
Classification and definition of online gambling. Types of gambling Types of gambling

23.06.2015 NewsOfGambling

In addition to the well-known types of casino gambling, there are those that cannot be classified as generally accepted - exotic. When you mention this phrase, the first thing that comes to mind is something unusual, originally from the Asian region. But as a rule, the most exotic gambling comes from developed countries.

Exotic gambling is not known to a wide audience. Some of them are considered illegal. But the danger of being caught only adds to the adrenaline.

So what exactly is exotic gambling? What types of such exotic can be found in different countries?


One of the most ancient gambling games is a bet or tote on the winner of a race. People love to argue about who gets to the finish line first. If you are bored at the racetrack or horse racing, look out for these types of races that accept cash bets.


Although the Japanese are considered perhaps the most gambling nation in the world, gambling is generally banned in the Land of the Rising Sun. There are only a few exceptions, one of which is Kyotei. These are high-speed motor boat races, held on artificial oval-shaped lakes with a length of 600 m.

Approximately one in ten speedboat pilots is a woman. Therefore, Kyotei is the only sport of this level in which women compete on an equal footing with men. Although the racing rules give them a significant head start - the minimum allowable weight for a male pilot is 50 kg, and for women only 47 kg. For high-speed boats with super-powerful motors, these three kilograms of weight play a significant role.

Cockroach racing

It is difficult to say which sport is older - horse racing or cockroach racing. But you can determine exactly where there is more excitement and unpredictability. Insects are almost impossible to train, so it is almost impossible to grow a favorite cockroach.

This game is popular all over the world, but Australians love it the most, they even host official championships that are televised. Germany is in second place, and the United States is in third. Of course, insect races are also arranged in the third world countries of Asia and Africa, but the amounts of bets and the turnover of this market are so small that they can only be compared with one small cockroach club in Australia.

The most prized are the large cockroaches of the Gromphadorhina breed (Madagascar hissing). For an adult female of this species in a pet store in Berlin, they can ask for up to € 100. There are three main types of cockroach racing rules.

Unlimited running

Insects themselves choose how and where to run. To equalize distances in all directions, cockroaches are released in the center of the circle. The first insect to get out of this circle wins. Sometimes cockroach owners are allowed to urge their pets with sticks or other means. The only condition is not to crush rival cockroaches. This particular type is most popular in Australian clubs.

Running on tracks

Cockroaches are put on straight tracks, along which they must run to the finish line in a straight line. For insects, running in a straight line is unnatural, they strive to go outside the path or turn back. These rules are most popular in the USA and Germany, especially in underground clubs. The first large cockroach track races were organized by students of the Faculty of Etymology at Loyola University in Maryland.

Moving loads

Carts with a load are tied to cockroaches or they are harnessed to miniature harnesses, forcing them to pull a load, the weight of which may exceed the weight of the insect itself. Similar competitions in the United States are often held at children's parties.

Dog racing

It would be more correct to call this type of gambling a greyhound race, because in the vast majority of cases representatives of this particular breed compete. The first officially registered dog races took place in Hendon, England, in 1876. Since then, this entertainment has spread all over the world and took the second place in popularity among bettors, after equestrian sports.

The greatest surge in popularity occurred after World War II, with 34 million viewers registered in the United States in 1946 making a bet. Legislators have equated greyhound racing with equestrian sport, so dog betting has not been subject to numerous prohibitive laws.

Greyhound racing is very popular in Australia, each province of this country has one or more specialized sports associations and government regulators. New Zealand is not far behind its neighbor - up to 700 greyhounds are taken out there every year to participate in races, and the volume of the betting industry is estimated at 75 million New Zealand dollars. In the UK, this figure is even higher - £ 75 million. In the US, the popularity of dog racing is now going through hard times - every year the industry reports on a decrease in rates and profits.

Nowadays, animal defenders are very active against dog racing - after all, a greyhound can only go on a track at the age of 4 to 6 years. Upon reaching this age, the owners leave the champions only for breeding.


What could be more interesting than a good race? Only an intense battle in which the participants fight for the right to stay alive. Of course, in our time, killing in the ring is prohibited in all countries of the world, therefore, fights in which animals take part, not people, are widespread.


Back in the days of the Roman Empire, this type of gambling became widespread. Gladiators rarely fought, and not everyone could get into the amphitheater. And it was possible to conduct fights between birds anywhere and watch this spectacle, and all social strata of the population could make bets. And the earliest mentions of betting on roosters date back to 4000 BC. e. - they were made in ancient Persia and India.

There are two types of cockfighting - with and without the use of additional weapons. In the first case, the birds are dressed with sharpened steel spurs, with which they kill their opponents much faster. The rules govern the length of these spurs. In some states in India, cock owners sharpen the bird's natural bone spur to a sharpness that can be compared to a knife blade.

Cockfighting is popular all over the world, especially in Central and South America. Even in communist Cuba, such competitions are held in the cold season - from November to April. In Mexico, fights are so popular that they even take place in large concert halls.

Cock-fighting is no less widespread in Asia. Even in Muslim Pakistan, where gambling is prohibited not only by the state law of 1977, but also by the Koran, cockfighting attracts thousands of spectators. The policemen also come to look at them and, according to the unspoken rule, “do not notice” the process of accepting bets.

In most countries, cockfighting is completely or partially prohibited. In the United States last year, Barack Obama signed the Farmers' Act, which, among other things, completely banned the organization of animal fighting. Thus, he placed a large sector of the gambling market in the hands of Latin American gangs.

Dog fights

Unlike cock fights, dog fights are not so popular, although they are no less spectacular and interesting. It should be noted that most fighting dog breeds do not inflict mortal wounds on each other during combat. Their fights are more like boxing than gladiator fights. For males, it is more important to suppress the opponent morally, and not to tear to shreds. Only a few breeds of dogs are specially bred and trained to fight to the death, but such fights are rather the exception to the rule.

The first mentions of dog fights date back to 1300 BC, in amphitheaters dogs fought alongside gladiators - both against each other and against people or other species of animals. It was the Romans who brought the first large dog breeds to the territory of modern Great Britain. Do you know these Englishmen - they will turn anything into gambling.

Dogfights take place all over the globe, from Russia to South Africa and Japan to Brazil, but they have never developed into a major industry. In most countries, this fun is almost exclusively held among dog owners - they are both spectators and participants in the competition, they also place bets by making bets with each other.

Almost everywhere, dog fights are prohibited, if not by gambling legislation, then by regulatory legal acts aimed at protecting animal rights.

In the United States, dog fighting has become a favorite pastime for African American gangs. Among black gangsters, it has become a rule of good form to own a large pit bull, as well as to wear a heavy gold chain over clothing.

Fighting crickets

The Chinese went farthest in the development of fighting between animals. They created the cricket fighting industry. Insects reproduce very quickly, so breeders can breed fighting breeds. This bloody sport appeared over 1000 years ago, during the Tang imperial dynasty.

Nowadays, cricket fights are held in almost every hotel in Macau - the only official gambling zone in the PRC. In this city there is even a museum dedicated to this type of gambling entertainment. Each visitor is invited to place a bet on the outcome of the fight, the amounts reach 1000 patakas ($ 125 - ed.).

Although there is an official sports association for cricket fighting in China, under the auspices of which national championships are held, betting is officially banned. Therefore, there is a huge illegal industry in the country, the volume of which is estimated by experts in Shanghai alone at $ 63 million.

Although the fighting of crickets is considered a "bloody" sport, insects rarely inflict even minor injuries on each other. To anger the male, the owner of the insect hits him with a small stick or shakes the container in which the fighter is located before entering the ring. The loser is the cricket that is the first to start running away or to avoid aggressive actions towards the opponent.

Hog-dog rodeo

If in ancient times fights between different types of animals were very popular, then only a few types of such competitions have survived to our time. The most famous of them is Hog-dog rodeo - literally "boar against a dog rodeo".

This fun imitates a dog hunt for a wild boar in the ring, as a rule, both special breeds of dogs and special breeds of pigs are raised and trained for rodeos. Hog-dog rodeo is not considered a "bloody sport", as in most cases the dog takes control of the pig without any physical contact, using psychological superiority. Sometimes, to increase the audience's interest, the dog must take the pig by the ears with its teeth, but even here there is no blood, and the judge immediately bred the animals.

In most cases, the victory for the dogs is counted at the moment when the boar stops. Bets are placed on the time it takes for the dog to stop the pig and on which dog will be able to do it faster. It is very popular in the USA, especially in the state of Louisiana, where it is considered almost a national sport.

Sports betting

In addition to racing and fighting, there are other sports that can be classified as exotic. Likewise, some bets on ordinary sports can shock the civilized layman.


This game is considered the fastest team sport with a ball, the speed of the projectile can reach 270 km / h, more than after serving the best masters in tennis. Hai-alai is played in a room closed by walls on all sides, except for one - there is a net through which the audience is watching the competition. The player's task is to catch the ball with one movement and send it to the wall. If he fails, he is eliminated and the next player takes his place. The ball is caught and bounced with the help of a special wicker bucket, "pelota", tied to the player's hand.

The game was invented by the Basques - one of the peoples inhabiting modern Spain. Therefore, Hai Alai spread throughout the world along with the conquistadors. But it gained a foothold and gained great popularity only in the Philippines and the United States.

As with horse racing, the sport is about money bets, not the competition itself. Therefore, in the state of Florida, the clubs in which the games were held were equated to casinos, where they placed bets and played poker. The clubs were called, for example, "Hai Alai and Poker in Hamilton" (Hamilton Jai Alaiand Poker).

After the state of Florida, where almost all Americans come for summer vacations, began to allow other gambling, the Hai Alai industry fell into a deep crisis. Therefore, in 2003, local legislators were forced to adopt law HB 1059, which changes the rules for the regulation of poker and sports betting, allowing these types of gambling only in conjunction with Hai-alai in order to preserve the halls intended for this sport.

During the dawn of the popularity of Hai-alai, in 1970-1980, arenas for this game were opened in the most prestigious casinos in Las Vegas and Reno.

African rates

We are used to the fact that the Black Continent is simply overflowing with exotics. But not in gambling - here Africans prefer traditional entertainment that came from Europe. Of course, some tribes practice their own gambling, but most of the local players are betting on English Premier League matches. English football is akin to religion here - don't be surprised if you find yourself at a national championship match in Nigeria or Cameroon and see empty stands and streets. They just broadcast the England championship match on TV, and all the local viewers are sitting in front of the TV - almost every one of them made a bet.

And the rates here are the most exotic. European and American readers last year were shocked by the publication of a certain Henry Dhabasani from Uganda, who bet his car and wife on Arsenal's victory over Manchester United.

It shouldn't be surprising that Henry has three wives and five children, and in Africa such rates are in the order of things. Locals in poor countries don't have a lot of cash, so they bet their wives or children on soccer wins.

Uterus or Satta

A very interesting game was invented by the Indians - they combined the lottery and sports betting, creating a virtually new genre of gambling. In the 1960s, Bombay (today this city is called Mumbai) experienced a boom in light industry, the work of enterprises was very much dependent on world prices for cotton.

In the early 60s, gamblers were betting on the price of cotton at the opening and closing of the Bombay Cotton Exchange. Later, the exchange moved to another area - Serai, and received prices for cotton from the New York Cotton Exchange. But in 1961, the exchange stopped sending cotton prices and gamblers did not know what to bet on. Then a certain Kalyanji Bhagat proposed his own rules of the game - and this is how the Matka was born (in some regions of India, the game is called Satta).

He suggested playing with the prices of fictional goods. Before the start of the game, gamblers wrote their numbers on pieces of paper, which formed into a large jug called the queen, which gave the name to the game itself. Then everyone made bets, one of the players took out one or several pieces of paper from the jug and the numbers written on it were declared winning. Later, playing cards were also used to determine the winning numbers.

The game of womb has always been illegal in India, the authorities of Mumbai fought such a fierce struggle against it that over time, most of the underground establishments moved to neighboring cities and provinces. The peak of popularity of the uterus came in the 1980s, in our time this game has ceded the palm to cricket betting in India. But even now, there are thousands of illegal gambling establishments in the country, where locals and tourists can bet on this game.

Board and carnival games

All over the world, fairs and carnivals have long been the main venue for gambling. The peasant worked hard all year in the field, and only at a major holiday or trade event he could rest and gamble. Therefore, most of the board games in the world are somehow connected with large holiday carnivals or fairs.

Very often, the organizers of such games were scammers who gave birth to a whole genre of games that cannot be called pure gambling - after all, victory does not depend on luck or chance, but on the organizer's sleight of hand. In our country, the most popular version of such a game is the famous "thimbles" - the player has to guess under which of the three thimbles (cups, glasses, matchboxes) the ball is located. In most other countries and cultures, the essence of the game is the same - you have to choose one of the three options, although the shape may differ. And sometimes there is a real exotic.


The game Razzle-Dazzle is especially popular at fairs and carnivals in English-speaking countries. The very name of the game has become a household word - this word now denotes loud fun, noisy fun or a successful combination in team ball games.

In front of the player is a field with holes, each of them is marked with a number (usually in the range from 1 to 6, but variations may occur). The player takes a glass and throws balls out of it onto the playing field, each of them hits a hole, the dealer counts the sum of the numbers that mark the occupied holes. Depending on the collected amount, the player receives winning points according to a special table. The dependence here is non-linear, for example, for 44 you can get 5 prize points, for 31 - 10 points, and for 52 - 1 point. But not every amount can bring at least one winning point.

As a rule, a player needs to collect a certain amount of prize points in order to collect a cash or valuable prize. Any number of players can take part in the game at the same time - one throws balls, and everyone else bets on its result.

Razl Dazl is very popular in Cuba and New Orleans, especially during carnivals and celebrations. In the American press, devastating articles and journalistic investigations often appear, telling how the Louisiana police officers suddenly lose their eyesight as soon as they approach the tent with Razl-Dazl.

Fan tam

And in China, either traditional mahjong or Fan Tam is played at the table. Mahjong has long ceased to be exotic - sets for this game are sold in bookstores around the world. But in the West, mahjong is rarely played for money, although in China itself the volume of illegal bets in this game is estimated at 1 trillion yuan.

Fan Tam is the most simplified version of the game of mahjong for money. The dealer pours out some small objects, the total number of which is known to the players (unlike classic mahjong, where special chips are used, there can be buttons, beans and even rice grains), and divides them in half using a wooden stick or knife. Players place bets on how many items are on the left. The winner is the one who gives the exact amount or makes the minimum mistake.

The Chinese believe that men who play good Fan Tam are the most passionate and ardent lovers. Therefore, the winners receive not only a cash prize, but also attention from the weaker sex.


A coin game based on guessing heads or tails is popular all over the world. Still, the game needs the same item as for the bets. But the Australians went farthest in the development of this type of gambling entertainment, who invented the Two-Up game, which became a national fun.

The dealer, who is called a spinner, throws two coins into the air at once, and the players place bets on three possible outcomes - two "heads", two "tails" or one "heads" and one "tails".

The game was very popular among Australian soldiers who took part in the First and Second World Wars. Therefore, now it has become an obligatory attribute of the celebration of AnzacDay (ANZAC is the Australian-New Zealand Corps, the so-called part that glorified itself in the bloody battles of the First World War), the day when all of Australia remembers its veterans and pays tribute to those who died in wars.

Death bets

Public morality and traditions of Western society condemn even idle talk about death, not to mention gambling and betting. The global death betting industry annually turns over hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars, but this is usually kept silent.

It all began in the middle of the 20th century in the United States, at the Indianapolis 500 Miles, also known as the Indianapolis 500, Indy 500 or The 500. In the middle of the last century, so many racers died during the competition that bookmakers began to accept bets not only on the athlete's seat at the finish line, but also on the probability of his death. Later, bets on the death of an athlete began to be accepted in other dangerous sports. And in the XXI century, during the development of online gambling, there were many sites offering to bet on the death of a celebrity.

Lawmakers have defended public morality and banned betting on celebrity deaths at the federal level. But criminal organizations, as you know, do not abide by the laws, which is why the death betting industry is flourishing in America today. Usually such bets are accepted on websites, gamblers are asked to determine which celebrity will die before the end of the year. For small bets (usually $ 1-5), the prize can reach $ 3000.


The history of gambling has its origins in the same place as the whole history of mankind. People played always and everywhere, and the state authorities forbade them to do it. But the more officials impose bans, the more interesting it is for a common man to make bets. The opportunity to touch something illegal, go down to the basement, where only “insiders” are allowed to watch a cockfight or cockroach race - this is already interesting. And if there you can also try your luck, make a bet or two, then the success of the enterprise is guaranteed.

Religion, as well as belonging to a particular culture, does not affect the interest in gambling in any way. The bet on the rooster is made in the courtyards of communist Cuba, and in the closed room of a teahouse in Muslim Pakistan, and in the concert hall of capitalist Mexico.

And at holiday fairs, the distinction between the customs of different cultures is completely erased. Visitors to MardiGra in New Orleans are well aware that those people who secretly invite them to gamble in an illegal booth are most likely common scammers. This is also known to a Hindu who goes down to the basement, where the uterus is played. Yes, and tourists walking around Paris and who have received an invitation to “guess the map” hardly indulge in hopes of fair play.

But the process itself, more reminiscent of a secret shamanic ritual that accompanies most exotic games, captures people so much that they are ready to take risks. They are ready to pay their money just for participating in this sacrament, for the opportunity to touch something mysterious and forbidden.

In the modern world, where gambling, as well as other areas of our life, are gradually going online, some exotic types of gambling remain the few entertainment that allow us to experience the same sensations that our ancestors experienced throughout the history of mankind.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many especially exotic types of bets are gaining popularity in the richest and most developed countries.

19.05.2018 NewsOfGambling

Gambling is an integral part of Human Civilization. We have played since time immemorial and will always place bets, whether in a casino, in a home game or on the Internet. This is how people are arranged and to argue with this is to argue with reality. But what are these 8 billion people on planet Earth basically playing? We looked, counted, compared and came to the following conclusion:

10th place: TOTALIZER

The good old horse racing betting remains one of the most popular forms of gambling. Largely thanks to interactive technology. If earlier people could only place bets directly at the racetrack, now this can be done without leaving home. The main betting markets are Great Britain, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates. By the way, the largest racetrack is located in Dubai.

9th place: BINGO

Especially a favorite game for older people in view of its simplicity and some kind of socialization, bingo (in Russia the game is often called LOTO) is popular in Europe and America. You can sit with neighbors at the table and cross out numbers on cards all day long. Fortunately, the game is accessible to a wide range of people.

8th place: PATINKO

Most people on the planet do not even know about the existence of this game, but Asians, and first of all the Japanese, are just avid pachinkos. What can I say if this business in Japan accounts for 4% of the total gross national income! Koreans, Chinese and other Asians also love fixing. Pachinko is a slot machine in which hundreds and thousands of small balls are launched according to the pinball principle and the winning depends on whether the ball hits the prize slot.

7th place: BLACKJACK

The greatest heyday of blackjack comes at the end of the twentieth century, when the general public learned that this game can have an advantage over the casino. Blackjack is still one of the most entertaining and clever games, where the professional player can reduce his chances of losing and maximize his winnings using special strategies. Blackjack is very popular in the USA, and there are tables for this game in almost all casinos in the world.

6th place: ROULETTE

The queen of gambling takes only sixth place in our rating. Despite the fact that this dynamic and very gambling game excites the minds of millions of people on the planet, it requires special equipment. And the casinos themselves are not legal in all countries of the world. Roulette is popular in Europe, America, Africa. But it is hardly played in Asia.

5th place: BAKKARA

But for which baccarat got the fifth place, overtaking roulette - this is precisely because Asians adore it! In gambling houses in Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, baccarat tables occupy up to 80% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe gaming hall. Baccarat is the leading casino card game in Asia. It is also loved in the USA, but in Europe, except for James Bond and tourists from China, few people play baccarat ...


One-armed bandits have long ago and by a large margin broke away from other casino games. They are simple, dynamic and attractive. Since the first slot machines were invented 100 years ago, they have become true works of art. Alluring players and offering giant jackpots! Most of all slots are loved in the USA, Australia and Europe. Slot machines are also the most popular type in online casinos.

3rd place: BETS ON SPORTS

Sports betting attracts with its simplicity and illusion of the player's expertise. Everyone thinks they know that Arsenal have no chance against Barça or vice versa. And he bets on it! Sports betting has moved online recently, with the UK being the largest market. The boom in fantasy game betting, which is essentially the same as sports betting, has greatly raised the rating of this type of gambling.

2nd place: POKER

Our favorite type of gambling. This, of course, is primarily about club poker, where players compete with each other. This is the well-known Texas poker, Omaha and others. Poker championships and tournaments are not currently held except in the church. Everywhere - in casinos and in home friendly games, on all continents poker dominates. Most of the movies related to gambling are made about poker. Psychological research is dedicated to him. By the way, there are countries in which poker is recognized as a sport! For example, in Ukraine and Canada.

The casino poker variations are also popular and add points to the rating. Games like Russian poker (also known as Lunar Poker), Ultimate Texas Holdem Poker, and Three Card Poker have fans all over the world.

1st place: LOTTERY

Iii ... The main prize goes to ... !!! Lottery.

As they say, the lottery is an accurate count of the number of optimists. The chances of winning the lottery are negligible and every player is aware of this. But! All the same, billions of people buy lottery tickets and play (usually with the State) in gambling. Why? Because the winnings in the Lottery are so large that no other form of gambling can offer them! The average person equates winning the lottery to the beginning of a new, different life, in which all the benefits of the World will be available to him! Well, we wish good luck to all the lottery players - it will be very useful to them!

As a result, we talked about the most popular types of gambling. And every person decides for himself how and what to play!

I would like to believe that gambling will someday bring us purely aesthetic pleasure. But, alas, while homo sapiens is subject to excitement, and the player experiences greater ecstasy when he is spurred on by a win in monetary terms. There are hundreds of gambling games in the world, but only a few of them are popular among gamblers, and even fewer games are known to inexperienced people, and even fewer games that carry an intellectual charge. The names of the games will gradually appear on this page - all possible spellings that may occur. Perhaps, a little later, I will not be too lazy to write more about these games.

For ease of viewing, a general type of gambling is summarized under each title. The list includes some non-gambling games, such as commercial card games. Although, for example, poker is accepted to be classified as both a gambling and a commercial game.


azo - gambling card game - a kind of game "three leaves". It is played with a deck of 28 cards without a full suit. Azo is a banking game with the ability to quickly increase rates during the game.
card game

thrill or Hazard (English Hazard) - an old gambling game of dice, with two dice and complex rules. A beginner who does not understand the rules will not be able to stay in the game for five minutes. To play gambling, you need a special table. There are two versions of the origin of this game. One of them is based on the fact that the game got its name from the Arabic word azzar; another version is based on the fact that the game got its name from the castle of Hazarth, under the walls of which the knights of the crusade and figured out how to occupy themselves in the siege. It is known that the Hazard dice game is mentioned in the 14th century in the stories of the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. There is a variation of this game - Grand Hazard. The Hazard game is believed to be the progenitor of craps (dice versus casino).
American poker - gambling card game - a variant of poker that is played with a full deck and with a joker.

A-5 draw poker (English A-5 Draw Poker) or draw poker from ace to five

or double zero roulette is a gambling board game. The main difference from European roulette is that there are two zeros in American roulette (0 and 00), which give the casino advantage almost twice as compared to European roulette.

english roulette - it is a myth. There is no such roulette, although people do searches in search engines in the hope of playing such a game of chance. Play European Roulette.


badugi (from the English Badugi) - a kind of poker, where combinations are made of four cards, and the strongest hand is the weakest hand by the standards of other poker. Those. the game is essentially analogous to lowball poker.
card banking game, poker

black Jack (English blackjack) or 21 - the most popular card game in the world against the casino, where the game is twisted on the sum of points in 21. Its history dates back to the 19th century. There are several blackjack options - classic or basic, European, Spanish 21, Blackjack Switch, Three Card Blackjack, Caribbean 21, Pontoon, Open Blackjack, etc. The rules of the same blackjack in different casinos may differ slightly (side bets are added), this is especially typical for online casinos of different software, but in any case, the goal of a player in a casino using any blackjack is to beat the dealer. Blackjack is classified as an advanced game, i.e. to games where the player can change the mathematical advantage in his favor using certain strategies of the game.
card game

open blackjack (English Double Exposure Blackjack) - one of the many versions of blackjack.
card game

blackjack switch (English Blackjack Switch) is another version of the blackjack card game of chance.
card game

baccarat (English baccarat) is an old card game that appeared in the Middle Ages. Classic baccarat is played between several players. The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible using 2-3 cards. Modern variants - punto banco and mini baccarat - are played against the casino.
card game

bridge (English bridge) is a team card game related more to intellectual games than gambling. The version of the game - sports bridge - is recognized by the IOC as a sports game, on a par with chess, go.
commercial card game

boole (eng. Boule) or roulette without zero - a gambling board game that was popular in Europe in the 18-19 centuries. The difference from the classic versions of roulette (European, French, American) is that instead of a wheel, a non-rotating thicket with numbered grooves is used in the game. The ball is launched by the dealer around the rim of the bowl. There is no zero in the game boules, but its function (to give an advantage to the casino) is performed by another number.

biribi (it. Biribi) is an Italian board game of chance that resembles lotto. There are different options for playing biribi in Germany, Italy, France. Another of its names is cavagnole.

bingo (English Bingo) is a lottery with special cards and balls, one of the most popular games in the world. There are bingo with 75 balls (English 75-Ball Bingo) and bingo with 90 balls (English 75-Ball Bingo). Game rules: players buy special bingo cards with a unique set of numbers; at a certain time, a drawing of numbers takes place (bingo balls rotate in the lottery drum, the presenter pulls out the ball and announces it); the players mark the winning numbers on the card with a marker until the numbers are filled in accordance with the figure set in the game (English Pattern); who has collected a piece, shouts out "Bingo!" There are special bingo halls (Online Bingo Hall) on the Internet for playing bingo.

basset (it. bassetta) or basset (fr. bassette) - a game of chance with special cards, with big bets and winnings, was invented in Italy in the first half of the 15th century. It is believed that this game appeared when barbacole and hocca gambling fell under the ban. Experts say that the rules of the basset game are similar to the game of the pharaoh. And in some sources, basset is mentioned as one of the names of the card game of hockey.

tank dice (English Buck Dice) is a dice game with three classic dice. Purpose of the game: score 15 points and drop out of the game, the last player remaining in the game is the loser.

barbudi (English barbotte) or barbut (English barbut) - a dice game, presumably originated in the Middle East. It is played with two dice. Purpose of the game: to get combinations of 6-6 or 5-6 or 5-5 or 4-4 in the throw, combinations of 1-1 or 1-2 or 2-2 or 3-3 fall out - loss, other combinations - transition to another player ... The barbut dice game is still popular in the countries of this region. But there are its adherents in Canada as well. The game is simple but very addicting.

bank craps (English Bank Craps) or Bank Dice (English Bank Dice) - Craps for casinos, popular in the state of Nevada dice. It is played against a gambling establishment on a special table. The game is also known as Las Vegas Craps.

bluff - one of the variants of a dice game similar to poker. More often played by two players. Each player uses five classic dice and a special glass. Purpose of the game: to guess whether the combination under the glass after the throw was announced by the leading player. According to the type of game "believe-don't-believe", a rally takes place, only instead of "I do not believe" is pronounced "bluff!"

more less - a kind of dice game with two dice. The game is one of the simplest, after the throws the winner is the one with the highest sum of numbers.

bank on the bones - just like high dice, this game is for two players, but with three dice. Purpose of the game: guess the number from 1 to 6, which will drop out after throwing three dice.

boston - an old card game that was popular in Russia until the end of the 19th century. Boston appeared in America in the 18th century. In fact, it is whist, but with a different name.
card game

bezique - an old French card game, was popular in Russia in the second half of the 19th century.
card game

brehun cubes - better known as dudo - a series of Liar's Dice games, where five dice and a glass are used.

belote - a popular old card game in Mediterranean countries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
card game

bank - an old card game of chance, popular in the time of Catherine II.
card game


video poker (English video poker) - a poker machine.
slot machine

whist Is a European team card game with bribes, known since the 18th century. More often played by four - a pair for a pair - with a full deck of cards. Whist preceded bridge and preference.
commercial card game

screw - an English card game reminiscent of whist and preference at the same time. In Russia, the game appeared at the end of the 19th century and was referred to as the Siberian whist. It is also generally accepted that the screw is a Russian whist - a mixture of whist and bridge.
commercial card game

victoria - a card game that was popular at the beginning of the 20th century. It is played with two full decks. The goal of the game is to get 9 points. It is believed that Victoria is.
card game

the vinaigrette or mix - a card game with bargaining and combinations, common in the 18th century. It was supplanted in the mid-19th century by poker and other fashionable card games. It was played with a deck of 40 cards, without kings, queens, jacks.
card game


hussar roulette - the second name of Russian roulette, although this extreme game, or rather a bet, has nothing in common with hussars.
playing with death

grand Hazard (English Grand Hazard) or Gran Hazard - an ancient dice game - a kind of game of Hazard or Hazard, the first mention of which in Europe dates back to the 14th century. The game has complex rules, but this did not stop it from being very popular in the 17-18 centuries. For the game, a special table with markings is used, on which, before throwing, players place their chips - make bets. By the principle of the game (bet and bet before the throw) it resembles roulette.

general (Spanish Generala) - gambling - dice poker. Yacht dice variant. Purpose of the game: to get the most points in 10 rounds, the highest combination - General - gives 50 or 60 points (depending on game variations). A variant of the game with a combination of Double Generala is possible - which gives 100 or 120 points.

slide - a fashionable card game in Russia during the reign of Catherine 2. It is played with a deck of 32 cards. A slide is an extremely simple gambling game, the winning in which depends more on the player's risk than on a successful combination.
card game

goose Is an old Russian dice game. Game attributes: dice, chips and a special board with a river and geese on either side.


ten or - an old gambling dice game, the name of which determines the sum of two dice - 10. It is around this figure that the rules of the game revolve, as well as variants of the name in different countries.

dominoes - card game from the category of throwing off cards. Played with a 52-card deck. Purpose of the game: Get rid of all cards in hand.
card game

dominoes - a board game with special bones, which many Russians associate with the courtyard of high-rise buildings, where the guys sitting at the table in T-shirts "slaughter the goat." Purpose of the game: to build a chain of dice, which are in contact with the same halves. There are white and black dots on the bones. It is assumed that it was the Chinese domino that was the progenitor of the domino game, which appeared in Italy in the 18th century. One of the ancient Chinese dominoes is called pai go, this game formed the basis of pai go poker (a mixture of poker and dominoes). There are many options for playing dominoes: a goat, a sea-goat, a donkey, a telephone, a sausage, a dancing dragon, a flying bull and others. Sports domino championships are also held.

draw poker (Eng. Draw Poker) or California poker - a kind of poker, one of the simplest poker games, and therefore preferable for home games, rather than for tournaments. The rules of the game of draw poker establish a round of exchange of cards in order to collect the best combination in the hand. Types of draw poker:

  • 2-7 Lowball (eng. 2-7 Lowball)
  • A-5 Draw Poker

card game, poker

fool - a card game that can hardly be attributed to full-fledged gambling. For most, "fool" is the first acquaintance in childhood with the world of card games. The game is very simple and therefore probably has many options, the main ones being a throw-in fool, a transfer fool, a Japanese fool, or spades. This game appeared in the 19th century.
card game

dudo (Spanish Dudo) is a pirate dice game popular in Latin America. Each player has 5 dice. Purpose of the game: save your bones. Bluffing is encouraged during the rounds.


jerk Is not only a well-known children's TV magazine, but also a card game that partly resembles preference. Jumble is an old four-player card game that is played with a 52-card deck.
card game

european roulette or roulette with one zero - one of the classic variants of the roulette table game.




zafr Is a variant of the name of the dice game "ten" in the Middle East. The talus game from Italy is considered the progenitor. This dice game appeared before our era. In Europe, the name of this game is preferred as - passé dis. Zafr is still popular today.

ash (lat. zole) is a popular card game in Latvia.
card game

winter shmon - gambling card game, a variant of the game "three leaves".
card game

grain - a gambling game with dice (small black and white), which was popular in Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries. The winning in the game was determined by which side (black or white) the thrown dice will fall out.


slot machine - it is a slot, a slot machine is a relatively young gambling game, but in terms of popularity it is currently among the leading ones, along with poker. Purpose of the game: to place a bet, make a spin (spin) of the reels and wait (do not wait) for the winning combination of symbols to appear.
slot machine

spanish 21 (English Spanish 21) is a variant of the blackjack card game.
card game


yezzie (English Yahtzee) - dice poker - a game of dice patented in the 20th century by the American firm Hasbro (the original name is Yahtzee), contains combinations resembling poker hands, the oldest of which. Purpose of the game: collect the most points in 13 rounds. The Yahtzee hand will show five dice of the same value (English five-of-a-kind), this is the highest combination that will give 50 points.


casino hold'em (English casino hold'em) is a card poker game (Texas hold'em) for casinos.
card game

club ekart - a card game with a bank and two full decks. The goal of the game is to get the highest trump card. It is considered a kind of card game, although there is no score. The main difference from Macau is that the club card has trump cards and the cards are dealt on four scoreboards of four cards.
card game

quintich - an old gambling card game that was popular in Russia under Catherine II.
card game

california lowball or lowball from two to seven or 2-7 lowball (from the English 2-7 Lowball) - a card game of poker, a kind of draw poker. The peculiarity of this poker is that the weakest combinations by the standards of classic poker win. The highest hand in 2-7 lowball is a hand with cards from two to seven. Lowball is a form of draw poker or California poker.
card banking game, poker

california poker or california is another name for draw poker.
card banking game, poker

caribbean poker - a card game, a kind of poker.
card game, poker

caribbean 21 (English Caribbean 21) - a variant of the blackjack card game.
card game

cyberstad (from the English Cyberstud) - a type of poker where the player plays against the dealer.
card game, poker

keno - lottery.

bones (English dice) - the oldest gambling game with dice (hexagonal cubes with marked edges in the form of dots, which symbolize the numbers 1-2-3-4-5-6). The goal in different dice games can be very different. The principle is one - roll the dice. There are an incredible number of variations of this game in the world.

red dog (English Red dog) first appeared in the United States. This is a gambling card game with six decks of 52 cards.
card game

chinese domino - a number of board games with dice. The dots on the bones are of two colors - white and red. Unlike the western version of dominoes, in Chinese dominoes, it is not the matching of the halves of the dice that matters, but the sum of the dots.

chinese poker - a kind of poker with simple rules. The players are dealt 13 cards each, of which they need to make three hands (one of three cards and two of five cards). Next, the players' cards are compared and points are awarded for each combination that turns out to be higher than that of the opponent. Despite the fact that this is not a bank game, in Chinese poker tournaments, each point can have its own denomination - a monetary equivalent, which automatically transferred this once home game into the category of gambling.
card game, poker

(eng. Craps) - the American version of the dice game - the most popular dice game in the modern world. It is played all over the world, but mainly in US casinos, it was there that she appeared, starting her triumphant march from New Orleans. All kinds of craps: private, new york, bank, buck dice, bluff, chicago, etc. Purpose of the game: to score the most points after the throw. Scoring, as well as some other rules, differ in different types of craps. The main difference between craps and other dice games is the presence of a special table in craps and the game against a gambling establishment.

craps Is another dice game based on the amount of points scored and different from craps, which is played on a special table in the casino. This craps was played on the street and the dice were rolled towards the curb. Purpose of the game: score 7 or 11 points by throwing two dice; the sum of 2, 8 or 12 is a losing one; other amount - point.

knifel (German Kniffel) - German version of dice poker.

kacho (Spanish Cacho) or Cachito (Spanish Cachito) - gambling dice based on the "believe-not-believe" bluff. Also known as dudo or perudo. Considered a classic pirate game.

crown and anchor - game of dice. Special dice with the image of the crown, anchor, symbols of tambourines, clubs, spades and hearts are used.

piggy bank or a win-win fly - a variant of the old card game fly, which was popular in Russia in the 18th century.
card game

quadrille - old card game
commercial card game

contra - an old card game from the time of Catherine II.
commercial card game


yo it ride poker (English Let it Raid poker) is one of the most popular variations of poker for casinos, i.e. the player plays against the house. Patented by Shuffle Master.
card game

landsknecht (German Landsknecht) is an old European card game, supposedly invented in Germany in the 13th century. Still played in European countries. The minimum number of decks in a game is two, 52 cards each.
card game

liar - gambling dice with elements of poker (there are combinations consonant with poker) and card game believe-don-believe. The game has a host who sets the tone for the believe-don't-believe game. The game uses 5 dice. Purpose of the game: to guess whether the presenter lied about which combination of dice fell.

ombre - an old Spanish card game, was very popular in Russia during the reign of Catherine. From the name of this game came the name of the playing card table - the card table.
commercial card game

lowball from two to seven or 2-7 lowball (from the English 2-7 Lowball) - a card poker game, a kind of draw poker. Another name for 2-7 lowball is California lowball, as it is a kind of Californian poker (draw poker). The peculiarity of poker 2-7 lowball is that the weakest combinations by the standards of classic poker win. The highest hand in 2-7 lowball is a hand with cards from two to seven. Hence, in fact, the name originated.
card banking game, poker


mahjong Is a popular Chinese gambling game for four players, appeared in the 19th century. Purpose of the game: score the highest number of points by collecting the highest combination of dice. There is sports mahjong.

mahjong Is a solitaire game played with mahjong dice. Not gambling, common in online games. There is every possible variety of online mahjong, where the classic pictures on the knuckles are replaced by others.

moor or 101 is a card game related to a fold game. Perhaps you know this game under a different name: English fool, Mau-Mau, European fool, Czech fool, Pentagon, Pharaoh, Hungarian fool, children's bridge, courtyard. More often than not, this is a game not for money, but for interest by agreement.
card game

(port. Macau) - a gambling card game popular at the end of the 19th century. It is played with 104 cards (two decks of 52 cards) with an unlimited number of players, a variation of the game - victoria.
card game

marriage Is an old French commercial card game. It is played with a deck of 52 cards by players from 5 to 10 people.
card game

martinetti or ohio - craps - a dice game on a special table (a field with numbered twelve fields) with three dice and chips. The number of players is not limited. Purpose of the game: be the first to advance your chip from 1 to 12; the chip can only advance after the consecutive numbers on the dice. Those. to stand on square 1 on one of the three dice, one must fall after the throw. If this does not happen, the move goes to another player.

minor - an old card game with a deck of 52 cards, the number of players is from 6 to 12. The legend about this game says that it got its name from the name of the war horse of the English king Edward VII. The course of the game itself imitates a race of racehorses, bets are placed on horses, on red and on black.
card game

sea \u200b\u200bbones - dice poker - a game with five dice and a glass, consisting of 12 rounds. Purpose of the game: make a profitable combination that will give you more points.

mus Is a popular Spanish card game.

front sight - an old commercial card game that was popular in Russia in the 18th century. Came from France. Has numerous options: lenturlu, fly-mystigri, pamphil, fly-cracker, piggy bank. The game is played by 3-7 players with a deck of 32 to 52 cards.

fly-lenturlu - a variation of the old fly card game, which was played with a 52-card deck.
card game


thimbles - a gambling game in which two people formally participate, but in real life, not only the leader and his skillful hands, but also numerous assistants act against the player.


ombre (Spanish hombre) is an old Spanish card game, the predecessor of blackjack. It was famous and popular in Europe in the 17th century.
card game

omaha (from English Omaha) - the second most polarized type of poker in the world, similar to Texas Hold'em, but more cards are involved in the formation of the winning hand. The first deal is four hole cards, not two like in Texas hold'em. Further, five more cards are dealt face up on the table in rounds.
card banking game, poker


pachinko Is a slot machine popular in Japan and is a mixture of slot machine and pinball.
slot machine

pay go poker (English pai gow poker) is a patent card game that appeared at the end of the 20th century in the United States. It is a hybrid of poker and the Chinese game of pai go. It is often perceived as an oriental game because of its name and some of the rules of the Chinese domino pai go. There is another very popular oriental game that resembles both poker and dominoes at the same time - this is mahjong.
card game

pay go (English pai gow) - Chinese dominoes, not a game of chance.

(French passe dix) is a game with two dice and a bank. Supposedly the oldest dice game in the world. It is still popular. The rules of the game are simple and extremely addictive. Several players can participate in the game, the number of dice is two. The bank is broken by the one who throws the double. Passé dis has several variants of the name: ten, talus, zafr, daisy, birdie.

pamphili - Another popular card game during the time of Catherine II.
commercial card game

cock-fights - competition of fighting cocks, in which bets are placed on the winner.

preference - an old card game with bribes.
commercial card game

poker - one of the most popular card games in the world, which is not only interesting by the process of the game, but also gives good earnings to professional players. Poker is both a game of chance and a commercial game, where the player can both show his intellect and rely on chance. There are a lot of poker varieties, but they all have one goal in common - to collect a winning card combination that will be older than that of your opponents. Poker can be banking, where the unifying factor is that the rules of the game establish a common bank and the presence of trade in the process; and then it is important for the player not only to collect a winning combination, but also to withstand a successful bid. Poker can be played against a casino or a dealer, or it can be played against other players. Poker can be played on slot machines - video poker, and this is a pure gambling game, where nothing depends on the player's skill. Poker is played in tournaments, both online and offline, where prize pools can reach millions of dollars. There is poker where scoring is conducted, and such poker can be classified as home games. Here are just some of the types of poker where players play against each other:

  • texas hold'em (English Texas Hold'em) or hold'em
  • omaha
  • stud
  • razz
  • draw poker or California poker
  • lowball from two to seven (eng. 2-7 Lowball)
  • badugi
  • chinese poker
  • horse mixed poker (English H.O.R.S.E.)

commercial card game, gambling card game

dice poker - numerous variants of gambling dice with classic six-sided dice and with elements of the card game poker. The dice poker rules set out the combinations of dice, which are usually called poker hands. For each combination, certain points are awarded. Purpose of the game: score the most points. There are also different varieties of dice poker in many countries. Dice poker variants known to me:

  • yahtzee in the USA
  • yacht (English Yaht)
  • yatsi in Scandinavia
  • Generala in Spain
  • Dados in Latin America
  • Jacy-Tacy in Poland
  • Tali in England
  • Kniffel in Germany


dice poker (English Poker Dice) - a variant of the dice game, where the classic dice are replaced by special ones: each face with a card layout (ace, king, queen, jack, etc.).

poker with joker (English Joker poker) - a gambling card game - a kind of poker. It is played with a standard 52-card deck plus a joker. A variant of the game is possible when one of fifty-two cards plays the role of a joker. Purpose of the game: to collect a higher combination, however, as in any other poker. Joker poker is also known as American poker.
card game

pontoon (English Pontoon) - one of the blackjack options.
card game

drunkard - a card game that was popular in the USSR. Played with a deck of 36 or 52 cards. Purpose of the game: to collect the entire deck.
card game

petit shvo (fr. petits chevaux) is a gambling board game that appeared in Europe in the 18th century. The game imitated horse racing at a racetrack: horses, fixed on spokes, rotated in a circle. Bets were made on horses (at first there were 19, later 9) and the player whose horse stopped near the finish post after the wheel stopped, won. In a slightly modified form, the game still exists, it is popular in France and Ireland.
simulator game

write - card team game with a 52-sheet deck.
card game

throw-up fool - a variant of the "fool" card game, played with a deck of 36 cards. In a thrown fool, preference is given to team play.
card game

perudo (Spanish Perudo) or dudo (Spanish Dudo) - a dice game widespread in Latin America, carries elements of the game "believe-do not believe". Perudo is also known by the names Cacho, Pico, Cachito. Perudo is one of the classic pirate dice games based on the art of bluffing. Each player plays with his five dice, one is considered a joker (dudo or ace). Purpose of the game: to save his dice, the winner is the one who saved at the end of all rounds at least one dice.

picot (Spanish: Pico) - one of the variants of the perudo dice game.

picket - an old French card game, known already at the end of the 14th century. Picket was popular in Russia in the 18th century; according to eyewitnesses, Catherine II loved this game.
commercial card game

under and over the family - bank dice game with preliminary bets. It is played with two dice against a casino with a special playing field marked into three sectors. This dice game is considered the simplest version of the Gran Hazard game.


razz (English Razz) - Another type of poker, which is considered a kind of seven card stud poker. In razz poker, the highest combination is considered to be the weakest by poker standards.
card banking game, poker

rial ten (English Real Ten) - one of the variants of the name of the dice game of ten or. The rules are the same: the player who rolls a double in two dice wins.

(English Roulette) is one of the most famous gambling table games associated with casinos. A special spinning wheel gaming table is required to play roulette. In the 19th century, roulette in Europe was known as the "queen of casinos", now this gambling is not popular. Purpose of the game: to place bets on the gaming table and wait for the ball to land on the roulette wheel. There are several variants of roulette, which are often found in one form or another both in land-based casinos and in online casinos:

  • european Roulette
  • french Roulette
  • american Roulette
  • boule Roulette or no zero roulette


russian roulette, or hussar roulette, has nothing to do with the table game of roulette, except for the name, but, undoubtedly, is one of the gambling games in which the bet is not money, but life.
playing with death

russian poker - one of the variants of the card game poker.
card game

rubber bridge - a variant of the card game bridge for a home game, cards with bribes.
card game

roles-poly (English Roly-Poly) - literally "fruit roll" - a game of chance that was popular in the 18th century in England. It was something like a roulette game.

rity mahjong or richi mahjong or riichi mahjong is the Japanese version of mahjong popular in Europe and Japan. It is based on a Chinese game of mahjong with changed rules.

rams Is an old card game. There is a kind of it - rams with negotiations.
card game


slot (English slot) - slot machine, slot machine, pub machine, poker machine.
slot machine

slot machine, also occurs in the spelling as a slot, or a slot machine, or a pub machine (in England), or a poker machine (in Australia).
slot machine

mixed poker - a kind of poker game where certain types of poker are played sequentially - hold'em, Omaha, stud, razz and others. The first letters of their names define the name of mixed poker and also determine the order of play in the competition:

  • H.O.R.S.E.
  • H.A.R.S.E.
  • H.O.S.E.
  • H.A.R.
  • R.A.S.H.
  • T.H.O.R.S.E.H.A.
  • S.H.O.E.

card banking game, poker

herd (eng. Stud) - a kind of poker. Due to the many cards involved, stud is the most dynamic poker. In turn, it has several options:

  • seven card stud
  • five card stud
  • razz

card banking game, poker

one hundred one - the Russian name for the European card game Mau Mau, popular in Russia in the middle of the 20th century. A deck of 36 cards or more can participate in the game.
card game

sports bridge - an intelligent team card game bridge, played by pairs in sports. Of course, this is not gambling, and it was doubtful on my part to attribute it to gambling. But doesn't the intellectual excitement in the team count?
card game

sports mahjong Is not mahjong gambling. Professional sports mahjong competitions are extremely popular in China and Japan. Russia also has a mahjong federation, as in most major European countries. European mahjong championships are held.

sports domino - one of the options for domino gambling. Sports dominos tournaments are also held in Russia.

sport lotto - the state lottery in the USSR - a variant of the keno gambling game.

sic bo (eng. Sic Bo) - a kind of gambling dice, popular in Southeast Asia. A special table for sik-bo is used - with the marking of the playing field, where the players pre-place the chips. Purpose of the game: to guess the numbers of the faces of the three dice that will fall out after the throw.

skarney (English Scarne) - a kind of dice game, invented by the American magician John Scarne in the 20th century, after whom it is named. It is played with five special six-sided dice, two of which contain the inscription Dead, the others - 1, 3, 4, 6. The goal of the game: to score the highest number of points according to a special system, where the face with a dead man did not give points. A similar game was described by Edmond Hoyle, who lived in the 19th century, it was called the Drop Dead Dice Game, and was played with ordinary dice, where the role of a dead person was reserved outside the edges 2 and 5. The principle of the game was the same - to score the most points. There is a similar patented game Dead Man's Dice, where a Jolly Roger (pirate symbol) is drawn on two sides of the dice.

swara - a card game, a kind of gambling game "three leaves".
card game

knocker - another kind of card game "three leaves", played with a deck of 52 cards.
card game

pig Is one of the simplest dice games. Only one die is used in the game. Purpose of the game: to be the first to score 100 points; the one in the throw transfers all the previously accumulated points to another player.

super fan 21 (English Super Fun 21) is a variant of the blackjack card game.
card game

slope (English Super Fun 21) is a card game popular in Germany since the beginning of the 19th century for three players with bribes. A German deck is used. The goal of the game is to score points according to the rules.
not a gambling card game

mixture or vinaigrette - a card game popular from the 18th century to the mid-19th century. The presence of a mixture of trades and certain combinations in the game makes it the forerunner of the card game of poker. The mix was played with an Italian 40-card deck.
card game


tequila poker - gambling with a bank - a variant of the card game poker.
card game, poker

ace of hearts (English Ace of hearts) is an old gambling game, a kind of hybrid of roulette and cards. It was popular in Europe in the 18-19 centuries.

three leaves - card banking game with an increase in rates in the process. It is played with a deck of 36 cards. Purpose of the game: win 2-3 tricks in a game. The game has trump cards.
card game

three sevens (Eng. Three Seven), or seven, or tresset - an old card game that was popular in Russia at the end of the 19th century along with preference and jerk. Came from England. Due to the complexity of the treset, it was quickly forgotten.
card game

aces (English Ace) is a popular dice game in the USA. Game attributes: each player has 5 dice and a glass for throwing. Purpose of the game: get rid of all your bones before other players. The ones thrown out after the throws (they are called aces in the game) are placed in the center of the table - they no longer participate in the throws, the twos are given to the neighbor on the left, the fives are given to the neighbor on the right.

hoist (eng. Tali) - dice poker, developed by the GNOME project - modern online version.

ten spot (English ten spot) - a dice game, a variant of the game of ten or (another name). Distributed in the USA. Based on the rules where an unlimited number of players roll two dice. The pot is broken by the player who throws a double - two dice with the same value. The name of the game (literally "ten spots") determines the sum of two dice - 10. This is a losing combination when a player must pay other players an amount that is twice his stake.

trustillo (Spanish trestillo) - an old card game in Spain, which was popular in Europe in the 17th century, the predecessor of poker.
card game

three card poker
card game, poker

three card blackjack (eng. 3 Card Blackjack) - a variation of the classic blackjack.
card game, blackjack

cockroach racing

bear baiting (English Bear-baiting) - bloody sports fun with a bear and dogs, popular in England until the middle of the 19th century.

texas hold'em (English Texas Hold'em) or Hold'em is the most popular form of seven-card poker in the world. Has several rounds of betting, two cards are dealt face down to each player, face up - five cards in the middle of the table. Seven cards make up a five-card winning poker hand.
card banking game, poker


uno - a patented card game with a special deck of cards. This game is copyrighted by Mattel. Uno is very similar to the card game Mau Mau or 101.
card game


french roulette - the classic version of roulette with one zero.

pharaoh (English Pharaoh) is a gambling card banking game. The history of this game begins at the end of the 17th century in France. Essentially close to the bank and shtoss. In the 18th century, the Pharaoh game was very popular in England, Russia, Italy and other European countries, along with another card game - Basset. Sometimes you can find another name for this game - Faro (English Faro), which she received in the 19th century in America, as an abbreviation of the word "Pharaoh".
card game

faro (English Faro) - the French card game Pharaoh, which received a new name in America in the 19th century - Faro or Farobank.
card game


hold'em (English Hold'em) or Texas Hold'em (English Texas Hold'em) is a gambling card game - a type of poker that originated in the state of Texas. Hold'em poker is divided according to the type of bet into limit, no-limit and pot-limit. These types of games are banking, but there are a number of casino hold'em poker games for playing against casinos that are based on Texas hold'em.
card banking game, poker

horse or Horse poker (from the English H.O.R.S.E.) - a mixed game of poker. A kind of competition where several poker games are played in succession, the first letters of which form the name H.O.R.S.E .:

  • Holdem - Texas Hold'em
  • Omaha Hi / Lo - Omaha Hi / Lo
  • Razz - Razz
  • Stud Seven Card - Seven Card Stud
  • Eight or Better Stud Seven Card - Seven Card Stud "Eight or higher"

card banking game, poker

hoka (it. Hoca or Hocca or Hoc) is an Italian roulette gambling game that appeared in the 16th century. It was very popular in Europe in the 18th century. Purpose of the game: guess which of the forty holes the ball will hit after the wheel spins. This is Cardinal Mazarin's favorite game. According to one version, the hoku could be the prototype of the French roulette.

high dice (English Hi Dice) is a double dice game with two classic dice. One player is a banker, the other is a punter. Purpose of the game: roll two dice with the sum of numbers greater than that of the opponent.



even-odd (eng. E.O.) - English gambling roulette, which was popular in Europe in the 18-19 centuries. One of the theories of the appearance of French roulette suggests that even and odd was its prototype. Purpose of the game: to guess which cell the ball on the wheel will fall into - even (E) or odd (O).

four cubes Is a simple dice game with four dice. Purpose of the game: to throw a six in one throw.

worm or hearts - a French gambling card game, which was originally called kern, i.e. heart, by the name of the card suit.
card game


shmen-de-fer or shimmy - a simplified version of the baccarat card game.
card game

rass or Pharaoh is an ancient card banking game. This game also has another name "love-not love". Became popular in the late 19th century.
card game



escalero - team gambling dice - an extended version of the game "yacht". Purpose of the game: To score the maximum number of points per game and win at least two games out of three.

ekart (fr. écarté) is a card game that appeared in France in the early 19th century. At first it was popular among servants, since it did not require serious thought about the moves and could be interrupted and continued at any time. Later, the ekart moved to the salons of the aristocracy. There are two types of it - the old ekarte and the club ekart. The first variation is played by two players with a picket deck of 32 cards. The second - 104 cards (two full decks) is played by two or more players and is considered a kind of Macau card game.
card game

elfern - card game with a deck of 32 cards. It is played by two players, whose goal is to collect more pieces. A game with bribes. Ace, king, queen, jack, ten - honors. Elfern has varieties: Trump Elfern and Eleven.
card game



japanese mahjong or rity mahjong or rity mahjong is a popular version of Chinese mahjong popular in Europe and Japan. It is based on a Chinese game of mahjong with changed rules.

yacht (English Yaht) - a popular dice poker - gambling dice. Played in 12 rounds. Requires a game glass and 5 dice. Purpose of the game: get the most points in 12 rounds. There are several analogues of this game in the world: Generala or Dados in Spain and Latin America, Jacy-Tacy in Poland, poker dice in England, Yatzy in Scandinavia. The dice yacht is also the forerunner of the US-patented Yahtzee Dice Poker.

eggs (English Yatzy) - one of the variants of dice poker.

Gambling with numbers in the title

10 or ten - one of the names of the ancient dice game, which was in use among the Roman legionaries. In Italian, ten is talpus, or in the transcription for the Russian ear, talus (another name for the game). In Russia they use the name ten, in France -. Two dice are involved in the throw. Purpose of the game: to get a double that breaks the bank. The amount is less than 10 - the bet goes to the bank, the amount is equal to or more than 10 - the player pays his opponents a double bet.

11 or eleven is a kind of Elfern card game.
card game

2-7 lowball (from the English 2-7 Lowball) or lowball from two to seven is a card game of poker, a kind of draw poker. Another name for 2-7 lowball is California lowball. The peculiarity of this poker is that the weakest combinations by the standards of classic poker win. The highest hand in 2-7 lowball is a hand with cards from two to seven. Hence, in fact, the name originated.
card banking game, poker

21 or a point is another name for blackjack.
card game

101 - card game or one of the names of card games Moor, Czech fool, Mau Mau. There are several variants of this game (pharaoh, pentagon, English fool), which differ from game 101 only slightly.
card game

4-5-6 (English Four-Five-Six or 4, 5, 6 Dice Game) or "Look Down" (English See Low) is a popular dice game in North America (Alaska, Canada and the North of the USA). It is played with three dice and a special glass. Purpose of the game: get a 4-5-6 combination or score points in a series of throws, a 1-2-3 combination is a losing one.

1000 or a thousand - a card game with buy-in and scoring. There is a dealer in the game who sits on the buy-in and is not involved in the game. Purpose of the game: get 1000 points.
commercial card game

1000 or a thousand, a dice version of the game based on scoring after throws. An analogue of the card game "thousand", but the game involves not cards, but five classic dice. Purpose of the game: go through all the "barrels" (stages) and score 1000 points.

13 or the game of 13 is a game of chance with two dice. Based on the scoring of five throws for each player in the circle. For 13 points, 1 point is given. Purpose of the game: get the most points in multiples of 13 or 10 points.

Is a simple dice game with four dice. Purpose of the game: to throw a six in one throw. Threw 6 - won, no - lost.

Types of gambling

In the casino, you can be offered to play a variety of gambling games. Each game has its own rules, including the rules of etiquette. In addition, there is special equipment for each casino game. Equipment means the dealer's working inventory: chips, gambling table, dice, cards, etc.

Some games weren't invented that long ago. So, only some casinos in the USA offer to play the game "catch the wave". In Russia, it is still unpopular.

All casino games are based on the process of the player opposing the bank, on whose behalf the gambling house acts. Most of the games have their own varieties, typical for each specific gambling house, so it probably makes no sense to describe them in detail, but it would be useful to list some of the games that are traditionally played in Western, and now in Russian casinos, of course, if they deliberately not excluded from the list of proposed entertainment.

So, in the casino you may be offered to play the following games:

Roulette - European, American, French;

Bones - sik, bo;

Card games - blackjack and its varieties, poker and its varieties, borax, craps, baccarat and its varieties, stos, "casino war", "red dog";

Domino - Pai Gow;

Wheel of Fortune;

Keno (a type of lotto);

Slot machines.

The games that you will be offered to play at the casino differ in complexity. So, the most difficult is Pai Gou, which requires dominoes, and the simplest is a card game called "Casino War".

You can find out the actual rules of each particular casino in relation to the game you are interested in directly during the game or from the instructions that are necessarily present in the institution and are easily available for study. Nevertheless, if you first decided to plunge into the world of gambling, it would be useful for you to learn about their four main varieties.

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Other types of games In addition to playing for money, for which, in fact, people go to casinos, the administration of large establishments usually offers them additional entertainment - such as billiards, bowling, shows, etc.

Gambling includes all casinos, sweepstakes, betting in bookmakers, lotteries and, of course, television quizzes, sweepstakes and intellectual games. All games in which there is some kind of win should certainly be attributed to gambling.

Let's look at some of them more specifically:

Slot machines are a fairly simple type of gambling. The machines have a program that determines the winning percentage. In most cases, the amount that a gambling establishment is ready to give is very small. By sitting up for such entertainment, the player reduces the chance of winning.

There is nothing difficult in the game against bookmakers. Luck and intuition are the main levers for success.

Card games for money should certainly be classified as gambling. Such entertainment has existed for a fairly long period of time and is successfully developing in many countries of the world. At the moment, card games occupy one of the first pages in the ranking of the most popular gambling games.

Lotteries have firmly established themselves in our country, with the advent of Soviet power, and do not lose their popularity. This entertainment has existed for 6 centuries and claims to be a veteran of gambling.

For many, gambling serves as a way to get rid of negative emotions and escape from the realities of harsh reality.

There are a great many gambling games. Those that have been listed are a drop in the ocean compared to the actual number of games in the world. For some people, gambling is not only entertainment, but also a way to make money. There is a category of people who devote all their free time to gambling.

Today, online slot machines are in great demand and their popularity is much higher than other gambling games available to the wide masses. The reason for this rise in popularity is not difficult to explain. It lies in the fact that the player has the opportunity to play right at home. In the atmosphere that is most familiar and comfortable for him.

The ability to earn money by playing games also leads to an increase in the popularity of this type of gambling. Sitting in a comfortable chair behind the monitor screen, the player can be completely sure that he will not be disturbed by a neighbor sitting at a table in an adjacent chair. However, such conditions are not to everyone's taste.

There remains a considerable number of players who will never exchange gaming halls for a home environment. Indeed, in a huge number of cases, it is the negative home environment that brings people to the casino. By gambling, people get a storm of emotions and relief from the hardships of everyday life.

However, behind the veil of temptations that are shrouded in gambling, one should not forget about the negative side of this entertainment. Unfortunately, addiction to the game leads some of its participants to ruin or, less deplorably, to the loss of large sums of money.

It is necessary to understand that it will not always be possible to win and it is worth stopping in time. Not everyone is capable of this. It is such people who fall under the influence of passion and cannot stop until they empty their pockets to the last penny.

Here is, in fact, a quick overview of the most popular gambling games. This article should make it possible to understand whether it is worth starting to gamble or not. Make a conclusion for yourself what the goal you are trying to achieve by starting the game. Prioritize yourself.

If this should become a means of earning for you, then you should not break your head, for players like you it is important to act in a measured way, thinking over each subsequent step.