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Plasma facial rejuvenation pros and cons. What is face plasmolifting? Detailed overview of the procedure. injection stage

Plasmolifting of the face is a non-surgical method of skin rejuvenation, the dreams of which have long haunted the minds of millions of women. The leading active component of the newly appeared elixir of youth is platelet-rich plasma, isolated from the blood of the patient herself. The advantages and disadvantages of this procedure will be discussed below.

What is the essence of the methodology?

The plasmolifting procedure is a newfangled method of dealing with aging, withering skin. It is based on the principle of introducing specially prepared plasma isolated from human blood. The injected substance is called platelet autoplasma. The injection quickly multiplies the patient's ability to produce hyaluronic acid and collagen. This contributes to enhanced production of stem cells and has a positive effect on the regeneration process.

Advantages of the Plasmolifting procedure

  • The main rejuvenating effect is the effect on the cells from the inside.
  • All kinds of side effects in the form of allergies and rejection of the active substance are excluded.
  • The impact is exerted exclusively by the personal autoplasma of the applicant, that is, no foreign cells or other donor components.

Cons of the rejuvenation procedure

Lifting technology contraindications:

  • Any injection is a damage to the integrity of the skin, from this there is a risk of infection;
  • Pain sensations.
  • If the tubes for plasmolifting or the centrifuge are not processed, there are risks of infection with syphilis, hepatitis and HIV.
  • There is a possibility that viruses that were dormant in the blood until that time are activated.
  • In order to see how the face changes before and after plasmolifting, you need to wait a couple of weeks.

Indications for choosing a procedure

Plasmolifting of facial skin will help you correct or completely get rid of such shortcomings of the epidermis:

  • network of vessels;
  • age and mimic wrinkles;
  • manifestation of photoaging of the skin;
  • psoriasis, acne and other diseases of the dermatological type;
  • excessive skin pigmentation;

As you can see, the readings correspond to the skin condition of a 40-year-old woman.

Predicted effect

Even though it takes up to six months for visible effects, the resulting effect is worth the wait:

  • the effect of 100% rejuvenation of the face oval;
  • healthy, fresh skin tone;
  • all wrinkles and mimic wrinkles will disappear;
  • the relief and tone of the skin is significantly leveled;
  • tightness and excessive pigmentation of the integument will disappear;
  • the oval of the face will tighten, and the face will acquire a clearer contour;
  • the aging process slows down due to the increase in the number of collage fibers produced.

Are there any contraindications to plasmolifting?

  • any acute or exacerbated chronic diseases;
  • problems with sugar levels;
  • autoimmune diseases and infectious diseases;
  • HIV disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hepatitis C and B;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • problems with blood clotting, hemophilia;
  • epilepsy and mental disorders;
  • oncological diseases in relatives.

Procedure algorithm

Plasmolifting of the face can be done exclusively in special clinics and medical centers using expensive equipment.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for plasmolifting of the face is mandatory:

  • 4 blood tests for: hepatitis C, B, HIV and antibodies to Treponema pallidum (total);
  • preparatory collection of 10-20 ml of venous blood in order to prepare therapeutic plasma.

The process of making plasma for injection

  • It is important that the preparation of the injection dose is carried out in the personal presence of the patient, and consists of the following steps:
  • A special centrifuge for medium-sized plasma lifting is taken. It contains 1-2 single-use test tubes, pre-filled with blood.
  • In the process of accelerated rotation of the centrifuge, the blood breaks up into 3 fractions: erythrocytes, platelet-rich plasma and poor plasma. Due to the special coating on the test tubes, the blood does not clot in them.
  • Only PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is involved in the rejuvenation process. In it, the number of platelets per 1 ml reaches up to 1 million.
  • The plasma preparation process is 15 minutes.

injection stage

  • The substance is injected into the inner layers of the dermis with a syringe with a thin needle into problem areas on the face.

  • In time, a rejuvenating session will take approximately 20-60 minutes.
  • It is necessary to repeat the session in a couple of weeks. Often, the course of regeneration takes 4-6 trips to the beautician.

How to prepare for a trip to plasma lifting

To increase the effectiveness of rejuvenation, it is recommended 3 days before a visit to a beautician:

  • stop taking aspirin, citramon, and other anti- and procoagulants;
  • do not smoke, and do not drink alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks;
  • drink more than 2 liters of water per day;
  • completely eliminate fatty, spicy and spicy foods from the diet;
  • eat healthy berries, juicy fruits and fresh vegetables;
  • completely stop or minimize physical plan loads.

Directly on the day of the plasmolifting, do not eat 3 hours before the procedure.

Subtleties of rejuvenation

  • For your own safety, be sure to ask the specialist for documents authorizing the session.
  • It is strictly contraindicated to transport, store or freeze ready-made plasma, so you need a specialist to make it directly in your presence.

  • In those places of punctures, bruises or hematomas may appear. This is possible, but they should pass in 2-3 days.
  • The procedure can be combined with laser rejuvenation.

An integrated approach to the rejuvenation process

You should not pin your hopes only on the effect of plasmolifting. Simple and understandable steps will help to significantly prolong the beauty and youth.

  • Most importantly: proper nutrition, facial care, healthy lifestyle and a full 8-hour sleep;
  • Gymnastics or fitness for the face. It perfectly supports skin turgor, and enhances skin tone. Read more on facial fitness.
  • “Event” does not cancel the use of nourishing masks and creams that suit you.

The cost of the injection procedure

Plasmolifting is a rather expensive facial rejuvenation. The high cost is associated with expensive equipment and the procedure for obtaining permits. The price of one visit is 6-12 thousand rubles, depending on the class of the clinic and the size of the treated area.

Important! Do not be seduced by the cheapness of the sessions, but, on the contrary, beware. Be sure to ask about the availability of relevant permits. Make sure you have permission.

It is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of a clinic, study the positive and negative reviews on the forums and consider photos before and after lifting.

A similar procedure is carried out to treat hair and accelerate their growth. We wrote about it.

In the article we discuss plasmolifting of the face. We talk about the features of the procedure, the advantages and disadvantages, how to prepare for it. You will find out the cost of plasmolifting, indications, consequences and contraindications for its implementation, positive and negative reviews of doctors and women about the procedure.

Plasmolifting is an invasive cosmetic procedure in which active ingredients are injected under the patient's skin. The peculiarity of this effect lies in the fact that the plasma of the patient himself is used as active substances. For this purpose, 20-100 ml of blood is taken from him, after which plasma is extracted from it in a special centrifuge.

During the session, plasma is injected under the skin of the face to a depth of 3 mm. This contributes to the stimulation of stem cells and the overall rejuvenation of the skin of the face. This method of improving the appearance is suitable for people who are afraid of exposure to chemicals and possible negative consequences after them. In plasmolifting, all substances are natural and natural, blood is taken from a vein by a specialist and processed in the apparatus while the patient is present.

It is forbidden to store such a drug; with each new session, new blood is taken. As a rule, 4-5 procedures are enough to obtain the maximum effect, only a specialist will name the exact number, based on the condition of the skin and the desired result.

Before the procedures, you must take a 14-day break. This period is enough for the plasma to begin its positive effect, and the face to rest.

Useful properties of plasma

Blood plasma has unique properties. She:

  • stimulates the body's stem cells;
  • improves metabolism, due to which the condition of the dermis improves significantly;
  • promotes rejuvenation of the dermis, while the skin of the face looks fresh.

The result may last for a long time, but over time, the cosmetic procedure will need to be repeated.

Plasmolifting of the face solves the following cosmetic problems:

  • mimic wrinkles;
  • eliminates the effects of smoking and the harmful effects of the external environment, due to which a healthy complexion returns;
  • too dry or oily skin;
  • age changes.

Blood plasma promotes rejuvenation and is also an additional therapy during other cosmetic procedures. In this case, it enhances the effect and restores the dermis after them.

In plasmolifting, the patient's own blood is used


Indications for plasmolifting are:

  • acne
  • shallow and deep wrinkles;
  • lethargy of the dermis resulting from weight loss;
  • age-related changes;
  • pallor;
  • postoperative or post-traumatic scars on the face;
  • dark spots;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • too dry skin;
  • flabby dermis;
  • consequences of a large number of visits to the solarium.

Since the main effect of the procedure is aimed at rejuvenation, plasmolifting is effective for women over 50 years of age.

Advantages and disadvantages

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this cosmetic procedure.

The pluses include:

  • the use of own blood plasma, and not donor, due to which there is no risk of infection;
  • lack of allergies, which is often with other cosmetic methods;
  • long-lasting and growing effect that can last for several years.
  • painful but tolerable procedure;
  • high price;
  • the lack of instant results after the procedure, which is why many women are disappointed.

You will notice the first effect 8-10 days after the procedure. It is at this time that plasma begins to show its qualities. After the session, rejuvenation and healing of the face occurs, but not its lifting. In this case, it's more efficient to use .

Photos before and after

Photo of plasmolifting with the result
Effect after a course of plasmolifting
Plasmolifting is great for women over 50

Many women are interested in the question of how to prepare for face plasmolifting. There is nothing complicated in this, it is enough to take a blood test. If contraindications are not identified, then you can proceed to the anti-aging procedure.

Plasmolifting of the face is performed in the morning. This is due to the fact that blood sampling for the preparation of plasma from it must be taken on an empty stomach. For this reason, it is important not to overeat during dinner, and also to refrain from drinking alcohol a week before the procedure, since its presence in the blood can negatively affect its composition.

The duration of the rehabilitation period is from 3 to 5 days.

At this time, you should:

  • to be at home;
  • avoid sunlight, wind and frost;
  • refrain from visiting baths and saunas;
  • do not use cosmetics;
  • If desired, you can use a soothing cream.

The second procedure is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after the previous one.

Plasmolifting is carried out only in beauty salons or clinics.

How is the procedure

Plasmolifting of the face is carried out only in beauty salons and clinics, it is impossible to do it at home. This is due to the need for a special apparatus, conditions and qualified specialists.

Before the session, the specialist takes a blood sample from the patient from a vein. Then the blood in a special test tube is placed in a centrifuge, in which the process of plasma isolation takes place.

At this time, the specialist treats the patient's face with a disinfectant, as with a conventional injection. After the plasma is ready, they begin to inject it under the skin of the face to a depth of 3 mm using multiple injections. Some women note that it is quite painful, but tolerable.

The duration of plasmolifting is 20-40 minutes. After the procedure, the patient rests for a while, after which he can go home.

Combination with other procedures

Plasmolifting of the face is a universal procedure that can be used both separately and as part of a comprehensive cosmetology service. Most often, plasma therapy is used as a restorative therapy after fractional thermolysis.

After thermolysis, the dermis is often irritated and shows traces of micro-notches. In this case, the benefits of plasmolifting are undeniable, since the procedure contributes to the speedy recovery of the skin.

Plasma therapy can also be combined with:

  • biorevitalization;
  • chemical peeling of the face;
  • photorejuvenation;
  • mesotherapy of the scalp and face;
  • laser dermabrasion;
  • sessions of RF-lifting.

The use of plasmolifting reduces the recovery period after the installation of mesothreads. The use of plasma therapy together with the mesoscooter gives an amazing effect.


As a rule, the course of treatment is 5-6 sessions, while the result will not be immediately visible. Only after 8-10 days you will be able to observe the first changes, since at this time the plasma begins to act. The skin will become lighter, wrinkles - less noticeable or completely disappear, there will be no trace of acne.

The achieved effect lasts for 18-24 months, in some cases longer. With proper facial care, giving up bad habits, the result can last from 5 to 6 years. After that, a new course of treatment will be required.


Prohibitions for the procedure can be temporary and permanent. Temporary:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • ailments of an infectious and inflammatory nature;
  • viral diseases;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • taking anticoagulants.


  • oncology and predisposition to it;
  • any form of hepatitis;
  • blood diseases.

The ban on the procedure for viral diseases is due to the fact that when plasma is injected, active division of stem cells occurs. According to experts, this can lead to further development and complications of the disease.

Side effects

Improper and poor-quality cosmetic services can cause such side effects:

  • Bruises, redness, swelling at the injection sites - as a rule, this condition disappears after a week. It can be caused by the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • The increase in acne in the treatment of acne is a temporary effect that will end with a complete cleansing of the dermis.
  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments - most often manifested with weak immunity. Most often, herpetic eruptions appear due to the activation of the virus.
  • Deterioration of well-being - almost immediately after the procedure, it is possible to feel an acceleration or slowdown of the heartbeat, as well as an increase or decrease in blood pressure. This is the response of the body to the invasion of its functioning.
  • The formation of tissue fibrosis - seals appear on the face caused by the characteristics of the body or by inserting the needle too deep.
  • Local infection is a serious problem that can occur due to the fault of the cosmetologist (quite rarely), as well as due to improper care during the recovery period.
  • Infection with infectious diseases is theoretically possible. Occurs as a result of negligence and unsterility in the cosmetologist's office, as a result of which plasma particles from one client get to another.

Now you understand why it is important to choose the clinic for the procedure correctly and carefully.

What is more effective - facial plasmolifting or biorevitalization

Plasmolifting of the face or biorevitalization

When comparing these two procedures, it should be noted that the indications for their implementation, as well as the expected results, are almost identical. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is also referred to as natural and safe anti-aging methods - hyaluronic acid is biologically compatible with tissues, as it is an integral part of them.

There is a difference between the procedures: hyaluronic acid is obtained by an artificial method, while plasma is obtained from the patient's own blood. In biorevitalization, the quality of the drug and the molecular weight of acid molecules play a huge role. With plasmolifting, the quality of the material is almost always the same.

Each of these anti-aging techniques is good in its own way. Therefore, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor to understand what is best for you.


Despite the high efficiency and amazing rejuvenating effect, facial plasmolifting is not affordable for everyone.

Average cost per city per 1 tube:

  • Krasnodar - from 4 thousand (for the course 25-30 thousand rubles);
  • Moscow - from 5500 rubles (for the course 25-33 thousand rubles);
  • Rostov-on-Don - from 4500 rubles (for the course 22500-27000 rubles);
  • St. Petersburg - from 4950 rubles (for the course 25-30 thousand rubles);
  • Omsk - 25-45 thousand rubles per course.

Plasmolifting of the face, what is it? This is the name of the procedure for rejuvenating the deep layers of the epidermis with the help of its own plasma synthesized from human blood. This method has scientific confirmation of its effectiveness.

His practice is quite young - it is not yet 15 years old. The beneficial properties of plasma for rejuvenation were discovered by Russian scientists.

It was they who developed the technology and special equipment, which is officially patented and used on the territory of the Russian Federation (Plasmolifting™).

Plasmolifting of the face (PRP) - what is it?

Plasmolifting of the face is an injection procedure for correcting skin imperfections with your own platelet-rich plasma.

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma.

This is an amazing method and a real breakthrough in cosmetology. Strange as it may seem, but plasma therapy starts important processes in the epidermis, stops the aging process and resumes skin rejuvenation.

As a result, the first wrinkles are reduced, the dry epidermis is moistened and yellowness is suppressed, the complexion is brightened and evened out. The treatment is as effective as preventing skin aging associated with excessive sunbathing.

Plasmolifting is a procedure for injecting plasma, which is enriched with platelets. There is also an option for manipulation with the addition of plasma to hyaluronic acid.

Beautician Christina Brecht

Many patients stop using foundation after undergoing a course of plasmolifting, as the complexion evens out.

Before starting plasmolifting, the doctor takes a small amount of blood from the patient. It places the resulting material in a special one, where plasma is released, which is necessary for further manipulation.

Every year the range of areas in which plasmolifting is used is expanding:

  1. dermatology;
  2. surgery;
  3. dentistry;
  4. sports medicine;
  5. non-healing wounds and ulcers;
  6. baldness;
  7. other diseases (urological, in the treatment of heart valves, regeneration of cartilage and intervertebral discs.

Indications for the procedure

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

After plasmolifting, the face really tightens, the oval becomes clearer, but with the help of other modern techniques, a greater effect can be achieved. The procedure is especially useful for people with problem skin, as it stands out with healing properties. Scientists have proven that plasma, which is injected under the skin, improves the protective reaction of the epidermis. Do not expect an instant effect after plasmolifting. Wrinkles are smoothed out, but this method cannot cope with deep creases, but the procedure perfectly eliminates acne.

plastic surgeon

I consider plasmolifting an easy procedure that does not pose a danger to the patient. Often it is positioned as a promising manipulation. Women go to her and literally expect a miracle. It is in such situations that people remain dissatisfied with the result, they blame the doctor. But you need to understand that with the help of plasmolifting it will not be possible to tighten the skin, which has sagged a lot, to remove deep creases. The procedure is able to improve the skin, but you should not expect a strong rejuvenating effect from it.

The desire of women to remain attractive at any age has always been, and for this they used a variety of methods for skin care.

Modern medicine offers an innovative way of skin rejuvenation and regeneration, which has already managed to establish itself on the positive side in a professional environment.

This is a method of plasma therapy or plasma lifting, this technology will be discussed in this article.

Plasmolifting is a shallow invasive cosmetic procedure during which active substances are injected under the patient's skin. A feature of this effect is that the role of active components here is the blood plasma of the patient himself.

To do this, from 20 to 100 ml of blood is taken from him and plasma is extracted from it on a special centrifuge.

The process itself consists in the fact that it is injected under the skin of the face to a depth of 3 mm. This contributes to the activation of stem cells and the overall rejuvenation of the skin of the face. This method is suitable for those who are afraid of exposure to chemicals and the negative consequences associated with this, everything here is natural and natural, done in the presence of the patient.

Storage of such a drug is excluded, new blood is taken at the next session. To achieve the maximum effect, 4-5 sessions are usually required, but the doctor will be able to determine their exact number, it all depends on the severity of the case and the result that the patient wants to receive. The break between sessions is on average 2 weeks, during which time the face has time to relax, and the plasma begins its beneficial effect.

Plasma Capabilities

Blood plasma has unique properties, thanks to it the stem cells of the body are activated, metabolism improves and, as a result, the skin condition improves significantly, it becomes much younger and fresher. The effect can last for a long time, but over time, the procedure must be repeated.

The possibilities of this new method allow to solve the following problems:

  • the consequences of smoking or harmful environmental influences, if the skin of the face because of this has an unhealthy color;
  • age-related changes;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • too oily or dry skin.

With the widest range of possibilities, plasma can not only rejuvenate the skin, but also be an additional therapy for other cosmetic procedures, helping to restore the skin after them, as well as enhancing their effect.

All for and against

The use of the patient's own blood and the rejection of ready-made plasma made from donated blood eliminates the possibility of infection. Despite the fact that the method is quite young, it managed to gain popularity among patients and among professionals. It differs from other methods in cosmetology in that it is absolutely safe and does not cause allergies and other side effects.

The effect of the procedure is not only long-lasting, but also growing and can last for several years.

This method of treatment involves a certain soreness, and this frightens many, in fact, the sensations are quite tolerable.

It is also worth noting its rather high cost. After the course, many expect instant results and are disappointed when they come home without finding them.

You should not immediately draw negative conclusions, the result will show itself in 8-10 days, when the plasma will manifest itself in all its capabilities.

There is only healing and rejuvenation of the face, but not its lifting.

Indications for plasma therapy

Among the main indications for a course of treatment with plasma therapy are:

  • age-related changes;
  • paleness or unhealthy color;
  • sagging and excessive dryness;
  • skin laxity due to weight loss;
  • acne disease;
  • the consequences of excessive enthusiasm for the solarium;
  • the presence of wrinkles, including deep ones.

We bring to your attention a photo before and after plasmolifting:


Like any method of treatment, this one also has its own contraindications, both temporary, in the presence of which the procedure should be postponed, and permanent, in the presence of which this method of treatment is absolutely excluded:

  • pregnancy at any time;
  • lactation;
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases of any form and stage, even a predisposition to them;
  • hepatitis of any form;
  • blood diseases;
  • taking blood-thinning drugs;
  • other viral diseases.

A strict ban on the procedure in the presence of viral diseases is due to the fact that when plasma is injected, active division of stem cells begins, and this, according to experts, can lead to further development and complication of an existing disease.

Results and effectiveness of the method

The result after the course of treatment, which is usually 5-6 sessions, will not be noticeable immediately. You have to wait 8-10 days for the injected plasma to start working.

As a result, the skin noticeably brightens, wrinkles become less noticeable, and in some cases disappear altogether, acne disappears.

A positive result usually lasts at least 1.5-2 years, maybe more. With a healthy lifestyle and additional supportive facial skin care methods, the result can last up to 5-6 years. After that, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Before conducting such a course of treatment, the patient will be assigned a blood test, and if there are no contraindications, then you can prepare for the procedure. Preparation for face plasmolifting is not difficult, this is one of the advantages of this method.

Plasmolifting of the face is usually carried out in the morning, since it is customary to take blood for the preparation of plasma from it on an empty stomach.

In the evening you should not overeat, a light dinner will be enough, you should also not drink alcohol 3-4 days before the session, its presence in the blood can adversely affect its composition.

The recovery period is 3-5 days. At this time, you can not be in the sun even for a short time, expose your face to wind or frost.

During recovery after the session, one should refrain from visiting baths and saunas, as well as from using cosmetics. You can use a soothing cream. After two weeks, you can lead the next session.

Features of the procedure, how the procedure goes

The procedure is carried out only in a clinic, it is not possible to carry it out at home, as it requires special equipment, staff qualifications and conditions. Before the start of the session, the patient is taken blood from a vein, this resembles a regular analysis, after which the blood in a special tube is placed in a centrifuge, where the plasma is released.

At this time, the doctor begins to treat the area of ​​​​the face with a disinfectant solution, as with a conventional injection. The plasma is ready, and the process of its introduction begins with the help of numerous injections up to 3 mm deep. The procedure itself may seem painful. Its duration is from 20 to 40 minutes, after which the patient rests and can go home.

Average prices

Before plasma lifting, you should ask your doctor how many procedures you need to do, as well as how often you can do plasma therapy for the face. The usual course of treatment in this way is 5-6 sessions, but in some cases the doctor can adjust their number, reduce or increase.

For one session, 2 test tubes of the active substance are required, the cost of each plasma therapy procedure for the face is about 4,000 rubles, that is, one session will cost 8,000 rubles, and the course is at least 36,000-40,000 rubles.

What is combined with

This procedure is universal, that is, it can be used as an independent separate, and in combination with other types of cosmetic services.

After such a procedure, the skin can be irritated and have traces of micro-notches, and plasmolifting helps the skin to fully recover. It is possible to use the procedure along with plasma therapy

Relatively recently, some cosmetic clinics have adopted a new method that helps to deal with imperfections in the skin of the face and body, and even hair - plasmolifting. This procedure is not used by all specialized institutions, since it requires special knowledge, experience and equipment. So far, few people are well aware of what plasmolifting is, but this technique already has fans, even despite the considerable cost. This is because such a procedure helps to solve most problems in just a few hours. And the effect persists for a long time, unlike most known procedures. For example, even one of the most popular facial skin restoration methods today - biorevitalization loses in many respects. Except for the cost.

The essence of the method

The basis of plasmolifting is the use of the cells of the person to whom it is produced. To begin with, blood is taken, as in a conventional analysis. Then the plasma is separated, where a huge number of platelets. After separation and processing, the plasma is enriched with collagen and elastin, and the composition is introduced into those areas of the face and body that require correction. The result is almost instant skin rejuvenation and elimination of irregularities after acne, injuries or surgeries.

Due to the fact that the plasma contains platelets, which are responsible for cell growth and recovery, as well as hormones, vitamins, enzymes and many other substances that stimulate rejuvenation, the process of skin renewal continues after plasma lifting is done. Here, not only the restoration of the relief of the epidermis takes place, but the body's own reserves are launched. That is, the skin of the face itself begins the recovery process, only it was given a powerful impetus from the outside.

Difference from similar methods

Sometimes plasmolifting is compared with a procedure such as biorevitalization. It seems like the latter is cheaper, and the result, at the same time, is the same. There is some truth in this statement. Yes, biorevitalization has similar indications for carrying out: it helps to eliminate skin aging, smooth wrinkles, remove irregularities, which often appear after acne. In this case, hyaluronic acid is used, which is injected subcutaneously. It stimulates the production of its own acid, accelerates metabolic processes and normalizes the water balance. But, despite all the benefits of this substance, it is still a third-party element. While during plasmolifting, a part of the human body is introduced under the skin, that is, nothing extraneous and alien to it. It turns out that there is no risk of rejection and negative reactions.

Biorevitalization also has age restrictions. Experts do not recommend resorting to this procedure for those who are under 30-35 years old. Of course, the fight against aging just begins at this age, and even later. But, if the indications are acne or post-acne, then this method is hardly suitable. The plasmolifting procedure, in turn, can be applied already from the age of 14.

Another argument in favor of the latter is the ability to do plasmolifting of the head. This stimulates hair growth, making them stronger and thicker. That is, if there is increased hair loss or they grow very slowly, then it may be worth signing up for plasmolifting. Injection of plasma into the scalp will help get rid of any problems with this area. Biorevitalization, alas, does not have such a property. But in the event that you only need to get rid of fine wrinkles, excessive dryness of the face or heal burns, then this procedure is a great way to solve existing problems. In other situations, it is better to opt for plasmolifting.

In addition, when making a choice - biorevitalization or plasmolifting, it is worth considering such an indicator as the number and frequency of procedures. The first option involves two or three injections with a break of three weeks. The effect lasts for about six months. The second way to restore the beauty of the skin of the face involves about four procedures once a week. The result remains for about two years. But biorevitalization is much cheaper in cost. Therefore, it is worth deciding for yourself which procedure is still worth signing up for.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Of course, plasmolifting of the scalp will help get rid of wilting, post-acne, and even excessive hair loss. But, as with any cosmetic procedure, in this case, too, should be resorted to only if there are good reasons for this. And it is better to first be examined by a specialist in order to exclude possible risks.

The indications for which you should contact the clinic for plasmolifting are as follows:

  • fine wrinkles and general aging of the skin;
  • excessive dryness and peeling;
  • prolapse of the tissues of the face and neck;
  • violation of skin elasticity;
  • stretch marks, scars, scars;
  • abundant exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • negative consequences after peeling;
  • hair loss;
  • dandruff.

In addition to the above, there are other indications for plasmolifting. But it is better to first consult with a specialist who performs such procedures. A cosmetologist will tell you in detail about how and in what cases plasmolifting is performed and will be able to advise if you have any indications for the procedure.

In addition, it is worth knowing about contraindications, which are also available. Biorevitalization, which is often compared with, has almost the same limitations for implementation. These include:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • Serious chronic diseases.
  • Wounds, herpes rashes and inflammation on the skin.
  • Diabetes.
  • malignant formations.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Allergy to anticoagulants.

In other cases, you can safely go to the procedure to get rid of some imperfections.

In addition to the fact that the indications and possible contraindications will be studied and a consultation with a specialist will be completed, it will not be superfluous to follow some rules before and after the cosmetic procedure. They are quite simple, but the effect of the injection will be higher and there will no longer be a risk of skin pigmentation or other negative reactions. The same biorevitalization has a much larger list.

So, the day before the procedure, fatty foods and alcohol should be avoided, and on the appointed day it is better not to eat at all and drink more water. After injections, decorative cosmetics should not be used for 12 hours. In addition, in the next few days, you should stop visiting the pool, refuse to visit baths and saunas, and avoid any overheating of the body. You should also avoid exposure to direct sunlight, and before going outside, apply a protective cream for the face and body, and wear a hat.

Perhaps some measures will cause a little inconvenience. But this is literally for a few days, but then you can enjoy the perfection of your face and hair without any unpleasant consequences.