
The self-instruction of playing the button accordion without notes is a training manual. Learns to play the accordion by ear.

A cheerful and mischievous accordion player is the dream of any company. He can always make any walk not only spiritual, but also unique. For some of us, attending a music school may not be available for a number of reasons, but there is a great desire to learn how to masterfully play the button accordion. Nothing is impossible, the main thing is to be patient and make some efforts.

What does a beginner accordion player need to know?

Those who seriously wondered how to learn to play the button accordion, first of all, need to decide what to start with. If you want to play professionally in the future, then you can’t do without music education - sooner or later you will have to get it. Well, for those who want to please and amuse a company of friends and brighten up any celebration, you can get by with the initial skills, provided that you have good musical ear and a sense of rhythm.

A person will learn to play the button accordion from scratch if he becomes familiar with how to hold the instrument, put his hands, sit or stand during the game. If you have acquaintances or friends who can help with advice, then be sure to use this, if not, read the relevant literature or watch the instructional video.

Where to start playing the button accordion?

Only in the movies it happens that a person immediately took a button accordion and began to play a funny tune. In reality, you must first hold the instrument correctly. Before learning to play the button accordion, a person may experience failures, difficulties that he will have to fight and overcome in order to achieve his goal and fulfill his dream. First you need to sit down, the button accordion's fur should be positioned strictly in the center of the left leg. You should not move your legs very close or push them against each other, since during the game the fur will stretch in different directions, and this important process should not be hindered.

The second thing that the student needs to pay attention to is the adjustment of the belts. They should be adjusted so that the tool is not too loose towards you, but not loose. The main purpose of these belts is to hold the button accordion without interfering with this game. At first, a person will have to get used to them and make adjustments several times, but this is a completely normal process.

Correct hand position when playing the button accordion

It is very important for a beginner accordion player to learn how to position his hands. After all, it will be difficult to retrain later, so the correct location should immediately become familiar. With your right hand you should grasp the buttonhole neck so that the thumb is located directly behind the neck, and the other four move freely on the keyboard. When using the left hand, four fingers also take part in the game.

Everyone will surely learn to play the button accordion at home if they use a mirror or the help of loved ones, so that at first they can control the posture and the correct position of the instrument relative to the body. If everything is organized correctly, then it will be quite easy for your hands to slide along the keys.

Keyboard button layout

For those who decide to learn how to play the button accordion on their own and have not studied it, it will be useful to go through at least an initial acquaintance with it. Next, we get acquainted with the location of the button accordion and their main purpose.

The left keyboard is chord and bass. If you press one button, then you can play a whole chord. On the right keyboard are musical keys of the four main octaves, as well as large and small octaves.

Keeping the button accordion fur

Before you learn to play the button accordion more or less folding, you need to understand how to properly conduct his fur. To do this, press an arbitrary key on the right keyboard and begin to stretch the tool with your left hand. When it moves, the sound grows, and when it is stretched, it stops.

This is what is the main elements of the game. The keys can be combined, carry out similar operations with the left keyboard. The main thing in this training is to ensure that the sound comes from the right strength and duration.

Selection of melodies on the button accordion

If you have already figured out how to learn how to play the button accordion, and even managed to practice a little, you can start combining sounds. Some even manage to pick up tunes by ear, which happens very infrequently. If nothing works out the first time, you should not be upset. You need to try to feel your instrument, get used to it. The technical side should take place at a subconscious level, only then you can focus on music.

Learning to play the button accordion is not so difficult as a beginner might think at first glance. However, if a person is missing and then without musical notation he can not do. Here, obviously, you will have to resort to the help of specialists: sign up for a tutor, in a music school or for special courses.

If a person has a strong desire and desire, then by all means he will achieve his goal. Many beginner accordionists even enrolled in sports sections to train their muscles and learn how to use the instrument more correctly. There is nothing surprising in this, because the button accordion is not only a very interesting and original instrument, it also has a decent weight, which the musician needs to very skillfully cope with, and sometimes even maneuver. In this case, the quality of the game will directly depend on the physical data.

Today we will talk about an amazing and unusual instrument for many peoples. We will try to tell you about the basics of playing the button accordion. We hope that the above materials, dear reader, will prove to be useful for you in the development of this difficult tool. So:

How to play the button accordion: general points

In order to better understand the scheme of playing the button accordion, it is necessary to imagine how this instrument sounds. The button accordion has two sets of keys for the right and left hands, respectively. Each of the hands is responsible for a particular batch of the work. In addition to using fingers and hands, the accordion player must be able to combine and coordinate the movement of the hands towards each other and in the other direction. Only with the correct implementation of these three actions, you can extract the sound from the button accordion. It should be noted that the accordion player must possess a highly developed musculature not only of the hands, but also of the whole body, since this instrument is very heavy. When performing a work while standing, you need to have the strength not only to hold the instrument in one position, but also to perform a complex technique of movements when playing. It is these factors that scare beginner button accordion players.

How to learn to play the button accordion? Learning to play the button accordion should begin while sitting. It is in a sitting position that you don’t have to spend effort on holding the tool. The left button of the button accordion is a petiriad set of keys with ready-made chords. Therefore precisely left keyboard   and the left hand plays a part that supports or determines the key of the composition. The right keyboard has a three-, four-, or five-row structure and is designed to play individual notes. Well, the third attribute of playing the button accordion is the effective use of a fur camera. Sound is made when air passes through the tongues in the voice bar through the fur chamber. Thus, the general scheme of the accordion player’s game looks like this:

  • The left hand selects the key and chord of the sound, that is, it accompanies the main melody.
  • The right hand supports the main melody included in the overall harmonic structure of the work.
  • Well, the interaction of both hands when squeezing and unclenching the bellows produces the desired, and indeed any kind of sound. Here's how to play the button accordion.

Without a doubt, the technique cannot be placed in the scope of our article. To fully and correctly master the techniques of playing the button accordion, you need to seek help from a teacher who knows exactly how to best teach his apprentice. In history, there are cases when, it would seem, the most ordinary people   independently mastered this instrument and constantly participated in various home or village holidays as the main musician. The uniqueness of these cases gives no doubt that this tool is very difficult to use. Well, what about these talented individuals? First of all, the fact that nature awarded them with an extraordinary gift and musical abilities. We dare to assert that a person’s ability to independently learn to play an instrument is a very rare case. As a rule, in order to grow his talent, the future musician needs a lot of years of training under the strict supervision of a talented teacher. Only in this case can the thesis that a person really learn to play the button accordion be admitted.

Instruction manual

Sign up to a music school for the button accordion class. Take full training (today, music schools can increase or decrease the duration of studies). Age may not bother you; in many modern schools, adult classes are currently organized, although tuition is paid.

Browse through newspapers or search the Internet for announcements of private music lessons. Find the conditions that are suitable for you - the cost, time, duration of training, call the telephone number indicated and - start studying.

If you feel the strength and the great desire to learn how to play button accordion   by all means, buy a tutorial for playing the game in the music store button accordion   (or download it from the Internet), and begin to conquer the instrument. It’s good if you draw up a self-study plan, where you designate the frequency, duration and workload of the lessons, and strictly follow it. By the way, you can find musical computer simulators on the Internet, using which you can play games on your own button accordion, you quickly enough learn to play your favorite tunes. The repertoire of computer tutorials is wide - from simple songs to relatively complex pieces of music. You can organize such a number of plays in accordance with your preferences in the world of music.

If you have a good ear, you can pick up tunes on button accordion   independently, without even knowing musical notation. How soon you learn to play a decent instrument depends on your level of hearing and talent / ability. Practice shows that by practicing 2-3 hours a day, a stubborn and purposeful person starts to play relatively well button accordion   in a month.

Beginning musicians, self-mastering the instrument, buy tutorials. Some of the manuals are based on the parallel study of musical notation and game techniques. So that the desire to become an accordion player does not disappear due to difficulties in mastering notes, you can start training in a different order.

Instruction manual

Learn musical notation. You do not need textbooks on music theory. It will be enough children's allowances, which describe in detail what are the notes in height and duration. With the pitch of sounds, you will understand the textbook for the button accordion when you perform practical exercises. Now focus on the duration of the notes. The first task is to learn to count. Complete all tasks related to the account carefully.

Learn how to hold the instrument, move the fur, make sound. Hands will quickly get used to the wrong position if mistakes are made at the very beginning. In the future, this will become a barrier to professional growth. To prevent this from happening, do not start with a tutorial. Take 2-3 paid lessons from a music school teacher. This will be enough to master the initial position of the button accordion and hands during the game.

Get a game guide on button accordion. Basic knowledge musical notationobtained at the 1st step will allow you to find out whether the material is clearly stated in a specific training manual.

Make a work plan. Students in music schools attend a specific program. You will have to develop a plan for yourself. Set a goal - play each exercise 100 times, then move on to the next. In the first days and weeks it is better not to rush, not to chase the number of lost exercises. Pay attention to quality. Put in the work plan a repetition of previously disassembled works.

Organize concerts. Do them every 2 months of classes. Music schools have technical tests and exams. Organize something similar for yourself. Choose 2-3 works for the concert in advance and get things done. The first listeners can be friends, neighbors. Practice is needed to cope with excitement and get inspiration for further activities.

The button accordion has a rather complicated device, and if the keys are weak or the air bellows blow poorly, it is worth starting to repair it. There are two ways to repair the button accordion: on your own or refer it to the master. If you decide to repair the button accordion yourself, you need to disassemble it.

You will need

  • To repair the button accordion or replace some parts, you may need to purchase accessories. Contact any music store - they provide both the instruments themselves and everything you need for them. Pay attention to the corners for furs, connecting pins, receiving valves, belt mounts, leather patches and more.

Instruction manual

Detach the fur parts from the body. To do this, find the studs at the junction of the fur and the body and pull them out. Carefully remove the cloves with pliers. The older the tool, the greater the likelihood that the hat will break off from the body of the nail. Next, carefully examine the fur for defects and cracks. If they are, eliminate them. Then remove the mesh covering the valves. It is usually fastened with screws. So to remove it is not difficult for you.

Playing the button accordion is not an easy task, and may not concede in complexity, for example, playing the piano. But with a certain level of perseverance and constancy, everything is possible. Where to start training?

At the first stage, you need to decide for what purpose you are going to study. Beginning musicians will have a hard time without knowledge of musical notation, and if you want to learn the instrument for yourself, be able to perform your favorite songs and play with friends, then don’t worry - there are ways to learn how to play the accordion without detailed knowledge of the notes, the main thing is to have a good ear for music and sense of rhythm.

  • If you want to learn how to play the accordion professionally, then you are dear to a music school. There you will be trained under the guidance of experienced teachers who will correct your mistakes in real time, when needed, and help to master musical notation   - without it in the professional sphere can not do.
  • If you don’t have enough time or money to attend the button accordion class, but you are interested in live training, then you can seek help from both tutors and professional musicians in order to receive private lessons. Look for ads in newspapers or on the Internet, ask your friends.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to attend school or a tutor, and the desire to learn the button accordion does not disappear, then you can always try to learn how to play the button accordion yourself. To do this, you will need a good working tool and a self-taught playing the button accordion.

Learning to play on your own

If you decide to learn how to play the button accordion on your own, then you just have to turn to a tutorial for help. You can buy it at a bookstore, or even easier, download it online.

On the Internet, there are also special self-instructional programs, with the help of which almost anyone will learn to play the button accordion at home. These programs consist of separate lessons and offer the learning of musical works with visual accompaniment in the form of fingering schemes - the location of the fingers on the button of the button.

Some of these virtual simulators are suitable for learning the game in three-row, five-row, and also children's accordions.

To make it more visual, try additionally studying video lessons. We offer you to watch the introductory lesson on the button accordion:

Since you decide to study on your own, you just need to organize your learning process.

Decide on a lesson plan. Set a goal to perform a specific number of exercises per day, and only having mastered one, move on to the next. When learning new exercises, do not forget to allocate time to practice already mastered.

Do not rush to catch everything in too short a period of time, because a quality result is important to you.

Learning the basics

Before you learn to play the button accordion, you should learn to hold it correctly. Remember that this is a rather weighty instrument - a certain hand strength is required, because you have to simultaneously maintain the musical instrument in the right position and touch the buttons with your fingers.

You should begin to study in a sitting position, then you do not have to hold the button accordion in weight and you can better control the instrument. A button accordion is placed on the left foot. You need to sit without shifting your knees so that nothing interferes with the use of the fur chamber.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the structure of the button accordion, learn how to use the right and left set of buttons, how to get the right sound and how to hold your hands.

To learn how to play many musical instruments - both the guitar, piano, and the button accordion - you will have to learn combinations of sounds, or chords. In the accordion, the left keyboard is responsible for playing major and minor chords, seventh chords and basses. It is through the use of these chords that the accompaniment, the song background, is created.

There are about 80 chords for playing the button accordion, but do not be afraid of it - for normal playing in all tonalities it is enough to master even 15. And the full number of chords are unlikely to be used even by professional musicians. You can learn as many chords as you want to diversify your game.

Muscle memory

The development and training of muscle memory is very important in learning. It is she who allows you to bring the game to automatism, to get rid of tension. This can also be achieved by performing special exercises for the fingers.

Hand sync

When playing the button accordion, it is important to achieve a combination of the actions of both hands. Train the melody first with your right hand, then with your left, and only then try to connect them. Quickly cope with this task will not work, but practice is everything.

Musical notation

If you still decide to make music professionally, you will have to learn how to play music notation.

Nevertheless, at the initial stage, even teachers are encouraged to go through the donot period: first familiarize yourself with the most basic theory of notes and their duration, learn how to navigate the left and right keyboards, and only then, depending on your goals, proceed to a detailed study of musical notation .

Serious mastery of the instrument can take five years or more, and still will not lead you to perfection. But doing daily and giving the game at least thirty minutes, you will learn how to properly extract sound, synchronize your hands, and even be able to play simple melodies in two to three months.