
A tale of love for a mother. List of works about maternal love. "Mother's Love" is a work that turns the world around. A Tale of Mother's Love

Many stories have been written about the great power of mother's love. But it happens that we, busy with our own affairs and problems, find out too late how warmly and tenderly our mothers loved us. And we repent late that we inflicted incurable wounds on the loving mother's heart ... But who knows, maybe, as the song says, “from somewhere above,” our mothers see our belated repentance and forgive their late wiser children. After all, the mother's heart knows how to love and forgive like no one on earth ...

Not so long ago, a mother and daughter lived in the same city in the center of Russia. Mother's name was Tatyana Ivanovna, and she was a general practitioner and teacher at the local medical institute. And her only daughter, Nina, was a student at the same institute. They were both unbaptized. But one day, Nina with two classmates went to an Orthodox church. The session was approaching, which, as is known, is known among students as a "period of fever" and anxiety. Therefore, Nin's classmates, in the hope of God's help in the upcoming exams, decided to order a prayer service for the students. It was at this time that the rector of the church, Father Dimitri, was preaching a sermon that interested Nina very much, because she had never heard anything like it. Nina's friends left the church long ago, and she remained there until the very end of the Liturgy. This seemingly accidental visit to the temple determined all further Nina's fate - she was soon baptized. Of course, she did it in secret from the unbelieving mother, for fear of angering her by this. Nina's spiritual father was her father Dimitri, who baptized her.

Nina did not manage to keep the secret of her baptism from her mother for a long time. Tatyana Ivanovna suspected something was wrong not even because her daughter suddenly stopped wearing jeans and a knitted hat with tassels, replacing them with a long skirt and a kerchief. And not because she completely stopped using makeup. Unfortunately, Nina, like many young converts, completely ceased to be interested in her studies, deciding that it distracted her from "one thing needed". And while she spent days reading the Lives of the Saints and the Philosophy of the Saints, volume after volume, textbooks and notebooks were covered with an ever thicker layer of dust ...

More than once Tatyana Ivanovna tried to persuade Nina not to start her studies. But it was all useless. The daughter was busy exclusively with saving her own soul. The closer the end of the school year got, and together with its approach the number of detentions at Nina increased to astronomical figures, the more heated the clashes between Nina and her mother became. Tatyana Ivanovna, once pissed off from herself, gesticulating violently, inadvertently brushed aside the icon that was on her daughter's table with her hand. The icon fell to the floor. And then Nina, who regarded her mother's act as blasphemy against the shrine, hit her for the first time in her life ...

In the future, the mother and daughter became more and more alien to each other, although they continued to coexist in the same apartment, periodically quarreling. Nina equated her life under the same roof with her mother to martyrdom, and considered Tatyana Ivanovna the main obstacle to her further spiritual growth, since it was she who aroused the passion of anger in her daughter. On occasion, Nina liked to complain to friends and Fr. Demetrius against his mother's cruelty. At the same time, hoping to arouse compassion in them, she adorned her stories with such fantastic details that Tatyana Ivanovna seemed to the audience like a kind of Diocletian in a skirt. True, once Father Dimitri allowed himself to doubt the veracity of Nina's stories. Then she immediately broke up with her spiritual father and moved to another church, where she soon began to sing and read in the kliros, leaving the former psalmist, a lonely old Ukrainian woman, almost out of work ... Nina liked the new church even more than the old one, because his abbot drilled his spiritual children with penances in the form of dozens or even hundreds of bows to the ground, which gave no reason to doubt the correctness of his spiritual leadership. The parishioners, and especially the parishioners, dressed in black and tied up to their eyebrows with dark kerchiefs, with beads on their left wrists, did not look like lay women, but like novices of some monastery. At the same time, many of them were sincerely proud of the fact that, with the blessing of the priest, they forever expelled from their apartments the "idol and servant of hell," colloquially referred to as a TV set, as a result of which they received undoubted confidence in their future salvation ... children later bore good results - many of them, having passed the primary school of asceticism in their parish, later went to various monasteries and became exemplary monks and nuns.

Nina was still expelled from the institute for academic failure. She never tried to continue her studies, considering a doctor's diploma a thing unnecessary for eternal life. Tatyana Ivanovna managed to arrange her daughter as a laboratory assistant at one of the departments of the medical institute, where Nina worked, however, not showing much zeal for her work. Like the heroines of the beloved lives of the saints, Nina knew only three roads - to the temple, to work and, late in the evening, home. Nina never got married, because she wanted to become either a priest's wife, or a nun, and all other options did not suit her. During the years of her stay in the Church, she read a lot of spiritual books, and learned the Gospel texts almost by heart, so that in the disputes and disagreements inevitable in parish life, she proved her own innocence, smashing her opponents on the spot with the "sword of God's words." If a person refused to admit that Nina was right, then she immediately enlisted such a person in the category of “pagans and publicans” ... Meanwhile, Tatyana Ivanovna was getting old and more and more often thought about something. Sometimes Nina found in her bag brochures and leaflets, which apparently were handed to her on the street by Jehovah's Witnesses. With abuse, Nina took dangerous books from her mother, and, calling her a "sectarian," she tore them into small pieces in front of her eyes and sent them into the garbage can. Tatyana Ivanovna was silent resignedly.

Nina's suffering, forced to live under the same roof with an unbelieving mother, came to an end after Tatyana Ivanovna retired and began to get sick more and more often. One evening, when Nina, returning from church, was eating the lean borscht cooked for her by her mother, Tatyana Ivanovna said to her daughter:

- That's what, Ninochka. I want to apply for a nursing home. I don't want to interfere with your life anymore. Do you think I should do this?

If Nina had looked into her mother's eyes at that moment, she would have read in them all the pain of a tormented mother's heart. But she, without looking up from the plate of borsch, muttered:

- I do not know. Do what you want. I do not care.

Soon after this conversation, Tatyana Ivanovna managed to draw up all the necessary documents and moved to live in a nursing home located on the outskirts of the city, taking with her only a small suitcase with the most necessary things. Nina did not even consider it necessary to see her mother off. After her departure, she even felt joy - after all, it turned out that the Lord Himself saved her from the need to continue living with her unloved mother. And later - and from caring for her.

After Nina was left alone, she decided that now she could arrange her own destiny the way she had long wanted. In the neighboring diocese there was a nunnery with a strict charter and a well-established spiritual life. Nina went there more than once, and in her dreams she imagined herself as a novice of this particular monastery. True, the abbess there did not accept anyone into the monastery without the blessing of the shrewd elder Alipy from the famous Exaltation monastery, located in the same diocese, in the city of V. But Nina was sure that the elder would certainly bless her to enter the monastery. Or maybe even, taking into account her previous labors in the temple, she will immediately be tonsured into a rassophore? And how beautiful she will look in the clothes of a nun - in black duckweed and a hood, trimmed with fur, with long rosary in her hand - a real Christ's bride ... With such and such bright dreams, Nina went to the elder, buying him an expensive Greek icon as a gift in a silver robe.

To the amazement of Nina, who sought a personal conversation with the elder, he refused to accept her. But she was not going to give up, and managed to get to the elder with a group of pilgrims. At the sight of the elder, Nina fell at his feet and began to ask for blessing to enter a nunnery. But to Nina's amazement, the perspicacious elder gave her a stern rebuke:

- And what did you do with your mother? How do you say that you love God if you hate your mother? And don't dream of a monastery - I won't bless you!

Nina wanted to object to the elder that he simply had no idea what a monster her mother was. But, probably out of excitement and annoyance, she could not utter a word. However, when the first shock passed, Nina decided that Elder Alipy was either not as perspicacious as they say about him, or simply made a mistake. After all, there were cases when even the future great saints were refused admission to the monastery ...

... About half a year has passed since the time when Nina's mother went to the nursing home. Once at this time in the church where Nina sang, an old Ukrainian psalm-reader died. The neighbors of the deceased brought her notes and notebooks with records of Liturgical texts to the church, and the abbot blessed Nina to revise them and take away what could be useful in the kliros. Nina's attention was drawn to one of the notebooks, in a black oilcloth cover. It contained carols - Russian and Ukrainian, as well as various verses of spiritual content, which are usually called "psalms" by the people. However, there was one poem, written in Ukrainian, which was not a "psalm", but rather a legend. The plot of her looked something like this: a certain young man promised his beloved girlfriend to fulfill her every desire. “Then bring me your mother's heart,” the cruel beauty demanded. And the young man, distraught with love, fearlessly fulfilled her desire. But when he returned to her, carrying a terrible gift in a scarf - a mother's heart, he stumbled and fell. Apparently, the earth shook under the feet of the matricide. And then the mother's heart asked her son: "Aren't you hurt, son?"

While reading this legend, Nina suddenly remembered her mother. How is she? What with her? However, considering the memory of her mother to be a demonic pretense, Nina immediately reflected it with a quote from the Gospel: "... who is My Mother? ... who will do the will of My Heavenly Father, that is my brother, and sister, and Mother." (Matt. 12. 48, 50) And thoughts about the mother disappeared as suddenly as they appeared.

But at night Nina had an unusual dream. As if someone is leading her through the beautiful garden of paradise, buried in flowers and planted with fruit trees. And Nina sees that in the middle of this garden there is a beautiful house, or rather a palace. “So this is the kind of palace the Lord has prepared for me,” Nina thought. And then her companion, as if reading her thoughts, answered her: "no, this is a palace for your mother." "What then for me?" - asked Nina. But her companion was silent ... And then Nina woke up ...

The dream confused her. How is it that the Lord, after all that Nina did for His sake, did not prepare for her a palace in paradise corresponding to her merits before Him? And why is such an honor to her mother, unbelieving and even unbaptized? Of course, Nina considered her dream a hostile obsession. But nevertheless, curiosity prevailed, and, taking with her some gifts, she asked the abbot to leave and went to the nursing home to visit her mother, whom she had not seen for six months.

Since Nina did not know the number of the room her mother lived in, she decided to start her search from the nursing station. There she found a young nurse putting pills for the sick in plastic cups. Much to Nina's surprise, on the cabinet with medicines she noticed a small icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and on the windowsill - a book about the blessed Xenia of Petersburg with a sticking out tab. Having greeted the nurse, Nina asked her in which room Tatyana Ivanovna Matveeva lived.

- Have you come to visit her? The nurse asked. - Unfortunately, you are late. Tatyana Ivanovna died two months ago. She took out a magazine, and, finding the right place in it, told Nina the exact date of her mother's death. But, apparently, at the same time, the nurse recalled something meaningful for her, and she continued the conversation herself:

- And who will you be to her? Daughter? You know, Nina Nikolaevna, how happy you are! You had a wonderful mother. I did not study with her, but I heard a lot of good about her from her students. Everyone here loved her too. And she was dying hard - she fell and broke her leg. Then the bedsores went, and I went to bandage her. You know, I have never seen such patients in my life. She did not cry, did not moan, and every time she thanked me. I have never seen people die as meekly and courageously as your mother. And two days before her death, she asked me: "Galenka, bring my father to me, let him baptize me." Then I called our father Ermogen, and he came the next day and baptized her. And the next day she died. If you could see what her face was, bright and clear, as if she had not died, but only fell asleep ... Just like a saint's ...

There was no redistribution to Nina's amazement. It turns out that her mother before her death believed and died, being cleansed by Baptism from all her previous sins. And the talkative nurse continued to tell:

- And you know, she often remembered you. And when Father Hermogen baptized her, she asked me to pray for you. When she fell ill, I asked her to call you. But she refused: no need, Galenka, why bother Ninochka. She already has plenty to do. Yes, and I am guilty before her ... And I also asked not to inform about my death, so that you would not worry in vain. I obeyed, sorry ...

This is what Nina learned about the last days of her mother's life. Having given away the brought gifts to the nurse and the old women from the neighboring rooms, she went home on foot in order to calm down a little. She wandered along the deserted snow-covered streets, not making out the road. But it was not at all that she was now deprived of her only loved one, but that she could not come to terms with how God had given such a wonderful place in paradise not to her, who had fought for Him all her life, but to her mother, baptized just a day before her death. And the more she thought about it, the more a murmur rose in her soul against God: “Lord, why should she, and not me? How did you allow this? Where is Your justice? " And then the earth opened under Nina's feet and she fell into the abyss.

No, it was not a miracle at all. Simply, immersed in her thoughts, Nina did not notice the open sewer hatch and fell straight into the gaping hole. From surprise, she did not have time to cry out, or pray, or even get scared. No less unexpected was the fact that her legs suddenly rested on something solid. Probably, it was some kind of box thrown into the hatch by someone and stuck in it. After that, someone's strong hands grabbed Nina and dragged her up. She did not remember the rest.

When Nina came to her senses, people crowded around her, who scolded - some the mayor's office, some - the thieves who pulled off the metal hatch cover, and wondered how Nina managed to get out without any help. Nina mechanically looked into the hatch and saw water splashing deeply and deeply at its bottom and a pipe sticking out. But there is no trace of a box inside. And then she fainted again ...

She was taken to the hospital, examined, and, not finding any injuries, was sent home, advised to take a sedative. Once at home, Nina took a pill, having previously crossed it and washed it down with holy water, and soon fell asleep. She dreamed that she was falling into the abyss. And suddenly he hears: "don't be afraid, daughter", and strong, warm hands of the mother pick her up and carry her somewhere up. And then Nina finds herself in the same garden that she dreamed yesterday. And he sees wonderful trees and flowers. And also - the palace in which, as she was told, her mother lives. And next to this palace, indeed, is her mother, young and beautiful, as in the photographs from the old album.

- You are not hurt, daughter? - asks mother Nina.

And then Nina realized what saved her from inevitable death. These were maternal love and maternal prayer, which "raises from the bottom of the sea." And Nina sobbed and began kissing her mother's feet, watered them with her belated, repentant tears.
And then the mother, bending over her, began to gently stroke her already graying hair:

- Don't cry, don't cry, daughter ... God forgive you. And I forgave you everything for a long time. Live, serve God and be happy. Just remember: "God is love ..." (1 John 4.16) If you love and pity people, we will meet again and will never part. And this house will become your home.

Why do women cry?

A little boy asked his mother: "Why are you crying?"
- "Because I'm a woman."
- "I do not understand!"
Mom hugged him and said: - "You will never understand this."
Then the boy asked his father:
"Why does mom sometimes cry for no reason?" “All women sometimes cry for no reason,” was all the father could answer.
Then the boy grew up, became a man, but never ceased to be surprised:
- "Why do women cry?"
Finally, he asked God. And God answered:
“Having conceived a woman, I wanted her to be perfect.
I gave her shoulders so strong to support the whole world, and so gentle to support a child's head.
I gave her a spirit strong enough to endure childbirth and other pain.
I gave her will, so strong that she goes forward when others
fall, and she cares for the fallen, and the sick, and the weary, without complaining.
I gave her the kindness to love children under all circumstances, even if they hurt her.
I gave her the strength to support her husband despite all his shortcomings.
I made it out of his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her the wisdom to understand that a good husband never hurts his wife
pain on purpose, but sometimes feels its strength and determination to stand next to
him without hesitation.
Finally, I gave her tears. And the right to spill them where and when needed.
And you, My son, need to understand that the beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, hair or manicure.
Her beauty is in the eyes that open the door to her heart. To the place where love dwells. "

About mom ...
The Young Mother has just embarked on the path of motherhood. Holding the baby in her arms and smiling, she thought: "How long will this happiness last?" And the Angel said to her: “The path of motherhood is long and difficult. And you will grow old before you reach the end of it. But, know, the end will be better than the beginning. " But, the young Mother was happy, and she could not imagine that there could be anything better than these years. She played with her children and on the way she collected flowers for them and bathed them in streams of clear waters; and the sun shone for them joyfully, and the young Mother shouted: "Nothing can be more beautiful than this happy time!" And when night fell, and the storm began, and the dark road became invisible, and the children trembled with fear and cold, Mother hugged she pressed them close to her heart and covered them with her veil ... And the children said: "Mom, we are not afraid, because you are near and nothing terrible can happen." And when morning came, they saw the mountain ahead of them, and the children began to climb up, and got tired ... And Mother was also tired, but all the time she said to the children: "Be patient: a little more, and we are there." And when the children got up and reached the top, they said: "Mom, we would never have done this without you!"
And then Mother, lying down at night, looked at the stars and said: “This is a better day than the last one, because my children learned the strength of the spirit in the face of difficulties. Yesterday I gave them courage. Today I gave them strength. "
And the next day, strange clouds appeared that darkened the earth. They were clouds of war, hatred and evil. And the children were looking for their Mother in the dark ... and when they stumbled upon her, Mother told them: "Raise your eyes to the Light." And the children looked and saw above these clouds the Eternal Glory of the Universe, and it brought them out of the darkness.
And that night Mother said, "This is the best day of all as I have shown God to my children."
And the days passed, and weeks, and months, and years, and Mother grew old, and hunched over a little ... But her children were tall and strong, and boldly walked through life. And when the path was too difficult, they lifted it up and carried it, because it was as light as a feather ... And finally they climbed the mountain, and without it they could see that the roads were bright and the golden gates were wide open.
And Mother said, “I have reached the end of my path. And now I know that the end is better than the beginning, because my children can walk on their own, and their children follow them. "
And the children said: "Mom, you will always be with us, even when you pass through this gate." And they stood and watched as she continued to walk alone and as the gates closed behind her. And then they said, “We cannot see her, but she is still with us. Mom, like ours, is more than a memory. She is a Living Presence ……. "
Your Mom is always with you… .: she is in a whisper of leaves when you walk down the street; she is the smell of your recently washed socks or bleached sheets; she is a cool hand on your forehead when you are not feeling well. Your Mom lives inside your laughter. And she is a crystal in every drop of your tears. She is where you come from Heaven - your first home; and she is the map that you follow with every step you take.
She is your first love and your first grief, and nothing on earth can separate you. Not time, not place ... not even death!

Three guests
The woman left her house and saw three old men with long white beards on the street courtyard. She did not recognize them. She said, "I guess you don't know me, but you must be hungry. Please come into the house and eat."
“Is your husband at home?” They asked.
“No,” she replied. "He's not there."
"Then we cannot enter," they replied.
In the evening, when her husband returned home, she told him what had happened.
"Go and tell them I'm home and invite them into the house!" said the husband.
The woman went out and invited the old people.
“We cannot go to the house together,” they replied.
"Why then?" she wondered.
One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to the other, "And his name is Luck, and my name is Love." Then he added, "Now go home and talk to your husband about which of us you want to see in your house."
The woman went and told her husband what she had heard. Her husband was very happy. “How good !!!” he said. "If we really have to make a choice, let's invite Wealth. Let him come in and fill our house with wealth!"
His wife objected, "Darling, why don't we invite Fortune?"
Their adopted daughter was listening in the corner. She ran up to them with her proposal: "Why shouldn't we invite Love? After all, then love will reign in our house!"
“Let's agree with our girl,” said the husband to his wife.
"Go and ask Love to be our guest."
The woman came out and asked the three old men, "Which one of you is Love? Come into the house and be our guest."
An old man named Lyubov walked in the direction of the house. The other 2 old men followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Luck: "I only invited Love, why are you going?"
The old men replied: “If you invited Wealth or Fortune, the other two of us would stay on the street, but since you invited Love wherever it goes, we always follow it. Where there is Love, there is always Wealth and Fortune! !! "

They say that once all human feelings and qualities gathered in one corner of the earth.
When BOREDOMyawned for the third time MADNESS suggested: "Let's play hide and seek !?"
INTRIGUE raised an eyebrow: "Hide and seek? What is this game," and MADNESS explained that one of them, for example, it, drives, closes its eyes and counts to a million, while the rest are hiding. Whoever is found last will drive next time, and so on. ENTHUSIASM danced with Euphoria, joy jumped so that she convinced DOUBT, that's just APATHY, who was never interested in anything, refused to participate in the game. TRUE chose not to hide, because in the end she is always found, PRIDE said it was a completely stupid game (she didn't care about anything except herself), Cowardice I really didn't want to risk it.
"One, two, three" - start counting MADNESS
The first to hide LAZINESS, she took cover behind the nearest stone on the road, VERA ascended to heaven and ENVY hid in the shadows TRIUMPH, who, on his own, managed to climb to the top of the tallest tree.
NOBILITY for a very long time could not hide, as every place that it found seemed ideal for his friends: a crystal clear lake for BEAUTY; Cleft tree - so this is for FEAR; Butterfly wing - for JOY; The breeze is for FREEDOM! So, it was disguised in a ray of the sun.
EGOISM, on the contrary, has found only a warm and cozy place for itself. The LIE hid in the depths of the ocean (in fact, it took refuge in a rainbow), and PASSION and A WISH hid in the mouth of a volcano. FORGETFULNESSI don't even remember where she hid, but it doesn't matter.
When MADNESS counted to 999999, LOVE still looking for a place to hide, but everything was already taken. But suddenly she saw a marvelous rose bush and decided to hide among its flowers.
- "Million", counted CRAZYE and began to search.
The first, of course, it found laziness. Then I heard how VERA argues with By godand oh PASSION and WISHESit knew from the way the volcano trembled, then MADNESSsaw ENVY and guessed where he was hiding TRIUMPH. EGOISMand there was no need to look, because the place where he was hiding turned out to be a hive of bees, which decided to drive out the intruder. Looking for MADNESS went to drink to the stream and saw BEAUTY. DOUBTE was sitting by the fence, deciding which side to hide from. So all were found: TALENT - in fresh and juicy grass, SADNESS - in a dark cave, LYING - in a rainbow (to be honest, it was hiding at the bottom of the ocean). But they couldn't find love. MADNESS searched behind every tree, in every stream, on the top of every mountain, and finally, he decided to look in the rose bushes, and when he parted the branches, he heard a cry.
Sharp thorns of roses hurt LOVE eyes. MADNESSdid not know what to do, began to apologize, cried, prayed, asked for forgiveness and promised to atone for his guilt LOVE become her guide. And since then, when they played hide and seek for the first time on earth .. LOVE blind and CRAZYE leads her by the hand.


Mother's heart

Romy was born into a good family and, surrounded by the love and care of his parents, grew up to be an intelligent and kind young man, moreover, well-built and strong. It's time for him to step into the seductive world of love. The seeking heart always finds the object of desire. And the beautiful Viola met on the way of our hero - a slender blue-eyed blonde with a charming face whiter than snow. Her rare beauty, worthy of the artist's brush, captivated the boy's heart in an instant and ignited a burning passion in him. It cannot be said that the feelings that overwhelmed Romy remained unshared. Viole liked the attention, and she graciously accepted the love game, the more inflamed the young man.
And the more the mother's anxiety grew as she watched her son's reckless love. Apparently, her heart felt something was wrong ... But she did not dare to stand in the way of the desires of her native creation. And is it possible to curb the sparkling energy of pure love?
Once Romy returned after a date with Viola sadder than death. The heart of the mother who met him at the threshold gave a leap.
- Who dared to offend my bloodline? the woman asked, taking her son by the hands. - What cloud overshadowed your smile?
Sincere with his mother since childhood, the young man did not hide his feelings even now.
- For me, there is no one kinder and dearer than you, mom. This is how I imagine Viola. The sky looks at me with her gaze, the winds blow with her breath, springs murmur in her voice. But Viola doesn't believe in my feelings. As proof of my love, she demands to bring the heart of her mother to her feet. But does love need such sacrifices, Mom?
The mother was silent for a minute, gathering her feelings. Her heart, full of love for her son, fluttered and beat faster. But not a single streak on her face betrayed her excitement. With an affectionate smile, she said to her son:
- My beloved nestling, man knows life thanks to love. All living things in the world are enveloped and imbued with it. But the road of love is full of dangers. Aren't you wrong in your choice, son? Has the brilliant Viola blinded your mind? As a woman and a mother-to-be, she cannot fail to know that a mother's heart is initially beating in her child. If Viola sincerely favors you as you do her, she will understand and reciprocate. Failure should not be allowed to destroy yourself. You have to believe and be able to wait.
But time did not soften Viola's intransigence, as if a poisonous snake hid under a beautiful mask and fed her insatiable anger.
Day by day the young man dried in front of his mother. Formerly cheerful and sociable, he closed in on himself. It was unbearably painful for the mother to see him wither. And the pain intensified from the consciousness of powerlessness to help his son, to somehow alleviate his suffering. The mother could not put up with the hopelessness that took the child away from her. One morning she said to her son:
- It is joyless for me to see how grief eats you up. There is no point in my life like this. Take my heart and carry it to your beloved!
With these words, she tore her heart out of her chest and held it out to her son. Sobbing bitterly, the young man carried his mother's heart in his trembling hands. His legs buckled with immense excitement, and he fell.
- Does it hurt you, my son? Are you hurt? - asked the mother's heart with trembling excitement, then shuddered ... and froze. Cold sorrow bound the soul of the orphaned youth. And then he realized what an irreparable mistake he had made.
- Forgive me, mom. I stumbled ... But not now, but even earlier ...

“Once upon a time there was a mother and a son. Their folder was killed in the war. And the times are post-war, hungry. Mom doted on her son, she loved him so much. The best is for him! He will tear him away from himself, but he will not offend his son. It used to be that they would treat her to candy at work, but she herself didn't eat - she was bringing her to Slavik. And he is also capricious, they say, why one, and not two !?

Mom was stretching to the thread, if only the son was good. Either he will update what he can, then he will buy a new toy, then he will get a deficit.

Everything for him, everything!

The child was growing up, Thank God, he was healthy, read it, and he was not seriously ill.

It's hard for a woman to raise one child. Without a man in the house, how ?!

Of course, she could get married, and there were grooms, but only the son was so jealous that it came to a nervous breakdown. How can a loving mother do something to the detriment of her child?

So she remained a widow.

Well, okay! If only the son was good!

The last bell at school has already rang, and there the institute is not far off.

She fostered her beloved Slavochka, taught her, and released him as a young specialist with high education. I went, asked, persuaded, and took my son to one closed research institute to work. Do not put it into a mechanical workshop, sharpen and saw all sorts of dirty pieces of iron !?

As time went.

They were gradually overgrown with property - a one-room apartment, a small summer cottage, furniture there, various household appliances.

In general, not bad.

The son entered the male power. He began to marry. But how! Anything for him, just whistle! Handsome! Blood with milk!

Mom thought and joined the housing cooperative for an apartment for Slavik.

And on time!

In general, she gave the young couple for the wedding the keys to a brand new apartment.

I didn't have time to save up for a car, but already my granddaughter Alyonka was three years old. On this occasion, the son wanted to have a serious talk with his mother.

- The granddaughter is already big, but the apartment is too small. It's a young business, but here it turns. Inconvenient, you understand ...

- I've saved up for a car. Since that's the case, take what you have. An apartment can be changed with a surcharge, for a larger one! And I will take Alyonka to me for now.

The son hid the money in his pocket and answered so.

- How can you, mom !? A child with parents must be. What did we think. Let's change our apartments for one.

- Also good. You look, and I will live with my granddaughter.

- Well, I say, and it’s so crowded, and you’ll also drag you there!

- And where am I ?! - Mom was surprised.

- And what for? It is warm. And the air is fresh! You will be good there!

And my mother began to live in the country.

Everything would be fine, but only the dashing "nineties" broke out. When my son lost his job, he went into business. But either he didn't have a business grip, or his unscrupulous partners were caught, only he burned out to the ground, he still had to stay!

I went to my mother.

- Mom! I sold the car, but the debt still hangs.

- My poor !? How can I help?

- We must sell the dacha!

- It should be so! I'll move to you!

- No, Mom! I agreed to go to the nursing home. I have already paid the fee. For a year ahead yet. Everything is so expensive, horror!

- Good, son! - said mom, but could not resist, she cried.

- Just do not cry! When I get up, I'll buy you a house ... with a swimming pool.

The mother sighed heavily, her son pitifully, took out a shabby cloth from her bosom and handed it to her son with words.

- Take it! I have nothing else! I got it from my mother, and she got it from my grandmother.

The son unrolled the rag and saw a platinum ring with a large diamond.

- And you were silent ?! He shouted angrily at his mother.

Three months later, Slavik arrived at the nursing home and told his mother that he was again in debt, like in silks. That his wife left him, taking Alena with her, and at the same time the apartment.

He spat at her feet and drove off.

And my mother died by evening. "

- What a sad tale! - said Vanyatka.

“It’s not a fairy tale at all, but the story of your great-great-grandmother’s life,” Baba Alena answered with a sad smile and stroked her grandson on the head.

- How interesting! What happened to your son? Did that ring help him?

- From this moment the real fairy tale begins.

- Like this?!

- They say that maternal love is blind, but superficial people say it. A mother's love for children is stronger than any diamond, because she loves children as they are, whether they are good or bad. Doesn't expect gratitude and doesn't demand anything in return. That is why her love is dearer than any precious stone or metal, and therefore has no value. But, like any phenomenon, this love has a downside.

- What ?! - the grandson impatiently interrupted the grandmother.

- Take your time and think about what I will say now. If the mother's love is not reciprocated by the children, they will not be happy. Never!

- I think I get it! Therefore, you and your mother often go to the grave of grandmothers!

- You clever! - said Baba Alena and kissed Vanyatka on the warm top of her head. - The memory of the departed is one of the manifestations of mutual love.

- Granny! And miracles? What is a fairy tale without miracles?

- Sonny gave the ring to creditors for debts. But when they unrolled the rag, there was no ring in it, and they decided that the debtor wanted to deceive them. In the end, the beaten Slavik ended up in the city dump, where he ended his life ingloriously.

- And where did it go ?!

- Here it is! - and Baba Lena took out a clean rag from the chest of drawers, in it was a platinum ring with a large diamond.

- Indeed, miracles! Where from !?

- I do not know! I found it in my child's locker the day after your great-great-grandmother's funeral. I was 8 years old then. But I think I know why it turned out to be mine.

- Why !?

- You see! My mother, your great-grandmother, did very badly to your great-great-grandmother. After all, partly through her fault, she ended up in a nursing home, because she did not want her to live with them. And the wonder of the ring lies in the fact that it cannot be sold, pledged, or turned into money in any way. It can only be cherished and preserved as the embodiment of mother's love. Your great-grandmother died from the fact that she gave absolutely everything that she had, and could not live without her love.

- Why aren't you sleeping! It's too late!? - said my mother, entering the room. She just got home from work.

- We talked about love! - answered the woman Lena.

- Not too early !?

- Just right! - objected the grandmother, got up and went to the dresser, wrapping the ring in a rag on the way.

- Ahh! You about it! - realized my mother, watching the actions of her mother. - Oh, I forgot, I was treated to an apple! Take, Vanyush, eat.

The son took the apple, thoughtfully turned it over in his fingers, then cut it in half and handed the halves to grandma and mother with words.

- It is harmful for children to eat at night. I'd rather drink some milk.

The women secretly glanced at each other and smiled quietly.

Long ago, a poor peasant family lived in a village near Kaesong City. The husband worked in the fields for a wealthy neighbor, and the wife baked rice cakes for sale. So they lived, somehow making ends meet.
And they had a son, Han Sek Bon, whom they loved more than life. The family of the poor man lived amicably until an irreparable disaster struck them: his father fell seriously ill and died. Dying, he said to his wife:
- Let our son be a scientist, and then everyone will respect him.
And the wife promised her husband to fulfill his last wish.
When Han Sek Bon was seven years old, his mother said:
- It's time to fulfill the will of the father. You are to spend ten years in teaching. During this time you will learn a thousand hieroglyphs, learn the best poems, learn medicine and read books of philosophers. After that, you will be able to pass the exam in Seoul and become a scientist like your father wanted.

Han Sek Bon went to study at Kaesong, and his mother was left alone in her little house. No one in the village bakes rice cakes better than her. They were both tasty and beautiful, always the same, even, lush. And so all the neighbors bought bread only from her.
There was no evening when the mother did not think about her boy. She missed him, grieved and cried. At night, the mother calculated how many years, months and days would pass before she saw her dear son.
But there were still many days before the meeting.

And then one evening the mother heard someone's footsteps near the chibi. She opened the door and recognized her son.
Mother saw that Han Sek Bon was exhausted by the long journey, she wanted to rush to the boy, hug him to her chest.
But she didn't. She didn't even smile at her son, she just asked:
- Why did you come back ahead of time? Have you already grasped all the sciences and can you pass the exam?
Han Sek Bon did not expect such a harsh reception from his mother. He wept and said:
- I am very tired. How many dozen I have walked and have not eaten since yesterday morning. Feed me, and in the morning I will tell you everything.
Oh, how a mother wanted to hug her son, kiss him, feed him the best in the house, and lay him on the mat! But she did nothing of this, but asked again:
- Have you already comprehended all the sciences that you should have learned in ten years?
The son replied:
- I studied all the sciences that are supposed to pass in ten years, and therefore returned to you ahead of time.
“Then take a brush, ink, paper and write the first ten hieroglyphs,” said the mother.
When the son took out ink and a brush from the bag that hung on his belt, the mother blew out the light of the lamp and said:
- You will draw hieroglyphs in the dark, and I will bake bread.
After a while, the mother exclaimed:
- The bread is ready!
And with these words, she again lit the lamp. Han Sek Bon showed his work to his mother. In the dark, the hieroglyphs came out ugly, uneven, and in several places there were even blots.
Then the mother said:
- Look at my bread.
Han Sek Bon looked at the bread. They were even, beautiful, identical, neat, as if their mother baked them in bright light.
And the mother put her hand on her son's shoulder and said:
“Return to Kaesong and come home when the deadline has passed and you will know perfectly everything you are supposed to know.
Han Sek Bon prayed:
- Oh, let me stay at least until the morning! I went to you without stopping for many days and nights, and I don't have the strength to go on such a long journey again.
“You don’t have time to rest,” replied the mother sternly. - Here's some bread for your journey - and goodbye!

Khan Sek Bon went in the dark along the mountain paths. The road to the ancient city of Kaesong was difficult. More than once mountain streams blocked his way and wild animals howled nearby.
Han Sek Bon walked and cried bitterly. It seemed to him that his mother was unfair and cruel to him, that she stopped loving him during the years that he lived in Kaesong.
In the morning he untied the handkerchief in which the loaves were lying, and again he saw that the loaves baked in the dark were wonderful - one to one, one to one!
And then Han Sek Bon thought for the first time: “Mother was able to do her job well in the dark, but I could not. It means that she does her job better than me! "

Thinking so, Han Sek Bon hurried to Kaesong.
Another five years passed - and again the mother heard steps in the evening at her house. She opened the door and saw her son again.
Han Sek Bon held out his hands to his mother, but his mother said:
- Did you comprehend all the sciences that you came home?
- Everything, - answered the son.
And taking out the paper, ink and brush from the bag, he blew out the lamp.
Ten minutes later, Han Sek Bon said:
- You can light the lamp! ..
The mother lit up the room and went up to her son. In front of her lay a sheet of paper filled with hieroglyphs. The hieroglyphs were all clear, even, beautiful, one to one, one to one!
And then the mother exclaimed:
- How I was waiting for you! How I miss you! Let me see enough of you, let me hug you to my chest!

… Years passed, and Han Sek Bon became a famous scientist. When the disciples asked him how he became such a scientist, Han Sek Bon replied:
- Mother's love taught me not to spare myself, to do everything well and honestly. And whoever does everything well and honestly can become whatever he wants.

“Once upon a time there was a mother and a son. Their folder was killed in the war. And the times are post-war, hungry. Mom doted on her son, she loved him so much. The best is for him! He will tear him away from himself, but he will not offend his son. It used to be that they would treat her to candy at work, but she herself didn't eat - she was bringing her to Slavik. And then it also capricious, they say, why one, and not two !?
Mom was stretching to the thread, if only the son was good. Either he will update what he can, then he will buy a new toy, then he will get a deficit.
Everything for him, everything!

The child was growing up, Thank God, he was healthy, read it, and he was not seriously ill.
It's hard for a woman to raise one child. Without a man in the house, how ?!
Of course, she could get married, and there were grooms, but only the son was so jealous that it came to a nervous breakdown. How can a loving mother do something to the detriment of her child?
So she remained a widow.
Well, okay! If only the son was good!

The last bell at school has already rang, and there the institute is not far off.
She fostered her beloved Slavochka, taught her, and released him as a young specialist with high education. I went, asked, persuaded, and took my son to one closed research institute to work. Do not put it into a mechanical workshop, sharpen and saw all sorts of dirty pieces of iron !?
As time went.
They were gradually overgrown with property - a one-room apartment, a small summer cottage, furniture there, various household appliances.
In general, not bad.

The son entered the male power. He began to marry. But how! Anything for him, just whistle! Handsome! Blood with milk!
Mom thought and joined the housing cooperative for an apartment for Slavik.
And on time!
In general, she gave the young couple for the wedding the keys to a brand new apartment.
I didn't have time to save up for a car, but already my granddaughter Alyonka was three years old. On this occasion, the son wanted to have a serious talk with his mother.
- The granddaughter is already big, but the apartment is too small. It's a young business, but here it turns. Inconvenient, you understand ...
- I've saved up for a car. Since that's the case, take what you have. An apartment can be changed with a surcharge, for a larger one! And I will take Alyonka to me for now.
The son hid the money in his pocket and answered so.
- How can you, mom !? A child with parents must be. What did we think. Let's change our apartments for one.
- Also good. You look, and I will live with my granddaughter.
- Well, I say, it’s so tight, and you’ll also be dragged there!
- And where am I ?! - Mom was surprised.
- And what for? It is warm. And the air is fresh! You will be good there!
And my mother began to live in the country.

Everything would be fine, but only the dashing "nineties" broke out. When my son lost his job, he went into business. But either he didn't have a business grip, or his unscrupulous partners were caught, only he burned out to the ground, he still had to stay!
I went to my mother.
- Mom! I sold the car, but the debt still hangs.
- My poor !? How can I help?
- We must sell the dacha!
- It is necessary, it is necessary! I'll move to you!
- No, Mom! I agreed to go to the nursing home. I have already paid the fee. For a year ahead, bye. Everything is so expensive, horror!
- Good, son! - said mom, but could not resist, she cried.
- Just do not cry! When I get up, I'll buy you a house ... with a swimming pool.

Three months later, Slavik arrived at the nursing home and told his mother that he was again in debt, like in silks. That his wife left him, taking Alena with her, and at the same time the apartment.
The mother sighed heavily, her son pitifully, took out a shabby rag from her bosom and handed it to her son with words.
- Take it! I have nothing else! I got it from my mother, and she got it from my grandmother.
The son unrolled the rag and saw a platinum ring with a large diamond.
- And you were silent ?! He shouted angrily at his mother.
He spat at her feet and drove off.
And my mother died by evening "

What a sad tale! - said Vanyatka.
- It's not a fairy tale at all, but the life story of your great-great-grandmother. - with a sad smile, answered the woman Alena and stroked her grandson on the head.
- How interesting! What happened to your son? Did that ring help him?
- From this moment the real fairy tale begins.
- Like this?!
- They say that maternal love is blind, but superficial people say it. A mother's love for children is stronger than any diamond, because she loves children as they are, whether they are good or bad. Doesn't expect gratitude and doesn't demand anything in return. That is why her love is dearer than any precious stone or metal, and therefore has no value. But, like any phenomenon, this love has a downside.
- What ?! - the grandson impatiently interrupted the grandmother.

Take your time and think about what I will say now. If the mother's love is not reciprocated by the children, they will not be happy. Never!
- I think I get it! Therefore, you and your mother often go to the grave of grandmothers!
- You clever! - said Baba Alena and kissed Vanyatka on the warm top of her head. - The memory of the departed is one of the manifestations of mutual love.
- Granny! And miracles? What is a fairy tale without miracles?
- Sonny gave the ring to creditors for debts. But when they unrolled the rag, there was no ring in it, and they decided that the debtor wanted to deceive them. In the end, the beaten Slavik ended up in the city dump, where he ended his life ingloriously.
- And where did it go ?!
- Here it is! - and Baba Lena took out a clean rag from the chest of drawers, in it was a platinum ring with a large diamond.
- Indeed, miracles! Where from !?

I do not know! I found it in my child's locker the day after your great-great-grandmother's funeral. I was 8 years old then. But I think I know why it turned out to be mine.
- Why !?
- You see! My mother, your great-grandmother, did very badly to your great-great-grandmother. After all, partly through her fault, she ended up in a nursing home, because she did not want her to live with them. And the wonder of the ring lies in the fact that it cannot be sold, pledged, or turned into money in any way. It can only be cherished and preserved as the embodiment of mother's love. Your great-grandmother died from the fact that she gave absolutely everything that she had, and could not live without her love.
- Why aren't you sleeping! It's too late!? - said my mother, entering the room. She just got home from work.
- We talked about love! - answered the woman Lena.
- Not too early !?
- Just right! - objected granny, got up and went to the chest of drawers, wrapping the ring in a rag on the way.
- Ahh! You about it! - realized my mother, watching the actions of her mother. - Oh, I forgot, I was treated to an apple! Take, Vanyush, eat.
The son took the apple, thoughtfully turned it over in his fingers, then cut it in half and handed the halves to grandma and mother with words.
- It is harmful for children to eat at night. I'd rather drink some milk.

The women secretly glanced at each other and smiled quietly.