
Games for the development of attention middle group file cabinet. Card file of games for the development of attention. Games aimed at developing fine motor skills in preschoolers of the older group

Game - any game! - develops the creative and thinking abilities of the baby, teaches both patience and perseverance, develops a sense of humor.

It is the game that makes learning interesting and desirable for the child. It is, in fact, his main activity. for an adult, the game acts as a tool for the comprehensive development of the child. By correctly applying game moments, you can nullify any whim, direct any situation to a better result.




thinking in preschool children


Target: Develop logical thinking and auditory perception.

Description: Name the most elementary situations and not real ones. For example: Dad went to work; The train flies through the sky; We will drink tea; The apple is very salty...

If this does not happen, the children should stamp their feet. If the situation is true, nod your head.

The game can be played with a ball. Calling the phrase and at the same time throwing the ball, if the situation is true, the child should catch the ball, if not, then discard it.


Target: Develop thinking, auditory perception, intelligence and speech activity.

Description: Tell the child the first syllables of the words he knows, and he must complete the word.


Target: Develop thinking, imagination, visual perception.

Description: Put the pictures in front of the child. Read the story to the child according to the selected pictures. While reading, your baby should lay out the pictures in order of events.


Target: Develop thinking, imagination, speech and auditory perception.

Description: Name this or that object or place and encourage the child to name what may be inside this object or place.

For example: House - table; closet - sweater; refrigerator - kefir; bedside table - book; pot - soup; nora - fox; hospital - doctor; store - seller; bus - passengers; vial - medicine; hive - bees, etc.


Pictures with images of animals and food for these animals are selected. Pictures with animals and separately pictures of food are laid out in front of the child, they offer to “feed” everyone.


The child is read the words and asked to name them in one word. For example: a fox, a hare, a bear, a wolf are wild animals; lemon, apple, banana, plum - fruits.

For older children, you can modify the game by giving a generalizing word and asking them to name specific items related to the generalizing word. Transport - ...; birds - ...


The child is given a set of pictures depicting various objects. The adult asks to consider them and arrange them into groups, i.e. suitable with suitable.


Invite your child to draw, color or string beads. Please note that the beads must alternate in a certain sequence. Thus, you can lay out a fence of multi-colored sticks, etc.


Development of thought processes of generalization, abstraction, selection of essential features.
Pick up a series of pictures, among which three pictures can be combined into a group according to some common feature, and the fourth one is superfluous. Invite the child to find the extra picture. Ask why he thinks so. How similar are the pictures that he left.


Read a series of words to your child. Suggest to determine which word is "extra".

old, decrepit, small, dilapidated;
Brave, evil, courageous, courageous;
Apple, plum, cucumber, pear;
Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread;
Hour, minute, summer, second;
Spoon, plate, pan, bag;
Dress, sweater, hat, shirt;
Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo;
Birch, oak, pine, strawberry;
Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.


An adult offers to guess what (what vegetable, animal, toy) he is talking about and gives a description of this subject. For example: This is a vegetable. It is red, round, juicy (tomato).

If the child finds it difficult to answer, pictures with various vegetables are laid out in front of him, and he finds the right one.


Adult: Look at the picture. What did the artist forget to draw?

Child: The sofa does not have one leg, the flower is not finished on the vase,

Some stripes on the carpet are not painted...

(techniques - analysis of the picture, comparing it with the alleged mental standard).


Pictures of pets are laid out in front of the children: a dog, a cat, a pig, a cow, etc. and separately pictures: a kitten, a puppy, a piglet, a calf, etc., it is proposed to find a mother for the baby.


Pictures of domestic and wild animals are laid out in front of the children, as well as two pictures: the first shows a house, the second shows a forest. They need to spread domestic animals around the house, and wild ones around the forest.


Toys are selected in the bag: red, blue, green, yellow. Pictures are laid out on the table with the image of: a red apple, a blue cloud, a green grasshopper, a yellow chicken, preschoolers are invited to choose their friends by color, taking out the appropriate toys from the bag.


An adult on the table in front of preschoolers lays out two pictures "Winter" and "Summer", as well as pictures depicting various winter, summer clothes and accessories. Children need to relate to the season what people usually wear when it comes. (For example, "Winter" - a fur coat, scarf, mittens ..., "Summer" - shorts, T-shirt, hat ...)


Offer preschoolers the game "I will say the word, and you will also tell me it, just the other way around, for example, big - small." The following pairs of words can be used: cheerful - sad, fast - slow, empty - full, smart - stupid, hardworking - lazy, strong - weak, heavy - light, cowardly - brave, white - black, hard - soft, rough - smooth and etc.


An adult gives children pictures of those who can: fly, swim, crawl. After that, he lays out pictures on the table with the image: sky, sea, grass and asks to correlate an animal, bird, insect, fish, etc. with the corresponding picture, while asking the question: “What can he do ...” (Bird, beetle ... - fly; hare, grasshopper - jump ...; snake, snail - crawl ...)


Invite the children to guess descriptive riddles on various topics (flora and fauna, natural phenomena, vegetables / fruits, objects, etc.) For example: Long-eared, shy, loves to eat carrots and cabbage(Hare) ; Redhead, she has a fluffy tail, deftly jumps through the trees(Squirrel), etc.


Preschoolers are offered geometric shapes and various objects. Task - you need to form groups of objects according to the similarity with a certain geometric figure. For example, a circle is a ring, a lid ..., a square is a box, a cube ... etc.

Games for the development of attention.

The game "Clap your hands."

Target. Develop resilience and shifting attention.

The child is invited to clap his hands when he hears a word on a given topic, for example, an animal. After that, the adult says a number of different words. Another time, crouch when you hear the word for a plant.
Then combine the first and second tasks, i.e. the child crouches when he hears the name of a plant, and claps his hands when pronouncing the words for animals. It is advisable to play the game with a group of children.

Button game.

Target. Promote the development of concentration, memory.

Two people are playing. In front of them are two identical sets of buttons, not a single button is repeated. Each player has a playing field divided into cells. The more difficult the game, the more cells the field should contain; 4 or 6 cells are enough to start. The starter of the game puts 3 buttons on his field, the second player must look (20-30 seconds) and remember where which button lies. After that, the first player closes his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must repeat the same arrangement of buttons on his field. At the same time, it is recommended to especially ensure that the child is correctly oriented and does not get confused in the directions "up", "down", "left", "right". The more cells and buttons are used in the game, the more interesting and difficult the game becomes.

Game "Find the right color"

Materials: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes.

Geometric figures cut out of cardboard are scattered around the playground. The facilitator calls the color (for example, red). On a signal, all players must collect as many pieces of the specified color as possible.

The game "Listen to the clap!"

Target. Develop active attention.

Children go in a circle. For one clap, they should stop and take the “stork” pose (stand on one leg, the second is tucked in, arms to the sides), for two claps - the “frog” pose (squat down), for three claps - resume walking.

Game "Catch - don't catch"

The rules of this game are similar to those in the game "Edible - inedible". Only the condition when the child catches the ball, and when not, can change in each horse of the game. For example, now you are agreeing with the child that if the word refers to plants, then he catches it. If the word is not a plant, then it hits the ball. Similarly, you can play options such as "Fish - not fish", "Furniture - not furniture", "Transport - not transport", "Flies - does not fly" and others.

The game "Be careful!"

Target. Develop active attention; learning to respond quickly and accurately to sound signals.

Children march to the music in a circle. Then the facilitator says the word, and the children should begin to perform a certain action:

"Bunny!" Children jump, imitating the movement of a hare

"Horses!" Children kick their feet on the floor, as if a horse is hoofing.

"Crayfish!" Children move backwards like crayfish with their backs.

"Birds!" Children run around with their arms outstretched.

"Stork!" They stand on one leg.

"Frog!" Sit down and jump into a squat.

"Dogs!" Children bend their arms (imitation of the "dog serves" movement) and bark.
"Chickens!" Children walk, "look for grains" on the floor and say "ko-ko-ko".

The Gawker game.

The purpose of the game. Development of volitional (voluntary) attention.

Children walk in a circle, one after another, holding hands. At the leader’s signal (“Stop!”), they stop, make four claps, turn 180 degrees and start moving in the other direction.

The direction changes after each signal. If the child is confused and made a mistake, he leaves the game and sits on a chair in the room. The game can end when 2-3 children remain in the game.

The game "Forty-white-sided"

Target. Develop concentration.

Material: 5-6 small items (toys).

Arrange objects (toys) on the table. Invite the child to carefully look at the table, remember what items are on it. Then the child turns away. At this time, remove or replace one or more items. The child must determine what the magpie dragged away and what it replaced.

The game "Hurry up to touch."

Target. Develop attention switching, speech.

Invite the child, while the count is up to five, to touch "something red, soft, cold, etc." You can complicate the game by increasing the number of objects: "Touch two round objects."

Game "Fly"

Target. Develop stability, distribution, and switching attention.

Material. The playing field, lined with 9 or 16 cells and a piece of plasticine.
Invite the child to help the “fly” (plasticine) get to the other side of the field, warning. That the "fly" flies only in zigzags. An adult indicates the path of the "fly": "One cell forward, two to the right, one to the left." The child must fly this way across the playing field. Starting position - the central cell of the playing field.

With the mastery of the rules, two children can play the game. Teams are given by the participants in turn. The players must, relentlessly following the movement of the “fly”, prevent it from flying out of the playing field. If someone loses the thread of the game or sees that the "fly" has left the field, he gives the command "Stop!" and, returning the “fly” to the central cell, starts the game again.

Monkey game.

Players sit or stand opposite each other. One of them makes different movements: raises his hands, moves them in different directions, scratches his nose. The other - repeats all the movements of the first.

Game "Four Elements".

At the command of the leader, the children perform a certain movement with their hands.

"Earth" Children put their hands down.

"Water" Children stretch their arms forward

"Air" Children raise their hands up

"Fire" Children rotate their arms in the elbow and wrist joints

The game "I take with me in a suitcase ..."

The adult starts the game: "I'm going on vacation and I'm packing my suitcase. I'll take my toothbrush with me!"

The child continues: "I'll take my toothbrush and toothpaste with me."

Adult: "I'll take my toothbrush, toothpaste and red T-shirt with me"

Child: ":" I will take with me a toothbrush, toothpaste, a red T-shirt and a blue pencil"

Then the adult repeats all this and adds one more thing. And so on until someone gets confused and confuses either the order or the color of things.

Game "True - False"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

An adult pronounces different phrases - true and false. If the phrase is correct, the children clap, if not, they stomp.

Daisies always bloom in winter. (Children stomp ).

Ice is frozen water. (Children clap ).

The hare has red hair. (Children stomp ).

It always snows in winter. (Children clap and stomp ). Etc.

The game "The most attentive"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children sit in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the words: “Water” - arms to the sides; "Earth" - hands down; "Fire" - close your eyes with your hands; "Air" - raise your hands up.

The game "What did it sound like?"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children are shown the sound of different musical instruments. Then these musical instruments sound behind the screen, and preschoolers name what they sounded.

Game "Repeat after me"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Preschoolers are invited to reproduce, according to the model set by the teacher, rhythmic blows with a stick on the table.

The game "Who has a bell?"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children walk in a circle ringing a bell, which they pass to each other. A blindfolded child stands in the center of the circle and listens attentively from where the bell is ringing. When an adult utters the phrase: “The bell is not heard,” the child standing in the center of the circle must point with his hand in the direction from which he last heard the ringing.

Game "Words"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher clearly pronounces 6 words to the children, after which he asks the children to repeat the words in the same sequence. For example: dog, chicken, cow, duck, pig, chicken, etc.

Game "What's in the box?"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children are shown the sound in matchboxes: sand, earth, millet, peas, pebbles. After that, the adult stirs the boxes and invites the children to determine what is in the box by sound.

Game "Tell me how it was"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children are invited to consider a complex plot picture and remember all the details of an adult's story about the adventure of its heroes. Then the teacher asks questions about this picture, and the children answer them remembering the story.

Game "Who is it?"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

An adult reads interesting riddles in rhymes, preschoolers should name what or who is being discussed.

The game "The doll walks the ladder."

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The children have dolls in their hands, and the teacher has a metallophone. When low notes sound, the doll goes down, and when high notes sound, the doll goes up.

The game "The mother hen and chickens."

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

In the hands of the teacher, the hen is a hen, and the children have chickens. First, the hen pecks at the grains, and the chickens listen. And then chickens. They must peck as many times as a hen. You can repeat a slow pace and fast, loudly and quietly, at a certain pace.

Game "Find a toy".

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher blindfolds one child. One of the children is given a toy. The child names the children. If far away, the children clap softly, and if close - loudly.

Game "Where is the sound?".

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children close their eyes. The teacher plays the metallophone, placing it in different directions - up, down, right, left. Children guess the direction of the sound.

Game "Look at the bear."

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher with a bear in his hands walks around the room. The bear has a pipe, and the children are blindfolded. Look at the bear - turn your head in the direction where the bear's trumpet sounds.

Game "What instrument sounds?".

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher introduces children to the sound of musical instruments. Children sit on their backs. Sounds like an instrument. The children name the instrument.

Flag game.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher distributes flags, plays the metallophone. If the metallophone sounds loud, raise the flags and wave, if it's quiet, put your hands on your knees.

"Finger Play"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher plays (claps his hands) quickly and slowly. Children at a fast pace twist their fingers quickly, at a slow pace - slowly. (Clap, knock with a fist on a fist, with a palm on a table, with the edge of a palm, “run” with fingers).

The game "Rockets fly to the moon."

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher places a sounding object in a different direction - a rocket. The astronaut transmits a signal on the radio. Blindfolded children should direct the rockets in their hands in the direction of the sounding toy.

Rain game.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher plays the metallophone, making loud and soft sounds. If quiet music sounds - the children are walking, medium volume - open the umbrella, loud - run to the house.

Game Say what you hear.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher asks the children to close their eyes. Listen carefully and identify what sounds they heard. Children must answer in full.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The driver is blindfolded. Children quietly move or run from one place to another, making any sounds. The driver must catch one of the running children. When someone is caught, the child must give a voice, and the driver guesses who he caught.

Sun and rain game.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher quietly knocks on a tambourine - the sun, the children are walking. Loud - rain, the children run into the house.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children sit in a semicircle. In front of them, at some distance, a child with a bear sits with his back to the children. The speech therapist offers one of the guys to call the bear. The driver must guess who called him. The one who is recognized becomes the leader.

Who is this game.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher holds in his hand several pictures of animals and birds. The child pulls out one picture so that others do not see it. He imitates the cry of an animal and his

movements, and the rest of the children must guess.

The game "Find out by sound."

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The players sit with their backs to the leader. It produces different noises and sounds with different objects. Anyone who guesses what the leader is making noise with raises his hand, and without turning around, tells him about it.

The game "Catch the whisper."

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

All children sit in a circle. The teacher, in a voice of normal volume, asks to perform some movement, and then, in a barely perceptible whisper, pronounces the name of the one who must perform. If the child did not hear his name, the teacher calls another child.

Game "Sentry".

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The room is divided into two parts. On the one hand, a blindfolded child becomes a sentry. All children on one side should quietly move to the other side. If the sentry hears a rustle, he shouts: "Stop!". Everyone stops. The sentry goes to the sound and tries to find who was making noise. Found - out of the game.

The game "Where they knocked."

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

All children sit on chairs in a circle. A child comes to the middle and closes his eyes. The teacher goes around the whole circle behind the backs of the children and gives a wand to one of them. The child knocks it on the chair and hides it behind his back. Children shout: "It's time!". The driver looks for a wand, if he finds it, he sits in the place of the one who had the wand, and he goes to drive. And if he doesn't find it, he keeps driving.

The potty game.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children sit in a circle on the floor and roll the ball. If a child rolls a ball to another and says "Cold", the second child can touch the ball. But if they say to him: "Hot", then he should not touch the ball. Whoever makes a mistake and touches the ball receives a penalty point.

The game "Zhmurki with a rattle."

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The driver is blindfolded. Children have rattles or bells. They run away from the driver. The driver catches the children, focusing on the sound. The child who is caught becomes


Game Guess who it is.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children stand in a circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle, closes his eyes and then goes in any direction until he comes across one of the children, who must give a voice in a predetermined way: “crow”, “av-av-av” or “meow-meow”, etc. . The driver must guess which of the children screamed.

Game "Frog".

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children stand in a circle, and one blindfolded stands inside the circle and says:

Here is a frog on the path

Jumping with outstretched legs

I saw a mosquito, screamed ...

The one he pointed to at this moment says: “Kwa-kva-kva”.

Game Wind and Birds.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children are divided into two groups: birds, wind. With a loud sound of a musical toy, the wind will blow: “children-wind” should run freely, but not noisily around the group, and the other group - “birds”: hide in their nests. The wind subsides (the music is quiet), the children, representing the wind, quietly sit down in their places, and the birds should fly out of their nests and flutter.

Game "Find a toy".

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children sit on chairs. The driver closes his eyes. The teacher hides the doll. On a signal, the driver opens his eyes, and the children say to him:

Doll Tanya ran away.

Vova, Vova look.

When you find her, then boldly

Dance with our Tanya.

If the driver is in the place where the doll is hidden, the children clap their hands loudly, if they move away, the clapping subsides.

The game "Plays - does not fly."

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The children sit with their hands on their knees. The teacher names the objects and asks: “Does it fly, does it not fly?”, while raising his hands, no matter what object it is. If an object that flies is called, the children should raise their hand. If objects that do not fly are called, hands should not be raised.

Find the mistake game.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher shows a toy or a picture of an animal and names a deliberately wrong action that this animal allegedly performs. Children must answer whether this is correct or not, and then list the actions that this animal can perform.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The players are sitting. I am one of them stands in a circle and closes his eyes. The teacher, without naming a name, points with his hand at one of the players. He pronounces the name of the person in the center. The latter must guess who called him. If the one in the center has guessed correctly, he opens his eyes and changes places with the one who called him by name. The teacher invites the children to run around the room. At the signal “Run in a circle”, the children become in a circle. One child remains in the center of the circle. Children walk in a circle and say:

We frolic a little

All were placed in their places.

You solve the riddle

Who called you, find out!

The game "Guess where the woodpecker is knocking."

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher imitates the sound of a woodpecker, sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly. Children should find out where the woodpecker is knocking - close or far.

Play "Listen carefully"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher strikes the tambourine or claps his hands. Children should sit down as many times as they heard the beats on the tambourine.

Repeat game.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher claps a simple rhythm with his hands, the children must reproduce it (with his hands, on a tambourine or drum).

Commander game.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher gives the children various commands and accompanies them with various actions: hands up, hands down, sit down, stand up, hands to the sides, hands down, etc. If the command is accompanied by the appeal "commanders", the children carry out the order, if there is no appeal "commander", the children do not perform the actions. Anyone who violates the terms of the game is out of the game.

Game "What do you need?".

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

The teacher explains to the children that we will play the game "What do we plant in the garden?". The teacher names various objects, the children listen carefully. If an object is called that they are planting a garden, the children say: “yes”, but if the object is not the same, the children say: “no”. Who is wrong, he loses.

The game "Listen to the words"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention
Agree with the child that you will pronounce a variety of words. The child needs to clap his hands when he comes across a word denoting, for example, dishes. The game begins: different words are called: chair, tree, plate, pen, fox, potato, fork. The child should have time to clap his hands in time. So that the game does not get bored, it can be diversified. After playing for a few minutes, you can change tasks. The child will have to perform other actions, for example, stomp when he hears the word for a plant; jump when he hears the word for an animal; hold yourself by the nose when you hear the word for furniture. When the baby begins to cope, tasks can be complicated by combining them in two, and then in three. For example, a child should clap his hands when he hears the words for a plant, and jump when pronouncing the words for an animal.

The game "On the table! Under the table! Knock!"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Invite your child to play a game in which he will correctly follow your commands. You will give verbal commands, and at the same time try to confuse the child. To do this, first say the command, and do it yourself correctly, the child will repeat everything after you. Then you begin to confuse the child - say one command, and do something else.
For example, you say: “Under the table!” and hide your hands under the table, the child hides his hands, repeating everything after you. "Knock!" and start banging on the table, the child repeats. "To the table!" - put your hands on the table, the child does the same and so on. When the child gets used to repeating the movements after you, start confusing him: say one command and perform another movement. For example, say: “Under the table!”, And you yourself knock on the table. The child should do what you say, not what you do.

The game "Nose - floor - ceiling"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention
Agree with the children that when you say the word "nose", the children need to point their finger at their nose. When you say the word "ceiling", the children should point their finger at the ceiling, and when they hear the word "floor", then point their finger at the floor. Children need to be explained that it is impossible to succumb to provocation: you must follow the commands that you pronounce, and not those that you show.
Then start saying the words: "nose", "floor", "ceiling" in different sequences, and at the same time show either correctly or incorrectly. For example, name the nose and point to the floor. Children should always point in the right direction.

The game "Gathering the harvest"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention
For the game, you will need silhouettes of various fruits and vegetables cut out of multi-colored cardboard - orange carrots, red tomatoes, green cucumbers, blue eggplants, yellow apples.
Scatter colorful cardboard figures on the floor and ask the child to collect one vegetable or fruit. To make it more interesting to harvest, you can give out baskets.

Note: the games in this series contribute to the development of concentration, selectivity and distribution of attention. These games are good to use for children's holiday scenarios.

Game "Catch - don't catch"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention
You need a ball to play. The game can be played with one child or with a group of children.
Agree with the child that you will throw the ball to him, and he will catch or beat it. If you say a word, for example: "Catch!", The child needs to catch the ball. If the ball is thrown silently, then it must be hit.
Start the game by alternating the word "Catch" and silence during the throw. When the child gets used to the rhythm, start knocking him down, then say “Catch” several times in a row, then be silent during the throws. Gradually complicate the game by adding the word "Don't catch!". The child still has to catch the ball, because according to the rules of the game, he can hit the ball only during silence.

Do it right game

Purpose: Development of auditory attention
To play, you will need a tambourine and handkerchiefs. The number of handkerchiefs should be equal to the number of children participating in the game.
Give the handkerchiefs to the children and explain that when you ring the tambourine loudly, they should lift the handkerchiefs and wave them, and if you ring softly, have the children put the handkerchiefs down. Demonstrate what it means to ring loudly and how to ring softly. During the game, alternate between loud and soft sounds no more than three or four times.

The game "Listen and do as I do"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention
Clap your hands to a certain rhythm and invite the child to repeat after you. Tap the rhythm with a stick on the table, on the drum, on the pan, on the book or on the jar. Let the child reproduce exactly your rhythm. Then switch roles - the baby taps the rhythm, and you repeat.
The older the child, the more difficult the rhythm can be. For a three-year-old baby, the rhythm should be no more than 5-6 beats. As you master the game, the rhythms can gradually become more difficult.

The game "Can walk or not"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Agree with the child that you will name different words, and he needs to listen carefully. If he hears the name of an animal or object that can walk, the child should slap his knees. If he hears the name of an object that does not walk, he needs to raise his hands in front of him. Start the game: "Ball, cucumber, fox, parrot ..." - you say and make sure that the child responds correctly to each word.
This game can be played with a group of children. The tasks of the game can be periodically changed: “flying or not” - children raise their hands when they hear the name of a flying object, and clap their hands when a non-flying object is named. “Round or not”, “fluffy or not” - there can be quite a lot of game variations.

Whisper game

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Arrange toys on the table: cubes, a doll, a bunny, a car, and so on. Put the child at the table and explain to him that you will give him tasks very quietly - in a whisper, so he needs to listen to you very carefully in order to hear everything. Move away from the child by 2 - 3 meters and start giving tasks: “Take the bunny. Put him in the car. Put one cube on top of another." Give short, simple tasks, speak quietly but clearly so that the baby hears, understands and completes the tasks.
If several children are participating in the game, you can give them joint tasks, for example: “Hold hands”, “Jump”, “Walk around the chair”, “Raise your hand up”, “Point at your nose”.

The game "Quiet - Loud"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

This game can be played with one child or with a group of children.
Agree with the children that when you speak quietly, they should walk quietly on their toes. And when you speak loudly, the children must march loudly. Explain to the children that they should not respond to words, but to the sound of a voice. That is, so that you do not speak in a quiet voice, children should still walk quietly on their toes. And also, so that you do not speak with a loud voice, the children still have to march.
Start the game. First, say in a whisper: “We walk on toes,” and in a loud voice: “Everyone is marching.” Once the kids get used to changing commands, start to make the game more difficult by adding different commands, such as "Everyone jump" - you say in a low voice, or "Everyone wave your hands" - in a loud voice. Then complicate the game even more: “Everyone is marching” - speak in a whisper. “We walk on toes” - speak loudly. Try to confuse children by changing commands and voice volume unexpectedly.
Children should not succumb to provocations, they should always walk on their toes to a whisper and march to a loud voice.

The game "Bell ringing"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

To play, you will need a bell and a blindfold. Invite the child to guess with his eyes closed and show with his hand where the bell rings.
Blindfold the child and stand two to three meters away from him, ring the bell. The child must show the direction from where the ringing is heard. Change your seat and ring the bell again.
If several children participate in the game, then the game is played without a bell. The children stand in a circle, the leader is selected, they blindfold him and put him in the center of the circle. Agree with the children that now they will take turns clapping their hands, and the driver should show where the clap comes from. Only the child you are pointing at should clap. Every few minutes the leader changes so that all the children stand in the center of the circle.

The game "Guess what subject I'm knocking on"
Purpose: Development of auditory attention

To play, you will need a metal stick or pencil and several different items, for example: a glass, a cup, a wooden cube, a plastic cube, a saucepan. The main thing is that all objects make a different sound.
Invite the child to listen to what sounds the objects make, and tap on each. Then ask the child to turn away and guess which object you will knock on. Then switch roles, let the child knock, and you guess.

Game "Find the repeat"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention
Agree with the child that now you will say different words and you should not repeat yourself. Ask the baby to clap his hands if you suddenly repeated a word and let him tell you which word you repeated. Start the game: "river, elephant, ball, elephant" - you say. The child should clap their hands on the second word "elephant".
The younger the child, the shorter the sequence of words between repetitions should be. Make the game more difficult only when the child guesses repetitions well after one or two words.

Phone game.

Purpose: Development of auditory attention

Children sit in a row. The person sitting first on the right says a word in the neighbor's ear. He passes the word on, and so on. After that, the children, starting with the last one, must say which word they heard. The first child to confuse the transmitted word sits at the very end of the row. The rest sit down in this way, one seat closer to the first. The game continues.

Playing with counting sticks or matches .

The child is offered to lay out a letter, number, pattern, silhouette, etc. according to the model.

Playing with colorful beads.

Purpose: development of visual attention

The child is offered a sample or scheme for stringing beads (for example, -ОХОХОХО- -ОООХХХООО- -ООХХОХХОО-), thread or wire, beads. The child collects beads.

Game "Guess what I see."

Purpose: development of visual attention

When looking at a picture book, a game begins - an adult: “I see something, it is red! What is it?" When this something is found, change roles, the child makes a guess.

Game "Do like me"

Purpose: development of visual attention

An adult offers the child to lay out a letter, number, pattern, picture, etc. from sticks (or mosaics) according to the model. (Can be used )

The game "Arrange as it was"

Purpose: development of visual attention

The teacher places seven toys on the table in front of the preschoolers. After the children have examined the toys, the adult asks them to turn away from the table, and at this time he swaps the toys and gives the task: “Arrange the toys in the order they were.”

Game "Draw"

Purpose: development of visual attention

An adult distributes drawings to children depicting objects on which some details are missing. Offers to name what exactly is missing in the picture and draw them. For example: a car without wheels, a house without a roof, etc.

Game "Find differences"

Purpose: development of visual attention

The teacher offers preschoolers a card with two pictures that have several differences. Children need to find these differences as quickly as possible.

The game "Who is faster"

Purpose: development of visual attention

An adult shows the children ribbons of different colors. The task of preschoolers is to name as many objects as possible, vegetables, fruits, animals, etc., that correspond to a certain color. For example: Yellow - pear, pencil, sun, lemon ...; red - apple, tomato, cherry ... green - toad, grasshopper, cucumber, grass ... etc.

The game "Who's hiding?"

Purpose: development of visual attention

An adult lays out 10 pictures with animals on the table in front of the children. After the guys have examined them, the teacher asks them to close their eyes, and at this time he removes 3-4 pictures and asks: “Look, what animals hid?”

The game "Drawing by cells"

Purpose: development of visual attention

Children are given a checkered sheet (large or small), a pattern for drawing (an ornament or a closed figure), a pencil. It is necessary to redraw the pattern by cells.

Game "Find the extra"

Purpose: development of visual attention

Children are offered a card with the image of 6 - 7 objects, one of which is different from the others. It is necessary to find it. For example: fox, bear, wolf,sparrow , squirrel, hare, hedgehog. (Sparrow is a bird).

Game "Find the letter"

Target:development of stability and concentration of attention, training the ability to arbitrarily distribute and switch attention.

For the game you will need a small text printed in large letters and a pen. Give the child a text (even if the baby cannot read yet) and show which letter should be underlined. If the child's attention is still poorly developed, then draw the letter that he needs to underline on a separate sheet, and put the sheet with the letter in front of the child. Explain that you need to look at each line. Then change and complicate the task. For example: "Cross out the letter B, and underline the letter C."

For children of 3 years of age, 2-3 sentences in large print are suitable. The better the kid does, the more words are added to the text. A five-year-old child can be given texts of 2-3 paragraphs.

Game "Labyrinths"

The child is shown a picture, asked: “Who is drawn? What is she (they) doing?” Explain what a labyrinth is. They read a poem or tell some story or fairy tale, and then ask, for example, to help the girl find the house where her grandmother lives.

First, they offer the child to trace the line with his eyes, if he does not cope with the task, he is invited to trace the line with the help of a pointer. Further from a simple option they move on to a more complex one.

Game "Cinderella"

Purpose: development of stability and concentration of attention, training the ability to arbitrarily distribute and switch attention.

For the game you will need handfuls of three different cereals: beans, peas and lentils.

Mix a few peas of each cereal in a small bowl and have your child sort out the cereal mixture. The child will need to choose each cereal from the bowl into separate plates or just heaps.

The older the child, the more in quantity and smaller in size cereals can be used. For a three-year-old baby, 5-7 peas of beans and peas will be enough. A five-year-old child can be given mixed rice, buckwheat and lentils.

Game "Find a Pair"

Purpose: development of stability and concentration of attention, training the ability to arbitrarily distribute and switch attention.

For the game you will need several identical pairs of different items. You can cut out pairs of strips of different lengths from paper, you can pick up pairs of different buttons. Lay out the selected pairs of objects mixed in one pile in front of the child and give him the task of picking up pairs. If these are stripes, then he needs to pick up pairs of strips of the same length. If they are buttons, the child picks up pairs of identical buttons. For three-year-old children, 3-5 pairs of different items will be enough. The older and more experienced the child becomes in the game, the more pairs of different items you can give him.

Game "What is missing?"

Show your baby 3-7 toys, then hide one of them. The number of toys should correspond to the age of the child, for the smallest 3 toys are enough, for children 3-4 years old there can be up to 7. Then ask the child what is missing.

Game "What has changed?"

Purpose: development of attention span.

Put 3-7 toys in front of the children. Signal for them to close their eyes while removing one toy. Opening their eyes, the children must guess which toy is hidden.

Game "Find a toy"

Purpose: development of attention span.

Choose any not very big toy and hide it. Then tell the child what you have hidden and offer to find the toy using the clues. Examples of clues by which you can search for a toy: behind blue, behind yellow, under square, under round, on wooden. When the child has found the toy, he becomes the leader and hides the toy, and you look for it according to the child's prompts. If several children participate in the game, then the role of the leader passes in turn to each child.

Game "Edible - inedible"


Depending on the named item (whether it is edible or not), children must catch or hit the ball thrown to them by an adult.

Game "Repeat after me"

Target:Development of motor-motor attention.

The teacher names the parts of the human body, and the children must perform the appropriate movements: touch the nose, ear, elbow, etc. (You can perform movements to rhythmic music) Game. "Flies, jumps, swims"

The teacher shows the children pictures of animals, birds, insects, etc., and the children need to show what movements they can do without words. For example: a bird - children imitate flight movements, a hare - jump, a toad - jump, and then swim (or vice versa), etc.

Game "Wintering and Migratory Birds"

Target:Development of motor-motor attention.

An adult shows pictures of wintering and migratory birds, the children are given the command: “Clap your hands, if the bird is migratory, if it is wintering, put your hands down.”

Game "Vegetables and fruits"

Target:Development of motor-motor attention.

An adult reads out the names of vegetables and fruits, preschoolers are given a command: "Sit down - if they hear the name of a vegetable, jump - the name of a fruit."

Game "Forbidden Movement"

Target:Development of motor-motor attention.

The teacher shows the children a movement that cannot be repeated. Then he shows different movements with his arms and legs. The one who repeated the forbidden movement is out of the game. Any movement or combination of movements can be prohibited.

Game "Train"

Target:Development of motor-motor attention.

Children stand in a circle and imitate the movement of the train, an adult shows cards that indicate a certain movement: yellow card - the train collapsed, red - the train stops, blue - the train goes in the opposite direction, green - the train goes faster.

The game "Attentive guys"

Target:Development of motor-motor attention.

Children are built in a column. An adult names various objects, after which each child who stands in a column must run to the table on which there is a basket with objects and choose an object of the appropriate color with the named object. For example, the teacher calls the word “paper”, the child must run up to the table and select a white object from the basket - a white ball, a pencil, etc.


1.Andreev O.A. Train your attention. / O. A. Andreev - M .: Education, 1994 - p. 135

1. Baskakova I. L. Attention of schoolchildren - oligophrenics. M., 1982

Card file of games for the development of speech in preschool children

Target: The development of speech in preschool children.
Compiled by the teacher Moor Natalya Alexandrovna
This card file is suitable for use in classes with a group, during individual lessons, as well as for classes with a child at home.

In general, the card file of games is aimed at developing speech skills; individually, each game has a specific goal indicated on the card.

The game "Who gives a voice?"
Purpose: to introduce children to the voices of wild animals.
- Tell me, how do animals give voice?
- What does the wolf do - ... (howls).
- What does the fox do - ... (yapping).
- What does the bear do - ... (roars).
- What does the squirrel do - ... (clicks).

The game "Who has whom?"
Purpose: the use of the genitive case of singular and plural nouns.
At the she-bear - ... (bear cub, cubs).
The fox has ... (fox, cubs).
At the squirrel - ... (squirrel, squirrel).
The she-wolf has ... (wolf cub, cubs).
At the hedgehog - ... (hedgehog, hedgehog).
The hare has ... (hare, hare).
The game "Who loves what?"
Purpose: fixing the form of the accusative case of nouns.
Choose an animal and choose the picture that you like: hare-carrot, goat-cabbage, bear-raspberry, honey, fish, etc. Children put pictures to the corresponding animal.

Didactic game "Prepositions".
Purpose: To teach to understand the meaning of prepositions: on, in, for, under, to, from, by, about, etc .; differentiate prepositions: on - in, on - under; use them correctly in speech; make sentences with prepositions to demonstrate actions, according to plot and subject pictures, according to the preposition scheme.

Didactic game "Who lives where?"
Purpose: Formation of children's skills to correlate the image of animals with their habitat.
Game progress: Lay out the cards according to the habitats of animals, domestic in the village, and wild in the forest.

Purpose: Match the verb with the action it denotes.
The children are read Ya-Turan's poem "Fishermen" (translated from the Slovak G. Kruzhkov) and are offered to depict the events that are described in it.
Two ducklings went to the river, The floats jumped.
Each with a fishing rod in hand. The fishermen shouted:
- Fish - you - Hooray, whale!
- Cancer - me! - Hooray, whale! Rejoice, quacking. They danced at the willows.
But crawling from behind a bush Two thieves, two cats:
- Fish - me,
- Cancer - you. It's time to run away, cats!

Purpose: to focus on the end of the verb in the past tense when agreeing with the noun.
Materials: wooden tower, toy animals: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.
Let's put a teremok on the carpet. We will seat the animals near the tower. We will tell a fairy tale, encouraging children to take part in the storytelling.
- Stands in the field teremok. She ran to the tower... who? That's right, mouse. (Children suggest, focusing on the meaning of the verb and its ending.) “Who lives in a little house?” There is no one. The mouse began to live in a little house. Jumped up to the tower ... a frog. And so on. In conclusion, let's summarize: - Listen to how we say: the frog jumped, and the hare jumped; the fox came running, and the wolf came running.

Purpose: to focus on the gender of a noun when defining an object according to its characteristics.
Materials: hare, carrot, cucumber, apple, tomato, bag.
Let's tell the children something like this: “A hare came to our kindergarten. Runaway bunny, what's in your bag? Can I have a look? What's this? (Carrot.) What kind of carrot? (Long, red.) We put the carrots on the table. And what's that? (Cucumber.) What cucumber? (tomato, apple, etc.) Now the hare wants to play with you. He hid all the vegetables and fruits in a bag. The bunny will put its paw into the bag, take a vegetable or fruit and tell you about it, and you must guess what the bunny has in its paw. Listen carefully. She is long and red. What's this? (Carrot.) It is green, long. What's this? (Cucumber.) It is round, red. What's this? (Apple.) It is round, red. What's this? (Tomato.)"
If the children answer the last two questions incorrectly, we repeat, emphasizing the pronoun with our voice: “Listen again. It is round and red. It is round and red.
Now find and put vegetables in the bag. What's left? (Apple.) Apples are fruits. Thank you rabbit for coming to us. Goodbye".

Purpose: to correlate the names of actions with their own movements.
Children stand in pairs, facing each other, taking each other by the right hand. They recite a poem, imitating the movements of sawyers (move with closed hands from one to another).
We are now sawing the log. We saw, we saw, we saw, we saw, One-two! One-two! There will be firewood for the winter. (E. Blaginina. There will be firewood for the winter.)
Next, the children, together with the adult, recite the poem, accompanying the recitation with playing with their fingers.
- Where are the palms? Here?
- Here.
- Is there a pond on your palm?
- Pond.
- Big finger - This is a young goose. Index - caught. Medium - plucked a goose,
This finger soup cooked (cooked).
The smallest-stove stoked (stoked).
The goose flew into the mouth,
And from there to the stomach ... Here.
(Kalmyk folk song, translated by N. Grebnev.)
To the question of an adult: “Where are the palms? Here? ”- children stretch out their hands forward, palms up. Then they pronounce the text together with the leader, bending their fingers in the order indicated in the poem (from the thumb to the little finger). On the last three lines, the children depict flying with their hands, then they touch their stomachs with their hands, and on the word “Here” they drop their hands down and shake them freely.

Purpose: to exercise in the formation of imperative forms of the verbs to jump, ride.
Materials: truck, mouse, bear.
We bring a truck and a mouse with a bear into the room. We turn to children:
- Do you want the mouse and the bear to ride on the truck? If you want, ask them. It is necessary to say: "Bear, go!" And you can also ask the mouse and the bear to jump: “Mouse, jump!” - Oleg, whom do you want to ask, a mouse or a bear? What will you ask for?
The game continues until the children run out of interest in it.

Purpose: to distinguish between adult animals and cubs by onomatopoeia, correlate the names of an adult animal and its cub.
Materials: toys: mouse and mouse, duck and duckling, frog and frog, cow and calf.
Animals come and visit children. Animals want to play. Children must guess whose voice they heard.
- Mu-u-u - who is mooing like that? (Cow.) And who is lowing thinly? (Calf.)
Whoa whoa is that rough voice? And who croaks thinly? The frog is large and croaks with a rough voice. And her cub croaks thinly. Who is the frog's baby?
The rest of the toys are played in the same way. After the game, children can play with toys. To get a toy, the child must call it correctly (“Frog, come to me!”, “Duckling, come to me!”).

Purpose: to correlate the name of the animal with the name of the cub.
Materials: toy house, animals (toys): duck and duckling, chicken and chicken, goat and kid, cow and calf, horse and foal.
Arrange adult animals around the room. Their cubs are on the carpet in the house. Invite the children to find out who lives in the house.
- Let's see. Quack-quack-quack - who is this? Duck? We get a toy from the house. Is the duck big or small? Little one? It's a duck, guys. Little duckling. And the duck is his mother. Help the duckling find its mother duck. Vasya, take the duck. Look for duck.
- And whose voice is this - pee-pee-pee? Who is it? (We take out the chicken.) Who is the mother of the chicken? How does a chicken cackle? How does the chicken respond? Look, Olya, for a chicken, for the mother of a chicken.
The rest of the characters are played in the same way. When all the babies have mothers, adults and cubs are planted together. Let the children look at them, say the words: duck - duck, chicken - chicken, etc. Then the animals leave by car to visit other children.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to correlate the word with the action that it denotes.
The children stand one behind the other with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them.
Choo, choo, puff-choo, Ko-le-sa-mi
Puff-choo, vor-choo (pronounced 2 times). Spin, spin-chu (pronounced 2 times),
I don't want to stand still! Sit down soon
Ko-le-sa-mi I'll ride!
I knock, I knock. Chu! Chu! (E. Karganova. Train.)
To the words “I don’t want to stand still,” the “train” begins to move slowly, gradually adding speed. Then the children perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem. To the words “I knock with the wheels, I knock,” they stomp their feet, to the words “I turn the wheels, I turn,” I make circular movements with my hands in front of me. To the words "Chu! Chu!" the train stops.

Purpose: To correlate the words of the poem with their own movements.
The children are standing. An adult reads a poem, and children accompany the reading with rhythmic movements.
All summer the swing Swinged and sang, And on the swing we flew into the sky.
(Children shake their hands back and forth, slightly springing their legs at the knees.)
The autumn days have arrived. The swing was left alone.
(Reducing the course of the swing, the children spring at the knees and reduce the swing of their hands to a gradual stop.)
Lying on a swing V
Two yellow leaves. And the wind swings Swings slightly. (V. Danko. Swing.)

Purpose: to practice pronunciation of onomatopoeia.
From the children they choose a chicken-ryabushka, put a hat on her head. At the signal of the driver, a dialogue begins:
- Ryabushka chicken, where are you going?
- To the river.
- Chicken-ryabushechka, Why are you going?
- For water.
- Chicken ryabushechka, Why do you need water?
- Water the chickens. They want to drink. They squeak all over the street - Pee-pee-pee!
(Russian folk song.) After the words “They squeak all over the street,” the chicken children run away from the chicken and squeak (pee-pee-pee). Touching the caught child, the chicken says: “Go to the well to drink water.” Caught children are out of the game. The game is repeated with the choice of a new ryabushechka chicken.

Purpose: Actively use verbs in speech, form various verb forms.
Materials: Pictures: clothes, plane, doll, dog, sun, rain, snow.
Neumeyka comes and brings pictures. The task of children is to pick up words that denote actions related to objects or phenomena depicted in the pictures. For example:
what can be said about the plane, what does it do? (Flies, buzzes, takes off, rises, sits down ...);
what can you do with clothes? (Wash, iron, put on, sew up, clean...);
what about rain? (It goes, drizzles, pours, drips, whips, makes noise, knocks on the roof ...);
what about snow? (Walks, falls, spins, flies, lays down, shines, melts, shimmers, creaks...);
what can i do with the doll? (To put to bed, feed, roll in a stroller, treat, take for a walk, dress, dress up, bathe ...);
what does the dog do? (Barks, gnaws bones, wags its tail, jumps, whines, walks, runs, guards ...);
what can you say about the sun? (It shines, warms, rises, enters, bakes, rises, falls, shines, smiles, caresses ...).
Such a game can be played on different topics: “Household items”, “Natural phenomena”, “Seasons”, “Animals and birds”, etc. “ADD A WORD”
Purpose: to find the word (verb) that is necessary in meaning. Materials: Gena doll.
The game begins with a conversation about how children help their parents, what they can do. Next, let's tell the children that Gena came to visit them. He also loves to help his relatives: grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, brother and sister. And what exactly Gena can do, the children will now have to guess.
I know how to clean the bed (the verb is picked up by children). I know how to floor ... (sweep). I can dust ... (wipe). I can do dishes... (wash, rinse). I know how to make a bed ... (make). I know how to flowers ... (water). I help the table ... (set). I help the plates... (arrange) I help the forks... (lay out) I help the crumbs... (sweep) I help the room... (clean up) When the game is repeated, the children move from choral statements to individual ones (verb calls the one to whom Gena will directly address).

Purpose: Focusing on the endings of verbs, select words in
Materials: Umeyka doll.
The adult tells that Umeyka wanted to read poetry to the children, but on the way he lost all the last words. Offers to help Umeika. Reads poetry, children finish the right words.
Your voice is so good - You are very sweet (sing). (S. Marshak.)
The bunny drums loudly, He is a serious matter (busy). (I. Tokmakova.)
The phone is ringing again, From him in the ears (ringing). (A. Barto.)
Runaways are jumping -
Sunny Bunnies...
Where are the bunnies? Gone.
You didn’t (found) them anywhere? (A. Brodsky.)
I sewed a shirt for a bear, I'll sew pants for him. It is necessary to them a pocket (sew) And a handkerchief (put). (3. Aleksandrova.)
In conclusion, the children themselves can read the poems “WHOSE VOICE?” to Umeika.
Purpose: To form verbs from onomatopoeic words.
Materials: Toys: cat, dog, chicken, cockerel, car.
Toys come to visit children in a car. An adult shows them (one at a time), and the children call them.
- Cuckoo! Who is it? (Cockerel.) How does a cockerel crow? (Crow.)
- Where-where, where-where! Who is it? (Hen.) How does the hen cackle?
- Woof woof woof! Who is it? (Doggy.) How does the dog bark?
- Meow meow! Who is it? (Cat.) How does a cat meow?
- Woof woof woof! Whose voice is this? (Dogs.) What is she doing? (Barks.)
- Meow meow! Whose voice is this? (Cats.) What is the cat doing? (Meows.)
- Where-where, where-where! Whose voice is this? (Chickens.) What is the chicken doing?
- Cuckoo! Who is it? (Cockerel.) What does the cockerel do? (Crows.)

Goal: Use derived verbs.
Materials: Toys: ladder, rooster, cat, dog, dolls Borya, Tanya and Nina.
An adult reads, accompanying reading with actions with toys.
There is a ladder in the yard.
There are five steps on the ladder.
Let's count guys!
A rooster jumped up on the top step,
He flapped his wings and sang loudly.
How did he sing guys? (Here and below, children's answers.)
The cat jumped onto the second step. He sits - licks his tongue, purrs. How does she purr?
And the dog jumped on the third step.
His tail taps on the steps.
Growls at the cat. How does he growl guys?
And Boris climbed the fourth step. He sits - looks down, dangles his legs. How does he move his legs? And Tanya sat down on the bottom step, sang a song: “We are sitting on the ladder and we sing songs.” How does she sing guys? And suddenly the wind roared. How does he make noise? Often, often rain pounded, How does it knock, guys? The rooster jumped off, waved its wings, Hid under the porch. And the dog got there.
The cat deftly: jump-sniff Into the open window.
And Borya and Tanya are sitting, they don’t want to get off the stairs.
They cry. How do they cry?
Nina went out on the porch,
She removed the guys from the ladder and led them.
They stamped their feet on the porch.
How did they stomp, guys?
The children went into the house - the ladder was empty. (E. Shabad.)

Purpose: To form verbs from the names of musical instruments.
Materials: Toys: hare, drum, balalaika, accordion, spinning top, pipes, bells, tambourines, rattles.
An adult reads a poem, accompanying his speech with actions with toys.
Bunny made from plush. He has big ears And a special talent - This bunny is not a smart-ass, This bunny is a musician.
- Bunny brought with him a lot of musical instruments, and what they are called, we will now guess.
Oh, she rings, she rings, She amuses everyone with a game. And only three strings She needs for music. Who is she? Guess it. This is our ... (balalaika).
(The one who guessed first gets a toy. This child will play with the bunny in the orchestra.)
- Listen to more riddles about musical instruments:
You will take it in your hands. You stretch, then you squeeze. Voiced, elegant, Russian, two-row. Will play, just touch. What is her name? (Harmonic.)
It sings very cheerfully, If you blow into it. You all play on it And you will immediately guess. Doo-doo, doo-doo.
Yes Yes Yes Yes.
This is how she always sings.
Not a stick, not a tube,
But what is it? (Pipe.)
- The hare brought a musical top. (An adult shows a top, along with a hare, approaches the children with it and launches it.)
musical top
Sings and buzzes.
musical top
Runs in circles.
He's spinning, spinning
Turns smart! ^.
And suddenly for no reason
No matter what - stop.
- The top stopped near Serezha. Seryozha, do you want to play with the top? And here are some more toys: bells, tambourines, rattles.
- Children, what are the bells doing? (They ring.)
- Rattles? (Thunder.)
- Drum? (Drumming.)
- Pipes? (Puffing.)
(Children who answer correctly get toys.)
The orchestra will be big. Play well, children.
(E. Moshkovskaya. What are the gifts.)

Purpose: Match the noun with the verb.
Materials: Pictures (photographs) with images of people of different professions (farmer, baker, pharmacist, tailor, salesman, postman, soldier).
The adult asks questions, the children answer.
- Plows, sows, harvests bread, who? (Grain grower.)
- And who bakes bread for us? (Baker.)
- Who dispenses the medicines? (Pharmacist.)
Who sews clothes for us in the cold and heat? (Tailor.)
- Who sells it, finally? (Salesman.)
- He comes to us with a letter Directly to the house - who is he? (Postman.)
- Serves dear Motherland Elder brother. Protects our lives, He ... (Soldier.)
- When you become adults, each of you will have some kind of profession. All of them are very important, be it the profession of a grain grower, a baker, a pharmacist, a tailor, a salesman, a postman or a builder. But the main thing, no matter who you become, is to work well and honestly.

Purpose: To independently form the form of the subjunctive mood of verbs.
An adult reads to children a fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Fedorino's grief”. At the end ask questions:
- Why did all the things run away from Fedora?
- What would happen if you scattered all the toys, broke them?
- And what would happen if you took care of the toys, treated them well, did not scatter them in the corners, but cleaned them up after the game in their places?
- What would happen if you scattered your shoes anywhere?
- What would happen if you put the dishes on the windowsill and a strong wind blew?
- And if you washed the dishes after dinner and put them in the buffet?

Goal: Use verbs in connected speech.
From among the players, cuckoos (2-3 children) are chosen, which become in the center of the circle. The rest of the children go in a circle and say:
Cuckoos flew through three huts. So fussed. So in a hurry
They turned their heads, waved their wings - And where they flew. They didn't say so!
(N. Kolpakova.)
Cuckoo children must perform movements according to the text. Then, the presenter suggests asking the cuckoos where they were in such a hurry. The cuckoo children must come up with the answer themselves. (“We flew to another forest”; “We are looking for our chicks”; “We flew to warmer climes”, etc.) It is important that the answer is invented by the children themselves. The dialogue can be continued with such questions: “When will you return?:”; "Why are you flying so far away?" And so on. In this way, conditions are created for an impromptu dialogue.

Purpose: To use single-root words in speech.
Materials: Toys or pictures: goose, goose, goslings.
An adult examines toys (pictures) with children: “This is ... a goose. He is winged, loud-mouthed, he has beautiful flippers. Legs like flippers.
And this is the mother ... gu ... son. The goose and the goose have gosling children. Gu ... syata. One gu ... hay, a lot - goslings.
One who is intimately familiar with goslings. He knows: goslings walk in single file. The one who is closely acquainted with the gander will never go to them barefoot.
(V. Berestov. Geese.)
Show how goslings walk in single file. Their necks are stretched out, they spank with their paws and flippers, waddle. Goslings go in single file for mother goose and father goose.

Purpose: To develop a sense of humor, speech.
Children are read a poem by V. Prikhodko “That's when I become an adult”, expressively, trying to make them understand the humor of this poem.
That's when I become an adult And I want to swim, I'll climb into a big bath myself, I'll unscrew both taps. I'll rub my belly and back And the freckles on my nose. I'll wrap myself in a sheet And take it to the crib!
Then they are invited to dream up - to tell what they will do when they become adults.

Purpose: To correlate the meaning of the verb with the action that it denotes
An adult reads a poem, and the children portray the roosters that it speaks of.
The roosters fluffed up. But they did not dare to fight. If you are very cocky. You can lose your feathers. If you lose your feathers. There will be nothing to cock. (V. Berestov. Petushki.)

Purpose: To get acquainted with the same-root words (splyushka, sleep, sleep).
Children are read a poem by V. Prikhodko "Scops Owl" and are offered to portray a Scops Owl.
You saw a spy owl. She fell silent and - at first:
Forever sleepy old woman, "Sleep-sleep-sleep!"
Owl-scops, I sat down by the aspen,
Splyushka-scoop - For a long time I listened to the cry of an owl:
And the talker and the cheat? "Sleep-sleep-sleep"...
She shouted to me in the forest: I don't like liars! "Sleep-sleep-sleep!"
If you really sleep
Why are you screaming?

Purpose: we learn to focus on the ending when agreeing words in the gender.
Materials: a chest, subject pictures: an egg, a cookie, jam, an apple, a towel and other items indicated by neuter and feminine nouns, according to the number of children.
Let's put a chest with pictures on the table. We will invite the children to take out the pictures one at a time, while we will ask questions: “What testicle? What matryoshka? Etc. The interrogative pronoun agrees with the noun and helps the child to correctly determine the gender of the latter.
In the event that 2-3 objects are depicted in the pictures, the game will take on a new meaning: the child will be able to practice in the formation of forms of the nominative case of the plural of nouns.

Purpose: Correlate the actions of people with their profession, form the appropriate verbs (builder - builds, teacher - teaches, etc.).
An adult clarifies the children's understanding of the words "profession", "action".
- Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I tell you how to behave, play with you, draw, read, sing, walk, put you to bed ... And what do you think, what is the profession of Irina Vladimirovna, who prepares dinner for us? That's right, she's a chef. What other professions do you know? Every adult has his own profession. It works and performs some actions. What, for example, does a cook do?
- The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables, etc.
- What does the doctor do?
- The doctor examines the sick, listens, treats, gives medicine, makes injections, operations.
What does a tailor do?
- The tailor cuts, basting, smacking, ironing, trying on, sewing.
(builder, teacher, watchman, shepherd, shoemaker, and children name actions)

Card file of games for the development of attention in the middle group.

1. The game "Clap" ("Top").

Target : develop attention.

Description : the teacher lists the objects, and the child must clap his hands if the teacher names the animal, or stamp his foot if he hears the word "house". A more complicated option: the child must do some action (at the discretion of the teacher) if the teacher named an object that can be red (sinks in water, does not get wet, etc.).

2. The game "Be careful!".

Target: develop attention, the skill of self-control.

Description : the child repeats the words that the teacher says. Words of a certain category cannot be repeated (see previous game).

3. The game "Magic word".

Goals : develop attention; contribute to the development of the rules of etiquette.

Description: the child must comply with the request of the teacher only if he says the word "please". For example: the phrase “Give me a doll” sounds - the child should not respond to words. Sounds: “Go, please, to the kitchen. Bring me a plate." The kid should go to the kitchen, but return without a plate, because the word "please" was not pronounced.

4. The game "Edible - inedible."

Target : develop attention, memory, coordination of movements.


Description : the child catches the ball if the teacher, throwing it, calls an edible object. If an object is named that cannot be eaten, the ball is not caught. You can also play using thematic groups: bird - animal, living - inanimate, quiet - loud, etc.

5. The game "I'll tell, and you - remember."

Target: develop memory, attention, observation.

Description: invite the child to repeat the items that will be listed. You should start with a small number of items. In the first lessons, you can group objects by topic, for example: list items of utensils, furniture, etc. In the future, you can increase the number of items listed, add things from different semantic groups: tree, trunk, branch; house, wall, window, door; sofa, table, armchair, cup, ball, etc.

6. The game "Someone inherited."

Target : develop attention, search skills.Game material and visual aids:"traces" of a hare, cut out of paper.

Description: lay out hare footprints around the room in the form of a tangled path. Draw the attention of the child to them: “Look! A bunny came to us, here are his tracks, but how many! Try to walk on them, maybe he hid some goodies! At the end of the trail, put a carrot, treat the child.

7. The game "Look and do the same."

Target : develop attention.

Description : take any coloring book, choose a large single object and paint over one half of it. Invite the child to color the second part in the same way as the first is colored.

8. The game "Red? No, pink!

Target: develop the skill of classifying different tones of the same color range.

Game material and visual aids:geometric shapes of different shades (red - pink; blue - cyan; yellow - orange).

Description : show the child the cards, name the shapes, repeat the names of the colors. Ask the child to arrange the red figures in a red box, pink ones in a pink one. Do the same with the other colors. In the next lesson, lay out the pink and blue figures, adding one red and one blue to them. Put the pink and blue box. Carefully observe the child, how he will do with red and blue. If he correlated them respectively with pink and blue, correct him. Studying the shades of color, draw analogies: “What happens in blue? Sky? And is the sky blue? No, there is no bright blue. Think about what is blue, red, pink, orange, etc.

9. The game "Hurry up to touch."

Target : develop attention, speech.

Description : invite the child, while the count is up to five, to touch "something red, soft, cold, etc." You can complicate the game by increasing the number of objects: "Touch two round objects."

10. The game "How similar - how different"

Target : develop attention.

Take two toys that are similar in color or shape. Ask your child: are the toys similar to each other? They are the same color (size). How are the toys different? For example, a bunny has long, large ears, while a bear has small ones. In order to play this game, first teach your child to look at the toy correctly. Look carefully at all partstoys, color By touch, determine which toy is made of what. Remember how you can play with it.

Victoria Queen
Card file of games for the development of thinking

Card file of games for the development of thinking will help develop logical, figurative, verbal - logical thinking, develop the ability to classify objects on one or more grounds.

1. Game "Wonderful bag".(2-3 years)

Target: develop imaginative thinking, memory.

Equipment: toys horse, bear, cat, bunny, bag.

Description: the teacher puts the toy animals in the bag. The child takes out a toy and calls who it is. Also can read a poem about it animal: if he finds it difficult to complete the task, then another child reads the poem. Etc.

2. Game "In the garden, in the garden.". (34 years)

Goals: develop classification skill; help to understand the order of things.

Equipment: cards with images of a garden, a garden, a forest; figurines of vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms (cut from cardboard) .

Description: invite the child to correctly distribute the cut out figures, remembering that where growing: vegetables - in the garden, berries and mushrooms - in the forest, fruits - in the garden.

3. Game "Freight train". (34 years)

Target: develop logical thinking.

Equipment: cards with the image of objects of different categories (dishes, furniture, animals).

Description: Invite the child to play on the train. Trains go to different cities and carry different goods. For example, a train going to Moscow carries dishes. Therefore, on pictures- trailers must be drawn items of this category. A train going to another city is transporting wild animals, etc. To complicate the game, lay out cards of different categories but made from the same material, such as wooden spoons, wooden chairs, wooden cubes, boards, etc.

4. Game "Illogical Associations". (45 years)

Target: develop associative thinking.

Equipment: cards with a picture of the subject.

Description: you need to tell the child a few words related to each other. For example: plate, soap, flower, street. It is better if they lie in front of the child cards with pictures of these items. Try with your child to find associations that would connect these words. Find the right one for each association. picture. Give scope to the imagination of the child, do not limit them to the framework of logical associations. The result should be a short story.

5. Game "Third wheel". (45 years)

Target: learn to classify objects according to the characteristics specified in the conditions.

Description: the teacher calls three words, for example: "dog", "cat", "fish". The child must define: all three words refer to the designations of wildlife, according to "dog" and "cat" represent animals, "fish"- No. So the word fish "superfluous". Examples words: birch, pine, rose; soap, shampoo, toothbrush; milk, kefir, tea.

6. Game "Where is whose leaf". (45 years)

Goals: develop the ability to classify objects by signs, memory, attention; help in the study of the plant world.

Equipment: cards with images of trees (oak, maple, leaves of these trees cut out of paper or another option.

Description: mix leaves. Tell the child a fairy tale about how an evil wind tore off the trees and mixed up all the leaves. It is cold for them to lie on the ground, they want to return to their trees. We need to help the leaves find their mother. (dad)- wood. Invite the child to fold the leaves near the corresponding tree. At first, choose leaves of a memorable shape (maple, oak, rowan). As you study the trees, increase the number of varieties of leaves and trees. Pick up leaves of different trees that are similar in shape, carefully examine them, finding differences.

7. Game "Draw and Cross Out" (5 – 7 years old)

Target: development of auditory attention, memory and thinking.

Equipment: a sheet of paper and a simple pencil (for each child) .

Description: On the table in front of each child is a piece of paper and a pencil. adult offers children:

Draw two triangles, one square, one rectangle and cross out the third figure;

Draw three circles, one triangle, two rectangles and cross out the second figure;

Draw one rectangle, two squares, three triangles and cross out the fifth figure.

8. Game "How are they similar and how are they different?" (5 – 7 years old)

Target: development visual perception, attention, thinking and speech.

Equipment: magnetic board; magnets; 8 subject pairs pictures: fly agaric - boletus, dress - skirt, vase - jug, hare - rabbit, cat - lynx, tram - trolleybus, stork - swan, spruce - larch.

Description: An adult attaches each pair to the magnetic board in turn pictures and invites children to find similarities and differences between the depicted objects.

9. Game "Decompose cards» (6 – 7 years old)

Target: development of logical thinking.

Equipment: a square sheet of paper divided into nine squares (for each child); tray with nine pictures, three of which are the same (for each child).

Description: On the table in front of each child is a square sheet of paper divided into nine squares, and a tray with nine pictures, three of which are the same. The teacher asks the children to lay out pictures by cells so that in rows and columns there are no two identical Pictures.

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