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In the picture, the artist portrayed a hot summer day. Painting Plastov "Summer". Description and story. Collection and systematization of material in the picture

The writing In the picture "Summer" Plastov A.A. (Var 1)

The painting "summer" drew the artist of the formation. It turned out to be very bright and sunny, with a whittle beauty birch, dressed in a green foliage. Its nature, real and beautiful, in all its glory, is attracted to the picture. It seems to radiate warm and light, sleepy peace of hot day. We seem to feel the habitat of herbs and the delightful taste of berries. Such a living work of art can only write a person who truly loving nature and the beauties enthusiastically.

Picture of Plastov "Summer" is so diverse and multifaceted that its description may take a fairly large amount of time. On the canvas we see three heroes: a small girl with his grandmother and a dog. Most likely, they went to the forest beyond the gifts of nature: on the mushrooms and the berries. Returning back, they stopped relaxing at the sun-filled glade, in the shade of birch. The grandmother faced and fell right on the grass, which says about how tired she is. On the grandmother wearing a blue dress and a handkerchief in the tone to him closing face. With his dark, big hand, grandmother covers sun. Looking at her hand, it can be understood that the grandmother is very hardworking and his whole life, I do not regret the strength, worked, and in the cozy trees of the trees earned a little rest and peace.

A girl sitting next to a sleeping grandmother, dressed in a light white dress, on her head her bright red handkerchief, and on the neck beads, which complement her image, causing her eyes. The colors of her uncomplicate dressing are perfectly combined with each other and force the viewer to detain her gaze on her a little longer. A small assistant with a concentrated face separates berries from the twig, it seems that this work is like her and she is glad to relieve the task of her grandmother and help her, this work this work. I am sure that she will grow up the same worker as her grandmother.

Having arrived in the forest, a small funny dog \u200b\u200bis located next to the grandmother and granddaughter, and now sleeps at his legs of his little mistress. The artist painted her a very cute face, which is good for us. Her expression is very kind, for sure it is very clever and is a loved one with his little mistress.

Almost half of the picture occupies a crop that the characters of the paintings brought with them from the forest. Mushrooms in baskets are large. With bright colorful hats, and in the jug of berries - they are very appetizing and ripe. This is what richness carries nature! Gifts are given to us free, you just need to learn them to appreciate and take care of nature.

What a calm can be a simple peasant life! I thought about it, describing the picture "Summer" Plastov. Often we do not see the beauty of the world in which we live. We strive for happiness and do not find it, but it is worth seeing, look at everything around us more carefully, and we note that it consists of some, it would seem, the most minor things. Such like a campaign in the forest over the berries and mushrooms, rest in the shade, help close and many other things. I think the author of this painting wanted to tell us that.

Writing a picture of Plastov "Summer". (Var 2)

Arkady Plastov is a famous Russian painter. His work "Summer" perfectly demonstrates the professionalism of the artist. Many considers summer the best season in the year. It pleases not only warm weather, a lot of sun, but also an abundance of fresh berries, fruits. In the forest you can collect a lot of mushrooms.

Concept of canvas

In his work, the layers showed two mushrooms. This is a woman and a girl. They sat down to relax on the lawn surrounded by Berez. The grass rug has an emerald shade. Mushroom pickers are located in a shadow, and very close can be seen by the clearing, where the sun's rays are dominated. It can be concluded that the Earth warms well.

Birchs are trying to protect a woman and girls, so they gently bent over them. It can be seen that the travelers are tired, because quite a lot of fungi gathered. Full baskets are accommodated nearby. From fatigue, the woman folded his hands and fell asleep. The grass is a rather large jug of clay. Probably, a drink was poured into a mug that was placed on the girls's legs.

Memories of travelers

The girl is immersed in memories. She is still impressed by that joy when you find mushrooms. Now white and red hats are securely damaged to the basket. From her gaze could not hide any mushroom. The girl found all the cunning men who were attached to the grass, under the trees and foliage.

Mom rated the help of his daughter. Now rich prey must be salted and put it. How many tasty can be made of mushrooms. In winter, the smell of dry mushrooms will fill about hot summer and this walk together. But now you can relax, translate the spirit into the shadow of Berez. Thoughts of the girl suddenly disturbed an unexpected snoring. Next to the baby ruled the dog. She also helped the mushrooms and are tired. She decided to take a nap, like mom.

The dog thinks about the way home as well as it is safe, because she needs to defend his owners. They will have to go with full baskets, and it is not easy.

Goal :

  1. To give a concept about the composition of the painting as one of the means of expressing the artist's plan
  2. Training the rules for collecting and systematizing the material in the picture, paying attention to the expressiveness of selected words, for compliance with what is depicted.
  3. To be able to talk according to the plan and on individual items, determining the borders of the statement.

Equipment lesson: Multimedia presentation to the lesson (application), reference abstract.

During the classes

1. Message by teacher information about the artist.

(Slide 1). Arkady Alexandrovich Bedevy - Russian artist 20th century. He spent most of his life in the village of the element of the Ulyanovsk region.

(Slide 2). The work of Plastov is devoted mainly to the peasant theme, as the artist knew the rustic life well and with great love portrayed the nature and people of his native land. The pictured people are perceived in an inseparable unity with nature.

(Slide 3). We are opening up as it were from the special world of cuddled, generous land, work, who is in the joy of peaceful strong people.

(Slide 4, 5). The works of Plastov are devoted to the most different parties to the life of the Russian village. The artist claims the poetry of collective labor. His palette becomes even brighter.

(Slide 6.7). The favorite heroes of Arcadia Alexandrovich - village children - are present in almost every canvas.

(Slide 8). "I love our life. ... even the ordinary everyday affairs of our people ride attention, shock the soul. It is necessary to be able to see, notice, "said A.A. Layers.

(Slide 9). And the artist in his works shows a difficult life, the modest life of Russian peasants who showed vigor and energy in cases who received mental joy from noble labor.

(Slide 10). "The village entered my life, as something endlessly native, organic, one-piece ... And when I say that I managed the picture, this I am obliged to largely - never write what you don't love, you don't know," wrote a .BUT. Layers.

(Slide 11) The artist created many paintings performed by a joyful attitude towards the world around him. Such paintings include, for example, "in summer" (1945). The author showed the wealth and generosity of his native land, simple workers, resting on the forest glade after collecting mushrooms and berries.

2. Conversation in the picture "Summer".

  1. What is your first impression from the picture?
  2. When is the action shown in the picture?
  3. What primarily attracts attention?
  4. What colors, warm or cold, are found in the painting of Plastov?
  5. How does the artist manage to pass his mood to a person considering the picture?
  6. What can be said about the artist?

3. The concept of the color scheme of the picture.

Picture mood The artist transmits with the help of paints. Red, orange, yellow called in painting with warm colors. They help the artist to pass a joyful mood. Green, blue, purple, gray is cold colors. They cause feeling sadness, anxiety, sadness.

4. The concept of the front and background pattern.

What is depicted in the picture closer to the viewer, right in front of us - the foreground of the picture. What is in the distance from the picture considering is the background.

5. Collection and systematization of material in the picture.

(Generous gifts of nature.
Foreground on the left.)

Jug - Clay, red-brown, with drink.

Basket - Wicker, top filled with yellowish and reddish mushrooms.

Bucket - Black, drowning in forestry, filled with reddish mushrooms.

Grass - Bright green, bloomed with yellow flowers, purple bells.

Heroes of the canvas. Front plan on the right.

Girl - tanned, on the cheeks of the blush; in a bright red scarf and a light dress; breaks up ripe berries and folds them into a blue circle; Face ruddy.

Female - tired; in a blue dress and blue scarf; Tanned hand of workers.

Dog - Light redhead, faithful, put her head on the paws, resting and guarding.


Polyana - Light, spacious, sunproof, emerald grass, meek wildflowers.

Beres - grayish color with dark stains, like sides, dismissed braids, stand aside; Golden leaves lit by the sun.

Forest - Dark green, gets up the wall.

Stump - light brown.

6. Drawing up a picture description plan.

I. Introduction.

1. The word about the artist A. A. Plastic.

2. The first impression of the work.

II. Main part.

Description of the painting "Summer".

(Front, rear plans. Right, left flank painting.)

1. Appearance, expression of individuals, poses of heroes.

2. Landscape.

3. Mood created by the picture, the ratio of the author to its work.

III. Conclusion.

The mood that creates a picture (feedback on the work of critics, wishes, conclusions).

7. Writing a rough essay version.

8. Homework.

Write an essay-description in the picture A.A. Plastova "Summer".


  1. Vladimirskaya G. N. Russian lessons in grade 5: a book for a teacher. - M.: TC Sphere, 2003.
  2. Kapinos V.I., Sergeeva N.N., Solovychik M.S. Speech development: theory and practice of learning. 5-7 classes. M., Enlightenment, 1991.
  3. Kotova O.F. Express yourself in the word. Kolomna, 1993.

Goal :

  1. To give a concept about the composition of the painting as one of the means of expressing the artist's plan
  2. Training the rules for collecting and systematizing the material in the picture, paying attention to the expressiveness of selected words, for compliance with what is depicted.
  3. To be able to talk according to the plan and on individual items, determining the borders of the statement.

Equipment lesson: Multimedia presentation to the lesson (application), reference abstract.

During the classes

1. Message by teacher information about the artist.

(Slide 1). Arkady Alexandrovich Bedevy - Russian artist 20th century. He spent most of his life in the village of the element of the Ulyanovsk region.

(Slide 2). The work of Plastov is devoted mainly to the peasant theme, as the artist knew the rustic life well and with great love portrayed the nature and people of his native land. The pictured people are perceived in an inseparable unity with nature.

(Slide 3). We are opening up as it were from the special world of cuddled, generous land, work, who is in the joy of peaceful strong people.

(Slide 4, 5). The works of Plastov are devoted to the most different parties to the life of the Russian village. The artist claims the poetry of collective labor. His palette becomes even brighter.

(Slide 6.7). The favorite heroes of Arcadia Alexandrovich - village children - are present in almost every canvas.

(Slide 8). "I love our life. ... even the ordinary everyday affairs of our people ride attention, shock the soul. It is necessary to be able to see, notice, "said A.A. Layers.

(Slide 9). And the artist in his works shows a difficult life, the modest life of Russian peasants who showed vigor and energy in cases who received mental joy from noble labor.

(Slide 10). "The village entered my life, as something endlessly native, organic, one-piece ... And when I say that I managed the picture, this I am obliged to largely - never write what you don't love, you don't know," wrote a .BUT. Layers.

(Slide 11) The artist created many paintings performed by a joyful attitude towards the world around him. Such paintings include, for example, "in summer" (1945). The author showed the wealth and generosity of his native land, simple workers, resting on the forest glade after collecting mushrooms and berries.

2. Conversation in the picture "Summer".

  1. What is your first impression from the picture?
  2. When is the action shown in the picture?
  3. What primarily attracts attention?
  4. What colors, warm or cold, are found in the painting of Plastov?
  5. How does the artist manage to pass his mood to a person considering the picture?
  6. What can be said about the artist?

3. The concept of the color scheme of the picture.

Picture mood The artist transmits with the help of paints. Red, orange, yellow called in painting with warm colors. They help the artist to pass a joyful mood. Green, blue, purple, gray is cold colors. They cause feeling sadness, anxiety, sadness.

4. The concept of the front and background pattern.

What is depicted in the picture closer to the viewer, right in front of us - the foreground of the picture. What is in the distance from the picture considering is the background.

5. Collection and systematization of material in the picture.

(Generous gifts of nature.
Foreground on the left.)

Jug - Clay, red-brown, with drink.

Basket - Wicker, top filled with yellowish and reddish mushrooms.

Bucket - Black, drowning in forestry, filled with reddish mushrooms.

Grass - Bright green, bloomed with yellow flowers, purple bells.

Heroes of the canvas. Front plan on the right.

Girl - tanned, on the cheeks of the blush; in a bright red scarf and a light dress; breaks up ripe berries and folds them into a blue circle; Face ruddy.

Female - tired; in a blue dress and blue scarf; Tanned hand of workers.

Dog - Light redhead, faithful, put her head on the paws, resting and guarding.


Polyana - Light, spacious, sunproof, emerald grass, meek wildflowers.

Beres - grayish color with dark stains, like sides, dismissed braids, stand aside; Golden leaves lit by the sun.

Forest - Dark green, gets up the wall.

Stump - light brown.

6. Drawing up a picture description plan.

I. Introduction.

1. The word about the artist A. A. Plastic.

2. The first impression of the work.

II. Main part.

Description of the painting "Summer".

(Front, rear plans. Right, left flank painting.)

1. Appearance, expression of individuals, poses of heroes.

2. Landscape.

3. Mood created by the picture, the ratio of the author to its work.

III. Conclusion.

The mood that creates a picture (feedback on the work of critics, wishes, conclusions).

7. Writing a rough essay version.

8. Homework.

Write an essay-description in the picture A.A. Plastova "Summer".


  1. Vladimirskaya G. N. Russian lessons in grade 5: a book for a teacher. - M.: TC Sphere, 2003.
  2. Kapinos V.I., Sergeeva N.N., Solovychik M.S. Speech development: theory and practice of learning. 5-7 classes. M., Enlightenment, 1991.
  3. Kotova O.F. Express yourself in the word. Kolomna, 1993.

In the painting "Summer", the artist portrayed a sunny summer day, hard-working Russian woman with her daughter.

A woman with her daughter from an early morning went through the forest and scored a full basket and a bucket of mushrooms, a large jug of berries. After a long gathering, they are tired and sat down to relax in the glade, in the shadow Berez. A woman fell down and fell asleep. Clothes on it is simple, peasant: dark blue dress tied by apron. On the head - the blue scarf, which she pulled on the eyes so that the sun rays did not get into the eyes so that the sun's rays would not get into the eyes during the rest. The girl sits, stretching the bare feet, crosses the red strawberries in the blue mug. On the cheeks, tornished the girl, playing a blush. She is dressed in a white dress. Pink beads are visible on the neck. Scarlet handkerchiefs tied on his head. To the left near the girl lies the rear-year-black-black dog.

To the right of the girl stand a bucket with a basket, drowning in dark green grass. Wicker basket with handles full of white mushrooms. Black bucket to the top filled with red mushrooms. The red-brown clay jug is filled with fragrant berries.

In the first background, we see the Sun of the Polyan. The burnt grass in the sun has amber tint. In the meadow, aside, there are two slim white birch trees. Branome branches are lowered to land, like long braids. Golden green leaflets are lit by a bright sun. Birchs cast a light shadow that creates a little cool and hides from the scorch rays of the sun. In the shade under the birch of grass emerald. Blue bells, white daisies and unknown yellow flowers look out of it.

In the second background, the picture is a dark green forest wall. Sunlight illuminates the trees in the first row, but does not penetrate the forest inside.

To naturally convey the greens, the artist performed a picture in green colors and its shades. Against the background of the greenery, a festive combination of paints, he transmits: Aluu Kosynka and white dress. Girls, blue clothes. Women, outbreaks of white, blue and yellow flowers in juicy green grass.

The picture is filled with joy, beauty and generosity of summer nature. The combination of bright colors raises the mood. There is a desire to visit this glade, to lie in soft scented grass under the shadow of birches, breathe flavors of the summer with complete breasts, to enjoy fragrant berries of strawberries.

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Painting "Summer" (1945) - On this web, the author showed the wealth and generosity of his native land, simple workers, vacationers in the forest glade after the collection of mushrooms and berries ... A selection of works on the painting of Plastov "Summer"

Essay in the picture A.A. Plastova "Summer" grade 5

Everyone knows that summer time gives us not only the sun and heat, but also to the edges of the filled baskets of ripe berries and mushrooms. All these fruits are very expressive in the "summer" picture, which owns the brush of an excellent Russian artist A. A. Plastov.

This picture is very live and realistic. What does this work show us? The artist portrayed a rustic woman and a girl on her, perhaps it is a grandmother and granddaughter. They collected many mushrooms and sat down to relax in the birch grove. The carpet is used by a soft green grass. Nearby is clearly visible to the clearing, which the sun's rays are heated.

In the background there is a dark dense forest. The grass, lit by the sun, light-salad color, and the flowers are all different: pink, yellow, purple. Above the travelers, as if defending their hot sun, two birks bent. And the girl, and the woman was very tired, because they had a lot to work hard to collect such a harvest of mushrooms.

A woman in a blue dress and in the same handkerchief tried right on the ground, laying under the head of all the arms. Girl dressed in a white dress and a red handkerchief, in her hands she holds ripe berries. On the knees of the girl stands a complete cup, she poured her from the next to the clay jug standing.

Near his mistress is a faithful friend - a dog. She, apparently, was also very tired, because accompanied mushrooms from the house and was their faithful fellow traveler. The dog rolled out with a hacker and reflects about something.

If you look closely into the picture, it may seem that you feel the summer heat, spicy smell of herbs and berries. All this is possible thanks to the artist's skill. I really liked this cloth, because the beauty of our Earth is very expressively depicted on it. Often we do not notice the environment around us, and such pictures help to stop the moment and see it.

Essay in the picture of the Plastov "Summer" with the plan


1. Creativity A.A. Plastov.
2. The plot of the painting "summer".
3. True brush.
4. Artist, Loving Rus.

Arkady Aleksandrovich Bedstikov - the famous Russian painter of the twentieth century, the author of a variety of cauldron about rural life. He himself was born in the village, from the small years they were familiar with the concerns and joy of the peasantry. Along with adults, he included children in the plot of children, showing the continuity of labor traditions and generations.

So on the summer glade in the height of the mushroom pore we see a woman with a girl. Tired mother in a blue dress torn in the shadow of a whittle birches, tired by a midday sun and a long dear. Bosy legs emanated a lot of trop, hillocks and oxides. Full mushrooms basket and bucket, bright berry pleases the eye. She was collected by a pretty girl in a red scarf and a homework white dress. She and now rises a strawberry bush into an enameled mug. I think that it put the fragrant berries in a jug, sitting on a sunny hill, while the mother walked out of a birch grove to a dense village behind the oils. The faithful dog quickly sucked behind the hostess, the baby's okey can be ringing. So, asking, they filled all their containers and settled on holidays in the shade before the expense.

Here and found their truthful painter brush. Nothing fell away from his dressed eyes: Outropted Mother's hands, Psa's tired eyes, disheveled strands on a wet from sweat forehead, polished handles of a basket and bucket. Litigation peasant work at the time when the day is feeding. Only the sun and the blue sky, soft greens and wildflowers, that the silent songs of the mushrooms are silent, there will be anature for tired. The eternal companions of the Russian man, birch troops from the heat and will paint consolation, rustling with carved hearts of foliage.

The rest and love fits from the painting "summer". The reservoirs are recognized by this web in love for an excellent native land, respect for work, to the traditions of Rus Mother.

Essay in the picture of the Plastov "Summer" Grade 5

In the lesson of the Russian language, the teacher acquainted us with a surprisingly beautiful picture of Plastov "in the summer".

In the foreground, the artist portrayed a girl in a white dress ;, red scarf and berries beads. Next to her is a dog. The girl separates the berries from the twigs and leaves and folds them into the circle.

And in the background pattern we see a vacationed grandmother in a blue dress and a scarf. Probably, she is tired of collecting berries and mushrooms, so he faced the shadows. Behind people illuminated by the bright sun grass and flowers, slim birch trees and old stump. Behind this solar clearing is a dense dark forest. On the sun grass of light-grade color, and colorful flowers: yellow, pink, purple.

After I looked at the picture for a long time, I seemed to have reached the summer heat, spicy smell of herbs and sweet - strawberries.

Next to people, in the shade, there is a basket with mushrooms and a jug with juicy ripe berries. I liked the picture of Plastov, because the artist portrayed the beauty of our Earth. Sometimes we do not notice what beauty surrounds us, paintings by artists help to see her, love, learn to protect the nature.

A modern person summer is associated with carefree rest when you can do anything. In the summer, many people leave for the sea or just all day rest on the beach. And only a few think about what summer was for our ancestors.

In the painting of Plastov "Summer" we see children who relax in a birch grove. The girl collects berries into a mug, and the boy fell asleep. Next to the children lies a big dog - this is a devoted friend and security guard. Perhaps someone will decide that the children simply walked around the forest, but it is not at all. The true state of affairs reveal baskets filled with mushrooms to the edges. And it becomes immediately clear that rural children are accustomed to help adults from the Small years.

The picture shows the need for labor from early childhood. Of course, children cannot be operated, but they should help with adults from small years. Only in this way it is possible to grow a hard-working, honest and kind person who will not betray and will not quit in trouble.

Essay in the picture "Summer" Plastov

Arkady Alexandrovich Bedstikov - the famous Russian artist. Summer is one of the old-year-old artist, so many works are devoted to him. Such works belongs to the "summer" picture.

In the picture, the artist portrayed a hot summer day. Two mushrooms: It looks like mom and daughter - rest in the shade under the birch. In the foreground of the layers drew a girl. On it is a white dress and a sharp brazer. The girl sits on the grass, her legs stretched out. Apparently, she is tired of long walk through the forest. But even on holiday, the girl is busy business. She moves the berries, taking them off from the twig and lowering into a mug that stands in the girl on his knees.

Near the girl is a dog. She also rests, like her owners. The day is too hot. The dog was tired of lowered her head on the paws. In the second plan of the layers drew a sleeping woman. On her a blue dress and the same bright blue handkerchief, which a woman covered his face from the sun and from annoying flies. One woman's hand raised up. The layers sharpen attention on this hand. It is a strong covered with a dark tan. That is, this is a hand of workers who do not know peace.

And the forest glade spread around, filled with bright sunlight. In the hot rays of the sun foliage on the trees sparkles. Emerald color Grass seems so soft and silky. Yellow and blue flowers complement the summer day picture. And filled to the edges of the mushrooms bucket and a basket, a jar with a berry talk about generosity of summer nature.

When I look at the picture A.A. Plastova "Summer", I remember summer days. And it seems to me that I feel the smell of the grass heated by the sun, I feel on the face of the warmth of the summer breeze, the fragrance of forest berries, that he himself wants to find himself on this forest glade and lie down on a soft grass.

Essay in the picture "Summer" Plastov

In the picture, the artist portrayed a hard-working Russian woman who, with the help of granddaughter, gathered a whole mountain of mushrooms and a jar of berries. Drawing a picture, he admires the hardworking of women. The woman taught a little girl to collect mushrooms, passing her experience.

Warm nice summer day. Grandmother and granddaughter decided to go to the forest behind the mushrooms, in the forest it was hot, the sun shines brightly, they walked around different glades for a long time and collected mushrooms, typing as two baskets of mushrooms, they felt fatigue. Found a cozy cleaner and sat down under the milled branches birches, her leaves under the rays of the sun beautifully overflow and please the viewer's eyes. The grandmother faced rest and fearfully fell asleep for himself, the girl did not worry her. The granddaughter, meanwhile, the time is not losing time, she found a bush with berries, threw off his branches from him, now sits and separates them from the twigs and folds into the circle. The peasants came to the forest none, with them came their faithful friend - an old dog. He is also tired of going to the forest for a long time and wait until his hostess will gather mushrooms, comfortably cropped near the beloved hostess, he tried up while he has such an opportunity.

Polyana is filled with high grass and flowers, it smells like freshness and fragrant mushrooms. Twitter and trill the birds are well heard when quietly sit on the clearing, from somewhere from afar, the voice of the cuckoo, near the aromatic colors buzzed bumblebees and the wasps, butterfly flush and dragonfly flies. Among the thick herbs you can see blue bells and snow-white chamomiles, the artist prescribed them very precisely, with love and tenderness. In the basket there are different mushrooms, here and white mushrooms, and chanterelles. Today, the girl is waiting for a delicious dinner with mushrooms.

When writing a picture, the artist used a lot of green and his shades to naturally convey the greens on the clearing.

From the picture blows silence and tranquility, looking at her, I also want to relax and eat a couple of forest berries.

Essay in the picture "Summer" Plastov

Bedstoes Famous Soviet artist. At first he studied in the spiritual seminary, then moved to the art school. Drew the landscapes of the middle strip and household scenes of rural residents. Himself from the village and family of hereditary icon painters. As learned to the artist in Moscow, returned to his village, where he lived until the end of his life, drawing his fellow villagers and the environment of the middle strip of Russia.

In the picture "Summer" depicts one of the genre scenes of rural life. Perhaps drawn by his acquaintances in the village. There is also a landscape, and the household scene. Under the shadow of the tree is located a girl sleeping woman and dog. It seems that this is a family that has followed the mushrooms from the very dawn, but now the sun rose highly, the mushrooms are collected, and to go to the native village and go ... so they decided to stay in the shade of the tree and gain strength for the road road.

Mother girls, or grandmother, smored, and she fell asleep. In the picture, the age of a woman is not quite clear, so we can only assume. From the side depicted a dog. She is also tired, lightened and tried. Although the posture is slightly tense. And it felt that the guard does not forget about their responsibilities. With any rustle, it is ready to jump and protect your people from any danger. One girl sits and sleeps. In her hands, she has a twig with a berry of the raspberry, which she focuses towels and then throws the berries into a mug. Good harvest they collected. Two full mushroom baskets and a whole jug with raspberries. The houses of the mushrooms are welded or dried, and from the raspberry, they will most likely make jam, so that in the winter with tea and remember and remember summer days.

And in the background, the painting spread out a forest glade, drowning in greenery and colors. Over the picture, sunlight diffuses and transfers the feeling of reinforcing heat. Probably now around noon. And the second half of the summer, judging by the rich breach of berries and mushrooms.

The painting comes a peace and even joy ... Warm summer days, a juicy green grass, which would like to run by barefoot, relaxed people, resting after completed work ... The combination of bright colors and shades soothes, and transmit a joyful mood to the viewer. And so the artist was well handed over the summer motives that I want to take a step and to be in this forest idyll.

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