
Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, patriotism for children of preschool and school age, schools, preschool educational institutions: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of the meaning. What are and how to find proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, patriotism for children? Proverbs about the homeland and their meaning

At school or kindergarten, asked to pick up proverbs about the Motherland? Immerse yourself in the world of folklore and find out how the people assessed the significance of the Motherland for a person, why they considered it necessary to foster patriotism from birth.

Proverbs about the Motherland and their meaning

What is the Motherland and what is love for the Motherland, many people learn only when they are far from their fatherland. From an early age, children are told how important it is to be a patriot, how important their native land is for every person and how bad it is to be far from their native steppe, mountains, rivers, parental home.

Love for the Motherland is the most important component of the moral character of a citizen. She is raised from childhood: parents - by their own example and stories about glorious ancestors, educators and teachers - on colorful stories from life and literature.

However, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland will tell the most aptly, concisely and precisely about this feeling and its meaning. They are numerous and relate to various aspects of the manifestation of patriotism: these are moral lessons of perseverance and courage, and faithful service to the Fatherland, and nostalgia for the native land.

It is not difficult to pick up proverbs on the theme "Homeland". The thematic classification will help to deal with their wealth:

Proverbs and sayings about the meaning of the Motherland for a person

The people identify their native land with their mother. This shows that ancestral, historical and spiritual roots are associated with the homeland of a person. Previously, the homeland was called the place where the umbilical cord of a newborn was buried. Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200bnot only spiritual, but also biological man with the place where he was born was entrenched in folk art.

This theme is colorfully illustrated by the following 5 proverbs about the Motherland:

Homeland is a mother to all mothers.
A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.
In the native land a falcon, in a foreign land - a crow.
Even the smoke is sweet on the home side.
The native side is the mother, and the stranger is the stepmother.

Proverbs about love for the Motherland

Homeland is not an abstract concept. For every person, the Motherland is associated with the stepfather's home, relatives, friends, memories of childhood and adolescence, with the memory of glorious ancestors. All this is permeated with love and tender attitude:

Love for the homeland does not burn on fire and does not drown on water.
Only to that honor will be, who loves the Motherland not in words, but in deeds.
Whoever loves the Motherland will not be in debt to him.
It's warmer across the sea, but it's brighter here.
Its land is sweet in a handful.
Foolish is the bird that does not like its nest.

Proverbs about serving the Motherland

Serving the Motherland is not an empty phrase or a duty, but an honor. Men give their duty to the Fatherland, performing military service. In difficult times, everyone who loves and values \u200b\u200btheir native land is ready to defend her:

Not the person who lives for himself, but who goes into battle for the Motherland.
Take care of the dear land, like a beloved mother.
To love your homeland is to serve your homeland faithfully.
The bird is small, and even that one protects its nest.
Love for the Motherland conquers death.
Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully fulfills his duty approximately.
They protect their homeland with their heads.

Proverbs about the Motherland are excellent illustrative material that simply and colorfully explains what patriotism is. The folk wisdom, embodied in these small folklore forms, is used by teachers and parents who strive to raise their children as responsible citizens, faithful sons of the Fatherland.

Proverbs about the homeland in Kazakh with translation into Russian

A reverent attitude to the native land is a distinctive feature of the Kazakh people. The rich folklore expressed the tender and careful feeling of the Kazakhs to the vastness of the fatherland. In songs, poems, legends, the sincere love of this people for endless steppes, high mountains, blue skies and springs was embodied.

Since childhood, Kazakhstanis have been taught to love the Motherland. Lullabies, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings are permeated with these messages. Wise fathers and grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers tell how important it is to remember your origins, to know your family and its glorious chronicle, to be proud of the achievements of your fellow tribesmen, if necessary, to protect your native land from the encroachments of foreigners.

Kazakh proverbs about the Motherland and their meaning convey these educational lessons of the people. They have a special imagery, metaphor, which makes their meaning deep in content and colorful and expressive in terms of form:

Proverbs about the Motherland

The essence of the special attitude of Kazakhs to the Motherland is conveyed by the following 10 proverbs and sayings:

Tugan poles zher bolmas, Tugan elday ate bolmas.

Transfer: There is no land better than the Motherland, there are no people better than the Motherland.

Otandy sui - from basynan bastalada.

Transfer: Love for the Motherland arises from the family hearth.

Gүl өz zherinde ғana - gүl, adam өz otanynda ғana - adam.

Transfer: A flower only in its own clearing is a flower, a person only at home is a person.

Otanyңnyң әr aғashy kүlimdep turady.

Transfer: In its homeland, every tree smiles.

Otan ottan da ystyқ.

Transfer: Homeland is warm - the fire is hotter.

El ishi - altyn besik.

Transfer: The native land is a golden cradle.

Polen zherde altyn bar, өz zherіdey ayda bar.

Transfer: Somewhere, they say, gold is in bulk, but the Motherland is better without gold for nothing.

Er tugan zherine, it toygan zherine.

Transfer: The man is drawn to where he was born, the dog is drawn to where he ate.

Tamyrsyz zhusan da speidі.

Transfer: Wormwood does not grow without root and wormwood.

Деyde oңbaғan, Tүzde de oңbaidy.


Proverbs about love for the Fatherland

The people of Kazakhstan believe that a person who is far from their homeland loses the meaning of life. Detachment from your native root promises troubles and misfortunes, because only in your own home you get protection and support. The proverbs are filled with this meaning:

Otansiz adam - ormansiz bұlbl.

Transfer: A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a forest.

Tugan zherdin adirin ette zhursek billersin.

Transfer: Once in a foreign land, you will understand how dear the Motherland is.

Үyde oңbaғan, tүzde de oңbaidy.

Transfer: If you have not found happiness at home, you will not find it in a foreign land.

Elinen bezgen er bolmas, kulinen bezgen Kaz bolmas.

Transfer: There is no good for the goose that has left the native lake; there will be no happiness for the dzhigit who left his native land.

Erinen ayyrylgan kumkenshe zhylaidy, elinen ayyrylgan ulgenshe zhylaidy.

Transfer: They mourn the loss of a spouse to the grave, mourn the loss of the Motherland until their death.

Proverbs about the Motherland and its defenders

The proverbs about the Motherland and its defenders carry a special educational message. The history of Kazakhstan is full of examples of the heroism of the batyrs and ordinary Kazakhs who defended their native lands from the invaders. Courage and honor are the main qualities of a soldier and a citizen. The following Kazakh proverbs tell about this:

Құrtaқandai torғai yes, өz ұyasyn korғaidy.

Transfer: The little sparrow also protects its nest.


Otan үshin kures - erge tigen үles.

Transfer: Dzhigita's share - to stand for the Motherland.

Oraғyk tkir bolsa, Қaryk talmays. Otanyk berik bolsa, Zhauyk almaidy.

Transfer: If the sickle is sharp, you will not be without bread; if the Motherland is strong, you will be with the enemy.

Otanғa fearsdyқ etkenin, өз түбіңе өзің жеткенің.

Transfer: To betray your homeland - to bury yourself alive.

Love for the Motherland is an important component of the morality of a modern person. In the context of globalization, it is important not to lose national identity, understanding and knowledge of whose son you are, what nation, what glorious ancestors are behind your back.

Patriotism must be nurtured daily and persistently. This is the guarantee of the country's future. Look to the treasury of folk wisdom for vivid examples - use beautiful national sayings and proverbs to instill in children love for the Motherland.

Rodina is a golden cradle. (Crimean Tatar)

Chuzhbina - viburnum, homeland - raspberries. (Russian)

The homeland is protected by the mind. (Abkhazian)

Homeland is sweet to everyone. (Udmurt)

The best place is the Motherland. (lak)

Why far? - and it's good here. (Russian)

My homeland is my own mother. (komi)

The alien side is dense forest. (Russian)

The way home is the shortest. (Abkhazian)

There is no need to be far away, and it is good here. (Russian)

In the native land - as in paradise. (Mordovian)

And the dog knows his side. (Russian)

Everyone is drawn to their native camp. (Evenk)

The stranger does not live a full life. (Hindi)

Everyone has their own side. (Russian)

Paris is good, and Kurmysh lives. (Russian)

Those who have no homeland have no God. (Abkhazian)

Praise the overseas, but stay at home! (Russian)

Homeland is a berry, foreign land is a bloody tear. (Estonian)

It does not carry its burden; does not eat his eyes. (Russian)

From the native side and the dog is cute. (Russian)

The fence blooms in its own country. (Lithuanian)

Where the pine has grown, there it is red. (Russian)

There is nothing like leather. (Russian)

Travel the whole world, but come home. (Adyghe)

A man without a homeland is like a land without a seed. (amharic)

The native side is the mother, the stranger is the stepmother. (Russian)

A brave fellow for the homeland is born. (Nogai)

And the burnt home is better than paradise. (Azerbaijani)

Without a beloved homeland, the sun does not warm. (Shor)

On the home side and the pebble is familiar. (Russian)

Homeland is dearer than any country. (Bashkir)

It's warm across the sea, and warmer at home. (Karelian)

What is born where, then there is good. (Russian)

Everywhere is good, but at home it is better. (gagauz)

The bird does not forget its native nest. (Evenk)

There is no shame in returning home. (Tatar)

The smoke of the homeland is better than the fire in a foreign land. (greek)

There are no relatives, but my heart aches on the dear side. (Russian)

A person who has lost his homeland is a bird without wings. (Abkhazian)

Those who return to their homeland are innocent. (Abkhazian)

Where a fool's family is, here he has his own land. (Russian)

Even the smoke over the hearth is sweet. (Turkmen)

Even a handful of native land is great wealth. (Abkhazian)

The best friend is the mother, the best sister is the homeland. (Azerbaijani)

It is better to be a sole in your aul than a sultan in a foreign land. (Kumyk)

There are no mountains without a valley, there is no man without a homeland. (Kazakh)

Overseas fun, but someone else's; and we have grief - yes, our own. (Russian)

Even if paradise is in a foreign land, do not leave your native land. (Kyrgyz)

Love for the homeland is the highest dignity of a person. (Georgian)

One winter at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land. (Azerbaijani)

Half at home is better than the whole in a foreign land. (Hindi)

Those who betrayed their homeland are rejected by the people, and the devil respects. (Abkhazian)

Those who have no homeland have no bed, those who have no bread have no food. (Bashkir)

A nail will save a horseshoe, a horseshoe will save a horse, a horse will save a brave man, a brave man will save his homeland. (Tatar)

The land where you fed is good, but it is no better than the one where you were born. (Balkar)

In a native land, it is better to be ashes than to be a padishah in a foreign land. (Turkmen)

You will get the lost gold by labor, you will get the lost homeland by blood. (Chuvash)

If you lose your beloved friend, it will be remembered for seven years, if you leave your homeland, you will remember it until death. (Kalmyk)

Rather than being a ruler in a distant land, it is better to endure grief in the fatherland. (Uzbek)

Once upon a time there was a fine fellow: in his village he did not see fun; he went out into a foreign land - he cried. (Russian)

Your home is small, but yours; the palace is great, but a stranger. (Uzbek)

The homeland of the horses is where they fed; The homeland of people is where they were born. (Turkmen)

Folk wisdom, embodied in proverbs and sayings, is still alive today. There are many wise thoughts: about love, loyalty, friendship. About love for the people and family, for mother and homeland. Often proverbs and sayings contain advice, suggest how to act in a particular life situation. Said on time, they help to express the whole idea in one sentence.

Today we offer proverbs and sayings about love, friendship and loyalty, about love for people, mothers, relatives, for nature and animals.

Love has no age
(A. Pushkin)

Table of Contents [Show]

Proverbs and sayings about love

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
With love there is space everywhere, with evil everywhere tightness.
You cannot hide love, fire and cough from people.
Even if you don't love love, look more often.
Where there is love and consent, there the yard is red.
Less often you see - you love more.
Old love is remembered.
Love is not a potato - you cannot throw (you cannot throw) out the window.
He who loves whom, he obeys.
If you get angry, you will stop, but you will start to love and you will not find the end.
Love is a ring and there is no end in a ring.
The mind is enlightened by the truth, the heart is warmed by love.
You will make yourself afraid, but you will not be forced to love.
You cannot hide love in your heart.
Love is good mutual.
Love is not a fire, but it will ignite - you cannot extinguish it.
The sweetest of all is who loves whom.
One heart suffers and the other does not know.
Where it is sweet, there are eyes, where it hurts, there is a hand.
Your gift is not dear to me, your love is dear.
Only those who are crazy can love madly.
He who is not loved is not listened to.
To whom the heart lies, there the eye runs.
Love begins with the eyes.
I don't like to love, but I can't get rid of it.
In love, women know everything that they did not teach.
Love me, so love my dog.
Do you like to swear, be able to make peace.
Lovely ones scold - only amuse themselves.
Love - don't love, but look more often.
Satan will love instead of the clear falcon.
With a lovely paradise and in a hut.
For a dear friend and an earring from the ear.
If I want - I will love, if I want - I will stop loving.
One soul suffers, the other knows nothing.
Tolerate - fall in love.
Love alone will not be enough.
You can't be cute.
Those who did not love were not young.
Nothing warms the blood like love.
The heart is not a stone.
There was love without joy, separation will be without sorrow.
Money can't buy love.
Love cannot be locked.
Love is not measured by miles.
For those who love, spring is also in December.
There are no barriers to love.
And fear does not go to the lover.
Every love has a beginning.
He who loves whom, that and doves.
You can't buy love with gold.
Love me as I am, and everyone will love the good.
Love makes the clever mad, the meek violent, and the indomitable peaceful.
Love is blind.
A bachelor's love, like spring ice.
Love, though torment, is boredom without it.
Love is like a mirror: if you break it, you cannot glue it together.
You cannot live without love, like without the sun.
Great love is not quickly forgotten.
Fell in love like a mouse fell into the box.
For lovers, the night is always short.
Where there is no love, there is no fun.
A girl without love is like a flower without the sun.
Money is a profitable business, there is nothing to grieve about, but love is another matter: you need to value it.
For a lover, even a hundred versts is not a distance.
There is no limit to true love.
Women's love is like the morning dew: the breeze smelled - and it is gone.
It is better to suffer and love than not to live in the world.
There is no law for love.
Not to love is grief, but to fall in love is twice.
With your beloved to kiss that honey to revel in.
They don't joke with love.
Although I chew, I love it.
Another love is like snow: it soon melts and turns into mud.

To be faithful is a virtue, to be faithful is an honor.
Maria von Ebner Eschenbach

Love knows no revenge, and friendship is flattery

Proverbs and sayings about love, friendship and loyalty

Love knows no revenge, and friendship is flattery.
Mountains collapse from an earthquake, love and friendship collapse from a word
A faithful friend loves to death.
True love neither burns in fire, nor drowns in water.
To reveal the secret - to destroy loyalty.
A noble heart cannot be wrong.
He who has never sworn an oath of fidelity will never break it.
Love is strong.
Love and love, so it will be a friend.
For a dear friend, do not seek leisure.
Would be a friend: there is even an hour.
When love and passion become friends, they sacrifice both heart and soul.
A friend is not a mushroom: you cannot choose with your heart, you cannot find with your eyes.
A heart friend will not be born suddenly.
It is bad without a friend who is lost, but also bad with a friend who is not faithful.
Without a friend, a blizzard in the heart.
With a dear friend and grief in half.
Friendship is as rare as love.
Friendship and love are always equal.
A woman cannot be friends, she can only love.

Time with the people we love is the best gift.
Tony Stark "Iron Man"

Love at home what you want, and in people - what they give

Proverbs and sayings about love for mom, parents, relatives, people

There is no such friend as my dear mother.
There is no friend more tender than a mother.
It is warm under the sun, but good under the mother.
Take care of your mother while she walks on the ground, and when she falls into the ground, then it's too late.
A mother's heart warms better than the sun.
It is better not to have a heart than not to have love for the people in it.
He who loves himself too much is not loved too much by others.
Love at home what you want, and in people - what they give.
Love yours, remember strangers.
Brotherly love is better than stone walls.
To understand parental love, you need to raise your own children.
In the family, love and advice, and there is no need.
That is the power for a wife to love her husband.
The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.
I love my children, but my grandchildren are nicer.
A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.
There is the most beautiful creature in the world to whom we are always in debt - this is the mother.
Feel sorry for your mother and father, you will not find others.

When visiting nature, do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do while visiting.
Armand David Lvovich (Russian geographer)

Whoever cherishes the earth, the earth also pity

Proverbs and sayings about love for animals, for nature

I love Serk for the custom: grunts and lucky.
I love Serk for his custom: even though he’s not lucky, he laughs.
Do not whip the horse, but drive him with oats.
Don't buy a whip for a horse, but oats.
Do not rush the ride, rush the food.
As you feed and drink, you will.
Feed the cow more satisfying, the milk will be fatter.
If you feed it well, a bad horse will be a horse. (Kirg.)
He who feeds a hungry animal feeds his own soul.
Take care of the cattle, you will have income.
Respect the land, it gives a crop.
Without a master, the land is a complete orphan.
The earth loves affection.
Then water the earth, protect the earth with your chest.
Mother earth is your nurse.
Whoever cherishes the earth, the earth also pity.
Without time to destroy the forest - there will be nothing to cut down a hut.
A lot of forest - do not destroy, a little forest - take care, no forest - plant.
Feed the birds in winter, they will repay you with a good summer.
Groves and forests - the whole region is beautiful.
The green fence is a living joy.

Good news to us about our side.
Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin

There is nothing in the world more beautiful than our homeland

Proverbs and sayings about love for the Motherland

Everyone loves their native side.
Motherland cannot be replaced by anything.
Motherland, know how to protect it.
Beloved homeland - dear mother.
Homeland is a mother to all mothers.
Its land is sweet in a handful.
Everyone has their own side.
Each region is sweet.

The native land is heaven for the heart.

Native land is a cradle, someone else's is a leaky trough.
The native land is better than the foreign land, full of silver and gold.

Read on our website other articles with proverbs and sayings:

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Watch this video with proverbs and sayings about love.

Russian folk proverbs very subtly emphasize the various nuances of life and aspirations of the Russian people. In this case, we bring to your attention proverbs and sayings about the homeland.

  1. Wormwood does not grow without root and wormwood.
  2. Without love for a person, there is no love for the Motherland.
  3. Take care of your beloved land, like a mother, dear.
  4. Take care of your Motherland like the apple of your eye.
  5. Fight is a sacred thing, go to the enemy boldly.
  6. Be not only the son of your father - be also the son of your people.
  7. In the battle for the homeland and death is red.
  8. In their home and walls help.
  9. In a strange place - in the forest.
  10. Great is the land of the Holy Russia, and everywhere the sun is.
  11. He sees Moscow with a fascist eye, but the tooth doesn’t.
  12. The enemy wanted to feast, but he had to grieve.
  13. Every bird loves its nest.
  14. Everyone has their own side.
  15. Where to live, and to be known.
  16. Where someone is born will come in handy.
  17. Where the timid Semyon is, the enemy is strong.
  18. Where the pine has grown, there it is red.
  19. Hero - mountain for the Motherland.
  20. The main thing in life is to serve the fatherland.
  21. Stupid is the bird that does not like its nest.
  22. Homeland is heaven, foreign land is hell.
  23. For the Soviet soldier, the border is sacred.
  24. To Moscow by tanks, and from Moscow by sledges.
  25. Houses and walls help.
  26. The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.
  27. If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
  28. If the people are one, they are invincible.
  29. If he is tailored in Russian, and there is one soldier in the field.
  30. You live on the side, and your village is all on your mind.
  31. To live - to serve the Motherland.
  32. Overseas fun, but someone else's, but we have grief, but our own.
  33. It's not scary to die for Mother Moscow.
  34. Why is it far and good here.
  35. The Russian land is all under God.
  36. Knows the whole world - there are no stronger Russians.
  37. And wormwood grows on its root.
  38. And a speck of dust of the native land is gold.
  39. And the dog knows his side.
  40. Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.
  41. To us with guns, and from us with clubs.
  42. Love for the Motherland is born at the hearth of the family.
  43. Each region is sweet.
  44. What the regiment is, so is the point about it.
  45. The hand of the Soviet sailor is strong.
  46. Those who have not been to Moscow have never seen beauty.
  47. Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a hero.
  48. Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.
  49. Whoever fights for the Motherland is given double strength.
  50. Whoever competed with Russia did not remain on the right.
  51. The one who is brave and staunch is worth ten.
  52. Those who serve honestly are friends with those.
  53. Wherever the raspberry lured, but the native village led back.
  54. Either the chest is in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.
  55. Better death in the field than shame in captivity.
  56. If you love your wife, love her homeland too.
  57. Moscow is a decoration for the Motherland, fear for enemies.
  58. Moscow is the mother of all cities.
  59. Death is red in the world.
  60. On the home side and the pebble is familiar.
  61. In Russia, not all crucians - there are ruffs.
  62. In a foreign land, and a roll is not a joy, but at home and black bread is a sweetness.
  63. Spring is not red on the wrong side.
  64. On someone else's side I'm glad my funnel.
  65. Enemies ran into Russian bayonets.
  66. Friendship and brotherhood of the people are dearer than any wealth.
  67. The brotherhood of the people is dearer than any wealth.
  68. The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.
  69. Our strength is the family is one.
  70. They fight not by force, but by skill.
  71. There is none in the world more beautiful than our Motherland.
  72. If there is no defense, the crows will bite.
  73. There is no son without a homeland.
  74. Novgorod is the father, Kiev is the mother, Moscow is the heart, Petersburg is the head.
  75. About that the cuckoo also cuckoo that there is no nest.
  76. A man has one mother, one and his homeland.
  77. A bad soldier who does not dream of becoming a general.
  78. After parting with a friend, they cry for seven years, parting with their homeland - all their life.
  79. Homeland is a mother to all mothers.
  80. Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
  81. Homeland is a mother, a foreign land is a stepmother.
  82. Homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more expensive than gold.
  83. Beloved homeland - mother, dear.
  84. You will not find your homeland, like your parents, in a foreign land.
  85. Learn to defend your motherland.
  86. The native village is dear to everyone.
  87. Native land and dreams in a dream.
  88. Native land is sweet in a handful.
  89. The native side is the mother, the stranger is the stepmother.
  90. The native land is heaven for the heart.
  91. There are no relatives, but my heart aches on the dear side.
  92. The Russians slowly harness, but then quickly jump.
  93. The Russian fighter is a model for everyone.
  94. Russian is proud in words, firm in deeds.
  95. The Russian is not joking with a sword or a roll.
  96. The Russian soldier knows no obstacles.
  97. Holy Russia, Orthodox, heroic, mother of the Holy Russian land.
  98. Die from your native land, but do not leave.
  99. Your milk to your child, your life to your Motherland.
  100. Its land is sweet in a handful.
  101. It doesn’t carry its burden, it doesn’t eat its smoke.
  102. His own side strokes the fur, another's against it.
  103. Its own country is warm, and another's is cold.
  104. The strength of the people is stronger than the icebreaker on the river
  105. Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.
  106. The glory of the Russian bayonet will never fade.
  107. Boldly go into battle, the Motherland is behind you.
  108. The sons of Russian mothers are famous for the prowess of heroes.
  109. The land is sweet where the mother gave birth.
  110. Only to that honor will be, who loves the homeland not in word, but in deed.
  111. The people have one home - the Motherland.
  112. The Nazis' overcoats are not for the Russian blizzard.
  113. The fascist goes noisily, the Russian takes it with a quick glance.
  114. The thin bird that stains its nest.
  115. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
  116. Take care of the honor of a soldier holy.
  117. What is great for a Russian is death for a German.
  118. The alien side is the stepmother.
  119. Chuzhbina - viburnum, homeland - raspberries.
  120. We do not want someone else's land, but we will not give up ours either.

This is not a complete list of proverbs and sayings about love for the Motherland. In this area, Russian folk art is very diverse and almost endless.

Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Take care of the dear land, like a beloved mother.

Beloved homeland - dear mother.

To love your homeland is to serve your homeland faithfully.

Love for the Motherland is stronger than death.

Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.

Homeland is a mother to all mothers.

Stand boldly for a just cause!

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

Whoever loves the Motherland will not be in debt to him.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.

Our homeland is more beautiful than the sun.

It's warmer across the sea, but it's brighter here.

Everyone has their own side.

Know how to defend your motherland.

One mother is dear and one Motherland.

The Motherland is dear to our people.

Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully fulfills his duty approximately.

There is nothing in the world more beautiful than our Motherland.

The native bush is dear to the hare.

Its land is sweet in a handful.

It's not scary to die for the Motherland.

Foolish is the bird that does not like its nest.

We do not want someone else's land, but we will not give up ours.

We do not live hard, we serve our Motherland.

The reward from the Motherland is a joy to the heart.

On the foreign side, the Motherland is twice a mile.

Love for the Motherland conquers death.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

For the Motherland, for the honor - even to take off your head.

The native side is the mother, and the stranger is the stepmother.

To whom the Far East, but to us dear.

The native side is the mother, and the stranger is the stepmother. parents

What is at home is the same on the Don.

The bird is small, and even that one protects its nest.

On the native side, the heart sings.

A person has one own mother, one is his homeland.

Whoever steps on Russian land will stumble.

Russia has never worn a yoke.

Pigeon Maxim

Project work on literature "Collection" Proverbs about the Motherland of different peoples of the world "



Pigeon Maxim


Proverbs about the homeland





From the history of proverbs

A proverb is a short wise saying that has an instructive meaning.

A proverb can be defined as a short popular phrase, usually of ancient origin, that effectively expresses some common truth or useful thought.

As Miguel de Cervantes said about proverbs, this is "a short statement based on long experience."

Since ancient times, man has cared not only about food and housing, he has sought to understand the world around him, compared various phenomena, created new things in nature and in his imagination. The fruits of centuries-old observations and thoughts of the people, their dreams and hopes were embodied in songs, fairy tales, legends, proverbs, sayings, riddles. This is how the people created their art, their poetry.

For all peoples, proverbs were created mainly in the peasant environment. They arose as general judgments, conclusions from directobservations of the life, work and life of the people, the social and historical experience of their ancestors. What was not in the history of the people, is not reflected in its proverbs.

There are two main forms of proverbs: allegory and direct utterance (The apple does not fall far from the apple tree - inos., And Though there is nothing, but it is direct to live happily)

Often, the figurativeness of proverbs is created through metaphors, metonymy, synecdoches. Nightingales whistle in the pocket (metaphor) very often images of animals appear in proverbs, as a designation of people, for this metaphors are needed. Proverbs use comparisons (Someone else's soul - that dark forest) personifications (Hops makes noise - the mind is silent) hyperbole. By composition, proverbs can be single-term, two-term and polynomial. (two-part: Bread and water - peasant food) The proverb is rhythmic. Rhyme is often involved. Individual words are rhymed, and sometimes parts of a proverb (It's far to the tavern, but it's easy to walk.)

The proverb reflects the emotional and intonational richness of colloquial speech. Diverse in form of expression (monologue, indirect speech, dialogue)

Proverb with a common allegoricalmeaning, remaining practical wisdom and invading the most diverse areas of human life, form a huge layer of creativity, and their very imagery is a high example of capturing human feelings, thoughts, reflections in capacious verbal formulas, impeccablefor the clarity of the structure, remarkable for pictorialstrength, rhythmic euphony.

The subject of proverbs is varied. For example, about a Person, about character, about actions, about Life, about health, about youth, about stupidity, about the Motherland, about love, etc. etc.

This collection presents the proverbs of the peoples of the world about the Motherland, since the wisdom they contain fosters in our children a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Proverbs are examples of folk eloquence, a source of wisdom, knowledge about life, folk ideas and ideals, moral principles.

Russian proverbs about the Motherland.

The native land is heaven for the heart.

The people have one home - the Motherland.

There is no son without a homeland.

Homeland is a mother to all mothers.

Homeland is a mother, a foreign land is a stepmother.

Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.

Everyone has their own side.

In their home and walls help.

Houses and walls help.

It's warmer across the sea, but it's brighter here.

And a speck of dust of the native land is gold.

Stupid is the bird that does not like its nest.

The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.

English proverbs about the Motherland.

A bad bird is that that stains its own nest.

Birds live peacefully in their nests.

Every bird loves its nest.

Every dog \u200b\u200bin his house is a lion.

My home is my castle.

Dry rind at home is better than grilled meat abroad.

The more you wander, the more desirable your home is.

Nowhere is there a place like home.

The Englishman's house is his fortress; the Englishman is the master at home.

Whether it's east or west, but home is better.

Ukrainian proverbs about the Motherland.

It is dumb in the light of another Ukraine, dumb in another Dnipro.

Ukraine to one person to the borders of yogh lans, and to the other they see koliski to the grave of the midst of evil.

Our glory is the Ukrainian state.

On the stranger's side Vichizna udvіchі milіsha.

Everywhere in the world it is good, but at home it is nicer.

Lyudin without Vіtchizni like a nightingale without a song.

The people have one home - the Motherland.

There is no son without a Fatherland.

Homeland is a mother to all mothers.

Be not only the son of your father - be also the son of your people.

Your milk to your child, your life to your Motherland.

In a foreign land and sweet in mustard, and in the homeland and hell for a lollipop.

Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

For the Motherland, for the honor - even to take off your head.

It's not scary to die for the Motherland.

Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.

We do not live hard, we serve our Motherland.

Belarusian proverbs

The native land is heaven for the heart.

There is none in the world more beautiful than our Motherland.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

A man has one mother, one and his homeland.

The people have one home - the Motherland.

There is no son without a homeland.

Homeland is a mother to all mothers.

Be not only the son of your father - be also the son of your people.

Your milk to your child, your life to your Motherland.

Native land is sweet in a handful.

Hto radzime zdradzhvae, tym people pagardzhae.

Koznamu my little bit of sweetness.

At the svaym edge, yak at paradise.

Daragaya a hut, the uterus moved to meane.

Mila to kutok, dze rezany navel.

Dze matsi naradzila, there is i radzima.

Azerbaijani proverbs about the Motherland

He who does not love his people will not love someone else's.

A nail will save a horseshoe, a horseshoe will save a horse, a horse will save a brave man, a brave man will save his homeland.

Those who have not been to a foreign land did not know the price of their homeland.

The best friend is the mother, the best country is the motherland.

Better than a rose in a foreign land, a thorn in the homeland.

Armenian proverbs about the Motherland

With the people and a black day holiday.

In what people you live, follow the custom.

Only when you lose your home will you appreciate it.

Dagestan proverbs about the Motherland

He knows his land and herd.

The bull is strong on its own land.

Ossetian proverbs about the Motherland

Those who do not live in their homeland do not know the taste of life.

If you are not at home, will you become your own among strangers?

When the people are united, they will move mountains.

The native land is dearer to the person than the sacred land of Egypt.

Mongolian proverbs about the Motherland

Take care of your family's honor; in a foreign land - the honor of the homeland.

The land of the native side is dearer than the gold of the foreign land.

In the native land and the canvas is soft, in an unfamiliar side and silk is rougher than the canvas.

Tatar proverbs about the Motherland

No matter how sweet it is to live in a foreign land, it is always drawn to the native side.

Even the smoke is sweet on the home side.

Tajik proverbs about the Motherland

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a garden.

Your home is good, your home is nice.

What a blessing someone else's house: neither you sorrow about water, nor you sorrow about wood.

Turkmen proverbs about the Motherland

You can leave home, but not your homeland.

It is better to lose your life than to give up your homeland.

I have not been in a foreign land - not to fully appreciate my country.

Uzbek proverbs about the Motherland

The nightingale loves a flower garden, a man loves his homeland.

It is better to be a shepherd in your homeland than a sultan in a foreign land.

Than to be a man without a homeland, it is better to be a dead man without a shroud.

Having lost the land, tears are shedding seven years, those who have lost their homeland - there is no consolation.

Whose country is abundant, he himself is rich.


Proverbs is an irreplaceable thing in everyday spoken language. Proverbs add brightness and imagery to our speech, decorate it and make it emotional.

Proverbs help to develop speech and memory, thinking and logic, instill diligence and mutual assistance, friendliness and accuracy.

Regular use of proverbs teaches you to understand folk wisdom, draw logical conclusions, understand the world around you, various phenomena and events.

Having become acquainted with the proverbs of different peoples of the world about the Motherland, one can come to the conclusion that for all people, regardless of their place of residence, the image of the Motherland is always associated with such concepts as home, family, love, devotion and courage. The attitude to the native land determines the honor and dignity of any person. Proverbs about the Motherland speak of the people's strong love for it. “They don’t choose their homeland, starting to see and breathe. The motherland in the world is adamantly received, like a father and mother. " These words assert that the Motherland is the main thing for a person.


  • Sbornik-poslovits-shershneva / pptx ( )
  • IN AND. Dal "Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People". Moscow. 2009
  • "1000 Russian proverbs and sayings." Ed. dox –m. into.
  • "Proverbs and sayings." Ed. "Kid".
  • Snegiryov "Russian proverbs and parables." Ed.
  • A large dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings. 1987
  • Nikolay Bogdanov "Good Proverbs". Ed. "Children's literature".
  • The wisest proverbs. Ed. Phoenix.
  • O. Shamba (compiler). Proverbs of the mountain peoples of the Caucasus. Sukhum, Abkhaz State University, Public Science Foundation of Abkhazia, 2002

We have tried to collect proverbs for children about the Motherland and foreign land. Proverbs here tell us about the importance of the home side for a person, about the importance and need to protect and value their homeland, about how hard it is for a person in a foreign land.

Motherland - a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Whoever was born where was useful there.
Die from your native land, do not leave.
The alien side is a dense forest.
The foreign side dries without wind, shivers without winter.
The alien side will add intelligence.
The alien is viburnum, and the homeland is raspberry.
The native bush is dear to the hare.
There are no relatives, but my heart aches on the home side.
A stupid bird that does not like its own nest.
Where he was born - there he fit.
Where the pine has grown, there it is red.
Without a root and wormwood will not grow.
At home and walls to help.
The native side is the mother, and the stranger is the stepmother.
The other side will teach the griever - and will torture and learn.
Our town is a corner of Moscow.
Its own volyushka is idle.
Its will is great space.
Your will is the most precious thing.
Its land is sweet in a handful.
In a foreign land, and the dog yearns.
On the foreign side, the native land is in a dream.
On the wrong side and the bones cry at home.
To serve the people is not to catch crows.
There is nothing like leather.
At home everything is sportive, but living outside is worse.
In a strange place like in a forest.
Look for happiness on the side, and love the house in the old way.

We have collected for you proverbs and sayings of different peoples and nationalities from Russian, Ukrainian to Japanese. More than 400 proverbs about the Motherland. Proverbs about patriotism. Educate your children with these proverbs. Remember that a person who does not love his homeland will never love his relatives and friends.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Praise the overseas, but stay at home.

There is nothing in the world more beautiful than our homeland.

Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.

And the bones cry in their homeland.

The sadness of someone else's joy is dearer.

Foolish is that bird, which does not like its nest.

Sweet is the side where the navel is cut.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

The native side is the mother, the stranger is the stepmother.

In a foreign land and the dog yearns.

Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.

The foreigner does not believe in tears.

Everything in a foreign land is a gift from God.

The alien side is the stepmother.

The stranger is not stroking the wool.

Once upon a time there was a fine fellow; I did not see any fun in my village, I went out into a foreign land and wept.

She praises the other side, but she herself does not.

Everyone has their own side.

And the horse breaks to his side, and the dog bites off and leaves.

And the sandpiper knows the other side.

And the crane is looking for warmth.

And the dog knows his side.

And bread misses its side.

Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.

On the home side and the pebble is familiar.

On the wrong side, and the child is a thief.

On the wrong side, the falcon is called a crow.

On the wrong side and the old lady is God's gift.

On the wrong side like a blade of grass in the field.

On the other side you will bow to the harrow.

On the wrong side, the dogs will shed for three years and people will cry for three years.

A stranger will teach the griever.

One matchmaker praises the other side, while she sits at home.

There are no relatives, but my heart aches on the dear side.

His own side strokes the fur, another's against it.

Its side and the dog is pretty.

The alien side is a thief.

The alien side will add intelligence.

In whatever people you come, you will put on such a hat.

In what people you live, follow the custom.

About that the cuckoo also cuckoo that there is no nest.

The thin bird that stains its nest.

To visit someone else's house - to see a rotten log in your own.

Lonely - where there is bread, there is a corner.

Lonely home everywhere.

You should sit at home and sharpen the spindle.

A good city with houses, but bad with heads.

What is at home is the same on the Don.

Moscow is good, but not at home.

Don, Don, and preferably a house.

No one is a prophet in his own land.

Where a fool's family is, here he has his own land.

Woe in a foreign land to the tongueless.

From your native land - die, do not go!

Its land is sweet in a handful.

Your land - your ashes.

The falcon does not sit in one place, but where it sees a bird, it flies there.

In a strange place in the forest.

In one place, and the stone is overgrown with moss.

In a foreign land and sweet in mustard, and in the homeland and hell for a lollipop.

Chuzhbina - viburnum, Motherland - raspberries.

Take care of the dear land, like a beloved mother.

Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully fulfills his duty approximately.

Wormwood does not grow without a root.

Better to lay down bones in your homeland than to get glory in a foreign land.

In a foreign land and the sun does not warm.

From the native side, and the crow is sweet.

Everyone has their own side.

Spring is not red on the wrong side.

On the wrong side and the beetle meat.

What the people are, such are the orders.

In their home and corners help.

Bread will not give birth on bad soil.

On good land, whatever you sow will be ugly.

A bad bird is that that stains its own nest.

Birds live peacefully in their nests.

Every bird loves its nest.

Every dog \u200b\u200bin his house is a lion.

My home is my castle.

Dry rind at home is better than grilled meat abroad.

The more you wander, the more desirable your home is.

Nowhere is there a place like home.

In his house - a king by a king.

What the people say is true.

He who does not love his people will not love someone else's.

A nail will save a horseshoe, a horseshoe will save a horse, a horse will save a brave man, a brave man will save his homeland.

Those who have not been to a foreign land did not know the price of their homeland.

The best friend is the mother, the best country is the motherland.

Better than a rose in a foreign land, a thorn in the homeland.

The most precious thing for a person in a foreign land is his homeland.

Life in a foreign land will teach itself.

The heart of a panducht (a wanderer who went in search of work) is always turned to his homeland.

With the people and a black day holiday.

In what people you live, follow the custom.

Only when you lose your home will you appreciate it.

The whole world is home to the clever.

Everyone thinks their homeland is Kashmir.

In a foreign land, they value their homeland even more.

Better cake in your home than pilaf in someone else's.

In a foreign land, the native side is more precious than wealth.

In his own country - a venerable old man, and in a foreign land - that the last dog.

He knows his land and herd.

The bull is strong on its own land.

The wolf eats the horse separated from the herd; departed from the people, the devil gets.

Neither here nor here is the house equal to the house: there they give with a spoon, here - with a ladle.

Stone rain in the native land is better than golden rain in a foreign land.

It is better to be ashes in your native valley than to be a padishah in a foreign land.

A man far from his native place is cheap, and a thing is expensive.

A man without a homeland is worse than a homeless dog.

When the people are united, they are invincible.

From native places and the crow is pleasant.

Take care of your family's honor; in a foreign land - the honor of the homeland.

The land of the native side is dearer than the gold of the foreign land.

In the native land and the canvas is soft, in an unfamiliar side and silk is rougher than the canvas.

In truth - strength, in the people - good.

One person cannot be called a people; one brand cannot be called a fire.

The hardest thing is to win the hearts of the people.

Clouds will gather - it will rain; the people will gather - that will be the power.

Whether it's east or west, but home is better.

Those who do not live in their homeland do not know the taste of life.

If you are not at home, will you become your own among strangers?

When the people are united, they will move mountains.

The native land is dearer to the person than the sacred land of Egypt.

The one who has been in a foreign land becomes kinder.

Those who have visited a foreign land have become amiable.

No matter how sweet it is to live in a foreign land, it is always drawn to the native side.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a garden.

Your home is good, your home is nice.

What a blessing someone else's house: neither you sorrow about water, nor you sorrow about wood.

Living in a foreign land is torment.

A person who has not experienced a foreign land does not know the value of a person.

You can leave home, but not your homeland.

It is better to lose your life than to give up your homeland.

I have not been in a foreign land - not to fully appreciate my country.

The khan is powerless before the people.

The nightingale loves a flower garden, a man loves his homeland.

It is better to be a shepherd in your homeland than a sultan in a foreign land.

Than to be a man without a homeland, it is better to be a dead man without a shroud.

Having lost the land, tears are shedding seven years, those who have lost their homeland - there is no consolation.

As long as the people live, the land will not dry out.

Whose country is abundant, he himself is rich.

A man is alive by his homeland, a duck by a lake.

When you protect your homeland, you grow up yourself.

The unity of the people is an invincible fortress.

I wrote this page on the topic of "proverbs and sayings about the Motherland" with special reverence. Probably, my socialist upbringing is to blame for this. I remember very well my teacher, who enthusiastically told us about our Motherland. We sang songs about our homeland, recited poems. I do not argue that it was a patriotic time then. Now, for some reason, they talk less about their homeland with children. It's a pity. After all, if a child from an early age instills love for his country, his people, then he, as an adult, will always remain a patriot of his homeland. What we sincerely wish you!

Fight is a sacred thing, go to the enemy boldly.

The former glory of the battle cannot be won.

Without love for a person, there is no love for the motherland.

Take care of your beloved land, like a dear mother.

Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.

Be not only the son of your father, be the son of your people.

Stupid heroism pushes towards stupid death.

In what people you live, follow the custom.

The enemy is firing pin, but our people are resistant.

To spare the enemy is to destroy yourself.

I went into battle - I earned fame, I hid - I folded my head.

To visit the battle - to find out the price of life.

The enemy wanted to feast, but he had to grieve.

There is no shame in returning home.

Learning military science is always useful.

You serve faithfully - you grieve about nothing.

Where to live, there and to be known.

Where there is no struggle, there is no victory.

If you fall as a hero, they will raise you, if you fall as a coward, they will crush you.

The main thing in life is to serve the Fatherland.

Somewhere there is a lot of gold and yet, the Motherland is more expensive without gold.

The fool is taken prisoner at home.

Do not spare your life or energy for your Motherland.

Dzhigit will be born at home, die on the battlefield.

Do not postpone the debt for a long time, do not leave your saber at home.

If the people are one, they are invincible.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

If the battle goes on around, the house will not remain intact.

If the hero dies, the glory will remain.

If there is no courage in the heart of a warrior, neither his strength nor his weapons will help him.

If the Motherland is strong, the soul is full of joy.

If the enemy attacks the people, he is not a horseman who pity himself.

If the army is strong, the country is invincible.

The life of a fellow is with the people, the life of the people is with the Motherland.

You live on the side, and your village is all on your mind.

Fight bravely for a just cause.

For the Motherland - the mother is not afraid to die.

They knew who they beat, and that's why they won.

For the homeland, for the honor - even to take off your head.

Love for the Motherland is stronger than death.

Whoever loves the Motherland will not be in debt to him.

Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully fulfills his duty approximately.

Those who do not live in their homeland do not know the taste of life.

You will understand how the Motherland is dear when you get to a foreign land.

Those who have not been to a foreign land did not know the price of their homeland.

When you protect your homeland, you grow up yourself.

The girl is red with braids, and the soldier - with orders.

Love for the Motherland is born at the hearth of the family.

The army is strong as a voivode.

He who is served is needed.

When you protect your homeland, you grow up yourself.

Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.

Whoever fights for his homeland is given double strength.

Whoever dares to stand firm is worth a dozen.

Whoever comes to us with enmity will find his death here.

To whom the world is dear is dear to us.

Everyone has their own side.

The horse runs to the place where he will be fed, and the young man hurries to where his homeland is.

If you love your wife, love her homeland too.

Love for the homeland conquers death.

Love for the homeland is stronger than death.

One can be better than a batyr, but one cannot be better than the people.

To fight courageously - to achieve victory.

God has mercy on his side too.

You can surpass a hero, but you cannot surpass the people.

Moscow is like granite - no one will win Moscow.

Mother Volga is both broad and long.

I went through many countries, but I found goodness only at home.

Our invincible country is fastened by the friendship of peoples, To whom the friendship of peoples is dear, he beats the enemy.

There is none in the world more beautiful than our Motherland.

On the foreign side, the homeland is twice as mile.

They fight not by force, but by skill.

There are no reservations in the service. The request of the chief is like an order.

Not the hero who is waiting for the award, but the hero who follows the people.

Not the shooter who shoots, but who hits the target.

Don't learn to destroy, but learn to build.

Don't look for the promised land - they are where your Motherland is.

The homeland is dear to our people.

In the homeland, both days and nights are beautiful.

Do not get into the service, and do not renounce the service.

It's cold on the foreign side and in summer.

There is no horse that does not yearn for a school; there is no hero who does not yearn for his homeland.

In a foreign land, and a roll is not a joy, but in the homeland, black bread is a sweetness.

If you do not love your country, you do not love God, but Satan.

Our army is ready to defeat any enemy.

Today a tractor driver is in the field, and tomorrow a tanker is in the army.

Not the fellow who looks brave, but the one who creates the victory.

Gain your mind in learning, courage in battle.

A man has one mother, he has one motherland.

Weapons are the strength of a fighter. Use it to the end!

An officer is an example of valor.

The radio broadcasts about those who defend their homeland.

A reward from the homeland is a joy to the heart.

From dawn to dawn, sailors on watch.

The first thing in life is to serve the Fatherland.

An order in battle is a holy law, it is dearer than life.

With the sun - warm, with the Motherland - good.

A bird in flight, a horse on the rise, a horseman in battle will be recognized.

Let the leader be in front, and support behind.

Shame before the homeland is worse than death.

Took the oath - show courage in battles.

A bad soldier who does not dream of becoming a general.

They will call - we will not bother, we will serve the homeland.

Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Homeland begins with a family.

After parting with a friend, they cry for seven years, parting with their homeland - all their life.

The Russian soldier knows no obstacles.

You will not find your homeland, like your parents, in a foreign land.

The Russian fighter is a model for everyone.

There are no relatives, but a person yearns for his home side.

Its land is sweet in a handful.

Batyr's glory is in battle.

Be proud of your regiment, and be distinguished yourself.

Death in bed is inglorious, death in battle is honorable.

No matter how many people travel, they will return to their homeland.

Boldly go into battle - the homeland is behind you.

A bold start is the same victory.

Courage is half of happiness.

The dog seeks where it is more satisfying, and the man strives for his native place.

Learn courage from a scout, caution from a sapper.

The soldier's service ends - the tempering remains.

The land is sweet where the mother gave birth.

Only to that honor will be, who loves the homeland not in word, but in deed.

It's hard to learn - easy to fight.

He conquers, who despises death.

A skilled fighter is a good fellow everywhere.

A smart soldier has a grenade and a mitten.

Please the commander with faithful service, not crooked friendship.

Someone else's food has someone else's taste.

A good shooter has a mark on each arrow.

A brave general has no cowardly soldiers.

Moscow is good, but not at home.

A good horse rushes forward, a good fellow returns with glory.

The white fungus is good, and the soldier is skillful.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

Take care of the honor of a soldier holy.

To serve honestly is to deserve an order.

Sayings about the Motherland

Hold the battle lines tight.

Wormwood does not grow without root and wormwood.

Fight is not dangerous if you are red with courage.

Every bird loves its nest.

There is nothing like leather.

In which people you come, you will put on such a hat.

Every pine tree makes noise in its forest.

I went to the army - I found my own family.

Foolish is the bird that does not like its nest.

The battle gives birth to the hero.

Where the border guard is sharp, there is no liquor for the enemy.

Woe is in the wrong side of the tongueless.

The goose misses its lake, the homesickness does not leave a person.

Where the timid Semyon is, the enemy is strong.

Where friendship is cherished, there the enemies tremble.

A formidable enemy is just around the corner, but more formidable - behind.

The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.

To Moscow - by tanks, and from Moscow - by sledges.

If he is tailored in Russian, and there is one soldier in the field.

If the commander is skilled, the enemy's legs are lifted up.

If your homeland is calm, your face will not turn yellow.

Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.

It's warmer across the sea, but lighter here.

The native land is a golden cradle.

It's good to sing songs outside the mountains, but it's better to live at home.

And a speck of dust of the native land is gold.

Go to your native land, there is paradise under the tree.

A spark of mascara before the fire, ward off trouble before it hits.

Whoever trades in his homeland will not escape punishment.

Each bird likes its nest.

Whoever sells his country will not live for two days.

Those who fled from the people will remain without burial.

If the bush was not nice, the nightingale would not fork the nest.

No matter how you open the door, it returns to its doorstep.

As Sawa is, such is his glory.

Either the chest is in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.

A small bird, and that one protects its nest.

In a foreign land and sweet - mustard, and in the homeland and horseradish - candy.

On the other side, the bones of the Motherland are crying.

On its street and the dog is a tiger.

The hero people will sweep away enemies from their native land.

Not in service, but in friendship.

Even the smoke is sweet on the home side.

On the home side and the pebble is familiar.

In a foreign land, a native land is in a dream.

In a foreign land, as if in a domina.

There is no son without a Fatherland.

Enemies ran into Russian bayonets.

A stranger will teach the griever.

On someone else's side I'm glad my funnel.

Spring is not red on the wrong side.

Do not renounce the Russian land, it will not renounce you either.

Russia has never worn a yoke.

He who lifted the sword - from the sword and perish.

I went to war - I forgot my club.

On the dear side and the heart sings.

The native land is heaven for the heart.

The native bush is dear to the hare.

The native side is the mother, the stranger is the stepmother.

The Russian is not joking with a sword or a roll.

The Russian man drives bread and salt.

The Russian is patient until conception.

Heroic Rus.

Homeland teaches, homeland and helps out.

Homeland is a mother to all mothers.

Beloved homeland - dear mother.

Our homeland is more beautiful than the sun.

The divided country will be destroyed, the united country will stand.

They protect their homeland with their heads.

Know the Russian commandment - do not yawn in battle.

From your native land - die, do not go!

One's side strokes the fur, another's is against it.

Your milk to your child, your life to your Motherland.

They see your service in your native land.

Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.

Serve the people so that for them - and with fire and water.

Courage is the companion of the horseman.

Cheek brings success.

Get your glory in battle.

The warmth of the homeland of its fire is much hotter.

The mind of a dzhigit is like gold, the mind of a country is like a thousand gold pieces.

The people have one home - the Motherland.

Courage is the sister of victory.

The kingdom will be divided, will soon be ruined.

Someone else's land will not add joy.

The foreigner does not believe in tears.

The foreign side dries even without wind, and shivers without winter.

We do not want someone else's land, but we will not give up ours either.

I read these sayings and proverbs about serving the Motherland and was amazed! How much our ancestors who wrote these short phrases loved their land! Someone had a big city, and someone spoke so about a small village in which he grew up. But for everyone it was his homeland! And if, after listening to these wonderful sayings, some child exclaims: “I love my Motherland!”, Then our efforts were not in vain. And children can also read other useful proverbs and sayings that tell about high feelings.

While we are burning with freedom

As long as hearts are alive for honor, My friend, we will devote beautiful impulses to our homeland!

Pushkin A.S.

  • Take care of the dear land, like a beloved mother.
  • Be not only the son of your father - be also the son of your people.
  • In what people you live, follow that custom.
  • Great is the land of the Holy Russia, and everywhere the sun is.
  • The Volga is the mother of all rivers.
  • Every bird loves its nest.
  • Every pine tree makes noise in its forest.
  • Everyone has their own side.
  • Foolish is the bird that does not like its nest.
  • Houses and walls help.
  • If you breathe with the whole world, there will be wind.
  • If the people are one, they are invincible.
  • Once upon a time there was a fine fellow; I did not see any fun in my village, I went out into a foreign land and wept.
  • Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.
  • It's warmer across the sea, but it's brighter here.
  • A sane does not demand an enemy.
  • And the forest is more friendly when there are a lot of trees.
  • And the Penza residents in Moscow recognized their crow.
  • And wormwood grows on its root. And the dog knows his side.
  • Each region is sweet.
  • Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a hero.
  • Our strength is the family is one.
  • On the home side and the pebble is familiar.
  • Spring is not red on the wrong side.
  • On the foreign side, the Motherland is twice a mile.
  • There is none in the world more beautiful than our Motherland.
  • Friendship and brotherhood of the people are dearer than any wealth.
  • A goose flew to Russia - it will stay and fly away.
  • Homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more expensive than gold.
  • You will not find your homeland, like your parents, in a foreign land.
  • Native land and dreams in a dream.
  • There are no relatives, but my heart aches on the dear side.
  • Holy Russia, Orthodox, heroic, mother of the Holy Russian land.
  • From your native land - die, do not leave.
  • Happy is he who is happy at home.
  • Russian is proud in words, firm in deeds.
  • The thin bird that stains its nest.
  • A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
  • The alien side is the stepmother.



















Where someone is born will come in handy.

Its land is sweet in a handful.


The native side is the mother, the stranger is the stepmother.

Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

In a foreign land, a native land is in a dream.


Chuzhbina - viburnum, homeland - raspberries.


And the dog knows his side.


Where the pine has grown, there it is red.

On someone else's side I'm glad my funnel.



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  • Proverbs
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    Without love for a person, there is no love for the motherland.



    If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

    In a foreign land, and a roll is not a joy, but at home and black bread is a sweetness.

    Whoever trades in his homeland will not escape punishment.




    Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.

    A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

    Homeland is a mother, a foreign land is a stepmother.

    Love for the Motherland is stronger than death.



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    The Russian is patient until conception.


    Your home is good, your home is nice.

    And the crane is looking for warmth.

    They protect their homeland with their heads.

    The most precious thing for a person in a foreign land is his homeland.

    One matchmaker praises the other side, while she sits at home.

    Knows the whole world - there are no stronger Russians.

    And a speck of dust of the native land is gold.


    If he is tailored in Russian, and there is one soldier in the field.

    The land is sweet where the mother gave birth.