
Day of Russian Science. Happy Russian Science Day! Why February 8 is the day of Russian science

Holidays in the Russian Federation, as a rule, are not chosen randomly, they are usually timed to coincide with some historical event. In this regard, the Day of Russian Science, which is celebrated annually on February 8, is also not a random day. It was on February 8, albeit still in 1724, by order of the Russian Emperor Peter I, by decree of the Senate, the Academy of Sciences was formed. Later, already in 1925, it changed its name to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and already at the end of the 20th century it was renamed the current Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS).

For our country, this holiday has a special meaning. Over the years of its existence, Russia has been able to give the world many well-known names who have been able to make a tangible contribution to world science. Thanks to such scientists as Lomonosov M.V., Mendeleev D.I., Pavlov I.P., Korolev S.P., science for our country has become that powerful resource that allows us to implement economic transformations in the state. Continuing the list of scientists, one can endlessly list the names: Tsiolkovsky K. E., Kapitsa P. L., Landau L. D., Kurchatov I. V., Alexandrov P. S. - these are just a few of those Russian scientists who made a tangible contribution to development of world science and all mankind. The work of Russian scientists has become an important component of the wealth of the Russian nation and the force that ensures progress in development. It is for this reason that the Day of Russian Science is so important for all the inhabitants of our country. The work of brilliant Russian scientists can rightfully be compared with a feat, because many of them carried out experiments and achieved positive results at the cost of their own lives and health. The result of their work was the formation of the country's potential, which ensures the prosperity of the nation.

The Russian scientific community began to celebrate its professional holiday on February 8 relatively recently. The Day of Russian Science was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1999. During Soviet rule, this holiday was celebrated on the third Sunday of April. Even now, for some Russian research teams, it is associated with the first warm spring days, and some teams continue to celebrate it "in the old way", that is, on the third Sunday of April.

The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 1999 states that the holiday was established: “given the outstanding role of Russian science in the development of society and the state, following historical traditions and to commemorate the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Sciences in Russia.” For the first time, a professional holiday on February 8, 1999 was celebrated on the day of the 275th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

At one time, Russia became the first country in the world where the doctrine of the biosphere was developed, for the first time in the world it was our country that launched an artificial Earth satellite into space, for the first time in the world we put into operation a nuclear power plant (NPP). Many Soviet and Russian scientists have been awarded at the highest international level - they received the prestigious Nobel Prize. Academician Ivan Pavlov was the first of our compatriots to receive it in 1904 for his work on the physiology of digestion. Ilya Mechnikov was next, who received the award in 1908 for his work on the study of immunity. The famous Soviet physicist Pyotr Kapitsa won the Nobel Prize in 1978 for the discovery of the phenomenon of superfluidity of liquid helium. The most recent Russian laureate of the prize is the physicist K. S. Novoselov, who received the prize in 2010 for pioneering experiments in the study of the two-dimensional material graphene.

The heart of Russian science is the Russian Academy of Sciences. As part of the program to reorganize the system of Russian state academies of sciences, which took place in September 2013, two other domestic academies were merged into the Russian Academy of Sciences - the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. At the beginning of 2015, the RAS had 1184 members, including 463 academicians and 721 corresponding members. The number of scientific organizations that are subordinate to the RAS also includes approximately 550 scientific institutions, including scientific centers, institutes, observatories, research stations, libraries, museums, archives, botanical gardens, nature reserves and other organizations, employing more than 55,000 researchers.

At the same time, recently the number of Russians who believe that science is useful discoveries has increased 1.5 times over a quarter of a century, to 62% - these are the results of a survey conducted by VCIOM - the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion on the eve of the Day of Russian Science, celebrated February 8th. In 1989, this position, according to VTsIOM, was held by 42% of the respondents. The value of science in terms of useful discoveries is noted to a greater extent by people who studied at higher educational institutions (67%), as well as young people (64% aged 18-24), than respondents with primary education (49%) and older people (56% among people over 60). More than a third of respondents (39%) believe that science is a necessary condition for the progressive development of society, in 1989 only 26% of respondents thought so.

Although the Day of Russian Science is not a day off, it is widely celebrated in all scientific teams of our country. It has become a real good tradition to organize scientific conferences and seminars on this day, February 8th. Also on this day, the defense of dissertations is often appointed, because, you see, getting a candidate's or doctoral degree on a holiday for all Russian scientists is especially honorable and important. More than 800 thousand people celebrate the Day of Russian Science every year.

Based on materials from open sources

The Day of Russian Science in accordance with Decree of the President of Russia No. 717 of June 7, 1999 is celebrated on February 8. The holiday is timed to coincide with the founding date of the Russian Academy of Sciences, established by order of Emperor Peter I by decree of the ruling Senate of January 28 (February 8, new style), 1724.

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

Today we celebrate a national holiday - the Day of Russian Science. It is also the birthday of our Academy of Sciences, which is 293 years old today.

President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR S.I. Vavilov said that the Russian Academy has always been "synonymous with Russian science."

M.V. Lomonosov, D.I. Mendeleev, I.P. Pavlov, I.V. Kurchatov, P.L. Kapitsa, L.D. Landau, S.P. Korolev... It was they, as well as many other prominent scientists, who discovered "Russian science", which the whole world was talking about.

Despite difficult times, our scientists continue to make discoveries and develop science today. Of course, there are difficulties and there will be more, but, as P.L. Kapitsa, "success in science is achieved by people, not by instruments." We will believe in ourselves, in our strengths, in our work and continue to work for the good of our Fatherland!

Congratulations from the head of the FASO of Russia M. Kotyukov on the Day of Russian Science

Dear friends!

The great scientist Abram Fedorovich Ioffe said: "Scientific activity is the only thing that survives you and that cuts into the history of mankind for hundreds and thousands of years."

Russia has always been rightfully proud of talented scientists who have significantly expanded the horizons of knowledge and made a significant contribution to the development of world scientific thought.

In the new millennium, science has a special role in the development of mankind. People's hopes for improving the quality of life, for the emergence of new knowledge about the world, about themselves are connected with scientific research. Russian scientists are actively working on solving these and many other problems, developing the most promising areas in science, developing the latest technologies, and preparing students. The state, for its part, is taking active measures to create an effective innovation environment, supporting promising research centers, and creating conditions for the professional growth of researchers.

Scientific work is a difficult but interesting business. I congratulate all those who have chosen the path of a scientist for themselves.

May new discoveries and successful projects await you ahead!

Good health and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Congratulations from the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Vladimir Gorodetsky and Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Andrey Shimkiv on the Day of Russian Science.

On February 8, our country celebrates the Day of Russian Science. We sincerely congratulate the Novosibirsk scientists on their professional holiday!

Science has always played and is playing an important role in the social and economic development of the Novosibirsk region. Our region is one of the largest scientific, educational and intellectual centers of Russia. We have a powerful scientific potential of three departments of the Academy of Sciences - the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, branch institutes and universities are successfully working. The names of Novosibirsk scientists are known far beyond the borders of the country, and their advanced discoveries and unique developments are widely used in all sectors of the domestic economy.

Today we are faced with the most important tasks of developing science and education, building an innovative economy based on knowledge and high technologies, supporting young scientists and advanced research. The dynamic growth of the economy, the competitiveness of the region and the well-being of our citizens will depend on their successful solution. We are convinced that together we can ensure Russia's technological superiority and make the Novosibirsk region strong and prosperous.

On this festive day, we thank everyone who connected their lives with the noble cause of serving science, for their selfless, creative work and dedication to their work. We wish you bright discoveries, the implementation of your plans, new successes and achievements!

Governor of the Novosibirsk Region

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region

Congratulations from the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky and the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory Alexander Uss on the Day of Russian Science

Dear scientists and scientific workers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory!

We congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for the new knowledge, new technologies, opportunities and ideas that you discover in the boundless world of science and give to humanity!

Science is rightly considered one of the most powerful tools for understanding and changing the world. Technological progress follows scientific thought and fundamentally changes the quality of our life. The results of the work of scientists are not only spacecraft, innovative technologies, and the achievements of nuclear medicine. Scientific thought forms our socio-cultural environment, provides answers to many socially significant questions, helps to solve social problems, and enhances the potential for development.

Today, when we are qualitatively updating the strategy for the socio-economic development of the region, it is especially obvious how great the role of science is in this process. We are well aware that in order to increase the competitiveness of our economy, to create fundamentally new industries and products, the Krasnoyarsk Territory must become a pioneer in the development of innovations, the introduction of breakthrough technologies, and the improvement of the quality of education.

We are sincerely happy with every success that advances the science of Krasnoyarsk, opens up new prospects for our young scientists. We are proud that the Siberian Federal University has been included in the ranking of the best international universities. We place special hopes on the new Engineering and Technology University, which is the backbone for the economy of our region. It will provide an accelerated pace of development of industry, technology and innovative entrepreneurship. Our region has become one of the first regions of Russia where a system of interdisciplinary research work has been successfully introduced. The Federal Research Center, which has united the academic institutions of Krasnoyarsk, is ready to solve the primary socio-economic problems of the region. In our schools, the number of special classes with in-depth study of the natural sciences and the number of children involved in innovative, engineering creativity is growing. More and more Krasnoyarsk residents are becoming participants in the All-Russian Science Festival. We are sure that the Quantorium children's technopark, which will open in Krasnoyarsk this year, will also make its contribution to the future development of the region.

It is very important that Krasnoyarsk scientists become the authors of unique projects and participate in world-class research. With all our hearts we wish our science growth, and all talented researchers - the embodiment of the most daring ideas and breakthrough projects!

Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky
Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory Alexander Uss

Congratulations from the Governor of the Tomsk Region Sergey Zhvachkin and the speakerOksana Kozlovskaya Happy Russian Science Day

Dear scientists!

We are once again celebrating the Day of Russian Science with convincing results. Our national research universities improved their positions in the world's leading QS and The Times Higher Education rankings over the year. On the basis of academic institutions, the country's largest Tomsk National Research Medical Center was created. Our inventors have patented the rights to 363 high-tech developments.

The scientific community has strengthened ties with the real sector of the economy. The National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University launched the world's first nanosatellite into space, and the National Research Tomsk State University opened a center for the study of climate change. The Siberian Center for Robotics and Advanced Research, the first beyond the Urals, opened its doors. In the rating of innovative regions of Russia, the Tomsk region took the fourth place, entering the group of strong innovators. These successes are your work and your merits.

We are proud that already 46 Tomsk scientists are academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, continuing the centuries-old traditions of Tomsk scientific schools and bringing up a worthy successor.

We wish you good health, interesting research and important discoveries!

Governor of the Tomsk Region Sergey Zhvachkin

Chairman of the Legislative Duma of the Tomsk Region Oksana Kozlovskaya

Congratulations on the Day of Russian Science from the Governor of the Kemerovo Region A. Tuleev

Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.L. Aseev Dear Alexander Leonidovich! Please accept our congratulations on the Day of Russian Science!

A brilliant scientist, a successful leader, your intellectual work, creative energy, inexhaustible creative spirit largely determine the direction of the scientific thought of Russian society, contribute to solving the most important problems, creating an innovative environment for the high-tech development of our state.

On the day of the professional holiday, please accept the words of sincere gratitude for your significant personal contribution to domestic science, strengthening the foundation of the country's scientific and educational system, and supporting young talented scientists. With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, new wonderful discoveries, success in the scientific field! Let all your plans be in demand, implemented, and the results bring concrete benefit to people, serve the good of Russia! Good luck, all the best to you and your family!

Sincerely, Governor of the Kemerovo region A. Tuleev

In Soviet Russia, there was a tradition to celebrate the country's success in the scientific field. Honoring scientists was devoted to the 3rd Sunday of April, since in April 1918, in the interval from 18 to 25, the leader of the revolution V.I. Lenin wrote a work on the planning of scientific and technical work.
Science Day was celebrated in all institutions whose activities were associated with scientific progress.

Changes in the country

In the early 1990s, many traditions were lost and forgotten. The country was going through a difficult time: the higher echelons shared power, ordinary people tried to adapt to the kaleidoscopically changing reality. There was no one to finance scientific research, and even more so to remember the Day of Science. Some research institutes closed, others were reorganized. It took more than one year for life to enter a more or less direct course.
Only on June 7, 1999, the Head of the Russian State signed a Decree on the establishment of a day dedicated to the achievements of scientists of the Fatherland. According to the Decree issued in 2000, February 8 is the Day of Russian Science. Why exactly this number?

History of Russian science

In 1724, on January 24, Peter I established the Academy of Sciences and Arts. The new style, introduced in Russia in 1918 by the Decree on Time, moved this date to February 8th. Thus, the Decree of June 7, 1999 immortalized the anniversary of the establishment of the main scientific institution of the country.
Peter I, loving his Motherland and putting all his efforts into its development and prosperity, allowed the offspring of not only noble families, but also commoners to enter the Academy. Moreover, for successful activities in mastering knowledge and arts, the king honored with his mercy.

The Academy of Sciences and Arts studied the laws of the surrounding world and society, the essence of man and public consciousness, and also carried out publishing activities. All this has had a beneficial effect and still affects the country's social development and economic growth, progress in technology, and international relations.

In 1925, the institution of Peter I changed its name to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and since 1991 it has been called the Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS.
The names of scientists who came from the Academy are world-famous: Mikhail Lomonosov, known for many talents, Ivan Pavlov, who studied reflexes, Dmitry Mendeleev, creator of the periodic table of chemical elements, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, passionate about the development of a spaceship, Lev Landau, whose textbook is used to study physicists of everything world, Igor Kurchatov, the "father" of the Soviet atomic bomb, you can continue endlessly. Truly gifted people, who have the freedom to carry out the necessary research and the support of the government, have been leading the science of Russia at the forefront of world science for almost three centuries.
Russian scientists were the first on the planet to produce:
- development of the theory of the biosphere,
- launching an artificial space satellite into orbit,
- construction and commissioning of a power plant with a nuclear reactor.

Academy of Sciences today

At the beginning of the 21st century, the composition of the RAS includes a large number of research institutes, laboratories and museums. The activities of the Academy extend to almost all areas of science, these are: mathematics, astrophysics, physics of quantum liquids and crystals, elementary particle physics, mechanics, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, history, philosophy, literary criticism, folklorism, the list is far from complete.
In recent years, Russian academicians:
- created heavy-duty steel and ductile iron,
- Injection lasers and transistors have been developed, which will become the basis of a new generation of electronic devices,
- a connection between a chemical reaction and magnetic radiation was discovered,
- developing production technologies that do not harm the environment,
- a deep-sea neutrino telescope was created, which exists in the world in a single copy,
- comprehensive study of the human genome,
- identified and studied the tasks of human psychodiagnostics in rapidly changing conditions,
- grown diamonds with specified characteristics and weight up to 6 carats,
- the basis for more than 2000 monographs and textbooks has been created.
This is only a small part of the results of the work of more than 100,000 people.
Scientists are trained at the Institute of Trainee Researchers, postgraduate and doctoral studies. Among the full members of the Academy there are 40 laureates of the prestigious Nobel Prize.

Events held on the Day of Russian Science

On the eve of a significant date, research institutes hold open days, organize lectures, and talks with scientists. Employees of institutes and museums conduct excursions, during which a unique opportunity is provided to see with their own eyes supercomputers that model and calculate economic processes. In the laboratories of physicists, you can witness an interesting experience and learn about the production technology of modern heavy-duty and high-quality materials. In addition, exhibitions and screenings of scientific films are organized.
Also, scientists do not forget about schoolchildren. Special events are held for them, where representatives of various scientific branches talk about their work in a simple and accessible form. This gives the children the opportunity to better understand the changes taking place around them and think about choosing the profession of a scientist.

Of course, all the events dedicated to the Day of Russian Science simply won't fit in one day. Therefore, every year a whole week is dedicated to the celebration in the first half of February.

Day of Russian science among scientists

On February 8, the Government of the Russian Federation congratulates the entire scientific community on this significant date, celebrates the successes over the past year, rewards scientists who have particularly distinguished themselves in a particular field, awards honorary titles and awards diplomas.
Financial support and grants for research are also timed to coincide with this date.
Colleagues-scientists congratulate each other, wish fruitful work and new achievements.

Science and Man

All the familiar things that we see around us every day came into being thanks to the hard work of scientists. Now, it is even hard to imagine how it was possible to live without paper, telephone, electric kettle, vehicles, Internet. But any thing owes its birth to a person who at one fine moment was illuminated by an idea, believed in it and achieved its realization.
Of course, studies of genes encoding proteins are incomprehensible to a person far from gene biology. But it is a possible future breakthrough in the search for a cure for cancer. As well as the phrase "geochemical activity of microorganisms" few people can repeat without hesitation. But successful research in this area will significantly increase oil production.
For many years of human activity, for their own benefit, they did not do without victims, and they are counted by environmental scientists every year. Currently, 414 species of endangered animals are listed in the Red Book and measures are being developed to preserve their numbers.

Thus, science covers all spheres of life on Earth, and the significance of its development is invaluable. The Day of Russian Science, February 8, allows you to draw the attention of a wide range of the public to scientific progress, which invisibly accompanies a person throughout his existence.

Date in 2019: .

The Day of Russian Science holiday has its own unique history. Traditions and congratulations to scientists will help prepare an original celebration.

People who have devoted themselves to science have always striven to fulfill their noble goals. It was thanks to their work that the world saw many unique developments that made it possible to reach modern heights of development in various fields.

And the works of Russian scientists are not in the last place in the world piggy bank of scientific developments. A professional holiday is dedicated to them, which is usually celebrated in early February - on the Day of Russian Science.

Stages of development of Russian science: who celebrates the holiday?

Russia has always been famous for inquisitive minds and restless researchers. But scientists were elevated to the rank of scientists only under Peter I. It was by his decision that the Academy of Sciences was opened. The great reformer perfectly understood the importance of education and scientific thought in the development of the country.

Therefore, the first scientific institution was founded according to a unique project, different from European schools and universities. The organization united the gymnasium and the university. Only talented Russians could become employees and students of the Academy. Status in society and the presence of ranks, money did not affect the opportunity to become a student. Therefore, the children of nobles and the offspring of commoners could enter the Academy.

For successful studies, students were awarded royal favor. Pundits served for the good of Russia and received a good salary for their work.

Centuries and rulers changed, but the Petrovsky Academy continued its activity. And even under the Soviets, when many achievements of tsarist Russia were destroyed, the Academy continued its activities. And only in 1925 it changed its name to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. With the collapse of the Union, the institution was given the new name Russian Academy of Sciences. In fact, the modern RAS is still the same Petrovsky Academy, which was revived in 1991 as a higher scientific institution.

Really talented people who glorified Russian science all over the world became famous alumni of the Academy. It is impossible not to mention the works of Mikhail Lomonosov, known for his multifaceted talents, the work of Ivan Pavlov, a medical scientist who studies reflexes and their cause-and-effect relationships. The whole world knows the table of chemical elements of Dmitry Mendeleev, and the basics of physics are still taught from the textbooks of Lev Landau. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky amazed the world with his space developments, and Igor Kurchatov went down in history as the "father" of nuclear technology.

Today, Russian scientists continue to work in the scientific field and have proven their worth in practice. After all, the lion's share of the inventions of the last century belongs to them.

Therefore, mathematicians and physicists, chemists and geneticists, biotechnologists and astrophysicists, philosophers and literary critics, historians and folklorists, as well as scientists from other areas raise their glasses in honor of Russian science. Graduate students and laboratory assistants, gifted students, research assistants and service personnel celebrate together with pundits.

history of the holiday

For the first time, they began to honor the successes of scientists in 1918. The holiday is associated with the publication by the leader of the proletariat V.I. Lenin's famous work, which reflected the essence of planning scientific and technical work. The publication took place from 18 to 25 April. This event formed the basis of the holiday, which was celebrated for a long time by all organizations associated with scientific activities in April, on the third Sunday.

In the difficult times of the 90s, the holiday was simply forgotten. Science was simply forgotten against the backdrop of the division of power, influence, and property. The common people, and even the scientists themselves, simply had nothing to live on, since world-famous institutions were closed, funding was curtailed. Only a few research institutes were able to stay afloat, having undergone reorganization and becoming commercial.

The main symbol of Russian science, the Scientific Academy, was revived in the early 1990s, but the holiday of science was remembered only towards the end of the millennium. By decree of Yeltsin, the President of Russia, the Day of Russian Science was established. For the first time, the holiday of scientists was celebrated on February 8, 2000.

The date of the holiday coincides with the founding day of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences.

Is a scientist a profession?

The importance of the hard work of scientists is undeniable. But what pushes people to a life devoted to scientific development and research. After all, the work of these people is not always evaluated on merit. And sometimes you have to make a lot of effort to get a grant or targeted funding for research.

The world of science is a special community consisting of gifted and extraordinary people. They live for their ideas and for the moment when insight comes. A person who is far from scientific ideas sometimes does not understand unfamiliar terms and expressions. But behind them are future discoveries and breakthroughs in the economy.

The achievements of scientists affect the quality of life of people, the emergence of new jobs, and the maintenance of the prestige of the country. Therefore, in modern Russia, higher education is given priority. Comfortable conditions for the work of young scientists are being created, and competitive areas are being promoted.

Since 2013, significant changes have begun that have affected both the infrastructure and working conditions. The long-term reform program is designed until 2020.

This made it possible to raise the prestige of scientists and attract young people to these areas. Today, more than 50% of specialists under the age of 39 work in some areas.

More than 700,000 specialists are involved in research today, of which 370,000 are directly involved in research. The total number of organizations involved reached 3,600.

Congratulations to scientists

Today, February 8, thousands of people will celebrate Science Day - an interesting and important holiday. We congratulate everyone involved in this direction. Congratulating you on your professional holiday, I would like to wish you new unique discoveries. Let your work be able to improve people's lives, and maybe even make them a little happier.

Everything that was useful in life,

interesting and famous

Everything was invented by people of science

And, believe me, not at all out of boredom.

And today we congratulate the scientists

With an important event in their lives.

In our magic words

The notes of your discoveries will sound.

Larisa , January 16, 2017 .

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The Day of Russian Science is a holiday that has its roots in the time of Peter the Great and is celebrated by a large number of people who are associated with science.

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On January 28, 1724, according to the old style, the Academy of Sciences was founded by decree of Peter the Great. The creation of the Academy of Sciences is directly related to the reform activities of Peter I, aimed at strengthening the state, its economic and political independence.Peter understood the importance of scientific thought, education and culture of the people for the prosperity of the country.

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History of Russian science


According to the project of Peter I, the Academy differed significantly from all related foreign organizations. She was a government agency; its members, receiving a salary, had to provide scientific and technical services to the state. The Academy combined the functions of scientific research and teaching , including a university and a gymnasium. On December 27, 1725, the Academy celebrated its creation with a large public meeting. It was a solemn act of the emergence of a new attribute of Russian state life.

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Peter I, loving his Motherland and putting all his strength into its development and prosperity, allowed to enter the Academy to the offspring of not only noble families, but also commoners. Moreover, for successful activities in mastering knowledge and arts, the king honored with his mercy.


The Academy of Sciences and Arts studied the laws of the surrounding world and society, the essence of man and public consciousness, and also carried out publishing activities. All this has had a beneficial effect and still affects the country's social development and economic growth, progress in technology, and international relations.


In 1925, the institution of Peter I changed its name to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and since 1991 it has been called the Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS.

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Science Day in the Soviet Union


In Soviet Russia, there was a tradition to celebrate the country's success in the scientific field. Honoring scientists was dedicated to the 3rd Sunday of April, since in April 1918, in the interval from 18 to 25, the leader of the revolution V.I. Lenin wrote a work on the planning of scientific and technical work.
Science Day was celebrated in all institutions whose activities were associated with scientific progress.



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Changes in the country


The long tradition of celebrating domestic scientific achievements in Russia was interrupted, unfortunately, in the early 1990s. The country was going through a difficult time: the higher echelons shared power, ordinary people tried to adapt to the kaleidoscopically changing reality. There was no one to finance scientific research, and even more so to remember the Day of Science. Some research institutes closed, others were reorganized. It took more than one year for life to enter a more or less direct course.


Created by Peter I The Russian Academy of Sciences was recreated by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 21, 1991, as the highest scientific institution in Russia. The Academy is recognized as a self-governing non-profit organization with state status. It operates on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and its own Charter.

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A June 7, 1999 The head of the Russian state signed a Decree on the establishment of a day dedicated to the achievements of scientists of the Fatherland. According to the Decree issued in 2000, February 8 is the Day of Russian Science

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The names of scientists, alumni of the Academy, are world famous:


Mikhail Lomonosov, known for his many talents, Ivan Pavlov, who studied reflexes, Dmitry Mendeleev, creator of the periodic table of chemical elements, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, passionate about the development of a spaceship, Lev Landau, whose textbook is used by physicists all over the world, Igor Kurchatov, the "father" of the Soviet atomic bomb you can go on endlessly...


Truly gifted people, who have the freedom to carry out the necessary research and the support of the government, have been leading the science of Russia at the forefront of world science for almost three centuries.


Russian scientists were the first on the planet to produce:
- development of the theory of the biosphere,
- launching an artificial space satellite into orbit,
- construction and commissioning of a power plant with a nuclear reactor.



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Academy of Sciences today


At the beginning of the 21st century, the composition of the RAS includes a large number of research institutes, laboratories and museums. The activities of the Academy extend to almost all areas of science, these are: mathematics, astrophysics, physics of quantum liquids and crystals, elementary particle physics, mechanics, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, history, philosophy, literary criticism, folklorism, and this list is far from complete... . If you look at all the inventions of the last centuries, then the lion's share of inventions belongs to Russian scientists, who have repeatedly proved their worth in many aspects of scientific activity.


In recent years, Russian academicians:
- created heavy-duty steel and ductile iron,
- Injection lasers and transistors have been developed, which will become the basis of a new generation of electronic devices,
- a connection between a chemical reaction and magnetic radiation was discovered,
- developing production technologies that do not harm the environment,
- a deep-sea neutrino telescope was created, which exists in the world in a single copy,
- comprehensive study of the human genome,
- identified and studied the tasks of human psychodiagnostics in rapidly changing conditions,
- grown diamonds with specified characteristics and weight up to 6 carats,
- the basis for more than 2000 monographs and textbooks has been created.

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This is only a small part of the results of the work of more than 100,000 people. Scientists are trained at the Institute of Trainee Researchers, postgraduate and doctoral studies. Among the full members of the Academy there are 40 laureates of the prestigious Nobel Prize. The first of those awarded, in 1904, was Academician I.P. Pavlov for his work on the physiology of digestion, then, in 1908, I.I. Mechnikov for his work on immunity. The latest Russian laureate was the physicist K. S. Novoselov, who received the Nobel Prize in 2010 for pioneering experiments on the study of the two-dimensional material graphene.

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Events held on the Day of Russian Science


On the eve of a significant date, research institutes hold open days, organize lectures, and talks with scientists. Employees of institutes and museums conduct excursions, during which a unique opportunity is provided to see with their own eyes supercomputers that model and calculate economic processes. In the laboratories of physicists, you can witness an interesting experience and learn about the production technology of modern heavy-duty and high-quality materials. In addition, exhibitions and screenings of scientific films are organized.
Also, scientists do not forget about schoolchildren. Special events are held for them, where representatives of various scientific branches talk about their work in a simple and accessible form. This gives the children the opportunity to better understand the changes taking place around them and think about choosing the profession of a scientist.


Of course, all the events dedicated to the Day of Russian Science simply won't fit in one day. That's why Every year, a whole week is dedicated to the celebration in the first half of February.

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Day of Russian science among scientists


On February 8, the Government of the Russian Federation congratulates the entire scientific community on this significant date, celebrating the successes over the past year.


It rewards especially distinguished scientists in a particular field, confers honorary titles and awards diplomas.
Financial support and grants for research are also timed to coincide with this date.
Colleagues-scientists congratulate each other, wish fruitful work and new achievements.



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Science and Man


All the familiar things that we see around us every day came into being thanks to the hard work of scientists. Now, it is even hard to imagine how it was possible to live without paper, telephone, electric kettle, vehicles, Internet. But any thing owes its birth to a person who at one fine moment was illuminated by an idea, believed in it and achieved its realization.


Certainly, studies of genes encoding proteins , a person far from the biology of the gene is incomprehensible. But it is a possible future breakthrough in the search for a cure for cancer. Just like the phrase "geochemical activity of microorganisms" few people can repeat without hesitation. But successful research in this area will significantly increase oil production. A vivid example of a breakthrough in Russian science is best weapons, Thanks to which, the Russians can sleep peacefully and count on a peaceful good future. For many years of human activity, for their own benefit, they did not do without victims, and they are counted by environmental scientists every year. Currently, 414 species of endangered animals are listed in the Red Book and measures are being developed to preserve their numbers.



Thus, science covers all spheres of life on Earth , and the significance of its development is invaluable. The Day of Russian Science, February 8, allows you to draw the attention of a wide range of the public to scientific progress, which invisibly accompanies a person throughout his existence.


The current generation of Russian scientists is multiplying the wonderful traditions of their predecessors and, despite all the difficulties, is distinguished by boundless devotion to their work, a wide range of interests, and an active civic stand. Thanks to those who now continue to engage in science, young people have regained the desire to go into science, which means that there is hope that new discoveries are ahead of us, designed to improve human life.

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February 8 is the Day of Russian Science, on this day tens of thousands of people connected with science will celebrate this important holiday for Russia. If you know someone who is associated with scientific activities, be sure to congratulate this person on his professional holiday. On the Day of Russian Science on February 8, you can wish health and new discoveries that can make the life of ordinary people a little better

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