
Learning to play the button accordion by ear. How to play the button accordion: general points. Video lesson "Learning to play the button accordion."

Playing the button accordion is not an easy task, and may not concede in complexity, for example, playing the piano. But with a certain level of perseverance and constancy, everything is possible. Where to start training?

At the first stage, you need to decide for what purpose you are going to study. Beginner musicians will be hard without knowledge musical notationand if you want to learn the instrument for yourself, be able to play your favorite songs and play with friends, then don’t worry - there are ways to learn how to play the button accordion without detailed knowledge of the notes, the main thing is to have a good musical ear and sense of rhythm.

In addition to being portable, easy to use and very affordable, this instrument is popular for its wide range of expressions and nuances, allowing the musician to search for a rather distinctive expression. This instrument is popular in such styles as “Blues”, “Rock”, “Jazz” and folk songs, but it is equipped with a wide variety of techniques and a good historical and theoretical base. In this course, you will learn how to express yourself wherever you are.

The movement of the bellows in combination with the pressed buttons and keys gives a rather characteristic and popular sound in different musical styles. Along with his complex construction, he has the versatility, the ability to accompany other musicians and create melodies at the same time, and all this bears on his shoulders. A great tool for playing alone or in groups of different musical genres. The formation of chords and bass through its buttons, as well as the use of keys allows you to use many polyphonic methods.

  • If you want to learn how to play the accordion professionally, then you are dear to a music school. There you will study under the guidance of experienced teachers who will correct your mistakes in real time, when needed, and help you learn musical notation - you can’t do without it in the professional field.
  • If you don’t have enough time or money to attend the button accordion class, but you are interested in live training, then you can seek help from both tutors and professional musicians in order to receive private lessons. Look for ads in newspapers or on the Internet, ask your friends.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to attend school or a tutor, and the desire to learn the button accordion does not disappear, then you can always try to learn how to play the button accordion yourself. To do this, you will need a good working tool and a self-taught playing the button accordion.

Learning to play on your own

If you decide to learn how to play the button accordion on your own, then you just have to turn to a tutorial for help. You can buy it in a bookstore, or even easier - download it on the Internet.

In each song you will have access to 5 topics

Already traditionally used in the genres of popular Brazilian, Argentine and French music, this instrument has also been included in rock, jazz and various other musical practices. Important factors for progress in your research.

Professor Jefferson Oliveira Accordion Center

  And find out which songs are available for the courses. Keep in mind that a diatonic accordion is a very motivating instrument because it is easy to make small air quickly.

Take your first notes in a diatonic accordion

To get started, detach the two small straps that hold the bellows to open your accordion and stretch the fur by pressing either one key or the small button on the left side of the case. If you do not press a note or button in the left housing, you will not be able to blow air into the bellows. However, when you want to play, do not press the button on the left, otherwise you are unlikely to hear your notes.

On the Internet, there are also special self-instructional programs, with the help of which almost anyone will learn to play the button accordion at home. These programs consist of separate lessons and offer the learning of musical works with visual accompaniment in the form of fingering schemes - the location of the fingers on the button of the button.

Press any of the right side keys and extend the accordion. You just play your first note, now hold on to the same key and press the accordion, you have a different note than the first. Recall that this is a two-channel accordion principle, depending on whether you push or push the sound that comes out of the accordion will not be the same.

Work from the left hand to the diatonic range

On the left side, you have 8 keys divided into two lines, an outer line and an inner line. They correspond to the bass, they serve to accompany the melody that you play with your right hand, or to accompany other musicians. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Some of these virtual simulators are suitable for learning the game in three-row, five-row, and also children's accordions.

To make it more visual, try additionally studying video lessons. We offer you to watch the introductory lesson on the button accordion:

Since you decide to study on your own, you just need to organize your learning process.

These keys are in pairs; for the rest, press both keys simultaneously. It does not exist in the diatonic accordion, we will do without 🙂. Exercise 1: Play this sequence for 5 minutes a day, this will be your warm-up for your left hand, and next week you will see options for this range that already look like small air currents. The goal is to play by heart in a week.

Working notes on the right on the diatonic

To work with several notes of the right hand, we will start slowly to familiarize yourself with the tablates of the right hand, do not be afraid that it will be very simple. The tablature is read chronologically from left to right, you have two lines, one line at the top with the letter P and a line at the bottom with the letter T. The number corresponds to the keyboard key in the outer line and in the inner line when it is a prime.

Decide on a lesson plan. Set a goal to perform a specific number of exercises per day, and only having mastered one, move on to the next. When learning new exercises, do not forget to allocate time to practice already mastered.

Do not rush to catch everything in too short a period of time, because a quality result is important to you.

Lecture 1 of the diatonic accordion, exercise number. Press the third key twice by pressing Press the second third key when pressed.

  • Press the third key twice when pressed.
  • Double-click the third key by pulling.
Exercise 2: Play this sequence for 2 minutes a day, this will be your warm-up for the right hand.

The same principle as exercise 2, but here we learn to play several different notes by pressing and pulling. Be careful, you have 4 fingers on your right hand, not counting the thumb, and there are 4 notes, so you have to place the index finger on key 6, major on 7, etc. etc.

Learning the basics

Before you learn to play the button accordion, you should learn to hold it correctly. Remember that this is a rather weighty instrument - a certain hand strength is required, because you have to simultaneously maintain the musical instrument in the right position and touch the buttons with your fingers.

The first piece for the game, two-way front

This tab reads.

  • Press the buttons 6 7 8 and 9 by pressing.
  • Press 6 7 8 and 9 by pulling.
Exercise 3: Play this sequence for 3 minutes a day, this will be your warm-up for the right hand. And yes, we are already here, from the first class you will learn the beginning of a piece of music. The front two curves are a traditional dance, quite common in the fest nose and in folk balls.

For this first lesson, we will learn the first sentence of this play, and we will only play the melody with our right hand. We will see the rest in the next class. This means that you must remain pressed on the note twice instead of one. Instead of playing twice in Note 7, you play only once, while remaining pressed, but at the same time in a shared lab.

You should begin to study in a sitting position, then you do not have to hold the button accordion in weight and you can better control the instrument. A button accordion is placed on the left foot. You need to sit without shifting your knees so that nothing interferes with the use of the fur chamber.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the structure of the button accordion, learn how to use the right and left set of buttons, how to get the right sound and how to hold your hands.

Exercise 4 video, start of front two

Exercise 4: Play this sequence for 10 minutes a day, do not try to play too fast, but within a week you will have to play it by heart.

Assessment of this first diatonic course

  And finally, you will start your first music, and we will continue to gradually work on the first lessons, and from the 4th grade you will know how to play it all.

The search terms that brought here

Work these 4 exercises for a week, trying to work out a little every day. And next week you can attack the second course of the diatonic accordion. I hope you enjoyed this first lesson, and especially that you all understood. Diatonic accordion, diatonic accordion, diatonic accordion course, accordion course, accordion course, beginner diatonic accordion course, accordion course, free diatonic accordion course, free diatonic accordion course, learn to play diatonic accordion.

What is a chromatic accordion

The chromatic accordion is based on the same principle as the diatonic, you will control the bellows, and the air that comes out at the touch of a button will give an accurate note by vibrating various reeds.

To learn how to play many musical instruments - both the guitar, piano, and the button accordion - you will have to learn combinations of sounds, or chords. The accordion is responsible for playing major and minor chords, seventh chords and basses left keyboard. It is through the use of these chords that the accompaniment, the song background, is created.

The first difference with the diatonic is that there are no equal scales and therefore not the same notes. Simply put, there are more notes on chromatics than on diatonic ones; in particular, you will have half-moons, missing diatoses. The second difference in importance is that the chromatic will not be a bison, it is unique. That is, the accordion will play the same note for a particular button, depending on whether you click on the bellows or pull it out. This is a practical difference that affects the style of music we play.

There are about 80 chords for playing the button accordion, but do not be afraid of it - for normal playing in all tonalities it’s enough to master even 15. And the full number of chords are unlikely to be used even by professional musicians. You can learn as many chords as you want to diversify your game.

To find out the chromatic accordion, this will not be on this site. If you understand the difference between diatonic and chromatic, now you know that it is not played the same way, and it is not studied the same way. Online courses are practical to start or open a tool, but very quickly you will need to accompany you so that one of you watches and corrects you, adapting to you. There is also the option to buy a method and start alone, but you can very quickly dissuade you.

No matter where you live, you can have a special teacher if you have internet and a webcam. The eternal question is about the purchase, and the answers will be completely up to you. The first place is obviously the store of the manufacturer or seller of the accordion in your city, he will know to advise you, and sometimes even you can rent it.

Muscle memory

The development and training of muscle memory is very important in learning. It is she who allows you to bring the game to automatism, to get rid of tension. This can also be achieved by performing special exercises for the fingers.

Hand sync

When playing the button accordion, it is important to achieve a combination of the actions of both hands. Train the melody first with your right hand, then with your left, and only then try to connect them. Quickly cope with this task will not work, but practice is everything.

If you do not have a manufacturer or seller at home, you can still buy online, whether hand-to-face or a new seller. Online stores, there are dozens of serious ones that quickly deliver and return you if this does not suit you, because it all depends on whether you are looking for a specific model or not.

Be wary of classified ads, there are more and more scammers on classified ads sites, as these are expensive objects. Never buy an accordion without meeting the seller; you should see and try the instrument. Here are some elements of reflection.

Musical notation

If you still decide to make music professionally, you will have to learn how to play music notation.

Nevertheless, at the initial stage, even teachers are encouraged to go through the donot period: first familiarize yourself with the most basic theory of notes and their duration, learn how to navigate the left and right keyboards, and only then, depending on your goals, proceed to a detailed study of musical notation .

You can also lose a few hours in the “accordion in video” section of the main menu to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe customs and customs of the accordion in France and around the world. Let's start by twisting the neck to get the ideas. - chromaticity is no harder to study than diatonic, and vice versa. We do not start small, and then move on to big. In addition, we do not move from one to another, the rest is easy. These are different tools, so the choice of departure is important.

Repertoire of diatonic accordion. All traditional music from Western Europe, as well as from Quebec, Louisiana, Tex-Mex and styles of South America. All music is adapted for diatonic. The repertoire is hardly accessible to the diatonic. Traditional music of Eastern Europe.

Serious mastery of the instrument can take five years or more, and still will not lead you to perfection. But doing daily and giving the game at least thirty minutes, you will learn how to properly extract sound, synchronize your hands, and even be able to play simple melodies in two to three months.

Jazz, variety music, music. Thus, diatonic plays in diatonic. It is very broad, but there are limitations. Accompaniment of songs is a subject of controversy. Obviously, chromatite is more suited to the song: all available tones are easier to transpose.

You can accompany the song diatonic, but this requires a complete instrument or even several instruments in different colors and a specific technique. Attention to the ideas received: not a single diato tone is adapted, than others, to the accompaniment of the song. From 3 to 6 kg for diatonic, from 6 to 10 kg for chromatic.

How to use the "Self-study Guide"
   You have acquired an accordion and wish to learn how to play it. What is needed for this? Some natural musical abilities — almost everyone has them. Time for systematic daily activities — with proper day organization, you can always find it.
   Perseverance and hard work — not everyone possesses these qualities, but they can be developed in oneself.
   Obviously, learning to play is best under the guidance of an experienced teacher. But, if it is not there, you can master the tool yourself.
   This goal is served by a real “Teacher's Guide”. Using it, you can learn to play the button accordion of any design, but you should keep in mind — in case the instrument has not been purchased yet — that the explanations are given for the modern button accordion with 120 buttons on the left keyboard and 61 keys on the right.

Note: compact and very light diatonic instruments are sometimes more difficult to handle than standard instruments. Conversely, the temptation of “all options” leads to really difficult tools. Chromatics are 2–3 times more expensive than diatonic ones, but this is justified: they are not the same tools.

Warning: tools are available at lower prices, but without warranty. Studying the chromatic with the teacher asks to know the salphea. One last note: all this has a general order and relates to amateur practice. There are always exceptions. The diatonic accordion has been present for many years in several forms and styles, and it is easy to celebrate, bring people together and make them dance.

"Self-instruction" is designed for adolescents and adults who do not have musical training and are engaged on their own. Under the guidance of a teacher, it can also be used to train young accordion players in children's music schools or music clubs.
   "Self-instruction" consists of an introduction and two parts. The tab “Conditional (mirror) layout of button accordion keyboards” attached to it allows you to easily find the right key or left button on the keyboard.
   Introduction (“Summary of musical literacy») Is studied without a tool. While working on the first section of the introduction, “Rhythmic Organization of Sounds,” the student should practically become familiar with musical notation of the duration of sounds (rhythmic recording), learn to reproduce, striking with a pencil on the table, various rhythmic sequences — from the simplest to relatively complex. In addition to the proposed exercises, it is advisable to invent and write down your own, making the rhythmic pattern more complicated.
   In the next section of the introduction, “Musical Sounds and Their Recording,” the student becomes acquainted with musical notation of the pitch of sounds.

The first part of the “Tutorial” “Practical Tool Development” consists of six sections. In each of them the basics of musical notation and exercises on the instrument are given. The complexity of musical-theoretical concepts and exercises in each subsequent section is gradually increasing.
   After all the exercises of the first section are carefully studied, you need to start working on the plays of the first section of the second part (“Repertoire Appendix”). Learning the pieces can be considered complete if they are played by heart and confident expressive performance is achieved.
   Next, you should study the second section of the first part and learn the plays of the corresponding section of the repertoire application. According to this principle, it is necessary to work on all sections of the "Tutorial". Many who start self-learning on any instrument do not set themselves difficult tasks. Usually they say: "I would learn to play for myself." Of course, not everyone who wants to learn how to play the button accordion will become professional musicians. Maybe you will limit yourself to home music and amateur performances, but if you do it with love, you will achieve much more than is expressed in the words “for yourself” . Your attitude to music will be transmitted to others, they will gain great joy and true aesthetic satisfaction with you,

The rhythmic organization of sounds and their recording
  Musical sounds and recording
  Recording sounds with basic names in the treble clef
  Recording sounds with basic names in a bass clef


   Right hand exercises
   Left hand exercises
   Major (large) chords of the left keyboard
   Two-handed play
   Theme and character designations

   Right hand exercises
   Sound Recording with Derived Names
   Performance of all sounds of the 1st row of the keyboard
   Performing all keyboard sounds
   Sheet music of the first octave
   Legato and flock then
   Double notes
   Left hand exercises
   Two-handed play

   Right hand exercises
   Sheet music of the second octave
   Sixteenth notes
   Two-handed play
   Left hand exercises
   Minor (small) chords of the left keyboard.
   Right hand exercises
   Intervals (continued)
   Left hand exercises
   Major seventh chords of the left keyboard
   Two-handed play

   Right hand exercises
   Small octave notes
   Triple notes (chords)
   Left hand exercises
   Auxiliary bass.
   Melodic sequences
   Two-handed play

   Melisms. Some tricks of execution. Notation abbreviations
   Fur Tremolo
   Right hand exercises
   Sheet music of the third octave
   Octave game
   Gamma game
   Left hand exercises
   Gamma game
   Right hand exercises
   Two voice
   Two-handed play

   Right hand exercises
   Signs of alteration - double sharp and double flat.
   Notes of small and fourth octaves
   Left hand exercises
   Reduced seventh chords of the left keyboard
   Two-handed play


   Yu. Soloviev. March
   O. Agafonov. Buzz
   O. Agafonov. Three sheet music
   A. Krylousov. Little waltz
   A, Krydusov. Dance
   B, Good. Eccentric
   Chorus. Russian folk tune
   Kamarinskaya. Russian folk song
   Children’s. Russian folk song
   Potatoes. Russian folk song
   Chastooshka. Russian folk tune
   Russian folk song
   P. London. Little waltz
   Yu. Soloviev. Rain
   A. Krylusov, Foxtrot

   Yu. Soloviev. Seven Pieces for Beginners (Sad Song. Waltz, Lullaby. Chastushka. Oriental sketch. Waltz-sketch, Romance)
   When I Had Golden Mountains, Russian Folk Song
   Steppe and steppe around. Russian folk song
   Tiritomba, Neapolitan song

   Oh, in the meadow, in the meadow. Ukrainian folk song
   Harness, lads, coni. Ukrainian folk song
   The cyclda hut has 6Ua. Ukrainian folk song
   V1yut v1tri, v1yut buyn1. Ukrainian folk song.
   / noise, I buzz. Ukrainian folk peony
Varangian. Russian folk song
   Down the Volga River. Russian folk song
   Because of the island, on the rod. Russian folk song.
   A young Cossack walks along the Don. Russian folk song.
The Cossack went to a foreign land. Russian folk song
   Here comes the three mail. Russian folk song.
   When I was a coachman at the post office. Russian folk song
   Oh, garden. Russian folk song
   Overgrown track stitches. Russian folk song
   Why did I, my dear, recognize you. Russian folk song.
   What are you eagerly looking at the road? Russian folk song
   A, Dubuque, Do not scold me, dear
   They are black. Old Russian romance
   O. Agafonov, Lullaby
   B. Lipatov. Letter to mother
   P. Armand. The clouds rose over the city
   C. Weber. The chorus of hunters.
   F. Schubert, Trout

   Cold waves are splashing. Russian folk song
   I go out alone on the road. Russian folk song
   In a low fire. Russian folk song
   Oh, full, full box. Russian folk song
   Between the steep banks. Russian folk song
   On the seas, on the waves. Russian folk song
   Oh, hops, mH, hops. Ukrainian folk song
   Oh you, Garni Semyon. Ukrainian folk song.
   Glowworm. Georgian folk song.
   I. Dunaevsky. Youth
   N. Harito. Chrysanthemums have faded. Ancient romance.
   M. Ismail. My indonesia

   Nothing in the pole wavers. Russian folk song.
   Oh you, nightie. Russian folk song
   That is not the wind that bends the branch. Russian folk song
   I remember that I was still a molodochka. Russian folk song.
   Moscow ditties
   Shch yak makyachna, zoryana, clear. Ukrainian folk song
   Oh, dsvchino, make noise guy. Ukrainian folk song.
   Oh, godfather to Kumi clowning. Ukrainian folk song.
   Oh, on aopl that zhents "1 reap. Ukrainian folk song.
   Come back to Sorrento. Neapolitan song
   M. Glinka. You, nightingale, shut up
   M. Glinka. Polka
   L. Knipper. Polyushko-field.
   S. Katz, Noiselessly severely Bryansk forest.
   O. Agafonov. In the forest near Mozhaisk.

   S. Tulikov. Lenin is always with you
   Yu. Soloviev. Bylina
   Yu. Soloviev. Marching.
   Yu. Milyutin. Gull
   N. Theological. Dark mounds are sleeping
   A. Ostrovsky. The song stays with the person.
   O. Agafonov. Three contemporary dance  (“Don’t forget!” A foxtrot song; “Don’t miss!” Asterisk; “Belated spring”)
   Lady. Russian dance.
   Weeping willows doze. Ancient romance.
   P. Tchaikovsky. Tomsky's song from the opera The Queen of Spades.
   E. Grieg. Waltz
   M. Oginsky. Polonaise.
   I. Kalman. Song of Maritsa from the operetta Maritsa.
   Song of the sailor. Neapolitan song
A. Joyce. Autumn dream. Waltz.
   I. Shatrov. On the hills of Manchuria. Waltz
   Tahiti. Foxtrot, Processing by B. Fomin.

Conditional (mirror) layout of button accordion keyboards