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How to deal with colic in a breastfeeding baby. Colic in infants: symptoms and how to save the baby from pain Can there be colic from milk

The first months of a baby's life are almost always accompanied by colic. After birth, the child's digestive system continues to develop, enzymes are formed, the intestinal walls are not yet able to contract sufficiently actively. Imperfection of the digestive tract leads to colic. At this moment, the baby is worried, starts to cry a lot, kicks his legs, trying to press them to his stomach. Some babies react more calmly, fall asleep badly, but a young mother during breastfeeding worries why this is happening, perhaps something is wrong with her milk and you need to adjust your diet?

Breastfeeding is good for baby's health. With mother's milk, he receives all the necessary substances, he develops immunity, so do not rush to switch to baby food at the first difficulties:

  • First, this period will soon pass.
  • Secondly, it is worth understanding the issue in more detail, most likely, it is not difficult to cope with the problem.

Breastfeeding is a rather difficult period for a woman, because she has to carefully monitor her nutrition and limit herself in many ways so that there are no difficulties with the baby’s tummy. Children react to different foods individually, but there is a list of foods that are undesirable during periods of breastfeeding due to increased gas formation in children.

But it’s not always about the products, there are several reasons that can cause anxiety and colic in a child.

Wrong feeding regimen

The composition of milk is constantly changing, during feeding, its fat content increases gradually, by the end it reaches its maximum. If the mother allows the child to suck on both breasts, not allowing the first to empty completely, the fat content of the milk is still insufficient. The baby will receive less fat for feeding, therefore, the number of calories needed will be reduced. The feeling of hunger will come earlier, he will ask for food, and overeating will end with spitting up.

In this case, lactose enters the intestine in a large volume, the enzyme is still not enough to digest such an amount of sugars. The baby has colic, symptoms of lactose intolerance appear:

  • gas formation appears;
  • pain;
  • feces become liquid;
  • foaming;
  • takes on a greenish tint.

Sometimes symptoms appear already during feeding. This should not be mistaken for lactose intolerance. These phenomena are completely different and you should not rush to transfer the child to a lactose-free mixture. It is necessary to adjust the feeding process, then everything will be normal:

  • You should not strive to feed the child strictly by the hour, the baby should receive food on demand, then there will be fewer problems.
  • Let the baby suck on the breast as long as there is milk in it, or until he falls asleep and releases the nipple.
  • You need to make sure that he does not suck on an empty breast. When there is little milk left, it is necessary to massage the breast with the other hand in order to drive milk from the ducts to the nipple.
  • The baby is applied to the other breast if the first one is empty and he has not eaten.
  • On the next feeding, it is applied to the other breast, performing the same actions.
  • Sometimes it is recommended to breastfeed two or three times with one breast, if there is a lot of milk in the second breast, it can be expressed.

The chest will soon adapt to this rhythm, the irritation will disappear, and the problems will go away.

Katya, 22 years old: She fed her son every 2 hours, constantly cried, tucked his legs. We switched to feeding on demand, the breast gave as soon as she cries, she became much calmer, her tummy practically does not bother.

Too much or too little milk

Sometimes when breastfeeding, the flow of milk from the nipple is too strong, it is uncomfortable for the baby to suck, and at the time of feeding, he begins to get nervous. The behavior of the baby also resembles colic. Shortly after the start of feeding, he begins to turn his head, cry, turn away from the breast. If you apply it again, history repeats itself.

It happens that the nipple is too tight, the milk flows slowly, the child does not like it either. So he quickly gets tired, he may even refuse to breastfeed. What to do in this situation:

  • Try to feed the baby at his request, but when he is not too hungry: if the baby starts sucking greedily, the milk will begin to arrive intensively.
  • Do not give him water to kill his appetite.
  • If the breast is full, milk flows in a plentiful stream, you just need to express the excess before feeding.
  • You can reduce the force of the flow by changing the position of feeding. For example, lie on your side or on your back, this position will not allow milk to flow out too quickly.
  • For those mothers whose milk flows poorly, massage helps.
  • Using a breast pump will help develop the nipple and increase milk flow.
  • There should be no irritating factors during feeding: the TV, the radio must be turned off at this moment.

If you apply the crumbs to the breast correctly, the success of feeding is guaranteed, so do not rush to give the mixture when he does not want to take the breast, you can try feeding with expressed milk.

Mom's nutrition

Sometimes mom eats right, but colic still occurs. Perhaps foreign proteins in the mother's milk are to blame. They get into it through the use of animal products. Usually the cause is cow's milk. But the appearance of colic can also be provoked by other, non-protein foods.

There is nothing wrong with this, the child's body should get used to other substances, but if this causes suffering to the baby, it is better to refuse to use them for a while. What to do in this situation:

  • Eliminate dairy products from your diet for a week.
  • eat protein in a modified form, so it does not cause problems. For example, if it is present in baking, then you can use it.
  • remove dairy products one by one. If there is no improvement after the exclusion, you can again include it in the diet, remove another protein product, observe the reaction.
  • if the situation has changed for the better, introduce dairy products gradually.
  • mom is allowed to take pancreatic preparations before meals, this will help break down proteins in the intestines.
  • try replacing milk with yogurt or kefir, often they do not give a reaction
  • exclude white cabbage from the diet for a while, it in any form can cause increased gas formation in the intestines of both mother and baby;
  • grapes can also lead to fermentation in the intestines due to the high sugar content. If signs of colic appeared after mom drank grapes or grape juice, exclude these foods for a while too;
  • products containing yeast (baking, kvass) also often cause indigestion in crumbs, check their use.

Empirically, you can find out how much dairy products you can eat so as not to harm the baby's tummy. You should not remove all foods from the diet, sometimes it is enough to remove one type of meat, cabbage or black bread, the problems will disappear.

Natalia, 26 years old: My daughter had colic after I ate borscht for lunch. I excluded the use of cabbage for a while and the colic stopped.

How to alleviate the condition of the crumbs

If colic occurs after breastfeeding, you can help your baby reduce the pain by:

  • The baby's digestive system will work better if it is laid out on the tummy before feeding.
  • During an attack of colic, you can put your hand on the tummy, a slight pressure and warmth of mother's hands reduces pain.
  • A flannelette diaper heated with an iron, placed on the child's stomach, helps to calm down. Just do not make it too hot, the heat should not burn, but be comfortable.
  • It is better to take the baby in your arms and press it to yourself, so the fabric will not cool down for a long time and the child will soon calm down.

If the listed methods during breastfeeding do not have the desired effect, and colic does not calm down, it is better to consult a doctor. The pediatrician will help determine the cause of the disorder, and maybe even prescribe a drug that helps relieve increased gas formation in the intestines. Medicines should not be given to the baby on their own, only a specialist prescribes them.

  1. Eating disorders in a nursing mother. Colic in a baby occurs if the mother ate cabbage or other vegetables, abuses flour products and coffee.
  2. Overfeeding.
  3. Violation of feeding technique.

    Hold your baby upright after feeding. The baby will regurgitate the extra air that he swallowed while sucking.

  4. Inappropriate mix. Children's intestines cannot process some of the components of the mixture, so it is necessary to change it.

    The nipple on the bottle also needs to be chosen correctly. The AVENT company produces nipples with bottles that specifically remove excess air.

  5. The digestive system of the baby during the first month of life is not yet adapted to the environment. It begins to be populated by many bacteria that are useful for digestion. The motility of the large and small intestines is not yet fully formed. Therefore, colic in newborn children is an integral part of their life.
  6. Spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestine.
  7. There is a stereotype that colic occurs more often in boys. This is wrong. Colic in girls, as well as in boys, occurs with the same frequency and does not depend on the nation and the nature of feeding.

Intestinal colic in newborns begins at a week of age and disappears by 4 months. In premature newborns, colic occurs 1 to 2 weeks later.

Intestinal colic occurs in 70% of children, so it is a mistake to assume that everyone has them.

How do you know if a baby has colic?

All children behave differently - they clench their fists, close their eyes tightly. But the main symptom is strong crying, pulling the legs to the stomach.

The child begins to behave restlessly after eating. They are worried about a tight stool or even. Bloating. These signs will help to understand that these are intestinal colic in a newborn.

Colic in most cases torments children in the evenings. This is due to fluctuating hormones in women's milk and an increase in its fat content in the evening.

How to help a child with colic?

Gas and colic in newborns can be relieved certain activities.

  1. Let's baby.
  2. Lay your baby on your stomach more often. This will help to form the correct functioning of the intestines. It is best to do this 30 minutes before feeding.
  3. Colic in babies can be relieved by placing a warm towel or heating pad with warm water on their stomach.
  4. Newborn tummy massage. With a warm hand, lightly stroke clockwise, preferably before and after the next meal.
  5. Every mother should understand how to properly breastfeed. Indeed, with incomplete closing of the baby's lips around the areola, the child swallows excess air, which leads to the accumulation of gases.
  6. Manifestations of colic in infants can be reduced by walking in the fresh air or motion sickness.
  7. Gas tube. Lay the child on the side, pressing the legs to the stomach. Be sure to lubricate the tip of the tube and gently insert it into the anus.

    With the accumulation of gases in the intestine itself, this method will not help, unless the gases have accumulated at the base of the anus.

  8. Medications to help with colic.

Alleviate gas symptoms the following groups of drugs:

  • reducing the level of gas formation (Espumizan baby, Bobotic,);
  • means that remove gases from the intestines (activated charcoal, Smecta);
  • restoring intestinal microflora (Linex, Bifiform).

simethicone solution. Given before or after.

When artificial feeding is added to the bottle. Dosage for children up to a year - 25 drops (per day). Shake before use.

Bobotik - simethicone emulsion

It is a suspension with a rather pleasant taste. Reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles. It is taken according to the instructions in the age dosage. Drops can be diluted with water. After the symptoms disappear, the medicine is canceled.

Plantex - a magical remedy for colic

The basis of the medicine is fennel. In its action it is similar to dill. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in 100 ml of water. You can give the baby from the first days of life.

When does colic go away in newborns? - it's not a disease. Their best healers are time, patience and the above tips, thanks to which it will be easier for the child to endure this condition.

If the baby starts crying, parents are worried, because he cannot say that he is in pain. One of the reasons may be. The kid will refuse food, act up and tighten his legs. And why is this happening and how to save the baby from the problem?

When a child appears in the house, so much excitement and joy! All family members with emotion and admiration try to get used to the role of parents. However, after some two or three weeks, everything can change dramatically - the baby is constantly screaming, his body is arching, and there is no way to calm him down. It turns out that during this period the baby may have colic in the intestines. Intestinal colic is accompanied by acute, attacks, pain that occurs in the intestines, as gases accumulate in it.

Why does colic appear?

The baby's body has to adapt to the life and food around him. For nine months, the baby was in the mother's womb and ate fully, thanks to the future mother. The intestines of a born baby gradually begin to work, but this does not always work out. At first, the child is fed with mother's milk or he is given different mixtures. The body and the entire digestive system are gradually rebuilt, and if they do not cope, colic begins in the tummy.

Another reason for the appearance of colic in a newborn is microflora dysbiosis. The baby's ventricle is very small, and when eating, it stretches. If a mother smokes or (God forbid) takes alcoholic beverages, during lactation, nicotine and alcohol enter the baby's body with mother's milk. And if the atmosphere in the house is not quite healthy and the mother regularly gets stressed, the child's intestines will also suffer from spasms. After the baby has eaten, he may experience cramps in the tummy.

How to identify colic in a baby:

  • If the baby is restless, he begins to grunt, act up and even cry.
  • If the baby begins to tighten his legs and clench his fists, he began to have colic in the intestines.
  • If the colic is severe, the child cries continuously.

At this time, he will not breastfeed, defiantly refuse any food. With severe spasms, the baby will scream, cry ().

Colic in a newborn while breastfeeding

A common myth is that only bottle-fed babies have colic. This is not so, intestinal colic can also occur in infants.

If a child is fed breast milk, and he has intestinal colic, the mother should pay attention to her diet.

What foods contribute to gas formation and intestinal colic in an infant if he is breastfed?

The foods that cause colic when breastfeeding are the same ones that cause increased gas production (flatulence) in an adult.

Breastfeeding mother needs refuse cow's milk (not pasteurized, homemade, from a cow), fresh vegetables and fruits(you need to eat only boiled, stewed or baked foods).

If mom eats dried fruits- dried apricots, raisins or grapes, the child may begin excessive gas formation in the tummy.

Mom should not eat while breastfeeding legumes.

fresh cabbage can also cause gas.

Breastfeeding mother should not eat yeast bread, butter.

Should not be eaten lots of sweets and condensed milk.

Instead of strong black tea, drink green and herbal teas..

This is the diet of a nursing mother when her baby has colic.

Is colic dangerous in babies?

If parents begin to notice that the child has colic, they should consult a doctor. Sometimes, the cause of intestinal spasms can be inflammatory processes, and even the onset of a disease of the stomach or intestines.

See a doctor right away if your baby often has spasms, accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, the temperature rises.

If intestinal colic is accompanied loose stools, greenish discharge, constipation and even vomiting - call a doctor.

Prevention of colic in newborns. How to help a child with colic

If the mother noticed intestinal spasms in the baby, she should follow the correctness. The child should drink breast milk as much as he wants. His body is still too weak and he wants to eat all the time.

In addition, baby food, and especially cow's milk, mother should give from 5-7 months.

Otherwise, intestinal colic, bloating and other problems with the intestines in a child during complementary foods will often be repeated. It is necessary to introduce additional products gradually and only after you consult with your doctor.

If you observe bloating, diarrhea and belching in the baby, you need to hold him in an upright position.

The baby should be fed at least 2.5 hours later so that the food is well digested.

If your baby gets cramps after every feed, take a short break. With extra gas in the tummy, you can perform a few light strokes of the tummy.

There is a misconception that with intestinal colic, you can stop breastfeeding and move on to good mixtures. Under no circumstances should this be done! Mother's milk contains enough nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.

Only thanks to breastfeeding in the first months, the child's immunity will be strengthened..

Infant colic is an accumulation of gas in the tummy of a baby. A large accumulation of gases causes spasms, which give the child pain and anxiety. The child's body adapts to a new life outside the womb. If earlier the child received food through the umbilical cord, now you have to work hard to get enough. And along with food, be it breast milk or formula, new bacteria colonize the body. Accordingly, other food will be digested differently. It gets to the point that every mom visits the forum to find out answers to questions about colic. Whether to give drugs to remove gases. The baby is suffering, and the mother is worried, wants to help him get through.

Colic and gas in newborns: why do they appear, how to understand that it is colic, how do they manifest themselves in a month-old baby?

  • Formation of the gastrointestinal tract. Bloating in newborns may occur due to the fact that the baby's gastrointestinal tract is still developing and has not yet fully formed.
  • Attachment to the chest. Perhaps colic in infants occurs due to improper attachment of the baby to the chest. The child may take the breast incorrectly and swallow air along with milk during feeding. Because of this, bloating occurs and, as a result, intestinal colic.
  • The character of the child. There is a possibility that the newborn has a tummy ache due to the fact that he was crying, screaming, overexcited, swallowing air. There are babies who cry little and do not require attention, but there are children with character, so the special temperament of the child can become the cause of colic.
  • Mom's food. If the baby is breastfed, then you should know what it is. Colic in infants can be precisely due to malnutrition.
  • Baby formula. If the child is bottle-fed, then it may make sense to change the mixture or once again make sure that it is prepared correctly.
  • feeding mode. Try to exclude the possibility of colic due to non-compliance with the feeding regimen. Here the opinions of pediatricians differ. Someone continues to believe that feeding should be strictly according to the regime (an interval of at least three hours), because the food does not have time to be digested in a short time and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract appear. And others consider this belief “the last century” and offer to feed “on demand”. What is right for your baby is up to you. But if nothing helps, you can still experiment one day.

Colic in a newborn: symptoms and signs

  • The baby cries and presses his toes and hands, pulls his knees to his tummy, sleeps and cries.
  • The baby cries loudly, while the face turns red.
  • There is bloating, rumbling is heard. After the gaziki have moved away, the child calms down.
  • Colic in babies can begin around the tenth day of life and last up to three to four months.
  • Usually with colic, the baby's stool is regular and unchanged.
  • More often, colic occurs in babies who are rapidly gaining weight.

10 tips on how to relieve the pain of a child with colic at home. Treat or wait for a miracle

Be sure to do all the procedures, taking the baby in your arms. The kid will relax and will not be afraid of anything. Colic occurs in both boys and girls.

  1. Stroke the tummy clockwise around the navel.
  2. Place a warm palm on your tummy, and gently rock with the other hand.
  3. Attach the baby to the breast during colic. This will allow him to relax and relieve spasms.
  4. Put a warm diaper on your tummy. It should be folded in several layers and ironed. If the diaper turned out to be hot, then put it on top of the vest, and when it starts to cool, attach it to your bare tummy.
  5. Lay the baby on your stomach. The baby will be very pleased to sleep on your stomach. When mom is around, children always sleep sweetly.
  6. Do gymnastics: pull your knees up to your tummy, so you get a natural massaging of the abdominal cavity. Connect the right knee to the left elbow and vice versa, and so on several times. Gaziki will immediately begin to depart on their own.
  7. Rock the child in the "tiger on a branch" pose. This pose is more suitable for dads who have strong arms. Bend your arm at the elbow and place the child on it with the stomach down, the head should be on the palm of your hand. In this position, you can not only alleviate the condition of the child, but also wear at the usual time. For many dads, this is their favorite walking position.
  8. Make an "airplane": put the child in your arms with your stomach down and gently rock it to the right, then to the left. Many children begin to squeal with joy and laugh for the first time during this exercise. By the way, you can always do this when the child starts to act up.
  9. If the child likes to swim, make a warm bath for him with the addition of chamomile brewed in a water bath (three tablespoons of flowers per half liter of water). This will help relieve pain from colic and gas in newborns. The pain passes.
  10. Gas tube. We deliberately talk about it last. Yes, it helps to get rid of gas, but you can not abuse it, otherwise the baby will quickly get used to it, and you will no longer be able to do without this tube. The child will not want to deal with the problem himself, besides, this is an unnecessary irritation of the anus. For those who nevertheless, on the advice of pediatricians, decided to fight colic in infants with the help of a gas outlet tube: grease the tip with petroleum jelly or baby cream and gently insert the tube into the anus, but no more than 2 cm. At the slightest resistance of the child, stop this lesson. Be prepared for the fact that such interference can cause diffraction.

Use our tips, and you will definitely be able to relieve the pain of your baby with colic!

  • what drugs are usually prescribed by doctors for colic for newborns,
  • 7 tips to prevent colic,
  • And if it's not colic, then what is it?

Colic is one of the mysteries of nature. No one knows what it really is, but everyone has their own opinion on this matter. Usually, two to three weeks after birth, the baby has periods when he cries a lot and screams. This often happens in the evening and by about three months (sometimes later) passes. During such crying, the child is inconsolable, although if you take him in your arms, shake him, walk around with him, then this temporarily calms him. It is important to note that the diagnosis of colic is made only if the child is otherwise healthy and gaining weight well.

The concept of "colic" is broad and includes almost any nervousness and anxiety of the child. Perhaps this is indeed the case, since we do not know exactly what colic is. There is no cure for colic: although there are many ways to deal with them, there is no evidence that any of them really work. Almost everyone knows someone whose baby has been cured of colic in some particular way. It is also known that any such treatment helps, but only for a short period of time.

Breastfed baby with colic

In addition to colic, which any child can have, there are three other situations in breastfed babies that can also cause him nervousness and abdominal pain. Recall that we are talking about a healthy child who normally gains weight.

1. Two breasts in one feeding

The composition of human milk changes during feeding. One of these changes is the increase in the fat content of milk as the baby empties the breast. If the mother gives the child a second breast before he "finishes" the previous one, then the baby will receive less fat for feeding. Less fat - fewer calories: perhaps the child will begin to ask for a breast more often. If the baby sucks more milk (to make up for fewer calories), then he will spit up. Relatively low-fat milk quickly leaves the baby's stomach, so a large amount of milk sugar (lactose) quickly enters the intestines. The enzyme that digests sugar (lactase) is not able to immediately handle so much lactose, so the child may experience signs of lactose intolerance: gas, bloating, frothy, thin green stools. Sometimes the child begins to worry even during feeding. No need confuse it with lactose intolerance. The lactose problems in these babies are due to their mothers being given the wrong information about how to breastfeed. This no reason transfer the child to a lactose-free formula.

  • Don't feed by the hour. All over the world, mothers have successfully breastfed their babies regardless of the time. Breastfeeding problems are greatest in societies where everyone has a watch, and least of all in societies where no one has a watch.
  • Let the baby suckle the first breast for as long as he actually gets milk from it (see fig. video clips), - until he releases it himself or falls asleep at the chest. If the baby does not breastfeed for long periods, the mother may try to squeeze the breast (see p. chest compression) so that the baby eats and not just sucks. Please note: a baby may breastfeed for two hours in a row, but really receive milk for only a few minutes of this time. And the baby may simply not get to the back, more fatty milk. In such a situation, chest compression helps a lot. If after "finishing" the first breast, the baby still wants to suckle, offer him a second one. Do not restrict the child from wanting to suckle the second breast if he is still hungry.
  • The mother should start the next feeding from the other breast in the same way.
  • The mother's breast will quickly adapt to the new way of feeding, the milk will arrive evenly and there will be no engorgement.
  • No "rules" for changing breasts in one feeding - both breasts or just one - are needed. Let the baby suck all the milk from one breast (use chest compression so that the baby sucks longer), but if the baby wants to eat more, offer him a second breast.
  • In some cases, it may be helpful to put the baby on the same breast for two or more feedings, and then the same on the other.
  • The situation becomes more complicated when the baby is poorly attached to the breast. Proper attachment is the key to easy breastfeeding.
2. Strong milk flow.

A baby who gets a lot of milk too quickly can become very cranky, irritable at the breast, and this can be mistaken for "colic". In this case, the child, as a rule, is gaining weight very well. Usually, a few seconds or minutes after the baby is put to the breast, he begins to cough, arch and turn away. Later, when you try to attach the baby again, the pattern will repeat itself. The baby gets frustrated with the rapid flow of milk, but gets angry when it slows down. This may not be an easy test for everyone. In rare cases, the baby may even refuse to take the breast, which usually occurs at three months of age.

  • If you are not already doing this, then try giving your baby one breast per feed. In some situations, applying to the same breast two or three feedings in a row helps. If you feel discomfort from breast fullness, which you do not give at the moment, then it is enough to strain it a little until the condition is relieved.
  • Start feeding your baby before he gets very hungry. Don't delay feeding by giving water a breastfed baby does not need water even in very hot weather) or a pacifier. A hungry baby "pounces" on the breast and can cause a strong milk ejection reflex. It is very good to offer the breast while the baby is still napping.
  • If possible, feed your baby in a quiet environment. Loud music, bright lights interfere with normal feeding.
  • Sometimes lying down helps a lot. If side feeding does not improve the situation, try feeding the baby lying on his back, placing him on his stomach. This position reduces the flow of milk.
  • If you have time, then express some milk before feeding. But this is not the very first thing you should do to improve the situation.
  • A child can not only worry about a strong flow of milk, but also act up when it weakens. If you think your baby is acting up because the milk is pouring too slowly, try breast compressions to keep the flow at the right level. (cm. chest compression)
  • Things get more complicated if the baby is not properly attached to the breast. Proper attachment is the key to easy breastfeeding.
  • Try giving artificial lactase (the enzyme that metabolizes lactose) 2-3 drops before each feed. It can be bought without a doctor's prescription, but it is quite expensive and does not always help.
  • Nipple protectors can help deal with the situation, but it's best to only use them as a last resort if nothing else has worked, although you've gotten good help. This method is the last thing you can try.
  • As a last resort, instead of giving your baby formula, give your baby your expressed milk from a bottle.
3. Foreign proteins in mother's milk

Sometimes proteins from a mother's food can appear in her milk and affect the child's condition. The most common cause of problems is cow's milk protein. Some mothers pass other proteins into their milk. In itself, the fact that these proteins and other substances appear in mother's milk in most cases is by no means a bad thing. This is actually good as it helps to reduce your child's sensitivity to these substances. If you have questions, ask about it.

When trying to help an infant with colic, the mother may remove dairy or other foods from her diet, but she should only remove one type of food at a time. Dairy products include milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, in general, anything that contains milk. If the milk protein has been changed, for example, during baking, then there should be no problems. If you have questions, ask about it.

If eliminating certain foods from the mother's diet does not help, the mother may try taking one capsule of pancreatic enzymes before meals, which break down proteins in the intestines so that they cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream and appear in milk.

Please note: Milk protein intolerance has nothing to do with lactose intolerance - it's quite different. In addition, a mother who herself is lactose intolerant should continue to breastfeed her child.

What to do:

  • The mother should remove all dairy products from the diet for 7-8 days.
  • If no change has occurred, then the mother can reintroduce dairy products.
  • If the situation has improved, the mother may slowly introduce dairy products into her diet if she normally consumes them. (There is no need to drink milk to produce milk). Some babies are intolerant of absolutely no dairy products in the mother's diet. Some people tolerate them, some don't. A mother can learn by experience how much dairy products she can eat without harming her baby.
  • If you're worried about getting enough calcium, calcium isn't just found in dairy products. 7-10 days without milk will not create any problems for your body. It is known that breastfeeding protects a woman from developing osteoporosis, even if she does not consume calcium in special supplements. The child will receive everything he needs.
  • The mother must take care not to remove everything from her diet. Everyone knows an example of how someone's child got better when his mother stopped eating either cabbage, or beef, or bananas, or bread ... So you can come to the conclusion that only white rice will remain in a woman's diet. Our diets are too complex to know for sure what affects the baby.