the colors are brighter,

In the abyss of the sky I am drowning.

I will part the clouds with my hand -

I see a clearing in front of me:

Chamomiles, lilies of the valley, tulips

I'll take it with me for my dear mother

And I’ll definitely give it to you in the morning!

So I woke up, took the album and paints,

I drew that wonderful bouquet,

Today is International Women's Day!

There is no better gift for my mother!

Abaimova Nastya

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale...

Here is a forest of magical beauty.

Forest in silver... Covered with pine and spruce...

Snowflakes swirl in a winter dance.

But a mighty and beautiful deer runs,

He's scared of the dog...

Runs quickly deep into the forest,

Winding the trail, and taking away beauty from death...

Maslova Tanya

And I dreamed that we were like in a fairy tale

Among the white, white clouds,

But you just have to open my eyes,

How we are again among the houses.

I know we will return there

And let's learn to fly again.

Let's just hold hands

And we will dream again...

There is sun, breeze, valleys,

And underneath you there is vanity.

There are even mountain peaks

Fragile, like the beauty in the world.

Kantorin Dima

One night I had a magical dream - not a dream, but just a fairy tale!

A magical forest appeared in front of me, and next to it was a clearing on which wildflowers were spread out in a multi-colored carpet: Ivan da Marya, St. John's wort, daisies, bells... In the distance I heard the gurgling of a stream. It shimmered from the sun's rays with different heavenly shades. Goldfish splashed in the stream, and wonderful butterflies circled above it. It was a vivid, unforgettable dream!

Pichuzhkin Vanya

And I dreamed that we, like in a fairy tale,

We live in our home country.

There is a dense forest, fields and steppes,

Seas, lakes, mountains, rivers,

There's mom, dad, me, friends -

All this is my homeland.

N.A. Nekrasov. Excerpt from the poem “Sasha”

Task number 3: write a story that talks about the cruelty of people

To nature.

Abaimova Nastya

The forest is standing. Silence.

You can just hear the birds singing merrily. A woodpecker knocks on a tree. Animals: a hare, a squirrel, a fox running merrily through the forest.

Suddenly, in the silence of the forest, the sound of an ax was heard. Frightened birds and animals hid in holes and hollows.

Unkind people came to the forest and disturbed the silence of nature. People cut down the forest with axes and saws.

The cruelty has disturbed the peace of the forest and the natural world.

Tremasova Nastya

We live in a big city. Around us are big houses, streets, cars.

The snow melts, the ground opens up, and bottles, cans, paper and a lot of different garbage appear, which people throw right on the street. They don’t think that water carries all this rubbish into the river, in which children then bathe, from which drinking water is taken, the water on which we live. If every person throws a piece of paper, a bottle, a can on the street, the streets will drown in dirt and turn into a landfill. Trees and bushes will die, birds will fly away, rivers will dry up and turn into dirty ravines.

Maslova Tanya

Some people don't appreciate the beauty of nature. When cutting down forests, they do not think about the fact that animals, birds, and insects live here. They also destroy fresh air. After all, stone houses or factories are usually built on the site of cleared forests. Their waste goes into rivers, which also contain living beings. After the roads are built, cars begin driving here, emitting exhaust gases. By destroying nature, a person makes things worse for himself. For example, in the forests there will be no mushrooms, berries and medicinal herbs useful for humans, and there will be no fish in the rivers. It will be impossible to live in this place. Therefore, we need to protect nature and appreciate its beauty.

Gubanova Varya

One Saturday evening we went to the forest. The weather was great. But in the forest we saw broken bottles, cans, broken bushes... We wanted the beauty of nature not to be destroyed, so we removed all the garbage.

There are people who spoil nature, and there are those who take care of it.

We need to protect nature!

Kazakov Sasha

Man is nature's worst enemy. Everything in nature is created so that there is harmony. And only man sometimes behaves worse than the beast: he cuts down forests, litters water bodies, takes household garbage into the forest, kills wild animals, ruins bird nests.

For the sake of their own profit, people pick and sell flowers that are listed in the Red Book. Ring and seal cubs are killed for their skins. Children break trees and branches, swing on them, and adults pass by indifferently, not thinking that nature can take revenge on humanity.

Kuzmin Tolya

People are obliged to protect nature. There are a lot of poachers who illegally cut down trees. Waste from factories is discharged into rivers and lakes. Due to the carelessness of people, many forests are burned down. Animals die along with forests. They make a lot of places with slot machines in parks. There are a lot of cars on the streets and they pollute the air.

People, take care of nature!

After all, we must take care of her gifts!

Task No. 4: write an essay based on the painting “Rye” by I.I. Shishkin.

Martynets Lisa

I really liked I.I. Shishkin’s painting “Rye”. Looking at her, I admire the beauty of Russian nature.

With gusts of wind, thick, ripe rye sways like a rough sea. Rye is bread, and bread is wealth! In the middle of the field stretches a winding road stretching into the distance.

On both sides of the field there are mighty pine trees, like giants. They, like tired travelers, rest and enjoy the lovely smells of nature.

The sky is light blue in color and the cumulus clouds are about to shed fresh drops of rain.

Surely, if I were there, I would hear the wonderful sounds of Russian nature: the voices of birds, the rustling of trees, a light wind, and of course, the rustling of rye, which is trying to tell about something.

Spirina Julia

The painting by I.I. Shishkin depicts an endless field of rye, beautiful and thick, like a rippling sea. The artist shows the wealth of our Russian land, its beauty and fertility.

The picture shows a road stretching into the distance. Among the fields grow mighty pines, tall as giants. Their branches are spreading, the greenery is dense and dark. The end of summer is near.

The painter also showed the beauty of the sky. It takes up most of the picture. This creates a feeling of spaciousness. Cumulus clouds carrying rain are visible in the sky.

Pichuzhkin Vanya

In the foreground of the picture we see thick and ripe rye. This is a gift from the earth! Its golden color captivates the eye. And the slight swaying resembles the swell of the sea. A winding road is visible in the middle of the field. She goes into the distance towards the mighty trees. These trees look like giants who guard the rye.

In the distance, silvery clouds are visible in the aquamarine sky. It will be raining!

The picture amazes with its beauty and naturalness.

Kamalin Sasha

I see the sky in this picture. Silvery clouds float across it. The trees stand as mighty as giants. Their branches sway with gusts of strong wind.

The entire field is sown with rye. Its ears are ripe and golden. The road winds through the rye all the way to the horizon. Where does it lead?..

I liked this piece of art. After all, it depicts trees, the sky, rye and the road, which have been familiar to me since childhood. I have seen such landscapes more than once in the village with my grandparents. This is a picture of my homeland!

Vrubel Vika

Summer. Hot sunny day. Golden rye sways in the wind and resembles a yellow sea. A wide country road deepens into a sea of ​​rye and drowns in it.

A huge pine tree stands in the middle of a field. She looks like an old grandmother whose whole family came to visit. The pines that stand nearby are her family.

A bright blue sky shines above the yellow sea of ​​rye and beautiful pine trees. Cumulus clouds carrying rain appeared in the distance.

When I look at this picture, I have pleasant memories of the village. There is a similar field nearby. It is beautiful in its own way in every summer month.

Kantorin Dima

I want to talk about I.I. Shishkin’s painting “Rye”. In the foreground of the picture is an endless field of ripe golden rye. The wind sways it and it spills into the sun like a roiling sea.

The field is divided by a wide winding endless road stretching into the distance.

In the middle of a field of rye, pine trees stand like mighty giants. They spread out their thick dark branches, as if they were protecting the field from enemies.

And over the field stretched the azure sky, like a boundless sea.

The picture made an unforgettable impression on me. It is filled with the beauty and purity of its native spaces. I want to be there and breathe in the aromas of ripe rye and mighty pine trees.

Abaimova Nastya

A picture of summer... It emanates warmth, calm and the approach of autumn...

White fluffy clouds float across the blue endless sky. The bright colors of summer make your soul happy.

The golden field of rye stretches wide: spikelet to spikelet... A breeze will blow, the rye field will sway, as if the spikelets are whispering and keeping secrets known only to them.

The mighty crowns of pine trees, as if on guard, rise above the field and protect the peace of the friendly army of spikelets.

The artist lovingly conveys the beauty of his native land through the language of colors.

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Russian poets of the 19th century about the Motherland, about native nature

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873)

It’s not for nothing that winter is angry, its time has passed - Spring is knocking on the window and driving it out of the yard. And everything began to fuss, Everything bores Winter out - And the larks in the sky Already started ringing the bell. Winter is still busy and grumbling about Spring. She laughs in her eyes And only makes more noise... The evil witch went mad And, grabbing the snow, She let it run away into a beautiful child... Spring and grief are not enough: She washed herself in the snow And only became blush In defiance of the enemy.

Spring waters The snow is still white in the fields, And the waters are noisy in the spring - They run and wake up the sleepy shore, They run and shine and shout... They shout to all ends: “Spring is coming, spring is coming! We are the young messengers of Spring, She sent us forward !" Spring is coming, spring is coming, And on the quiet, warm days of May, a rosy, bright round dance crowds cheerfully behind her!..

Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev (1825-1893)

Spring The snow is already melting, streams are flowing, Spring is blowing through the window... The nightingales will soon whistle, And the forest will be dressed in leaves! The blue of the sky is pure, the sun has become warmer and brighter, the time of evil blizzards and storms has passed again for a long time. And my heart is beating so hard in my chest, as if it’s waiting for something, As if happiness is ahead And the winter has taken away my worries! All faces look cheerful. “Spring!” - you read in every glance; And he, like a holiday, is happy about her, Whose life is only hard work and grief. But the sonorous laughter of playful children and the singing of carefree birds tell me who loves renewal more than anyone else in Nature!

Ivan Savvich Nikitin (1824 -1861)

Morning The stars fade and go out. Clouds on fire. White steam spreads across the meadows. Across the mirror-like water, through the curls of willow trees, crimson light spreads from dawn. The sensitive reeds are dozing. Quiet - deserted surroundings. The dewy path is barely noticeable. If you touch a bush with your shoulder, silvery dew will suddenly splash onto your face from the leaves. The breeze picked up, the water wrinkled and rippled. The ducks rushed noisily and disappeared. Far, far away the bell is ringing. The fishermen in the hut woke up, took the nets off the poles, carried oars to the boats... And the east kept burning and burning. The birds are waiting for the sun, the birds are singing songs, And the forest stands there, smiling. So the sun rises, it shines from behind the arable fields, It has left its overnight rest beyond the seas, Golden streams of willows pour into the fields, into the meadows, onto the tops of the willows. A plowman rides with a plow, he rides and sings a song; The young man can handle everything heavy... No pain, my soul! take a break from worries! Hello, sunshine and cheerful morning!