
Sberbank pension savings program. Individual pension plan - building your future. Low financial literacy requirements

All citizens of Russia without exception have the constitutional right to an old-age pension. Its size, however, depends on many factors, primarily on the amount of wages. Despite the state guarantees, the average level of pension provision can hardly be called excessive even taking into account the significant income of the future pensioner, so the question of the sufficiency of personal savings by the time of completion of working activity at least deserves consideration. One of the possible areas for investment in this case is participation in the Sberbank pension fund program for the formation of an additional non-state pension. Let's consider its features, the procedure for participation and other important points.

Main characteristics of the program

According to the law, the employer transfers 22% of the wage fund to the Pension Fund of Russia, of which 16% relates to the insurance pension, and 6% to the funded pension. Until 2014, every employee had the right to transfer the funded part of their pension to any non-state pension fund at their discretion in order to receive additional investment income. However, since 2014, the pension savings of Russians have been frozen by decision of the authorities, and they will remain in this state until at least 2020.

As an alternative, the pension division of Sberbank offers citizens to use their own funds to finance an individual pension plan that takes into account the desired level of income after retirement. To do this, you can use a special calculator on the fund’s website: With its help, you can roughly calculate the amount of your future pension depending on your expected income, taking into account its inflationary growth, as well as the size of the monthly payment.

According to the rules of the program, the initial contribution must be at least 1,500 rubles, while additional investments can be made at any time at the client’s request in an amount of at least 500 rubles. The accumulated amount, including interest, is paid for 5 years or more from the date of retirement. This money is not subject to collection or seizure and during a divorce it is not divided between the former spouses. However, funds in a retirement account are inherited when the owner dies.

At the client’s request, the invested amount and accumulated interest can be returned before retirement age: in the first 2 years, only 80% of the funds deposited into the account will be returned, after 2-5 years - the full amount of investment and 50% of investment income, and after 5 years and more – the entire amount of payments and interest in full.

How to become a participant in the program?

A Russian citizen can take specific measures to plan a future pension from the age of 18 - this is the lower limit for submitting an application to the Sberbank pension fund. There are three options for an individual pension plan to choose from:

  1. universal– initially, at least 1,500 rubles are paid, further payments are made depending on the client’s preferences in an amount of at least 500 rubles, the pension payment period is from 5 years;
  2. guaranteed– the amounts of the initial and periodic contributions are equal and are fixed in the contract, the payment schedule and the size of the future pension, which will be paid for at least 10 years, are also determined in advance;
  3. complex– management of the state funded pension is transferred to Sberbank NPF, the additional pension is accumulated in any order at the request of the client.

Online registration

Online registration is available only for the first option and is done as follows:

  • First, you need to open the contract registration page on the NPF website:;
  • the applicant’s personal data must be entered into the application form and compliance with the program conditions must be confirmed;
  • After paying the down payment, the agreement is sent electronically to the e-mail specified in the application - it is recommended to carefully check the correctness of the information contained in it, and if errors are found, immediately contact the NPF.

The other two types of pension plan can only be registered in person at the NPF office or at a Sberbank branch. To conclude an agreement, you need to have a passport, TIN number and a bank card to make the first payment.

Replenishment methods

Subsequent replenishment of the pension account is carried out in any of the following ways:

  • through the Sberbank Online system, including using Autopayment;
  • by bank card on the NPF website;
  • at any branch of Sberbank;
  • transfer through the employer's accounting department.

The current status of pension savings is displayed in the personal account of the NPF client. A paper statement can be obtained free of charge - to do this, you need to submit an application to a Sberbank branch and provide identification, as well as indicate the number and date of the agreement. The statement is sent to the mailing address specified during registration in the program.

Pros and cons of the program

Like any other financial product, the pension offer from Sberbank has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage lies in the very essence of the program - the possibility of ensuring a relatively comfortable old age, taking into account the very low level of state pensions. Moreover, taking into account the long-term nature of such savings, the amount of contributions to achieve a significant increase in pension provision turns out to be very moderate, even with a low level of income. A pleasant addition is the possibility of legally returning up to 15,600 rubles of personal income tax paid per year.

On the other hand, there is a lack of clarity on one of the key characteristics of such a program as a financial product – the annual interest rate. On the NPF website, the average yield for 2016 is stated at a satisfactory level of 9% per annum, and of course, no guarantee is provided that the rate will not change up or down. The long-term nature of the program is also to a certain extent a disadvantage - inflation and other risks can negate all savings or even lead to the loss of the money initially invested.


Sberbank's individual pension plan is a convenient and flexible tool that allows you to form a future pension depending on your current financial capabilities. You can enter into an agreement to open a pension account at any time within your working age, and the most universal version of the program does not in any way limit the amount and frequency of additional contributions. Moreover, the funds paid can be returned in full after 5 years, taking into account all investment income. The profitability itself and its value, however, are not specifically defined and are not actually guaranteed. Thus, such a program seems to be the most effective over a planning horizon of 5-10 years, subject to periodic review of the amount of contributions depending on profitability and an assessment of its feasibility as a whole.

Each client of Sberbank PJSC is invited to sign up for an individual Sberbank pension plan. In addition to the funded pension, it allows you to additionally receive a non-state pension.

Income, independently organized today, upon completion of your career will provide the opportunity to maintain a decent lifestyle and relax as comfortably as possible.

Advantages of an individual pension plan

The pension plan offered by Sberbank makes it easy to generate additional income. It has a number of advantages:

  • You determine the frequency and amount of contributions yourself.
  • The Sberbank non-state pension fund increases your savings every year thanks to investment income.
  • By applying for a social tax deduction within the framework of current legislation, you can return 13% of your investment.

Is it worth applying for an individual pension plan of Sberbank and what conditions to choose?

Types of individual pension plan

Sberbank offers one of three types of individual pension plans:

  • Universal,

Official website of the Sberbank NPF program -

Access to the “Personal Account” is provided under the following conditions:
1) the agreement on compulsory pension insurance (non-state pension agreement) has entered into force;
2) a pension account for the accumulative part of the labor pension has been opened in accordance with the Insurance Rules and/or a pension account for non-state pension provision has been opened in accordance with the Pension Rules;
3) availability of Consent to automated processing of personal data. Individual pension plan personal account: lk npfsb ru

Sberbank universal individual pension plan

The size of the non-state pension that the client will receive in the future depends on savings. Sberbank’s individual universal plan provides for the following conditions:

  • The minimum down payment is 1.5 thousand rubles.
  • The minimum amount of periodic contributions is 500 rubles.
  • An arbitrary schedule is drawn up according to which contributions will be made.
  • The pension payment period is from 5 years.
  • Inheritance of pension savings to the legal successor of the program participant is provided.
  • Savings cannot be divided in case of divorce or collected by third parties.

In case of early return of savings within the framework of the universal pension plan, the following scheme works:

  • After 2 years of participation in the program, the client receives the entire amount of paid fees and 50% of investment income;
  • After 5 years – the entire volume of paid contributions and accrued investment income.

A Sberbank client has the right to a refund of income tax paid, which currently amounts to 13% of the total amount of contributions. The maximum refund amount per year is 15.6 thousand rubles.

To apply for a universal plan, the applicant will only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. You can become a participant in the program in a convenient way for the client:

  • By contacting the nearest Sberbank branch;
  • By visiting the NPF office of a credit institution;
  • By filling out an application form on the bank’s website.

Hotline of NPF PJSC Sberbank: 8 800 555 00 41

By phone you can ask all your questions and decide whether this offer is worth it.

Guaranteed Pension Plan

According to the terms of the guaranteed plan, the amount of the desired pension is specified in the contract. Based on the expected amount, the amount of contributions is calculated, and a schedule of regular payments is drawn up.

The following conditions apply for this type of plan:

  • The amount of the down payment is equal to the payment that the client will make regularly.
  • The amount of periodic contributions is fixed and reflected in the contract.
  • The schedule according to which payments will be made is drawn up in advance and stipulated in the contract.
  • The minimum pension payment period is 10 years.
  • The accumulated pension is inherited by legal successors, but cannot be divided in the event of divorce or seized by third parties.

In case of early termination of the contract, the client receives:

  • After 2 years – the entire amount of contributions and 50% of the investment income received;
  • After 5 years – the entire volume of payments and investment income.

The guaranteed plan also provides an income tax refund option. Its size is 13% of the amount of savings and cannot exceed 15.6 thousand rubles per year.

To take part in the Sberbank project, the applicant must contact the NPF office of the credit institution. To complete the plan, it is enough to have only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you.

Comprehensive pension plan

A comprehensive pension plan requires the client to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Transfer of funded pension to Sberbank NPF;
  • Registration of a non-state pension within the framework of an individual pension plan.

The agreement states that contributions are made in an arbitrary amount on a flexible schedule.

The comprehensive plan contains the following provisions:

  • The minimum down payment is 1 thousand rubles;
  • The minimum periodic contribution is 500 rubles.
  • A flexible payment schedule convenient for the client is drawn up.
  • The pension is paid for five or more years.
  • Savings may be inherited.
  • The amount of contributions and investment income cannot be divided in the event of a client’s divorce and is not subject to recovery in court.

A program participant may request an early return of savings from Sberbank. In this case, the following conditions apply:

  • After 2 years, the entire amount of contributions and ½ of the investment income are returned;
  • After 5 years – the entire volume of payments and received investment income.

The client can return income tax on the amount of contributions, which is 13%. The maximum amount of tax deduction per year should not exceed 15.6 thousand rubles.

You can apply for a comprehensive pension plan by contacting either the Sberbank NPF office or a branch of the institution. You must have a Russian passport and insurance number of your personal account (in the compulsory pension insurance system).

Procedure for paying pension contributions

Pension contributions are made by the client in the amounts specified in the agreement concluded under the individual plan. To make payments, a program participant can choose any convenient method:

  • Use the official Internet portal of the Fund and a bank card;
  • Make a payment using the Sberbank mobile application or service. Online";
  • Deposit the required amount through an ATM or Sberbank terminal;
  • Contact a bank branch or office;
  • Transfer funds through the accounting department of your company, submitting a corresponding application there.

Details for receiving pension contributions can be found on the bank’s official website.

How to apply for a tax deduction

A participant in an individual pension plan can take advantage of the social tax deduction provided for by law. The amount of contributions from which you can receive a deduction is 120 thousand rubles per year.

To return income tax, the client with the appropriate package of documents must contact the tax office and his accounting department at his place of work.

To receive a tax deduction, you will need the following documents:

  • Free-form application for tax refund;
  • Tax return;
  • A copy of the agreement with a non-state PF;
  • Copies of passport and TIN;
  • Copies of receipts or other payment documents that confirm payment of contributions.

How is a non-state pension paid?

The pension accumulated under individual Sberbank programs is paid every month. If the minimum pension amount established by the Fund exceeds the monthly pension, then it can be paid once every three or six months.

After the pension is assigned, the program participant receives a special “pension book” in the form of a plastic carrier. Payments, at the client’s request, can be made either to an account opened with Sberbank or to the account of any other banking institution in the Russian Federation.

Now, in 2019, Russia is experiencing perhaps one of the longest crises in the country’s history. After all, for many families and businesses, the crisis has been going on since 2008; some felt the impact of the crisis in 2014 or 2015. One way or another, we are all affected by a massive economic crisis.

Today's crisis is destroying large companies, making billionaires bankrupt, and forever depriving entire cities and regions of their future. How can a common man survive? How can people survive in the outback without work and the opportunity to move to Moscow? How to find money for a child’s treatment during a crisis?

How is the crisis affecting you and your family?

I can say one thing for sure, it will definitely get worse. Provided that you do not gather your strength and solve your problems.

In this article I will talk not just about how to survive in a crisis, but about how to get out of a series of troubles forever and become an accomplished and wealthy person.

First of all, let's agree that we look at the situation realistically.

The Russian crisis of 2019, by and large, does not depend on anything that happens outside the country. The real cause of the crisis is purely Russian problems, we will not go into them now, read our more detailed materials on this matter: , .

Thus, even if something completely incredible happens, and the price of oil doubles, and all sanctions are lifted from Russia, the country’s leadership will still come up with something that will again sweep the country and lead to another round of “unsolvable problems.” “problems, it’s only a matter of time.

However, you don’t even have to worry about this, because it is unlikely that most of the sanctions will be lifted from Russia, and in the same way, the price of oil is unlikely to increase significantly.

Therefore, keep in mind that the crisis will not end either in 2019, or in 2020, or in 2022. Whatever happens, the Russian economy will be in poor condition, business will be hard, jobs will be bad, household incomes will not increase significantly, and the social sphere will deteriorate. In short, it won't get better for ordinary people.

So you don’t have to rely on anyone but yourself. Only your own actions will solve your problems.

How to survive in Russia?

In this article I will give practical advice on how you personally can get out of this crisis. Of course, I don’t know what exact situation you are in, so let’s assume that everything is not completely bad, there is some income and the opportunity to earn money. In general, our recommendations are suitable for any audience: working people, entrepreneurs, retirees. But for very difficult situations, I have special recommendations, they will be at the end of the article.

Take control of your finances

Ultimately, you will work to increase your income. But in the short term, you need to quickly get to grips with the budget you have now.

Maintain a personal budget

Make a table with your monthly expenses and income, fill it out every day and enter even minor expenses.

As always with our articles, there will be a lot of videos. We have selected very useful videos for you, watch them now, save them in your browser if you haven’t finished watching them (or to watch them later), the videos are useful (well, almost all), there are moments that expand and complement the article, there are cool things, which we do not mention in the text.

At the end of the month, you will be able to soberly assess your budget, understand what parameters, how to strive for expenses and income.

Most importantly, figure out how you can save here and now. What impulse purchases do you make? What products can you replace with cheaper ones that are healthier?

Give up bad habits and unhealthy foods

Analyze not only your budget, but also your habits. Is there anything you are wasting money on? What doesn't help you be healthy, get rich and become a better person?

Here are a few examples of foods that you should avoid:

  • cigarettes
  • alcohol
  • mobile games, computer games
  • sugar (buy only for baking)
  • culinary semi-finished products
  • chips and snacks
  • packaged juices and soda

Food can make up from 40% to 80% of a family's monthly budget, so this part of the grocery basket needs to be put in order first.

How to do it? It's simple, remove the expensive (by your standards) and harmful product and replace it with a cheaper and more useful one. In some cases, you can remove an expensive but not harmful product, replacing it with a cheap and useful one.

First of all, you need to figure out which foods are harmful and which are healthy. A good way is to read articles on the information portal of the Sect school. Be sure to try new products for yourself; now they sell a lot of grains of good quality and at an affordable price, which will be much healthier and more economical than pasta and dumplings (not to mention Doshiraki): bulgur, pearl barley (we have a tarnished image of pearl barley, but in In Italy it is highly valued), quinoa.

How to survive a crisis?

Look for sources of additional income

Even if you have very little time, you can find an opportunity to earn additional income, albeit small.

Refer to large job sites such as HeadHunter, Superjob, as well as the vacancies section on Avito. Job sites always have offers for remote work, as well as part-time work.

How to prepare for a new crisis?

Make savings

Even if you have very little money, save. This is important financially, it is also important psychologically.

The savings can be very small, the main thing is that at the end of the year you have a small amount left that can be put aside “for a rainy day” or spent on large optional purchases.

As a rule, it is advised to save 10% of your income, but for starters, 1% will be a plus.

There are two saving strategies applicable in a crisis situation; you can use either one or both.

The first is called “pay yourself first” - you decide how much money you save each month and the first thing you do when you receive your paycheck is set aside that amount.

The second is to save all the money of a certain denomination that you come across during the year. As a rule, this is the smallest denomination, but in Russia people most often save 50 ruble bills (personally, I save not only 50, but also 2000 and 10 ruble bills, they are just very rare and every time for me it turns out to be a bonus to savings , although two thousand meters are a temporary rarity). During the month, such accumulation will be unnoticeable, but at the end of the year you will have accumulated an extra 5 - 10 thousand rubles.

In addition, most banks have a service for automatically replenishing a savings account; it is linked to a plastic card and after each purchase transfers a small amount to savings.

Crisis is a time of opportunity! Ideas for those who want not only to survive, but also to succeed

Take control of your head

In parallel with putting things in order in your wallet, let's start putting things in order in your head. As you know, a crisis is a time of opportunity. Think about this idea. How can you use a crisis for good? Understand your habits, your thoughts, your career. Do things you wouldn't do in a more comfortable environment.

A crisis is a very difficult time. But a crisis is also a challenge through which you can become stronger, smarter, happier and richer.

Understand yourself

First of all, try to really understand yourself, if you haven’t already done so or haven’t done so.

What psychological problems, complexes, fears do you have? Do you have depression, even in a mild form? We all have “cockroaches” in our heads, absolutely every person, and in a crisis they only become more numerous. There is no need to “drive” your problems inside - they prevent you from living, they prevent you from getting out of the crisis, they prevent you from developing.

Admit your shortcomings and start working on them. If you need help, it is available. Traditionally, rich people solved their psychological problems; for the poor, these problems poisoned their entire lives and prevented them from reaching a new level of income. Now everything is different.

If you feel that you really have serious (but not clinical) problems that are preventing you from living, working and overcoming a difficult situation in life, today there is such a useful thing as online consultation with a psychologist, which has greatly reduced the prices of specialists, and indeed made psychological services much more accessible. I personally wholeheartedly recommend the Tendency to Happiness project, but there are other psychologists who provide online consultations.

If you have problems (again, not clinical), but no money at all, literally at all, try using written practices from psychologist Daria Kutuzova.

Be confident in yourself

Self-confidence is the basis that makes your life much easier and better, no matter what happens in it.

Uncertainty and fears are poison that will poison any success and any achievement.

So don’t even have to doubt, choose confidence.

How to cultivate self-confidence? To get started, watch the cool video training by Itzhak Pintosevich, the tasks will take 40 minutes to complete.

I’ll add two more pieces of advice to what Isaac said.

Use affirmations. The first option for affirmation is to write down a few inspiring quotes, your most significant goals, reminders of past successes on small pieces of paper and review them for a minute every day.

The second version of the affirmation is not suitable for everyone, but many successful people use it (including one of my close relatives), so if you take a shower in the morning, come up with a chant for yourself, for example: “Banzai, this is my day, I can do it” and all that stuff. I know this sounds strange, but I’m not too lazy to retell a story about this from Hal Elrod’s book “Morning Magic”. The author of the book lived for some time in his friend’s house; there were many free rooms in the house, so he had no problem sheltering Hal for a while. And Hal was very amused by this friend’s habit of shouting at the top of his voice every morning something so motivating in his soul. Every morning Hal thought: “what a moron, he’s screaming again.” And then it suddenly dawned on him: “Wait a minute, it’s me who now lives in HIS house, and not the other way around.” So draw your own conclusions.

There are many other affirmation options.

Education and development

Whatever you do, you need to learn. What to study? There are three things you should study.

First, what everyone needs to study: personal development, creative thinking, personal effectiveness. In addition, if you do not work as a narrow specialist (medical or blue-collar profession), but as an entrepreneur, self-employed, manager or manager in some area, most likely you also need to study marketing and sales, regardless of the specific specialization at the moment.

Second, learn what it takes to achieve a higher level of excellence in your profession here and now, ideally something that can be applied today or tomorrow.

Third, learn what you need to take your career or professional development to the next level. For example, if you work in manufacturing, study disciplines that will help you operate more complex equipment (if you want to grow in that direction) or manage people (if you want to pursue a management career in manufacturing).

Create an individual educational program and work with paid and free sources.

Many useful videos can be found on Youtube, in addition, there are several services with entire free video courses.

Personal plan

To avoid finding yourself in the same difficult situation again as you are now, you need a personal plan for the years ahead.

There must be a well-developed strategy for the coming year.

Ideally, it would be good to have a fairly detailed three-year plan. And, in addition, you should have a more general plan for 5-10 years.

The foundation of the plan is a strategy for personal and professional development. How much do you want to earn, who to be, what do you need to do to earn so much in this profession or in this industry, what do you need to learn and what results do you need to achieve in order to become a master of your craft, capable of earning the required amount, what will you do for this do this year, this month, this week.

Place yourself in the right context

You have a professional development strategy, you have a long-term plan. Now think about it, is this feasible in the environment in which you are and in the place where you live?

It is quite possible that you need to change your social circle; it is possible that it will also be useful to change your place of residence.

So, understand what you want from life, who you must become for this, what you must do for this, who should surround you in this case and where you can achieve this (in what industry, in what company, in what place) .

What to do in the most difficult cases?

Probably, the strategy I described is always applicable and certainly always useful.

But, of course, there are situations when it is more difficult to do this, there are situations when it is simple.

If you are under 30 years old and more or less healthy, all doors are open to you, any prospect is available to you.

What if you are over 50? Or are you even a pensioner over 70!

In addition, today there is an all-Russian volunteer movement around Alexei Navalny, this is an excellent option for you also because Navalny’s program contains measures that will simply help you personally (not that there are high chances of its implementation; Navalny is not even allowed to participate in the elections , but nonetheless).

Expand your comfort zone

It is for you that “getting out of your comfort zone” is most relevant.

Where you are now (in every sense), everything is already clear and known to you. The result of your presence is also obvious, and, apparently, you are unhappy.

You need to discover the world around you, gain new information, awaken in yourself the ancient instinct of hunter and gatherer, which looks out for opportunities around and finds them.

What opportunities will you find? Unknown. This could be a new interesting job, an old acquaintance who has earned a lot and will help you, a new acquaintance who will invite you to live in his house in the winter while he is on vacation in Thailand. Perhaps you know something or can do something that is very important and valuable for someone, you just don’t know that someone needs it. Anything can happen.

Publication from Psychologies Russia/Psychology(@psychologiesrus) Dec 17, 2017 at 4:14 PST

Break your habits, visit new websites, read magazines that are new to you, go to open popular science lectures, exhibitions, take part in social and cultural projects.

Learn to look at your problems more simply

The more complex your life situation, the more problems you have. Learn to let them go. It seems easier said than done, but, in fact, it is just a matter of, firstly, choice, and secondly, habit.

Make a choice - not to worry, to be strong or strong and happy or happy.

And then cultivate the habit of calmly looking at your problems and simply solving them.

I'm including two videos here, they are very important. Probably the two most important videos in the article.

If you have a really difficult situation in your life, be sure to watch the first video. But the second thing is not just watch it once, but rewatch it.


How to survive in a crisis. Practical advice for ordinary people

You don't have to rely on anyone but yourself. Only your own actions will solve your problems.

What is an individual pension plan?

An individual pension plan (IPP) is a savings program for a future pension, it is offered by non-state pension funds. Unlike compulsory insurance contributions, which are paid by the employer for employees at the expense of its own funds to the Pension Fund and are used to pay pensioners, citizens' contributions to such programs are paid on a voluntary basis.

It’s too early for me to think about it: I still have time to earn money for retirement...

The situation with state pension provision is becoming more and more complicated; as the number of pensioners grows, the state’s social obligations grow. In recent years, the Government has been particularly active in discussing the idea of ​​increasing the retirement age. As a result, no one can say when and what kind of pension you will have, much less whether it will be enough to provide at least a minimum subsistence level. Moreover, the size of pension points, based on the number of which the Pension Fund calculates a pension, is tied not only to salary and length of service, but also to the current state of the economy. It is possible that you will have to take care of your pension yourself, and the sooner you start saving money, the greater the increase you can count on later.

How much should you save?

Individual pension plans allow a person with any income level to save. For example, the largest fund (the fund offers IPP in Sberbank branches) has a program where it is enough to make an initial contribution of 1,500 rubles, and then periodically (as the client wishes) replenish it by at least 500 rubles. For example, if you are 20-25 years old, then in order to receive a pension in the amount of 70% of your salary, it is enough to transfer 2-3% of your income to the IPP account every month, but at the age of 36-45 you will need to save 5-10%.

How much of a state pension increase can I expect?

You can calculate the approximate size of your pension yourself using a pension calculator. Most NPFs provide this service. For example, for a 35-year-old man whose salary is 55 thousand rubles and who monthly contributes only 1% of his income to the IPP account, the increase in the state pension can be about 5,400 rubles. The fund will make these payments for 10 years after retirement. If the same client paid 5% of wages per month, then the non-state pension would already amount to 27 thousand rubles.

Does the state give any benefits to those who save for retirement on their own?

Of course, for citizens saving for their pension, a tax deduction is provided - 13% of the amount of contributions, no more than 120 thousand rubles per year. For example, if you deposited 120 thousand into your pension account during the year, the tax service should return 15.6 thousand rubles to you. You can write an application to the employer’s accounting department to transfer contributions from your salary to the IPP, then the tax deduction will be provided automatically.

Or maybe it’s better to buy an apartment or save money in the bank?

To buy an apartment you need a large sum at once, but you can save for retirement gradually. In addition, when investing in housing, you may lose if prices fall. . When saving money in a bank account, you will have to regularly renew the deposit. The bank can extend it on other, less favorable terms. Non-state pension funds invest clients' money in stock market instruments - stocks and bonds. Their yield is significantly higher than that of deposits. The Central Bank and special depositories monitor compliance with investment rules. Clients themselves can see the investment structure of the funds on their websites. The effectiveness of the fund's investment policy can be indicated by its stable return above the inflation rate. Last year, more than half of the funds achieved returns above inflation.

Is it worth saving money for such a long time, given the constant economic crises?

No one is immune from global economic shocks, but, as financiers advise, it is better to meet them with some kind of savings, a safety cushion. Those who invested in non-state pension funds 15-20 years ago are already receiving an increase in their state pension. According to the Central Bank, there are about 1.5 million people, and those who voluntarily save for their future pension are already more than 5.7 million.

What are the guarantees that I will get this money back?

Unlike pension savings funds, which are insured by the DIA, voluntary pension contributions do not have guarantees from the state. Therefore, you should choose a non-state pension fund based not only on its profitability, but also on its reliability. In particular, it is worth paying attention to who is its owner, how transparent its investment policy is, what reputation the fund has in the pension market, how long it has been operating, whether there is a fund branch in your city and whether online services are available.

In addition, you should carefully consider the terms of the IPP agreement itself. For example, does it provide for the possibility of early withdrawal of pension contributions and received investment income. For example, standard pension plans provide that the client can withdraw the money after two years, plus half of the income received from the investment. And five years after the conclusion of the contract, in addition to contributions, he will be returned 100% of the income earned. Before retirement, the NPF client has the right to withdraw the entire amount accumulated in his account.

Who gets the money in the event of a client's death or divorce?

According to the law, the fund is obliged to return 100% of the invested funds and the received investment income to the relatives of the owner of the individual pension plan, in contrast to the same insurance pension, to which the heirs have no rights in the event of the death of the pensioner. Also, the balance of a funded pension, which is assigned as part of compulsory pension insurance, is not inherited if the pensioner has applied for and received at least one pension.

Another situation is if, for example, the owner of an individual pension plan divorces his spouse. In this case, when dividing the property, he will not be able to claim your pension money. By law, accumulated amounts and investment income are not included in joint property. In contrast to the same bank deposits or money in a brokerage account, part of which the ex-spouse can demand through the court.

Against the backdrop of modern pension reform, non-state pensions are becoming especially relevant. Individual pension plans can significantly increase income after retirement or solve the problem of pensions for employees who work informally.

What is an individual pension plan?

In most European countries, the system includes state, corporate and individual pensions. Each person independently takes care of his own income and forms the necessary level of pension payments.

Pension reform in Russia should bring us to European standards. It is understood that in the future, 40% of the required income will be provided by the state, 10%-15% of income is generated through corporate programs implemented by the employer, and 10%-15% is an individual pension.

Individual programs allow you to independently choose the deadline for paying contributions, their size, the period for receiving a pension and the procedure for forming savings. There are several plan options, such as a defined benefit pension scheme. At the same time, you must strictly adhere to the terms and amounts of contributions in order to accumulate the required amount.

Most often, fund clients choose individual defined contribution plans. The conditions for such programs are not so strict, and the size of the pension depends on how much will be deposited into the pension account for the entire period. The result of investments of the selected NPF is also of great importance for the overall pension amount.

The pension can be lifelong, established for a certain period or until the funds in the account are exhausted (in the established amount of monthly payments). The term and amount of payments are determined by the client and included in the contract and payment application.

A non-state pension is assigned only to those citizens who already have the right to a labor, state or social pension. However, additional conditions can be added to the pension agreement. After all conditions are met, the moment of pension grounds comes when the pension is paid to the client.

How to choose a non-state pension fund?

Most of all, NPF clients are interested in guarantees of the safety of funds. During an economic crisis, pension plans can be a good option for people who want to protect their savings and ensure a stable income in retirement. Non-state pension funds invest only in low-risk instruments, for example, time deposits, shares and bonds of reliable companies and enterprises.

The work of NPFs is clearly regulated and controlled by the state. Before choosing a fund, you should study the ratings assigned by Expert RA and NRA; it is advisable to choose a large fund with a good rating and a large volume of attracted savings from non-profit organizations.

Pay attention to the profitability of the NPF over the past 5-7 years and the duration of its work on the market. Give preference to non-state pension funds whose founders are large financial and industrial groups. Such organizations are more trustworthy.

What conditions do non-state pension funds offer?

NPF Sberbank

This is an open-ended fund that offers clients a large selection of individual pension plans. The reliability of NPFs is confirmed by high ratings, for example, the NRA assigned the fund a reliability rating of the “AAA” category, and the Expert RA rating agency confirmed in 2013 an “exceptionally high reliability rating” (“A++”).

Investment of pension savings is carried out through management companies: Kapital, Pension Savings, Region EsM and TKB BNP Paribas Investment Partners.

The strategy of the Sberbank Non-State Pension Fund is aimed at achieving an optimal balance of profitability and reliability. The fund invests more than a third of client funds in the banking sector, with eleven percent each in the financial sector and government debt obligations. The remaining capital is distributed among other sectors of the Russian economy.

The profitability of Sberbank’s individual plans is quite high. For the reporting period from 2009 to 2011, this figure was 319%, which is 23% higher than accumulated inflation. The size of the pension depends on the scheme: a defined contribution plan implies that the first contribution should be 1,500 rubles, subsequent ones - 1,500 rubles or more. Under a defined benefit plan, contributions will depend on the desired benefit amount.

NPF Raiffeisen

In a non-state pension fund you can conclude a non-state pension agreement for yourself or in favor of third parties. The client independently determines the amount, frequency and duration of payment of contributions and appoints legal successors. There are several options for receiving a pension: lifelong, lifelong with a fixed period of succession, fixed-term pension and pension until the funds in the account are exhausted.

The fund invests pension contributions, so income is accrued on them, increasing the amount of pension payments. The majority of pension savings as of the summer of 2013 are in bank deposits (45.5%), in bonds of Russian issuers (27.9%) and in mortgage-backed securities (18.1%).

NPF Surgutneftegaz

The size of the pension depends on the duration and amount of contributions. Every year, income is accrued on the amount in the client’s account, which is capitalized from year to year. The fund's return in 2012 was 10.01%, and in 2013 – 9.01%. The minimum guaranteed income is 2%.

Clients independently determine the size, frequency and method of making contributions. The agreement can be concluded in your name or in favor of a third party. The pension is inherited at the accumulation stage, as well as after the start of payments.


The Russian pension system is designed for workers to independently take care of a decent standard of living in retirement. At the moment, there are many options for increasing and accumulating capital. Investments in the stock markets of Europe and the USA, purchasing real estate abroad or time deposits in a bank are popular among Russians.

Individual pension plans are ideal for clients who are not ready to work with stock exchanges, but would like to invest funds so that they generate profits for many years and provide a good additional income after retirement.

Russian legislation strictly regulates the work of non-state pension funds, so it is almost impossible to lose savings. Most often, the income from an individual pension is slightly higher than the rate of inflation because the investments are made using instruments with a minimum level of risk. However, if the management company manages client contributions wisely, then you can get a solid income.