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Demonstration options for the OGE in literature (grade 9). Demonstration options for the OGE in literature (grade 9) Preparing for the OGE in literature

5 best manuals (reference books, textbooks, etc.) to prepare for the OGE in literature

I . I will pass the OGE! Literature. Typical tasks. In two parts. Zinina E.A., Novikova L.V., Fedorov A.V. 2018

This book offers tasks for preparing for the OGE, set out in an accessible form. The manual can be downloaded from various Internet resources, including here: ... Typical tasks and recommendations for their implementation are presented in an accessible form. When printing the book, offset paper was used without illustrations.

Professional assessment

Typical tasks in this manual correspond to KIMs of the OGE in literature, the teacher can use them in the classroom for frontal, group or individual work with ninth-graders, and some tasks can be given to students in grade 8. Students can study independently at home using this manual. The first part presents tasks related to the analysis of artistic (epic, lyrical, lyrical and dramatic) works. The second part contains tasks that require a detailed answer, and tasks to prepare for the essay. Medium price allowance.


This manual will be useful for teachers of literature to prepare students in grades 8-9 for the OGE in literature, students for self-preparation. Parents may find it difficult to check how their children are preparing for the exam. With the wrinkles of the manual, you can organize effective work on an essay in the OGE format, provided that the performance of tasks will be supervised by a language teacher. The manual contains a rich selection of literary texts, an algorithm for completing tasks for writing a creative work.

II ... Literature / T.A. Kvartnik, - M .: Eksmo, 2014.-176 p. - (Universal student guide. 100 important topics)

This handbook is distinguished by a large amount of materials necessary for the successful passing of the exam. It can be downloaded online at: ... The theoretical material for the course of basic and high school in literature is presented in an accessible form and can be used by students starting from grade 8 and throughout their schooling.Offset paper, offset printing.

Professional assessment

The information contained in the reference book allows you to systematize and consolidate knowledge of the literature. The manual can be used in literature lessons at the stage of generalizing the material and preparing for the OGE in literature, with the independent work of students at home and in the classroom. The guide contains material on folklore, ancient Russian literature, Russian literatureXVIII - XX centuries, theory of literature. The material presented in the manual is systematized, corresponds to the KIMs in the literature. This guide is suitable for students from grades 8 to 11, and can also be used by students of secondary schools.


The guide will be useful for teachers of literature, students preparing for the OGE and USE in literature. Parents can check the assimilation of the material by questioning terms, etc. The background information in this book is necessary for the successful completion of the OGE, but students need to study the manuals with test tasks.

III . OGE 2018. Literature. Typical test tasks. 14 options for tasks. Kuzanova O.A., Maryina O.B., - Publisher: Examination, 2018 .-- 64 p.

The manual is widely distributed in bookstores (average cost - 150-200 rubles), you can download it on the website: .

Professional assessment

The manual offers fourteen options for typical test items that help to work out the skills of ninth-graders to successfully pass the OGE in literature; assignments correspond to CMMs. This book can be recommended to teachers, tutors, ninth-graders for independent work. The material is clear and accessible to schoolchildren.


O.B. Maryina, O.A. Kuzanova meets the requirements of the OGE for literature in 2018, it will be useful for ninth grade students for self-control, literature teachers for class work or individually.

IV ... Fedorov, Novikova, Zinina: OGE-2018. Literature. Typical exam options. 30 options, - Publisher: National Education, 2018 .-- 192 p.

The book is sold in all major bookstores and is available on request (about 400 rubles) on the website you can download it.

Professional assessment

The manual contains 30 options for typical test tasks corresponding to KIMs for literature in 2018. The material is clear and accessible to schoolchildren. Typical test items objectively assess the degree of preparedness of ninth-graders for passing the OGE in literature.


The manual meets the requirements of the OGE for literature in 2018, allows you to work out the skills for successfully passing the exam in grade 9, ninth-graders can independently study these tasks, as well as under the supervision of a language teacher.

V ... All the heroes of the works of Russian literature. School program: dictionary - reference book. - M .: OOO "Agency" KRPA "Olymp": OOO "Publishing house", 2003. - 443 p.

In bookstores, you can find re-editions of the dictionary - reference. No secure download links found on the web.

Professional assessment

Dictionary - a reference book contains the names of the characters and their "life" path throughout the work, the manual compares favorably with the summary of works of art, since the articles contain elements of character analysis, which allows students to better prepare for the exam in independent work. The information is presented in an accessible form. This guide is suitable for students from grades 8 to 11, and can also be used by students of secondary schools.


This manual can be used for self-preparation for passing the OGE in grade 9. With the wrinkles of the manual, you can systematize knowledge about each hero of Russian literature included in the school curriculum.

At the end of 2018, the OGE in literature has become less popular among selective examination tests for graduates of basic school. In the 2018-2019 academic year, ninth-graders will have to pass five exams, including two compulsory (mathematics and Russian) and three optional. Is it worth choosing the OGE in literature, is it difficult to prepare for it? These and other questions concern students and their parents.

GIA for literature in grade 9 is preferable for children wishing to continue their education in philological classes. Exam success is determined by:

  • knowledge of biographies of poets and writers,
  • knowledge of the content of works included in the school curriculum,
  • the ability to analyze texts and compare them,
  • the ability to compose portraits of heroes and evaluate their actions,
  • possession of lexical expressiveness and literacy of the language,
  • ability to rationally use time on the exam (3 hours 55 minutes).
Where to start preparing?
  1. Get acquainted with the demo, specification and codifier for the subject.
  2. Read works of art from the list approved by FIPI.
  3. While reading, write out the main points that will be necessary for the answers.
  4. Practice solving problems.
The CKnow Knowledge Base will help you to complete the second and third points. Be sure to check it out! And you can start practicing in solving tasks that you may meet on a real exam on this page. Below is a demo and training options.

KIM OGE in literature consists of two parts and differs from other subjects in that they do not contain test questions, when from the available options you can choose the correct answer. The examination work in literature consists only of tasks to which it is necessary to give detailed answers.
In the first part, you will be offered a choice of two options. Important! Only one option should be followed. The volume of answers to the first three tasks of the first part is 3 - 5 sentences. Do not use too complex speech structures. Be concise and at the same time make sure your text has deep meaning.
The second part is an essay. Do not be afraid of him. You will be allowed to use the full text of the artwork. This task offers four works, from which you must choose one and write an essay of at least 150 words. An essay of 200 words is optimal.
"I will solve the OGE in literature" online - the ability to effectively prepare for the exam by completing tests on various topics.

OGE in literature - one of the optional final exams at the end of the 9th grade. The exam itself, although it is called a test, actually boils down to only five questions, each of which involves writing a short essay or a detailed answer. The main part of the exam is an essay in a form similar to the final exam in the 9th grade before the introduction of the OGE in literature.

After reviewing the general information about the exam, you can start preparing right away. The 2019 version of the KIM OGE is not very different from the 2018 version.

OGE test structure

The OGE test for literature consists of two parts.

  • Part 1 consists of two options: one is a fragment of a prose work, and the other is a poem. You choose what to analyze. Analysis is detailed answers to 3 questions. In the first two, you write your thoughts for 3-5 sentences, and in the third, you also need to compare the work given in the test with another, and therefore 5-8 sentences are allocated for it.
  • Part 2 is a short essay on one of the four proposed topics, the volume of the essay is at least 200 words. Themes relate to the works of the school curriculum; no excerpts, chapters or passages are provided. In the process of writing an essay, you can use the full texts of the works.

Preparation for the exam

Trial OGE in literature online

On our website you can take the OGE tests online for free without registration and SMS. At the moment, the section is being updated, and over time, new tests will appear in it for the entire period of the OGE. The presented tests are identical in complexity and structure to the real exams conducted in the corresponding years.

Detailed parse deployed replies part 1 and the compositions of part 2 (based on the 2017 demonstration).

Demonstration options for the OGE

In the section of demonstration options for the OGE, you can download tests for free for 2009–2019 years.

All these tests are developed and approved for preparation for the state final certification in the 9th grade by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

The official website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) published demonstration options for the OGE in literature (grade 9) for 2009 - 2020.

Demonstration options for the OGE in literature consist of two parts. In the first part of the work, you need to choose one of the two proposed options for analyzing the work and perform 3 tasks, for which you need to give a detailed answer of a limited amount (3-5 sentences).

In the second part of the work, you need to write an essay of at least 200 words on one of the 5 proposed topics.

In addition to the proposed tasks in demonstration options for the OGE in literature the criteria for checking and evaluating the completed tasks are also given.

IN changes:


    There were.

    Were introduced leading to.

Demonstration options for the OGE in literature

Note that demonstration options for the OGE in literature are presented in pdf format, and to view them, you need, for example, the free software package Adobe Reader installed on your computer.

Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2009
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2010
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2011
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2012
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2013
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2014
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2015
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2016
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2017
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2018
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2019
Demonstration version of the OGE in literature for 2020

Scale for converting the primary score for the examination work into a mark on a five-point scale

  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the exam paper in 2020 into a mark on a five-point scale,
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2019 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale,
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work in 2018 into a mark on a five-point scale,
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work in 2017 into a mark on a five-point scale,
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the exam work in 2016 into a mark on a five-point scale,
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the examination work in 2015 into a mark on a five-point scale,
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the examination work in 2014 into a mark on a five-point scale,
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the execution of the examination work in 2013 into a mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in demos for literature

In the second part of the examination paper demonstration options for the OGE in literature for 2009 - 2011 first, it was necessary to choose one of the five proposed tasks, and then give a detailed answer in the genre of composition.

In 2012 - 2016, in the second part of the work, it is required to write an essay of at least 200 words on one of the 4 proposed topics.

IN demo versions of the OGE 2016 - 2017 in literature compared to the 2015 demo there were no changes.

IN demo version of the 2018 OGE in literature compared to the 2017 demo, the following were added changes:

    Improved instructions to work and individual tasks (they more fully, consistently and clearly reflect the requirements of the criteria, give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat actions and in what logic the examinee should perform).

    Reworked and the criteria for assessing detailed answers were brought in line with the Unified State Exam.

    Maximum score for doing all the work increased from 23 to 29.

IN demo version of the OGE 2020 for literature compared to the 2019 demo, the following changes:

    Introduced additional essay topic in part 2. All topics 2.1–2.5 are formulated according to the work of those writers whose works were not included in part 1.

    There were the wording of the evaluation criteria for tasks 1.1.1 and 1.1.2, 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 has been clarified; 1.1.3 and 1.2.3.

    Were introduced criteria for assessing practical literacy (maximum 6 points)leading to increasing the maximum primary score from 33 to 39 points.

Basic general education


Demo version of OGE-2019 in literature with analysis of tasks

Demovariant, codifier and specification of the OGE 2019 for literature from the official website of FIPI.

Download the demo version of the 2019 OGE along with the codifier and specification from the link below:

Follow the information about our webinars and broadcasts on the YouTube channel, very soon we will be discussing preparation for the OGE in Russian language and literature.

The reference book is intended to prepare students for the OGE in literature. The manual contains detailed theoretical material on all topics tested by the exam, as well as training tasks in the form of an OGE. Answers are provided at the end of the handbook. The publication will be useful for teachers of literature, as it makes it possible to effectively organize the educational process and preparation for the exam.

Analysis of the demo version of control measuring materials for the main state exam in literature in 2019

The exam paper on literature consists of two parts. Part 1 includes two alternatives containing the text of a work of art and questions to it. You must choose ONE of two options. The first option is focused on the analysis of a fragment of an epic (or dramatic, or lyroepic) work; the second - for the analysis of a lyric poem (or fable). After choosing one of the options for work, you need to complete three tasks for it, which require writing a detailed answer of a limited volume. Performing the first two tasks (1.1.1, 1.1.2 or 1.2.1, 1.2.2), give an answer in the approximate volume of 3-5 sentences based on the text. The third task (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) involves not only thinking about the proposed text, but also comparing it with another work or fragment, the text of which is also given in the examination paper (the approximate length of the answer is 5-8 sentences). Performing the tasks of part 1, it is necessary to formulate direct coherent answers, avoiding lengthy introductions and characteristics and observing the norms of speech.

Part 1

Option 1

Chichikov looked very attentively at the young stranger. He tried several times to talk to her, but somehow he didn't have to. And meanwhile the ladies left, a pretty head with thin features and a slender figure disappeared like something similar to a vision, and again there was a road, a chaise, three horses familiar to the reader, Selifan, Chichikov, the smooth surface and emptiness of the surrounding fields. Everywhere, wherever in life, whether among the callous, rough-poor and untidy-moldy low-lying ranks of it or among the monotonous cold and boringly tidy classes of the upper classes, everywhere at least once on the way a person will meet a phenomenon that is not like everything what happened to him to see until then, which at least once aroused in him a feeling, unlike those that he was destined to feel all his life. Everywhere, across whatever sorrows from which our life is woven, shining joy will merrily rush, like sometimes a brilliant carriage with golden harness, picturesque horses and sparkling glitter of glass will suddenly suddenly sweep past some deafened poor village that has seen nothing but rural carts, and for a long time the peasants stood yawning, with open mouths, without putting on their hats, although the marvelous carriage had long since vanished and disappeared from sight. So the blonde also suddenly appeared in our story in a completely unexpected way and just disappeared. Get caught at that time, instead of Chichikov, some twenty-year-old boy, whether he is a hussar, a student, or just just starting his life's career - and God! whatever wakes up, moves, speaks in him! For a long time he would have stood insensibly in one place, gazing senselessly into the distance, forgetting the road, and all the reprimands ahead, and reprimands for delay, forgetting himself, and service, and the world, and everything that is in the world. But our hero was already middle-aged and of a prudently chilled character. He, too, pondered and thought, but his thoughts were more positive, not so unaccountable and even partly very solid. “Glorious old lady! - he said, opening the snuffbox and sniffing the tobacco. - But what, most importantly, is good in her? The good thing is that now, as you can see, she has just graduated from some boarding school or institute, that, as they say, there is still nothing of a woman's in her, that is, exactly what they have the most unpleasant. She is now like a child, everything in her is simple, she will say what she pleases, laughs where she wants to laugh. Everything can be done from it, it can be a miracle, or it can come out and rubbish, and rubbish will come out! Let the mamas and aunts take care of her now. In one year, she will be filled with all sorts of women so that her own father himself does not recognize. Where will the puffiness and stiffness come from, will start tossing and turning according to the confirmed instructions, will start to puzzle and think with whom, and how, and how much to say, how to look at whom, every minute will be afraid, so as not to say more than necessary, will get confused Finally, she will end up lying all my life, and it will be just the devil knows what! " Here he was silent for a while and then added: “And it would be curious to know whose it is? what, how is her father? Is it a rich landowner of a respectable disposition, or just a good-minded person with capital acquired in the service? After all, if, let’s say, this girl was given two hundred thousand dowries, a very, very tasty morsel could come out of her. It could be, so to speak, the happiness of a decent person. " Two hundred thousand people began to appear so attractively in his head that he began to feel annoyed with himself inwardly, why, in the course of the trouble around the carriages, did not find out from the postman or coachman who the passing people were. Soon, however, the Sobakevich village that appeared dispersed his thoughts and made them turn to their constant subject.

(N.V. Gogol, "Dead Souls")

Assignment 1.1.1

What properties of Chichikov's nature were manifested in his inner monologue?

Analysis of the task

In order not to deviate from the topic when answering a question, it is necessary to clarify the concepts that make up the content of the question.

Nature - in this sense: a person's character, temperament.

The inner monologue is an artistic device of psychologism: the reproduction of the actor's speech, addressed to himself and not spoken aloud. It is widely used in works of art in order to reveal the inner experiences of the hero, to recreate his inner world.

Upon careful reading of the fragment, we find a direct assessment of Chichikov's character, which Gogol gives him: "But our hero was already middle-aged and of a prudently chilled character." This means that a chance meeting with a charming blonde on the road did not touch a single string of his soul. He was neither delighted nor delighted. Nothing "woke up, did not stir, did not speak in him." He began to think. And that was the subject of his thoughts: now this girl is a charming child, for whom everything in life is simple and clear. But in one year she can be so filled with all kinds of women that her own father himself does not recognize. However, soon a feeling of annoyance stirred in Chichikov's soul. He was dissatisfied with himself, as he did not learn anything about this girl. And suddenly she is a rich bride: "After all, if, let's say, this girl was given a dowry of two hundred thousand, a very, very tasty morsel could come out of her."

This internal monologue gives an idea of \u200b\u200bChichikov's prudence. Even in matters of the heart, he tries to profit for himself. For Chichikov, everything in this world is a subject of purchase and sale. The theme of money, or rather the dream of enrichment, arises in Chichikov's mind, even when he thinks about a beautiful stranger.

Evaluation criteria for an assignment 1.1.1 that requires writing a coherent answer of 3-5 sentences

Maximum score - 6 points.

Assignment 1.1.2

Analysis of the task

Gogol's mention of a twenty-year-old boy in this passage is not accidental. This technique makes the reader compare Chichikov with him. According to the author, the young man would not have remained indifferent to the beautiful vision that suddenly appeared on the deserted road: “He would have stood insensibly in one place for a long time, gazing senselessly into the distance, forgetting the road, and all the reprimands awaiting ahead, and scolding for delay forgetting himself, and service, and the world, and everything that is in the world. " It is indicative that it is precisely the upcoming affairs on which Chichikov is going to Sobakevich, on the contrary, that take him out of the state of thoughtfulness.

Thus, the comparison with a young man, as it were, sets off the character of Chichikov, makes him more prominent. In general, this helps the reader to form a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe given character, whose image turns out to be unattractive.

The system of grading examination work in literature
Evaluation criteria for the item 1.1.2, which requires writing a coherent answer of 3-5 sentences

The indication of the volume is conditional, the assessment of the answer depends on its content (if there is deep knowledge, the examinee can answer in a larger volume, with the ability to accurately formulate his thoughts, the examinee can answer in a smaller volume).

  • The answer to the question is given and testifies to the understanding of the text of the given fragment / poem, the author's position is not distorted (2 points).
  • For argumentation of judgments, the text is involved at the level of analysis of fragments, images, micro themes, details, etc., important for the task, there are no factual errors (2 points).
  • There are no logical, speech errors (2 points).

Maximum score - 6 points.

Assignment 1.1.3

Compare the fragments of N.V. Gogol's Dead Souls and the comedy by D.I. Fonvizin's "Minor" in the given direction of analysis and formulate a direct coherent answer (5-8 sentences) to the question: "In what way is Skotinin similar to Chichikov, who is thinking about" a young stranger? "

Parsing the building

When comparing literary material, it is possible to identify both similarities and differences. However, the question for this task is formulated in such a way that in the essay it is necessary to focus only on similar features in the compared literary material.

Skotinin. Why can't I see my bride? Where's she? In the evening there will be a conspiracy, so isn't it time to tell her that they are giving her in marriage?

Ms. Prostakova. We'll make it, brother. If we say this to her ahead of time, then she may still think that we are reporting to her. Although in her husband, however, I belong to her; and I love that strangers listen to me.

Prostakov (to Skotinin). To tell the truth, we treated Sofyushka like an orphan. After her father, she remained a baby. For six months, like her mother, and my brother-in-law, he received a blow ...

Mrs. Prostakova (shows that she is baptizing her heart). The power of the godmother is with us.

Prostakov. From which she went to the other world. Her uncle, Mr. Starodum, went to Siberia; and as for several years there was no rumor or news about him, we consider him a dead man. We, seeing that she was left alone, took her to our village and supervise her estate as if it were ours.

Ms. Prostakova. Why are you so deluded today, my father? Another brother may think that we took her to ourselves for interest.

Prostakov. Well, mother, should he think this? After all, Sofyushkino's real estate cannot be brought closer to us.

Skotinin. And although the movable is put forward, I am not a petitioner. I don't like to fuss, and I'm afraid. No matter how much the neighbors offended me, no matter how much they made a loss, I didn’t hit anyone with my forehead, and I’ll rip off my own peasants with any loss I’m going to look for.

Prostakov. That's true, brother: the whole neighborhood says that you masterfully collect rent.

Ms. Prostakova. If only you would teach us, brother, father; but we do not know how. Since we took away everything that the peasants had, we can no longer rip anything off. Such a disaster!

Skotinin. Please, sister, I will teach you, I will teach you, just marry me to Sofyushka.

Ms. Prostakova. Did you really like this girl that much?

Skotinin. No, I don't like the girl.

Prostakov. So next door to her village?

Skotinin. And not the villages, but the fact that it is found in the villages and what my mortal hunt is.

Ms. Prostakova. To what, brother?

Skotinin. I love pigs, sister, and we have such large pigs in our neighborhood that there is not one of them that, standing on its hind legs, would not be taller than each of us with a whole head. (D.I.Fonvizin, "Minor")

When comparing two literary heroes - Skotinin from Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor" and Chichikov from Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" - one can see how much Skotinin resembles Chichikov.

Skotinin, a hero with a speaking surname, wants to marry Sophia, a relative of his sister Prostakova. The most important thing in the presented dialogue is the recognition of the landowner why he chose Sophia as his wife. “Do you really like this girl so much,” asks Prostakova. "So next door to her village?" - suggests Prostakov. It turns out neither one nor the other. The reason for Skotinin's matchmaking is completely different: "I love pigs, sister, and we have such large pigs in the neighborhood that there is not one of them, which, standing on its hind legs, would not be taller than each of us with a whole head." For this reason, in the words of Chichikov, Sophia for Skotinin is "a tidbit." There is not even a question of love, everything is subject to rough calculation.

Thus, for both Chichikov and Skotinin, marriage is a deal that must be carried out as profitably as possible for oneself.

Evaluation criteria for comparative tasks 1.1.3, which requires writing a coherent answer of 5–8 sentences.

The indication of the volume is conditional, the assessment of the answer depends on its content (if there is deep knowledge, the examinee can answer in a larger volume, with the ability to accurately formulate his thoughts, the examinee can answer in a smaller volume).

  1. The works are compared in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted (2 points).
  2. For argumentation, the texts of two works are used at the level of analysis of fragments, images, micro themes, details, etc., important for the task, there are no actual errors (4 points).
  3. There are no logical, speech errors (2 points).

Maximum score -8 points.

Option 2

Is in the autumn of the initial
A short but wondrous time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant ...
Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Glitters on an idle furrow.
The air is emptying, you can't hear the birds anymore,
But far from the first winter storms -
And clear and warm azure pours
To the resting field ...

(F.I. Tyutchev, 1857)

Assignment 1.2.1

What mood is imbued with the poem "Is in the original autumn ..."?

Analysis of the task

Works of the poetic genre belong to the lyrics. Lyrics is one of the types of literature, a feature of which is the focus on the inner world of the lyric hero, his experiences, thoughts, revelations.

To answer not the question: "What mood is the poem imbued with?" - it is necessary to understand the feelings of the lyric hero.

In this analysis, it is better to go from general to specific. General refers to the emotional background of the poem as a whole. It can be minor and major, pronounced and not very.

Having determined the general emotional background, the reader can specify feelings: sadness, grief, joy, delight, etc.

In the works of various poets, we meet poems that sound very calm, neutral, without violent emotions. The authors of such works are usually called poets of thought, not feelings, and Fedor Tyutchev belongs to them.

Tyutchev's literary heritage contains a lot of landscape lyrics. For a poet, nature is a great mystery that cannot be solved.

Nature is a sphinx. And so it is more true
Destroys a person with his temptation,
That, perhaps, no from the century
There is no mystery and she did not have it.

The image of the lyrical hero in Tyutchev's poems about nature is the image of the contemplator who looks at nature as at a picture, remaining on this side of the frame. Interestingly, in landscape lyrics, Tyutchev almost never uses personal pronouns. The poem "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

In it one can feel the calm, pacified inner state of the lyric hero. Shown is the rare case when the harmony of nature is transmitted to man. However, this harmony is short-lived:

Is in the autumn of the initial
A short but wondrous time ...

Each line strengthens the impression that the author wanted to show the silence, peace, serenity that came in nature in early autumn: "now everything is empty - space is everywhere", "idle furrow", "birds were not heard", "resting field". The emotional tone is restrained. There is no expression of joy, admiration, delight. The author does not use sentences with exclamation points. The use of ellipses shows the lyrical hero's immersion in a pensive state.

Thus, Tyutchev's poem is imbued with a mood of peace, serenity and thoughtfulness. Plunging into the silence of an autumn day, the lyrical hero comprehends the harmony of the world around him.

The system of grading examination work in literature
Evaluation criteria for tasks 1.2.1, requiring writing a coherent answer of 3-5 sentences

The indication of the volume is conditional, the assessment of the answer depends on its content (if there is deep knowledge, the examinee can answer in a larger volume, with the ability to accurately formulate his thoughts, the examinee can answer in a smaller volume).

  1. The answer to the question is given and testifies to the understanding of the text of the given fragment / poem, the author's position is not distorted (2 points).
  2. For argumentation of judgments, the text is involved at the level of analysis of fragments, images, micro themes, details, etc., important for the task, there are no factual errors (2 points).
  3. There are no logical, speech errors (2 points).

Maximum score - 6 points.

Task 1.2.2

What role do epithets play in the poem "There is in the autumn of the original ..."?

Analysis of the task

The analysis of a literary text is always accompanied by a description of the means of expression that the author uses for various purposes.

Updating knowledge on the topic "Means of Expression of Speech"


The image of an abstract concept through a concrete image

Tsarskoye Selo garden is beautiful,
Where lion having struck down, the eagle of Russia rested
In the bosom of peace and joy. (lion - Sweden)
(A. Pushkin)


One of the types of sound writing, repetition of consonant or identical consonant sounds in the text

FROMin and uem the wind, fromsilver wind
IN wyolkovo weleste fromnot fleg wcrazy ...
(S. Yesenin)


Same start of several adjacent sentences

Take care of each other,
Warm me with kindness.
Take care of each other,
Let’s not offend.
(O. Vysotskaya)


Comparison of sharply contrasting or opposing concepts and images to enhance the impression

"Sleep and Death" by AA Fet, "Crime and Punishment" by FM Dostoevsky.


One of the types of sound writing, repetition of the same vowel sounds in the text

M elo, m elo on sun eth s eml e
On sun e etc ed ely.
St echa mountains ela on the table e,
St echa mountains ela ...
(B. Pasternak)


Artistic exaggeration

wide trousers with the width of the Black Sea (N. Gogol)


The arrangement of words, expressions in ascending (ascending) or decreasing (descending) significance

Howl, sang, took off a stone under the sky,
And the whole quarry was covered with smoke.
(N. Zabolotsky)

Nominative themes

A special type of nominative sentences, calls the topic of the statement, which is revealed in subsequent sentences

Bread!..What could be more important than bread ?!


Violation of direct word order

Drops the forest your scarlet dress,
Rip up the frost withered field ...
(A. Pushkin)


Subtle mockery, use in the opposite sense of the direct

Count Khvostov,
A poet loved by heaven
I was already singing immortals verses
The misfortune of the Neva banks ...
(A. Pushkin)

Composite joint

Repetition at the beginning of a new sentence of words from the previous sentence, usually ending it

At dawn, the zoryanka began to sing. She sang and miraculously combined all the rustles, rustles in her song ... (N. Sladkov)

Lexical repetition

Repetition in the text of the same word, phrase

Around the city on low hills stretched forests, mighty, untouched. IN forests there were large meadows and deaf lakes with huge pine trees along the banks. Pines they made a quiet noise all the time. (Yuri Kazakov)


Artistic understatement

"Tom Thumb"


Similarity-based figurative meaning

Sleepy lake of the city (A. Blok). Snowdrifts white calves (B. Akhmadulina)


Replacing one word with another based on the contiguity of two concepts

Here on new waves
All flags will visit us. (A.S. Pushkin)


Intentionally using a repeating union

There is coal, uranium, rye, and grapes.
(V. Inber)


Some stunning absurdities began to take root in our midst, the fruits of the New Russian education... (G. Smirnov)


A combination of opposite words

Tourists in their hometown. (Teffi)


Transfer of human properties to inanimate objects

Silent sorrow will be comforted
And the playful joy will think ...
(A.S. Pushkin)


Deliberate division of a sentence into meaningfully meaningful segments

He loved everything beautiful. And he understood a lot about this. A beautiful song, poetry, beautiful people. And smart.


Replacing a word (phrase) with a descriptive turnover

"people in white coats" (doctors), "red cheat" (fox)

Rhetorical question, exclamation, appeal

Statement expression in interrogative form;
to attract attention;
increased emotional impact

Oh Volga! My cradle!
Did anyone love you as I do? (N. Nekrasov)

Rows, paired connection of homogeneous members

Using homogeneous members for more artistic expressiveness of the text

Amazing combination you just and difficulties, transparency and depths in Pushkin poetry and prose... (S. Marshak)


Caustic, stinging mockery, one of the techniques of satire

The works of Swift, Voltaire, Saltykov-Shchedrin are saturated with sarcasm.


Replacing quantitative relations, using the singular instead of the plural

Swedish, Russian pricks, chops, cuts ... (A. Pushkin)

Syntactic parallelism

Similar, parallel construction of phrases, lines

To be able to speak is an art. Listening is culture. (D. Likhachev)


Comparison of two objects, concepts or states that have a common feature

Yes, there are words that burn like a flame.(A. Tvardovsky)


An interrupted utterance, which makes it possible to conjecture, reflect

This fable could be further explained - Yes, so as not to tease the geese ... (I.A. Krylov)


Abbreviation, "skipping" of words that are easily reconstructed by meaning, which contributes to the dynamics and conciseness of speech.

We sat down - in ashes, hails - in dust,
In swords - sickles and plows. (V.A. Zhukovsky)


A figurative definition characterizing a property, quality, concept, phenomenon

But I love spring gold,
Your solid wonderfully mixed noise...
(N. Nekrasov)


Same ending of several sentences

Spell the spring see off the winter.
Early, early see off the winter.

An epithet is a lexical means of expressiveness, which is realized through a definition in a figurative meaning.

In artistic speech, epithets perform the following functions;

  • enhance the expressiveness, imagery of the language of the work;
  • give artistic, poetic brightness to speech;
  • enrich the content of the statement;
  • highlight the characteristic feature or quality of an object, phenomenon, emphasize its individual feature;
  • create a vivid idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject;
  • evaluate an object or phenomenon;
  • cause a certain emotional attitude towards them;
  • help to see the author's attitude to the surrounding world.

In the poem by F.I. Tyutchev used the following epithets: marvelous it's time, day crystal, evenings radiant, cheerful sickle, idlefurrow, clean and warm azure, resting field.

These epithets create a surprisingly attractive, unique image of golden autumn. The freshness of the air is conveyed by the word "crystal", the abundance of light - by the word "radiant". The sky blue is presented to the author as "clean and warm." These epithets have a high sounding and differ from the epithets associated with the earth, human labor on it. In general, the epithets in this work give the speech an artistic, poetic brightness, making the poem an unsurpassed example of Russian lyricism.

The system of grading examination work in literature
Evaluation criteria for tasks 1.2.2 requiring a coherent answer of 3-5 sentences

The indication of the volume is conditional, the assessment of the answer depends on its content (if there is deep knowledge, the examinee can answer in a larger volume, with the ability to accurately formulate his thoughts, the examinee can answer in a smaller volume).

  • The answer to the question is given and testifies to the understanding of the text of the given fragment / poem, the author's position is not distorted (2 points).
  • For argumentation of judgments, the text is involved at the level of analysis of fragments, images, micro themes, details, etc., important for the task, there are no factual errors (2 points).
  • There are no logical, speech errors (2 points).

Maximum score - 6 points.

Task 1.2.3

Compare the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the original autumn" and the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Before the rain" in a given direction of analysis and formulate a direct coherent answer (5-8 sentences) to the question: "What is the difference between the pictures of autumn, created in poems by F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the original autumn" and the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Before the rain"? "

Argument your judgments based on both texts (you can refer to other episodes of the same works), do not distort the author's position, do not allow factual and logical errors. Observe the norms of literary writing, write down the answers neatly and legibly.

Analysis of the task


The mournful wind drives
A flock of clouds to the edge of heaven
The broken spruce groans,
The dark forest whispers dully.
On a stream, pockmarked and motley,
A leaf flies behind a leaf,
And a stream of dry and sharp
There is a chill.
Twilight falls on everything;
Swooping down from all sides,
With a scream, the air is spinning
A flock of jackdaws and crows.
Over the carriageway taratajka
The top is lowered, the front is closed;
And went!" - standing up with a whip,
The gendarme shouts to the driver ...

(N.A. Nekrasov, 1846)

Poem by N.A. Nekrasov's "Before the Rain", in contrast to Tyutchev's poem "There is in the original autumn ..." is filled with sounds: "the spruce groans", "the forest whispers", "a flock of jackdaws and crows are circling in the air with a cry." Nature is shown inhospitable; evening, the colors of the day fade. I would like to leave as soon as possible, to hide from the bad weather. Therefore, it is no coincidence that heroes appear at the end of the poem: a coachman driving horses.

We can say that in Tyutchev's poem a static image, and in Nekrasov's poem - a dynamic one.

Another difference: Tyutchev's poem depicts a warm, bright, summer day, and Nekrasov's poem blows cold:

And a stream of dry and sharp
There is a chill.
Twilight falls on everything;
Swooping down from all sides,
With a scream, the air is spinning
A flock of jackdaws and crows.

In the lyrics of Nekrasov there are many wonderful landscape sketches that speak of the poet's deep and tender love for his native land. But Nekrasov's nature does not exist separately from a person, it is constantly connected with his feelings and experiences, that is, it always accompanies a person. Tyutchev's landscape lyrics are permeated with complex philosophical motives, and man is in a very difficult relationship with nature.

Part 2

Assignment 2.1–2.4

Contains four themes of the essay, requiring extensive written reasoning. Choose ONE of the topics suggested to you and write an essay of at least 200 words, arguing your reasoning and referring to the text of the fiction (if the volume of the essay is less than 150 words, then it is estimated at 0 points). All USE forms are filled in with bright black ink. The use of a gel or capillary pen is allowed. When completing all tasks, rely on the author's position, formulate your point of view, use theoretical and literary concepts to analyze the work. During the exam, it is allowed to use full texts of works of fiction, as well as collections of lyrics. You have 235 minutes to complete the work.

The points received by you for completed tasks are summed up.

Select only ONE of the four proposed essay topics (2.1–2.4) and indicate its number in answer form No. 2. Write an essay with a volume of at least 200 words (for less than 150 words, 0 points are given for the essay). Expand the topic of the essay fully and versatile. Argument your judgments based on the analysis of the text (s) of the work (s). In an essay on lyrics, you need to analyze at least two poems. Do not distort the author's position, do not make mistakes of fact. Use literary-theoretical concepts to analyze the work (s). Think over the composition of the essay, avoid logical mistakes. Observe the norms of literary writing, write your essay neatly and legibly.

Assignment 2.1

The satirical denunciation of officials in the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls".

Analysis of the task

The disclosure of this topic involves students' understanding of the features of a satirical depiction of reality in a work of art.

Satire is a specific form of artistic reflection of reality, through which negative phenomena are denounced and ridiculed.

To depict satirically means to present someone or something in a funny, ridiculous way, showing the insignificance and inconsistency of the depicted.

Satire was the leading artistic method in Gogol's work.

In 1852, after the death of Gogol, Nekrasov wrote a wonderful poem that can be an epigraph to all of the writer's work:

Feeding my chest with hatred
Armed mouth with satire,
He goes through a thorny path
With her avenging lyre

In these lines, it seems, the exact definition of Gogol's satire is given, because satire is an evil, sarcastic ridicule not only of universal human shortcomings, but also of social vices. This laughter is not kind, sometimes "through tears invisible to the world," because (as Gogol believed) it is the satirical ridicule of the negative in our life that can serve to correct it. But at the same time, Gogol's laugh is not rude, not loud. It is rather a subtle irony, with the help of which an incredible power of satirical effect is achieved, especially when the writer depicts people in power, the mighty of this world.

We can observe this in the poem "Dead Souls", reading descriptions of landowners and officials.

It is interesting to get acquainted with the critical reviews of the poem when it was first published.

AI Herzen, writer, philosopher and teacher: ".." Dead Souls "by Gogol is an amazing book, a bitter reproach of modern Russia, but not hopeless. Where the gaze can penetrate through the fog of unclean, dung fumes, there he will see His portraits are amazingly good, his life is preserved in its entirety; not abstract types, but kind people whom each of us has seen a hundred times. Sad in Chichikov's world, just as sad as we really are; and there, and here is one consolation in faith and hope for the future ... "(Diary of A. I. Herzen, June 11, 1842)

".." Dead Souls "- a poem, deeply suffered." Dead Souls "- this title itself carries something terrifying. And he could not name it otherwise; not revision - dead souls, but all these Nozdrevs, Manilovs and tutti quanti - these are dead souls, and we meet them at every step ... "(Diary of A. I. Herzen, July 29, 1842)

".." Dead Souls "shocked the whole of Russia. It was necessary to present such an accusation to modern Russia. This is a case history, written by the hand of a master. in the mirror, his bent face ... "

SP Shevyrev, a critic, an acquaintance of Gogol: "... Another time Gogol shows us such a fantastic Russian city: he already did it in The Inspector General; here we also hardly see separately the governor, postmaster, or trustee God-pleasing institutions, neither Bobchinsky nor Dobchinsky; here also the whole city is merged into one person, of which all these gentlemen are only different members: the same county nonsense, caused by a comic fantasy, animates everyone, hovers over them and inspires them with actions and words, one is more ridiculous than the other. ”The same nonsense, raised only to the level of provincial, is personified and operates in the city N. the city of his "Inspector"! With this method of depicting the comically official life of inner Russia, one must notice the poet's artistic instinct: he clothed all abuses, all strange customs, all prejudices with one a network of light laughing irony. This is as it should be - poetry is not a denunciation, not a formidable accusation. Her only colors are possible for this: the colors of the funny ... "

Gogol writes: "The officials were more or less enlightened people: some had read Karamzin, some Moskovskie Vedomosti, and some did not read anything at all." And this phrase immediately gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of education and enlightenment of the administrative city authorities.

And I immediately recall those expressive characteristics that Sobakevich gives to the representatives of the city authorities with his characteristic certainty.

The chairman is "a fool he did not produce what kind of light", the governor is "the first robber in the world, and a robber's face, just give him a knife and let him out on the high road," the police chief - "a swindler, sells, deceives and even dine with you." And Sobakevich sums up: "The fraudster sits on the swindler, drives the swindler." I must say that in this case, Gogol is in complete solidarity with Sobakevich. Gogol defines all the leaders of the provincial government according to their attitude to official duty. Public office for all officials is only a means of a carefree and idle life.

When Chichikov needed witnesses to formalize the deal, Sobakevich said with full knowledge of the matter: "Send now to the prosecutor, he is an idle man and, probably, sits at home: the solicitor Zolotukha, the world's first grabber, does everything for him." An inspector of the medical board, he is also an idle person and, probably, at home, if he has not gone somewhere to play cards. "

The character of the characters is emphasized by two or three strokes. For example, here is the famous episode with a minor official, whose name is Ivan Antonovich, a pitcher's snout. Chichikov is trying to get his attention to formalize his papers. When Chichikov openly laid the money in front of him, Ivan Antonovich did not seem to notice it at all and immediately covered it with a book. But when Chichikov wanted to point him to them, Ivan Antonovich made it clear that this was not necessary.

A very laconic episode, and before you is not just a bribe-taker, but an experienced artist in his business, Gogol needed only two or three phrases to tell about him.