
Lack of iodine in the body. What to do? Foods rich in iodine. How to understand that the body lacks iodine? What happens in the body when there is not enough iodine


Iodine in the human body plays one of the most important roles, as it maintains its health. First of all, it is needed for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, maintaining hormonal balance, maintaining immunity and brain function.

Signs of iodine deficiency in the human body are problems with blood vessels and the heart, muscle pain, emotional stability disorders, skin problems. What should be done so that there is no lack of iodine in the body? Let's find out about everything in more detail.

Thyroid and iodine

Thyroid hormones in women and not only consist of 65% iodine. They are necessary to regulate energy exchange in cells, releasing harmful substances from them, they are responsible for the intensity of respiration and heat transfer, allow you to cope with a variety of human infections, and control the functioning of the pancreas.

Lack of iodine in the body can lead to serious consequences, and the symptoms can be very diverse. The main signs of iodine deficiency in the human body are manifested in the form of an increase in the size of the thyroid gland. By doing this, she tries to provide the body with the necessary amount of iodine.

Consequences of iodine deficiency

Determining the lack of iodine in the body is quite simple, since the symptoms are more similar. If women in the body do not have enough iodine, then this can manifest itself in the form of irritability, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, blues, forgetfulness, bad mood that occurs for no apparent reason.

You can determine the lack of iodine in the human body by worsening memory and reducing attention, the occurrence of headaches and a decrease in sexual desire, and an increase in intracranial pressure. Such symptoms in women can be exacerbated during times of stress and weather changes.

With iodine anemia deficiency, the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, which can lead to a number of serious diseases. Symptoms of the cardiac manifestation of iodine deficiency in humans are expressed in the form of an increase in lower pressure, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, while conventional treatment does not bring results. In women, it is also possible to determine the lack of iodine in the body by the swelling around the eyes, on the hands and face, muscle pain, general weakness, lumbar and chest sciatica.

Prolonged iodine deficiency in children can lead to mental or physical retardation in development, in the development of the brain and skeletal system, a lack of iodine during pregnancy in women can cause cretinism, negatively affect the functioning of the baby's internal organs and the development of his skeleton. In the early stages, iodine deficiency increases the likelihood of regression of pregnancy and miscarriage. During breastfeeding, this can lead to the disappearance of milk.


The most common manifestations of iodine deficiency in the body are the following symptoms:

  • bad mood, lethargy, fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tooth decay, dry skin, hair loss;
  • frequent headaches, memory impairment, hearing loss;
  • frequent infectious and colds as a result of reduced immunity;
  • shortness of breath, pain in the heart.

How to calculate the lack of iodine?

In order to finally make sure that your poor health has arisen precisely as a result of iodine deficiency in the body, it is necessary to make an iodine grid on the skin of the thigh or forearm. If it disappears within two hours, then your body needs iodine, but if it lasts for about a day, then there is no shortage. You should also visit an endocrinologist without delay, who can make the correct diagnosis.

Iodine deficiency in children

In a child's body, the need for iodine is higher due to its growth. Children who lack this substance in the body are more likely to suffer from various colds, they quickly get tired of physical exertion, they have reduced immunity, and poor school performance. Most often, the lack of iodine in the child's body is hidden. The development of goiter and an increase in the size of the thyroid gland indicate that the child's body has been in need of iodine for a long time.

During the onset of severe hypothyroidism as a result of a lack of iodine in the child's body, the baby begins to lag behind in mental, mental and physical development, in the most advanced cases, cretinism may develop. If you notice any of the symptoms described above in your child, you should immediately consult a doctor. The first symptoms of iodine deficiency in the body are non-specific, so it is very difficult to determine the real reason why the child's health worsened.


To compensate for the lack of iodine in the body, you can use a variety of iodine-containing drugs. Depending on the degree of thyroid dysfunction, your doctor may prescribe supplements and medications in the form of solutions and tablets.

The duration of such a course can be from several months to two years. In this case, iodine inorganic supplements (Iodine Active, Iodide, Iodomarin) are often used, which have many disadvantages associated with the difficulty of choosing the right dosage and many side effects.


In order for you not to have problems with well-being and health in general, you need to eat those foods that have a lot of iodine in their composition. These products include:

  • dairy products;
  • fish (herring, flounder, mackerel, cod, mackerel) and seafood (squid, oysters, mussels, shrimps), as well as fish oil;
  • seaweed;
  • cereals (millet, buckwheat);
  • iodized salt;
  • walnut, lemon, honey;
  • chokeberry.

In summarizing

It is very important to monitor the amount of iodine in your body, especially for children and women. If iodine deficiency is detected, you should not try to cope with the problem on your own. It is recommended to urgently consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Iodine is one of the most important trace elements necessary to maintain the health of our body. First of all, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which have a direct impact on the functioning of the brain and the immune status of the body. In Russia, more than a third of the population has signs of iodine deficiency, but they do not even know about it, since at the initial stages the changes in well-being are very minor.

Causes of iodine deficiency

Pregnant women experience an increased need for iodine, and a deficiency of this trace element is very dangerous for the fetus.

Deficiency is not always the result of poor nutrition, since food is not the only source of this trace element for our body. We get iodine with water and air, so the problem of iodine deficiency is relevant in areas where soil and water are poor in this substance (European part of Russia and European countries). Increased need for iodine in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency primarily affects the functioning, since iodine is part of the hormones that it produces.

The condition of the skin signals a lack of iodine, it becomes dry, loses elasticity, acquires a waxy tint. Due to metabolic disorders, in which thyroid hormones also take part, overweight appears. There are violations in the work of the intestine, manifested in the form of constipation. With severe iodine deficiency, the cardiovascular system suffers, blood pressure decreases, and there are. In women, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed, infertility is often diagnosed, in men - impotence.

Due to the lack of iodine, the brain also suffers, intelligence decreases, the ability to concentrate, and memory is impaired. A person whose body experiences iodine deficiency complains of fatigue, weakness, becomes lethargic, indifferent to what is happening, sometimes even depression occurs. Over time, iodine deficiency can cause the thyroid gland to enlarge (endemic goiter), which begins to compress nearby organs, causing coughing, difficulty swallowing, and choking attacks.

Signs of iodine deficiency in children

In a growing organism, the need for iodine is increased. Children who are deficient in this trace element often suffer from colds, their appetite is reduced, they quickly get tired of physical exertion, and their school performance is poor in such children. Iodine deficiency in children most often occurs hidden. An increase in the thyroid gland in size and the development of goiter indicates that the child's body has long been experiencing iodine deficiency. With the development of severe hypothyroidism due to lack of iodine, the child begins to lag behind in physical, mental and mental development, in the most severe cases, cretinism develops.

If the symptoms described above appear, you should consult a doctor. The first symptoms of iodine deficiency are non-specific, so it is difficult to establish the true cause of the deterioration of health on your own.


In order to eliminate iodine deficiency in the body, it is necessary to contain this trace element. The most useful products with a lack of iodine are seafood: seaweed, squid, shrimp, caviar, hake, pollock, cod, etc. Smaller amounts of iodine are found in river fish, eggs, beef, milk, cereals, mushrooms, vegetables (spinach, sorrel , green onions, asparagus, eggplant, beets, tomatoes, radishes, garlic, potatoes). This trace element is present in berries and fruits (bananas, oranges, lemons, melons, pineapples, persimmons). When cooking, it is recommended to use iodized salt. In addition, a number of food products are produced that are additionally enriched with iodine (milk, bread, eggs, mineral water, etc.). For children, dry milk formulas are produced, which include iodine.

Prevention of iodine deficiency

Iodized salt should replace ordinary salt for people living in regions of iodine deficiency.

To prevent iodine deficiency in the body, it is necessary to include foods rich in iodine in the diet, and also periodically take preparations containing this trace element in a prophylactic dose.

To prevent iodine deficiency during pregnancy and lactation, doctors recommend that all women take drugs containing iodine at a dose of at least 200 mcg / day. Antenatal prophylaxis will help expectant mothers to avoid the occurrence of a deficiency of this microelement in the body. At the stage of pregnancy planning, six months before its onset, it is recommended to take iodine preparations in a prophylactic dose. This will help prevent diseases associated with iodine deficiency in a newborn baby.

Which doctor to contact

If you have symptoms similar to signs of iodine deficiency, you should consult an endocrinologist. After examining the hormonal background, the doctor will be able to conclude that there is a lack of this trace element. Expectant mothers should be told about the prevention of iodine deficiency by an endocrinologist. In a child, symptoms of iodine deficiency are usually detected by an observing pediatrician. For the prevention of this condition, it is useful to consult a dietitian for proper nutrition.

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Thanks to television advertising, the need to maintain iodine balance is known to everyone. As well as the fact that the lack of iodine in the body of women and men leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland and hormonal imbalance, which provokes the development of serious pathologies.

What is the role of iodine in the human body?

The role of iodine in biological processes is extremely important. It is thanks to this element that the human body produces thyroid hormones, which are responsible for:

  • metabolic efficiency;
  • development and growth of cells in tissues;
  • lipid, protein and water-salt metabolism;
  • stability of the cardiovascular system;
  • good memory and mental stability;
  • emotional state of a person;
  • maintaining energy balance.

It is thanks to iodine that the proper functioning of the thyroid gland is carried out, which produces hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

What does iodine deficiency lead to?

Iodine deficiency in the body leads to the development of many pathologies, among which the most common are:

  • mental retardation;
  • growth and developmental delay in children;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • endemic goiter;
  • memory impairment;
  • early menopause;
  • impotence;
  • psycho-emotional instability;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, including atrial fibrillation;
  • failures of metabolic processes;
  • growth of cancer cells.

Iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for pregnant women. What causes a lack of iodine in the body during the period of bearing a child? The consequences of such a condition can be the most serious, up to spontaneous miscarriage or death of the fetus in the womb.

Another danger lies in the fact that if the mother during pregnancy suffered from a lack of iodine in the body, the normal mental and physical development of the baby is disturbed. These deviations are especially pronounced during the period of growth and learning of the child.

Iodine deficiency is also dangerous for men who want to become fathers, since the lack of this element can cause male infertility.

The lack of an essential element causes a decrease in the concentration of thyroid hormones, which provide the body with energy. As a result, iodine deficiency leads to the occurrence of chronic fatigue syndrome, reduced immunity, and the appearance of edema under the eyes or in the limbs.

In women, the initial stages of iodine deficiency provoke menstrual irregularities, and in severe cases lead to infertility and early onset of menopause.

Iodine deficiency is often accompanied by another pathology - anemia (lack of iron in the blood). In this case, the person's condition is aggravated by symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, weakness, pallor of the skin.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in the human body

How does iodine deficiency manifest itself? The main violations relate to intellectual abilities, that is, a person notices a deterioration in memory, loses the ability to assimilate new information. Experienced doctors can confidently determine the manifestations of iodine deficiency even without the use of special tests and analyzes.

The main signs of deficiency of the most important element include:

  • apathy, loss of interest in ongoing events;
  • complex deterioration of memory and mental abilities;
  • constant apathy, drowsiness;
  • absent-mindedness, the inability to focus on any task or goal;
  • loss of vitality, depressive mood;
  • extreme susceptibility to respiratory, infectious and viral diseases.

One of the common symptoms of iodine deficiency in the body is excess weight, which is caused not by the presence of adipose tissue, but by edema associated with metabolic disorders. In severe forms of hypothyroidism, extensive edema causes hearing loss, nasal breathing, and hoarseness.

A complication of iodine deficiency states is a drop in blood pressure, accompanied by fatigue, excessive sweating and palpitations.

It is important to remember that problems such as memory impairment, intellectual decline are also associated with a lack of iodine, since against this background, metabolism in brain cells slows down and a person gradually loses the ability to solve complex problems, creativity and assimilation of new information. There is irritability, bad mood, a tendency to depression, passivity, a decrease in the emotional background. At the same time, it is difficult for a person to independently get out of this state and take steps aimed at obtaining medical care and treatment.

From a medical point of view, the main symptom of iodine deficiency is an increase in the volume of the thyroid gland and the formation of endemic goiter, which is accompanied by such abnormalities as an increase in the number of thyrocytes and an increase in the size of the thyroid gland, as well as the occurrence of concomitant focal pathologies, including tumors.

Such pathological changes are called hyperplasia or hypertrophy of the thyroid gland. The development of such pathologies is a protective reaction of the body, a kind of mobilization of the endocrine system, aimed at maximizing the use of the amount of iodine that is available in the body. However, if such a condition is prolonged and takes a chronic form, then it develops into complex endocrine diseases.

Why is there not enough iodine?

The lack of iodine in the human body causes certain reasons. The most common of them are:

  • hereditary predisposition to pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • a genetic anomaly that interferes with the complete absorption of iodine entering the body;
  • unfavorable ecology, especially with regard to the composition of the air;
  • work in conditions of "harmful" industries, regular contact with certain substances that impede the absorption of iodine (for example, working with zinc reduces the absorption of the element by half);
  • insufficient intake of iodine in the body with food;
  • pituitary and thyroid diseases.
What contributes to iodine deficiency?

Most often, iodine deficiency develops with an unbalanced diet, the absence of sea fish and seafood rich in iodine in the menu.

The lack of this element is noted among the population of those areas that are remote from the sea coast, where even the air itself is saturated with iodine fumes. Therefore, residents of the central regions of Russia are strongly recommended to use salt enriched with iodine when cooking.

A common cause of iodine deficiency in the body is bad habits. For example, smoking and the use of strong alcoholic beverages are extremely unfavorable. Daily intake of even small doses of alcohol (less than 100 g) significantly increases the risk of developing diseases associated with iodine deficiency.

How to detect iodine deficiency?

You can detect iodine deficiency in the body with the help of laboratory tests of blood and urine. The opinion that the rapid absorption of an alcohol solution of iodine into the skin is a sign of its deficiency is erroneous! You should not rely on this dubious test and, based on its results, start taking unreasonable iodine-containing dietary supplements. As a result, the body receives an excess of this element, which is no less dangerous than its deficiency.

The norm of the presence of this element in the body is from 2 to 4 micrograms per kilogram of weight. The daily requirement for iodine intake in the body depends on the age of the person, on average it is:

  • 25-45 mcg - for babies up to a year;
  • 85-95 mcg - for children from 1 year to 5 years;
  • 115-125 mcg - for school-age children;
  • 145-155 mcg for an adult of active age;
  • 110-120 mcg - for the elderly.

The own constant content of iodine in the human body is not very large from 14 to 21 mcg, its main amount used by the thyroid gland daily comes from outside, along with food.

How to check the content of iodine in the body?

To check your body if you suspect an iodine deficiency, you should consult with an endocrinologist and undergo a series of examinations:

  • special analysis of urine;
  • a blood test with a hormone test;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

No home tests and experiments with iodine-containing products can confirm signs of iodine deficiency or their absence. Therefore, you need to rely only on professional research methods and take the necessary measures only when the suspicion of iodine deficiency is confirmed by laboratory testing.

How to replenish iodine in the body?

An endocrinologist should advise on this issue. Only a specialist can recommend suitable drugs for self-administration, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases and possible contraindications. Therefore, if you suspect an iodine deficiency, the first thing to do is visit the doctor's office and pass all the tests.

  • vitamin complexes with a base in the form of an extract of kelp (seaweed) and with the addition of sea salt;
  • complexes containing organic compounds of iodine, for example, "Iodine-Active";
  • preparations with an active compound of iodine and potassium, such as Iodomarin or Iodine Balance.

Vitamin complexes containing iodine (compounds in a single molecule of potassium and iodine) are much more stable and provide better results than the use of dietary supplements with organic iodine. Preference should be given to just such drugs, since they have a complex effect and additionally have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity and blood composition due to the potassium content.

Medical treatment of iodine deficiency, which has taken on a pathological character, is carried out exclusively under the supervision of an endocrinologist. In especially severe and advanced cases associated with diseases of the thyroid gland, the patient is placed in a hospital and, if necessary, surgical intervention is performed.

What foods should be in the diet?

To prevent possible iodine deficiency, it is usually enough to consume foods containing this element. The menu must include:

  • seafood, fish (especially marine);
  • red meat;
  • salads with seaweed;
  • celery;
  • mineral water with iodine in the composition (for example - "Azovskaya");
  • persimmon;
  • bananas;
  • walnuts;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • kohlrabi, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts;
  • radish and daikon;
  • green string beans;
  • eggs;
  • blackcurrant;
  • chokeberry;
  • liver;
  • iodized salt;
  • dairy products fortified with iodine.

A properly selected and balanced diet will help prevent iodine deficiency in the body and avoid serious thyroid diseases.

How to make a diet for iodine deficiency?

The basic rule in the preparation of the daily diet is the use of exclusively iodized salt. A kilogram of this product contains from 25 to 60 mg of iodine completely absorbed by the body.

The daily norm should be the use of fish dishes, seafood and other foods rich in iodine. With mild forms of lack of this element, it is quite possible to eat food containing this important element throughout the day.

Here is what a sample menu for one day looks like:

  • Breakfast - fresh carrot salad with tomatoes, celery scrambled eggs;
  • Lunch - fresh salad with nuts, creamy broccoli cream soup, liver with mushrooms and mineral water;
  • Snack - persimmon and iodine-containing yogurt;
  • Dinner - fish fillet with seaweed and stewed vegetables (cabbage, beans).

Such a diet will ensure sufficient intake of iodine in the body and have a beneficial effect on overall health. To develop the optimal nutritional option, you can contact an experienced nutritionist, or do it yourself, choosing foods high in iodine for cooking. The necessary information can now be easily found on numerous thematic sites on the Internet.

It must be taken into account that heat treatment reduces the iodine content of the product, and in the literature on dietetics and nutrition, the amount of substances contained is indicated exclusively for raw ingredients.

Traditional healers recommend making up for iodine deficiency in simple ways. For example, in order to get a daily dose of this trace element, it is enough to eat a small apple, get 5 seeds from its core, chew them thoroughly and swallow them.

Or collect young (green) walnuts, scroll them through a meat grinder, combine with honey in a 1: 1 ratio and take 1 tsp every morning. throughout the month.

Good to know

Iodine is one of the most necessary elements for a person, however, before you start intensively replenishing its deficiency, especially in a child, you need to visit an endocrinologist and find out exactly what state the body's iodine balance is in.

Deficiency of the substance provokes gross endocrine disruptions in the body. How to determine the lack of iodine in the body with your own hands? Look for the answer in our detailed review of popular self-diagnosis methods, photos and videos in this article.

In addition to participating in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, iodine performs the following functions in the body:

  • “starts” metabolism, helps to speed up metabolism;
  • has antiseptic properties, destroys microbes that enter the thyroid gland with blood flow;
  • makes a person more energetic and cheerful, helps fight stress and apathy;
  • improves the plasticity of cerebral vessels and cerebral circulation, stimulates the development of mental abilities.

Iodine deficiency and cancer

Iodine is vital for breast health in older women, with a low intake of the trace element increases the risk of breast cancer.

Women need to monitor the iodine content in the body with the same care as the health of the mammary glands. Among the chemicals and enzymes present in breast tissue, iodine has a powerful antioxidant effect comparable to that of vitamin C.

Tissues that are deficient in iodine exhibit:

  • increased lipid oxidation, which is the earliest factor in the development of cancer;
  • DNA change;
  • an increase in estrogen receptor proteins.

These biological factors together explain the link between iodine deficiency and thyroid disease. Postmenopausal women are often diagnosed with thyroid and breast cancer.

With an increase in the supply of iodine to breast cancer cells, they intensively absorb it, which, in turn, inhibits tumor growth and causes the death of cancer cells.

The role of iodine in heart health

A test for iodine deficiency is necessary even in the absence of obvious symptoms, hypothyroidism contributes to heart disease, is the cause of stroke and premature death from these pathologies.

Thyroid dysfunction leads to disturbances in lipid profiles, promotes the formation of low-density lipoproteins, increases cholesterol and increases the risk of atherosclerosis.

Hypothyroidism weakens the heart muscle, contributes to arrhythmia, which becomes noticeable even with moderate physical exertion. It is necessary to carefully prescribe hormones when the doctor determines that iodine deficiency treatment contributes to the safe and effective modulation of health problems.

How much iodine does the body need

The average daily dose of a microelement entering the body should be at least 120-150 mcg, and for women preparing to become mothers, this amount increases to 200 mcg. Iodine deficiency occurs if, over a long period, the amount of daily incoming microelement does not exceed 10 mcg.

Iodine content standards

In the body of an adult, the normal amount of iodine ranges from 15–25 mg; according to some research data, it can be up to 50 mg. Exactly half of the element falls on the thyroid gland, which uses it for hormonal activity.

If we consider in detail and accurately the content of iodine in human organs, we will see the following:

  1. The highest concentration in the thyroid gland is 1000–12000 mcg/g;
  2. Liver tissues contain - 0.2 mcg / g;
  3. Quantity in female ovaries and kidneys - 0.07 mcg / g;
  4. In the lymph nodes 0.03 mcg / g;
  5. In the brain, muscle tissue and male testicles - 0.02 mcg / g.

There is evidence of the accumulation of iodine in the glands (milk during feeding, salivary) and in the mucous epithelium of the stomach.

The intake of iodine in the body

When entering the body, trace elements are absorbed mainly in the upper gastrointestinal tract, and those that enter the intestine are quickly absorbed into the blood. With an excess, iodine is excreted in the urine, so the activity of the excretory system and the kidneys in particular is also important in the regulation of iodine.

Since the level of excretion is directly dependent on its consumption, when examining the content, a blood test for iodine and urine is taken to determine the level of consumption of the trace element by the body.

Please note that excessive consumption of natural products containing iodine does not have side effects, even if the amount of natural iodine contained in them exceeds the daily allowance.

The level of hormonal regulation of the thyroid gland is regulated not only by the activity of the gland itself, but also by the brain, in particular by the pituitary gland and peripheral sections.

Risk factors

Potential causes that increase the likelihood of iodine deficiency include:

  • lack of selenium;
  • pregnancy;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • increased intake of calcium from food;
  • female;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • oral methods of contraception;
  • elderly age.

Causes of iodine deficiency

Iodine can enter the body in several ways: with food, liquid, and even inhaled air (in the form of vapors), so the main reason for the deficiency of this trace element is its lack in the environment.

Note! To date, there is a clear relationship between distance from the sea and the level of iodine in the soil and fresh water sources. The central part of Russia and the republics of Central Asia are experiencing a significant deficiency of this trace element. The foothills and high-mountain regions are the least saturated with it. Residents of these regions need a varied, balanced diet and additional sources of iodine.

Also, among the main causes of iodine deficiency, experts call the scarcity of the diet and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by impaired absorption of nutrients.

Signs of iodine deficiency

According to statistics, about 30% of the world's population suffers from iodine deficiency of varying severity. Among Russians, the symptoms of this disease are found in 70% of residents of megacities.

endemic goiter

Endemic goiter is the most common thyroid disease in Russia. As a rule, iodine deficiency correlates with a lack of other trace elements, mainly microparticles of copper, selenium and cobalt.

The thyroid gland expands in order to capture more trace elements from the circulating blood, i.e. low iodine content is the root cause of an increase in the anatomical size of the thyroid gland. The disease is called "endemic" due to the fact that it is common in people living in the same area with low iodine content in the surrounding ecosystem.

Goiter is also called Graves' disease, the main signs of which are:

  • pathological growth of the thyroid gland;
  • lethargy;
  • rapid weight gain with an increase in subcutaneous fat.

What slows down or accelerates the absorption of iodine

There are trace elements that take part in the absorption of iodine, acting as enzymes in the biochemical hydrolysis reaction, and vice versa, those that interfere with these processes. Such trace elements are shown in the table.

For example, lithium acts antagonistically on the activity of the gland, as does calcium in large quantities. Without selenium, the absorption of iodine is simply impossible.

Thus, all trace elements are interconnected, and the presence or absence of one of them affects the activity of the thyroid gland.

Many people wonder if iodine has an expiration date. Since pure iodine is an element of the 7th group in the periodic table and belongs to halogens, it has several degrees of oxidation and easily reacts. Therefore, for example, iodine in iodized salt will evaporate for 3-4 months, but in seaweed it will be in a bound state and will be useful as long as the algae itself is alive.

So the consumption of kelp will be extremely useful in the treatment of iodine with a node on the thyroid gland, goiter and other diseases associated with iodine deficiency. You can buy seaweed salad at the supermarket or make your own. It is not only tasty, but also very useful.

The lack of iodine in the body always has several clinical signs, each of which we will consider in more detail below.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in adults

We often do not pay attention to the signals that our body sends us, dismiss them, attributing them to fatigue, workload and eternal lack of sleep.

However, iodine deficiency can have many manifestations:

  • chronic fatigue, decreased activity;
  • fatigue, decreased performance;
  • memory impairment, slow reaction;
  • depression, tearfulness, decreased stress resistance;
  • weight gain with unchanged diet;
  • chilliness, poor cold tolerance;
  • violation of menstrual function, changes in the analyzes of sex hormones are common signs of iodine deficiency in women;
  • decreased sexual activity, problems with potency in men.

Drowsiness and chronic fatigue - Signs of iodine deficiency, which we often do not pay attention to

In the future, uncompensated iodine deficiency in the body leads to a decrease in the formation and release of thyroid hormones into the blood, disruption of the thyroid gland and the development of endemic goiter - an increase in the size of the endocrine organ.

Iodine deficiency in childhood: a serious problem of modern health care

Iodine deficiency in children is especially dangerous, because babies, like no one else, need a trace element that ensures growth and normal physical and mental development. The main clinical forms of iodine deficiency in the body are presented in the table below.

Table 2: Options for the clinical course of iodine deficiency in children:

Disease congenital hypothyroidism Cretinism endemic goiter
Features of the flow It may be associated with iodine deficiency and insufficient production of thyroid hormones in the mother.

It is more severe than acquired hypothyroidism.

A severe irreversible condition that develops if congenital hypothyroidism has not been diagnosed and treatment has not been prescribed. A disease that develops against the background of iodine deficiency, which is caused by an unbalanced diet, an unfavorable situation for iodine in the region.

It is more common in children of primary school age and adolescents.

  • large birth weight of the child;
  • signs of immaturity at birth despite full term;
  • prolonged (a month or more) jaundice in the neonatal period;
  • long healing of the umbilical wound;
  • decrease in physical activity and late acquisition of skills at the age of up to a year (the baby sat down late, crawled and walked on his own);
  • lethargy, drowsiness, low physical and motor activity;
  • late teething;
  • prolonged non-closure of the fontanel;
  • hoarse, rough, "bass" voice;
  • swelling, puffiness of the skin of the face, feet and hands;
  • large tongue.
  • gross lag in physical and mental development;
  • possible dwarfism;
  • problems with coordination of movements (children can hardly sit or walk);
  • pathological structure of the skeleton: short upper and lower limbs with a large head;
  • hearing loss;
  • chronic constipation;
  • lethargy, apathy, unwillingness to take the initiative;
  • the face is puffy, with a characteristic dull expression: the eyes are widely spaced, half closed, breathing is carried out through the mouth due to swelling of the nasopharynx, the tongue is protruded.
  • lethargy, fatigue, poor school performance;
  • impaired memory and concentration;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • the appearance of excess body weight;
  • violation of menstrual function in girls;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland, which can be seen during visual examination, palpation of the neck, ultrasound.

Important! Any signs of iodine deficiency in the body of a child are a reason to immediately consult a doctor. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of a complete recovery of the baby without serious and irreversible consequences for the body.

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women is also extremely dangerous.

It can cause:

  • spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) in the early stages;
  • premature birth;
  • intrauterine anomalies and congenital malformations of the fetus;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • difficult childbirth, provoked by the large weight of the fetus;
  • massive postpartum hemorrhage.

In addition, iodine deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman causes congenital hypothyroidism in a child, the correct formation of the thyroid gland and the functioning of the internal organs of which is carried out under the influence of maternal hormones.

Note! One of the common causes of infertility in medical practice is iodine deficiency: symptoms in women include menstrual dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, problems conceiving, and the desired pregnancy does not occur. When replenishing the deficiency of this trace element, normalization of the reproductive system is observed.

How to detect iodine deficiency

In addition to a laboratory test for iodine in the blood (its average price in private laboratories is 700 rubles), it is possible to reliably determine the lack of this trace element using simple self-diagnosis methods.

So, how to find out iodine deficiency in the body:

  1. If you notice one or more of the symptoms of the disease listed above, be sure to consult a doctor. Listen carefully to the signals your own body is giving you.
  2. The iodine mesh test is one of the most popular home methods for determining iodine deficiency. In the evening, apply a small iodine mesh to any part of the body (with the exception of the thyroid gland and heart). Check it carefully in the morning.

If the grid has completely disappeared, most likely the body is experiencing a serious iodine deficiency. If there are small marks left on the skin, everything is in order.

  1. The test with three lines is considered more accurate. Instructions: in the evening, apply three lines on the skin of the forearm with an alcohol solution of iodine: thin, medium and thick.
  2. In the morning, evaluate the result: if after 8-10 hours a thin strip has disappeared from the skin, and visible traces remain in place of medium and thick, it means that the level of iodine in the body is within the normal range. The disappearance of a thin and medium strip indicates a possible iodine deficiency, and if the skin of the forearm in the morning does not have any traces at all, immediately consult a doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases.

Note! Official medicine does not confirm the reliability of such methods for studying iodine deficiency. There is no official evidence that the rapid absorption and disappearance of the alcohol tincture of the substance from the skin are signs of iodine deficiency in the body. In addition, applying an iodine mesh can cause a chemical burn or cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, when answering the question of how to determine iodine deficiency in the body, doctors are often categorical - only with the help of a laboratory study of the concentration of this trace element in the blood.

Tests for determining the concentration of iodine - what official medicine can offer

It is important to note that official medicine is skeptical about the methods for determining iodine deficiency described above. Doctors say that the dependence of iodine absorption into the skin on the lack of this trace element has not been scientifically proven and may be a consequence of human characteristics.

And how to check the lack of iodine in the body "scientifically"? First of all, clinical data allow a specialist to suspect a decrease in the concentration of a microelement.

Note! Especially severe iodine deficiency affects the health of children who have a lag in physical and mental development, as well as gross metabolic disorders.

And how to check the amount of iodine in the body using laboratory tests? The table below shows popular methods for determining a trace element.

Table: Tests for determining the level of iodine in the body:

Name Description Norm average price
I (urine) The analysis allows you to determine the content of iodine, which was allocated with urine. Since this indicator can fluctuate dramatically during the day, several tests are usually required, followed by a study of the median iodine excretion. 100-500 µg/l 1000 r.
I (hair) Determination of the concentration of iodine in cut hair, subjected to pre-treatment and dissolution. This method is called atomic emission spectrometry - AES-ISAP 0.3-10 µg/g dry material (hair) 300 r.
I (nails) The study of the obtained samples is also carried out on an atomic emission spectrometer using the AES-ISAP method. 0.3-10 µg/g 300 r.

Note! Since iodine moves along the vascular bed not in free form, but as part of various biological compounds, the medical instruction does not imply its determination in blood serum. Instead, your doctor may order additional thyroid hormone tests.

Treatment and prevention of iodine deficiency

The basic principles for restoring the level of iodine in the body are:

  • a diet high in these foods;
  • treatment with iodine preparations (Iodomarin, Iodine-active, etc.) at a therapeutic dose of 100-200 mcg per day;
  • with clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism, hormonal preparations of levothyroxine are additionally prescribed at a dosage of 50-75 mcg with further dynamic monitoring and dosage adjustment.

In addition to marine products, there are also others that will help to cope with the situation:

Prevention of iodine deficiency in children and adults consists in a balanced diet, the inclusion of fish, seafood and other sources of iodine in the diet, regular preventive examinations by a doctor and a healthy lifestyle.

Excess iodine in the thyroid gland

When there is an excess of iodine, hyperthyroidism develops. In this case, there is no strong increase in the thyroid gland, but there is the possibility of developing goiter, Graves' disease, and cardiac disorders.

In addition, there is general weakness, sweating, weight loss, stool disorders. As a result of an accelerated metabolism, an increase to subfebrile temperature is observed, skin pigmentation changes, sensitive areas become numb, acne appears, and the accelerated appearance of gray hair due to melanin loss.

Thus, it is clear how closely related the thyroid gland and iodine are to each other. With a shortage of a microelement and for prevention, it is advised to eat natural products containing iodine or use medicines.

At home today is not difficult. The easiest way is to replace regular salt, but iodized or sea salt containing iodine, or use seafood for cooking.

Folk methods of treating the thyroid gland with iodine have proven themselves well. Homeopaths use animal and plant components to compensate for iodine deficiency, for example, plants such as walnut, celandine, etc.

Most of humanity, or rather, the inhabitants of 153 countries of the world, suffer from iodine deficiency. And the further the country is removed from the sea coasts, the more pronounced the symptoms of iodine deficiency in the body.

Lack of iodine is not experienced only by residents of a rather limited strip of the coastal marine and oceanic zone, the inhabitants of the islands.

For the synthesis of the main thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which regulate the body's metabolism, iodine is needed.

Its deficiency reduces the production of hormones, which slows down metabolism, reduces the activity of enzymes, leads to obesity, edema, and a decrease in vitality.

Enlargement of the thyroid gland

The first sign of a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland can be considered the "turtleneck" effect, which occurs when the gland grows, trying to actively grow to compensate for the decrease in hormone synthesis caused by iodine deficiency.

A visible increase in the volume of the thyroid gland, the growth of a goiter on the neck serves as a diagnostic sign of a progressive disease. Not only the size of the goiter matters, but also its location.

So, retrosternal goiter, puts pressure on nearby organs - the trachea, arteries, esophagus. Pressure on the trachea, bronchi causes respiratory disorders, narrows the airway lumen, increases shortness of breath, increases the risk of suffocation.

Attacks of suffocation caused by the pressure of the retrosternal goiter are similar to bronchial asthma, but have other causes of origin and cannot be treated with bronchodilator drugs.

And prolonged respiratory failure negatively affects the work of the heart, leads to circulatory disorders, oxygen starvation.

By pinching the esophagus, the goiter can cause dysphagia - difficulty in swallowing, a condition similar in symptoms to a malignant tumor of the esophagus. This disease requires a completely different treatment, and the earlier the cause of the violation of the act of swallowing is identified, the higher the likelihood of recovery.

A low-lying goiter in rare cases compresses the nerve that goes to the vocal cords, causing a hoarse voice.

Signs of iodine deficiency

A clinical symptom of iodine deficiency is the appearance of edema of the face, limbs, which do not decrease when taking diuretics. Weight gain, characteristic of iodine deficiency, is due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, tissue swelling.

The deficiency lowers the activity of the thyroid gland, causes changes in appearance, expressed in poor skin condition, the appearance of wrinkles, and acceleration of the aging process. The state of iodine deficiency is characterized by muscle, joint pain that is not amenable to conventional treatment.

The first signs of iodine deficiency

What symptoms should alert:

  • drowsiness during the day, morning weakness;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • deterioration of immunity, frequent colds;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • sweating;
  • violation of the stool, nausea, vomiting;
  • hoarse voice;
  • hearing loss;
  • irritability, forgetfulness;
  • , dry skin.

Home iodine test

The feeling of "coma in the throat" that occurs in this state is inherent in many diseases. And when this symptom appears, you should not immediately purchase tablets containing iodine.

To find out if there is a deficiency, whether you need to drink vitamins with iodine when symptoms of its deficiency appear, determine the content of the microelement in the body using a test that you can do yourself at home.

The test consists of applying an iodine alcohol solution to the skin. There are several test options.

One of the ways is as follows:

Home testing cannot be considered a reliable source of information. It gives only a rough estimate of the trace element content. The time for which the pattern on the skin disappears depends on many factors - ambient temperature, skin thickness, features of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

And when signs of iodine deficiency appear, it is better to contact an endocrinologist and undergo an examination. Self-medication with a lack and excess of iodine is dangerous.

Risk group

The risk group for iodine deficiency includes pregnant women, women during breastfeeding, children under 3 years of age. Microelement deficiency occurs with prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives, a lack of a nutrient in the diet, and develops under the influence of excessive ultraviolet radiation.

Iodine deficiency is noted not only with an unbalanced diet, but also in the absence of minerals and vitamins necessary for the absorption of this microelement. To compensate for the lack of an element, it is necessary not only to introduce, into the diet, but also, minerals -, cobalt, copper.

Action on the heart

Iodine deficiency affects the viability of the most energy-intensive heart cells - cardiomyocytes, which are responsible for the contractile and conductive function of the organ.

The lack of an element causes a violation of the ability of cardiomycetes to conduct a nerve impulse, provokes atrial fibrillation. Cardiac arrhythmia caused by iodine deficiency is almost impossible to treat with cardiac drugs.

Lack negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular system as a whole, manifesting itself:

  • high cholesterol;
  • low blood pressure;
  • slow pulse, less than 60 beats per minute;
  • low hemoglobin levels.

Action on the nervous system

The lack of a microelement causes changes in the psycho-emotional sphere, causes neurosis-like states, in which apathy is sharply replaced by irritability, aggression.

Symptoms from the nervous system that occur in response to a lack of iodine are expressed:

  • depression
  • insomnia, interrupted sleep;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • tearfulness, nervousness;
  • inhibition of thinking, speech;
  • weather sensitivity.

Neurological disorders in iodine deficiency are accompanied by cognitive impairment - changes characterized by a decrease in learning ability, the ability to analyze incoming information.

A decrease in cognitive (cognitive) ability is usually noted in old age, but with iodine deficiency it occurs at any age, it is characterized by symptoms:

iodine deficiency

A decrease in the production of hormones adversely affects the psycho-emotional, physical condition of a person. In men, symptoms of a lack or excess of iodine are less common than in women, which is explained by their more stable hormonal background.

Iodine deficiency in women

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in a woman's body are menstrual irregularities, lack of ovulation, inability to conceive a child. A sign of a lack of iodine in the body of a woman is an early menopause.

Iodine deficiency in a woman's body affects the condition of the mammary glands, causing symptoms such as cracked nipples, a decrease in the amount of milk during breastfeeding. Lack negatively affects the course of pregnancy, increasing the risk of premature termination.

The lack of a microelement during pregnancy leads to fetal malformations, the birth of children with congenital cretinism, deaf-mutism. Iodine deficiency causes difficulties with the development of speech skills, learning ability, social adaptation of the child in later life.

Iodine deficiency in men

Lack of iodine in men is reinforced by such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol. In addition to apathy, drowsiness, a general decrease in tone, men with a lack of iodine experience a decrease in potency.

Deficiency of this trace element is considered one of the causes of male infertility. Symptoms of iodine deficiency in the body in men are a decrease in sexual activity, lack of sexual desire.

Iodine deficiency in children

Iodine deficiency in children under 3 years of age causes damage to organs and systems, undermines health, lays the foundation for future diseases.

A sign of iodine deficiency in the body in children is poor academic performance, mental retardation, impaired puberty, and short stature.

Children with iodine deficiency often get sick and have a weakened immune system. Iodine deficiency negatively affects mental abilities at any age, but deficiency is especially dangerous before the age of 3 years.