
Swimming with problems in the spine. Swimming for the spine: the benefits of exercise in the water and contraindications. Benefits of visiting a swimming pool

I often meet questions about how to swim properly with osteochondrosis, what swimming style is best for the spine, what exercises to do in the water and whether they should be done at all, and so on. I must say right away that any swimming for the spine is useful and effective. It doesn't even matter if you swim breaststroke or freestyle, backstroke or prone.

The water environment itself is an excellent condition for unloading the spine. No need to be smart and choose which swimming style is more effective. When you walk every day, you do not think about how to walk correctly. Although there is such a factor as the vertical load on the spine.

And in the pool it’s a pleasure - in the water the load on the spine and internal organs is reduced dozens of times and it doesn’t matter how you swim. In any case, whether you swim on your stomach, on your back, breaststroke, "frog", "dog" or something else, the following four effects will still work.

Unloading the spine

As I said, unloading occurs dozens of times due to a horizontal position and a decrease in body weight (load on the spine) in the water.

  • back muscle tension is well relieved,
  • improves blood circulation of the spine and surrounding tissues,
  • there is an increase in the intervertebral foramina and a decrease in the risk of nerve infringement.

Increasing the supply of oxygen to the body

During swimming, the respiratory system actively works, increasing the volume of the lungs and the supply of oxygen to the blood. Due to the work of the muscles of the whole organism, all capillaries open, and oxygen actively enters absolutely all cells and tissues. This is an important condition for the normal functioning of each system, including the nervous and musculoskeletal.

Psycho-emotional unloading

During swimming and being in the aquatic environment, the nervous system and psyche are very effectively relaxed. Any stress and chronic fatigue is well removed. You are distracted from all everyday issues and problems, distracted by swimming and concentrate on your body.

When you yourself are relaxed, then the body relaxes. What is especially important for the muscles of the spine, which experience tremendous loads every day (unless, of course, you follow all my recommendations and take breaks every hour while working at the computer, do gymnastics every day, periodically go for a massage, do self-massage - then you are great and don't get the overload like everyone else).

Well, okay, digress ... Let's continue ...

Training and strengthening the muscles of the body

Here you need more details - the most important and interesting. So the title is bigger...

Training and strengthening the muscles of the body in the pool

Of course, while swimming, all the muscles of the back, abs, legs, arms, and so on are actively working. The tone of the muscular corset is actively restored and the stabilizing muscles of the spine are strengthened.

But this will be provided if you swim ACTIVEly - with good speed, duration and at a constant pace. That's when it will be training the back muscles.

And if you swim for your own pleasure, that is, slowly, with frequent breaks, looking around, then this will also be good and useful, BUT it will already be more of a simple unloading of the spine without muscle training.

These two options result in:

If you swim actively, then you unload your spine and train your back muscles. If you swim just like that (almost passively), then you unload the spine and ... period.

Who swims actively, well done. Those who swim almost passively are also great, but then you need to add exercises in the water to strengthen the back muscles right in the pool.

And I specifically wrote down a ready-made set of exercises just for you, which you will use when you visit the pool in the future. Catch video:

How to exercise in the pool?

As you noticed in the video:

  1. First of all, you need a warm-up on land to prepare the body for immersion in water. We perform simple articular gymnastics from the periphery to the center (as usual).
  2. Then, as a warm-up, be sure to first swim for 3-5 minutes (preferably without rest) to warm up all the muscles and increase blood circulation. Only then proceed to perform a set of exercises.
  3. At the end, be sure to swim on your back to relax a bit and further relieve the spine. After that, if you wish, you can safely stay in the pool and then swim to your heart's content.

If you are an active swimmer, these exercises will also be useful to you. I wish you happy sailing and good health!

By the way, how often do you visit the pool? Do you even go to the pool? Let's tell. I'm waiting in the comments.

P.S. But I’ll say right away that in addition to the pool for the health of the spine and joints, you also need to do land exercises :)

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, internist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

In this material, we talk about the benefits of backstroke - what muscles it involves, why it is useful and why it is important to make sure to devote time to this style.

Like other styles, backstroke involves a huge amount of muscle- works the whole body from the neck to the calves.

This is clearly shown in this video:

The key muscles that are used the most are highlighted in green in this illustration:


  • Deltoid muscles of the shoulders;
  • Brachioradialis (forearm);
  • Flexor finger deep (also forearm).


Musculature of the core and lower torso
  • Latissimus dorsi- they are most loaded during rowing;
  • Trapeze;
  • Muscles of the core and abs(play a huge role here to maintain balance);
  • Breast;
  • The muscle that straightens the spine;
  • Large and small round muscles;
  • Large and small rhomboid muscles.

Legs and lower body

  • Quadriceps (in front of the thighs);
  • Biceps femoris (back of the thigh);
  • Buttocks.


  • Biceps - bending the arm during the stroke;
  • Triceps - arm extension - insertion.

General Benefit

First, let's note benefits that are common to all styles of swimming, including the one under consideration:

  1. Working out a lot of muscles. If running pumps only the legs, and the simulator in the gym pumps a single muscle, then swimming simultaneously strengthens and keeps a significant amount of muscles in good shape (see information above).
  2. Cardio workout. The health of the cardiovascular system is the basis of human life. Experts advise everyone to do at least 2-3 cardio workouts per week, and swimming is a great choice for these purposes.
  3. Lung training. Cardio training inevitably trains the lungs, their ability to take in oxygen and supply them to the body.
  4. Sports without harm to the joints. Water supports your body, removes the load from it, movements in it do not imply any shocks (unlike, for example, from running) and do not give an axial load to the spine and joints (unlike exercising in the gym). Therefore, in fact, this is the only sport that can be practiced without any damage to the body.
  5. Weight loss. If you swim hard enough (heart rate 60 - 80% of MHR, see more here) and at least 30 consecutive minutes per session, your body will burn a significant amount of calories.

    Depending on the weight, age, technique and individual characteristics of a single person, 100 to 400 calories in 30 minutes of exercise.

    Because swimming is rightly considered one of the best ways to get rid of extra pounds and keep your weight at a normal level.

  6. Improving Flexibility
  7. Water relieves stress and fatigue leads to tone.

Why is it good to swim on your back?

Correct posture


You can swim? Swimming in the sea and in the pool is a little different, but unfortunately, not everyone has access to salt water all year round. The pool is a great place where you relieve fatigue and get a charge of vivacity! And it is he who will help get rid of ten diseases! Look what!

Swim, take care of yourself, smile more often and!

1. Neuroses

Water when swimming affects the nerve endings throughout the body, relaxes and soothes. The influence of water temperature regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition, fatigue is relieved, memory and attention improve due to the improvement of blood circulation in the brain.

All this has a positive effect on the central one - after swimming, a person falls asleep more easily and sleeps more soundly.

In addition, water evokes pleasant associations that are lacking in everyday life, which has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state in general.

2. Diseases of the joints (osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis)

In many cases, swimming is the only sport and physical activity that is indicated for joint diseases, since a person does not feel the heaviness of his body in the water.

Smooth movements in the water massage the periarticular tissues, thereby improving the outflow of lymph, reducing edema, regeneration of cartilage tissue occurs, and spasmodic muscles relax.

3. Herniated discs

According to statistics, today for every 100 thousand people there are 100 cases of a herniated disc. In many cases, pool swimming treatments help a person to cure this disease without surgery.

Classes in the pool allow you to strengthen the back muscles, which ultimately take on part of the load, thereby unloading the damaged one.

4. Paralysis and partial loss of the ability to move

The main manifestation of paralysis is the absence or decrease in voluntary motor activity, as a result of which a person loses the ability to walk and make active movements. Therefore, swimming is almost the only option for physical activity.

Swimming is also an effective means of preventing strokes, which often lead to paralysis. Swimming contributes to the normalization of vascular tone and pressure, and also effectively fights obesity, which is also the cause of arterial hypertension (the cause of stroke).

5. Rehabilitation after injuries

According to statistics, every eighth inhabitant of the planet during his life at least once receives a serious injury in the form of fractures, back injuries, meniscus ruptures and other knee injuries. A very part of the injury leads to surgical intervention, after which the human body requires recovery.

Swimming in the pool contributes to the rapid recovery of the muscular paravertebral frame, restores muscle tone and reduces pain, which allows you to expand the motor regime.

6. Obesity, overweight

Swimming with obesity gives a simultaneous load on all muscles, but at the same time completely removes it from the spine and joints of the legs, compared to any “land” physical activity, because water provides the effect of weightlessness.

In addition, swimming, water aerobics and even just bathing are very useful for the cardiovascular system (a big problem for obese people): blood circulation improves, blood flow goes to all internal organs, while blood outflow from the periphery improves, pressure stabilizes.

7. Heart disease

Swimming is an effective means of treating and preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as: hypertension, exertional angina, vegetative dystonia, atherosclerotic vascular disease.

The use of swimming for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system makes it possible to reduce the burden on the body from the use of chemicals, and sometimes even completely abandon them.

8. Bronchitis and bronchial asthma

Swimming is both a breathing exercise and a massage, and it also has its own effect on our respiratory system. Classes in the pool are shown to all patients with bronchopulmonary pathology, and swimming is perfect for the prevention and improvement of the functional parameters of the respiratory system, as well as the resistance of the whole organism.

For people suffering from pathology of the bronchopulmonary apparatus, it is not only expedient, but vital to go in for swimming.

9. Varicose veins

Patients with varicose veins are prohibited from many strength exercises in the gym, running and intense aerobics, as this leads to an increase in the load on the legs, which contributes to an increase in venous pressure in the lower extremities. This leads to the development and aggravation of varicose veins.

Training in the pool, in turn, does not have such consequences. During swimming, due to the body being in a horizontal position, there is an outflow of blood from the legs, and there is also a decrease in the load on the legs compared to other sports. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the veins, provides them with relaxation and normal blood circulation.

10. Violation of posture

Violation of posture is a common deviation in the state of health of children. If in the primary grades, only one in fifteen has a violation of posture, then by the time they leave school, it occurs in half of the children.

During swimming, the human body is in a weightless state, due to which there is a decrease in gravitational loads on the spine.

At the same time, it stimulates the strengthening of the muscular corset of the spinal column, harmonizes the tone of the paravertebral muscles, the muscles of the chest and lower back. Swimming develops coordination of movements, which suffers to a large extent in children with postural disorders.

Which is that I have to stop regular training for an indefinite period of time. The reason for this decision is the diagnosis of a chiropractor.

However, back problems will not disappear on their own, so I decided to inquire about the possibility of another kind of physical activity. The attending physician approved my undertaking, which means that I continue to stay on the path to a healthy lifestyle. ?

The benefits of swimming in the pool for the spine - this is the main topic that I plan to introduce you to today. Friends, visiting the water complex really has a positive effect on the body. Particularly relevant are regular workouts as a prophylactic for the back.

I'm sure most of you don't realize how beneficial swimming can be if you follow certain rules. The chosen technique is also of great importance. Actually, I propose everything in order.

The beneficial effects of swimming on the human body

To get Start-health visitors interested, I first want to answer the most important question: What are the health benefits of swimming? Especially for you, I have prepared a voluminous list listing the positive effect of water procedures, which:

  • Strengthen the muscular structures of the back and cervical region.
  • Stabilize the location of the intervertebral discs along the entire length of the central "axis" of the body.
  • Stimulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Expand the space between the vertebrae.
  • Normalize the work of the respiratory tract.
  • Increase lung excursion.
  • Promote weight loss.
  • Develop the muscular frame of the shoulder and neck areas.
  • Release the nerve fibers pinched by the vertebrae.
  • Restore the "working" amplitude of the joints.
  • Strengthen the immune system and increase the overall tone of the body.
  • The displaced vertebrae are returned to the anatomically correct position.
  • Improve the emotional background of a person.

It should be noted that therapeutic swimming is useful not only for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also for healthy visitors to the water complex. No harm and the ability to train even with a displacement of the vertebral discs - the main advantages of this method.

An interesting fact from Start-health: "In water, a person's body weight is about 2-3 kilograms, so swimming in the pool is an effective prophylactic for various disorders of the musculoskeletal system."

In the 21st century, when innovative equipment for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system appeared in modern medicine, doctors invariably recommend swimming for children and the elderly, men and women.

Regardless of gender and age parameters, water procedures relieve the load from the spinal column, unloading the central axis of the body and preventing posture curvature.

At the fast pace of megacities, where a person has to spend quite a lot of time in uncomfortable positions (traffic jams, metro, queues, working at a computer), this technique is especially relevant. Before starting the course of water procedures, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the following set of rules:

The result of observing simple rules and useful recommendations is the correct formation of posture, the return of displaced discs to their original position, the prevention of the development of acute forms of osteochondrosis and the reduction of pain.

It is important to know: “Therapeutic swimming has a number of contraindications that should not be neglected - a severe form of osteochondrosis; disturbance in the work of the brain; tendency to epilepsy and spasms of muscular structures; the presence of SARS and influenza; cardiovascular diseases; dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other skin defects.

We select the swimming style in accordance with the nature of the disease

In accordance with the doctor’s diagnosis, choose the best swimming style for yourself, with which you can correct the current situation and solve the problem that has arisen:

  • Stoop and hyperkyphosis. It is preferable to choose the technique of swimming on the stomach, because in the process of such movements, the spinal column is extended back, which means that the posture is corrected.
  • Flattening of the thoracic curve of the spine. For identical reasons, use a technique in which you will move on your back, preventing the "life" column from moving backward.
  • In old age and with little physical activity. Focus on the following swimming techniques - breaststroke on the back and crawl on the stomach, without moving your arms forward.
  • With hernias and other severe forms of diseases. It is recommended to swim exclusively on your back, because this technique significantly reduces the load on the vertebral section.
  • With osteochondrosis. Conduct in water, the temperature of which is from 25 o to 30 o C, exercises with an inflatable ring, a pillow or a dimensional piece of ordinary foam.

My recommendations will become indispensable for people who have been trying to incorrectly correct defects in the musculoskeletal system for a long time. For patients who have recently become aware of the displacement of the vertebral discs or the appearance of a hernia, it is recommended to initially consult a qualified doctor.

Friends, before making such a decision - to train with the help of swimming, I was treated by a chiropractor. It was the specialist who diagnosed my problem, and knowing the “enemy” in person, I can find a way to deal with it. ?

The basics of breathing exercises from Start-health: “Any swimming technique must be accompanied by proper breathing. Inhale should be done slowly, filling the lungs with air as much as possible, and exhale quickly, without concentrating on such manipulation. Such a technique will increase the range of motion of the thoracic region of the spine by engaging the costal joints.”

If you don’t know how to swim, then don’t worry - auxiliary items have been specially invented for you that simplify the task for the athlete.

In good water complexes around the perimeter of the pool, of course, lifeguards should be on duty, designed to prevent a possible disaster. With a burning desire, be sure to try yourself as a swimmer, convinced of the benefits of such training.

We are always open for dialogue, which means that you can not only tell us about your methodology, but also ask for advice, acquaint you with other interesting facts about a healthy lifestyle!

Until then, friends! ?

We will see you again on the Start-health web pages very soon! Take care of your health in advance!

Swimming is a wonderful way, both for the prevention of various diseases of the spine, and for its treatment.

With the help of swimming for human health, there is an undeniable benefit that most other sports cannot replace.

Practically with most problems with the spine, constant swimming makes it possible to improve its condition, get rid of pain syndromes and other problems.

In water, the human body becomes almost weightless due to the buoyancy of the water. As a result, the load on the person and his constituent elements is reduced. Thanks to this, the significant benefits of swimming for the spine and the health of people in general are achieved.

The main goal of swimming and the main indications for the treatment of the spine

Swimming has long been used in medical practice as one of the methods of physiotherapy for most diseases of the spine. With the help of swimming, the following main therapeutic goals are achieved:

  • rises and other parts of the body;
  • the muscular corset is strengthened;
  • tissue is supplied with oxygen by increasing microcirculation in them;
  • the processes of regeneration of muscle tissue, blood vessels, nerve fibers are improved;
  • there is an increase in the intervertebral distance, which reduces the pressure on the intervertebral discs and on the spinal roots that emerge between the vertebrae;
  • helps to prevent the appearance of dizziness, headaches, numbness of the limbs;
  • the functions of internal organs are normalized;
  • the general condition of the body is stabilized.

A person spends most of his time in an upright position, which has a compressive effect of his own body weight on the spine and its elements. This leads to violations in, loss of flexibility in the spine, etc.

When the patient is in the water, the pressure on the internal organs is significantly reduced, there is a complete unloading of the back and there is a significant reduction in the restriction in the movements of the spine.

With the correct use of swimming methods and styles, almost all back muscle groups are included in the work. This allows you to use them in stabilizing and supporting through constant training and loads. Because before that, these muscles were poorly developed and could not fully fulfill their purpose.

There are many diseases in which it is customary to use swimming as one of the methods of treatment. Let's look at them in the following table:

In order to take up swimming for therapeutic purposes, you need to know and follow certain basic rules. Because, otherwise, these classes can not bring a positive effect, but rather only aggravate the current condition.

  1. The best thing exercise in the pool with constantly adjustable water temperature from 28 to 30 C. The temperature regime of the water should decrease gradually, at least to 23 Co.
  2. Conducting classes in open water is not recommended, since waves and currents increase the load on the muscles and spine, which will lead to adverse consequences.
    Also, such reservoirs, due to improperly selected temperature regime of water (too low temperature), can only have a negative impact, by progressing inflammation of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Always before class to enhance blood flow and warm up in tissues and muscles.
  4. During swimming, it is necessary to adhere to proper breathing (deep breath and quick exhalation), since such breathing improves lung ventilation, promotes proper blood circulation, less fatigue, and streamlines the range of motion.
  5. The style or technique of swimming must be agreed with the instructor since crawl, breaststroke, lying on back, etc. - These are swimming styles that should be suitable for everyone individually, depending on which disease is being treated.
    For example, with hyperkyphosis, it is recommended to swim on the stomach, and when in the chest area, swimming on the back is prescribed.
  6. For maximum effect, it is recommended swim at least two or three times a week , under the supervision of a trainer and a physiotherapist, with an average duration of at least 40 minutes.

The main contraindications for swimming

Like most methods of treatment for various diseases of the spine, swimming is no exception and has certain contraindications. Swimming in the treatment of the back is unacceptable in the following cases:

  • During periods of acute stages of the course of diseases of the spine and high sensitivity of pain.
  • With bacterial and viral infections of the body.
  • Purulent skin lesions (ulcers, boils, carbuncles, ulcers).
  • Fungal diseases on the skin.
  • Burn diseases.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system (hypertension with elevated blood pressure, myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmia).
  • Pulmonary diseases (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleural empyema).
  • Renal pathologies (renal failure, glomerulonephritis).
  • Severe impairment of motor functions due to brain diseases, injuries.
  • Epilepsy and other tendencies to convulsions.
  • Pregnancy in the 3rd trimester and lactation period.
  • Obesity.

  1. Lie with your back on the ropes that divide the pool into lanes, and stretch your arms above your head. We lay down with our backs to the rope, the head and shoulders are thrown back and lie on the water and create a counterweight to the legs. At the same time, the legs lie in a calm position on the water. Hold on to the rope with your hands. With this exercise, the spine bends well in the thoracic region, which leads to some extent to its stretching. A few minutes lying on a rope is an excellent prevention of stoop and scoliosis, as well as a therapeutic measure for curvature of the spine.
  2. To relax the muscles of the back, you need to lie on your back. At the same time, hold on to one rope with your hands, and put your legs on the other. You should try to keep your back straight, gradually straining your back muscles.
  3. For complete relaxation of the back muscles, it is necessary to place the head, shoulders and hands on the surface of the water. In this case, the pelvis should touch the side of the pool, and the legs and feet are placed on its surface. Breathe calmly and evenly, lie down relaxed for no more than a few minutes.